St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 06, 1912, Image 3

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    Your Christmas Shopping Early
Christmas Suggestions
This year we nrc showing the most complete line of Christmas goods, nutl can please the most discrim
inating. No trouble to show goods. 1'IANO VOTKS GIVKN WITH KVKRY CUNT l't'RCHASK.
Hand Painted China
, 1847 Rogers Bros Silverware
Dinner Sets
China Closets ' .
Silver Baking Dishes -Clocks
Rugs, all sizes
Linoleum for the kitchen
Dressers and Chiffoniers
Toilet Articles
Silver Sets
Berry and Salad Spoons
Fancy Plates
Parlor Lamps
Rayo and Kitchen Lamps
Umbrella Holders
Coco Door Mats
Make your
SO 1-03 JERSEY sr.
A Small Deposit
will hold your
Delivery made
when you want
Brass Jardiniers
Extension Tables
Dining Chairs
Library Tables
Brass Beds
Enameled Beds
Kitchen Cabinets
Crescent Range
Foot Stools
Carpet Sweepers
Brass Bird Cages
Doll Carts '
Go Carts
Express Wagons
Rocking Horses
Framed Pictures
Rockers and Morris Chairs
Desks and Hall Trees
Sewing Machines
Our Store is full of Useful and Beautiful Xmas Goods
Local News.
Make Borne ono happy with a
kodak. Currin says so.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gall Per
rfno. Sunday. December 1st. a
baby girl. I
For the next 10 days, wo will
. sell our chinawuro at reduced
prices E. B. Clark, 307 S. Jer
' sey.
Don't mako a trip to town for
; drugs. Phono the North Bank
Pharmacy. Prices and quality
are ono, the BEST.
Broken Fetters, a thrilling
, drama in five interesting and
exciting acts, given in Bickners
I Hall, Tuesday, Dec. 10.
If you are troubled with chronic
-constipation, the mild and gentle
effect of Uhamoeriam s raoiets
makes them especially suited to
(' your qase. For sale oy all deal-
I M. Talbot, general manager of
the Port of Portland, has been
, authorized to obtain bids for a
t drill, planer and lathe for the
1 purpose of installing a repair
; shop for the Portland fleet. The
shop is to bo established at the
Eublic dry dock at St. Johns.
laily News.
E. F. Day has had the resi
denco on North Jersey street
near Baltimore street removed
to Ivanhoo street at the rear of
the block, under the solicitous
and careful ministrations of N.
A. Gee and his force of men.
It has been rumored that Mr.
Day will in the near future erect
. a modern business house on the
site vacated by the residence,
but the report has not been con
firmed. The possibilities of broom corn
growing in Eastern Oregon have
been made known the past week
when samples were submitted
' to a Portland broom manufactur-
er. It is said that 1,000 pounds
of the corn can be grown on an
acre, and as several hundred car
loads of the material are brought
into the state each year, there
seems to be a chance for farmers
to make money growing it here
at home.
Wa rlpsire to extend our most
sincere thanks and appreciation
to all who so nobly stood by us
in out great sorrow, and in so
many ways lightened and helped
us bear our burden of grief by
their sympathy and many kind
acts. We especially wish to
thank the lodges for their many
kindnesses and all for the beauti
ful floral pieces that helped to
make it a little less hard. Mrs.
Jared C. Aiken, Robert T. Aik
en, Geo. C. Aiken, Mrs. C. W.
Arnett, Mrs. L. A. Bowlby.
Get nn electric head treatment cr
massage at Gilmore's Hnrbcr Shop.
For prompt delivery Phono
Columbia 207. Currin says so.
For tho next lb days we will
sell our chinawuro nt reduced
prices. E. B. Clark, 307 S. Jer
sey. E. Lcroy Perkins was un over
Sunduy visitor at Newbcrg, Ore
gon, this week. He took this
occasion for a visit with his sis
ter, Miss Lilliun who is now
teaching in that city.
Mr. Forrest Williamson and
Miss Ethel Waldorf, both 'of this
city, were united in marriage at
Oregon City Monday, November
18th. Their many friends wish
them a long and happy life.
Tho Marx-Bergon Co., enter
tained n largo nudienco nt the
high school nuditorium Thanks
giving evening. All lovers of
high class music enjoyed the at
traction immensely. It was the
third number of the Lyceum
You will find thut druggists
everywhere speak well of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. They
know froml ong experience in tho
sale of it that in cases of coughs
and colds it can always bo depend
ed upon, and that it is pleasant
and safe to take. For sale by
all dealers.
From various parts of the
stntft pome endorsements of the
campaign to have J. N. Teal ap
pointed Secretary of the inter
tor by President-Elect Wilson.
Resolutions and petitions are be
in rr nrfinfirpfl tiv mnnv nrtrnnizjl.
tions all over Oregon, the feeling
being that he would fill tins po
sition with great credit to the
Rfnfp. Hr hns been indorsed bv
the board of Governors of the
St. Johns Commercial Club.
A jolly bunch met at the home
of Viola Westhefer in honor of
hpr hirthdav November 3oth. It
was a leap year party, and the
girls called for and accompanied
the boys. The hostesses were
the Misses Viola Westhefer,
Edith Weaver and Floy Coffey.
Others present were Misses Lulu
Day, Gladys Palmer.Lucile Whe
lan, Florence Wass, Beulah
Beam.Cleo and Frances Nutting,
Julia Johnson, Ethel Coupe, Vida
and Hazel Evans, Kathryn Gens
man, Delia Young, Arlene Shaw,
Edna Green, Velva Bean, and
Messrs. Forrest Hill, Thomas
Cochran. Eugene Thurmond, Ol
iver Bacon, Everett Smith,
Frank Wright, Ralph Carlson,
Archie Smock, Hazen and Basil
Smith, Ed Westhefer. Lee Gens-
mnn. Fred Marlette.Willard Cox.
Jerome Whisler. Lewis Keliher
and Lester Emerson.
for Sale on Easy Monthly Payments
Several modern houses nt Hast St. Johns can be
purchased on monthly terms. Talk with
815 Lewis Bldg,, 4th and Oak Sts.
Phone Marshall 2641
$25 - A GIFT - $25
Our next free Phonograph, to be given away Jan
nary 1st, will be a grand prize for someone; a $25 Col
umbia Phouograph, the fiuest talking machiue we haye
given away yet, a small purchase may win for you the
Our display of Holiday Goods this year will be
very extensive, don't fail to come aud look them over.
A new Hue of dresser and desk china, a line of jewelry (
and various other useful things have been added to our
Our line of Xmas Cards, Xmas Letters, Booklets
Folders, and Art Calendars is the largest to be found
in any local store.
Do not buy a Phouograph uutil you have gotten
our prices and terms, which are as good as any you
will secure in Portland.
I St. Johns Pharmacy
MHN Iluy your wife a Caloric IMrclcss
Cooker (or Christmns. The most picas
tug gift you could buy for her. Cat!
while stock Is complete. I'rom flO to f 3(5.
Just what the boy wants. A good selection
from $2.25 to M.50.
We also have n fine line of Silverware, etc.
Wc have a lull line of wagons nt a price chcacr than
Portland prices. Come mid fee.
We have them In great
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Pay your subscription.
Satisfaction, is the word Gil
more, the Hnrbcr.
Typewriter ribbons for sale nt
this office; 50 cents encli.
Colgatos Shaving soap. Eight
bars lor 25 cents. Currin says
Picture frninltig- done nt Portland
prices nt II. V. Clark's, the furni
ture tnnu. tf
For tho next 10 days, we will
sell our chinawaro at reduced
prices.-E. B. Clark, !507 S. Jer
sey. !
Sec that Johnson's name is
on your Xmas candy. North
Hank Pharmacy.
If you wnnt prompt delivery of
wood, cnll Cochrnu-NuttiuK & Co.
Phone Col. 554. 415 So. Hnycs
street. aotf
Found A Shepherd dog, about
two years old. Owner can have
same by calling at Dan's Grill
and paying charges.
Colgates soaps and toilet articles
at Portland prices. Currin says
See O. W. Overstreet for ntiy
thine; in the plumhiiiK Hue. Oppo
site Central School. aiiS. Jersey
street. Office nud residence phone,
Columbia, 590. 43tf
Mr. Poultryman: If you are
not getting eggs, don't blame
the chickens. Help them along
by feeding Conkoy's Laying Ton
ic. Lauthors Mercantile Co. has
it. 7.
Now is the time for hot wnter
bottles. Wo have tho boat.
Prices right. Currin says so.
The usual services will bo held
in tho Methodist church, corner
of Loavitt and Hayes, Sunday:
Sunday school 10 a. m. ; pralBo
worship 11 a. m.; Epworth
League 0:30 p. m.; preaching
7:80 p. m.
MIbh T. j. Tnvlor of 005 North
Fillmoro street and L. J. Weaver
of Astoria were united in the
holy bonds of matrimony at the
Methodist parsonage Monday
evening, Dec, 2. Mr. Weaver,
who is now with 1110 Astoria
Iron Works, formerly resided in
St. Johns. A large circlo of
friends wish tho young couplo a
happy home in the river city.
Tho sad intelligence reached
this city of tho death of Mrs.
Emma Badger, wife of L. Bad
ger of this place, on Nov. 22nd
at tho homo of her daughter at
Lincoln California. Sho leaves
n hntnvnri husband L. Badirer of
St. Johns, also her daughter
Mrs. Ruth Meiser and Grandson
Jesso V. Meiser both of Lincoln,
California, besides a host of
friends to mourn her loss. She
came to this coast thirty-five
years ago and has been on this
coast ever since. Sho was laid
to rest in tho I. O. O. F. cemetery
at Lincoln on the 24th.
Almost a car load of Epworth
Leaguers went from St, Johns on
tho 7:20 train Tuesday evening
and called upon Mr. and Mrs. C.
G. Hartman in their new home
at Swinton. The occasion was
tho semi-annual business meet
ing of tho League. All report a
most pleasant evening. Games
and a delicious lunch were fully
enjoyed. The following officers
wnrn nlpcted for the cominir term :
President, W. C. Little; first
vice president, Lulu Magone;
second vice president, Edna Hol
lenbeck; third vico president,
Lourena Rawson; fourth vico
president, Beulah Titus; secre
tary, Ixmise Sterling; treasurer,
Gladys Knomland; Organist, Lu
lu Day.
I'roach tho gospel of St. Jehus.
Gilmore's Hnrbcr Shop n spe
cialty on cliildrens' hair cutting.
Get your prescriptions filled
with the host drugs. Currin
says so.
Don't forget about adding
your address to all the letters
you send. It is well to get in
the habit.
All magazines in stock and
subscriptions taken for any
magazine published. North
Bank Pharmacy.
Dot's right, you fools. Laugh
and sing and spend your money.
Then I thrown you omit mit der
door." Ludwig in Broken Fet
ters at Bickners hall Tuesday,
Dec. 10, 8:15 P. M.
delivery in St. Johns after Jan
uray 1st. Wanted, quick can
vasser for best mail box made;
quick sales, big profits.- E. W.
Angell, Vm-Zl Yeon building,
Councilman Hoy Wilcox was in
Eugene looking for a location
Friday and Saturday but when
ho found out their councilmen
worked without remuneration
ho decided at once to return to
St. Johns. This is certified to
by A. C. Gesler who accompa
nied him.
There was a man in our town,
And ho was wondrous wiso;
Ho sworo(it was his policy)
Ho would not advertise.
But ono sa'd day ho advertised,
And thereby hangs a tale,
The ad. was set in quite small
Aml'hoaded "Sheriff's Sale."
A Dos Moines man had an at
tack of muscular rheumatism in
his shoulder. A friend advised
him to go to Hot Springs. That
meant an expense of $150.00 or
more. Ho sought for a quicker
and cheaner way to cure 11 and
found it in Chnmborlain's Lini
ment. Threo days after tho first
implication of this liniment ho
was woll. For sale by all doal-
Tho Country Life movement,
so successful last year through
out tho state, whereby f housands
01 school children wore interest
ed in gardoning contosts, will
bo continued this year, Poultry
ra s nir is to bo mado a special
ty. Attention is called to the
fact that not loss than 1,000,000
was sent away from tho state
last year to nay for poultry and
eirirs brought hero and this
money, it is held, may just as
well bo kept at home.
Mrs. Stafford, who has been a
resident of St. Johns for the
past nine years, died in a Port
nnd hospital Nov. 30. The fu
neral was hold from Blackburn,
Chambors & Lowory's Parlors in
Piedmont, Monday afternoon
undor tho auspices of the W. R.
C. Rev. Patton of this city and
Rev. Clive assisting. Interment
was made in tho Greenwood
cemetery besido the remains of
her husband who died twenty
years ago.
A. M. Esson and family are
now located at Red Bluff, Cal
and according to a letter receiv
ed from our former well known
townsman, he is enjoying himself
up to the hilt. In part he says:
"Would that you might stroll
with mo across these verdant
meads, list to tho warbling of
music throated birds, feast our
oyes cn tho golden glory of tho
npo oranges among tho green
yea, that wo might feast moro
than our eyes but of this in
Currin says call us at room 5
the Irwin hotel after hours.
When you have a bilious attack
give Chamberlain's Tablets a
trial. They aro excel ent. For
sale by all dealers.
Shop at home, with tho North
Bank Pharmacy. They will treat
you right.
Mr. Grimes, "I solicit wash
ing." Mrs. Leland, "I judge
you need it." Mr. Grimes, "Hut
it is not for myself I take in
washing for my dear wife to
do." From Broken Fetters,
Bickners Hall, Dec. 10.
When you need drugs at night
call at room 5 the Irwin hotel.
Currin says so,
The party holding No. GS IOon
tho Nov. phonograph drawing at
tho St. Johns Pharmacy must
present same at the store by this
Friday night. Otherwise tho
prize will be awarded to Mrs.
Kellow, holder of the second
Don't suffer for drugs in the
night. Call us. Room 5 Hotel
Irwin. North Bank Pharmacy.
Over fifty ladles wore in at
tendance at the Mothers' muut
ing at tho Library. Tho most
excellent paper read by Mis
Stevens will be printed next
week for tho benefit of tho read
ers of the Review. Tho discus
sion was led by Mrs. Tousoy and
entered into by several other
ladies and altogether it was very
interesting meeting.
Tho census taking committee
of tho proposed Elk Lodge to be
instituted hero found no difficulty
in discovering that St. Johns
possessed at least 5,000 inhabi
tants, the requisite number for
tho installation of an Elk Iodgo.
It is to bo regretted that the
committee did not finish the con
sus and ascertain definitely the
exact population, but it is some
satisfaction to bo confident that
tho population is moro than 5,000.
How many moro is a moro mat
ter of conjecture.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Evons
delightfully ontertainad the
members and several frionds of
the Jolly 'Steen club at their
beautiful home on Stafford street
Wednosday evening. Tho ovon
ing was spent in playing tho
popular game of 500 and dancing.
Dainty refreshments wore
served. Tho club proved that
tho word "jolly" to its titlo is
no empty and meaningless one.
Tho event was surely a jolly ono
and thoroughly onjoyed. Mr,
and Mrs. Benham won tho first
prize, a handsome china sugar
and creamer and teapot and Mr.
and Mrs. Dorrie won second prixo
a set of nut crackers., and Mrs.
Charles Muck won tho third prixe
a beautiful boudoir cap trimmod
wtih pink rosebuds.
Having purchased tho Borlin
Dye works in St. Johns, it will
bo maintained as a branch of tho
University Dyo Works. All work
will bo taken caroof in tho same
careful and satisfactory manner
as now obtains at the University
works, and patrons can rely up
on good workmai3hip and cour
teous treatment at any and all
times. S. R. Rapalyea, Manager.
In order to Insure a channo of ad
vertisement the copy for such chango
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
remember this and eave the printer