THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW BY A. W. MARKLE ORDINANCE NO. 513 Published Every Frldnr At 117 West Burlington 8trcot. An Ordinance Declaring (he Cost of Improving South Ivanhoc St. from the South erly Side Line of Polk Street to the Northerly Side Line of Ida Street, in the Citv of St. Johns. Or- Subscrlptlon prlc. $1.00 psr year. CgOI1, Rlld Assessing the Tint Kkvikw Is entered nt post office In Saint Johns, Oregon, bs mnll nmttcr of the second clnss under the Act of Con grcss of March j, 1879. OfflcIU Nnwn)iper of tbe city of Bt. Jeans. Xittnnftr fim.nfWn.l 'V. nm- 1 1 wjwi ubiikiik.u llli.ii.-l M sa m. by, Declaring Such As- AHEAD! scssmcnt and Directing the bntry of I lie Same in I the Docket of Cily Liens. Voter, don't forget that one of the oiflcea to he filled at the el ection next Tuesday is one in which St. Johns in particularly interest, that lit Justice of the I'enoe. It takes a man of good judgement, tact and a fine sonseof honor to fill this position acceptably. In J. E. Williams we have such a man. Helms hoon filling wit the unexpired term of the late 0. It. Downs, nml lw linn hr.nn flllimr it: in !1 i. .. . ...o i t..i: i .. i. .i w ... . .nii.i1i1f.iiiu nilmmih In mnnnnr J""si urcRoii, mm nu ouieciioiis umuc CapalllO aiUl adinil lOlt y""""""- I tlicrcto, otitl licrclj-nf.certiUiitrtlctortiiitic r!i-il timi f(ii 1 litu iinit iini !ii-( I i .iii .i. . . . ... .i .... uuui. inuii ...... iiiki uccinrcs uic wimic com hi twin wi- The city of St. Johns docs oriln-ii ns follows: Tlmt the council lms coiisIiIltci! the proxjed nncMincnt for Improving S. Ivitnhoc street from the southerly side line of 1'olk street to the north ill a crlyMdcIineof Idnstreet in the city of St men ii ..Il I . .....1 oitun 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 11 1 L to nccuru. anu mivimicnuii innnner tirov i ei I nv since one has hcen found who is imiiccNo..8utoicihcsum of f 1,037.20 ...:n:.. .....I ..0,....U.1lir Miinliflnil nnd Hint Ihcsiiccinlntiil ticculmr benefits ... . " IV 1, . ! ViS ,11 "ccruliiK to ench lot or irt there for the ollice, why not keep him of or ?mC(;, of ,,, wll,1,,,l th(. ns, there? (t IB the Only common scssmcnt district, by rcnoii of Mid im Sense View that Can be taken. jirovciiiciilnml in justrox)rtlon to sudi bcncrits, nrc in the rcH.-ctivc nuiouuls 1 set opiwsltc the number or description .. . . .. ... of ench lot or irt thereof or tKirccI of I no - vigorous campaigiiH pin, nnd In tlic followliiK nnuexed assess forth hy all parties and mimer- meut roll.nml mid iuscmiikmiI roll.which OUS Office seekers Will culminate Is numbered 8G, is hereby ndopled nnd mivl 'PiiiMilnv iiMft ivlnil tlio rn- "I'l'foved ns the amchmiiciiI for Mill Im next Lliowiny, ailll I1IU Ult It- ,irv,iciit,mi.l the ror.lcrof the city Stilt Will be, 110 man can foretell. f St. Johns Is directed to enter n stnte It is pretty generally Conceded, mcntof tlic nswuneut hereby miidc ill however, that Wilson will win ijic docket or citv liens, mid cmisc notice out for President, with Roose velt and Taft making a hard run for second base, with chances largely favoring the former. The other offices to be filled are more uncertain, and it would lake a nronhet born with seven teen veils to give a fair idea of whom will be elected and what of, the various measures will carry. Especially is it difficult to get any line on the single tax measures, roisteti by i-els the ttillllniifiiiii ujiiiii itifitiii- r f Nlim I IIIIIIIUIIIIII V VI...... IIIIIIIVI ..v.. I I ir...i. 1 r.. I-' Hint, win) is lining wregon as an experimental station. The re sult will be awaited with great interest by all. thereof to be nublistied ns iirovided In chnrter, which itRsonsiiicnt is ns follows; Lot 10... 11.... 12.... in.... II in.... 10.... 17.... 18.... 1) 8 7 Mock Addition ..I)..... St. Johns nights III a... 2... 1... 18.. 17.. 111.. ir... 11 i:t 12 11 10 1 II I mill :i 1 r 11 7 11 l 1 Amt. $12.2.'! ir.7H sua ..... na.Mi (K2.G8 .fi7.W . ....15.30 1:1.02 AX r,M r,uu 111.71 C3.00 Wi..ii 10.20 1 .12.18 1 1.20 1 HHHMMH n LOOK I I j What do you sec-povcrty or n H H competence? H H Men nnd women who snvc xirt H j of their cnrnliiKS rcgulnrly nrc H H providing a comfortnblc future, H H free from finnncinl worry. B H Open 11 savings Account with us H H todny. Tlmt odd dollar is nil H H you need to stnrt nu account H H here nnd your money will draw H H 'I per cent, interest. H H KAl'H DlvPOSIT IIOXHS I H f.1.00 per yenr. H I First National I I Bank I I St. Johns, Oregon I 10 11 Voter, be sure and vote for A. W. Laf forty for Congress. He is a man t ho has been villifled and maligned by the mouthpieces of special interests simply lie cause he has done his duty to the people and could not he coerced or bribed into serving the inter ests against the people. It is seldom, indood. Ilml. 11 unor mini can be elected to Congress, but when one is it is an uinian ma- L hie sin if he refuses to serve tho in privileged interests. Lafforty ;' has tlone just Hint. Hence the ,:! hounding on the part of the n,' press. It is stoutly assorted that 10! !.'!.' Lafforty lias brought lasting dis- grace on the state. Nl fouler i charge was ever made. Had he been looked upon in this light i'.'.'.'.'.'.'. tho Washington I'ost, the nxwt fashionable newnpaper in ex lit once, certainly would not have s "" eiiosen him as one or a commit- 111 10.... teool live as judge at the great ; fintfimnmm uliruv linlil in U'iiu!-i' .1' . . w rr...i. ..v... ... 1. ..(Ill- ington tho iast summer. Latter ly is rospected abroad. That limn is not without honor save in his own country" was never more fully exemplified than in Lall'oity's case. His splendid uil'orUi in attempting to wrest land for the benefit of settlers from the railroad comimnies lias mado bitter enemie of thorn and their literary mouthpieces. It is claimed that his efforts have been made solely for the purpose of securing a few dollars iroin seniors, u noes not re- lf dot., una. quironvory discriminating mind to roaliao that Ull'crly could ie cure thousniuU of dollars from tho railroad companies by aban doning tho fight whore he could not hope to secure nickles from settlors by keeping the fight up. Laft'erty emphatically denies that he has received, will receive nor unxeeU to receive tttie jieiiny for ins twrviee. u is inconceiva ble to some ieople that a man will work so tmrnestly for the nubile wel alone without hou f it ... 1 1 1 . i rtjwnni otner innn in ll.Olr-krv t r . w . hi. jni... sa.7r.Ltfu rcr tent uiscount ....... ..... ' " Ml.KII Il Ei-?,1 Brass and Iron Bods iwttri w.jj'j at 20 por'cent less than rcgu- !!'!!. 77 h? 'nr Pr,cci this week only. ::::::SS? heaters ",'iom 11 yu lmvcn'1 bought that '. '.mm heater yet, be sure you see UUK J.INIS and get OUR Tih PRICKS before you buy. We will take your old stove as ii 11 in 12 11 10 i 1 in !t 8t I.... 8.... 0.... 7.... 8.... part payment, the balance on M.o:i i:i.rn 11.70 .10.92 30.77 77.01 01.20 BSI2 flim 11.09 -18.87 K1.I0 32.71 00.30 IK.W (K1.21 IM.60 74.77 uieut of ihecotti 70.7fiNtnet hom the 70. 1 imwK mreci 10 tlic Miiitiitrly 08,;UI Ulchnioud St., total cost Is 1,'jaS.tX), has itfi.M I bun uiiHutioued mid i on file in the I irnJS oinceoi llie uuilersiKueil, Mibiect to ex St. Johns Furniture Company NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment Notice is hereby kIvcii tlmt npportiou 1 01 liiiiitovliin h, Iv.inlioe northerly line of Mo- 11 ii .00.2:1 umiuutioii. dd.Ti Aksekkiuent district extends Imck to .77.11 the center of lots, blocks or tracts of 700 laud nbuttliiK on Mild utreet ns provided 77.iiei uy uic ony cnarier nun rosoiuuniis, tHt. IRl Kemoiutrmicenueiiliut Mid ivpixirtlon uient mitv lie made in writiui: and filed Total f 4,037.20 with the uudeuiKued until 5 o'clock raMil by the eounoil lids 20lh day of 1 November 18, 191a. Kill) Approval hy the mayor this 20th day A. A. MUCK, Mayor. 1'. A. weft. Kwotder. l'ulilihNl in the St. Johns Review 011 Nov. 1, 1012. 1'. A. RICH, Recorder Review on AltMt: NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County. In tho matter of tho estate of itattie Jay no, deceased. 1 no uiuiersigneti having been ourt for. than the sat s- ..... V"V i n u" n" I'V? , fnetionof knowi.m that be had "PT vx. Z"'y .1 1 .. 1 . .... ivii 1111? oiiuu 111 uruiriin. r.!"L !,ot! 1)1 rtHrl i(VJ of creditor of, and all persons M,ZZ , ' OBKMont Worn, vonttwl nf .!. Uv.. ..i..i7 .1...;" " M""-u uvmiv, willllll six IHrOpio lit bring ng its just re- mjmsh-ntor at his oilico in the ward- and that is suspicion ami St of ?t John! O?- 'SSi unbaliof. Every man in any whv L,t of bt Juhn' a Vaynp connected with the lttilroad com- Adinlnislriitor of tho .Ntitw'nf nan os mv workimr aiminit Laf- n.f) 1 "V .'iV. ltLi ! !.? ustatt of forty, with few or no exceptions The peoplo know why, and it is not because of the fear that ho might got a few dollar from Ilattie Jay no. deceased. Dated October 4th. 1912. PKltltY C. STKOUD, Attorney for Administrator. Uate ot lirst publication, Oc- set tiers. Lailorty propoie to tol)0rtl 19l2t seSfhShJirKsTel Jg$$AWto N the people's choice, and there- omlm Uy 1JU tore, couki scarcely bo favored Congregational Church UJ VIIU IIIIUIUOIO. lllVf UU IIUl work hand in hand. It i no to the neon o to sond Laifortv back rreuciuiiB every fatiinlay u a. m A . S . . . . I 1. I'ublUhed in the St. Johns Nov. 1 and 8, 1912. In order to Insure a change of ad vertisement the copy for such change thould reach this office not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please .member thla and aava the printer You Can Invest $1 0, $20, $25 any amount every pay day in the interest-beariiiB Certifi cates of Deposit of this bank. Your money will earn inter est from date of issue, As time Roes on and your Certificates increase in num ber and amount, you will be come the happy prossessor of a growing fortune. Begin this plan next pay day. . s m . e i v. to umgress. it is a duty wo owo to him and to tho statu at large. You cot full -weight and drat Quality at tbe Central market. Just try awhile. 7:30 n. m. nt the Concrecationa church. We cordially invite all to these services. Sunday school at 10 o'clock as usual. Pravertneet. iB, Wednedsay at 7:30 p. m. James 1J. Murphey, Pastor. Work (or a U renter St. Johns. PENINSULA NATIONAL RANK United States Depository 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings THESE NUMBERS WILL BAR SIMQLE TAX IN OREGON Q C QvV AsainstSingleTax 36 5xNoAatJeted 377xNo Ag o in st 5 nc Tax Multnomah Co. At it. nJ., .1 T Geo. Tazwcll Kctmblicnii Caudidnte for CIRCUIT JUDGE, Department No. 4 Judge Tazwcll's record in the Municipal court of Portland is such as to recommend him to all right thinking men. He has brushed aside the cob webs of judicial procedure and put the standing of the court on a higher plane than it has ever been be fore. He has shown common Bense in handling the multitude of cases that have come before him. Some of the candidates for this oflice have rcsitled hero but a short time anil wo know but lit tle about them. Tazwell has lived here about 2-1 years. In public and private life It is record is clean. He knows the wants of the peoplo and is in sympathy with tho laws which they have enacted. A vote for him means tho enforcement anil tho proner interpretion of those laws. You take no chance when you voto for him for Circuit Judge, Dept. NO. -I. T7M l I'ald Adv. HOUSES FOR RENT - OR for Sale on Easy Monthly Payments Several modern houses nt East St. Johns can he purchased on monthly terms. Talk with ANY AGENT IN ST. JOHNS Or R. G. BRAND Si5 Lewis Bldg 4U1 and Oak Sts. Phone Mnrshall 3641 VOTE 1 John B. Ryan Democratic Candidate Secretary of State lilection, November 5, 1012, n4 Adv. Central Market! HOLBKOOK BLOCK See us for the Choicest Cuts el the Best Meats Obtainable. Order rWed eitd rmBy Trade SeHdUtf. T. P. WARD, Proprietor. Subscribe for the St. Johns Review and keep pented on the doings of tho cltr. i DR. RAMBO DENTIST Phone Columbia 51 First Nations! Dank building. ST. JOHNS. OREGON. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Open Evening and Sundays by Ap pointment. Office Phone Columbia 140 Kesiiient riione Columbia 38 JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day & Nlht Office in McCheanay blk. St. Johns. . Off goo. Daniel O. Webster, A. B. M. D Residence, C97 Dawson Street Office, Pliter Block. University Pari, Portland, Oregon, R. A. JAYNE, Al. D. Office over First National Bank Oflice Phone Columbia 282 Re. Phone Columbia 196 ERRY C. STROUD LAWYER First National Bank Building ST. JOHNS . . . OREGON O. J. GATZMYER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Building ST. JOHNS - . OREGON Kabo Corsets Carson Gloves Headquarters for Embroidery Work and D. M. C.s We have just received the most complete line of D. M. C.s, Stamped Pillow Tops, Shirt Waists, Collars, Table Covers, Doilies, and in fact, everything for the Embroidery Needle. Come in and look them over instead of going to Portland to buy. We also have the agency for Ladies' Home Jour nal Embroidery Patterns that never fail to please ALL THE ACCESSORIES FOR FANCY WORK We are selling the celebrated English Slip-on Raincoats for ladies and gentlemen at prices below the average. These coats are thoroly proofed and rubber ized. Ladies' from $7.50 to $12.50 Men's $12.50 to $13.00. Our stock of High Shoes, Rubber Boots, Rubbers, Slickers, Rain Hats, Alligators and Leggins was never more complete. Ask tor the CHIPPEWA SHOE, the Best Shoe on Earth. ' We have re-inforced our stock of Underwear and Hosiery so that we are better able to take care of the wants of our patrons than heretofore. See our window display of Blan kets. It will pay you to investigate. Couch & Co. "PIONEERS" Distributors of Merchandise Since 1904 Glove Brand Rubbers Elite Petticoats