St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 29, 1912, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 Weat Uurllngton Street.
This Rkvikw Is entered nt post office
in Snlnt Johns, Oregon, ns until mnttcr
of the second clnss under the Act of Con
grcss of Mnrch 3, 1879,
Official Ntwrpaper of Ih Oltx of St J ohm.
Subiorlptlon prloo $t. 00 par year.
A Chtneia Inoldent.
"I'll toll you n true story," wild n
mbwlonnry, "tlmt llltiHtnitcw tlm nohll
Hy of tliu Clilnwe elmnii'tor.
"A drunken CoswiHc In Mntiehtirlii
Hliot n Chlnniniin fiilnlly. It viin nee
cwtflry to Identify the follow, hihI Imlf
n dozen ConsflckH were hroiiKht to the
Chlnnmnn'fl denthhod for tlmt purple.
He, however, rofuned to point out lilt
murderer, wiyliiK:
'"Why Hhould he he killed, hIih-q
miiHt dlo In tiny cnno?'
"They oxphilned Hint the Cownek
would not he put to dontli, hut only fie
vcrely nunUhed, for hi crime. There
upon the Chltmtnnn wild:
" 'Hut why punlHh him, nlnce he Ih nt
ready forgiven?'
"l'o thin they mndo miHwer tlmt the
punlfthtuent would not he 11 revence
hut a deterrent. It would keep thu
CoHHiick from repenting muoIi u IioIihmih
"Hut the Clilnmnnn only Hhook IiIk
"Ito won't repent It nnywuy,' he
Hiilil, 'when he known tlmt t forgive
him.' ' MlnnenpollH Joiiriinl.
How Rain Darsi Hoist.
When mln fnlln It does not netuntly
nonk Into the enrtli, hut lion ltd way
In, fonnlnc Ony tuhcH, TIicno tuheH
tiro ho hiiiiiII tlmt It would he Impox
nllile to Inner! n hnlr In one of them
without liurHtlnir Km wall. Kometlmci
the tuheH lire Ixired down to 11 deptl
of four or live fet. When the mirfuee
drlcfi, tho wnter ovnpornteH from the
tuhex, Junt im It would from 11 pipe.
If the tillie 1,1 twlNted It Ink en Ioiiki
for tlm wnter to oviipornte. If one
tnkex n rnke mid Htlrri the ground nfli
eneh nil 11 he hrenkH thu tops of tin
tuheH. unit the wnter will Htiiml In
them for montlm. In (IiIh way the
fnrmerH of the wcmI, on the mmiliirlt
InndH, Htore the nitnfiill one year mid
rnlno n crop of wheat every other
year, there helm; Niiillcleut water In
two yenrM, hut not eiioiiKli In one, to
rnlHo n crop. llarper'M.
Manntrt If Not Malhemntlci.
The little hoy, iied live, wmm Hltlllitf
In the inhUt of the turpi family circle
nt tho luncheon tnhle. Opposite hint
wiin IiIh yoiitiK lady coimlu, who mln
gled with her affection for him an ear
next lUrnlre to net IiIh Infant feet In the
pathH of knowledge, dimt now In her
InteiiNo way Mm wait lryln to teach
him how to divide an oraiiKo lutoipmr
AkhIii and attain Hho led up to the
point that m!io wUhcd him to think out
and m often he fulled to follow.
Ah hIio leaned forward, wholly ah
iiorhed In her doidro to make the Idea
clear to lilm, nln linked oucii more,
"Hut how would you net a iuirttir of
nn tiruiiKi'f"
The hoy, Itllwfully uiicoiikcIoiin, re
nlltfl with a hoMiiiliiK look. "I would
Hiiy pIwiho." VoiUIi'h Coiiipnulou.
Punlia For Patlantt.
AIIIioiikIi the imtlenl had waited half
an hour for her Interview, the lime
had not dniUKed.
"I worked on one of (hone pnwthw."
who until. "Hy tho way, dorlor. you
nro not a chlldreiiV HpivlnlUt; then
why do you keep ho many pmutlcx In
your reception roomr'
"V011 aiiNwercd your own ipiiwtlou he
fore you naked It." the doctor mild. "I
keep them to 11111110 the nnviuiw.
Mont people who feel ImiI ciioukIi to
visit 11 doctor can eiiterlHlu thcintolvctf
hotter with a puiule than a lunik or
iiiiiL'iiilue. Kvery piiasle that Iiiim
imlilevcd impiilarlty In the hut twenty
fire yearn Iihh n plce In that cnhluet
DcntlntH alto rely on puttie to keep
walling iwitlentrt III kimm liuiuor, for
oven toothache will nlmre attention
with u Kood piiMle." - New York TIiiuvh.
Trada Eniblann on Tombttonat.
In Hcotluud It wan for a Ionic time
mmal to place un a iiihu'h tomlMioue
the aymlNiIri of hw tmde. lbtpecmlly
wna thht the cnao nt Diinhlane, where,
In the burial Kroiiud of the ahhey. It
1mm heeii fount! that of tuiw tomli
atotniM whteh nro froui too to yui in
old about om fourth ai tlnw iimrki-l.
the HymholM Mux In hw relief. A
MiKiir I'unu may he mmhi mm ahowluu
the grnve of a icnkwr: an ax ami iv.
with liNiumer ami nalk, otvtir ou tin
Kravu of a intriie uter; an awl and a
hammer 011 tlmt of a MhooiuMkcr.
There are uinuy etlwr Krnve aUullarly
marked. IuhIuii Aiwwern.
Raturnad With Interott.
Tin author ami Sallte (Julckatep
wre 4ayliiK ttuiuU. iut the author,
who Ih twmethlUK of a teuM, Iwil Uhu
rallylilK Iter about Iter tmme.
"I my. MUh Salllt." he ctll at lust
"do )ou ftm! warm? Yoti'rv KettliiK
awfully red."
"Am I redT" returutnl alie calmly an
wlie went thu hall llyluv over the net.
"Well, thnt'a more tlutii can he xuld of
your iMWkt), Mr. Inkwell Thiit'H -4U
love I lwllevo." New York 1'nwH,
Huay riraman,
"You have a lire dertmeut In your
vIIIiiku. I huphxio" axkrtl the vlxltor
to Mudvllht.
"Oh, yea." wiilhal the proud eltlxen.
"And Ih the dtartHieut kept hu)'r
"Hutiy? I kliuuld nay wI Why. we
!wve four puradiw a year!" Y'onktvre
Parfactly Socura.
An old farmer ouee oxcuaod hlmnelf
for h!ccplu undr the rwtor'H NerinoiiH
by olxtervliiir, "I-or". vlr. when you are
lu tho pulpit wu know It la all rlulit"
londou Ktandard.
Ha Uaokad Out.
Dentist We must kill tho norvo of
tho tooth, Putlent-a'hiMi I will ja Qnt
of the room. I'm tiw twulor lieartwl
to wituciM It Meweudorfcr HUtter.
Indiana' Polaonad Arrowa.
The nrrow poison used by the Indiana
of Colombia has been found to be the
nccrotlon of tho skin of n nimill frotf.
The arrows are clKbt Inch patm npliicn.
which nro shot from n blowKun about
fourteen feet Ioiik, and tho hunter car
rlcs tho froj; nloiiK In a hollow bamboo
In order tlmt ho mny have the poIhou
In a frenh condition. A atmplu prlc
of tho skin yloldn the poison drop when
needed. When ono of tho nrrowa en
tcrs tho body of even a larse animal
auch ns n Jngunr, monkey or deer
paralysis quickly followa and the vie
Urn Is then cftHlly killed. The use of
the polHon, It Is mild, doea not affect the
IIchIi of the animals killed, which Is
milte hnrmless when eaten. Two Krench
imturnllstJi have made experiments
with the edible frog, Itami eHCtilenta
hIiowIiik that Its hklu exudes 11 nIiiiIIii
PoIhoii when Irritated and that an ox
tract prepared from the skin kIvcs In
KUlncn pigs the hiiiiio Hymptoms as lu
oculiitlon with the urrow poison. Chl
ciiro Tribune.
The Way Back To It.
"Why do you call your wife I'ejwy?'
"It's a long Htory."
"It must be. rei?y Is supposed to
bo abort for Margaret, though I could
never hco why. Hut your wife's name
Is Kellcla. How do you get lit"
"Well, you see, U'h like this. I'egg
Is short for a nickname I Invented for
her. I got In the habit of culling he
"Hut why?"
"Pegnsa Is the feminine of I'egnHUS.
"Yes, but"
"And I'egasus was nn Imtuortal
"I know tlmt. Hut what has your
wlfo got to do with it?"
"Welt, nn Immortal steed Is In pint
terms an undying horse, And an un
dying horse Is nil everlasting ling
Now do you hco?"
Ho saw and sympathized nppropr!
ntely.-Clovelnnd l'lnln Denier.
Orasaad For th Oceaalon.
"Ilefore I take this dress off," snld
the womnii to the home dressmaker,
"I want to go Into the kitchen and read
the riot act to Maria."
"Oh. not with this dress mil" tin
dressmaker protested. "Hho Is cook
lug, and the grease might pop"
"Can't help It," the woman Interrupt
od. ". iiirhi needs 11 lecture. Hho has
been needing It for some time, but
didn't dare deliver It been hho I Imdn'
good enough clothes to make It effei
the. Marin Is black and Judges pn
pie hy the clothes they wear. If I had
scolded In my shirt waist and skirt or
even lu my old blue nftcriioon dress
Maria would have scorned me, but
with all this finery 011 I can speak my
piece, and Maria will 1st properly im
pressed, and iiuiybe she will reforui."-
New York Times.
Clavar Rublnitaln.
The Italian tenor Marconi once made
a visit to llublnsteln, during which the
hitter's little sou came tripping eager
Iv Into tho music room mid said, "This
Is my festa, iniim, and I want a pres
out." "Very well, my huh, what shall
It bet" "A wait, papa, a new wait
all for myself, and now." "What an
Impatient little sou It 1st" exclaimed
the great musician. "Hut, of course,
you shall have your gift. Here It Is,
Listen! And for you," turning to the
distinguished tenor, "I will play my
'Nero, It Hcems Incredible," says
Mnrcoiil, "but then ami there I wit
ucKHcd and heard 11 most remarkable
phenomenon. The maestro Improved'
and played 11 charming wait with Ids
left hand, giving me at the sumo time
with Ids right the splendid overture.'
How Sound Wavaa Move.
The speisl with which sound waves
are transmitted through the litmus
phere depends on several conditions
When the temperature Is at Xi degrees
P., sounds move with a speed of t.ots)
feet per second, the velocity Increas
lug with the temperature at the rate of
about one fisit of sliced per second for
each degree abovo the freezing slnt
Then, again, lu damp air sound moves
wltli a gnsiter vehsity than It does In
dry air, 110 odds If the dry air be warm
and the dump cold, lu water miuud
moves more than four times ms fast
as It docs lu air, or, say, at about the
rate of I.71X) feet per second.
Hla Pratcrlnllon.
Trump I Jus' dropped lu to offer my
nro for ludlgcHtlon and kindred all'
mollis, mum. It may prove a great
hliwwlnc to vour family, mum. and I
Imriro nothlmr for the nroscrlntlon.
llotiKokccpcr -Well, 1 must say that's
rcMHouahlc enough. What's the cure?
Trunin- IJve on ivlalu food and give
your rich and Indigestible dishes over
to the isxir. rut the poor, iiiutu. bun
I'ninclsco Chronicle.
A Dittar Taunt.
The other day at cards two London
nil uunrroled long and arduously
over a iwtyuiont of the gigantic sum of
Hi shillings. At last (he hwer Hung the
money down 011 the table, saying, with
concentrated venom, "There, that will
liy for your next dinner jsirty."
In a Qlaaa Houae,
Tom Doesn't your girl's father call
you down for staying so lute? Jack
Well. no. You see. I generally meet
him at thu gate coming home from the
eluli. Hoston Transcript.
Not the 8ame.
"Do you know. I heard your family
doctor Is 11 dipsomaniac?"
No such thing. He's an allopath."
llnltlinore American.
We hnvo committed the Golden Hule
to memory: now let us commit It to
life. Markhaui.
How Is Your Title?
Have your nbstracts made, con-
timtetl or examined nt the Pciiiusu
In Title, Abstract uiiil Realty Co-
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
Henderson, manager, 208 North
ersey, McDonald bitiUliiiK.
Your nroserintion loft witli us
will rocuivo tho utmost cure.
It would be mere child
play for nn expert sa
breaker to purloin the
cash receipts you keep i
your safe? And any snca
thief could take every
penny out of that cash
Deposit your cash receipt1
in our burglar and fire
proof vaults. Open an ac
count here to-day. Be on
the safe sidel
Wc pay 4 per cent, inter
est on bavniKS accounts
and rent safe deposit boxes
for your valuable papers,
jewelry, etc., for S3. 00 per
First National
St. Johns, Oregon
Everything for
the Kitchen
Ranges $35.00 to $55,110
Kitchen Cabinets ..,$9,00
Linoleum 40c (0 $1.25 yd
Kitchen Tables
Kitchen Chairs 50c
Nickel Plated Ware
Knives, Iorks, Spoons, etc.
Wnehlnit Mnohlnee $0.oo to $13. Go
Washboilers $1.25 to $4.00
Washboards 25c to 50c
Wc can furnish your Kitchen com
plcte with nil necessities and con
St. Johns Furniture
C. E. RHOADS, Prop.
The ircncral merchandise
store at Whitwood Court has
been taken over by C. E
Khoutls, a man ot many
years experience in tho bus
mess. By buying in large
quantities, he is enabled to
sell cheaper than m fort
land, uive him a trial and
convince yourself. Phone
Main 9517.
M. Losaimr nml Fred Arnhultz
who hnvo boon ranching down
tho ruoiummn river for somo
months, have returned to St
Johns for tho winter.
You t;ot full weight and flrvt
iiiullty ut the Central market. Just
r Hwhlla.
The Prosperous
whom you know arc bank de
positots, nru thsy not?
Many of them are depos.
itors with this bank and would
recommend it to you as a safe,
tcspousihle, accommodating
The- chances of arctiruula
itig n cash reserve outside of
a bank are small, and even
when moderately successful,
danger lurks in a multitude of
disguises around money kept
in the custody of the indivi
dual. Insure your prosperity by
insuring the safety of your
money. Deposit it with this
bank atid pay by check.
United States Depository
4 Per Cent Interest
on Savings
The City of St. Johns does or-
dain us lollows:
Whereas, the City Council
the city of St. Johns. Oregon
deems it expedient to open, lay out
and extend und establish Kellogg
street sixty ieet in width from
its present easterly termination
to the westerly line of Richmond
street as now located and estab
lished in the City of St. Johns
and to condemn and appropriate
therefor a strip ot land sixty
feet in width; and
Whereas, the City council
the City of St. Johns did on the
First day of October. 1912, adopt
i m...
u resolution wuerein inu miy
Engineer of the City of St.Johns
was directed to make a survey
plat and written report of tho
said proposed extension of Ke
logg Street and of tho property
to be appropriated therefor and
of the lots and tracts of land i n
der which said extension wn
be made: and
Whereas, the City Engir.scr
pursuant to the said resolution
has made such survey and has
filed with the City Recorder
nlat entitled "Condemnation o
Kellogg street, Exhibit A" to
gether with a written reporl
which is as follows, to wit:
Engineer's Report.
To the Honorable Mayor una
Common Council of the City o
St. Johns, Urcgon.
Gentlemen: "In response to
the resolution adopted by the
Council on the first day of Octo
ber, 1912 for the opening, luy
ng out and establishing ot Kc
logg street in the City of St
Johns. Oregon, sixty feet
width from tho present easterly
termination of the said street
thu westerly line of Richmom
street in the City of St. Johns
us now locuted and established
and to condemn and appropriate
therefor a strip of land sixty
feet in width lying between th
said eaatdrlv termination of Kc
logg strecC and the said Westerly
lino of Richmond street, which
said resolution was adopted as
aforesaid on the first day of Oc
tober, 1912, I herewith submit
tho following report thereof:
"First: l nave made a survey
as provided for by Bind the reso
lution and hnvo nrenared a Dlat
of such survey and do herowit
submit a written report. I here
with report that Kellogg street
as now laid out and establishes
is sixty feet in width and thn
to continue the said Kellogg st
GO feet in width from its present
easterly termination to the Wes
tor y lino of Richmond street in
the City of St. Johns would re
quiro tho following described
property lying.situnto and bo ng
in tho City ot bt. Johns as fol
lows, to wit:
"Starting nt tho northeast
corner of Charleston and Kellogg
streets. thenco run in an easterly
course along tho north lino of
Kellogg streot 17'J.bU feet, to the
southeast corner of Lot 5 IJlock
2 Jersey street addition to St,
Johns. Oregon, which point
tho initial point ot land to be
condemned. Thenco producing
tho lino abovo defined run b9.
feet to n stnko on the westerly
lino of Richmond street, thence
run at an angle of 85 degrees 2
minutes to tho right C0.2 feet
along the westerly line of Rich
mond street to a stake, thence
run at an angle of 91 degrees- 40
minutes to the right 89.40 feet to
a stake, thenco run at an angle
of 85 degrees 20 minutes to the
right G0.2 feet to tho place of bo'
ginning containing in all 5380.8
so. feet, more or less.
"That the above described land
lies within .the limits of Kellogcr
street as proposed to be opened.
aid out and established and that
the above is a full und complete
description of the land which is
necessary for the said opening.
aymg out and establishing of
said Kellogg street.
"Second: That a full and
complete description of the
boundaries, and the portions of
the lots and tracts of land a part
of which are to be taken and ap
propriated for the opening, lay
ing out and establishing of said
ivellogg street as proposed is
hat portion of land known as
the Canles Tract lying between
the Jersey street Addition to bt.
ohns and Kichmond street in
said City.
Third: I herewith submit
)latof said Kellogg street mark
ed "Condemnation of Kellogg
street, Exhibit A which said
)lat is made in accordance to the
survey as ordered by the resolu
tion of the Council for the open
ing, laying out and establishing
of the said Kellogg street and
io said plat further shows the
boundaries of the proposed
A Genuine Surprise
The ladies of the Baptist
Church pleasantly surprised Mrs.
F. Coffyn, Monday evening, it
being the 53rd anniversary of
her birth. No one ever looked
more astonished than did Mrs.
Coffyn when she opened the door
and beheld the large crowd which
had congregated on the porch.
The first amusement was to
guess the hostess' age. The prize
for the correct guess was a slice
of birthday cake, Mrs. J. M.
Shaw being the winner. Mr.
Coffyn and daughter Mrs. Chid
ester rendered several piano
duets which were heartily appre
ciated. During the course of the
refreshments Mr. Coffyn distrib
uted birthday cards to all present
on which the guests wrote their and birthday verses.
Then they were presented to
Mrs. Coffyn for a remembrance
of the occasion. The Ladies also
presented a table linen to Mrs.
Coffyn. At a late hour all de
parted reporting a good time.
There were 25 present. x
The Willamette Valley wants
the tolls taken oil the locks ut
Oregon City, as provided for in
an agreement reached some time
aao by the War Department and
the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Co. whereby the locks
will be nurchased for $375,000,
Tho abstract of title is said not
to be complete and much delay
has already been caused. Com
mercial bodies of tho valley
have taken steps to hasten the
Mrs. S. C. Cook gave a ban
quet in honor of Mrs. Week's
class of tho M. E. Sunday school
Tuesday, Nov. 19th, for receiving
the banner tho most times. A
verv enjoyable time was had.
and the table fairly groaned with
good things to eat. The first
nrize was awarded to Mary Jones,
and the booby prize to Genevieve
Gnmmcl, at an alphabetical con
test. Thoso present were Mary
Jones. Genevieve Gammel, Inez
Eatinircr, Delia Vinson, Oval
Avy, Mabel Smock, Mr. and Mrs.
S. C. Cook, Mrs. Blew, (Mrs.
Cook's daughter) and her two
children, and Mrs. Cook's
lots and the tracts of land to be
appropriated therefor.
''.Respectfully submitted this
2Gth day of November, A. D.
1912. C. E. Andrew,
City Engineer."
Now therefore the City of St.
Johns docs ordain as follows:
Tho survey, plat and written
report hereinbefore mentioned
in connection with the proposed
opening, laying out and extend
ing of Kellogg street sixty feet
in width from its present easter
ly termination to tho westerly
lino of Richmond street is hereby
approved and adopted; and is
hereby deemed necessary to con
demn and nppropriato for
street purposes and for the
public uso that strip of land
more particularly described in I
the Engineer's Report and the
accompanying plat thereof.
Passed uy the Council this
2Gth day of November A. D.
Approved by tho Mayor this
2Gth day of November A.D. 1912.
Attest: F. A. RICE,
Published in the St. Johns Re
view, Nov. 29, 1912.
Notice of Cost of Improvement
Notice i hereby given that the assess
ment (or the improvement of Central
avenue (rum St, Johns avenue to Druee
avenue, the total cott of which
I i4,7?2.C7, a declared hy Ordinance
No. 514. entitled "An ordinance declur
tug the cot of Improving Central uvenue I
from ttie iiortnwcstcriy line 01 m joiiuh
avenue to the southeasterly line ot
llruce avenue in the city of St.
Johns, Oregon, and assessing the
property benefited thereby, declaring
such assessment and directing the entry
of the same in the docket of city liens.'
J lie coi oi sam improvement is levied
uron all the lots, parts oi lots and par
cels of land within the bouudaties of the I
district described as follows; Itetweeu
St. Johns avenue and llruce avenue,
A statement of said assessment has!
been entered in the docket of city liens
November 13. lyi-, ana said assessment
is now due and payable at the office of I
tue recorder ot uie city ot bt. joims, ur-
eeon, and will be delinquent and bear
interest after November 23,i9i3,audi( not
pati! on or beiore Dec. iz, ion. pro
ceedings win be laueu lor tue collection
of the same by sale of property as pro-
idea by uie city cuarter.
Published in the St. Johns Review on
Nov. 15 and igi7.
The following list of legal blauks
are kept for sale at this ottice aud
others will be added as the detuaud
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, batistactiou ot Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills'
of Sale, Leases.'
All these blanks nt the uniform
price of 30c per dozen,
(or the Review and be I
Kabo Corsets Carson Gloves
Headquarters for
Embroidery Work
D. M. G.s
We have just received the most
complete line of D. M. C.s,
Stamped Pillow Tops, Shirt
Waists, Collars, Table Covers,
Doilies, and in fact, everything
for the Embroidery Needle. Come
in and look them over instead of
going to Portland to buy.
We also have the agency for
Ladies' Home Jour
nal Embroidery
that never fail to please
We are selling the celebrated
English Slip-on Raincoats
for ladies and gentlemen at prices
below the average. These coats
are thoroly proofed and rubber
ized. Ladies' from $7.50 to $12.50
Men's $12.50 to $18.00.
Our stock of High Shoes, Rubber
Boots, Rubbers, Slickers, Rain
Hats, Alligators and Leggins was
never more complete. Ask for
the CHIPPEWA SHOE, the Best
Shoe on Earth.
We have re-inf orced our stock of
Underwear and Hosiery so that
we are better able to take care of
the wants of our patrons than
See our window display of Blan
kets. It will pay you to investigate.
Couch & Co.
Distributors of Merchandise Since 1904
Glove Brand Rubbers
Elite Petticoats
"Currin says so."
street and the portions of the1