1 V 2 SPECIAL on PARLOR FURNITURE Never before has St. Johns had an opportunity to buy furniture at such REDUCED PRICES. Three .Piece Mahogany Parlor Suites $30 Suite only '$22.00 KITCHEN A Good 2nd Hand Range $16.00 ! Local News. Born to Mr. und Mrs. Leon Bowser, a boy, on Tuesday night Jan. 28. Emma Schlickeiser of Wilson ville.Oregon, wns a guest of Mrs. J; J. Pntton, Tuesday. Mrs. D. Ellis Young of Klam ath Falls is a guest ol her cousin, Mrs. P. W. Valentino, this week. You do not want cheap work, but you do want good work cheap. Seo G. W. Overatrect,v 811 S. Jersey. You mav not uso much medi cine, but when you do you want the best. Uetter get it at UUK IUNS FOR DRUGS. No resident will bo served with frco mail delivery until hoi provides a suitable mail rccenta-' cle. E.T.Bushnell, Acting First Assistant Postmaster General. : Methodist Episcopal Church,' Leavitt and Hajes. 11 A. M. Footprints of the saints. 7:30 Faith and works insenarauie. Sunday School 10 a, m., Epworth League 6:30 p. m. j Miss Emma Muck, daughter of Mayor A, A. Muck, has ac cepted tho .position as assistant' city recorder, taking the place of Miss Myrtle Brodahl, who is now employed tn the countyj The Benedicts held an enjoya ble dancing party in the rink last Friday evening. Tho new organ ization is in a most nourishing condition.with new members be ing added at every meeting. Dancing parties will bo held ev ery Friday evening in February in the rink, also this evening. Two petitions for street im provement were received by the city council Tuesday. There are a number of other streets that should'be improved tho coming summer. Get busy with, peti tions. Don't wait until it is too late to complete the improvement before the fall rains set in again. Do it now. Rev. H. F. Cheney, formerly pastor of the First Baptist church of this city, has moved to Tacoma, Wash., where he has accepted the pastorate of the Bethseda Baptist Church. Rev. Cheney is a fine gentlemen, faith ful, earnest worker and will no doubt meet with splendid success in his new and larger field of labor. We are very sorry that we were not able to supply the very large demand for our famous weather chart calendars, but next year there will be plenty for all. CURRINS FOR DRUGS. $27.50 Suite only $20.00 CABINETS and TREASURES $22.50 Kitchen Cabinets, only 14.00 Kitchen Cabinets, only 11.50 Kitchen Cabinets, only 10.50 Kitchen Cabinets, only 8.00 Kitchen Cabinets, only 4.50 Kitchen Treasure, only HOMEiFURNISHERS Davenport only 501-03 Get an electric head trentmeut or massage at Gilmorc's Darbcr Shop. Why don't you got one of thoso kodnks? All sizes. CURRINS FOR DRUGS. Frank Tufts is erecting a fine, modernly unpointed residence on North Ivnnhoo street Michael Mnckoy is having n neat and cozy littlo dwelling erected on Buchanan street, near Hudson. Consult ua freely on drug mat ters. That's our business and our advice is freo to you. CUR RINS FOR DRUGS. Tho old bar fixtures have been removed from the Rheingold Cafe on Philadelphia street and new ones put in their stead. M. F. Joyco is tho new proprietor. Tell us when wo do not please you in our service. Your satis faction is our prosperity. Our first nim is to please you. CUR RINS FOR DRUGS. If you are interested in tho health, comfort and conveni ence of your family stop at G. W. Overstrect, 811 S. Jersey, arid see tho new Parkeyte, tho odorless, sanitary toilet. With in the reach of every family. For Trade Six lots at Oregon City unincumbered, block from school, trade for improved or un improved property at St Johns. Might pay small amount of cash or assume some. Address Box 300. St Johns, Oregon. Many St. Johns folks took ad vantage of the beautiful weather Sunday and paid a visit to tho new iras nlant beincr constructed on the west side of tho river. Few realized tho immensity of the project and were amazed at the amount of ground covered and tho nrncrresa made on the new buildings. Oliver Balke, the well known and popular young grocer of Fea senden street, has strangely and mysteriously disappeared, and his whereabouts remains un solved. Thursday of last week he left home here on a business trio to Portland, and that is the last his friends have knowledge of him. Whether he has met with foul play, or that his mind has become temporarily derang ed is only a matter of conjecture. A vigorous search is being in stituted, and it is hoped that he will be speedily located. His . . . n i T 1 irienas are legion is ou uonns, but none can explain his sudden disappearance. Currin says: It's a very obsti nate cold that wont yield to treatment with Laxacold Tablets and Nvals Cherrv Couch Svrun. Better try these for that cold that hangs on so long. $18.00 10.50 8.25 7.75. 6.00 3.50 JERSEY ST. RUBBER STEEL BRASS Stamps Corporation and Notary SEALS Brass Signs, Box Print ing Plates. Pacific Coast Stamp Works 231 Washington St I Main 7IO Tlphont J a 2710 Dmihla flrecn Tradincr Stamna with all purchases made here Sat urday. CURRINS FOR DRUGS. ' CUT RATES AT THE CUT RATE STORE Glauce over our list of special priced articles. You will be sure to find something you will need, and the saving is worth while. Remember we maintain a cut price oti patent medicines and toilet articles. Investigate our prices before going elsewhere. 25c Hill's Cuscara Quiniue .. i.ic 25c Pane's Cold Cure. . , 16c 25c Collates' s Talcum 15c 25c Foley's Honey and Tar 16c 25c Box Toilet Soap 15c 25c Box Stationery. . . i6c 50c Chamberlain's Cough ......32c 50c Pane's Diurejic , 34c 50c King's Discovery v 32c 50c Ballard's Horehound Syrup 34c 50c Carter's K. & B. Tea '. 3s 50c Syrup PepsliT(Caldweirs) 34c $1.00 Newbro's Herpicldc 64c 1. 00 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 68c T.00 Wine of Cardui 64c 1. 00 Peruua. , 68c Do you contemplate buying a Phonograph? We have some thing special to offer iu this line that you cannot touch iu Portland, Buy where you can buy the cheapest, and you will buy at St. Johns Out Rata $18 "Suite only $11. oo $30.00 $20.00 I A W K I -T- f I V m a VVAIN 1 DU Men, Women and Children AT THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST To assist in the winning of tout to Chrlit and In training them for Hit service. Sunday Services Iliblo School: to n. in. Momlm; Service: 1 1 n. m. Junior C. K.: 3 . ui. V. I S. C. I.:-7 p. m. KvmiKclUtlc Services; 8 n. tn. Wednesday Training Class, 6 p, m. Thursday Proyenueetliis:8p.tn. J. R. Johnson, Pastor C$rer Ken York St. aad Wiltit Bwlmrd j We have mastered tho " KNOW HOW" of tho prescription busi ness. Let us provo it to you. CURRINS FOR DRUGS. Pharmacy Drug Store Want Better Car Service Hotter car service wns the theme discussed at the rcjnilnr nieetinir of the St. Johns Com- inercial club Wednesday even- iiiK. Messrs. Kotchum,. Motion nnd Rnndnll of the Portsmouth Push club were present and dis cussed at length the plans they hud devised for securing same. Mr. Kctchuni stated that poor car service was tho trreatcst draw back to development of the Pen nsuln of any. and he asked the co-operation of the St. Johns club in circulating petitions de manding better nnd more direct service. Single cars, not less frenuent service than ten min utes nnd routed over the L lino nnd Broadway bridge when com pleted, are tho most potent feat ures to be demanded. And it is supposed that if the petitions provo unavailing that the North western Electric Co. shall bo used as club, and as a flnnl resort that the matter be placed before the Railway Commission. It was stated that St. Johns was discriminated against in that other suburbs enjoyed far better .1 1. L ! service, even inougn uiey uu farther away from tho business center of Portlnnd. The local club decided to circulate petitions with nn amendment to tho three features mentioned, namely, individual nnd independent car service on the loop which begins at Wall street and encircles tho lower Peninsula. Single cars also will be demand ed. Mr. Randall had figures to prove thnt it required appreciably less time to travel over tho L lino than via Union avenue. Tho fire denartment. with P. G. Gilmorc ns spokesman, asked co-operation of tlio club in secur- nir a team of horses and better equipment, and it wns decided thatacomniittce from the depart ment meet with tho board of governors of the club nnd decide upon just what would bo requir ed, so that the matter could be presented to the city council in tangible form. A committee consisting of b.L. Dobie. 0. J. Gntzmcyor. C. A. Fry. Thomas Auuen nnd bumncr Newell was appointed to devise wnvs and means of creating greater interest in the club und flnnncing Bnmo for another year. Several of tho business men agreed to provide sign boards di recting strangers to the ferry landing. The committeoon ferry service reported that twenty minute scr- vico nnd been inaugurated, and that it was giving general satis faction. Satisfaction, is the word Gil more, the Barber. Wo hnvo n night sorvlco to help you when sickness comes in tho night Cull us at Room G, Tho Irwin, or ask a policeninn. CURRINS FOR DRUGS. Tho W. 0. W. held an open meeting Wednesday evening which was largely attended. Re freshments, 8i)cechmnking and social chat mndo tho occasion n very pleasant one. Regulnr meeting of tho II. B. Compson W. R. C. Saturday, Feb. 1st. Tlio president requests a full attendance. There will bo two initiations and other work of importance will come before tho house Press Cor. The prescription business with us is not nn experiment. Wo hnvo devoted a lot of timo nnd study to perfecting this depart ment. You got tno benefit ot it with no increase in tho cost of you prescriptions. Better bring your next ono to us. CURRINS FOR DRUGS. ' Remember tho mothers' meet ing at the Library next Monday afternoon. Tho subject is one in which all are interested nnd it will bo made very interest ing in tho paper by Mrs. Rose Keeler and tlio discussion will be led by Mrs. J. M. Shaw. Mon day, 2;03. If your children are subject to attacks of croun. watch for tho first symptom, hoarseness. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as tho child becomes hoarse and tho attack may be warded oil. v or sale by all deal ers. Grandma Elliot died at tho home of her son, Emanuel Elliot on Fessenden street, Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. Old age was the cause of her death. She leaves one son, Emanuel Elliot, The funeral services will be held at the Christian church this after noon at 1 o'clock, and interment will take place in Columbia cemtery. John T. Brooks, who has been in Corvallis operating a Mergen- thaler typo setting machine for some time, and wno, by tno way, has recent v become a benedict. has taken charge of his father's business of footwear mending in the Jower block during tho latter's illness. If your shoes are out of repair, take them to John. Ho knows how to effect ually and neatly remedy all de fects. You can get your favorite mag azine here.and wo will take your SUDScriuiiuii mr uny ihuk''"u published. CURRINS FOR DRUGS. SPECIAL Our Piano Contest is wo have decided to give several more prizes. Watch this space for the list. BARGAIN Regular 40c now only 25c Double Piano Votes Given I jj Solid Brass Wash Board sold everywhere at 40c special for Saturday ana St. Johns Hardware Co. City Primary Nominating Election Notice Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, tlio Bin day 01 March, 1913, at Bailey's Store mnm In tlio Hnlbrook bllildillir1 at tho corner of South Jersey and .... . m . a w t Richmond streets, lor tno v irsi Wuril. unci ilio fiitv Hnll for tho Second ward, n Primary nominat ing Election win uo nciii, nt wlu'.-li din Itnmihllcnn und Dem ocratic parties will choose their candidates lor uuy uiucers, munolv: 6110 Muyor. Ono City Recorder. Ono City Treasurer. fine filtv AUornov. Two Councilmcn First Ward. Two Councilmcn Second Ward. Throe flniinollmcin nt Luriro. Said election will bo held at twelve o'clock noon, and will continue until bovcii o'clock in tho afternoon of tho same day. F. A. RICE, fiitv Recorder. Published in tho St. Johns Re- view Jan. 31, Feb. 7, M, 21, 28, and March 7, 1913. Picture framing done at Portland prices nt II. V. Clark's, the ftirnl tttrc man. tf fWeln RiivH! "You will find tho best nnd freshest Chocolates here." CURRINS FOR UKUUS. Registration books at tho city hall will bo opened tomorrow. RoL'iator oarlv. Ladies should get in lino also. Does thnt hot wuter bottlo of yours leak? Bettor get ono of tho kind wo have with tho ono car cuarantce. CURRINS l'UK )RUGS. Tho city primaries will bo hold March 8th, and already tho iwlit ical atmosphere is beginning to stir. It is understood that all tho present ofllcinls will bo can didates for reelection. It is doubtful if any of tho gentler sex will become candidates this vear when they make their de but in politics. Tho sub station postofiico is now nicely located in tho room in the McChesney building for merly occupied by tho postofiico. Tim mifirfpra urn ill' hnndBOincst and most finely appointed of any postolllco in tno norinwesi. ino expense has been spared in mak Inir it as attractive and conveni ent us possible. Our full weight and QUALITY line of household drugs aro all ready to hund out to you and you don't have to wait while thoy aro put up. Prompt servico has helped to make our business. CURRINS FOR DRUGS. Pirst Christluu Science Society Sundays 11 a, m., Wednesdays at 8 p. m. Reading room open on Tues day and Saturday from 2 to 4 p. in. All cordially invited to the service? and reading room. Subject Sundav: "Love." Portsmouth Poultry yards, 880 Lombard street. Barred Ply mouth Rocks, White Leghorns, Black Minorcas. Prize stock, a few pullets and cockerels for sale. Kggs for hatching now, and in quantity on short notice. All pure bred. St. Johns car to Portsmouth, get off at Van houten Street. Right there. Office Phone Columbia 24 Residence Phone Columbia 198 St. Johns Express, Transfer and Storage Co. Piano Moving n Specialty. Haul ing done to and from Portland Residence 400 Hast Richmoud Office 103 North Jersey Street Dully trips to Portland. ClfAS. SAOHRT, Trap. NOTICE arousing so much interest, Regular 40c now only 25c Double Piano Votes Given Monday, only 25c. Notice of Cost of Improvement Notice U hereby ulvcn thnt the omcm- tnent (or the construction of l'illmnre tcwer from lMillmtelphln street to I'en f mien utrcct, the totnl coat of which In fl.CO0.10, wnmlcclnml hy Orriiimncu No. C27, entitled "An ordliinncc dcclnr I11K the cost of constructing 11 newer on l'lllinorc street from l'hilndclphln street to I'csscndcii street, and imcMlni; the lirot)crty IxMiefitcd thereby, declaring such aMVMineut mid directing the uutrv ofthesnmc In the docket of city Hens.'' Tlie cost 01 Mia improvement is levieii upon nil the lots, ports of lots nnd par cels of Innd within the houmlnrlus of the district described ns follows: llctween l'hilndclphln street nnd l'csscnden street. A ststciiicnl of snld nMctxnicnt bus Ikcii entered In the docket of city liens Junuiiry '.19, 1013, nnd suld assessment is now due and payublc at the nllice of tnc rccoiticr 01 uie city 01 M. joints, ur cgou, and will be dciimnicut mid boor interest niter I'cit. o, iui;i, nun 11 nni paid 011 or licforc l'cb. IM, l'JlII, pro ceeding will be tnkcu for the collection of the sntnc by snle of property ns pro vided by the city charter. 1'. A. KICK, Recorder Published in the St. Johns Review on Jan. 31 mid l'cb 7, 1913. EL CO. Successors tn St. Johns Snud und Onivol Coniwny L. D. JACKSON, Prop. General Contractor We arc prepared to do any nud ull kinds of excavating for street work nud other purposes. We also handle sidewalk nnd build ing material. Newton nud Fessciulen Streets St. Johns, Oregon Phone Columbia 336 MEN CURED TO STAY CURED Myt you liste Uh trrstrit ami only liclil tciupofsitlyur nut Mull list your ImuMe Mill tt up (iff liatul ol your IM not ilepair Coiuult hm Irteaiiil let me tell you wlitllicr you ran ever U: cuwl II I tskc your cu I CI Kit you I will kit my lime auJ my ulltu t lull to v')ur taw so thai y-u will k away cucm! a 11 il eratclul I ban Irtatciftlioutamli. I haw JitJ tlimitaiiili. I aw llij only ihticiau In lollUml IrrdiiuK wtn'a silincntt xclulel)f 606 99 Now Improved And Modified POR BLOOD POISON It It now two yean ilnce the introtluctlou ol the NKW ClItKMAN HUMKUY lor UI.UUU DISOKIII'.HS, ami Uuilnic that time I have ail nilnlttcicii thl iitcaratluii In Mveral IImmiuwI (iki, I have Klvcn this iemely a acter teat, and I can aay without (tar ol raittiailU'tlun that It la the gicalctt diacociyol the age ami Dm BUST KKMHOY ON IUKTII lor Wood I'oinHl. rrsardlttt ol the ataice ol the ailment or the yintitomi (JtcKtit Don't believe the doctura viholtllyouothciwUe. .... .... I iotroduce it Dlf rvtly luto the Blood by the Intravenous Method. My equipment lor the ad- ministering ol tnis remeuy uie nneai uu iw Coatt, and I dive you the OlINl'INIi CIHKMAN KItMIUIT III lue kii.iii " 1 . iw ivwc .J my oBice. itteive the treatment, go about your iinrt 11. 11. 1 ud In about tell dava' time all ymptomi disappear Why should you continue taking poisonous and other injurious diuga Into your stomach lor years when you ran come to uie ami oc iuicu WEAK MEN ir'i, Wund'tuJe cute Animal erum iiympn compouwij it im remedy that hat never muppoinicti my paucuis. It'a not a medicine, but extracted cells Irani young, vigorous animals, used by me to rebuild and vitalise the human organs. Regardless ol Age. Dou't persist in old lasbioued treatment), thatatwaya tall. Come and receive a Certain Cute, AUTOGENOUS VACCINES Promptly eradicate tbronlc urethral, prostate and bladder diseases aud rheumatism. II you have a chronic case you think iucurable. come and be cared at My Klsk. My 1'eca arc I.uw and Prompt Uesults Ouaranleed. I treat all disorders ol men, Including VaiI cote Veins, Hydrocele, Bladder, Kidney and Prostatic disorders. My trcatmeut lor VaiUox Vtlna and Hydrocele la absolutely painless, doc not detain you Iroui your work or home, aud a permanent cure l effected iu one treatiucut. CONSULTATION ailing man should ueglect a f " " this opportunity to gel my f H I" If expeit opinion about hta "" trouble. My office Is open all day from o a. m, to 8 p, in., and buudaya Iroui to to n only. Ailing men out ol town who cauuot call, wine lur acii ciuiuv. ... C. K. HOLSMAN, M. D. 221 Morrison street, cor. l'irst PORTLAND, ORliOON Subscribe- (or tho Review aud be