St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 13, 1912, Image 3

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    . - - - -
, w , MJ ,.,
See Our
We handle the best line of ranges there is made. This statement can be
verified by asking anyone of the two hundred users in St. Johns. It is
made better, looks better and is cheaper than any other guaranteed
range on the market.
Ranges $34.20
We haVe a larger and better line of
comparing, compare quality as well
Local News.
The Regal Range on sale nt the
Peninsula Hardware is a Imrgaiu at
, $36.00, See It at once.
Mrs. J. C, Scott has returned
, from n pleasant visit witli her son,
Dr. Scott in Seattle.
Wanted -Three girls to learn
weaving; day work. Apply to Port
land Woolen Mills.
Clins. A. Kry has returned from
his vacation iu.Cleona, Pennu., mid
is in fine shape to jump into school
iwork once more.
Any one having a cleanly, well
behaved .white Spit. dog for sale
should see Jack McNiven nt Cnlef
Uros.' store.
The Hpworth League of the M.
R. church will hold n character so
cial at the home of Mrs. Weeks on
Willamette boulevard, September
, Conkey's Stock Remedies ore not
foods, but medicine-n separate rem
edy for each disease made by the
same people that make Conkey's
Poultry Remedies. Sold on money
' back guarantee by panthers' Mer
, cantile Co. 48c
The city attorney has decided to
not attempt to torce the new water
rates prescribed by the city council
until next month, since the ordi
nance did not become operative uu
. til the 7th of September, and water
' rates commence on the first of each
' Alex. S. Scales, the enterprising
and hustling Kast side merchant,
" with wife aud daughter, Miss W
,'tiia, have returned from a most en
.joyuble ten-day sojourn at Toledo,
Wash., with parents of Mrs.
Scales aud other triends there. Miss
Nettie Johuson, sister of Mrs.
"Scales, returned with them and will
'spend some time in lively St.Johus.
-A. U, Davis, who has beeu as-
s'lstant at the local postoffice for
some time, has passed a very cred
itable civil service examination and
been appointed assistant postmaster
at HilUboro, assuming the duties ot
his new position Monday. Miss
! Grace Cole, who has been employ
ed at the University Park station
for several years, has been added to
Postmaster Mouahan's efficient and
obligtug force.
Pay your tubscxlpttoB.
SO h03
We will take your
old Stove as the
Hirst Pay
ment on a new
Range. B a I -ance
$1.00 weekly
to $50.00
I Sasli and door arc carried in
I .stock by the Peninsula llnrdwuie
Co. Gut our prices.
Ronnie liurr has beeir,caught"at
last after a most successful ndver
j Using campaign.
Mrs. A.'V. kelson and family
have returned from nn utijoynhle
two mouths' vacation spent nt
Deer Island.
D. J. Horsman and P. T. Han
sou are numbered among the old
1 veterans at the Nntiounl Kncninp
iiieut which Is being held nt I.os
If you knew of the real value of
Chamberlain's Liniment for lame
back, soreness of the muscles,
sprnins and rheumatic pains, you
would never wish to be without It.
Por sale by all dealer's.
A Wymore brought to the Re
view office lust I'riday two sam
ples of Wolf River apples grown on
n six-year-old tree on his ground nt
916 Central nyeiiue. They each
weighed one pound and were splen
did specimens.
Don't let lice eat up your valua
ble poultry when it's so easy to get
rid of them. Conkey's Lice Pow
der, I.lce Liquid and Head Lice
Ointment are guaranteed to do the
work quickly. Get a practical poul
try book free from Lauthers Mer
cantile Co. 48c
Plans are well along to plant a
large Polish colony in Oregon. The
Polish society of Philadelphia is
seeking from 5000 to 10,000 acres
of good laud in a body suited for
this purpose and hopes to briug
about 250 Polish families here with
in the coming year. The society
is in correspondence with Oregon
people with a view to securing such
a tract.
Bouhatn & ' Currier's bankrupt
sale of the Johnstone Toggery stock
on the corner of Philadelphia and
Jersey streets opened on Tuesday,
and a continuous flow of bargain
seekers has beeu ebbing in and out
ever since. The bargains are the
best and most varied that have ev
er been offered in St. Johns. Peo
ple realize this and are taking ad
vantage of it, even coming from
far up the Peninsula to do so. The
bargains were so numerous that
there are many left. So if you
have not been to the store yet,
there is still time to save money.
Preach the gospel ot St. Jcbns.
Heaters than ever
as looks and price.
Kor Itisnrnuce sejf. W.Vulentine
Gilniore's Barber Shop n spe
cialty 011 children' luiir cutting.
Suhscrlbo for tlto 81. John Itovlow
and keep ofted on tlm iIoIiikb of
ilit city
Wnll txiper in new and nrtiMic
designs is now on sale at the Puiiin
Miln Hardware Co. Prices rnuge
from eight to 35 cents per
double roll. Selection may be made
from 50 or more different patterns.,
Pew, if nuy, medicines, hnve
met with the uniform success at
tended the use of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera nnd Dinrrlucn Rem
edy. The remarkable euros of col
ic mill diiirrlium which it has affect
ed in almost every neighborhood
have given it a wide reputation.
Porsiile bv till dealers.
. AT
St. Johns
Children will find it a pleasure to buy their School
supplies at our store. We prize our little customers
very highly and will spare no effort to make their
visits pleasant and satisfactory.
St. Johns Pharmacy
Our Prices
Heaters $1.50 to $20
before. When
Get nn electric bend treatment or
massage at Gllmore's Harder Shop
Typewriter ribbons for sale at
tuts olhce; 50 cents eneh.
Picture framing done at Portland
prices nt II. P.Clark's, the furni
ture man. tf
Por Sale Six lots, nil extrn sire,
between Tyler nnd Polk streets,
improvements in, can sell cheat).
Terms, 1 10 cash, balance $5 per
liiouth, 7 per cent interest, liest
residence district. McKiuuey &
Davis. ititf
The implicit confidence many
people have in Chamberlain's Col
ic, Colera and Dlarrha-a Remedy
is founded mi their experience in
the use of that remedy and their
knowledge of the remarkable cures
of colic and diarrlucn and dysentery
that if has effected. Kor sale by nil
ouiuui vays Degm 3epi. loin
And we are here with the most complete line of text
books and all kinds of supplies that ever came to
town. Our composition books, tablets, erasers, pen
cils, etc. are the best quality with the best prices.
Everybody buying supplies here on the opening
day of school will receive, free of charge, a blotter
and pencil. y
This year, we are in a better position than ever
to care for your wants as they should be Cared for.
- 1
Mrs. Sampson enme down ft out
McMiuuvillc for nn over Sutulny
visit with f i lends
If yon wnnt prompt dcllvcrv of
wood, call Cnchrnn-Nuttiiig & Co,
Phone Col. 551, 415 So. Hayes
Mreet. aotf
fr.iiiK rttiiH mid iitmity hivetc
4 . 1 i
turned from liuttlcgrouud, Wash,,
whne Mr. Tufts was engaged in
structural work.
The loafers ate n pretty slick set
of fellows. They generally loaf
iirouud those who do not advcrtic,
and ns n consequence they nre not
disturbed much by customers. The
loafers understand their business
bett'T than some merchants.
Kirst Christian Science Society.
Sundays 11 a. 111.. Wednesdays at
8 p. in. Reading room open 011
.iticsduy ntul Saturday from 2 to
4 p in. All cordially Invited to the
services and leading room. Sub
ject Sunday: "Substance."
The Misses Vina Swan nnd Vio
la Westhcfer have returned from
their two-weeks' outing at Wnrrcti
ton and Gcnrhnrt (instead of Gari
baldi ns erroneously 'reported pre
reviously). They report n most
delightful time, and look it.
Recorder Rice nnd Councilmnn
Vnleiitiue have been investigating
the manner of picking hops in Yam
hill fields during the past week.
If thev enn be induced to trv their
hands nt nlckiinr. tliev will 110
doubt cover n ten acre field every
duy. Hut
Oillmore.the harhcr.has just add
ed n handsome sign to his place of
business on Philadelphia street. He
is constantly adding some attrac
tion to his shop, ntul has'oiic of the
finest shaving parlors on the Penin
sula. An Improved front entrance
is now being installed,
Running up and down stnirs,
sweeping and bending over making
beds will not make a woman healthy
or beautiful. She must get out of
doors, walk a mile or two every
day nnd take Chamberlain's Tablets
to improve her digestion aud regu
late her bowels. Kor sale by nil
The advent of Roosevelt in Port
land Wcduesduy drew n number of
his admirers thither. Whatever
else niny be said of Teddy, he cer
tnlnlv is brimmimr over with vliror.
nnd his competitor's will know he
has been in the race when the votes
nre counted next November.
It is said that daucimr makes
ems tect lartre. it is a sosatu tliat
Ice cream makes freckles. Doctors
are of the opinion that hanging on
the trout gate produces riieumatism.
What is a poor girl going to do?
About the oulv thimr that has not
been put under the ban is to sit de
murely by your mother and piny
rmi inns up." Mary jane,
Summer aud Abert Lakes in
Central Oregon are to be made to
yield up the wealth of salts in their
waters. A l.os Angeles company
with very large capital has secured
a long lease on 88,000 acres about
these lakes aud is building a refin
ing plant for evaporating the wa
ter. It is estimated that not less
thau 100,000 tons of products will
be secured annually.
The Model Laundry
Thoroughly equipped for all kinds
of laundry work and
Up-to-date In every respect.
Prompt and efficient service guar
anteed. Your patrouage solicited.
wit, umaviiK HVHKYWHHRB l'RBK
Remember thnt October 6 Is Rnl-'
ly day at Christian Sunday school. (
A good program is promised.
0 s
Got any old school books? If so,
tnkv them to Frank Clark, 307 So.
Jersey street, who will buy. ,
, L. K. Simmons, formerly a gro
cei vinnii of this city, is making a
visit to Iowa, where he expects to
remain for n mouth or more.
It now looks ns though St. Johns
niny pass thiough one year with
out holding 11 special election. Will
wonders never cease?
Sec G. W. Overstreet for nny
thing in the plumbing line. Opno
site Central School, 311 S. Jersey
street. Office nnd residence phone,
uoiumiiin, 500. 42U
An article that has real merit
should in time become popular.
That such is the case with Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy has been
attested by many dealers. Here is
otic of them. II. W. Heiidrlcksou,
Ohio Kails, Iud., writes, "Chain
berlaiu's Cough Remedy is the best
for coughs colds nnd croup, and is
my best seller,
Kor sale by nl
Johtf T. Peterson is moving' with
his family to Portland where they
wiune near joiiu s present opera
tious. He has secured contracts
for more than 150,000 worth of
sewer aud street work in Portland,
which will keep him aud his force
of workmen busy for some months
to come. While regretting to lose
Mr. Peterson nnd family from our
midst, their many friends nre glad
to know that John Is succeeding
well and bids fair to become mini
bered among the large contractors
of Portland in the near future.
No. 0047.
Ituxrt of thu condition of the
First National Bank
at .St. John, In the ttate of Oregon, at
Hie clow o imsliiPMi vit. 4, lUlli:
I.nau and dUcount flGI.141.7t
OvcrilmfU. secured it uiim-cM &0.77
U,.S.lMiinltoccurcclrculutl(ii M),000,00
I'. S, bonds to secure ixtul
Mvimjs 5.000.00
llonds, Securities etc 13.7M.17
liunking liounti, liirnltura ami
fixtures U.IMU.OO
Other rad ctate owned l, lx).oo
Due Irout Mate mid
1'rivate Hunks mid
Hankers, Trust Com
tunic anil SaviiiK
llanU 8.974.42
Due from umirovvd re
serve Kent. 40.3J10.7B
Checks aud other
ckli Items 230.02
Notes of other Na-
tloual Hanks 780, 00
fractional jacr cur
rency, nlckels.cmit 118.77
Lawful money reserve
in bank, viz:
Specie 1G.22G.40
Kedcmptloii fund with
V. 8. Treasurer (5
lr ct. of circulation) 2,500.00
Capital stock paid In f 50.000.00
Surplus fund 10,000.00
Undivided profits, le expen
ses ami taxes wild 4,033,99
National bank notes otitstund'g 50,000,00
Individual deposits
subject to check.. fll9.890.7G
Demand certificates
of deposit...: 10.SI3.40
Time depots 00,111.87
Certified checks.,.
Cashier's checks out
standing 5S9.GG
Postal Savings Den'ts, 1 ,005.70
Total f307.501.91
State of Oregon, I ..
County of Multnomah I M"
I, I'. I. Drinker, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly sweur that the
ubovc ktutcuient is true to the best of my
knowledge uud belief.
1'. 1', Drinker, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me.
this 7tl. duy of Sept,, 1911.
V. S. Kellogg, Notary Public,
Multnomah county, Ore,
A, R.Jobes,
Correct Attest: Perry C. Stroud,
C. It. Russell,
for the game fight haven't nny
tilnce in our curriculum, The 1ms
iucfls of
is more matter of fact. In our work
and among our supplies we use the
best the market affords in the way of
Cocks, Faucets & Pumps
nnd other auxiliary sundries. We
do good work at reasonable prices.
203 S. Jersey Street
Oregon Agricultural College
This great institution opens It doom
for the mil semester on September '20th.
Courses of Instruction include: CenerHl
Agriculture, Agronomy, Aiitmnl ltu
Immlry, Dairy Husbandry, Hacleriolou.y,
llotauy nnd Plant Putholoey, Poultry
Husbandry, Horticulture, liutomolocy,
Veterinary Science, Civil KiiKinccrhig,
Hlcctrlnil Hnjduccrlug, Mechanical Itu
Kinccriug, Mining Kngiueeriug, IIlKh
wuy HuKiucuriuuf, Domestic Seiunce,
Domestic Art, Commerce, l'ortwtry,
Pharmacy, oology, Chemistry, Physic,
Mathematics, Iiif;tiih I.umkiwuo uud
Literature, Public Speaking. Modvru
LutiKUnucs, History, Art, Architecture,
Industrial Pcdueou,)-, Pliyslnd l(dui--tlou,
Military .Science nnd Tactics, mtd
Catalogue and HhMnittHl l.lturHtiu
mailed tree on application. AiKlrww:
Registrar. Oreuou Agricultural Colli.
Corvallls, Oregon.
School YrurOpcn September 20th
No. 10103.
Report of the condition of the
01' st. joiins
in the State of Oregon, at the rl of
busine Sept. 4, igia:
I.ouns unit illsrminti tlN.&Iki III
Overdrafts, Kwureil um-oe'd 1M1.08
U.H.lUmiU to secure clrcumtMi NUXKUK)
V. S, Honils to secure Potitl
Saving B.ooaw
Premiums on I'. S. Houds. , . . H87.7D
Houds, Si'curltlus, etc 1 IU. UI
Hanking house l'lirnituru ud
fixlurw 3.J00.00
Due from Statu ami Private
Hunks aud llaukr, TruM
Companion. SuvIiiliii Hanks T.WM.U7
Due from upprovwl
rrtuirvi. aL'HiitM .IILM1& ti?
Checks uud oilier
cah Items . TfO.TK
Notes of other Nu-
tionut Hunks wsn nn
l'rartloiud Paper Cur-
runey. Mekuls and
CenU lilJifl
Lawful money rusurve
In Hank, viz:
Specie 12.4Tt.M5 18.1TIM6
i.eKul 1 euder Note tiouu
Redemption fund with U. S.
jreasurur s pur cant w
circulation) 800.00
Total fWT,T06.tM
Capital stock paid in ;
aurmus iiimi
Undivided profits, lu exjmu
ses ahd taxwi lld
National Hank Notes outstd'g
imilvlilual deposits
subject tocheck
Demuud certlfiouttts
Time deiJQjlts
Certified Checks
Cashier's checks outstanding.
roitai .-Mtviugsduposiis,
Total flWT.TOD.Ql
State of Oregon, I
County ot ainltnomali,
I. I. N. Kdleficu. Cnihier of th
alove untned bunk, do soluiuuly swunr
that the utxjve statemuut is true to th
best of my kuowlcdge and Ixillyf.
1. .n, Jiineisen, utsuiar,
C.l.-n.Il.c.l ... l.Af,lu ...
this 11th day of Sept., 1913,
J, I., nuaKiiiKiiam, notary t'umio.
Multnomah county. Ore.
Correct Attest: Peter Autzeu,
M. I,, ilolbrook,
V, C, Knapp,