St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 06, 1912, Image 1

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    "'""I So.,fljP
Toiubicrlb for THIS Paper
All the newt while It I newt li
our molto. Cell In end enroll
Ol di rtlilnt In THIS Pimr
endjon'lloererrtirelll. Be
I In at oice nod keep tight it II
Devoted to (be Intereiti ol (he Penlniula, (be Manufacturing Center ol (he Northwest
VOL. 8
NO. 4
Value of Buttermilk
Buttermilk will prolong the hu
man life for many years. That
assertion has been proved by sev
eral of the leading physicians of
the world - Pasteur and Mitchne
koff of Paris.
In the blood are little cells
known as leucocytes. Those cells
are the scavengers of the body,
and in their concave surfaces are
able to grasp a germ or a foreign
body and force its elimination
from the human system. The
Imtnsvntrf na fitment Stmlv unAnl.
ing, are the home defenders of
the body.
Under the microscone the home
defenders can bo seen flowing
along in the blood streams. Sud
denly they will stop as though
they sensed some near danger.
Changing their shape to that of
a v.they will penetrate the blood
vessel wall and pick up a stray
germ, probably a typhoid or one
of the many other varieties.
When a person wounds the skin
and tho blood runs, the home de
fenders rush to the nfllictcd part
and project themselves into the
surface of tho abrasion, prevent
ing tho entrance of outside
germ life. They give up their
lives to attain their object, and
tho hard little ridges felt on both
sides of a slight wound are the
leucocyte so tightly impacted
that their lifeless bodies help
form scar tissue. As years pass
that commendable action of
sacrificing themselves so the hu
man body may live ceases and
tho littlo friends of the body
once known as home defenders
turn into a lawless clement,
ravaging tho body they onco de
fended. MetchnikolT and Pasteur found
that buttermilk contained nn cle
ment which prevented tho leu
cocytes from ravaging the body.
Experiments proved they
woulu eat tho buttermilk in pre
ference; to tho human tissues.
To Welcome Immigrants
An important conference at
which the whole Pacific Coast
should bo represented, will be
that of tho National Conference
of Charities & Corrections, to bo
held in Seattlo next July. This
gathering will lake up tho sub
ject of dealing with tho immigra
tion to come to the coast upon
tho completion of t,he Panama
Canal. A heavy flood of Euro
paen immigrants will bring a long
list of evils in their train unless
some intelligent work is done in
directing the movement, it is
said. Tho aim of tho confer
ence Will bo to do away with tho
slums that the Atlantic Coast
cities have built up and to direct
the newcomers to the farms and
vacant lands instead of having
them congest in tho population
centers. The conference will be
attended by men of National
reputation in philanthropic work.
Circumstantial Evidence
4,You ought to have seen Mr.
Marshall when ho called to see
Dolly the other night," remark
ed Johnny to his sister's young
man, who was taking tea with
tho fnmilv. "I tell vou he look
ed fine a sittin' alongside of her
with his arm"
"Johnny!" gasped his sister,
her face the color of a boiled
"Weil, so ho did, "insisted
Johnny. "He had his arm"
"John!" screamed the mother,
frantically. t ,
"Why!" whined the boy. "1
"John," said his father stern-
lv "leave the room."
And Johnny left crying as he
went: "I was only going to say
that he had his army clothes on."
Pickpocket is (landless
Pntav Wendell. 21 vears old.'
was sent to the County Prison
at Philadelphia lor six momns.
Patau io a hnnriless thief, whose
specialty is picking pockets. He
was caught in the crowds along
.Broad street, deftly shoving the
stump of his arm into tne pocxeis
nf men anrt the handbags of
1 faciiinnnrtlv frowned women.
He had a rubber suction device
attached to his mouth which ap
thnntrh he was vend
me toy balloons and with the
tune running wine rni oiumjio,
, He is an old offender. Three
wallets, $30 and twer mesh bags
Boost the Town
If you like the old town best,
Tell 'em so!
If you'd have her lead the rest,
Help horgrow!
-When there's anything to do
Let the fellows count on you;
You'll feel bully when it's thru
Don't you know
If you want to make a hit,
(Jet a namcl
If its tho other's fellow's,
Who's to blame7
Spend your money in the town,
Where you pull the sheckles down
Give the mail concern a frown
That's tho game!
If you're used to giving knocks,
Change your style!
Throw bouquets instead of rocks
For awhile.
Let the other fellow roast:
Shun him ns you Would a ghost;
Meet his hammer with n boast
And a smile.
When n stranger from afar
Comes along,
Tell him who and what we are-
Make it strong.
Needn't flatter, never bluff:
Tell the truth, for that's enough,
Join the boosters they're the
stuff We belong.
Stylish Coats Worn
Of all conccivablo shapes,
lengths, widths and styles, arc
the coats worn now. mil that
the coat is an absolute necessity.
although one's suit may be rather
heavy and wnrm, is n foregone
In these days of the one-piece
dress, that "you Just slip into,
and Uro dressed," nothing but
the long or three-quarter coat
answers the purpose. Most of
tho very attractive coats seen in
tho best shops or thoso worn by
the really smart women, show
remarkable simplicity, with the
greatest attention apparently
given to tho collar anil cuffs.
The sleeve, too. comes m for
considerable attention, tho one
piece, kimona sleeve, and the
full length sleeve in most cases,
with a rather deep cuff, being
the types generally favored.
As to the materials empioyea
for the mnWinir of theso car-
W W w
ments, volumes could be said and
written. Seldom, if ever before,
urna onnli n anlenrliil vnrietv nre. one is treated to, these
days. For every style of coat,
there is more than suitable mate
rial, each extremely well adapt
ed, and lending itself most effec
tively to that particular mode.
The materials greatly in de
mand, both for beauty of tex
ture and serviceableness.are two
toned diagonals, cheviots, cut
velours, fancy veiours,wuoucies,
double faced cloths, Scotch and
English mixtures and many nov
elty woolens, and one can go, on
and on, enumerating the favorite
. 1
fabrics. .
The coat illustrated here is of
the three-quarter type, known
as the "Sports Coat' presuma-
hlv her-anse nf its ultra smart
appearance. The collar is high
and turn over, tne sieeve is iun
length and finished with a deep
iiff and a verv novel feature is
the shaped belt at tne oacK.
Houc e. tine ish mixture or
tweed, or cheviot can be used
for this model, with a dark
chndfl nf velvet- fnr M Inr and
cuffs, and gun metal buttons for
the closing.
Don't fail' to see Clark for
. , 1 1.
Christmas canuy ai laciory
prices. 307 S. Jersey,
Killed in a Fall
Falling from an old turnstile
in a path leading from the Linn
ton road toward the river near
Whitwood Court, Robert Short.
14 years old, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Short, of 902 South
Jersey street, shortly after 3
o'clock Thursday afternoon sus
tained injuries which caused his
death a few minutes later.
Tho skull was fractured and
tho collar bone dislocated when
he fell and rolled down a bank
with the heavy wooden turnstile
on top of him.
The boy was playing on the
turnstile with Mabel bargent,
11 years old, a friend of the
Short family, when suddenly
without warning the little girl
jumped off. This movement
caused the boy to fall off, and
in tin instant the whole apparatus
toppled over on top of his body,
crushing in the back of his head.
Before his parents who were
nearby, could reach him, the boy
and apparatus started to roll
down the bank.
After rolling 20 feet, tho boy
was caught by the father and
rushed forth J ferry, to take them
across to St. Johns, where the
boy could get medical attention.
He died, however, on board tho
ferry before it reached the east
shore of the river.
The Short family and the little
Sargent girl had gone across the
river to walk in the woods ufter
having partaken of their Thanks
giving dinner, when the acci
dent occurred.
Will Boost St. Johns
Mayor A. A. Muck has associat
ed himself with It. II. Bowdler of
Washington, D. C, and opened
up an olllco in room G, Hallway
Exchange, Portland. Tho firm
is doing business under the title
of St. Johns Realty Co. It is
their purpose to boost St Johns
in a manner never before at
tempted since H. L. Powers did
such great work for the upbuild
ing of this city. They already
have several manufacturing
plants on tho string, and tho
probabilities are that at least
one of them will bo landed by
tho first of tho now year. Mr.
Muck will bo in his olllco in tho
city hall every morning from 8 to
9 o'clock, where ho will bo glad
to take up any matter with any
ono relativo to the welfaro of St.
Johns. Mayor Muck is ono of tho
very best boosters nnd most faith
ful workers that St. Johns over
possessed, and if he gots on tho
scentof anything that tends to
the betterment and development
of this city he can be depended
upon to follow it UP until it is
an accomplished fact, Ho does
n't know what tho word "cannot"
means, is ever teeming with
optimism and good cheer, and in
giving his undivided attention
toward boosting St. Johns great
things are bound to result.
Would that St Johns had a few
moro liko Mayor A. A. Muck.
Free Delivery of Mail
Tlenr Sir or Mnflnm! Yon lire
informed that tho Hon. First
Assistant Postmaster General
has authorized delivery of mail
In vnnr neighborhood, hecrinnincr
January 1, 1918, the service to
bo extended only to tnose pat
rons whose houses are number
ed, premises provided with con
tinuous sidewalks and who wjll
put up mail boxes or cut slots in
the frontdoor of their residences
or places of business for the re
ceipt of mail.
Tt. in not necessarv to nurchaso
an expensive mail box, as any
. . . tit
box into which you are wining
to have your mail placed will be
To avoid delay in delivery it
will be necessary to have all man
addressed to your street and
niimher Please nntifv vour
correspondents and the publish-
era nr nil minora nnn mntrnzines
subscribed for of your correct
address. W. Williamson,
Acting Postmaster,
Oregon cheese took honors at
the recent National Dairy Show
at. flhieacro. winnlntr second hon
ors in the competition with 800
samples or tne cneese maicer s
nrt. from nil narts of the coun
try. This, too, in. spite of the
fact, that the loner shinment to
Chicago took off three points in
the score given this state's prod-
1 1 1 nn 1. -
ucts, wnicn was yoj out ui a jx
sible 100.
The Library
Open Hours: l:oo 105:30 ntul 7 to 9:30 p.m
Sundayti 2:30 to 5:30
Fifty two women were in at
tendance at the mother's meet
ing Monday to listen to Miss Ste
vens interesting paper on Obe
dience and to take part in the
discussion which followed led by
Mrs. Tousoy. Several visitors
from out of town were present,
among them Mrs. Tate, Presi
dent of the Mother's Congress
of Portland, and Mrs. Christmas
of University Park. Four dozen
chairs havo been received for
seating the room for this und
other meetings.
A committee from the Mothers'
club was appointed to meet at
tho library and with the help
which can be given there in the
way of lists and the books them
selves to make out a list of sug
gested books suitable as Christ
mas presents for children. At
this time of year tho shops are
gay with attractively bound and
illustrated gift books and it is
not always easy for tho hurried
Christmas shopper to ascertain
on the moment whether or not
anything worth while lies behind
tho bright colors. That there is
no gift better than a good book
wo will ull ullow, but it is equal
ly true thut thero are few gifts
worso than n poor book. In se
lecting presents for their child
ren all parents arc anxious not
only to exclude tho bad books
but to includo none but the best
It was felt that a carefully com
piled list giving price and short
description of cacn book would
be helpful. The list cannot con
tain nil tho good books but at
least it will contain only good
ones, it is hoped to have it
ready for distribution in a few
From tho Bulletin Board:
Egoism Tho love of self re
gardless of others. Its philoso
phy is, Get there. Its adherents
aro likened to goats and are now
in tho posscasion-of tho earth.
Altruism Tho lovo of others
regardless of self. Its philoso
phy is, "Bless them that curse
thee, love them that ill treat thee.
Its adherents are likened to
sheep and ure promised tho pos
session of Heaven.
Mutualism Tho love of one's
neighbor as of self. Its philoso
phy is, opportunity, not aims.
Justice, not Charity. Its adher
ents aro tho workers of the
world who will gain possession
of tho earth and its fullness.
New Books:
Stephens- Letters from an Ore
gon ranch. This book has been
much called for but as it is out
of print and tho Central lib
rary' cjrculating copy is lost wo
havo until now been unablo to
procuro it. Wright Their yes
terdays. By tho author of tho
WJnnmg of Barbara Worth.
Saint Maur- -Making homo profit
able. Has interesting nnd in
structive chapters on various
phases of garden making.
Poultry raising, etc.
To Our Subscribers
Owintrto the fact that free
mail delivery service will bo in
augurated in St. Johns on January
1st, 1913, and that thereat tor tne
Review will bo delivered by
carriers, it is imperative that
we should securo the address of
each subscriber. Therefore, wo
ask each subscriber residing
within carrier limits to cut out
and fill in the blank form below.
and send same to the Review
Street Number , , ,
Oregon apples are invading tho
far corners of the world this sea-
son. A snip leaving in ew iorrc
for Buenos Ayres recently had a
large shipment on board. Ihis
fruit will travel 10.000 miles
from the orchard before it
reaches the consumer. A car
load of Grande Rondo Valley has
been sent to Norway lately, lie
sides, thero is the usual strong
demand from many other parts
of Europe and the Orient is also
taking Oregon fruit
Forest reserves in Oregon will
contribute a total of $42,259 to the
state in 1912, Most of Hub money
troes to state road work and it is
derived from the sale of timber
within the forest reserves.
certain percentage of which
goes to tho state in which the re
serves are located.
Big Timber Deals
With tho termination of ne
gotiations for the transfer of a
large tract of timber land in
Washington and Tilliamook
counties for approximately 85,
000,000 and two other timber
deals in process of closing, East
ern capital involving a total of
$9,000,000 is being invested in
Oregon as u direct result of the
signal defeat of single tax at
the election held last month.
In tho deal closed yesterday
tho purchaser is the Wilson
River Timber Company, incor
porated in the State of Delaware,
and composed of Portland and
Eastern capitalists. The proper
ty acquired includes 22,000 acres
and consists of a number of sep
arate but contiguous tracts form
erly held by P. L. Willis, W. F.
Stine and J. O. Elrod, of Port
land; by the Pacific Coast Timber
Company, composed of Mr. Willis,
Mr. Stine and the Sherman estate
and by R. V. Jones and L. B.
The nronert.v is on the main
line of the proposed United Rail
ways extension and about one
mile north of the Portland Rail
way & Navigation lino completed
last year by the Southern Pacific
Company, between Hillsboroand
Tillamook. It is about -10 miles
from Portland on a direct line,
and on the north fork of the
Wilson River.
As the property is on tho west
slopo of tho Coast Range its
natural outlet is through Tilla
mook Bay. However, it would
be impracticable to ship it from
that point with tho Tillamook
channel in its present condition,
say thoso interested in the enter
prise. As soon as the Tillamook
harbor improvements now under
wav and nroiected are completed
oxtensivo logging and milling
operations are likely to follow.
Contingent upon the harbor
improvements also is the exten
sion of tho United Railways to
Tillamook and Bay City.
It is understood that the new
owners of tho timber tract hnve
conferred with officials of the
United Railways with reference
to building the extension, but
pending the harbor development,
definito steps forcarrying on the
railroad work will not be at
J. J. Hill and other officials of
tho Hill system frequently as
serted that the Tillamook bay
lino will be completed as soon
as the lumber market shows en
couragement and tho Tillamook
harbor improvements aro finish
ed. The lumber situation, it is
admitted, is satisfactory, and
tho implication is held out that
harbor development nlone is
needed to moke tho rail exten
sion certain,
It is nrolmb 0 that somo of the
timber will bo cut and marketed
even boforo tho work nt Tilla
mook is finished. In that event
tho logs will be brought to Port
land and milled here. Construc
tion of a connecting link from
the Harriman line ovor tho sin
irle mile soimrating it from the
property is entirely feasible.
This will be done if immediate
development is desired.
A valuable consideration in
this transaction is tho fact that
tho land is of rich productivo ca
pabilities and will become ex-
collent dairy and agricultural
property after it is logged ofL
It is tho intention of tho owners
to dispose of it for Hub purpose
after they have cut tho timber.
Final consummation of tho
deal, which had been ponding
for several months, was delayed
on account of tho single tax is
sue before tho voters at the No
vember eection. When it be
came certain that single tax had
been defeated tho Eastern men
interested in it agreed to invest.
It is asserted that every acre
of the land is covered with Doug
las fir of the highest quality, but
the total number of feet of tim
her involved has not been deter
The other deal involves a big
tract in Columbia county. It is
expected to be closed this week.
About $3,000,000 will bo repre
sented in this sale. 'Ihe third
deal, which involves a considera
tion of about $1,000,000 of East
ern money, will bo announced
probably this week. Oregonian.
A dinner celebrating the 30th
anniversary of the wedding of
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Logan of
Scio, Oregon, was given at the
home of G. W. Etheridgo at 71G
North Edison street on Tanks-
erivinir dav. Mr. Loiran is
brother of Mrs. Etheridge.
About twenty were present, and
all thoroughly enjoyed the occa
High School Notes
Wednesday morning, Nov. 27,
Rev. Mr. Wiesle, pastor of the
German Baptist church, spoke to
the pupils of James John High
on the subject. "Ucsponsi
bility." The close attention
given him by tho pupils, and
their hearty applause showed
plainly how much they enjoyed
his address. This was tho first
of what we hone may be freqeunt
general assemblies addressed by
citizens of St. Johns.
Z Postmaster T. J. Monahan
last week presented the high
school with a photograph of our
worthy benefactor, James John.
Ihe picture pleasingly lrnmcd,
now hangs on the wall of the au
ditorium as a reminder to us of
his generous forethought We
heartily thank Mr. Monnhan for
his gift.
Our school has entered the Or
egon High bchool Debuting
League. In the Columbia River
District, we are grouped with
Astoria and St Helens for a tri
angular debate to be held somo
time after Jan. 1, on the ques
tion. "Resolved that the Presi
dent of the United States should
be nominated and elected by di
rect vote of the people." Our
High School will have two teams
composed of two members each,
which will debate this question
on the same date, the affirmative
team meeting St. Helens nt
ionic and the negative being
sent to Astoria. It is the plan
to select theso teams by a tryout
debate in the high school.
The Seniors and Juniors enter
tained the Sophomores nnd
Freshmen Wed. evening Nov.
27 in the High School halls and
Gymnasium. The strongest im
pression left by tho evening was
that of tho whole hearted and
friendlv snir t which pervaded
tho happy company. This spirit
was aided by the old fashioned
games played during tho oven-
ing. Urop the hnndKcrchtcr
(with somo new fashioned addi
tions), follow your leader and
other games filled tho time until
uncli was served. After this
A A t
an "aeroplane ruio" gavo a
touch of excitement
The program given by tho
Rhetorical division "B" Wed.
afternoon, was certainly a suc
cess; as the critic stated in re
viewing the dillerent numbers,
a wave of originality seems to
lavo struck the high school.
'Tho Diary of a Freshman."
by naze 1 .Johnson and ino
James John Review" by Viola
Westhefer told In breezy fashion
of tho littlo incidonts which go
to make up school life, hdna
McKinney showed in pantomino
the vissicitudes of a man shav
ing. Tho Oration by Johnston
Cheney and the Reading by
Gladys Palmor woro delivered
with spirit, 'ihe musical num
bers gave a pleasant variation
to the program. A spirited dis
cussion on tho Woman Suffrago
question nnd n dialogue with a
pronounced moral completed tno
program. Tho talents and inge
nuity displayed by tho pupils
thus far and the energy with
which they have taken hold of
tho Rhetorical work is very en
Saturday night tho "V's" live
mot tho socoiul toam of J. J. II.
S. on the hitter's floor. Tho
game was both oxciting and in
teresting. When tho reicree'a
whist 0 called timo the score
was 23 tol in favor of the" Vs."
Both teams played hard and they
aro eager to play again. Friday
night of this week tho hrst team
of J. J. H. S. will journey to
Beavorton to meet tho High
School team of that nlace. A
- - - .1
fast game is oxpocted and we
are practicing hard in onior to
bo nrenared. The girls are pro
gressing rapidly in tho basket
1 11 . 1 - .
oau aim a game is uxiicuiuu auuii.
The Bergen-Marx Trio, which
anneared at the high school on
Thanksgiving ovnning. certainly
took the music-loving people ot
St Johns by storm. Without
doubt this comnany was com
posed of the best artist3 that
have thus far beon heard in our
Lvceum courses. Both Bergen
and Marx exhibited a pleasant
nersona ity. much individuality
and musicianship. Hans Dres-
sel. the violin cellist, showed re
markable finish and technique.
Tho interpretation of their selec
tions was exceptionally lino and
brought forth enthusiastic praise
from the large and appreciative
"Romance still lingers in our
work-a-day world," Mrs. Le
land in Broken Fetters, Bickners
hall, Dec'lO. Como and see for
Council Proceedings
That St. Johns has a population
of at least 15,048 souls was demon
strated at the regular meeting of
the city council Tuesday evening.
A census taken in tho interest
of establishing an order of Elks
in St. Johns was authorized by
the council. t It required a bona
fide population of at least 5,000
before the charter could bo se
cured. The census was taken
by members of the proposed or
ganization, nnd when they had
secured a safe margin over tho
required number nbandoncd their
undertaking. Just how many
more reside in St. Johns than
those enumerated by the census
takers is open to conjecture, but
it is generally conceded that the
number ranges between 300 and
500. The council accepted the
report of the enumerators by
adoption of resolution.
A petition for nn arc light nt
the intersection of Fessenden
and Midway streets was ordered
placed on file.
A joint committee from tho
Commercial club and city council
reported n conference with the
county commisioners relative to
more reliable ferry service.
Complaint had arisen because a
dny was taken by the ferry
operators to clean the boilers
an arrangement that happens
almost every week and liable to
happen at any time without fore
knowledge by the traveling pub
lic. To eliminate this nuisance
and annoyance the committees
were appointed. Tho county
court advised running a water
main from Bradford street to
the ferry landing, so that the
boilers could bo cleaned without
pumping tho necessary water by
hand pumps from tho river. If
this is done, the commissioners
bcliovcd tho work could be done
on Sunday mornings, and due
notice bo given by placard ol
such innovation, Matter was
placed in the hands of the com
mittee to tiso its own judgment
In tho matter and arrange the
schedule of running so that it
would allord tho greatest benellt
to the greatest number of patrons.
T.A. Glover asked for the re
newal of liquor license for the
period of six months. Referred
to the liquor license committee.
Captain Fuller, who had been
displaced as Captain of the ferry
boat, enlisted the aid 01 council
in secur ng reinstatement, iho
captain stated that he was dis
missed without apparent cause.
Recognizing the fact that Lap
tain Fuller was a valuablo man,
faithful and efficient, the alder
men did not hesitate to extend
tho aid solicited, und the record
er was directed to indite a com
munication to the county court
urging tho return to service of
Mr. Fuller.
An invitation from tho Fire
Department requesting the prtw
enco of the councilmen at their
smoker to bo given January (5.
1913, was unanimously accepted.
Tho Railroad Commission ask
ed for a list of all public utilities
doing business in St. Johns, mid
tho recorder was directed to
supply same.
A ruling of tho city attornoy
decided thut all property could
bo assessed moro than tllty nor
cent for sewer purposes.
Lecture Sunday
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
a lecture will be given in the
city hall at St. Johns. Subject:
Charity trom a uibio stand
point Let everybody como and
welcome. Mr. Mills is a dovout
christian, a Biblical scholar of
ability, an interdenominational
evangelist, or house to house
speaker, well known from ocean
to ocean by many who lovo to
hear him. He is always roady
to answer Biblo questions, es
pecially from tho Now Tosta
ment The speaker is no crank,
fanatic or wizard; dooan't think
he knows it all - just an humble
follower of Jesus, tho Suviour.
Free seats, warm room; all are
welcome. Let us who can go
and hear him, as he hasn't long
to stay. Ho is urged to go to
Bute county, California. Rov.
Mr. Vernon of University Park.
Gordon Elliot and wife who
havo been spending somo timo
in California, havo returned to
St. Johns to reside permanently.
Mr. Elliot is fully satisfied that
thero Is no other city on tho coast
with as many attractions as St
Johns. They havo taken up their
residence temporarily at tho
homo of Gus Salamond on South
Ivnuhoe street.
were found in nis coat.