St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 28, 1913, Supplement, Image 9

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    Supplement to the St. Johns Review February 28, 1913
Boost Tor St. Johns
New Sewing Society
Mr. Audloy N. Thrower and
Miss Leah A. Sorbcr were unit
ed in marriage Tuesday Feb. 25,
at 8 o'clock p. m. at tho home
of the bride's parents, 812 North
Fillmore street, St. Johns, Ore
gon; Rev. G. VV. Nelson, offici
ating. The groom, a son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Thrower of Cali
fornia, is a young man of splen
did character and holds a respon
sible position with the Meier
and Frank firm of Portland.
The bride is the youngest daught
er of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sorbcr
and is an accomplished young
lady of winsomo personality.
The bride wos gowned in a
cream satin dress nnd wore a
white chiffon veil decorated
with orange blossoms und car
ried a bouquet of carnations.
She was the recipient of a largo
number of handsome wedding
presents. Mr. r. L. JirlcKson
of Portland acted as grooms
man nnd Miss Agnes Emerson
of St. Johns served as brides
maid. The Sorber home was
beautifully decorated in white
and cream under tho supervis
ion of Miss A. Duhuime of Port
smouth. A bountiful and de
licious wedding supper was ser
ved. The worthy and happy
young couple will make their
liomo for tho present nt 812
North Fillmore street, St Johns,
where they will bo at homo to
their many friends.
Typewriter ribbons for sale nt
this oilier; 50 cents each.
Get an electric head treatment or
iniiSMie nt Gilmore's Hnrher Shop.
Houses for sale on the install
ment plan at reasonable rates.
Mrs. M. C. Soule.
Currin says: Better get that
box of stationery now. One
fourth off the regular price now.
For Rent Seven room house
on Jersey street, close in; $10
per month. Phone Columbia 297,
or call at 710 E. Polk.
Currin says: Now is the time
to get that brush and comb that
you need. A big lino at one
fourth off the regular price.
ROSE BUSHES-I have choice
two year old bushes 25c each;big
lot of LaFrance 15 cents each or
8 for One Dollar.- L. B. Chip
man, 312 Trumbull st, St Johns.
How? By standing behind her
worthy workers. Where? In
the High School assembly room.
When? Tonight.
Do you know that the St. Johns
debating team has met and de
feated teams from Astoriu, St
Helens and Park Place? Do you
know that if they defeat the
Woodburn team tonight, (Wood
bunt having already vanquished
Tho Dalles) they will bo chnm
pious of this district and privil
eged to enter tho state debating
contest? This is the kind of
work that is going to bring St
Johns to the front nnd put her in
a position where no one in the
state will ask: "Where is St
Everybody loves a good fight.
Here is a battle of brains whore
tho clearest logic and tho coolest
and most masterful use of it wins
tho day. Tho team has worked
hard. Let it look into tho faces
of a big, sympathetic, enthusias
tic crowd tonight when it faces
this last contest of tho scries.
Forget you are engaged or tired
and como out nnd boost for St
The judges will be Fred Tooze,
Supt Schools.Oregon City; Pres
ident Riley of McMinnvillo Col
lego; Prof. Jackson of Pacific
Mrs. M. C. Soulo has a fivo
room house and 50x100 lot to ex
change for St Johns property.
When you have dmg troubles
como to us. Wo perhaps can
help you solve them. Currins
for Drugs,
Mrs. Shepardson of Catlin,
Wash., is a guest of her daugh
ter, Mrs. E. S. Wright on South
Remember that you can get
your household drugs at a twenty-five
per cent discount. Cur
rin says so.
Mrs. York died at Salem Tues
day morning of tuberculosis and
was buried yesterday. ' She
leaves a family of grown up chil
dren. More paticulars next week.
Eggs for Hatching - From those
fine bred Bard P. Rocks and Hou-
dans; $1.50 and $3.00 per set.
Three B. R. cocks, two or three
gens at reasonable prices. L.
. Chipman,312 Tnimbull street,
St. Johns.
A sewing society has been or
ganized recently in St. Johns
which is called the Oregon Grape
Club and is composed of tho Cir
cle members of tho Women of
tho Woodcraft The officers are:
Mrs. Buery, President; Mrs.
Brice, Treasurer; Mrs. Canright,
secretary. One of tho objects of
the club is to become better ac
quainted in a social way, and
many unique forms of entertain
ment will l)o offered by the com
mittee in charge of the meetings.
Last Friday afternoon wo were
pleasantly entertained at tho
homo of Mrs. Rosa Smith on
Burlington Street with the fol
lowing ladies present: Mesdnmes
Armstrong, Brice, Buery, Emma
Beam, Effa Beam, Cooper, Can
right, Dunbar, Garlick, Harring
ton, HufTord, Muhm, Rigdon,
Reynolds, Smith, Tooling, Walk
cr and Wcimcr. xx
Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway.
I'allbrldgc raMcngcr lor Lylc, Goldtudate. Ore
gon Tiunk lit local KlnW iui , m,
Inland Umpire I'.iprcn. to 11 1, m.. lor Chicago,
hi. I'aul. Omaha. KaiiMiClty.Ht. I.oult, Walla
Walla, I'ko. Hook veil, Granddallca. Golden,
lair, Willi Salmon, Vancouver anil Oregon
Trunk connect tint,
North Hank Limited,? it 11, 111. s lor Chicago St,
I'aul. Omaha, Kauaaa City, HI. LouU, Hpokanr,
Hpiague, Kllivllle, Lliid, Vaaco, Kooacvclt. ami
Columbia Klver Local. $151 p. 111.; lor Vancouver,
Camaa, While rliHOn.Llc.CJranddallea,Clln't
Pallbridgc nd H Intermediate ttallont.
Inland Umpire Itipreaa, 7op, m.t lioiu Clilcn
so, hi. I'aul, Omaha, Kanaaa City. SI, I.ouU,
hpokanc, Hprague, Kitivllle l.lnd, I'iko,
Kooacvcll.Granailalca,. White Salmoa,aiid Van
North Hank Limited. 7:55a. m.; Irom Chicago,
ht. Paul, Omaha, Kmui City. St. I.oult, Walla
W.tla. l'.trn. MMktvrlt. .nil Vinrauv.r
Columbia Klvtr Local o:ji a, in.; Irom Cliff.
(Sranddallet, Goldciidale, I.yle White Salmon,
Cainaa, Vancouver aud all Intermediate ta.
I'allbridge I'aueuKci JoA p. 111. Irom I.yle. Cold'
endale and local potnti.
All tralnattou lor pauangera.
Ticktiaou aale lor all point.
O. M. Cornell, Agent
Northern Pacific Railway
Corrected January 7, 1911
Seattle atop on flag , , 7 jj a 111
North Coat Limited via North Hank 7. is p. 111
Atlantic l!iprcn via I'ugtt Sound - ll'jjpm
Atlantic tiaprcM via North lunk 10.11 a. 111
Twin City Kxprcaa via I'ugtt Sound 4:00 p m
Twin City Kxprcaa via North Hank . -jspm
lUateru KaprcMvIa I'ugtt hound ll'JI p m
lUttrrn KxmcMvia North luuk 10 nam
Mo. Klvtr Kapreaa via North Hank 7 J$ p m
I'ugtt Sound Limited, 4 p, 111.; Graya Harbor
and South Heud llranchca.
Yacolt l"aiienger - 4:01 p, 111.
North Coait Limited via North Hank - - 7p. m
North Coatt Limited via I'ugel Sound 0:41 a. 111
No, I'acISc Hxpreaa via North Hank 7 55 a 111
1'aclfic Kiptcu via North Uank 7.J0 p, m
I'adfic Kxprcta via I'ugtt Sound 641 a. 111
Western Kxpreaa via North lunk 7 top, 111
Mo. Klvrr KxprcM via North Hank - 7 55 a. m
Mo. River Kx weaa via luvet Sound - tijo u. 111
Portland. Tacoma & Seattle Kapreaa - - j jo p m
Irom Olympla, South Hcnd and Graya Harbor
i'ugtt Sound Limited 6.36 p, ru
Yacolt I'aawugcr - - o jia ni
O. M. Cornell. Agent.