The 'Bonville System country than anything I know of. I have been twelve years in the harness business m I'ort land. R. Sutton, '121 Belmont street, Portland, Oregon. To whom it may concern: am oijCLottho oldest disciples of the Honville System, havincr fa lowed its nroirrcss from its birth and am firmly convinced that it 15 tho only cure- all for the pros ent financial conditions. The fight is a hard one, but it is bound to succeed, as it is ioundeu on solid and honest principles, I am in the restaurant business with my father at 4th and Yam hill street, and nm also connect ed with tho Palace Koalty Co. am fully convinced that only few years separates us from the time when tho Bonville System will revolutionize the business world.- -Ernest M. Tucker, 142J Second street, Portland, Oregon To whom it may concern: have been acquainted with Mr. lionville and the Bon vi lie Suuur Deal for the past three years, and the deeper I look into it the more enthused I become with it In time to come it is bound to do away with all this grafting stocks, etc., which is taking place at tho present time. Would advise any not having looked in to the Bonville Square Deal care fully to do bo by all means. have been in the employ of Gaar bcott As (Jo. und tho Kumley Pro ducts Co., successors to Gaar bcott As Co., for the past five years in tno capacity oi stonog rapher and accountant.- AI. .1 Fischer, UIO Belmont street, Portland. Oregon. I have hope this may be of in-5 lorest to you: I am, alter more than two years study of tho Honville bystom, prepared to say that under it we would prosper I also write this with thought and sincerity. 1 have been in business in Portland for twenty years, and find tho fight harder now than ever before. To bo brief, I am forced to say we must have a system that wil help our property, and what know nbout tho Bonvillo System it is tho system for tho coming generations. Alter duo dolibor ation, my conclusion is that tho by-laws of tho Bonvillo System ought to start in tho nrimarv class and not end until it goes to ovory school of learning in the land.-H. U. Phillips, i7-l Mori son street, Portland, Oregon. (Continued next week.) ORDINANCE NO. 508 An Ordinance Granting to the Portland Iailway,Mglit ami Power Company, its Sticces sors or Assigns, the Right to Construct, Acquire and Own and to Maintain, Op 'crate and Use Poles, Wires and Underground Conduits, Cables and Conductors in the City of St. Johns, Ore gon. The city of Si. follow: Juliiw ill ohIuIii in Uu'ilim I. Tliut thtr HUH ho hiuI Uvtrtty I jrMtMj, Miltj-t to I lit) twruM, rtwtrKUuiiB mmiI irwtiiuiui hi thin or uiwiHCf vHwhONMj, ii 'or I ta ml Kail war. Mailt ami luwfr t'oMiwuv. it for iMirHtbm UmU iHruriHmttwi. nraMHiswl mmJ xU4tMr MHtler hhiI by virtu of t no laws or tun MUt of omkuh, hh.I bavlHK it iriHiiwl afcUu m( tho I'ity of I'urttoml, County of MultmmiuU ami Mate uf ()rt(jou j(liMriimfttr mIIh1 "tko Kalinin i.'SwiwMy"). ami its Mrii aatl aasiiiNs, tlitt fruiisliUo, rttfitt ami rmwi(a to ut H, tmt, MMHtHlH RHli U0 IHlll iu thtf Hlllt wnlka, huh tha rurh hint tlianmf, III IJMWtHVH MtftHll IH th lt Uf Mt. Julius, frtHM IIm iUco ih wild Dawson Elntt wliw tint mmv i luitrMM-txl by tM MMltwulnHy u)u lilt of Co iHMibiH Itovlevurd til Hid aaaiarlv Until- Wry liMt t Uh City of t. Joans, to tlitr with Mtrh mm arms, brarkai aatl atlisr Mtlininw aul iiMrtHUHviM as way U uraar ur ruwveiiUut, Hw mm to strth uvr, itliHig ami m-rua will Mirt uf Mul Dmwmn Stuet Htttl UiUM IMkt IWUtt. MIMiWaM ur III jiurtiMwHft nil Midi wirw ami eabUw Ha may im nwtt.aM , uaairnulo ur aon v)lt to bo wmmI by tliu Hallway OoHtimay. Its wie.'ttNwm or awtnii. iu iioHttaeiiou with ita or thair railway. day other inula luuwwtwl with Its ur tltatr cortart purposa, nail to truatwit aWtrirul argy oh ami over ui-a nir autl cablaa hhiI auy thursof, mm me lurtavr rraacuu, riflM ami lrivUg to strateh uvar, along Ui H rac will )iart of wtiU Uuhmu Stroat all audi guy wiroa, mn wiraa, fmvl wima autl otbar wiroa naU rabl an MHiy oo uavaaaary nud coHveHtoHt to lm tiatal by tha Rllwty CoiMiuy, ita kuoaoMHira or aaaueua. iu oouuhWIom wltli ta ur tliatr lino of railway or iim runway la aaia part of uil l)awiiu Utroat ami iu rouaotioH with ita ur ttioir light, hw aail boat hit; buaiaaaa or nay otbor biuiumu ...n niMituil with ita or tLir aoriiorutt) jmr lKoi ami all of MU,1 wiraa uu.l n- lilivs way ba xtrwUhml nloag aalil ioltvi nun iruui ur 10 wmi Hiim an way bo ilo- Mniuitf ami reaveuieut for ttie iror m iurHrtM or tno ituiiway CiMniwny, t iieeoorn or ttaaigaa, both iu tho Ol'iiriltion flf nubllr utTlitlaa eurria.1 mi tu It or thorn uu.l iu tho aunj.) of iiitfcirmu oniirty 10 private eouauuiorii. aua tno rurtnor irouahia, right ami trlWloKt to truHKHiit elactrteal ouurto on uiul ovnr audi wiraa iiml cabloa ami any tho roof. Sortlou I. Ih cann uuy ktratt or (ion tiou of ntriwt b aUiudwiail by tho Hallwiu- Couiniiy, ita mtmu or a hIuuk, ilurlni; tho llfo of thU frawdvio, thou that portion of tho fraiwhlso un der which auiil Htraot or wrt at th klri'tit no nbamluunl wua ul y (ho Hallway Ooiiijwio', ita aueoaorH or as alj;u, diall thcrwiftur bo null uml void nml shall ho forfeited wlthoutmny fu thcr action on the part of tho city. SJctlon 3. The Hallway Compnny, its successors nml assigns, shall (sub ji'Ct to tho 'Other provisions of this franchise, nml to tlie riahts and privi Ickcs herein granted to tho Hallway Company, its successors or assigns; maintain its poles, nml wires, in con tlimous cood order nml rciinlr throiiuh out the entire term of tho frnnchlxo granted by .this ordinnncn, nml shall render efficient servlco during tho en. tire term of this franchise, ami If said Hallway Compnny shall fail to so main tnlf) its poles nml wires, or to rcmli tfflont service, ftftor rcnsonnblo n lire from the Council, tho Council mny forfeit this franchise nml nil rights nml privileges granted thereunder. Serlinn I. The Hnllwny Company agrees uml promises for Itself, its sue- reiwors nml nsslins, to pay to tho City of Ht, .Johns ns compensation for this grant or franchise by said City of Ht Johns, tho following sums of money tti time ami mnniier ns follows! On dollar (.41.00) tier nnnutn. tinvahlo on the first day or July of each nml ovory year during tho continunnco of thl franchise. .Section ft. At the expiration of th time or period for which this franco! Is grmiteil, tho City of .St, Johns nt Its election nml upon tho payment tiiernnr or n lnir valuation tlicroor ns In this section provided, mny tin chase nml tnho over to Itself tho proi erty nml plant in its entirety of tho Hallway Compnny, its successors or ns signs, which tuny bo constructed by It ur thutii under nuthorlty of this ordl nance, nml which mny lio sltttntcd I on, above or under the streets nml pub lie places particularly montionnil I Section 1 of this ordinance, nml used in connection therewith (but not im eluding tiny railways or Street railways or nny trncK, tracks, connection, connec. lions, lines, systems, property or plant oMlm Hallwav Company, Its successors or iissigns, or any inner corporation or forporntlous, other thnn such ns innv bo constructed under nuthorlty of this ordlnnnt'o), nml on, In, above or under tho streets nml public places pnrticu lnriy mentloneil In Heel Inn 1 of thl ordinnncn, but In no ensn shnll th value of this franchise of tho Hnllwny Comiinny, Its successors or nsslgns, bo considered or taken into ncconnt I fixing such valnnllon. The price or valuation to bo paid by the City of Ht. Johns for snld plnnt nml property shall bo fixed and do termlned by three arbitrators, ono np pointed by the Council or tha city another appointed by tint Hnllwny Coin imny, us successors or nsslgns, nml th third nppointed by the two so chosen tml the decision in writing of snld three arbitrators, or a majority of tlieui mride in duplicate nml signed by them one delivered to tho Mayor of tho City nml the other to the Hallway Company, ts successors or assigns, shnll bo final nml blmlluu upon tint imrtles. nml snld price nml valuation shnll bo pnld to tho liaiirond company, us successors or ns iigns, before tho Hnllwny Company. Iti successors or nsslgns, shnll be deprived of the piiHueisloii of snld plant and property, nml upon tho payment by tho ity to tno Kiiuway company, its sue ciNtsors or nsslgns, of such price nml valuation no determined ns aforesaid ild plant nml property so valued, pur hnxed nml pild for shnll becomo tho property or the City or Mt. Johns by virtue liereur uml parnieut therefor. is aforesaid, nml without the execution C nny Instrument of conveyance, Mliouid the Hallway Compnny, Us sue i-easors or nss mis. roll, neulcet or re fuse for a reasonable time, nfter tho it v Is so nutlioriired to nml before it hall purchase nml lahe over said plant nml properly and nrter notice to thnt effect from the rltv to select nn nrbl trutor, ur shoiild snld Council so fall to le t an nrbltrntor. or In case the two irbitrntora cliimen by the Council mul Ifadwav Comimny, Its succcMors or ns 'i!"s, neglect for u rensounblo time liter their appointment to select third arbitrator, then nml In either of aid cam the (lovernnr of tho .State ' Oregon shall nupolut arbitrators to nn the varmiciea caused by the failure l the Hnllwny Compnnv or by the Council or by the two arbitrators first Iiimoii to select a third arbitrator as above provided, mul the decision of nd three arbitrator or n majority of tliMtt so c a oho u bv the Hnllwny (umi mnv, tun council or appointed by the ilinernor made Iu writing In duplicate ami iteiivertHi to tne parties ns nrore aid shall ho final nml binding ii-khi iu partii. XiH'tlon tl. The frnncbUes. rluhta and privlbyen heroin urnnted shall take eneci imiiuxiiHieiy upon the valid iwaaugt' of this ordinance nml frnn dilsii ns provided by Mie charter of tho city or Mt. Johns, and upon the nc i-eptiiner of this franchise by the Hall way CoiMpnnv iu Is hereinafter pro Miimi in Million u neroor. The Hailwity CoiuiKiuy, Its succosnors i mt aaaigus, shall begin the construe ion of the pole hue to lie constructed ih itawaun Wtreet, mentioned 'a 8eu Uou 1 of this ordinance, within four moat tin from uml nfter tho time this ordinance horomoa n law, ami shall complete the construction thereof and oiumence the operation thereof with ii one yonr thereafter. Tho Mtimnted total ot of such eonstruetton work iu couiHvctlon with tho polo lino men Hound iu HiM'tiou 1 of this ordiuuuco ih Twoho Huiidre.1 Dollars (IIMO.OO), the estimattMl yearly sums of tiioiiey to bo expended under this franchise nml ordinance Is Twenty-five Dollars hixtioH 7. All rights, prlvileces and frunchikoa granted to or uouforred upon the Hallway Company, its succotors or iikftigns, by tnis ordinance slmll ion tiaue, exist nml rmimlii in force until aud iucludiug tho first day of July, IU3T. Sm-tioa s. Tho power nml ritiht nt all tiiutM to reasonably regulate iu the puidlo interest tho exorcise of tho rights ami pnvilogim grnntiHl bv this franchise shall bo and remain iu the ouueil of tho City of .St. Johns. faction 11. The Hnllwny Couumnv hall within thirty days after thbi or dinance shall bo iu force ns provided by sub division 5 of Section 71 of the preaont charter of the City of St. Johns, file iu tho offlro of tho Ho corder of said City of St. Johns au uu maimed written acceptance of tho same, and a failure on tho part uf the iiHiiwuy i ouiiiAuy to rue such written aecuptuuco within said poriad of time shall bo doomed nn nhamloiimout nml rejection of nil the rights, privilege and tranrlilstw grunted by this ordi nance, and this ordlnanco shall there upon bo null ami void. lVitsotl the council this the 8th ilav of October, iyw. Approved bv tbo iuaor this the Ktli day of October, lyu. A. A. .MUCK, Mayor. Attest: I'. A. KICR, Hi-cordcr. I'ublUliMt in the. St. lobii Uuvlew on Octolxir 18, 1913. DR. RAM BO DENTIST Phone Columbia 61 First National Bank building. ST. JOHNS, OREGON. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Open Evanlngi and Sunday by Ap pointmenr. Office Phone Columbia 140 Resident Phono Columbia 38 JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Day Nijrht Office in McChoanay blk. SU Johns. Orel on. Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D Residence, C97 Dawson Street OHke, riltor Block. Unh-ertlty Part, Portland, Oref on. R. A. JAYNE, Al. D. OfTieo over First Nntionnl Bank Office Phono Columbia 282 Hc. Phone Columbia 196 PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER First Nslional Bank Building ST. JOHNS . . . OREGON 0. J. QATZAIYER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald. Building ' ST. JOHNS . . ORECON Wc buy or sell St. Irhns Property AicKINNEY & DAVIS Real Estate MhI your property with us If you dcHlrc to sell dtttcKly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage Wo deliver your goods to and from all parte of Portland. Vancouver. Linn, ton, Portland and Suburban Express Uo., city docK and all points accessible by wagon. Piano and, furniture moving Office Phone Colttuihln 24 Residence Photic Columbia 198 St. Johns Express, Transfer and Morale to. Plnuo Moving n Specinlty. Until Iuk done to nnd from Portland Residence 400 Iinst Richmond Office 103 North Jersey Street ST. JOHNS OARAGE IN P.. Burlington Street Automobile HcalrliiK mid Vulcanlilnn wc run Kct you Auto 11 res 01 nil kinds lllcyclo and (leneral Kenalrlne iu connection. New and tecum! baud bicycles lor tale. Illcyclu tires iu stock Auto to Hire by uav or lour TriM to ur (rout uuy city hospital, f 2.C0 j, n. ana v. r. wkay. rropi. riinuo Columbia 587. CAMP 77J w. 0. VV. Mcota rv cry Wul 11 e a tl a y ev 11 1 n it I n Blck. nr' II aU DORIC DOOGC NO. 132 A. r. nnd A, M. Kruular cimiiniiiilcatlon mi first WVdnculayi o cacb iiioutli iu Odd I'd lows' Hall. Visitors wcl S. Clius. Davis. V. M. come C. O, Robert, Secretary ORDER EASTERN STAR Mloervu Cliapter MccURvcryPIrstHtiil Tblrd Tuckiluy UvciiIui; o( Hacb Alontli in Udil l'cllowllnll Mrs, Hutle Rogcra, Secretary HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KMGtllS (r fVIIHAS Meets every l'riday nlgltt at o'ciock in i.u. u. r Hall, Visitors always wel come, V. W. MASON. C. C, I). P. IIORSMAN, K. R. S LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. 0. 0. P ST, JOHNS, OREGON Meets each Monday evenliitf la Odd Fel lows bull at 7 v. A cordial welcome to all vlsltini; brotbert, NEST NO. 1151 Meets 2nd and 4th Wrdnes days u( each tnnntlt in M, W. A. Hall. V, 11. GRANCUR.Scc, Colonial Rag Rugs and Carpet Weaving PlttlT Rugs from Ingrain Carpets J. KDWIN GAGH 732 lWison St. St. Johns, Oregon Subscrlbo (or tbe Tolegrutu best dvonlufi pupvr ou tbo coast. See Kd Stockton. Dissatisfied? So are we. To the thoiiKhtful ittzeu we iurc investitiation into the lionville 99 Year System, an effect' ive cure to the high cost of livitiir mul the uttetiunl distribution of wealth. The "SQUARIi DKAL." hatulsomely illustrated book of 128 twges, with NO ADVIIRTIS- 1NG, will tell you all about the System. We will mail to any address for 35c. Send Matnns to FRANK j nn f rr nir nmmmm m j lines. But we have tried it out in the grocery line also and when both qual ity and price' are compared, there are many times when our prices are the best. 1 We study the wants of our community and we increase the stock and put in all new things as fast as the trade demands. The fall lines of Plorsheim shoes and Peck suits and overcoats are on dis play at the Toggery. And the very collars are carried BON PROPOSALS P0R IMPROVEMENT BONDS CITY OF ST. JOHNS Scnlutl pioi)oiil8 will lie re ceived by tno umloraiKiicil at hiu ollicv in tho city of St. Johns, Uroiron, 1 mil Mx 1'. Ai of tno 22ml day of October, 1912, for tho Bale U the whole or any part of urn, 1 moment, bonds of tho City ot St. Johns, issued under Ordinance Number C07, at not less than par and accrued inter est. Said bonds are to bo dated as follows: $ll).l)3 Juno 8, 1912. $8. 090.82 July 1,1912. SltiUCM Auir. 8, 1912. $1,779.95 Auir. 17,1912. 520,107.55 Auk. 17,1912. $232.99 Aug. 17,1912. Amounting in all to $32,078.38. All of the said bonds aro is sued in denominations of Five Hundred dollars or less and all of tho said bonds are payable Ten years alter date ot tno said bonds. All of the said bonds are coupon bonds bearing interest at the rate of Six nor cent, nayauio semi-annually, subject to all the conuitions imuoseu. uirecteu nuu stipulated by section 131 of tho charter of tho City of St. Johns. Tho richt is reserved to re deem any or all bonds at any in terest period at or alter one year tram date. All bids must be accompanied oy a certihed cnecK tor two per cent, of the amount of the bid, and the said check shall bo pay able to tho City of St. Johns. and the said cnecK snail ue re tained by tho City of St. Johns as damage in case tho bidder to whom the bonds are awarded ails to accent and pay for tho same wtihin Fifteen days after the acceptance of tho bid. lhe money is to 00 paid and tne bonds aro to bo delivered at St, onus, Multnomah County, Ore gon. The rnrht is reserved by the Council to reject any and all bids. r, A. 1UUE. Kecorder. Published in tho St. Johns Re view, October 4th, 11th and 18th, 912. Centra! Market! MOIBKOOK BLOCK See us for the Choicest Cuts ef the Best. Meats Obtainable. Order rased ami FamSy Trada SaJldtcd. T. P. WARD, Proprietor. :ii ''v4' stances our prices are latest Norfolk sweaters the rough necks and military at both our Men's Toggery and Ladies' Furnishings stores, HAM EDMONDSON CO. 203 S. Jersey Street MODERNICIHODS IN Plumbing, Tinning AND Furnace Installing Call lip Columbia 92 i WANTED Men, Women and Children ATTHB FIRST Grlut.CH OF CHRIST To BMi.t iii the winning of tauls u I rtriit and in training them for I'll tettice, fcim Sn itffs llibli' S nooj; 10 a, til. .Moiiiiii fr-t v. 11 a, tit. Junior C lv.: 3 i. m. Y I' S. C. Ii -7 p. in. Uvuiuili- Si-rvices: S p, 111, Wedne Ji.y Training Claw, 8 p. m. Tlturslii' - l,'nvitiueetitij;:-p.ui. J, If. Johnson, Pastor Cwiwr New Turk SL asd Willis Buleiard EL CO. Successors to Sti Johns Sand and Grovel Company I,. D. JACKSON, Prop. General Coutrnctor We are prepared to do auv and all kinds of excavating for s)reet work aud other purposes. We also handle sidewalk aud build ing material. Newton aud Fe&seudeu Streets St. Johns, Oregon v Phoue Columbia 236 Sick headache is caused bv a disordered stomach. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and cor rect that and the headache will disappear. For sale by all druggists. OUftVAlVES " m That we might Portland stores, we I .sent members of our chase the same brand of goods we carry. And we have learned that regardless iof alluring displays and attractive advertis- iey cannot beat ticularly in the shoe & CURRIER The Best Light At The Lowest Cost ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suitable for homes, oflices, shops and other places needing light. Electricity can be used in any quantity, largo or small, thereby furnishing any required amount of light. Furthermore, electric lamps can bo located in any place, thus affording any desired distribution ot light. No other lamps possess these qualifications, there fore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replacing all others in modern establishments. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company : lumber: I Rough, Prompt Dry, Dressed. Deliveries. Green. Flooring, Quality Finish. Guaranteed. ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Richmond 131 H. HENDERSON McDonald Bldg.,208JcrscySt. I Real Estate. Loans, Insurance Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. BLACKBURN, CHAMBERS & LOWRY Funeral Directors and Embalmers Portland Office ami Chapel St. Jobas Office ami Chapel Cor. KilliHHSworth Ave. & Kirby St. 418 North Jersey St. Tholes: C 1 133 Woodlawn 3306 Phone Col. aS3,Kes.Phone Col, 559 The Largest received from the money iuvested iu Advertising. The place lor you to Adverttsej-jstoremeu, is in the "ST. JOHNS REVIEW compare values with have occasionally f apiily there to pur us and in many in- better. This par and wearing apparel Slabwood ! Blocks, Trimmings J Dividends Are