THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW DY A. W. MARKLE Published Evory Frldny At 117 West Ilurllngton Street. Tint ItttVUtw Is entered nt post office In Snlnt Johns, Oregon, B9 mull umtter of the second clftM under the Act ol Con FEBRUARY SAVINGS gress of March 3, 1879, Offlclll Ntwipiper of the Oltr of Bt. lehni. Subiorlptlon price $1,00 par year. Mayor A. A. Muck, four coun cilmen, city recorder, city engi neer and ye editor made a close i .: r 11.- !.... 1.:.. .,. inspection in uiu vmioua niuua of hard surface streets in Port land and vicinitv on Wednesday. The entire day was devoted to the cause, and as a result they have familiarized themselves with the kinds that should prove the best for St. Johns, and are now in a position to act intelli gently when hard suriace im provement is petitioned for in St. Johns. It was a lesson in hard surfacing that should prove valuable. About 75 miles were covered on the trip. Strickland 'Gillilan at the High School auditorium last evening concluded the Lyceum course for the season, and like in so many other matters, the best was re served until the last. Mr. Gilli lan proved himself an entertain er or the verv hiirhost class. A sparkling (low of wit, droll hu mor, bits ol pathos, homely truths and rare gems of wisdom kept the largo ntidicnco in a merry mood throughout the two hours devoted to entertaining the and tors. No one could help but be benefited by listening to Mr. Gillilan. He brought his truths home in a manner that could not help but cause one to rolled, although his gems were immediately followed by ludi crous remarks. His enunciation was clear and distinct, and his comical attitudes caused much merrimont. Tho world is surely bettor and brighter by reason of such mun as Mr. Gillilan having lived in it and devoting their lime and rare talents in spread ing more sunshine among the hi' habitants thereof. Genuine Bargains 80 acres laud located A mile from Stephens, -t miles from Oak land and cIohji to Sutherlin. Douglas Co., Oregon, all clear of encumbrances. We want to trade this 80 acr is for a house find fot,in Si. JhiiH(or will inula for your omilly or take vacant lots. This laud is too far away for us to handle, and some one can get a lirst class trade from us for it. vfi0xl00 lot with street improve monU in, located 2 short blocks from car line. All goes for 110, 20 down and balance $7,0(1 per month with 7 per cunt monthly. Wo hnvo a lot :i:ix!20 right in the cuntor of the map of St. Johns with u nice comfortable !1 room olectrlc lighted tout house now and nice, chicken yard and small chicken house, nice lawn and rosea., conk stove and mat' ting. All goes for $T25 half cash, lml, $10 per month with 7 per cunt interest. This is sure a good buy. Wo hnvo all kinds of property for salo at tho right prices! and terms, all kinds of trados, Gome in and talk mallors over with 1IB. MoKlNNHY ii. DAVIS. Building Permits No. fi To Androw If orr In tut. pair and remodel building on 1 vnnhoo street between rhlltulol- phia street and Leavitl; cost $200. Nn. 1 'IV (V RMiti'mmi In uriuil a dwelling on Polk troot between bunoca and i'eiwondun;eot JfJiUU. Northern IMclllc Railway CiNlvMwl January ;, 4 LKAVIKU T. JOHN gmttk 'top uu lUg IH VWH UHMII VH HMiN Milk ' I VI IVBCf MMIUtl i via KiMlk IW.V NtMlh Ceart Uwu 0HtU IU(HM1 rsm in) p i m Ml t m 1 latter will CttV KWaa lit I'UMet ikMuU T hi CH lltMuk Nurth baaL Ita.tMii KtmavU IHitfet auu4 ltalfiH lUwrat via North Haul Ma. Klf l(ixw via North Haul I'ugtl buh4 I.muIMu. 4 uu m., clia aud Seutk Hawl IkaHclMt. Yacalt Itaaaettgcr AKKIVIKO AT T. JOHNS North CmU Limited via North Hank Nwtli Cojatt I. United via I'uart aeuud No. Pacta Klr via Nulla liaaW I'aafie Hapieaa via Km tb MaaL - - I'ufl'ic ltapoaa via Pa Kouud - - -WcwtctH l(xlcaa via Kutth Haul. - Ma. Klwr IliprcM vU North Haul Mo. lt lUjacas via Huge I houud I'qiUhihI, l'acuwu & kcallw KaprtM - - (row (H)W(ih, houlk Head aud Utav I'ugtl titwaiul l.ltultrd Yacull I'aiaciigci - - . . - . - -i) M Cornell. This is the season of tho year when mothor feel very much concerned over tho froqiiQiit colds contracted by thoir children, and have abundant reason for it, as every cold woakons tho hours. lowers tho vitality and paves tho way for tho morosonous diseases that so olten lollow. (Jhamhor Iain's Cough Uomedy is famous for its cures, and is ploasant and safe to take. Vov salo by all dealers. He Banked in Trunk; Now is Out $8,000 DliTROIT Joseph Jnrinljeck, n former who hnd moved to the city, whs stlt1i.oi In. I lilitlil .if n frlltib nrmiftf tllllf, M Vflh ill mall ftlltl fl lifllllf Imnlf. allow. itifr dcKMits ol n thoiisnnd itoltnrs. After several hours senrch the jwllcc found me iriinic nun yziu oi mc money, flic recovered money wis tied In the sleeve of n woman's wnlst nnd tirob- nbly cwnjicil the ntlcntlon of the thieves. NIUV YORK CITY OI.OIIH. Voiroini notion wlH'Uoll on" yuu Hint von hnvo monoy In thv hottxv. ICvvp It tlivro ninlyou inny o.ho not ohlv vttnr nnmov bnt vonr hi ' " hot Oint Itnnle bo VOUIt Jtnnle H'o lny A por oont . tntoroHton snvlnirn First National Bank, St. Johns, Oregon Free Connections mm, IIHiLVW-.W rl EVERY GAS RANGE AND WATER HEATER Purchased of us will be connected free of charge. Special prices now on Ranges and Water Heaters. Sold on easy pay ments. ST. JOHNS GAS COMPANY The Best Light At The Lowest Cost ELECTRIC LIGHT is tho most suitable for homes, ofHcos, shops and other places needing light. Electricity can bo used in any quantity, large . or small, thereby furnishing any required amount of light. Furthermore, electric lamps can bo located in anyplace, thus affording any desired distribution ot light. No other lamps possess these qualifications, there fore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replacing all others in modern establishments. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company ?aan. m m a. i Ja. ta 7 fc) It. w I o 41 a. 7 aup w ?Ma m si . IH S p m ii.ruui e jo . ml y jia, lu I HOTEL HELIX Second and Yamhill Conveniently located, modern in every re- iHtt't. Hut uml cold ruiiniiiL' wuler in imcIi ruoin. taluiiluinet. cl.vutor. etc. an K"iiti. Rutoa i'A.OQ por week nnd tin, daily rates o. 7fv, f 1,00. KtMMinalile mtus for iH-nna- uvnt Kl"oti nlw spceiul tntv by the month. Main 0726 I'roach tho gospol of St, Jehus, Work for a Greater Bt. Johns. BLACKBURN, CHAMBERS & LOWRY Funeral Directors and Embalmers Portland Office nnd Chapel St, Johns Office nnd Chapel Cor. KIUIiu;wurth Ave. & Klrby St. 418 North Jerey St. I'hono: C 1 133 Woodlnwn 3306 l'ltoue Co). jSj.Hcs.l'houe Col. 559 n We have completed our inventory and Hnd that we have more goods than money, and the fact that we need the money to pay for new goods arriving, has prompted us to offer some bargains this month: . H s I i m We linvc n InrRC sliipmcnt of "KAHO" Corsets etiroute, nnd in order to make room for these wc arc closing out odd lots: American Beauty Corsets $1.00 values for 65c 1.50 values for 98c 3.00 values for 1.39 W. T. Corsets 75c values for 39c fi. 00 values for 65c 1.50 values for 98c 3.00 values for 1.39 Chance of a Life Time Wc arc closing out these $15 to $18 val ues in Hrondway Mulcl Overcoats for only $7.50 Children's Shoes $1.50 to $3 values for 98c Ladies' Sweaters $3.00 values for $1.50 3 50 " 1.35 3 3,1 " " t.I3 3.00 " " 1. 00 Children's Sweaters $1.50 values for 75c 1.35' " " 68c 1.00 " " soc 7.SC " " 38c Rain Coats Men's Ktitfllsh Slip-on Knin Conls 15 to $17 values for $10.98 Ladies' KnltoU Slip-on Knin Coats $6 50 to $8 values 5..9 Ladies' Hnglish Slip-on Rain Coats 4 50 to $6 values 3.90 Ladies' Shoes $3-50 to $4 values for $i-7.S 3.50 to 3 values for 1.50 Ladies' Velvet Sliocs $3.50 Conic in and get your sliarc of these shoes. Wc have just received n large assortment of Ladies' Ready to Wear House Dresses that range in prices from $1.50 to fa. 75. Come in nnd look them over before buy ing elsewhere. Men's Suits $15 to $18 values, "Hroadwny Model" for only $9,00. In Our Grocery Dept. Spring showing of garden seeds now ready, Oregon Onion Sets 10c the pound m !WljjJ 1 COUCH & CO. "PIONEERS" Distributors of Merchandise Since 1904 - No. 10103. Kcport of the condition of the Ol' ST. JOHNS In the State of Oregon, at the close of liiuini'M I'd). 4, 1913: Ki'.soimci'.s l.onn and dUeomitt 1 170.031.45 Overdraft, M-curttl A unnec'd 70.07 r.S.UomU to Kccuro circulation MJ.WU.UU l .h. lloiuU to teenre l'uttnl Savllign I'icniluiii on U.-S. llondi..., llouds, Pleuritic, etc Hanking honte l'nrnlturc nnd fixture Other real e.tatc owned Due from .Slide nnd rrlvatc Dank nnd Hanker, Trust Companion, Saving Hanks Due from approved reserve agent Check nnd other ca.h item , Note of other Na tional lUnkrt 915.00 I'nictiouul l'.iper Cur rencv. Mckcl anil Cent. 85.47 lawful money ic.crve In ti-iiik . viz: Specie . . . 10,393.05 Legal Tender oie none Kedemptlon fund with U. S. irea.uror S lcr ceni oi viruulatiou) , 5.000.00 200.00 I 5,302.11 3.000.00 3,919.50 2,221.39 54,253.00 1,103,11 This is the Piano We Give Away On May 20th, Value $400.00, also these Additional Prizes 2. Caloric Flreless Cooker fAV 10,393.05 2,500.00 Total f32-l.13C.24 I.IAHlUTUiS, Capital tock paid in f 5o,ooo,oa Surplus fund 7,6oo.oo l'ndividel profits, Io cxieu 005.9G 5o,ooo,oa 135.00 mm and taxc luiil National Hank Notes ouUtd'g Dividends uiivid. . . ,,T Individual deposits subject tocheck 1S9.G75.33 Demand ccrtiGcutes .. ofdemsit 7.CG2.00 I line ceruucaies oi ueposu . . o.our.uu Certified Checks . . . . 4.007.80 Cuihicr' check outstanding . 2,333.27 I'ostal SJivIng deposit 3,7y5.tsa Total f324 ,136.24 State of Oregon, 3 Couutv of .Multnomah. I I. I. N. IMlefseu. Cashier of the above named Imuk, do solemnly swear that the above statement I true to the bust of my knowledge aud belief, J. :s'. luueiseu, lasmer, Subscribed and sworn to belore me this 7th dav of Feb., 1913. I.. J. Wright, Notary ruhlic. MuUuomah county. Ore. Correct Attest: I. C. Knapp, . Hubert ;ireat riatt, l'eter Autien, Directors. How Is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined at the Peulusu a Title, Abstract and Realty Co" Accurate work. Reasonable fees. Henderson, manager, 208 North ersey, McDonald building. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Insure a change of ad vertisement the copy for such change should reach this office not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock m. Please remember this and save the printer 3, N, P. Chafing Dish 4. 42 Piece Dinner Set 5. Enameled Roaster 6. Sanitary Crystal Glass Freezer 7. Decorated Stein 8. Aluminum Candelabra 9. Salad Bowl 10, Hand Painted Vase - Somebody is going to get this Beautiful Piano FREE - If you have not entered your name do so NOW. There is time to win the piano yet WEDNESDAY SPECIALS We shall place on sale every Wednesday special bargains, odds and ends, etc. These bargains will also carry special votes ranging from 250 to 5000 votes. Watch our window for next Wednesday bargains St. Johns Hardware Company Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway, LKAVING ST JOHNS. Pallbrklgc r-cucngcr lor Lyle, Gotdtndalc. Oie- I a. ra. Iikago, cou TruutL aua local poluu 0 -j a. iiuuq Kiuplrc hxprct, o:i a, ni., lor Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. KtnutCity. St. I.ouli, Walla Walla. Paico. Kooxrclt. Otanddallrt. Coldcn dale. White Salmon. Vaucoucr and Oregon Trunk connect lna. North lUnk Limited, 7.IJ p m . (of Chicago St. ram. uinana, nanua city si. louu, bpowane. Spraguc, Kluvlllc, Llnd, Vaco, Kooaeclt. aud Vancouver. Columbia Kivtr Local. p in.; lor Vancouver, tainaa, mine eanuou, i.yie, i.rauuuauea.tiina Vallbridge and all intermediate atatioua. AKKIV1NG AT ST. JOHNS Inland Hmplte Uxpreaj, j.iop. m.; from Chica go, bt. l aui, umana, tvauaas vlty, &i. r.oula, hpokane. Sprague, Kittville Und, Patco, Kooscvclt.Grauddalca,. White Salmon.aud Van couver. North lUuk Limited, j:a a. tn., from Chicago, M. raui, uinana, kiuui vity, at. 1,01111, ana Walla. Iasco. Kootevclt. and Vancouver. Columbia Kltcr Local ui a. m.; from Cliff a. Grauddallca, Goldendale, Lyle White balmon, Camaa, Vancouver aud all intermediate nation. Vallbridge rattengci ycA p. ui. from Lyic, Gold. All train aop lor pauengera. Ticket on aale lor all point. O. M. Cornell, Agent. lumber: Rough, Dressed, Flooring, Finish, Prompt Deliveries. Quality Siabwood Dry, Green, Blocks, Guaranteed. Trimmings ST. JOHNS LUMBER GO. Phone Columbia 131 Get your new St, Johns Range before the price goes up. A good discount now at Calef Bros. H. HENDERSON McDonald Bldg.,208 Jersey I Real Estate, Loans, insurance ? r rs 1 t- 1 x . nosiracis 01 xiue rrepareu. vccuraie woric uuaranteeu. B9 ran mm itwvm i - - -