St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 13, 1912, Image 4

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While this copy is being written there are five experienced sales-people just as busy as they can be waiting upon the wise shoppers
who know bargains when they see them. Think of buying almost anything out of a nearly new stock of $10,000 actual invoice at
a discount of 33 1-3 per cent.
Men's, Women's, Children's Garments
Hundreds of notions, yards and yards of
ribbon, laces, embroidery, veiling, and dozens
of sweaters.
The Sincerity Line of Men's Suits
are going and you must get busy if you
have a good selection.
We must move a large part of this stock
by the 26th of September as we shall try
bidding for the men's trade of St. Johns by
having an exclusive men's store.
Open Evenings During the Sale
Now is the Time for You Men
to Stock up in shirts, collars, ties, hats and
suits. A box of 12 collars usually costs you
$1.50; at the sale, you get them for 80c.
The large line of Golf and Pleated Bosom
Shirts, regular $1.00 and $1.50, now cost you
67c and $1.00.
There are hundreds of
pairs of ladies', misses'
and childrens' shoes, all
ill i
good styles, proper values fftEffllt
at the regular price, but tWWSMfcmwl
the Bankrupt Sale price is one-third less.
We will be open even
ings during thle Sale
Closing Out the Toggery Stock The Store with the White Front
Corner Jersey and Bur
lington Sts. St. Johns.
An Ordinance Fixing the
Rates to bo CharRi'd by Per
sons! Partnerships or Cor
porations Supplying Water
to the City ot St. Johns or
Inhabitants thereof, and
Repealing All Ordinances
and Acts or Farts Thereof
in Conflict with this Ordinance.
The city o( St. John doc orilnlu ns
Sprinkling Through Hose. Saloons.
(b)-For enrh dwelling tho rnto for ( r "
using wutor through hone for unrlnk I Hydraulic mnii for boor
limr yard or side walk, ur fur wash Water closet
Regulation of Rates.
Hoellnii J. It lit hereby declared
to lit) unlawful lor uny persou ur
ibtrtmus, iMUtiiorshlp or corporation Not exceeding I nud morn thuu
to elm run uuy consumer or consumer I ,1 lot , WiO
lug poreho or windows, shall bo in- , I'"''' additional wntor closet
H,i. . . ...... i 1 1
corning in inn niiii in mn grinum
pertaining to It, Including the np.ifii
occupied iy liiilldlug, tito.i Provided,
Hint tlio iiiliiliiiuni rnto for no mini;
wntcr nt ctirli dwelling shall lio oil
cent t iiimitli, although there limy
bo several dwelling on omi lot of
ground or los.
Knch luilf lot, or los $0.50
Not exceeding .'I I nml more
than 12 lot 7.1
Not exceeding 1 nml moro than
3 4 lot t 1.00
Not exceeding I I-1 nml moro
than 1 lot 1.2.1
Not exceeding 1 1-2 nml moro
tlmn 111 lot 1.50
Not exceeding 2 nml morn tlmn
1 1-8 lot , 1.7,1
Not iixeoedlng ,'l mul moro than
1! loin 2.00
of witter lu tho City of tit. Jehus
moro Hum tlio schedule of rates
ImswIh ml forth nml adopted by tho
CuHHtrii of tho city or t. jouu;
ihhI tho wilil schedule are Ituroby
iltwktrml to bo tlio nuixlimim rato
In bo chitrgod for wutor In tho City
or St. Johns,
Classification of Rates.
tfimllnn II All rutt'x for wntor
In tho City of Ml. Johmi bhull bo
divided into throe clnssiw us follows!
A. Municipal ruto.
II, lint rates.
O. Motor rntes.
It ftkutl bo tho right tf any mul
nil WMMiuur, other thau uiunleipaJ
ttriwrtttiun, to choose wueliicr tney
tfmil imy according to "flat rutos"
or "meter nil on," mul nny person
tin it "motor rnto" ulinll bo entitled
lo uo nil reasonable umouuts of
wutar for nny legitimate purpose
without regard to tbe "flat rnto."
A. Municipal Rates.
ttetluii 111 A. Tho City of St.
Jium Mbitll nny Throo Dollar ami
Fifty Cent lor mouth for ouch hy
tlntHt wdubJUIiod by onlor of tho
fliy of St. Johns until such hyilraut
kind I bo discontinued or disestab
lished, mul utherwiso according to
sahfdulo ddundor Flat Hut vs."
. rut Bate.
goetluu III. I). For nil other
imrnivs tho following monthly rate
ahull bo tho muxiiuum ruto tu b
olwrged by uuy porion or persons,
partmirahlps or corporations vending
wntor to tho Inhuliltaut ot tbn Ultv
of Hi, Johns oxvoptiiii; us horoluuftor
nt forth whon tho rousumor or vou
tHUtiurs uf wutor nhnll httvo roquoat
ml t bo put upon n motor rato, to
wit I
ltmlly of ton persons, or loss, in-
olmllnt,' "U oifupunts.
(n) Onllnury uo of wator for
ilrinklu or in cooking or
wushlnir , ,,..f 0.7.1
Ifutih pursoii oxcotMlIut; tvu
it! it .. i
imiu iuu
Ha uli uildltlonul bath tub..
'ttfr filosot . , M
ffnoli nililltlomil wntor oloset.. .'J.I
ntoajui or JioUwator hunter ....
IjUso I'oiiuooUou for sjirlukliuu
nnl( wnshluL' piwh mul liko use,
fto "fljirlnklluj,'.'-'
Pur morn thnh I lots, H7 1-" contk
prr lot or fraction uf n lot.
A lot Is 00x100 foot, or
scpiuro foot of rouml, iiirluillii( tho
spui'o ovcuploil by tho ItnllilliiKS,
1'or sprinkling sldownlk uiljolnlui;
storo, or similar buililliics, tho loiiKtli
to bo moaiuroil ulonj; tho curb.
The first S.I foot front or loss,
Itti'liullui; wHliiii wlmlows. . tO.SO
Kai'h iiililitlounl 'X foot or loss .'il
Uwellliiga Occupied by More Than
One Family,
(c) Knoh fiimlly of ton por
sons, or loss $0.75
Hath for use by nil, oach fnm
ily !tf
Wntor closet for use by nil, oai'h
family 8.1
I'riunl for use by nil, tmcli fam
ily 23
Stoum or hot-wator heater fiOo to 2,00
(Ono person to pity for nil wator
supplied turouKii ono service pipo.)
Apartment Houses or Flats.
(il) Kach suite of npurtmeuts or
flitt, oceuploil by ouo fumily, same
rules us it single ilwollin) oeoupiod
by ouo fnmlly.
HoteU, . lloanUng and Lodging
Houses; Hospitals and Asylums;
Academies, Boarding Schools, etc,
(o) Family ruto $0.73
Kach bedroom for guost .10
llnth tub 73
Kach iiilditioual bath tub 50
Water closet , ,30
Urlual 30
liar 1.23
Htenm or hot-water lionter ,10c to 2.00
Hose counoctlou, sou "Piro Pro.
toctlon" and "Sprinkling."
Buildings Occupied by Chinese.
(f)3ix persons, or less f0.50
Kuch Ailditionnl person ,10
Wutor fixtures, same rates as iu
"Lodjjlnj; Houses,"
Barber Shops aud Bath Houses,
(j;) lUrber' chair , $0.00
Kach additional chair 13
Hath tubs, each 1,00
jjwtininn tauk, sec -Meter Hates,"
Water fixtures, nut for nubile usa,
same rate as In "Stores."
KsiUuranU, Oyster or Lunch Count
ers, and Similar Establishments.
(U) Base rate $1,23
,lo for each seat or plato at
tablo or counter 03
Wludow jet, 18 Inch, iulet, up-
right , 00
Water fixtures, not for nubile use.
rule' rate a iu "Stores." '
I rlmil 30
lloso connections, see "Hirlukllug.'
(Irocery, dry goods, shoo nml sluil
lur stores.
Unlliiury use of wator by
six occupauts, or less 41.00
Drug stores fl.00 to 1.73
I.lipior store (wholesale) iiC.23 to X'ti
Mout, poultry or fish store .... 1.23
Water closet 30
Kach additional water closet .. .23
Urinal 23
Htenm heater SOc to 2.00
1 1 oo eouuectiou, see MpriuKiing,"
Window jet, 1-S Inch inlet, ut
right $0.30
Jet for soda fountain 30
I'uiiuectiou for wiishini! ulussos,
soda fountain 30
Kueh occupant exeoedlug six, Iu
any kind of storo 10
Pmuily living lu same building us
tho store, samu rates its If iu sop
uratu building, see " lelliugs,"
(k) .Por the avurage dally uso
of flour, for each barrel ,...$0,30
.Minimum ruto 1.7ft
Wutor fixtures, etc., nt tho sumo
rulo us iu "stores."
Manufactories Such As
(I) -aw mills, box, sash nu.l door
fitoturlos, carpenter, pulnt uud ma
ohiuo shops, where water is not used
In uiHiiufuctnriiig, but only for occu
tix persons, or it's 00c to $1.00
Knch person, oxceinllug six 10
Water fixtures, ut sumo rate us lu
Slo-'tm engine, see "Stonm Hull
1 1 oo connection, ecu "Piro Pro
Manufactories Such Aa
(in) Hreweries, vinegar or soda
manufactories, bottliug or packiug
houses, cracker manufactories uud
gas works, where water may bo used
lu manufacturing ns well as by the
According to ostimato of water
used 73e to $30.00
Kach person, exceeding sis .... .10
Water fixtures, steam engines nud
hoso connections, ut same rules as
in "Hiore."
Steam Boilers.
(n) Kach horse power, not ex
ceedluv ton .$0.50
Additional for each horse power
exceeding ten aud up to twenty .40
Kach homo power oxceediug
twenty and up to thirty 30
Kuch horse power oxceediug
thirty horso power 20
A boiler of more thnu twenty
horse power may bo furuisaed
with water at meter rates,
provided the minimum rates
Mhall be , 0,50
8tw or Hot-Wator Heaters.
(o) According to tho sire of tho
building aud the quantity of
wator used SOc to $2.00
Blacksmith Shops.
(p)Ouo forge ,..,.,...$0.73
Kach additional forge V-'3
Wator fixtures, at same rates as
Ju "Stores."
t JHablw.
(A, One stall or space for stab
ling oue horse or cow $0J0
Kach addltiouul horse or cow .. .23
Kavh vehlcU, xcsjlug oue .10
Water fixtures, ut same rntes as
In "Stores."
Stalls boarded nit lu such it mun
nor us to show they nro not used,
will not bo charged for.
Stablos without wntor pipes, but
having access to hoso connections or
fuuoots of adjacent buildings, will be
charged full rntes.
Street Hallway stations,
(r) -Sumo rates ns "Stables."
Offices, Banks,
() And liko places of business
on tho ground floor of build
ings $1.00
Kueh oceupuiit, exceeding six 10
Wutor fixtures, If nut accessible to
the public, nt tint sumo rates ns lu
Stonm or hot-water heaters,,..
50c to $2.00
Office Building and Blocks,
(t) Knch room above tho
ground floor , $0,10
Wutor t'liuot 75
Knoll additional wutor closet .... .50
Prliml 50
Siumii or hot-water heaters.,..
30c to 2.00
Ho roNMootloiis, sou "Piro Pro
(ii) ltui rnto .....$0.25
Wator elot ,-10
Knob additional waler clofet .. .13
Urinal 10
IhtptUtry Meter rates
Motor fnr orgnn Meter rates
Hospital and Asylums,
(v)--Smiiio rntes ns "Hotels. Board
ing nud Lodging Houses."
Public Schools,
(w)- Motor rnto loss 23 per cent.
Colleges, Academies, Boarding
(x) Aud similar institutions.
where the scholars board ami lodge
kji mo rules us "Hotels, Hoarding aud
Looking nouses,"
Medical and Business Collegts, Frl
vato Schools and Kindergartens
(.v) Aud liko establishments,
where tho scholars neither
board nor lodge, according to
tho number of scholars ,,,,
30c to $.-,.00
YA ulor fixture nt same rates an In
" Colleges."
Theaters and Public Halls and Build
() $1.00 to $3.00
Wntor fixture, at same rates as
in Motels."
(aa) .Same rntes as lu "Public
Billiard Booms, Bowling Alleys, Blcy
de Rinks, Shooting Galleries
(bb) Aud liko place ..$1.00 to $3.00
Wutor fixture, at the same rates
nt lu "Saloous,"
Number of Occupants,
(ce) In nil store, manufactor
ies, offices, bank aud other
places (except dwelllugs, ho
tel n, lodging houses, schools
aud building rated uceordiug
to the number of rooms),
where the number of occu
pants exceed six persons, the
charge for each person iu ex
cess of six will be iu addition
to tho schedule- rate $0,10
Municipal RaUs.
(dd)- City flail or Offices, same
rates as "llallai nud "Office."
, Police .Station, Mine rate a "Of.
City Stable, same rate as at tho expense of tho vendor of wu-
"Stables." tor. Provided further that nil readings
Piro Kugluo Houses, same rates a of meter shall bo so made that tho
"I.odglugs" and "Stable." consumer of water may hnvo nu op
Piro Hydrant, each $3.50 portiinlty to verify tho meter read'
.1.. ' m .n I .. . it l s
Plru Cisterns, each 5.00
Crematory, same rate ns ".Manu
City I'urk, 8prlukllug Street,
Flushing Sewers, etc. ...Mater rates
Building Purposes.
(eo)-l'or each 1000 brick laid.
Including wntor lur mortar .,,,$0,13
l or wottiug each barrel or lime
for other purpose thuu laying
I'or wetting each barrel of ce
ment Por mortar for laying rock, per
Por settling earth lu ordinary
sower trench, per block
Swill and Slop Hoppers,
(If) Por ouch slop hopper with
outlet or waste pipe two or
mure Inches lu diameter, and
supplied with water direct
from faucets, or lu any man
ner other than by bucket...,, $3.00
rilling CUtems-(Private)
(BB) IVr each 1,000 gallons
used $0,50
Swimming Baths.
(hh) For ouch 1,000 gallons
Less discount on Meter Kates
() .Por 'quantity of water
used Meter rates.
lugs of the said vendor of water.
The following shall be the base
rate to be charged and' paid by tho
consumer to tho vendor of water for
tho Installation and maintenance of
it meter, aud the readiness of tho
vendor of water to supply the con
sumer with so much water as the
consumer 'a necessity may deiiinud.
r.ncli regular consumer shall pay
the folluwlng base rates according
to the average amount of water
used by the consumer taken over n
period of three months, or based
upou the nmouut of water that the
consumer shall demaud of tho ven
dor to be lu readiuess to serve for
periods of a mouth or more.
Prom Oue to Pour Thousand
Gallon per mouth ,...,$0,73
Prom Pour Thousand to Teu
Auxiliary Water Supply.
Sootlou V. A building supplied
with wutor pumped trow a privaio
well muy huo u service pipe with u
muter attached connected with the
inuiu ot u vendor of wator and In ca
ot accideut to the puulp, uud lu case
tho cousuuior ot water shall desiru hu
snail outnm u temporary supply of
water at meter lates, pruViillug, how
over, thut ho ahull pay tho minimum
base churgo under tho schedule tor
muter rate which shall bo based up'
ou tho umouut ot water which the
cousuuior would require if he obtained
the outiro supply ot water from the
person or persou, partnerships or
corporation, supplying wator to the
city ot St, Johns aud its Inhabi
tant. Special Bates,
Sectlou VI. Water lor other pur
pose aud use than those named iu
tho foregoing schedule may be fur
nished at special rate to bo fixed
upon betweeu the consumer uud the
persou or persons, partnerships or
corjioratlou supplying water to the
Thousand Gallons per month.. 1.00
Prom 10,000 Gallons to 25,000
Gallons per mouth 2.00 city of St. John and its inhabitants.
w... aiMVuw tiNifwiiB IV HVjVVV 1
Gallon per mouth 3.00J
Prom 50,000 Oallous to 100,000
Gallons per mouth ., 7.50
Over 100.000 gallons per month.. ..10.00
Provided further that the mini-
liiiitn ItHttt, rniik fnr all nvnr 100.000
................ ,,,.$0.10 jjaiions per mouth shall be ot tho
rato of Ten Dollar por 100,000 gal-
Deposit To Secure Payntut Of
Wator xatea.
Section VII. If auy vendor of
water shall demaud aud recelvo a
deposit of money iu advance a se
curity for water rent, the vendor
shall pay to uuy persou or persou
making such a deposit, interest there
ou at the ruto of six per cent per an-
ror tne use or such money for
IISOll . ,
M iiiimum
11 ii in
The foregoing shall be the baso and I ... i tiln i, .u.u t' ...
minimum rates to bo paid by each ...i,,
Mil I.V tllA UB 1 .1 VAn.lrtw a ... , .
'"to ,.$1.00 consumer under meter rates .whether Posting of Rate. '
Laundries. j or not the consumer ball uso any Section VIII. All vendors of water
quuntlty of water wa ?r. . shall keep posted in a continuous
t i I M MM Mf Ivl MlCaU II V IMHBHHIV'ta llltUVI tllVtjV IHtVO
ruto , ...,$4.00 bal bo charged and shall pay for
deposit , ,, 5,00 rill water used as follows:
Firo Protection.
(kk) Pipes, to be used only In
cuso of fire, will bo allowed within
building ou the following conditions!
The firo pipe must bo entirely
disconnected from those used for other.
imrpusos, mm ,iue nose pipes or
Por a quantity of water used iu
nny one month not exceediug
25,003 callous for each 1.000
gallons ,,...$0.25
Por the quantity of water used in
auy one month not exceeding 25,
000 uallon aud up to 50.000 gal
lons, for each 1,000 gallons 22,&
","8UtLeJ ' '""".Kxceodlng 50,000 gallons and up
of seals or otherwise, so that they
ran be only used iu the same case of
The connection from the maiu to
the curb of the street iu which the
muiu Is located, lucludiui? tans.
branches, stop cock aud valves, will
be made by the said grantee at the
prices stated below, Jo be paid by
. i. i, . , -
i ou Hppiu-uiii in uuvonce.
The charge for each pipe from the
street main will be aa follows:
Por a 2-iuch pipe, $2.50 per month
ami f.o tor tnp eouuectiou.
Por a 3-inch pipe. $3.50 per month
and $30 for the connection,
Por a 4-Inch pipe, 5.00 per month
and $4i) for the connection.
C. Meter Ratea,
Sectlou III. C. Any regular con
sumer of water. If such consumer
shall prefer, shall be entitled to re
ceive water and to pay therefor up
on meter rate only. Further upon
demaud by any consumer to be put
upon meter rate auy person or per
sou, partnership or corporations,
supplying water, shall immediately
install a meter for such consumer at
its own expense and shall thereafter
keep aud maintain said meter; And
shall further keep the said meter
open for iuspeetlon at all reasonable
times; aud shall at all times see that
the said meter i correct, and if the
tame shall be iucorrect, the said meter
shall be repaired aud corrected or else a
new auu correct meter snail oe jusialJed
to 100,000 gallons for each
1,000 gallons 20
hxceeding 100,000 gallons and
up to. 300,000 gallons for each
1,000 gallons ,15
Exceeding 300,000 callous per
1,000 gallons 10
Less the following discounts when
the quantity used in any one
month is niore than 33,000 gal
lons and less than 100,000 gal
lons .,
More than 100,000 gallons and
less than 200,000 gallons ....
More than 200,000 gallons and
less than 500,000 gallon 15
More than 500,000 gallons and
less than 1,000,000 gallons ..20
More than 1,000,000 gallons ....25
Or subject to contract.
Conflict of Schedules ad Failure To
Deliver Watsr,
Section IV. It is further provided
that tho charge for a smaller Quan
tity of water shall not exceed the-
charge for a lurger quantity: and
further that meter ratea shall pre
vail over flat rates.
If any persou or persons, partner
ship or corporations supplying water
to the City of St. John or it In
habitants, shall be unable for any
reason to furnish water, then in such
an event the consumer or consumer
shall not be required to pay auy
water rent or. charge for such a
time or periods as he shall be without
place iu their office the aforesaid
schedulo of rate, which schedule
shall at all time bo kept open for
inspection of any and all consumers
of water.
Further, a copy of these schedule
of rate shall be kept posted in the
office of the City Recorder of St.
flUMKH" within the meaning of this
ordinance shall bo auy person, partner
ship or corporation which shall contract
to use water for any part of a month
or longer, or shall' continue to use
water after so contracting fpr a sup
ply for auy part of a month or long
er, "A VENDOR" within tba mean
ing of this act shall be any person or
person, partnership or partnerships,
corporation or corporations which en
gage to regularly supply the City of
St. Johns or its inhabitants with
Repeal of Prior Act.
Section X All ordinance and
parts of ordinances and all act and
parts of acts in conflict with here
with are hereby repeated and an
Time of Taking Effect of Ordinance.
Section XI. This ordinance shall
bo in effect and shall become a law
immediately after the expiration of
the time provided for filing referen
dum petitions as provided for in the
I'narter of the City of St. Johns. Ore
gon, and the amendments thereto,
Passed by the council this 27rd day of
August, 1911.
Approved by the mayor thia 27 rd dav
of August, 1913.
. President of the' Council.
Attest: P. A. RICK.
Published in the St, Johns Review on
Sept. i3, i9u;-' -'.. v6t u .