St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 06, 1912, Image 2

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Criminals' Friend
Publlnhod Evory Friday
At 117 West Uurllngton Street.
Tittt knvinw is entered nt nost office
lit Snlnt Johns, Oregon, as mail matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
OflcUl Newtptper of tht City of Bt Jain.
Subscription prlco $1.00 par year.
It is to bo honed since Lticilc
C.nmnrnn mnrrlnri Jnck Johnson
thoy will remove their worthless
solve to some ioroign snore.
Sim wns unfit to weda white man.
There scorns to be much per
turbation in the lame dallies
over what Bryan will do in re-
irard to the next administration,
and whether or not he will accept
a place in the next Cabinet.
There is no occasion for alarm.
Wo notice that Bryan ever has
the happy faculty of doing the
right thing ut the right time,
and it will bo so regarding his
future course.
Alumni Meeting
In the name of the state of
South Carolina. Governor Blease
served notice to the Governors'
conference that lynchers of ne
gro assailants of white women
in his state would go unpunisu-
Governor Blease warmly de
fended his use of pardoning
power as well as declaring that
in 22 months he had pardoned
or paroled approximately 400
persons and that he hopeu trie
number at tho end of the second
term would be 800.
"I have said all over South
Carolina and I say it again now,"
ho declared, "that I will never
order out the militia .loot
down their neighl" and pro
tect a black brute who commits
tho nameless crime against a
white woman.
Therefore, in South Carolina.
let it be understood that when
a negro assaults a white woman,
all that is needed is that they
get tho right man and they who
get him will neither need nor
receive a trial."
Get Out
Of The Rut
The men who stand at the top of
their line of business today, stand
there because they had the courage
to climb.
If you are a man of indecision a
hesitator, you will never make a
success. That's sure.
The very first step toward success
is to realize the importance of sav
ing money. The next is a deter
mination to save it. Money is
what makes it possible for courage
to succeed.
If you haven't the money don't be
discouraged. Start right now and
open a Savings Account at this
bank. A dollar is all yoti need,
and, by adding to, it regularly you
will soon have a good substantial
batik account and be well started
on the road to success.
Election of Officers
Two meetings of the James
John High school alumni associ
ation wore called this week to
make preparations for the lirst
big social function of that body
this season. After the basket
ball iramo Friday evning between
the alumni and the Hiirh school
the victorious grade and their
fair rooters went to the home of
Miss Ruth Crouch to discuss
wavs and means. When tho busi
ness for which the meeting had
been called was settled the fol
lowing olllcers were elected for
the ensiling year; Howard Brice
Ml, Pros; Clara Nelson '12, Vice
President; Ruth Crouch '11,
Secy.: Cecil Matrone '12. Treas.
Tho second meeting, in which
the reports of the various com
mitlccHwere heard, was huldMoti'
day evening at the home of Miss
Anna Itrice.
The Alumni Association now
boasts a score of members and
is represented at Willamette, O.
A. C, Leland Stanford, and
Reed. Among the out of town
members who attended the meet
ings this week are Miss Eva
Clark, who leaves soon for Nor
mal School, and Miss Lulu Hoi-
lenbeck. who is attending Wil
lamelte U at Salem. So far
this ' year three Alumni have
been married and judging by the
number of fair members who
have reached the "stone age'
the feminine graduates of J. J.
II. S. have not neglected to take
advantage of leap year.
Death of J. C. Aiken
At the election of the Order of
Eastern Star held Tuesday even
ing, December 3rd, thofollowing
ofllcers were elected to servo for
the ensuing term:
Worthy Matron Mrs. A. W.
Worthy Patron Chas. A. Fry.
Associate Matron Mrs. Mar
ion Johnson.
Conductress -Mrs. Roy Ingle-
Assistant Conductress Mrs.
Ernest Harrington.
Secretary -Mrs. Clyde 0.
Rogers. N"
Treasurer Mrs. Dr. McClies-
First National Bank
St. Johns, Oregon
Jared C. Aiken died at his
homo in thin city early Saturday
morning after a long illness due iinximiw u iicniiiiy kIow, hImwIuk Unit
... it...... ...... it... 1 1 i i .i. 1. 1. . ..I i. ..n.....i .i....
iu uvur wuiwiu. rur uiu iuai
tun weeks Mr. Aiken had boon a
great sulloror. and every thing
tint hIiikkIhIi IiIihhI U Htlrrttl Id iu-tloii
In tho moHt romnlit voln. TIiIh wort of
wall; 1 1 it; t'xhlliiriiti'H llm wholo ImmIv,
Klvi'H hum lo tint iicrwx mid produccx
JtiHt that Hurt of htmltliful fntlk'tiu
which onniunip'" mmiiil, rcxtful hIici,
Gambling a Rtllglout Duty.
"KHnkliit; of Kiimlilliik'," a iiiUhIoii
nrr wild, "I know or a wet unit ro
Kurd It an u rolluloiiH duty, lllio fnt
Iiik or prayer. Till no t It tho 1 1 1 is
diiH. Thoy ono day In each year
Riimhlo llko mud from HuuriKo till huh
not. Tho day In tho frstlvnl of tho
lampM, a day Hiiercd to I.aMuui, tho
KoddiwH of wealth. A trvmmidoiiH lot
of money oIimiko lunula In UikHliim'n
honor. All Mil khiiiuIIuk I done to
tent tho niinuelnl hihypkh that will at
tend on each portion throiiKhout tho
year. If u pimmer lone lie known a
year of hunt luek U ahead of him. If
ho wins ho known ho may oxjH'ft n
twelvemonth of pitmpeilty. KtraiiKo
to my. a Kood deal of choatliiK nivum
panliM IIiIh ivHkIoiim KtiiulilliiK"
that medical skill and kind lov
ing hands could do was done but
t hoirrim reaper could not bo stay
el, and lo him death came as a
relief. Cut down in tho prinic
of life and leaving a wife and
little son, his death comes as a
great ow and a shock not only
to his widow and child and other
relatives, but to a large chele of
friends. Mr. Aiken's friends
were legion and attested thou
loyalty in many ways during his
long ilhiow. Naturally of a good
disposition and kind hearted. Mr.
Aiken bore his millerings with
tho patience and fortitude that
only mich natures can. As a
fraternal man he was very popu
lar. He belonged to Doric Lodire
No. A. I'. & A. M. ; Laurel
Lodge No. lSU. I. O. 0. F. : mid
Camp No. 77. W. O. W. A
the lodge luudstod in making his
last days as com forum o as
poMuhle and each sent beautiful
florid pieces for his bier. He
wan also a member of tho local
fli. is. uiuron. mr. nikon was
born in Rock Island, III., April
ii. 1B7U, and died rs'ov. au. ijij
aired -12 years. 7 mouths and 19
days. Mr. Aiken married Miss
Ella Bach Sopt. 10. 185)7. at Gram
Junction, Colorado. Sho with
their son Robert L. survive him.
tie aiso leaveH to mourn us
loss one brother and two sisters.
namely: Mrs. C. W. Arnett of
LunUi, Orouon, Mrs. L. A. Bowl
by of Sun Francisco. Cal.. and
George C. Aiken of Heppner, Ore.
Kuueml service wore held under Tho fniimiimr list nf Wni iiitiV-
it.- - ii... ii . ........ ..
Hie mis picuv 01 ino lougos 10 arc kent for sate nt this office ntnl
which ho belonged at tho parlors I mi. ,-rs win i... niiii ns ti... lon.mwi
r in... .t.t Ai i iV i I
ui oimukimiki. iiiuiiuura iv uow- arises
Th Dnfit of 8orrow,
Uy narrow men learn that thoy need
to Ik fist with hlKher footl, that thoy
imiHt rout on btroiiRi-r mipiHrtH, that
thoy must have other friend and oth
er friendships, that they must live an
other life, that there must ho nome-
thlui; that neither time nor ehaiuv nor
accident can undermine and tnveep
away. Wlion men have Icnruwl tho
Interior hwson of borrow they look
upon trouble not an holm; Iww tmu
blonri than it wax. hut uu, from tho
hlher point to which they hnvo risen,
uunal and dreamy.-Ucnry Want
ry, Monday at 1 :ti() P. M. Ho was
laid to rest in Mt. Scott Comotory
whoro his grave was ontiroly
hiddun by tho wealth of the flo
ral tributes of his many frionds.
Mrs. Aiken and little sou have
the deepest sympathy of all in
their sorrow and bereavement.
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort-
Utiles, buttstactloti ot MoncaKcs,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Dills
of Sale, Leases.
All these blanks at the uniform
price of 30c per dozen.
How Is Your Title?
You got full weight and first
luallty nt tho Central market. Juat
rr awlillo.
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
II. Henderson, manager, 208 North
Jersey, McDonald building.
Ilrlug In your job printing while
you think ot It. Don't wait until you
aro entirely out. Wearo equipped
to turn out neat auJ tasty prluting
promptly at Portland prlcoi or lesa.
The following olllcers were
elected and installed by Doric
Lodge A. F. & A. M.. No. 132,
on tho eveninir of December '1th:
Worshipful Muster 1 lirncst
C. Harrinulon.
benior Warden Chas .A. Fry.
Junior Warden C. 0. Rogers.
IroaHuror F. P. Drinker.
Secretary John Noco.
Senior Deacon R. Graden.
Junior Deacon- R. Post.
Useful Xmas Gifts
Walking to Haaltlt.
When there U no orpiulc weak liens
which Is iiKKravated liy tho exertion It
in tho cash-si ami pleaHiiutest thhiK to
walk rluht Into health. Of course there
Is no virtue In a dawdling walk. 'The
alow and laueutd drauKhiK of ono foot
after tho other, which hoiiio people call
walkiiiK, would tiro un athlete. It ut
terly cxhaiiNtH 11 weak person, and that
U tho reason why many dellcatu ko-
plo think thoy cannot walk. To derlvo
any lieuellt from tho eienlse it is
nmiwiary to walk with a I lull t, elastic
Mop, which HwltiKx tho welulit of tho
laxly mi isislly from one lei; to tho other
that Its welulit Is not felt and which
Couches, Davenports
Hn nets, China Closets
Dining Tubles, Dressers
Ladles' Desks, Rockers
Kasy Chairs, Rus
Art Squares, Clocks
Lamps, Doll Carts
Dinner Sets, Pancy China
Carving Sets, Table Silver
Get our prices before you go over
to the High Rent Stores.
St. Johns Furniture
The City of St. Johns does or
dain as follows:
Whereas, the City Council of
the city of St. Johns, Oregon,
deems it expedient to open, lay out
and extend and establish Kellogg
street sixty feet in width from
its present easterly termination
to the westerly line of Richmond
street as now located and estab
lished in the City of St. Johns
and to condemn and appropriate
therefor n strip of land sixty
feet in width: and
Whereas, the City council of
the City of St. Johns did on the
First day of October. 1912, adopt
a resolution wherein the City
Engineer of the City of St. Johns
was directed to make a survey,
plat und written report of tho
said proposed extension of Kel
logg Street and of tho property
to be appropriated therefor and
of the lots and tracts of land i.n
dcr which said extension wa to
be made: and
Whereas, the City Engircer
pursuant to the said resolution
has made such survey anc has
filed with the City Recoider a
plat entitled "Condemnation of
Kellogg street, Exhibit A" to-
gether with a written report
which is as follows, to wit:
Engineer's Report.
To tho Honorable Mayor and
Common Council of the City of
St. Johns, Oregon.
Gentlemen: In 'response to
the resolution adopted by the
Council on the first day of Octo
ber. 1912 for tho opening, lay
ing out and establishing of Kcl-
loirir street in tho City of St.
Johns, Oregon, sixty feet in
width from tho present easterly
termination of the said street to
the westerly line of Richmond
street in the City of St. Johns
us now located und established,
and to condemn and appropriate
therefor n strip of land sixty
feet in width lying between tho
said easterly termination of Kel
logg street ahd the said Westerly
ino of Richmond street, which
said resolution was adopted as
aforesaid on, tho first day of Oc-
I herewith submit
appropriated therefor.
"Respectfully submitted this
26th day of November, A. D.
1912. C. E. Andrew,
City Engineer."
Now therefore the City of St.
Johns does ordain as follows:
The survey, plat and written
report hereinbefore mentioned
in connection with the proposed
opening, laying out unci extend
ing of Kellogg street sixty feet
in width from its present easter
ly termination to the westerly
line of Richmond street is hereby
approved and adopted; and is
hereby deemed necessary to con
demn and appropriate for
street purposes and for the
public use that strip of land
more particularly described in
the Engineer's Report and the
accompanying plat thereof.
Passed by the Council this
26th day of November A. D.
Approved by the Mayor this
26th day of November A.D. 1912.
Attest: F. A. RICE,
Published in the St. Johns Re
view, Nov. 29, 1912.
No. 10103.
Report of the condition of the
In the Stntc of Oregon, at the
business Nov. 20, 1912:
I.ouns and discounts flG8,03S.05
Overdrafts, secured & unsce'd 91. 39
U.S.lIonds to secure circulation 50,000.00
U. S. Honda to secure I'ostAI
Savings .. G.000.00
Premiums on U.S.lIonds.... 220.20
Ilonds, Securities, etc 14.3J0.3-i
Hanking house Furniture ami
Other real estate owned
Due from Stntc and Private
Hanks and Hankers, Trust
Companies, Saving" Hanks
Due from approved
reserve agents
Checks'nnd other
cash items
Notes of other Na
tional Hank 1,305.001
l'rnctloiinl Paper Cur.
rencv. Nickels ami
Cents 85.41
Lawful money reserve
In llauU. viz!
Specie IG.007.90 1C.007.90
i.egai l ender isotcs, none
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer ( ncr cent of
circulation) 2,500.00
Total f317.082.71
Capital stock paid in . f
Surplus fund. 7,000.00
Undivided profits, Ictrf expen
ses and taxes iviid 2.100.07
National Hank Notes oulstd'g 60,000,00
Individual dcpoilts
subject tocheck 142,800.58
Ucmanu ccrtiticaic
of deposit 8,329.08
Time deposits 51,003.63
Certified Checks 260.oo
Cashier's checks outtndlng. 2,082.00
Total ,
Is desired ritrht now to repre
sent The Pictorial Review in this
territory to call on thoso whose
subscriptions are about to expire.
l e money for tho right person
representatives In some other
districts makeover$500 a month, property lying.situato and being
Spare time workers are liberally )n tho City of St. Johtrs as fol-
paid for what thoy do. Any per- lows, to wit:
son taking up this iosition be- "Starting nt tho northeast
tober. 1912.
the following report thereof:
"First: 1 have mado a survey
ns provided for by said tho reso
lution nnrl hnvo nrnnnred n nlnt State of Oregon,
of such survov and do herewith A ? "nonwii
submit n written report. I here
with report that Kellogg street
as now laid out and established
is sixty feet in width and that
to continue the suid Kellogg st.
60 feet in width front its present
caster y termination to the Wes
ter y lino of Richmond street In
tho City of St. Johns would re
quire tho following described
, Cu
I. J. N. Hdlefscii, Cuthicr of
above iiniucd Imiiik, do solemnly swear
that the above statement Is true to the
bet of my knowledge mid lc!icf.
j. in, Kiiicikcn, insuicr.
.Suliscrtlwl und sworn to before me,
thU Rlh dm- of Dec.. 1013.
I,. I. Wright. Notary Public.
Munnomaii county, ure.
Correct Attckt: RoNert Treat I'lott,
l'etcr Auticu,
1'. C. Ki.uni).
No. 9047.
Report of the condition of the
comes the direct local represen a- comer of Charleston and Kellogg Hrct Nafmnal KPtlK
tive of the publishers. Write streets.thence run in an easterly I II 51 IlCUlUlItll liulliV
IK'W w!r0,l ?r P,!Cnn?r cours0 nlonK lu0 ,,0rt" I!n0 .of St. Johns, In the state of Oregon, at
RIAL REVIEW. 222 West 39th Kolloirtr stroot 174.8G feet, to tho the close of business Nov. 26. 1912:
street, New York City.
Pirst Christian Science Society
Sumluys 1 1 a. in., Wednesdays at 8
p. in. Keniliug room open on 1 ties
day nnd Saturday from 2 to 4 p. m
All cordially invited to the services
and muling room. Subject Sunday:
"God, the only Cause mid Creator."
At Fifty
is the fiuuiieial condition possible
for the St. Johns unlit who starts
even as late us thirty, with a de
termined will to wive regularly
ami invent with intelligence.
Me can begin making safe in
vestment paying 7 to 8 per cent,
as soon as he has saved, say $500.
The five hundred can be in hand
in 2 year by deWiiting $20.00 a
mouth and 25.00 the last mouth.
Continuing only in safe invest,
incuts, by fifty he should be worth
ten thusaud dollars.
Oldest Bank on the Peninsula
4 Per Cent Interest
on Savings
southeast corner of Lot 5 Block
2 Jersey street addition to St.
Johns, Oregon, which point i
tho initial point of land to be
condemned. Thence producing
the line above denned run b'J.U
feet to a stake on the westerly
lino of Richmond street, thence
run at an angle of 85 degrees 20
minutes to the right C0.2 feet
ulomr tho westerly line of Rich
mond street to a stake, thence
run at an angle of 91 degrees 40
minutes to tho right 89.40 feet to
n stake, thenco run at an angle
of 85 degrees 20 minutes to the
richt 00.2 feetto the placo of bo-
ginning containing in all 5380.8
so. feet, more or less.
"That tho above described land
lies within the limits of Kellogg
Loans and discounts itl72.92S.42
Overdrafts, secured & unsce'd 22,00
U.S. bonds to keeurc circulation 60,000.00
r. b. bonds to secure postal
savings 5,000,001
Honds, Securities, etc 22,725.25
Hanking house, turntture and
nxtures 3.1MU.0U
Other real estate owned 4,Coo,oo
Due from btate ami
Private Hanks and
Hankers, Trust Com
panics and Savings
Hanks 3.C5C.13
Due from approved re
serve agents iH.vzo.To
Checks . and other
cash items..., 1,120.61
Notes of other Na.
tional Ranks 740,oo
fractional paper cur
rency, uickels.cents 85.00
Lawful money rvervc
in bank, viz:
Specie, 10,332.25
U. S. Treasurer (s
per ct. of circulation) 2,500.00
street as proposed to be opened, Redeniitionfund witii
iaiu out ana esuiutisueu unu mat
tho above is a full and complete
description of tho land which is
necessary for the said opening,
laying out and establishing of
said Kellogg street,
"Second: That a full and
complete description of the
boundaries, and the portions of
the lots and tracts of land a part
of which are to be taken and ap
propriated for tho opening, lay
ing out and establishingof said
Kellogg street as proposed is
that portion of land known as
the Caples' Tract lying between
ino jersey street, nuuuion to ou
Johns and Richmond street in
said City.
"Third: I herewith submit
plat of said Kellogg street mark
ed "Condemnation of Kellogg
street, Exhibit A which said
Total J318.373.92
Capital stock paid in f 50,000.00
Surplus luiul lU.OUO.UU
Undivided profits, less expen
ses and taxes paid 5,723.63
National bauk notes outstand'g 50,000.00
Hull vidua! deposits
subject to check.. f 114.-112.62
Demand certificates
of deposit 14.723.80
Time4fits G6.92S.68
Certified checks,,.
Cashier's checks out
standing 3.653.63
Postal Savings Dcp'is. 3.027.36
Total H318.373.92
State of Oregon,
County of Multnomah
I. V. P. Drinker, cashier of the above
nauied bank, do solemnly swear that the
plat is made ill accordance to the fove statement is true to the best of my
survey as ordered bv the resolu- knowledge belief.
v. r. minter, uasnier,
ing, laying out ana establishing this 4tu day of Dec., igu.
of the said Kellogg street and w. s. Kellogg, Notary rubiic,
the said plat further shows the u.l. .uul,,ure.
boundaries of the proposed , :ih-J?cf' ....
street and the portions of the c. h.ruu,
lots and the tracts of land to be Directors.
Kabo Corsets Carson Gloves
Headquarters for
Embroidery Work
and D. M. C.s
We have just received the most
complete line of1 D. M. C.s,
Stamped Pillow Tops, Shirt
Waists, Collars, Table Covers,
Doilies, and in fact, everything
for the Embroidery Needle. Come
in and look them over instead of
going to Portland to buy.
We also have the agency for
Ladies' Home Jour
nal Embroidery
that never fail to please
We are selling the celebrated
English Slip-on Raincoats
for ladies and gentlemen at prices
below the average. These coats
are thoroly proofed and rubber
ized. Ladies' from $7.50 to $12,50
Men's $12.50 to $18.00.
Our, stock of High Shoes, Rubber
Boots, Rubbers, Slickers, Rain
Hats, Alligators and Leggins was
never more complete. Ask for
the CHIPPEWA SHOE, the Best
Shoe on Earth.
We have re-inf orced our stock of
Underwear and Hosiery so that
we are better able to take care of
the wants of our patrons than
e our window display of Blan
kets. It will pay you to investi
gate. t
Couch & Co.
Distributors of Merchandise Since 1904
Glove Brand Rubbers
Elite Petticoats