St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 21, 1913, Image 1

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    Is second in number of Industries.
I leve th in population.
Can to Poitland every 20 min.
Hat navigable water on 3 sides.
Hai finest gas and electricity.
Has two strong banks.
Has five large school houses.
Has abundance of purest water.
Has hard surface streets. -Has
extensive sewerage system.
Has fine, modern brick city halL
Has payroll off 95.000 monthly.
Ships monthly 2,000 cars freight.
All railroads have access to it.
Is gateway to Portland harbor.
Climate ideal and healthful.
St. Johns is Calling You
Has seven churches.
Has a most promising future.
Distinctively o manufacturing city
Adjoins the city of Portland.
Has nearly 6,000 population.
Has a public library.
Taxable property, 4,500.000.
Has large dry docks, saw mills
Woolen mills, iron works,
Stove works, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant,
Veneer and excelsior plant,
Flour mill, planing mill,
Box factory, and others.
More industries coming.
St. Johns is the place for YOU.
Devoted to (he Intertill of (he Penlmula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northweit
VOL. 8
NO. is
Civic Betterment League Solicits
the Aid of the Aldermen
At the regular meeting of the
'V city council Tuesday evening
-; Rev. J. J. Patton, representing
the Civic Betterment league oi
St. Johns, solicited the co-oper
ation of that body in beautifying
the city and making a little more
clear the moral atmosphere. He
stated that the league now had
100 members, had so far held
five meetings, and that the ob
ject of the organization was
wholly for the betterment of
civic conditions. One of the
things the league finds offensive,
he stated, was empty store
rooms with windows filled with
posters and various announce
ments, which in many instances
were past date. While ho realiz
ed that this was a matter of per
sonal privilege with the owners,
yet he believed moral suasion
could be brought to bcur in such
a manner that the practice would
bo discouraged and eventually
abolished. Another feature tu
ken un bv the leuiruo was the
beautifying of vacant lots, and
reaidencu mid hiiHinoHa tirotiorlv
also the streets kept in a cleanly
. manner. Card playing in the
cigar rooms on Sundays is a feat
uro tho league desired to have
eliminated, also. Rev. Patton
took occasion to state that undue
and annoying noises uro made
by young men on tho sidewalks
in mo vicinity oimunnx, uhuui
ly whenever dances are held
therein. Singing and boisterous
conduct, ho claimed, prevented
slumber in that neighborhood
until a late hour. The league also
requested that an anti-expcctor-
ation ordinance be passed, penal
izing all for using tho sidewalks
as n cuspidor. On motion of Al
dcrman Martin, tho counci
pledged its support and co-oner
ation in making a morobcautifu
be, Johns, and a committee con
sisting of Alderman Davis and
Martin was appointed by tho
mayor on motion of council to
enter into details with tho lea
gue in regard to the matters
R. Gradcn asked that a little
street repair work bo dona on
Oswego street at Fessenden.
Street committee directed to
moko tho necessary repairs.
Tho matter of insuring the fire
department against illness and
accident, which was broached
last week was laid over for fur
ther consideration upon request
01 tho committee.
Tho property upon which tho
hose house on Polk street is
situated having been sold, tho
building was ordered removed to
directly across tho street.
Upon recommendation of tho
light committee, an arc light
was ordered installed at the cor
ner of Bank and Burr streets.
Young People Celebrate
Valentine Day
The West Side Booming
Richard Shepard, who has been
dealing in West Side realty for
the past five or six years, paid
this ofllco a visit last week. He
states that the west side will en
joy the greatest boom of any su
burb of Portland this year, Ono
of the things he says is bound to
happen is the erection of the St.
Helens hall and contributory
buildings on the 24 acre tract re
cently purchased for that purpose
on the bluff at the northwest
boundary qf Whitwood Court,
and that the estimated cost of
the buildings is $260,000. Also
that a street car line connecting
therewith will be built through
Whitwood Court before tho year
closes, arrangements for which
are now being completed. The
Hamburg American Steamship
Line, he avers, will also con
struct huge docks just north of
the North Bank bridge, that sev
eral new industries have practic-
ally been secured, besides num
erous residences and business
houses will be erected.
Building Permits
No. 8 To C. W. Rice to erect
a dwelling on Chicago street be
tween Central and Smith ave
nues; cost $150.
No. 0 To S. O. Balke to erect
a dwelling on Mohawk street be
tween Fessenden and Olympia
streets; cost $1000.
HU tfc ll4 on your paper.
Fourteen young people gather
ed at the home of Miss Ruth
Canright last Fridav tocclebrnto
St. Valentine's day. The even
ing was worked out in an oritri-
nul way, the first part beinir
spent in traveling toward tho
Land of St. Vn entine." Tho
hall and parlor, renrcsentintr a
railway station, were filled with
a number of humorous no.qtcrs.
warning the guests to'keep their
iect on the seats and beware of
crowding. Upon sucessfully
passing a mock inspection the
)rospcctive passentrers wore
given tickets on tho "Happy Go
uucKy naiiroad" and the train
started amid a shower of tele
grams and farewell tokens from
After an exciting trio in which
wrecks and hold ups played an
mportont part tho travelers final-
y reached their destination.
which proved to be tho dining
room converted into a realm of
ink with hearts, cup ds and soft
candle lights. The center niece
on the tablo was an open suit
case filled with n ink carnations.
while at each place were found a
miniature suit case, mock tele
grams and appropriate place
Miss Clara Nelson was voted
tho most popular young lady and
Air. Louis Hgan the most popu
a - a.. .
Woolen Mills Doubling Its Capacity
and Adding Conveniences
E. L. Thompson, manager of
the Portland Woolen M s. an
nounced yesterday that tho com
pany's plant, ocated at St.
Johns, will at once be enlarged to
twice its present size. The need
gt t
oi sucn a ennngo has ueen ap
parent for some time but it is
just recently that the matter was
definitely Bottled and the nec
essary plans completed.
For two years tho mill has
been running night and day in
an effort to keep pace with the
demand for its products, but this
was found to bo an impossibility
under tho present conditions.
Most of the output is sold to the
merchants of New England, the
district in which tho greatest
wooien mills ol tho country are
supposed to exist.
The new building is to be of
brick and concrete construction
and will be 80 by 200 feet in size
The roofing will be of tho
"Saw Tooth" variety, whie
will permit of the best Unlit
ventilation and sanitation. It
will be heated bv steam and a
the modern conveniences for the
protection of health will bo
maintained, mo motive power
has recently been chamred from
steam to electricity, which does
away with belts, shafts and pul
leys, and minimizes to a great ex
tent any possible accident to cm
You Can Make Them of
Bordered Materials
Garbage Cans May be Used With
out Police Intcrferancc
Interesting Happenings
at James John
f r UUlI UULUUf I'll lililLUI UU Hiat , ml 1 M 11-1114
came out, a great deal was said Some people may wonder what inmo n m? M, vLi
for and against the possibilities those irulvt nized cans arc for J?",,C3' oh ln ct 1 I ak
they afforded for the making of that odorn tho nrincliml huHinnss
pretty ureases, ui course, it streets ol tho city at certain
was mostly due to the fact that points. It is becoming quite ap
it was generally not well known nnrcnt that thnir nnr-nnun niwl
just how to use those fabrics; mission is misunderstood by the
whether the borders were to be people in general. Some try to
cut on anu useu as inset pieces use them for a leaning post, and
or. whether the material ouch t would nil. ilmvn nn Hi mil if fmiti.
to be cut as it was, and let the cil had thoughtfully provided a
ooracr como in us it may. substantial ltd therefor: others
but, by this time, most women seem to see how far they can
Know what splendid, and really miss them with nn orange peel,
anu the small boys like
team of
though the
to 13, in fa-
At the end
score was 8
evening. A very
game was played,
flicial score was 16
vorof Park Place,
of the first half the
to 5 in our favor, but during the
next half so manv foula were
called on the James John trirls
that they were not able to do
much good work. Gertrude Mc
carty's free throws were notable
D. C. Lewis Tells Why and Suggests
Ideal Location for Same
Editor St. Johns Review:
Some timo ago I called atten
tion to the real need of a tmrk
for St. Johns. In tho article I
suggested that the sido hill. mil.
ches, knobs, knolls, mesas, etc.,
all bundled together on the Wil
lamette river bank, extending
from tho S. P. and S. It. It.
tracks and bridge over tho deep
cut. along tho boulevard to Mr.
Steam's place.all bo acquired and
turned into n park. This land
nu ... l.fl.. f
km yuuiik iiiuii, ttimu mr. vm- ninvn "
fn. i., r.V VL ' V . When the new building is com
it IIIIIIIIH VI IV tl HWOb IIIIIIIUL'1 l.ll.-l Al- ...fll Ml 1
of hearts. Mr. Harry Egan won ? !.! P . "V'L wl ' , a,.cnIC
. !.,! l.f ..!.!!!.. tUillt 1II1U I VOL IVUI1I. Ill U HO UI1'
to gain 4 ' hearts. ' Those present ffi.1 H,pscnt J H1 n" ?
.1 . v . . wiih n win inrrniiHn rni finminrr
wero tno misses Jcanette uaw
son. Gertrude Ncirstad.
Jackson, Ilattio Larson, Gcni-
vevo Negstad. C ara No son and
Huth Canright: Messrs. Louis
Egan, Arvid Dahl, Harry Beck
er, G. Hanson, Walter Young,
nnrry uirun. nnu uonrmi noit
- ... , - -
Want Better Car Service
Tho Commercial club is bond-
ing its cnonrics toward securintr
better car service. It has sub
mitted a proposition to tho
olllcials for consideration, and
prospects are bright for the car-
which will increase the comfort
- ... r .1 1
Vnrn u,,u wuvuiiiuiikuui muumpioyus
rying out of same. It is nronos
Portland to St.. Johns direct,, and X i ,
return to Portland via tho loop:
the other cars to come in the
manner now prevailing. Also
to have all cars routed over tho
L lino and Broadway bridge
when completed. Single cars
aw ton minuto sorvico are includ
ed in tho request. It is said
that o gain of 17 minutes from
ortland to Jersey street wi
thus bo gained on every alternate
car. Also much better service
will thus bo gained to residents
Honor Miss Willard
Fifty women attended thn
Willard Memorial scrvico at tho
library last Monday. February
17tl iUn .In.. nF Kltoo UMIn.n
j.. m, uiv utijr ui tiiioa liuiuiu a
death, is observed all over the
world by tho Women's Christian
Temperance Union.
Miss M. L. T. Hidden of Port
land gavo us a very interesting
talk on Miss Willard's and her
associates as sho know them.
Sho began her talk with this
question, "Why do wo all lovo
her memory so dearly?" Bo-
aho was lovab o. Sho was
gentle and tender to every ono.
ner wnoio heart and life wero
devoted to tho service of God.
She was not only an untiring
w'orKcr nersoit, but she had the
wonderful power of developing
worKera, and although sho has
now been sweetly sleeping for
nfteen years, yet her works do
follow her. As a result of tho
desire of the White Ribboners to
honor Miss Willard and to Biiit
ably commemorate her life and
of East St. Johns, and to those fc"'
desiring to depart on the North
liank railroad,
Entertain Young Folks
The children of tho Loyal Tem
perance Legion were entertained
at the homo of Mrs, J. R. Weim
er on Saturday afternoon of last
week. Miss Upal Weimer acted
as hostess. The feature of the
day being a box of many valen
tines, each of which expressed
Cupids love." Out door games
were played, after which a dain
ty luncheon was served, follow'
ed by a short program consisting
of recitations and music. Those
present were Opal Weimer, Idrys
weimer, Lillian uawson, Alice
Rawson. Ida Pyeatt, Delia Py
eatt, Iona Cooper, Lucy Cooper,
Oarmoleta Henry. Alma Itassi.
Ruth Edmondson. Helen Ed-
mondson, Lillian Tooley, Muriel
Van Alstine, Pauline Royer,
Glady Murphy, Amy Murphy.
earl Bymer. Delia Vinson. Liza
Vinson, Virginia Peterson, Ag
nes Vincent, Beryl Plowman, and
Masters Fred Rawson, Hershill Are somewhere toilincr still from
VV I 1 i
11 a
tne genera memorial tund was
established. Money thus con
tributed is expended in organiz
ing and sustaining tho work to
which the best years of her life
wero consecrated, and thus year
oy year a worthy monument is
being erected to her memory
rorwaru was the word ever in
her heart and on her lips.
while present with us and, thus
her wondrous work goes on:
She lives in minds and hearts
that loved her well;
iney ieei her presence ever
lingering near.
Her death was but the tolling of
lite's bell
And oft she seems to comfort,
guide and cheer.
Her voice is heard in other
voices, spared
To labor on, and do great good,
in turn:
Her failures and successes they
nave snared,
And yet there is so much to
humbly learn.
Her followers are legion. One
by one,
They've swelled the ranks, till
now a mighty host
lowman, George Jeffcott, and
Joe Black. Those who assisted
were Mrs. Weimer, Mrs. Jeffcott,
Mrs. Price and Mrs. Bucher. All
expressed themselves as having
liau a good time.
sun to svn.
And "Good news!" is
from coast to coast.
Her wondrous work
spite of all.
That's said and
goes on in
done to down
the glorious Cause:
Currin says: It's a very obsti- And higher will it rise, nor ever
nate cold that wont yield to
treatment with Laxacold Tablets
and'Nyals Cherry Cough Syrup.
Better try these for that cold
that hangs on so long.
Tho while it helps to frame
our country's laws.
Net th lit! en yeur pkftr.
to irivo
them n kick or hit them with a
stick to hear the musical (?). hoi
low sound that emits therefrom.
Occasionally, but not so vou can
notice it scarcely, some one in
advertently but actually deposits
a little rubbish therein, but as
ho docs so he is very careful to
for she succeeded in scoring five 9 now. 13 ?VeaiV 08 -lb Jv,,n evur
out of seven free throws, while
by tho same pluy Park Place se
cured only six out of seventeen.
Sunday. lob. loth, tho Hvak
Klalawos took their semi-month
ly hike. This hike followed the
plan of the hare and hound chase.
Of the 22 girls assembled at tho
High school building at 11:30,
look fearfully arouiul to see that wo hos n Kos3 ow land ft
people are so undiscriminatinir.
and in order to enlighten misap
prehension, it might bo well to
state that the cans were nhiced
on tho streets by tho city council
in the hoiie that rubbish that
usually finds its way into the
streets might by some miracu
lous chance accumu ato there in.
not by the action of the wind.
but by hand. That the fears of
tno timid may be n lived, we
will state.that there is no penalty h i,,,,
attached to tho act of tin-owing ',. h"
bits of paper or other litter into ?' ?! &
artistic results can bo achieved
with some of the lovely bordered
goods that are now displayed in
tno shops.
'hares" wero finally discovered
f.l.l ii i
in inu woods near mo
l.-ll. .!
l.liu nr tinnm. m. m... iiH. t iu"K. uou pi rues iimicaoiy
these recbptacles. Rubbish of J it a la me bo, fire ypfJ5
.in in i ' found them laughing and
I - ...... AWW IIIIIMIIIIVJ I iliiiini nil Ihniu i
in fnnf (lw a w I.. 4l.- milKUlK "II IIIUII .WHY IIUIIIU.
r" n ' u XT' .rZ" The " Freshies" are at last get
ui uiut iiuii;uav. iitLiu lis liiuii! i i n 1 t i i i
nnnnln unn, f UnnU- U lS "K "g BCllOOl
l'""l "? iviuifcu iu uu mil,n,la niwl l.nt.n
..ww tiAitllll Ul llltllllln LIIU;illlD
too full. In its wisdom council
bo. It is ideally situated, over
looking the river, so that nice
windimr naths nnd almost, imttir.
ul springs could bo created or
constructed. We need the narks.
Tho following from the Journal
of tho 17th tells why wo need
"There is need in Portland for
for parks, for more
for public docks.
for public libraries and for ntlioi
.... I A
i two luriro hairs uo purposes. . 'inq neeii oi
of torn bits of papci. they left a U,C8U. iracia 01 "!mli?r l,uW,c
hind them. Tho " is very great, ijiey are a
progress and public welfare. It
has been demonstrated, for in
stance, that the extension of the
public park system in Kansas
City has reduced the iuvenilo do-
the P'yfl,!"
path until manhood or -womanhood
is reached means less crimu
and bettered conditions. Wo
need less restrictive laws and
more actual freedom than Homo
advocate in order to mako our
people strong.
uivo us a water view nark
whero the mind's fancy can run
riot. D. C. Lewis.
wero then given a half hour's
start, and with
white trail bet
"hounds" readily followed tho
lead and showed themselves irood
scouts, though tho "hares" cer
tainly deserve credit for tho
blinifs they gave. Tho liirht
showers of rain did not di scour
either party. When
como to classes at tho right time.
8,lI)3. a. . i . ... ims has enlarged the
Xu cn &ct in , cha l is, "13 litIed for t con ingon- Frcflh,min clnothHt it-was -
voiles, crones, lawn, dimities.
and in foulards thcro are real
marvels, weaves that look as if
they came from magic looms.
And it is wonderful, too. how
easy it is to work that material.
You can arrange- the border in
any way that best suits you, but
il. l ! r j. i .
uiu uinic lorm oi urcss is par
ticularly good for it. as tho bor
der can bo worked in most off ect-
vcly. Tho modo shown hero is
dovoloped in bordered crepe,
Tho one-piece gathered skirt is
made with a ono-n ece. straight
Kuinuruu uinic, twit is graceiui
iy draped at ono side, uo you
noto how tho border is arranged
on tho shoulders and at tho lower
edge of both skirt and tunic?
Worn with tho chemisette of
shadow or Bohemian lace, of
which tho little jabot at the
lobespierro col nr s a so made.
this afternoon frock is most
cy. wo bolievo thero havo been
raro instances during the year
or moro that theso cans have
innocently and unobstrusivolv
reposed on tho sidewalks, when
they have been emptied, and set
again. Therefore, it is to bo
hoped that no ono will ever
henceforth and forever hereafter
fear to throw an empty bag,
orango wrappor, banuna peel or
othor litter into theso garbage
cans, sinco it can bo done with
perfect safety.
To Investigate Rates
Genuine Bargains
80 acres land located I mile
from Stephens, 4 miles from Oak-
and and closer to butherlin,
Douglas Co,. Oregon, all clear of
encumbrances. Wo want to
trade this 80 acres for a house
and lot in St. Johns, or will trade
or your equity or take vacant
ots. This land is too far away
or us to handle, and some one
can get a first class trade from us
for it.
50x100 lot with street improve
ments in, located 2 short blocks
rom car line. All goes for $340.
$20 down and balance $7.50 per
month with 7 per cent monthly.
We have a lot aaxizu right in
the center of tho map of St.
Johns with a nice comfortable
room electric lighted tent house
new and nice, chicken yard and
small chicken house, nice lawn
and roses,, cook stove and mat
ting. All goes for $525 half cash,
bal. $10 per month with 7 per
cent interest. This is sure a good
Tho Commorcial club has taken
up tho nfattorof te enhone rates.
and at a meeting of tho board of
governors last Friday tho secre
tary was directed to express to
tho city council thodesiroof thut
body that telephone rates bo at
least kept down to franchise
schedule. Tho franchise, which
was given several vears airo.
specmes that rates shall not ex
ceed those then in vomie in SL
Johns. It is said that for res
denco phono tho rates at tho
time of granting franchise was
$1.50 per month, and that it has
since been increased to $2,25 per
monthly rental, it is asserted
by somo cit'zens that ono do or
per month for residence phono
and two dollars per month for
business phono s nu to profit
necessary to iinvo extra desks
put in thoir room. Tho total
number of l reshmon is now 34.
being nearly half tho number of
tho whole high school.
Lust Fr day morn nir tho has
ket ball team went to Clatskanio
and played the high school thcro
tho following evening. Tho
game was very fast, as tho teams
wero very even y matched.
Clatskanio won by superior team
work, tho score being 32 to 19.
Dailey did tho starring for i s
team, making thirteen points on
tho score, ln snito of tho loss
of the gamo tho team had a dan
dy time, and at the samo timo
left a good name for their school
in Clatskanio.
1 ho high school basket ball
team is training hard this week
for tho gamo wiUi Forest Grovo
II. S to bo played hero Friday
night of this week. Forest
Grovo is ono of tho strongest
teams in tho state. Nowberg II.
b. dcieating it by only ono
point. Reporter.
Tlie Library
Open Hours: I too to jmo anil 7 10 9:30 p. in
Sundays: ZU0 la 500
A Merry Gathering
Work Soon to Begin
Work on tho West Umatilla
Irrigation project w ill. in all
probability, be begun hoforoSec-
retary of tho Interior Fisher re
tires from office on March 4.
Government engineers havo di
rected preliminary work so that
construction may bo commenced
within the next few weeks.
This project will irrigate 30,000
acres along the Columbia
W hnvfi nil kinds of nrnnnrtv in Umatilla and Morrow counties
for sale at tho ritrht nnces and and the Government will expend
$,ouv,uuuon me worK. rrom
two to three years will be requir
ed to water the land in this unit.
11 it nv
more man tno required yo per
cent of privately owned land in
the project has been pledged to
bear the expense of development.
Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. H.
u. iJcam. oil Lynn avenue, was
tho scene of a merry gathering
of tho younger set on tho night
of tho 14th. Tho reception hall
and rooms wero most artistically
decorated with red crepe paper
streamers and lestoons of hearts,
while beautiful bunches of
Oregon grapo and pussy willowa
added the needed touch ot green.
Ihe evening passed very nuickly
with irames armronriate to
St. Valentine, and lest somo might
havo been overlooked by him,
penny comics wero distributed
among tho guests, which caused
much laughter and good natured
chaifing. Refreshments insist
ing of fruits and nuts were serv
ed after which all departed for
their homes with many thanks
to Miss Beam for a most delight-
tul evening.
terms, all kinds
Come in and talk
with us.
of trades.
matters over
For Postoffice Site
Work on the Willamette Rail
road, the projected line from
Eugene to Coos Bay and south
along the coast, is being rushed
and it is expected that trains
will be running from Eugene to
Thero is no better medicine
made for colds than Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. It acts
Mapleton next fall. It is thought on nature's plan, relieves tho
the line to the coast will be com- lungs, opens the secretions, aids
nleted early next spring. Con- expectoration: and restores the
struction work is being pushed ' system to a healthy condition,
along the Siualaw westward. For sale by all dealers.
An appropriation of $5,000 for
a postofhee site in St. Johns has
passed both houses at Washing
ton, and when this city transacts
ten thousand dollars worth of
business annually through tho lo
cal office, it will be in line for a
postoffice building. To Hon. A.
W. Lafferty may bo
may bo ascribed
credit for getting the appropri- her great love and
Saturday. Feb. 22. the librarv
will open for tho usual Sundav
hours only.and books will not bo
Saturday even nir at o irht
o'clock Scumas MacManus. the
Irish lecturer, will irive tho lust
number of his course at the
North Portland Branch library
on Kiuingsworth Ave. This is
directly on tho St. Johns car lino.
Tho subject of tho lecture will be
Irish Iairy and Folk Lore. Mr.
MacManus will conduct a story
hour for children in tho same
building at three o'clock Satur
day afternoon. At his first lec-
turo over 52UU pcoplo wero turned
away after room was filled.
Gardening and poultry books
aro popular theso spring-like
iho Garden Magazmo will
toll you what to do in your cur-
don each month and how to do it.
New Books of the week:
Bonon Lavengro.
Readers of Hewlett's Onen
Country will remember tho old
man who, having been inflicted
with most of those inflictions
which most men dread, lived
simply in an old shopherd's hut
and when asked to explain his
strange content quoted, "There's
night nnd day brothor, both
sweet things: There's likewise
tho wind on tho heath." The
original of these lines is found
in Lavengo.tho best known book
of that strange mixture of gyp
sy, gentlemen, scholar-George
Bourget Weight of tho Name.
A novel translated from tho
Creegan- Great Missionaries.
Brief life sketches of a dozon
and odd of the most famous.
Hall-What Tolstoy Taught.
"Anyone may reject Count Tol
stoy's teaching; no ono can ig
nore it; his doctrine is dynamic,
revolutionary, fatal if false, a
message of peace if true. It has
made a profound imnression u-
on the world, and it would there
fore behoove us to at least to
know exactly what the doctrine
is." Here is a straight forward.
simple account of that doctrine
by a plain man, Bolton Hall, au
thor of Three Acres and Liborty.
ueiand- iron Woman.
Remarkably realistic study of
hard headed and masterful wo
man, mill owner, contrasted
with Helena Ritchie, who thru
experience or
ation ior me site tnrouKh con- no. saves her uavid. now in
gross and tho House of Repre- early manhood, in a great moral
sentatives. Lalferty is still mak- crisis. Was formerly on our 5
ing good. cent shelf.