St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 13, 1912, Image 4

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    'Evangelical Church
The Sunday School is doing
excellent work under the leader
ship of the devoted Superintend
ent. Mrs. Hall. They arc in the
midst of their preparation for
the celebration of the birth of
the Christ child. The program
and the manner of carrying it
out will be unique, and while a
little out of the ordinary, I am
sure will be one of the very bost
entertainments that the people of
St. Johns have enjoyed in the
celebration of the "Yule Tide."
The "rally day" was one of
the most successful in the his
tory of the church. $G00 was
raised in cash and good subscrip
tions, (this includes a few dollurs
that was pledged since "rally
day") the church prior to this
time, only owned one COxlOO ft.
lot which gave us but little room
aside from that occupied by the
church and parsonage. Mrs.
Smith who owned the lots adja
cent to the church property, and
who hns always been interested
in the church, offered the church
a lot adjoining for $G00 which is
not nearly what the lots are sell
ing at, so the church secured it
which gives the church a splen
did property and plenty of room
when they are ready to build a
modern chinch, although at pres
ent wo have a neat attractive
place of worship.
The revival services arc plan
nod to begin the first Sunday of
January. The pastor exiiects
the assistance of Hev. J. A.
Goodo of Portland. These ser
vices will bo announced later.
A good fellowship meeting or
a rally was held on Wednesday
ovening. Revs. Poling and Pratt
were on the program for short
toasts. This was interspersed
with music and the program was
followed by a lunch in the base
ment. A most excellent spirit
exists among the members and
friends of the church and the
outlrok for the future of the
church is bright indeed.
Regular services each lord's
day at the usual hours, with
Sunday School at 10 A.M.and K.
L. C. IC. at 0:S0 P.M. A cordial
invitation extended to all.
A Dos Moines man had an at
tack of muscular rheumatism in
his shoulder. A friend advised
him to go to Hot Springs. That
meant an expense of $100.00 or
more. Ho sought for a quicker
and cheaper way to cure it ami
found it in Chamberlain's Lini
ment. Throe days after the first
application of this liniment he
was well. Kor salo by all dealers.
Do you want yolirshare
of the World's produc
tion? Investigate the
99-year system at our
expense. By-la ws
mailed for 10 cents. If
hot what expected, Send
back within three'&ays,
we return the dime.
& CO.
Box 1195 Portland, Or.
Our last Wednesday's Doll Sale
means happiness to many little girls of
St. Johns as we were busy the entire
day wrapping up dolls for Santa Claus'
pack. There are a few of the dolls
left; some very very nice. They will
go at one-third off the regular price as
long as they last.
There is also an over stock of Toy Dishes and these too will be on
Special Sale at one-third off.
There are more things in our stores for the undecided person than in
the exclusive line stores and we invite you to call and let us aid you in
making selections. It will not be impossible to supply your entire needs
at our Main Store or the Men's Toggery.
Gas Minimum Reduced to Fifty Cents per Month
On and After December 1st, 1912, the Minimum Charge per Month for
Gas will be 50c instead of $1.00 as Formerly
This does not mean that there lias been a reduction of the
gas into, but it does mean that you can use 400 feet or less of gas
per month and your bill will be GOc instead of $1.00 as before.
With the minimum charge of 50c per month, it will not be
necessary to have your meter locked during the winter months, as
you will use the minimum amount for emergency purposes and for
cooking breakfast.
Gas as a fuel means a fire in a second, that can be regu
lated with a valvo to any degree of heat requiredno coal or kin
dling to carry no soot to blacken your walls no ashes to dispose
of. Then too, convenience is worth something.
It is, and has been our aim to sell to our consumers the
very best gas appliances obtainable. Each make of appliances
sold by us is guaranteed from a mechanical and an economical
standpoint. Appliances purchased from us are delivered and in
stalled free of charge. We deliver and install appliances com
plete ready for use for a small casli payment at time of order; the
balance being paid in monthly payments added to the gas bills.
Ask us for any further information you may desire concern
ing the uses of gas. We would be glad if you will call at the of
fice and get one of our catalogues showing the various gas appli
ances sold by us.
We thank each and every consumer for their hearty co
operation and assure you that we are at all times at your sorr
vice. .: