St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 14, 1913, Image 3

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That a fool can make money, but that it takes a wise man to save it?
And look into the future and see what you will need in the furniture line this Spring as everything is reduced
because we have only
1 3 Days in which to Close Out Our Entire Stock
cjk LULU
We have a very complete
line of Iron and Brass Beds
and if you need one you
will save from 25 to 40 per
cent by buying now.
That we are giving 15 per cent discount
on the
This range is guaranteed absolutely for
10 years.
From $31 to $50
We have a large number
of remnants of linoleum
that have to be sold re
gardless of cost.
It Costs You Nothing to get Our Prices
Curtain Scrim
15c per yard
501-03 JERSEY sr.
Oil Heater
Local News.
25 per cent discount on Brass
Beds. Calef Bros.
Miss Margaret Rassi lias been
on tho sick list this week.
Miss Pearl Reed spent Sunday
with her friends in St. Johns.
For. Rent Strictly Modern 9
robrp house. i09 West Burr street.
You do not want cheap work,
butyou do want good work
cheap. See G. V. Overstreet,
311 S. Jersey. !
You may not uso much mcdi-J
eind, but when you do you want
tho best. Better Ret it at CUR
MiBS Ella Peterson has return
ed from Brownsville. Oregon,
where she has been visiting with
hor brother and friends.
For all kinds of plastering,
brick and cement work, seo
Page & Shay, 215 South Kellogg
street. Phone Columbia G50.
The W, R. C, will meet at one
o'clock on the 15th to celebrate
Lincoln's birthday, at 2.30 tho
program will be given. All mem
bers of the Post and their families
are cordially invited to attend.
Geo. A. Wright returned from
San Diego, Cnl., Monday, after
a month's stay in that southern
city. He greatly prefers Oregon
toiCalifornia, and was glad to
get back.
They have a somewhat diffgr
' ent mode of securing presidents
n Movirn thnn is the case in
the United States. In the latter
presidents are made by ballot,
and'in the former by bullets.
Even the recall is invoked in
Mexico by lead and steel.
' The Pacific Power Light Com
Mnrth Yakima. Wash..
hasoffered to sell the City its
nroinnf wnfflr Tllnnt. The nriCO
aakad is $500,000. Tho offer is
the result of a campaign which
has long been waged in North
A mouse as timid as the rest
of his kind went frisking around
a cellar and came to a pool made
by "a leak in a whiskey barrel.
He drank a little from the pool
and went away. Then he came
Koolr and drank a little more.
This operation he repeated for
a nan uozuu uiuea, inu iuab
fimA hn sat nn his haunches.
Glared around and said, "Now
show me that cat." are interested in the
health, comtort- ana conveni
familv ston at G.
w rwi-Ktrpfit. 311 S. Jersev.
and see the new Parkeyte. the
odorless, sanitary toilet. With
in the reach of every family,
Matting 20 cents for tho best.
Calef Bros.
Get an electric head treatment or
massage at Gllmorc's Barber Shop.
A. C. Gesler made n business
trip to Aberdeen, Washington,
this week.
Washing and houseclcaning
and clothes pressed by the day.
Call nt 311 Central nvo. N.
Ci. RHnrmnn In Imvlno n nnnt
little residenco constructed on
Polk street, near Seneca.
Consult us freely on drag'mat
ters. That's our business and
our advice is free to you. GUR-
For SaleKitchen Treasure
and cabinet combined. Toilet
set and Pillows. 232 W. Tyler
RJchnrd Rhnnhnrd and family
have returned from San Diego,
Gal., whero thov have been
spending some time.
If is Rtntnd that OHvor Ralke.
whn nnddonlv lofr. Rf Johns sov.
eral weeks ago, has been u guest
of his brother in San Francisco.
A woman lias asked tho law to
stop her husband from calling
her "dearie" and "sweetheart"
in public. The public has a
right to complain, too.
Wfc aro vcrv snrrv that wo
were not able to sunnlv the very
larcre demand for our famous
weather chart calendars, but
next year there will be hlenty
Work is trainer forward on the
new Trans-Oregon railroad be
in cr built westward from Vale bv
the Oregon-Eastern Ry. Trains
are running to a point 37 miles
irom vale and crrauincronerations
will be continued throughout
the winter.
Pinna nv hflirnr laid tn make
the 1913 Rose Festival the big
gest event or tne year on we
Pnmflf. Print: Tho Rnvnl Pns.
'arians. a Portland orcranization.
hnvo. Ktarterl a camnaicm lor
$100,000 with which to give the
Because Oregon was admitted
in tho TInion on Fehruarv 14.
1 RM a suctrpstinn has been made
that it be called the "Valentine
State." It is claimed that this
pseudonym has advantages over
the misleading "webtoot" ana
for so many years.
Do von know that more real
danger lurks in a common cold
than in any other of the minor
ailments The safe way is to
tnlffi Phnmherlain's Goucrh Rem
edy, a thoroughly reliable prepa-
ration, ana ria yourseii oi me
cold as quickly as possible. This
J.. i 1 U.. -II .1 1
remeuy ia lur Bate uy auu uc&icia.
For Sale or Exchange
Fine 7-room house on East 25th street N., Portland,
three blocks from Alberta street car line.
Owner prefers St. Johns' property and will
give a bargain
Here is an opportunity to exchange your St. Johns
property for a first class residence in a good
neighborhood. For particulars apply to
Room 4, Holbrook Block
Read the Review and keep posted.
For $5
We will put this beau
tiful instrument with
sixteen musical selec
tions or eight double
disc records of your
own choice.
You pay us Five Dollars
per month until you
have paid $25.00, that's
all; the best instrument
ever offered for the
money, the latest type
of Columbia Grapho-phone.
A selection of the latest records just received,
come in and hear them and make your own select
ions. St. Johns Pharmacy
Columbia Phonograph Dealers
A big reduction on. Remnants
of Linoleum. Calef Bros.
Gilmore's Barber Shop a spc-
cinlty on childrins' hair cutting.
Picture framing done nt Portlnml
prices nt II. I Clark's, the furni
litre man. tf
Currin says: "You will find
the best and freshest Chocolates
The January prize phonograph
at the St. Johns Pharmacy was
won by Miss Georgia Benson,
lolder of the third number.
Mrs. A. Stucker. formerly of St.
Johns but now conducting milli
nery narldi'j m Lebanon, greeted
lerold time mentis nerc tins
Oiiq Piano Vote with every
cent of your purchase at St.
Johns Hardware Co.
St. Johns Hardware Co. will
give it away.
The iJiano retails at $iuu casn.
I wish to express my heartfelt
thanks to the friends who so no
bly helped during the sickness of
our beloved wife and mother.- -
M. A. Bitgood.
Methodist Church 11 a. m.
What is God? 7.30 p. m.Our He
roes, upwortn League o.uu p.
m. Sunday School, 10 n. in. You
arc welcome.
Women are taking advantage
of registration privileges in large
numbers, turn unless tne men get
busy they will bo ouinumboroii
by the gentler sex.
For a snrain you will find
"Chamberlain's Liniment exccl-
ont. It allays the pain, removes
the soreness, and soon restores
the parts to u healthy condition.
25 and CO cent bottles for sale
by all dealers.
Mrs. 0. II. Hayes of North
Smith avenue is recovering from
nn operation for n tumor. Tho
operation was performed by Dr.
Webster, assisted by ur. miiing-ton.
Does that hot water bottlo of
yours leaitY Hotter get one oi
tho kind we nave witn tno one
year guarantee. CURRINS FOR
The Civic Betterment League
lcld an interesting meeting in
tho citv hall Monday night, and
plans were outlined for ell'ective
work in tne near niiure.
John N. Edlefson, cashier of
the Peninsula National Bank,
was operated upon for appendi
citis at tho St. Vincent hospital
Monday. Ho is getting along
For Lease To responsible
party until last of September,
modern 7 room House, lwxmu ioc,
cow burn, cnicKcn nousc, an
kinds of fruit and berries, plenty
of room for garden. Inquire
m West Polk.
Next Thursday is tho Inst day
for candidates to file petitions
for tho primaries. Several are
circulnt'ng their filing papers,
among whom nro F. A. Rico for
ecorc or. A. A. muck lor ftinyor
and I). F. Horsmnn as Council
man at Large. Thoro may bo
others, but wo have not yet
earned of it. bovcrnl now can
didates, wo understand, will
make the run for tho nomination.
Toll nn when wo do not nlcaso
you in our service. Your satis-
faction is our prosperity, uur
first aim is to pleaso you. CUR
Mrs. Weeks entertained tho
DnhniKiir club at a beautifully
appointed Valentino luncheon
at two o ciock inursuny auur
noon. Tho rooms were beauti
fully decorated in hearts and
oimiilu imil tlin tnhlH woro lnvelv
wt Orniron trrnno and red and
whito carnations. Tho place
pnrils carried out the Vn ontino
(Ann Tlinso nrnsnnt did full
justice to the good things provid
ed by Mrs. weens unu nope 10 uu
invited again soon.
According to tho report of the
Oregon Conservative Commis-
8 on. this stato lias uib.uuu.uuu
feet of standing timbev, or one
fifth that of the United States.
Unused water power in Oregon
streams is capable of producing
tf.300.u00 eectric horsepower.
2,000,000 acres of this state can
bo irr crated at a cost ot wu to
$00 per acre, making the land
worth, when irrigated, irom
$100 to $500 per acre. The re
nort out ines in a comnrenensive
way Oregon's many dormant
On Inst Tnofulnv ovg tho 11th
nnn nf tho most nromisinir c ass-
no nf f lin TiMrsf. f!hriRtinn church.
St. Johns Sunday School, tne loyal
fnonrm ivnuncr married mutes)
mot nl thn hnmfi of nno of their
members, Mrs. James Kelley on
Oswego street, with their hus
bands and mends to the number
nf nhnnr. ATi. The class colors.
green and white, pervaded in
everything. Bible and other
rnmin worfi nlnvcd. nmoncr them
flin mp.isiirinir of those nrcscnt
with a minimum charge of one
cent a foot and one cent per inch
over the last foot in height, caus
inw the Rhnrter in stature ant
even footers to have some of
the advantages over the taller,
causing considerable amusement.
Last but not least, the reiresh
monts Hhmvcd tho art and skil
of tho young married ladies that
would cause our bachelor tnenus
to sit un and take notice. xx
Peninsula National Bank
Submitted to the Comptroller of the Currency at close of busi
ness, February 4, 1913.
Loans and Discounts
Over Drafts
United States Bonds nt par
Other Bonds and Securities
Furniture and Fixtures
Cash in Bank and due from Banks
Cnpital Stock Fully Paid
Surplus nud Undivided Profits
National Bank Notes Outstanding
Dividends Unpaid
St. I'nul f .10.00
MliiiicniH)lli( :I0.(H)
Duliitli JtO.OO
k'niiNU City :t0.00
Omnlm 110.00
St. Jawph HO.OO
Lincoln IW.00
I'rotu oilier Mtcni oiiitslii pmjxittloti,
Tell your fricmU In llic linut of till optiortunlty of tuovlntr Vcl on low
f in-it. Dlricl Irniti service vlu llurlinutoti Route. Northern Pacific. Grout I North
ern, mill SH)knc, Portlnml & Scnttlc lint,
You can (UmhxII fiiiulu with tno nud ticket will be (tirnUheil people In the
Hint. DetnlU will lo fiirnUlieil on rcipiciit.
Deposits (Comptroller's Call) Feb. ,, 1913
Deposits February 4, 1912
$ 50,000.00
PHTF.R AUTZHN, President
C. KNAPP, Vice President
J. N. KDLIiFSKN, Cnshicr
S. L. DOBIH, Assistant Cashier
Dail' March 15 to April 15th, to
-1? ROM
ChlcnKo JIW.OO
IVot In ..: :I7.00
St. l.ol JI7.00
Milwiuikcc IW.70
l.lltlu Rock 42.00
Memphis 42.50
NcwOrlcatm..,. 18.05
W. 1). Skinner, Trnlfic Mmm;cr
O. M.
St. Joh
n, Ore.
Second Hand
Stoves nnd RaiiRcs
Iron Beds
Kitchen Cabinet
We haven good stock of Second
Hand Furniture? nil in first
class condition.
Prices Low Cosh or Credit
St. Johns Furniture
No. 0047.
Keiort of the condition of tho
First National Bank
nt St. Johns, In the stnte of Oregon, 11 1
the dote of liutlnciw l'cb, 4, 1013:
l.onn mul illkCountH f ISS.OSOil
Overdrafts, svcurwl .Sc nnwc'il 74,90
I'. S. boinlitoM-curcclrculiitloii C0.000.00
U, S. IxmiiW to keen re pontnl
llomls, SccuritiiM. etc 117,1 10.21
llnnklnn hoiue, furniture nml
fixture 3J1O0.0O
Other real ettc owned 4,4oo,oo
Due from Slate mul
Private Hanks ami
Hankers, Trust Com.
milieu mul Savlni!
Hanks 2,078.9(1
Due from approved re.
Mirvc OKeuts 21,1711,07
Checks ami other
.omit Items 8M.8I
Notos of other Na.
tioiinl IUiuks 7-IO,oo
fractional )ir cur
reiicv, nlckeU.cents IG0.01
Lawful iiiouoy runurve
in iKiuk, vit:
Specie ia,ll,7f
Ht'deuiptioii fund with
V, S. Troftkiirer (5
per ct, of circulation) 2,500,00
Satisfaction, is the word Oil
more, the Barber,
Tvnewrlter rilibons for sale at
this office; 50 cents each.
Tim ni'nsni'intiun busitiGSS with
us is not 1111 oxporimont. We
have devoted u lot of time nnd
study to perfecting this depart-
. wl 1 it I ill fi
ment. loiiKCtuio iienoui 01 u
i'!lli nn iiinronsn in tho cost of
you prescriptions. Better bring
your next one 10 ub. uuukunq
First Christian Science Society
Sundays 11 a. m., Wednesdays nt 8
p. 111. Reading room open 011 Tues
day and Saturday from 2 to 4 p. m.
All cordially invited to the services
and reading room. Subject Suudav:
Our full weight and QUALITY
Knn nf linn o)inl(l rlrni's nro nil
ready to hand out to you and you
don't have to wait while they
are put up. Prompt soryice has
helped to mako our business.
Dr. J. V. Scott has now one of
the finest and most modernly
appointed dental parlors in the
entire northwest. This week he
has installed an electric switch
board and appliances for dental
work that are beauties and great
conveniences. It enables him
to do work with less pain nnd
greater facility. He has also in
stalled nn electric air compressor
that is quite an innovation.
Other facilities have been added
to his parlors, so that now it is
ono of the most complete dental
offices on the coast.
Total fMJPfill
Capitul stock paid In f.QQQ
Mirimn tuna ju,y
Undivided profits, o oxpou.
mm and tuxwt jwid 1,(M8SI
Individual duiKMiU
subject to check.. 12G.T7MO
Demand curtlfictitw
of deposit 8,607.10
Time 80,014.47
Certified chw:ks..t
Cashier's cliwck out-
stamliiiK 240IVtS
Postal Savuik Dp'U, H,HnM
. ia2.ai3.Qs;
Toui ;nw,QgiJi
State of Oronoii. I M.
County of Multiiouwh I
I, I'. I'. Drinker, cashier of the atgv
immod bank, do solemnly swwir that tlw
ahove statement is true to the Ixust of my
knowledge and hulief.
I'. V. Drinker, Cashier.
SulscrilH.l and sworn to before iut
tills 8ti. dayofl'eb., 1918.
W, S. KUKK, Notary Public,
Miiltuumah county, Ore.
A. R. lobes,
Correct Attest: Perry C. Stroud,
C. II. Russell,
The following list of legal blank
are kept for sale at this office ami
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgage
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
of Sale, I.cascs.
All these blanks itt the uniform
price of 30c per dozen.
Wo havo a night service to
help you when sickness comes in
tho night. Call us at Room 5,
Tho Irwin, or ask n policeman.