NOTICE OF FIRST ' MEETING OF EQUAL RIGHTS CO., INC. EDMONDSON CO. 203 S. Jersey Street Open Hours lioo lo sao mill 7 to gyb p. m Sundays; 2i30 to 5i30 The Library mm 01 i The now Books: Morris Roman IiiBtorical Tnioa. " -v Tho nrncipal ovonU of Komnn history from its foumlinur, lo its fall told in lively story form. Plymnton- now to become an Enirinoer. , The theoretical and practical training necessary in preparing lor me tiuiiea 01 uie civil uiiki neer. Sewall Lessons in Telegraphy. An elementary course in the art Of sending and receiving Morse telegraph signals. Wiggin- Cathedral Courtship, Wi son- Bumralow Book. Wilson Man who came back. The latest book of the author of the Land Claimcrs. Inner Flame- Burnham. A pleasant, sentimental love story ...111 -1 !..! i 1l...!i! wun a nui iiiiniHive i.nriHiiiui Science background. Cook Books: Vegetarian Cookery Payne. A manual of cheap and whole some diet Consolidated library of Moti on! Cooking and Household Hocipes Christine Terhunc Ilerrick, Marion Ilarland and a list of contributors which in cludes many of the famous chefs and cooking experts of the U.S. The scope of this Jive volume work is shown by the fact that ono whole volume is given over to tho Modern Hostess, and one to vegeUiblennd Dessert Recipes. Vol. Si contains Soups, chowders, fith, meats, poultry and game. Vol. ft includes chafing dish recipes, carving, leverages, mix ing Mnd serving drinks, tonsts and speeches, menu terms in foreign languages. Fancy Work : Pricilla Tatting Hook. i'ricilla Cross Stitch. Pricilla Colored Cross Stitch. I'ricilla Venetinn Crochet, Makers of History Abbott. Separate vTmime on the great mon of the ages, written in dramatic story form and well illustrated. The two just receiv ed are: Cyrus. "I am Cyrus the King.'' Such is the proud declaration that after the lapse of twonty-livo centuries, from the tomb of the mighty Persian still commands our homage to its im perial inmate. Out of the realm of myth and fable his imposing figure emerges, but history rec ords enough of him to allow his title of the "(treat" to stand tin (luoslloned. Croesus, with all his treasure, went down before him, and "Croat Babylon" could not witnstanil Ills arms. Croat ate wore his achievements a-, a warrior and h prince, history. thoilirh encumbered with the deeds of the ages.stlll (bids space 1 .- it I. ( I. II!. i . ' to rucuu mib nouiuiy oi houi. Xerxes. No small jMtrt of the glory of Greece wus won to the limine of Xerxe standing on the loftiest heightM of human grand our, ho whs hurled into untiaral- lolud disaster, with the ruins of his vast army and the wrecks of his high Tleet about him. His tory can show us no spectacle like the assembling of the army of Xerxes for the commo) of the insolent Greeks. All tho pomp and splendor at the command of tho mightiest of the eastern des pot signalised its setting forth and a fleet to facilitate whose progress years had been spent in the const motion of a canal, kopt pace with the army. A few months, and army and fleet had ignominioualy perished, and Sail ma and Marathon had gone on ine rotts or immortality. Rose Books. Sweot Pen Books. Do not forget that those and all other gtinlonlng subjects may bu had at the library. Fobnmry bulletins are ready for distribution. lleiv itt u nit'HSttgu of hope and rood chtH'r from Min. ('. J. Jdur tin. Booiu Mill, Vh.-, who irt the mother of oighUwn childivn. Aln. Martin m curwl of hIuiii- nuh troublo ami conutiiMilion bv Chtuiiuerlain's Tablets mul live yonit of MUflVring. and npw roc ommotuli lhMt tableU to the public. For aulf by all dealer. NOTiea TO ADVERTISERS. In ardr (e Intur change of ad vertlaamant ttia copy (or such ehange then Id reach (hit oHic not lator than Wttinaaday. at 3 o'clock p. m. Please rsmitmlinr t It Is and tavn tho printer WANTED Men, Women and Children ATTHK FIRST G URCH OF CHRIST To uuiat in llir miiiiiiiii: u oul lo Clirwi find In liallilig them (or UU iwivicv. Sumltiy Sonivrk ilihle School: 10 a. ui. Moraine Sonic: it a. ui. Junior (.. It.: i . ui. Y. 1'. S. C. K.: 7 V ni. Uvaujifltalic Sic rv icta: H u. ut. Wedneauay Training Glai,o m. Tliuriwlay- I'rayertueiliinj - S p.m. J. R. Johnson, Pnstor Ontr New York SI. and His Kouieiard Notice is hereby given tostock- nolders of the Equal nights Com pany, Inc., that sixty per cent of tho capital stock of said Com pany has been subscribed for, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon a first meeting of said stockholders is called for Saturday evening, March eighth. (8th) J013, at tho hour of seven thirty (7.30) P. M. to take place at tho Woodman Hall, on Burlington street near Ivan hoe street, in the city of St. Johns, Multnomah County, Ore gon, for the purpose of electing directors of the said Company, completing the organization thereof, and transacting other necessary business. This notice to be published weekly in the St. Johns Review, a newspaper of general circula tion within said county, for a period of thirty days prior to said meeting, in accordance with the laws ot said Mate. The first punlication hereof shall be Fr day. February 7th, 1913. By order of the undersigned corporators of said Equal Rights Company. William Wallace. George Wallace. Gus E.Magnuson. 0. Chowning. Alvin Porter, Chairman Corporators of Equal Rights Company. Inc. Stock certificates of the above mentioned Eoual Riirhts Com (any, Inc., may be had at the Pirst National Bank, St. Johns Orciron. on and after the lOt day of February, 1913. Subscri hers will please call at said ban for their receipts for certificates which will bo delivered upon payment of the subscription price. Alvin Porter, Chairman, Cor porators Equal Rights Co. Inc. MEN CURED TO STAY CURED MmIi you Iimc ltf lirotnl mill only hell. I lcniM)intlly or nut Hi nil. linn jour trouble till the iil'twr Iwtul ul )ouP Do Irrcmiil Irt me Icll you wltelhrr ton mil ever Im mil iiciKtir me cimil. II I lakeyuiir cawr i unit you. i win kiv my lime mul my mien llmi lo our in mi Hint yHi Mill kii Mny cmnl n ii ii urniriiii. i ii v c trrnlrtl UimiMiiiU. I Imvr mini UimiMiiiU I am Hie only liiicuii In ailment otltulvcly rottlaml Urallnu men i "606" Now Improver And Modified FOR BLOOD POISON It U now Uoimii Mm-e llic liilrmlurllmi of IH NKH UKKM AN HIC.MI1I1V lor III.OOI lilrtimiihKH. mul iluilnu Dial lime I hate ul ntliiMtmllhUiitriwrmliHi In tcvcrnl tliouwml caw I Iwve uiveu till lemnly n Kvrie trl, awl I ran mv wltliiMt Inr ol coutruilltlloii tint it Ullir yuutc.l tllMweryol the age mul tlie Hit" I HlOllllir UN llAKTll IOT llluftl IWtetl, rrgiirillrM ol Uk Mane nl Hie ailment or I lie .niM"iii iirHi ihmt priitve ih ikxiih wh.i tell vimi oilier Mle. I '.Mliwlucc It Illicitly iHto the I'lewl by I lie loliveHoH MttlKkl ,y riulnm(iit lur I lie ml imprat ni lur I lie wi i imi Mini I ulve ton the uiiiiiMrriuK in iiiii iriueu lt l lite Hmt.t uii the HhMKIIVlH the KMIITWAV You ewue to lili.NI INII tlllHMAN my umc. tnnve I lie iivhikwhI. io rIhhiI em work mmiI. mul In kImhiI ten l)' llmr all yHiilumillMieNr. Wily .IhmiM yon nmllnue Inking .l.iHoniiil otlter liijiiikHi iliim Into tour ioHimli lor yemii mIkii you ran tenie In in. t mi mc niinir WKAK Air:N!r i,'WJ talent Animal Keium lyuiii rtniiHiinil ia the louuil A Milt IImI Imtneterill utr .Milium scrum llv iHlninlmyiHtllriila. It h utrtlkiue, but rtlruilnl c rtiruiim cell irum j ml vltalTar I lie hiiiiimi 01 ihiiim vimimihh uiilmala iiMnl by me to rttulM na. KfUftnlUi ol lur Ikou t UrraUt in oiil Ualllooeil llraluirula. irwtalM tail Cume ami teceitc a CeiUlu t-urc. AUTOGENOUS VACCINES ffoHtntly eratllinlc alironte iinlliial. nrolli juit uuubter ilUwwa ami iheuowliaw. II eu H . nitifitv l )UM IHIH I im I H INC. OtHtH? mil lie i uinl at My Klk. My I're aif 1.6 w mul riomin KrMina ttuaiauicni' - Vruia Htilrocrle. IIUuMcr. KlJnev utui I itrai uii iiiMirurra ul men, nieiiui nu van ri.i(aiu ilhHinlera My treatiHent lor Vafleow Vriuaaml lltilrot-ele iaabaoliilrly naluleaa. iloea mil uridiii .m 1 1 mil your worK or liMie. aim a tvi niauriii iure Meneeieti m one treatment, CONSULTATION FREE At my office or by mall. Kb aiiuii: mau nouii nenlr I lit oiiixrituutly to Kit nn ctput uiHiilitn about lila lay liom v a in lo U i hi , ami riuiuUya I low w trouble My olftce UoiKiiall oMoHit. Annie men out ul Iomh ha cunuot .an, Mrue lor eii enaminaiion maiika, C. K. HOLSMAN, M. 25ilJ Morrison ktrvtt.cor. I'lrtt rOKTI.AN'D.ORHQON D. Qfticc Phone Columbia 24 KvnUliMicv Phone Columbia 19S St. Johns I3prcss, Transfer and Storage Co. IM11110 Moving a Specialty. Haul ing done to and from Portland Residence 400 Kust Richmond Office 103 North Jersey Street Daily triiw to I'ortlaml. CHAS. SAliltUT. Prop. The United Artisans Meets every Friday even niK in the M, W. A. hull 111 the Holbrook lmilding. EL Successor to St. Johns Sand uiul Grovel Company I. D. JACkSON, Prop. General Contractor Ions We are prepared to tlo any ami all kiiuls of excavating for street work ami other purposes. We also handle sidewalk and build ing material. Newton and Pttosenden Streets St. Johns, Oregon ' Phone Columbia 336 all 1 IN Plumbing, Tinning AND Furnace Installing Call up Columbia 92 DR. RAMBO DENTIST I'honc Co1tittibln:rlg r First National Dnnk bulldlns. ST. JOHNS, OnCGON. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Open Evenings and Sundays by Ap pointment. Office Phone Columbia 140 Resident Phone Columbia 38 JOSEPH McCHESNEY, m7dT Physician and Surgeon. Day & Night Ofllco In McChcanoy blk. St. Johns, Oregon. R. A. JAYNI3, Al. D. Office over Hut National Dnnk Office Phone Columbia 282 He. Phone Columbia 196 PERRY C. STROUD LAWYEK Finl Nnllonol Dnnk Uuildlng' ST. JOHNS - . . OREGON 0. J. GATZA1YER ATTOIINEY AT LAW McDonald Dulldlng ST. JOHNS - . OREGON ST. JOHNS GARAGE li t H. DurllniElon Street Automobile Repairing nud Vulcnulilnn We run get you Auto Tircaof nil kind lllcyclo and General Kcnalrlnir New nud second hand bicycle for sale auio io iure oy uay or hour Ola Wlnton Six Trip to or from nuy city honpltnl, f2.C0 J. ni. ana v. r. wkay, I'rops. Phone Coltiiubln 587, LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. O. O. P ST. JOHNS. OREGON Meets each Monday evening ia Odd Fel hall at 7:30, A cordial welcome to vWulun brothers. Chaj. II, Itoyd, N. O. Alex. S. Scales, Sec. If your tire blows up, blow into the Peninsula Garage 307 S. Jartay St. and lmvo it repaired in a neat ami workmanlike I ZJ. : 1 .. . BONVILLE f: ''V', ' rk I , manner. Automobile ami Motorcylc re pairiiiif and supplies, PhoucCol, 632, and ribbons and hair dressing materials. The Shoe lines for Spring are the most dressy, and varied of any ever carried in St. Johns. ' ' We have increased and changed all of our lines expecting increase of Spring businessv Why should you not give your home store the opportunity of supplying your needs? Your community store cannot always increase stocks without increased patronage. Your property cannot increase in value unless the business district be built up. Show us a large well patronized store in any city and we will show you high price real estate and high rentals' surrounding it. N Our homes are in your midst; our help belong to you; our profit is all spent in St. Johns. On a basis of equal prices for equality as compared with city prices, taking it month for month, we have a right to urge your patron age in all our lines. BON HAM & CURRIER M r T Central Market! 205 S. Jersey Street See us for the Oiokcjt Cuts e( the Best Meats Obtainable. Order flMed and Tamify Trade SeRdted. T. P. WARD, Proprietor. Subscrlbt) for tbe Review asd be ORDER EASTERN STAR Minerva Chapter No. 105 Meets Everv First aud Third Tuesday Evening of Each Month in Odd Fellow Hall. 1 Ruby R. Davis, Worthy Matron. Mrs. Susie Rogers, Secretary, HOLMES LODGE NO, 101 KNIGHTS or PYTHIAS Meets every Fridav niht at 7:30 o'clock in I. O. O, F. Hall, Visitors always wel come. F. L,. BABCOCK. C. C. D. F.HORSMAN, K. R.S a f-'OfT RENT cards at thla office. The Spring Cleaning of our Dry Goods and Grocery Departments is over now and we feel quite spick and span with new tint ing, white paint and varnish. We are getting ready to display many new things for spring. We will have new lines of Ladies' and Children's Dresses, the Van Dyke line of Un derwear, many new things in piece goods We buy or sell St. Kims Property! AlcKINNEY & UAVIS Real Estate List your property with us if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D Residence, C97 Dawson Street Office, Pliter Block. University Pari, Portland. Oreseaw Subscribe for the St. Johns Review and keep pen ted oa the doings of the city. DORIC DODGE NO. 132 A. f. and A. M, Regular communi. atiors on first Wednesdays f each month in Odd Pel lows' Hall. Visitors-wel. Ernest S, Harriustpn, W. M. John Noce, Secretary J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We deliver your gooda to and from all parts of PortUndL Vancouver, Lkin ton, Portland and Suburbaa Kxprasa Co., city dock and all poinU aceeaaible by wageo. PUna mui furniture mevfeg aav j come. Nota the label en yew papr.