SUPPLEMENT TO THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 13, 1912 Schools Open Monday The New Novelty Works It IS Our Rule Kverythiug is In readiness for the new school year. The board have been and arc making many , improvements for the coming year. Ail buildings have been thoroughly renovated, floors oiled, scats and desks retouched, in fact, every thing put in tint best of condition. The North school has received two fresh coats of paint without and the annex at the Central school looks like another building with two coats within and without. The course of study has been , materially improved by adding Manual Training and Sewing. Sev eral hundred dollars' worth of tools and benches have been placed in the annex for manual work, which will be given each week to all class cs above the fourth grade. Miss Watkins is a graduate of the De troit Mauual Training school and has installed a number of shops with marked success. The board consider themselves fortunate in ob taining her services for the; coming rear. Miss McDanicls, who has md charge of the drawing for the two years, will introduce the sewing in the grades above the fourth. In the grades below she will place hand-work in basketry, raffia and weaving in connection with her regular drawing classes. The weaving of mats and rugs with the use of looms in the primary grades will come in connection with this work. Miss McDauicl'u phenome nal success bespeaks the results she will obtain this year in these new lines. Oregon City' was a strong competitor for her services this year, but St. Johns could not afford to lose her. A number of new teachers will strengthen the grade work. Miss Jefferson of Wisconsin, Miss Romig of Oregon City, Miss Parmelee of Gresham, Miss Pratt, a former teacher, but who has been doing special work at the State University urc among the new teachers. Mr. Wilcox, of the university of Indiana, will have charge of the High School Athletics in connec tion with his other work there. The board are placing the new gymna sium equipment in the gymnasium at the High School. This phase of school life is expected to be well taken care of this year. In all, the management of the schools are desirous to keep pace with new conditions that arise from year to year but aim to be conserv tive In all these nutters of changing conditions. The practical life ap peals to all and this should be the aim of our schools. Notice to Parents It is desired that all intending to enter school this term will do so the opening day, Sept. 16, No pupils wlio are entering the prima ry grades for the first time will be admitted after the second week, September 30, but any child that is six years old on or before Nov, 18 enter at the beginning of the term. Chas. H. Boyd, Supt. The Debonair club gave a fare well diuner at the home of Mrs. C. II. Derrie on Oswego street last eveniug in honor of Mr. and Mrs, It. C. Hurlbert, who are soon to depart for California. The dinner was oue of the most elaborate and delicious ever given by the club, and at last reports two of the gen tlemen present are still at the table. It was too good to leave. A most enjoyable eveuiug followed in the beautiful home, and the affair will long be remembered by all. NaU th Ubl en yaw ppr. Tlip C. A. Hopping Novelty & Importing Co. (Inc.) has located here and become a permanent fix ture in St. Johns. In about a month they, will have at least 20 people on tile pay roll and 50 by the cud of the year. The capital stock is $100,000, share par value at $10, each fully paid and non-assessable. Its officers arc W. J. Patterson of Portland, president, a well known local capitalist; C. A. Hopping, vice-president and general manager; H. B. Haines, secretary-treasurer; Dr. E. B.McDauicl of Portland; II. T. Booth, and II. K. Collier, of the same place arc directors. This company is going to give an oppor tunity to those who may desire to take stock, a limited number of shares of which will be offered. It is a matter well worth looking into by those who would encourage a home nffair,nnd tin enterprise which its managers believe has fine future prospects. They invite careful in vestigation of their nropositipu, and an inspection of their plant. Mrs. M. L. Senicr of Kstacada visited Mrs. J. J. I'atton Saturday. Methodist Church Theme Sun day it a. tn., "Paul's Exhortation to Timothy;" 8 p. m "That Pil lar of Salt." Sunday school to a. m.; Epworth I.cuguc 7.15 p. m. Mrs. L. F. Rich of 933. N. Kcl logg street, has the thanks of tho editor for an enormous Japanese or hothouse cucumber. It measured 21 inches in length and possessed a delicious flavor It was grown in Mrs. Rich's garden. Baptist Church The regular ser vices will be held both morning and evening next Sunday. Topics it a. in., "The Autobiography of Paul;" 7:45 p. tn., "A Forsaken Waterpot." Sunday school at to a. 111. A hearty welcome to all. Iv. W. Tryon, n former well known citizen of St. Johns, died at Ills home in Portland last week at the age of 66 years. Funeral ser vices were held at the Zellcr under taking parlor Monday, Rev. O. W. Nelson officiating. Interment in Columbia cemetery. A widow and one step child survive. o Wanted We have to-acre tract of the best land in Tualatin valley close to Salem electric tine, mostly cleared, lays level, no better soil in Oregon. Want to exchange this for St. Johns property of about equal value, McKlnucy & Davis, o Three Fine Lots For Sale. 40X 100 at the head of Edison street, all improved. Only $375 each. Easy terms. Apply soon to J. II. Fletch er, 833 Willamette boulevard, EL CO. Successors to St. JoUn Sand and Gravel Company L. D. JACKSON, Prop. General Contractor We are prepared to do any and all kinds of excavating for street work aod other purposes. We also handle sidewalk and build iug material. , . Newton and Fessenden Streets St, Johns, Oregon Phone Columbia 236 I I I I i 1-i 12 3 4- C2 L3 i ri I 1 P 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 7 8 9 10 11 TO ALWAYS GIVE THE Best of Service, Best of Stock and the Most for the Money ON ALL OF OUR COMMERCIAL JOB PRINTING ST. JOHNS REVIEW City Official Newspaper. $1 per Year. Phone Col. 321 7 - REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS For Sale-Modern 7-room lic' and lot 50x100, corner Rkhtawd and Hayeti, at a fine bargaia. Fricf f3ooo, on very easy terms. For particulars call at the Review office. 3otf. The following list of legal blanks are kept for sale at this office and others will be added as the demand arises; Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages, Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills of Sale, peases. Ail these blanks ut the uniform price of 30c per, dozen. Note Ui Ilk; n ywr pa- Three lots, 7-room house, 1a 8-year-old fruit trees, gas ia house, wired for electricity, street i- ? roved, on most prominent street; 3000, $500 cash, balance on time. See K. C. Couch. PrMek U gel of 8c Jafcu.