St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 28, 1913, CURRENT FEATURES, Page PAGE TWO, Image 6

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    1'ACiK TWO
Antarctic Has First
Cuptnin Scott, British Explorer, and Members of HU Party
TiuonDiDs or rOLAB
In 1IUS Sir John rrnklln sailed
to Ui Arctic with two ships. Koni
of the party u eTer seen alive
again by civilised nun. Many ex
peditions failed to find trace of
Uie mlwtlnu explorer anil hli men
until 1BW, when CapUtn McClin
tock brought back the record of Blr
John'a death in 18 17, with rellca
Indicating that the enUre party
had perUhed in King Williams
Land. In 1H70 the bodies were
found by Lieutenant Schwatka.
In 1881 Lloutenaut Oeorge W.
DeLong and Lieutenant Charles W.
Orlpp, United Btatcs Navy, and
rnoro than half Uie members of the
Joanotte expedition perished in an
attempt to reach the Slborian coast
after their ship was crushed by
In 1881 Lieutenant James J.
Lockwood and IB members of tho
Orecloy expedition died of starva
tion near Capo Sabluo. Tho others
of tho party wero rescued by Cap
tain W. 8. Schloy, who afterward
became rear-admiral.
In 1807 Lieutenant fl. A. Andro
left BpltaberKcn in a balloon, with
the intontlon of drifting ovor tho
polar regions. Two days later a
carrlor pigeon brought back ft mcs
sago, but no other word from Andro
has ovor roached tho world.
In 1007 Sr. Myllus Zrlchseu and
two companions died off tho north
east coast of Greenland.
Tho Bcott Tragedy is tho only
disaster in tho history of Antarctic
exploration, so far as is known,
Till: world Is mourning Cnptnln
Hubert 1 Scott, llrltlsh ox
plorer. Ho reached tho South
Polo. Moro than n yonr ngo
1 nptnlu Hcotl mill his party ciimo to
tho coveted region, .Innunry IS, 11112.
U tho polo Cnptnln Hcott 11 ml his men
found tho tent nml records loft by
Cnptnln Ilnnld Amundsen when thnt
explorer stnrtod bnck rrom tno oigeei
of his ox.odltlon. Thnt dnto wn Do
cumber 17, 1111, nbout n month boforo
Cnptnln Hcolt renched tho goal, Nows
of iho tragedy of tho Antnretlc, the
first of lis kind, wim brought to civil
Ixntluu by Cnptnln Hcott's ship, tho
Term Novn, which had gono to Cnpo
I'.vnns to meet tho expedition nml
bring lis moiiiherH bnck, providing they
lind completed their tnsk or wero rendy
lo return, l'rom tho shore pnrty loft
ut tho Cnpn livniis bnso It wns lenrued
that Cnptnln elcnit nnd tho four men
with him hnd renched tho pole, Imt
hml perished on Ihelr wny bnck. Cap
Inin Scott, Dr. 1-Mwnrd A. Wllion and
I.liMili'imnt II. It, Dowers hnd mndo
their wny buck to within IM miles of
Cnpo Hvnns, when they wero caught
by n bliaxnrd nnd overcome. This wns
nbout Mnrch 8l of last year They
wero then within n few miles of n food
ItMHil, where sustenance nnd shelter
would nnve ueeu inoirs, rroviousi;
Potty Officer Kdgar Hvnns uud Cap
lain L. li. (1. Ontes of tho Innlsklllon
ilrtigoons, who had been In rhnrgo of
tho expedition's ponies nnd dogs, hnd
succumbed. Hvaus was tho first to
die. Ills death was tho result of con-,
i iisslon of tho brnln, sustnined by n ,
rail February 12. Oates died from ox
posuro March 17. Rlx other men, nl
though they had been through n peril
nus experience, wero found to bo safe,
These men had been sout to mnko goo
logics! Investigations to tho east of
Cnpo Krun. Tho records of Captain
Hcott wero recovered by n relief expe
dition. Under the head of Cnptnln Scott
wns a written record of tho trip, kept 1
p until tho vory moment of death.
In his dlnry was found whnt tho in ,
trepld oxplorer enlled n Message to ,
tho Public." This message Is quoted
here, word for word:
"The risks nro not duo to faulty or
ganlsntlou, but to misfortune In nil
which hnd to bo undertaken. One. the
loss of tho pony transport In March,
11)11, obliged mo to start later than I j
hnd intended nud obliged the limits of f
tho stuff transported to bo narrowed.
"Tho weather throughout tho out
ward journey nnd especially the long ,
gnle in tho 110 degrees south, stopped
ms. Tho soft siiow- iu tho lower
reaches of tho glacier ngaln reduced
tho pace. Wo fought these events with :
: will and conquered, but it nto into
our provisions reserve.
"Kvcry detail of our food suppllos,
nothing nnd depots mndo on tho In
terior ico nud on that long stretch of
TOO milos to the polo nnd back worked
out to perfection. Tho ndvanco party
would huvo returned to the glacier in
fine form nud with a surplus of food
hut for tho astoiiishiug failure of tho
man whom wo had least expected to
"Seainau Kdgar Kvnns wns thought
the strongest mnu of tho party nud tho
Dcnrdmore glacier is not difficult iu
fine weather. Hut on our return wo
did not get n single completely flno
day. This, with a sick companion,
enormously increased our anxieties.
"I have said elsowhero that wo got
into frightfully rough Ico and Kdgar
Kvnns received n concussion of tho
bruin. He died n natural death, but
left us a shaken party, with tho sea
son unduly ndvauced. Hut all tho facts
above enumerated wero as nothing to
tho surprise which awaited us on tho
barrier. I maintain that our arrange
ments for returning wero qulto ade
quate nud that no one In tho world
iwM ka-o ifonn better In tho wrather
iwhteh w wttHintorod at this ttme f
,'tho yt.
I "(Ht tbo MMwult, In latltedo 8 do
ttm tft m ddSftr, 18HW fret lower,
'w )hh4 MifitH M In the dnjr and rotrms
jw at Mijht firrUf rogHUrir, 1lh n
'tiHHMM h4 wi tinting tmr dav
mnrelH-s. It Is lrar that these eir
nimiUwwi ramp on very sntMenly and
or nrrrk h sorlnlnly due to Hits sn,d
jilpti adrrtit of sovcre weather, which
jdom not spohi to havo had any satis
fnrtnr.v rmiso.
"I li not think liHninn beings over
rawo through melt a month as wo havo
conic- through, and wo should havo got
through In spllo of tho weather but for
tho sickening nf n second companion,
Captain Onto, nml n shortage nf fuel
in our ilcmts, for which rmiiiot nc
eoiuit, mid finally hut for tho storm
which hns fallen on within 11 mllca
of this depot, nt which wo hoped to
Gunsighl Lake
We want you and each member of your
family 'r,n't a C"P f the Beat Coffee ever: roasted
since the Arabians discovered this King of
food beverages
The moil ciprniive modern roailers operated by skilled coffee experts are preparing In
Portland n coffee that should be on your table.
The tiaodncM, the rich aroma of the best berries, li kept in the roaited grain. By a process
that has been perfected recently, it it poiaible to serve in the cup the stimulating coffee essence
that Nature planned for the benefit of man.
The coffee berry it ground, but still retains the ttrength that makes it the cheering,
stimulating cup that quicksteps a man toward hit daily duties in the morning and brings
comfort to hit after-dinner rett.
We know that you are anxious to know the name of this Coffee
Write your name on the coupon in the corner, and ma!l it right nou btfar you farg't it.
Fill in the number of persons in your family, and by return mail we will tend you, pott paid,
without any txptmt to yourttlf, a cup of coffei for tach and tvtry on of you.
"niu"i Hit, -.. -s '
Kindly niil rat , VSX.
FKEE ol a IARGE -t J v
and pott.paida cupol Vv jk Pak
Coin (or a fuuilr of,
Succumb in the Far South
rwr tho final . i'l"
'HmtAf mMwtuM outd srarceJy
)m- fMrrdrd this HA fclow. We nr
rivH wttMn II " "our old One
Tm I'awp wtUi furl for on hot meal
aM fw4 for lw !.. For four day
w kve Keen M t leavo the tent,
I bo pat ldw1g mm us. V are
wk. Writing diffull, but for
my wwm sake 1 do not rrgrrt this Jour
ney, w-Mth lias shown trit lingllshmcn
ran rftdwro hardship, bnp one another
ami meet death with a great a forti
tude itn ever In tho L Wo took
rinks; wo knew nr took them. Things
have rmno nut againit us and therefore,
no havo no ranro for complaint, hut
how to tho will of prt'ldence, deter
mined still to do our lct to tho Inst.
"Hut If wo hae been willing to rIvo
our lives to this enterprise, which is
for tho honor of our country, I appeal
to our countrymen to tro that those
who dcnd on us aro properly eared
and Golng-h-the-Sun Mountain
" ! -
I . A I -
Of course we will rlto send you the name of the coffee,
If you want to tickle your palatm and maktyour stomach
happy, Gil out the coupon at once and send to
Straight Results, Coffee Dept.
Inter-State Publishing Co.
for., Had we HvmI, I should have tad
a tale n toll of the hardihood, rmtur
Mire and courage of my companions
whtrh would have stirred the heart of
rmry Kftgllthman.
"TUd rough note and our bodies
inurt test the tstr, but surely, surely,
it grrst rrli eonntry like our will see
that those who are dependent on vi
ate rorrl.v provided for, (Signal)
It. Scott, March 3, HUL"
These few words, manly and unns
sumlng, mark the finest monument to
the memory of Captain Vrntt and tho
bravo men whom llvrs ended with him,
I'orms' honor will, of course, be paid
them. The world stands ready to do
that. Already Kngland has held me
morial services for there men; already
Kngland has answered that appeal, 'Mo
see that thoso who depend on us are
proerly eared for."
Surgeon Atchlnson, In charge of tho
relief party, gathered tho records and
effects of tho dead and read burial
services over their bodies. A ealrn nml
...... I - I I - tL.t.
over the tent In which they wero bur
leil. A record of tho finding of tho
in Glacier 'Park
Failing Building
! Imdtrs was attsfhed to ths rrosh A
I erh for the body of Captain Dates
I km of no at all. A eslrn and eresi
I wre lrft to mark the pprk4mste
' svone of Ms death, bowel rr.
1 The Iwdtcs will probably remain In
I the Antarctic, although there Is a de
mand n Kngland that the dead heroes
bo brought back for honorable Inter
ment In Albtou. Still, there Is the
frrllng on the part of Captain Beolt'e
frlrnds that ht should be allowed his
last rot In the tend of his life's work
He was not an old man. lie was
lorn Juno (I, lSf.H, In Kngland, enter
ing tho navy in 1R8S, He engaged for
years in exploration In the Antarctic,
after n splendid career as n naval of
Looking It Over
(Continued from page one)
rontrnct wns tiled with the county
recorder, nccordlng to tho terms of
which Mr. nnd Mrs. Perkins agree to
stny nwny from each other.
The Chicago (tollce havo finally done
something. Teddy Webb, tho "auto
mobile bnndlt," accused of murder and
robbery of tho boldest sort, was cap
lured n few days ngo, nfler n rovolver
battle with policemen nnd defectives,
Wollb telephoned to n frleud for
money, A telephono operator overheard
the message nml notified tho police
men. Webb wns to meet the friend nt
n certain street corner. A huudrod
detectives wero hurried to tho nolgh
borhood, TI10 corner was surrounded
on nil sides. Webb recognized tho of
fleers ns ho approached tho rendezvous
nml tried to cscnpo, but was captured
and clubbed Into submission. Thcro
were enough officers nrpund to attend
to thnt.
Legislators frequently tnko long
trips on tho people's tlmo nnd money,
but nothing Ilka tho journey juit mndo
by thrco men in AInskn hns attracted
the attention of tho tnxpnycrs. Terri
torlnl Senator Frecdlng nnd lieprctcn
tntlves Onffnoy nnd Aldrleh havo just
arrived nt Vnhlex, nftor traveling
2,000 miles on sledges, drawn by dogs,
They loft Nomo .Tnminry 7, on their
wny to attend tho meeting of tho ter
ritory's legislative nssoinbly. Tho 700
tnllo journey from Vnldcz to .Tunonu
wll bo mndo by steamer. Thcro was
no other wny for tho thrco legislators
to mnko tholr long trip,
The Iloblnson Crusoes of tho futuro
will hnvo n soft tlmo of It for the
Isolated Islnnds in tho Pacific whoro n
voyager might possibly bo cast nwny
hnvo been stored with supplies by the
various govornmont which claim them.
Food nnd clothing havo been deposited
and matches In scaled boxes havo boon
left whoro thoy cannot but bo found.
Tlicso Islands, howover, havo not been
stocked with "Fridays."
For tho first tlmo In basoball his
tory, n dentist Is to bo mado an nt
tacho of n mnjor-lcaguo training camp.
Manager McOrnw of tho Now York
NntlonnW hns announced that ho will
tnko n dental surgeon with the Giants
on their training jnunt Into tho
south. According to McQrnw, tho
stomach troubles thnt many young
players nro bothered with on training
trips nro duo to poor tooth.
Lin Powers, a boxer, found out n
fow nights ngo that ammonia Is not
good to drink. Hetwccn rounds, his
seconds attempted to let him smell tho
fumes of ammonia, that bis condition
might bo bettered. Powers took tho
bottle to contain stimulants and
oiled it- Ho drank a healthy mouth
ful nnd wps In agony nt onco. A phy
slclau nmong the soctntor soon re
lieved Powers, but ho was unable to
eontlnuo the fight,
Knrl Learmoro of Oakland got into
nu argument with his wifo, Hocnuso
ho couldn't havo tho last word, or for
soiiio such reason, he retired to the
rear of their homo nnd shot off his
index finger. His father-in-law there
upon whipped Learmoro soundly for
this indiscretion and caused his nrrest.
Adam heard them blama the cost of
living on tho middlemau.
"The only thing they don't blame on
tho first man," ho thankfully ob
served. New York Sun.
Ouuman "Hal 1ml I fooled ye all
right. This hero gun ain't leaded."
"Don't mention it, old top. Tost
roll I gave you Is stage money," Life.
nolled rlco must always be llgbtlyl
handled. It should not bo stirred wlth
a fork or spoon.
RATS in the Cellar
MICE in the Pantry
ROACHES in the Kitchen
Nothing is more disagreeable than a
homo infested with vermin. Destroy
them with Stearns' Electric Hat and
Roach Paste, the standard extermi
nator for more than thirty years.
It kills off rata, mice or cockroaches
in a single night Does not blow swsj
like powders; ready for use; nothing
to mix. This exterminator is sold
under an absolute guarantee of money
back if it falls.
Sold by dniKclsts and central atorea
everywhere or sent by Express Prepaid
on receipt of price, us sure to set the
sjenulne: lie and 1 1.00. Sterns B
trie Paste Co, chleasro. Ill-
2,(M30,0D0 Acres
mm uw 18 $to km
Rt4t l it r ,
Om, UrVr. , tt,
Urw I r ( '- .
M smI M TwJrt nwK.
Writs wttfdtaihv.
J. li. CNHT. Jr.
C , M, A St. P R -PsH 3m4 LU
KMIUmt BUt. tot lilWWW.
Buy your Building
Material direct from
the Factory and
NO MATTER whntyour
need in BUILDING
MATERIAL, we enn snve
you money. Let us dem
onstrate by quoting you
figures on your next job.
Twenty-seven years honest deal
ing back our stalemeats. See
our catalogue for prices on
ready-made houses, barns, chick
en coops, windows, doors, etc
Catalogues and Plans of Homes
on request
Northwest Door Co.
Portland, Oregon
Turn Your Ideas Into Money!
1 sell nstents. state richtst also have
several openings for good inventions.
Agents lor Little Wonder Vacuum Cleaner.
IU MnlM Si., frrlluJ, Orttra
$5 A Month
5nd m. Fr. DooMit
Namt .
City. .
Stall .
In Two Heights:
DELMAR - 2Xin;
REXTON - 2 in.
THIS is the new straight-front
shape. It dots meet close be
cause it has thcLlNOCORD BUTTOy
holes. They are only in
are so protected where the strain
comes that ihey don't tear out.
retain their style and fir, to the enu.
The DELMAR, because it's baked
and so shaped in the baking bv out
special Vertiform Proces. has the
vertical effect so much desired. Hat
ample scarf space.
CEO. P. IDE & CO, MaWs
Troy, N.Y.
Portland Branch
Portland, Ore.'
When making baked or boiled cus
tard the milk to bo used should bo
scalded aud sot aside Jo cool. Then
make a custard in the ordinary way,
nnd it will be perfectly smooth.