St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 13, 1912, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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Council Proceedings Commercial Club Meet Evangelical Cfiurch Why the DeTay
Councilmcn Hill and Wilcox
jvere numbered among the absent
at the regularvmccting of the 'city
council Tuesday evening, Mayor
Muck presided in his usual good
I In the absence of Recorder Rice,
Miss Myrtle Brodakl, the pleasant
and efficient assistant, performed
the duties of recorder in good style.
; A Mr. Thompson objected to the
acceptance of Fcssendcu street near
, his property in its present condition.
Other remonstrances were also re
ceived, claiming the paving was
iiot according to spccificatlcus and
apparently a poor. job. On motion
of Alderman Ilorstnan it was decid
ed to require the contractors to re
move any poor paving and replace
it in good condition wherever deem
cd nrccssary. The council decided
to visit the street 'II o body together
with the engineer, contractors and
as many property owners as are in
terested, Monday afternoon at three
o'clock being the time decided upon
for the inspection.
Postmaster Mouahau was present
and stated that Inspector Durand
of the Postoffice Department had
Visited the city Tuesday in the in
terest of free mall delivery, and
that he recommended and inquired
hat street signs be placed at the in
tersection of all streets and that the
names of Tacoma, Maple and
Thonipsou streets be changed, since
streets of the, same? name exist .in
Portland; and -there are possibly
Others, also, Mr. Mouahau also
stated tha only res(deuts with
sidewalks in front of their residen
oswnukl be entitled td Tree mull
delivery; On motion of ' Alderman
Hiller the engineer was Instructed
to secure and place the proper
signs, and the attorney Was direct
ed te-preparc art ordinance provid
ing for changing of street names
for passage next week.
Some residents of Allegheny'
street asked that this street bt
cleansed and debris that had acen
undated be removed. On motion
of Alderman Valentine the street
committee.was authorized to attend
to the matter and have the street
V. W. Mass asked for aa ex
tension of 6 days time ob tbe Itri-.
provement of Oly tapla stmt, which
w.aB granted on motion of Alder
man Hiller.
On motion of LAlderiuau Martin it
was deckled to place the. salary of
assistant engineer at three .dollars
per diem iftd of fouriJlar8 per
die as heretofore. TJipa. CarreJI'
is acting in thbr capacity since
Chester Vincent has resigned to
attend college itWlJIfioitv .
Bills amountbjWfto $7 .vferfc 1-'
lowed ou motiott ef Alderman Hew-
wan; all yes,.,1
Postoffiei Iwof JiLv Du
rasd and J. Johw, iprkHB Jiit
of Portland, cityj wrrlacs,is,etle
rounds of St.Johns Tuesday with?
Postmaster Monahan looking to
ward the establishment of free mail
delivery in this city. They found
condition moat favorable, and put
sJdqiof requiring street signs on all
the streets ami the names of several
changed so that they wfW not con
flict with streets of tbe, sanie name
ia Portland, they found nothing in
tbe.' way of free deli very. From
Jk outfcwk it will be installed
January isi next year. Ia the
meantime k wowkl be wll for all -cittMtM
ta get in the habit of adding
.their addresses after their signa
tnres ia all letters seat out. St.
Jehnj&ssdnally acting- all the
conveniences of a metropolitan city.
' - - fc. . e
A goodly number were present at
the September meeting of the Si.
Johns Commercial club Wednesday
evening. A.- W. Davis reported
that J. E Hiller, J. S. McKiuney
and himself had "made a careful
study of the assessment rolls and he
believed they were successful tn
placing the local assessments at the
proper figure, based on Portland
assessments, or 50 per cent of ac
tual valuation.
Ten uew members were added to
the club enrollment. The initiation
fee was waived Indefinitely. Prep
delivery was endorsed, and a vote
of thanks extended to the county
officials for the good work they
have lately had done upon some of
our thoroughfares. It was decided
that something out of the ordinary
would be given at the next regular
meeting of the club, but details
were passed up to the board of gov
ernors, A. W. Davis, C. H. lloyd
and A. W. Mnrklc were appointed
a committee to delve into the initia
tive and referendum measures to be
voted upon at the November elec
tion and pick out the iStics that are
ot cbfKckl significance to this sec
tion so that they may be discussed
;at a later meeting.
It being the time for the making
' of nominations for the various offi
cials of the club, Rev. P. J. Kctten
hofen, S. L. Doblc and C, GBock
, wcrc elected to serve, as a-nomiuat-iug
boatdf After a short recess the
boa ixl announced the following
nominations: For President II. h.
Pennell; first vice II. W. Bonham;
second; vice Peter Autzcn; treas
urer aJ. N Udlcf.sen; governors
K. P Drinker, P. II. Kdiefselii; A.
W. Marklc, P. C. Stroud, Charles
McGill, C, C, Currin, O, J. Gat
niyer, A. S. Be'nsen, W. M. Tower,
C. R. Thompson and C. E. Bailey.
No other nominations were offered,
which makes the nominations equiv
alent to electiourras fifteen mem
bers comprise a 'full boards Klectiou
will take placeVOcfobef yth, and it
will be up ta the. uew board to elect
the secretary,
Lycciim Course Assured
The 3bo;Mckets necessary to as
sure t lie Lyceum Course in connec
tion with the public schools for the
coming winter were secured during
the canvass in July, The dates
hive just Seen received aud are as
fellows :,
Gray Concert Co. Friday, Octo
ber 35th
PbiWersr-Tuesday, Nov. 12th. '
Bergen-Marx Thursday, Nov.
28th. '
.Gov. Iloch Wednesday, Janu
ary rethr
GUplaH Monday, Feb. 13th.
Thjs' represents one of the stron
gest tenrses in the state and the
hmi we have ever had in St. Jehns,
So are we. To tbe thwghtfnt
mimn4 we urge1 in vMigatinnihiifp the
Bonville 99 Year System, an effect
ive cure to the high cost of living
and the unequal distribution of
wealth. The "SQUARE DEAL,"
a handsomely illustrated book of
138 pages, with NO ADVERTI,S,
LNG, will tsll you all about the
"System." We will mail to any
address for 35c. Send stamps, to
For Rent A 7 foem' House near
Jersey street on Chicaga, cheap
The lecture given by Guy F.
Phelpa pri: the "Whitd Slave
Traffic'' was well attended arid
the interest manifested was
proof of the able ' manner in
which the . speaker handled his
subject, In a forceful manner
and yet with unobjectionable
language depicting the ins and
outs of this horrible traflic. At
the close, the audience showed
their appreciation of the lecture
by giving the speaker a good
otfering, and subscribing for
several copies of his book Ethel
Vale, tho White Slave."
'The Ladles' Aid gave their
monthly tea In the basement of
the church Wednesday afternoon.
This is h monthly event and it
brings in quite a little revenue to
tho church. Through their ef
forts they have been able to
treat tho main auditorium ' to a
brand new carpet at a cost of
about $120, which was laid the
first ot tho weok. Thin gives tho
church n neat and attractive ap
pearance; tho work of tho Aid is
highly appreciated by tho mem
bers and friends of the church.
They are, certainly a faithful
band directed by the tireless en
ergy of their president, Mrs. J.
A. Monahan, "
The business meeting -and-6-uial
of . tho Phllfi Christo class
and Christian Endeavor will lie
jicld together at tho homo of Mr.
and Mm. J. E. Kilkenny Friday
evening at 8 p. m. this week. All
tho members and friends of either
of these organization aro invited
to bo present A good time is
Tho regular services will bo
held in the church next Sunday:
Sunday School at 10 a. m., and
preaching at 11; Christian En
deavor at 7. At 8 o'clock the Il
lustrated sermon will bo given
which was postponed on account
of tho lecture. The subject Is
"Tho Lost Sheep." This is tho
second of a series which will con
tinue throughout tho entire
month. Tho public is given a
special Invitation to attend any
and all of theao Bervicetf.r-Re
If you are a kicker and see the
shadow of failure in everything
that is proposed to help the town,
for heaven s sake go Into some se
cluded cauyon and kick your shad
ow on the bank, aud thus give the
men who are working to build up a
town a chance, One long'-faced,
hollow-eyed, whining kicker can do
mere to keep away business, and
capital from a town than all drouth,
short crepa.chioch bugs, cyclones
and blizzards combined.
Rev, J. J. Patton, pastor of the
Methodist church, will leave for
Ashland on Tuesday next to attend
lhe Oregon Annual Conference of
the MethdUlst Episcopal 'church.
Ther" about 135 preachers
in attoudanee t-The OfegenCon,
iference ertjbritces that part 'of Ore
gon west of the 1 Cascades, and the
basin about Klnwatb Lake.
Members of the Women's Chris
tian Temperance Union and their
friends are cordially Invited to meet
,at the home Of Mrs. J. C Scott next
Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Af
ter a shrt program plans will be
discussed for the entertainment of
the delegates to tbe great National
convention which will be bekhla
Portland October 19-36. '
t For Sale A, new St. Johns steel
range, used only 4 months; cheap)
loas'South Jersey street.
The public library association
seems to be somewhat dilatory
about selecting n site for n public
library building in St. Johns. 'A
number of weeks have passed by
since St. Johns was offered such a
proposition. The council appoint
ed a committee to meet With a com
mittee from the Portland associa
tion and look up available sites.
But the Portland folks intimated
that they would sooner work inde
pendent aud was loath to accept
auy help from this end of the line.
It seems that the money is ready,
for the project, and all tlint remains
is for the Portland association to
make the selection. Why the de
lay we cannot understand. Public
sentiment is pretty much chaotic as
to where site really should bc.Sotiic
strongly favor accepting the free
site Offered by M. L. Ilolbrook',
While others contend the location
should be in the heart of the busi
ness district. There scents to be
quite n number favorably impressed
with Block a, just below the city
hall,' for library purposes. The
chief arguments in its favor arc the
unsurpassed river view, the fact
that it is on the dividing Hue be
tween the two wards, is close' to
to the hi urt oi the business district,
good ronds lead to it, near the 'high
school so that it would prove 1
source of great aid aud convenience
to both pupils and instructors in
their work, and the owner has
offered it to the city for library pur
poses at n price below its tictiinl
worth. However, it is up to the
Portland association torccnmmctfd
the site, and it is reported that it
may do so this week.
Tues. and Wednesday, Sept. 1718
Wo wish to announce that
wo have moved our store to
No. 804 N. Jersey Street,
three doors south ox the P.ost
ofJice, and are here to stayv
Our business last season
was so gratifying that wo
Want to tnank our many cus
tomers and friends who con
tributed by their patronage
to make it so, and that we
will have our
of the latest ideas in Millin
ery onTUESDAY and WED
and 18, at which time we in
vite you to visit our store
whether you wish to pur
chase or not, as we want to
get acquainted with every
lady in St. Johns and vicinity,.
Mrs. Shultz and our trim
mer, Mrs. Hardy, have spent
several weeks in the design
ing rooms of the wholesale
houses, and are prepared to
show you the best in work
manship and style. If you
have materials or a hat that
you would like to use this
wasjon, we will take pride in
making it look just the best
poisible, apd if you 'wantT,l(t
new hat, we have the beat
the market affords at' tho
best prices.
Rsa Millinery. Co.-
Mri. B, Slulu, Picp.