St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 15, 1912, Image 4

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    Destructive Pol
icies Decried
Cure for industrial evils lie in
anno nnd rational investiga
tion, and the application of
just and humane law, says
Attorney J. O. Stearns, Jr.,
in address before Advocates
of Bonvillo 99-Year System.
Mr. Chairman, ladies and Ken
tlemen: In the minds of some n
minatlnn mtcrlif. nrfsn nn In WnV
you are here tonight why you grave disapproval nnd condem
have forsaken your firesides for nation. This destructive ten-
Oin oven mr. and denied vour- uency we must, anu win mum.
with us today in our troubles
thev ore heloinir with might and
main to undermine all that is
left to us, while all the time they
nrotend to be our friends. Be-
wnrc of them. They seek but
their own mean advantage. Look
out forthcdcmigoguctnat arch
enemv of freedom and equity,
who parades before you in the
guise of a friend. The spirit of
destruct on s with us. Turn
from it, my friends, nnd let your
policy be one of construction in-
. r mi f
sccnu. mere is n revolutionary
tendency abroad in America to
dav which thouirhtful citizens.
who have the true welfare of the
nconlc at heart, look upon with
"There could be no better med
icine than Chamberlain's Cough
Kemedy. My children were all
sick with whooping cough. One
of them was in bed, had a high
fever and was coughing up blood.
Our doctor gave them Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy nnd the
first dose eased them, and three
bottles cured them," says Mrs.
R. A. Donaldson of Lexington,
Miss. For sale by all dealers.
selves the much needed rest thut
onlv vour homes can offer, to
come here. Hut to my mind it
is not a question. I know why
vou are here. You are met in
this hall tonight for the self
samo reason thut our forefathers
trathered. so many years aao. an
indignant people protesting
against the brutal tyrannies of
an English Government. You
are hero for the self same reason
that John Hrown, that splendid
champion of the causo of free
dom, called his bravo little band
of followers to meet dcuth that
day upon the plain, that the black
slnvo m u hi bo J reed lrom Pond
age. In short you aro colled
here for tho somo renson nnd
motive that throughout tho ages
have actuated men to give up
the luxuries of pence and domes
tic pleasure, to forsake the prun
ing hook and tho plowshare, and
to seizo instead the keen edged
sword and shafted spear. You
are hero tonight in the sacred
cause of righteousness nnd liber
Today there bo men through
the land who, disturbed in their
particular walks and modes of
life, and fearful lest the present
order of things mny chnngc, are
decrying this present so-called
industrial unrest among the
great working classes nB un
founded. and based upon nothing
more substantial than the anar
chistic utterances of disnp
pointed men--men who, per
force, hnvo mado failures of
their lives. Hut thoso who take
this shallow view of thu serious
industrial conditions that con
front this nation are deceiving
no one as to the true state of
affairs unless it be themseves.
and tho day of their awakening
is close at hand. With a com
paratively small group of men on
Wall street making millions of
dollars, and millions upon mil
lions ot dollars, amassing over
night fortunes so hugo nnd
bloated that the ordinary mind
can scarcely conceivo their mag
nitutlo; with the iron grip of
this (jnpitaiistfc Monster tiuhl
oning day by day, week by week
and year by year, his greedy and
relentless lingers gathering in
tho wealth produced by a suirer
ing, driven nation of men and
women, and yes, little children
too, Danes scarcely out of the
cradle, it becomes only a mat
terof time when that people will
rise in its awful might nnd bind
in his own chains this Midas
who reared himself in our midst.
Today -this night, if wo wore
The following list of legal blanks
arc kept for sale at this ollicc and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds. Quit Claim
Deeds, Really and Chattel Mort-
capes, Satisfaction ot Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
of Sale, Leases.
All these blanks ut the uniform
price of 30c per dozen.
C. E. RHOADS, Prop.
And the reason for it? Back of
it all. of course, is this bitter
. . M n . 11
con ct ot uamtai anu unoor.
Hut we do not a cnirnce in the
struggle with the calm fortitude
that is best adapted to bring ui
timate success to tho arms of la
bor. There lies a serious men
ace to our cause. For instance,
on every hand you hear men de
crying tho Constitution of our
country, and belittling the spirit
that prompted its making, but
the other day I heard one sneak
ing on tho street who said that
the framors of the Constitution
hud in mind wnen tncy wrote 11 m. onnvn mnrMinnrliqn
nothing less than the oligarchy . lne ?.ne.ral m,ecM"4,se
nf wonlth that nrosides over our store at wmtwoou uourc nas
. 1 . - .it 1 1 - ti
destinies today- that they wrote meen WKen over Dy U. ih.
it with the express anu nrcmcut-Khoads, a man oi many
tatcd intention of founding u na- years eXperience in the bus
tion for the wealthy, rather than ?B n, Ututn :n tnt.,ro
for 11 mnn. rrnsnect vo of tho r ... .(,v
flminolnl rnniHtinn in lifn. Let Quantities. HO 18 enaOiea 10
us believe nothing of the sort, sell cheaper than in Port
m . s t 1 1 1 I. 4
lor upon me nice ot it mis con
tention docs not merit our seri
ous consideration. Go back with
mo in history to the founding of
this nntion.nnd examine into the
conditions of tho men who draft
ed its organic laws. The men
who declared for freedom then
and Inter framed a written Con
stitution to bind the states to
gether were by their erstwhilo
Sovereign termed traitors to the
British Government for they
were subjects of that govern
tnent. and when they rebelled
lurainst it they became political
outcasts, with a prico upon their
heads. Tho men who wero most
nctivo in inciting tho Colonics to
revolt against Great Briton did
so only when lite under the
tyrannies of that Government
became unbearable, and when
they signed tho Declaration of
Independence each one realized
that by that act he might be
signing his own death warrant.
this we know from rending the
speeches and remarks mado by
those men upon that solemn oc
casion. Now, in the name of
Truth, let us examine into the
industrial conditions that obtain
ed at the time of the framing of
the Constitution.
Then every man was an arti
san or u farmer, or a small busi
ness mnn the shoemaker was
an independent agent, building
his trade upon tho excellence of
his handiwork the carpenter
Our stores are equipped to supply you with
comfortable wearing apparel for the winter
winds and rain.
land. Give him a trial and
convince yourseir. rnone
Main 9517.
Proposed Assessment
Notice la hereby irlvcn Hint apportion-
tnent 01 the cost of Improving ilurlfiiK,
ton Hired from the center line of Illock
21). Tniiicn loliu'n 2nd mhl Itlon to
the northeasterly line of Ilrnilford
street, total coit of which li
410.&13.28. hi.s been nnimrtloneil nnd U
on file in the office of the undersigned,
subject to cxnininntlon.
Assessment district extends back to
the center of lots, blocks nnd tmcts of
Innil nlitittliiK on snlil street ns provided
by the city charter nnd resolutions,
Itcmonitrnnce nunlnst snlil Apportion
ment may bo ninilc In writing and filed
with the undersigned until 5 o'clock p.
m, Nov. 20, )I3.
1'. A. Kllf,
Published in the St. Johns Ucvlcw on
Nov. H and 15, 191a.
Our Toggery has a larger line of Men's
warm underwear, flannel overshirts and
woolen hosiery than St. Johns stores have
carried before. We supply a rain coat for
7 '7 mn''yw men wno worK outside tnat is guaranteed
to keep a man dry if he is out in the rain for a whole day.
We have rubber boots and rubber shoes and leather high tops that are
made as water proof as leather can be made.
In our ladies' and children's department are warm union suits and hos
iery, golf gloves and toques and aviation caps: a line of school girls rain capes
. and a new shipment of those high top shoes that all the girls want.
In this department are all the requisites for making comforters: wool
bats and cotton bats and anything you want for covering. If it is comfort
you are seeking come in and we will supply your every need. , '
Notice the toothsome things in our grocery window and remember we
are headquarters for all that is good to eat at Thanksgiving time. :
In tho County Court of tho
State of Oregon for Multnomah
In the matter of the estate of
Hattio Jayne. deceased.
the tinucrs gneu having been
appointed by thu County Court
of the State of Oregon, for
hut given tho eyes to hco into Constitution guarantees to overy
lit . -.1 t 1 1 1,f I ..!. ! 11. .. i 1. t 1 .. !
uiii.un wmi. ni property rignis
shall not be (Unturned, shall re-
Multnomah county. Adminiatra-
utufi iiiui uumiiKiiiK 10 110 uun
tractor Kniployers' association
a freo agent, and likowise with
other trade occupations. It is
true that among other things the
the dwelling places of the multi
tudes of this mighty nation, the
sic its ni in sorv and Hiillonnir
that would meet our vision would
mnko our honrts grow nick and
our tongues to cry out in nity
and sorrow. Doubtless we would
Btorm and blindly cast our in
IK) tent and burning rage against
this tremendous enemy of free
dom, who has lorced ten millions
of American fam i Huh to the rnir
ged edge of that blackest of nits.
that most dreaded and degrading
ot conditions, t'overly. O, pov
erty so many fathers, tired to
death with tho day's drudirorv.
go homo at night to find tho spec
tre of poverty waiting to greet
them on the threshold to faco
them across tho haro and cheor
less supper table. Hills to bo
paid, and no money to pay them
with; wives to bt clothed, nnd
only rags to clotho them in:
babes to bo fed, nnd nothing to
iced them but crusts. You men
of fumilies who have jobs today
are loruinnie, uecause it is a
black day for tho workingman
wno tinus nimseit without a job,
and with a family to support. Is
it any wonder that men, facing
nn enuiess stretch ot drenrv,
neart-ureaKing years of work.
work, work, an eternal grind.
with Starvation but an arm's
length away, and nothing to live
lor but this daily round of drud
gory- is it any wonder, I say.
that they cry out for relief, for
something better.' And, my
inenus, iney aro going to get it,
Tho world is seekinir a solution
to tltispuzzlo, this enigma of tho
man and the dollar, and just so
sure as I stand hero tonight, the
world will find u solution.
But let us tnko care lest wo
overshoot tho murk wo aro try
ing to hit. Wo uro entering
upon a mijjnty crisis today, and
history, with its myriad of ex
amples, teaches 113 that when
ever a great crisis comes upon n
nation that there are a thousand
ruthless, glib-tongued men will
seek to use the mortal distress
of their country as u ladder up
which they may climb to fame
mil power. These men are
main inviolate, save by duo pro
cess of law. It Ih equally true
that the Can tn ut c class has
used this clause to irrcat advan
tngo in amassing hugo fortunes.
Hut bear in mind that when this
great document wns written tlint
property rights and purely hu
man riirhts wero almost, if not
quite, synonymous; for then the
large majority of citizens were
homo owners. And is it not ri-
t t 1 .
dicuious to suppose that our
forefathers wero so miraculously
keen of sight that thoy could
gaze calmly Into the future and
see tho mighty modern machines,
most or which have been invent
ed within n decade, that today
take tho nlaco of skilled labor
and mnko a thousand horseshoes
while independent blacksmiths
of that day mado but one do
you suppose they saw theso al
ants at work belching forth the
appliances, the foodstuffs, tho
cloth, the thousand and one
things that wo use in our daily
life, that in that time wero the
products of individual workmen.
laboring by the sweat of their
brow and for tho love of their
work? No, such an idea is pre
posterous. Modern machinery.
the tool that Labor guides at the
behest of Capital, is of very re-
cent origin, and it has rovolu
tionized tho industrial world,
and greatly changed the rein
tions of master and servant. It
was inevitable that with tho ad
vent of modern mnchiney this
condition should come about.
1'ormerly tho idea of community
ownership of industries was un-
heard of, for the simple reason
there was then no need of it. In
fact, the idea must then have
been repugnant to freedom, for
science men wrought with thoir
hands, nnd community owner
ship carries with it tho owner
ship of the machinery of produc
tion; it would hnvo meant a spe
cies ot chattel slavery by tho
state, for tho workman was then
tho machine that produced tho
(.Concluded next week.;
deceased, and having qualified,
notice is hereby given to the
creditors of, and all persons
lmvinir claims uiru nst said de
ceased, to present them, verified
as required by law, within six
months after tho first publica
tion of this notice to said Ad
ministrator at hisoflice in the
City of St, Johns, Oregon.
Administrator of tho estate of I
Hattio Jayne, deceased.
Uatcd October 4th. 1812.
Attorney for Administrator.
Date of first publication. Oc
tober 4. 1912.
Date of last publication. Nov
ember 15, lyiz.
riiouc Columbia 61
Firit National Bank bulldln.
114 II. IWirllniton Slrtet
Automobile HeixilriiiK ' Viilcnulxlni:
We cull net joit Aiuo lire 01 nil kiiiiii
lllcycle nnd Qencral Repairing
New mill second .1innl bicycle (or nlc
Auto to Hire by Day or Hour
Big Wlnton Six
TrljM to or from uny city hospital, 52,50
j. m. ana v. i vkat, rropi.
I'lione Colutiiblii 5H7.
CAMP 773 W. 0. W.
Mrutt ev
ery Wed
In Dick,
n.r'a Uall
A. F. nnd A. M.
Regular roniiiiutitcatloni
on first Wednesday of
each month In Odd l'el
lows' Uall. Visitors wel-
S. Chas, Davis. W. M
C. O. Holers, Secretary
order eastern star
.Minerva Chapter
Meets IJveryl'Irst and Third
Tuesday livening of Koch
Mouth iu Odd fellow Hall
Mrs. Susie Rogers, Secretary
203 S. Jersey Street
.. i- ...
y l'rlduv tiiuiri at
"TT.AO O'CIOCK in J.u. o, i',
Visitors always wel
V. W. MASON. C. C.
Open Evtntnga and Sundays by Ap
Office Vlione Columbia 140
Resident I'lione Columbia 3S
Physician and Surgeon.
Day Night Office in UcCheaney blk.
St. John. Oregon.
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M.
Residence, 697 Dawson Street
Offlce. miter Block.
University Pari. Portland, Orejtm.
R. A. JAYNE, Al. D.
Ortico over First National Bank
Office Phone Columbia 282
Res. Phone Columbia 196
No. 186 I. O. O. P.
Meets each Monday evening la Odd FaV
lofts hall at 7;.v. A cordial welcome to
all visiting brothers,
Meets 2nd
and 4th
Wed lies
days of
each month in M. W. A. Uall.
Colonial Rag Rugs and Carpet
Fluff Rugs from Ingrain Carpets
732 Kdisou St. St. Johus, Oregon
First National Rank Building
0. J.
McDonald Building
Office Phone Columbia 34
I Residence Phone Columbia 19S
St. Johns Express, Transfer
and Storage Lo.
Piano Moving a Specialty. Haul-
lug done to and from Portland
Residence 400 hast Richmond
Office 103 North Jersey Street
Transfer and Storage
We deliver voar irooda to and from
all parts of Portland, Vancouver. Iinn
ten. Port land and Suburban CXBreae
Co., city dock and aU points aeeeealbte
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92
Men, Women and Children
To assist in the winning of
souls to Christ and in training
them for Uis service,
Sunday Services
lllble School: 10 a, in.
Morning Service: 1 1 a. ui,
Junior C. !.: 3 p. ui.
Y. V, S. C. K.: 7 p. in.
Kvaucelistlc Services: 8 p. in.
Wednesday Training Class, o p. m.
Thursday Prayeruieetiug:-8 p.m.
J. R. Johnson, Pastor
Corner Hew York St. and Willis Bwlmrd
Successors to
St. Johns Sand and Gravel Company
L. D. JACKSON, Prop.
General Contractor
We are prepared to do anv and
all kinds of excavating for street
work ami other purposes. We
also handle sidewalk and build
ing material.
Newton and P'essenden Streets
St. Johns, Oregon
Phone Columbia 236
We buy or sell St rlms Property
Real Estate
List your property with us if you
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
The Best Light
At The Lowest Cost
ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suitable for homes,
oflices, shops nnd other places needing light.
Electricity can be used in any quantity, large
or small, thereby furnishing any required
amount of light. Furthermore, electric lamps
can be located in any place, thus affording any
desired distribution or light.
No other lamps possess these qualifications, there
fore it is not surprising that electric lamps aro
rapidly replacing all others in Inodern establishments.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company v
Slabwood I
Prompt Dry,
Deliveries. Green,
Quality Blocks,
Guaranteed. Trimmings
Phone Richmond 131
H. HENDERSON McDna,dBldS.208JerscySt
Real Estate, Loans. Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. j
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Portland Office and Chapel St. Johns Office and Chapel
Cor. Killincsworth Ave. & Klrby St. 418 North Jersey St.
l'houes; C 1 133 Woodlawti 3306 Phone Col. 383,Res.l'hone Col. 559
The Largest Dividends Are
received from the money invested in Advertising.
The place for you to Advertise, storemen, is in the