St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 13, 1912, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Burlington Street
Tint RkvihW is entered nt post oflice
In Saint Totans. Oregon, us nmll mutter
of the second class under the Act o( Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
Official Hrwippr of th Oily of 8b Jshns.
Subiorlptlon price $1.00 per year
Kvery individiinl, or firm corporn-
' lion should haven checking nccotmt
f- .!...... I.. I.!M..
The cnncclled check is a never fall
Iiir receipt mid n perfectly nccurnte
record of your trntisactfott.
Your money is absolutely safe ln-rc I nenuine Spanish leather 011
and you run no risk of losing it ly 1 sprliin scats, 25 per cent off,
fire or. theft.
We welcome new accounts whether
large or small. Open n checking
account here today.
4 per cent, interest pnid on Sav
ings Accounts, 4 per cent, paid 011
Time Deposits. Safe Deposit Hoxes
$3.00 per year.
Special Prices on Rockers this week
Solid Oak Rockers, waxed finish
First National Bank
St. Johns, Oregon
What Dues (he Bonvillc
Year System Alcan?
Golden Oak, Opera nr Saddle
Style Rockers from 54.00 up.
Sewing and Bed Room Rockers
nt reduced prices.
We curry a full line of heaters
from the sheet iron nirtightnt St Go
to the best wood or coal heaters on
the market. See us before vou buy
Old Stoves or Furniture Taken in
; Payment.
ISt. Johns Furniture
1 wanted!
Men, Women and Children
It means Honest Incorporation,
Defeated Monopoly, Universal Op-
portunity, Harmony, All Men net.
all their Money Hams, lineruv.
Kcnnotuy; is practical. Investigate
our 138 page fully illustrated hook.
Apply to I
l Bonvillc 1
Portland, Oregon, for the
Square Deal.
Wolcott (the rent man) no 11 till
street, Portland, is the man to seei
for real cMntc or mercantile dents.
.6tf. '
Rev. Pattern nt the
church Sunday evening gave as his
opinion Why merchants go Dust
ctl in St. Johns" that the saloons
are inninly responsible. Jt may be
true cnoUKh that tlie saloons con
tribute their full share toward the
downfall of merchants that have
gone to the wall in fat. Johns, but
as to bcinn the prime reason is open
to d scuss on. Were it not Hint
merchants go. busted" in prolnbi
tion cities as well ns in wet ones,
there would be stnnll grounds to
disagree with Rev. Patton in his
contention , but prohibition does
not eliminate failures, even H It
has n tendency in thnt direction.
Asn matter of fact any fair mind
ed man will agree thnt today the
citv of St. Johns is cleaner moral
ly with less drunkenness in evi
dence than has ever been the case,
not excentimr the period when fat
Johns was legally n dry city. This
has been wrought about by an eiu-
elent police force and stringest reg
ulations prescribed by the city
council. It is not our purpose or
intention to shield or uphold the
saloon business. In fact we have
not the shchtcst use lor Honor 111
nny manlier or lonn. ciwecic
sire to be fair. Many ministers of
the country seem to delight in tell
inir how saloon men invite mid co
erce the boy into the saloon. In nil
our experience we have not known
of n single instance where n saloon
keeper invited u boy into 11 saloon,
but we have known cases where
youth have been ordered out be
cause they dm not nppenrot proper
tine. It is true that in places boys
under nge can and do secure liquor
but not upon invitation of the mi
loon keener. We have known of
churches, ltowcer, to advertise in
large (luring letters right 011 the
sacred edifices the allegation: The
saloons want your boyhave you
one to spare." rossimy poor
homeless, friendless boys have at
times been thus directed to where
they are assured of welcome by
reading these, advertisements.
Who can tell! Is the saloon keeper
nny more responsible for the boy's
first taste of liquor limn is the to
ImccouiKl for his hi si chaw of to
Imcco? It is true that if liquor was
not sold boys would not become
drunkards. Hut prohibition is not
the cure. Absolute stoppage of
its manufacture is the only red
and uflicncious one. When the
temperance element begin to realize
that it is better to cut nt thu root
of the tree than snip among it
branches, brunches that too of tin
glow out again tifter pruning, and
yet the tree maintaining its full
strength mid vigor, from that Una
will date the downfall of liquor
Somehow prohibition in pluvi
does not materially or proportion
ntely reduce the total consumption
of liquor, and therefore fails of its
purpose. Liquor is something of
which there is absolutely 110 need
It has been clearly demonstrated
llmt It W not n ncrcviiilt v in the
inedicnl world, nor is it a necessity MJHcrs, Iree, witu the exception of the cost of postage on paers and cost
for so-called sacramental pui poses. 01 "v 1 "ivcimiv ivxiensiou iniieiiu, 10 wmeus 01 uregon, lony I'ltt-
I, Ike tOhllCCO, the world WOUld be veiaiiy v.iiuim- uy mini. jumiiy m puuii ny uie courses M-iecieu is uie
Itlmnt It I only requirement for enrollment in the Correspondence Department.
Yet so long us it is nioniifocttired Courses are ollered In the Departments of Botany, Debuting, hcoiioni
and may bu proem ud it ntwmredly ,cs' iwwcnunii, uicariaiy, uugiiMi i.iteralure, ituglMi ComjMrsmon,
iiiMury, .Miiiiieiiiuues, mecniuiinu iiniwiug, ruysiciu r.diinuiou, rnys
icn, Physiology, Psychology, .Sociology and Mirveylng. Write to the
secrotury of the Correspondence School, University of Oregon, Hugeue,
lor inhumation and catalogue.
Coujsus in residence at the I'niversilv prepare for the professions
of Hngineering, Journalism, I,nw, Medicine mid Teuchiiig, Full m-iihs
at the
To insist In the wi.11.inK of
souls to Clititt nnd In trnltiinu
litem fur Hit service,
Sunday Service
llllilc School; -10 n. 111.
Morning Service: 1 1 11, 111.
Junior C. 15.: -3 p. in.
V. P. S. C. H..-7 p. 111.
P.vniigclfidlc Serviced: H p, tit.
Wednesday Training Clnst, 8 p. in,
Thursday l,rnycrineclitiK'"Hp.ui.
J. R, Johnson, Pastor
Corner New Tork SI. and Willis Bouletird
for Sale on Easy Monthly Payments I
I Suvcrtil modern houses tit Knst St. Johns can bu I
I purchased on monthly terms. Talk with I
I Or R. O. HRAN1) I
I 815 Lewis HUIk,, th and Oak Sts. I
I Photic Marshall aui H
The University of Oregon Correspondence School
will be drunk. Why not fight li
iittor iiisleud of the wIikiiih?
There are other pertinent rvusons
howevur, why. merchants go broke
in bU Jolins. It is true that lucre
Is spent in the saloons that should
bu uplied 011 grocery bills, yet it
is n fact that the saloon men of ht
Jolms uie not urowiiiK wealtltv
On the coutraiy some of them um
with diilictilty iwy their just debts.
Due rwisoii, and 11 potent one, why
some hiiHinuM) men o " busted " in
St. Jolins is hucnute they do not or
do not know how to advertise in m
judicious and suceewiful manner
Tlmy fail to tell the public what
they hnve to sell anil the price at
which it amy be secured. The
successful stores in Portland iu;ik?
110 such mistake. After nil is inid,
however, credit busiuesK is the
quickest route to oblivion, It is
said thnt the combined credits of
two stouts thnt failed in St. Johns
totaled more tlmn Tl 6,000. That
being the case, how could they
succeed? Why do not people my
up uetter r mm a strange tuct is
that among these unpaid book ac
counts can be found the names of
some steady church attendants. A
heavy drinker con wcure but little
credit. Again, more trade goes to
Portland than many imagine, sunt
there has been more competition
along certain lines of business than
called for by the traffic, When
all is summed up, instead of there
being one chief reason for failure,
there are many, all contributing a
snare to the undoing. It is the
same the world over, und not con
fined to St. Johns. Some will suc
ceed where others fail.
rer ojiens 1 ncsouy, nepi. 17. Address uie Registrar n.r oualogues des
criptive of the College of Itngiuccriug, the College of Liberal Arts, tin
Schools of lulueutinu, Commerce, J.uw, Medicine and Music.
Have You Ever
Runon the Sandy Shore
Did you know vou could reach this
delightful, cure slaying, health giv
ing, luu making
by taking the
O.-W.R.& Portland
then down the
Columbia River via. Steamers
Where trains connect with
for North lieach Points
You Can
You Should
Jonathan Hourne, Jr., will likely
pay St. Johns a visit next week. As
St, Johns fired the first gun in his
behalf ns an independent candidate
to succeed himself as United Stateti
Senator, he cannot .hylp but feel
kindly toward UiJttiyT 1
Ask any agent of the O. W. K. &
N. and find our how little it will
cost to leave care und dust nnd bent
behind and have a renl
Rest by the Sea
If You Had a
To make n nice Hule deal
thnt took quite a little; .stun,
and promised n nice big
VouVill have such op
portunities mid n little saved
here und there, and depos
ited hi this bank nt com
pound interest, will be
gratefully appreciated by
yourself some dny.
The results of saving at
this bank never disappoint.
United States Depository
4 Per Cent Interest
on Savings
In order to CLEAN UP a few
odds and ends in the Sweater line,
and make room for our new
stock, we are making this Tre
mendous Reduction in Prices to
hold good until these are all sold.
Ladies', Misses', Men's and Child
ren's Sweaters that formerly sold
for $3.00, 2.50, 2.00, 1.50 and 1.00
now selling at $1.50, 1.25, 1.00,
75c and 50c.
You cannot afford to pass this up.
Boys' Elk Skin Shoes, sizes 2 1-2
to 5 1-2, regular $2.25, now $1.59.
Youth's Elk Skin Shoes, sizes 11
to 2, regular $2.00, now at $1.49.
We have several pairs of Child
ren's and Misses' shoes of Odd
Lots that are moving at 65c on
the dollar. We have about 20
pairs of these left.
We have just received a ship
ERS, sizes from 5 to 16 years that
are selling at 75c to $1.50; bring
the boys in and look these over.
Just the thing for school wear.
That we are exclusive agent for
the "Alligator Brand, Guaranteed
Rain Clothing." They never leak.
The Rain Clothing with an Abso
lute Guarantee.
Couch & Co.
Distributors of Merchandise Since 1904
Even in Midsummer
With a real live breeze blowing
away the stifling sultry air and
cooling the whole room that's
your kitchen, and all others too
that have an
Portland Railway, Liglil & Power Company
Conic to our store next Monday nnd ask for a
sample can of Japalac.
Select your paint now for fall painting. If your
house needs a coat of paint this is the best time of the
year to paint it.
Specials for One Week
Regular 50c Glass Hoard, Special 250
Regular 25c i-gal. Galanized Oil Can, Special ... .15c
Regular $1.00 Hracket Lamp with large Reflector 75c
Regular 20c Galanized Pail, Special 10c
: lumber:
Slabwood '. I
Dressed. Deliveries. Green.
- Ill I
f Mooring, ujiamy mocks,
TNtiicli fliinrniilonil
..?.. UIIMlUlllVttHI
Phone Richmond 131
H. HENDERSON McDonald Bldg., 208 Jersey St.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance I
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
l'ortluml Office und Chuicl St. John Oilire iiml Cltutwl
Cor. Ktllliiutworth Ave. & Kirby St, 4iH North Jtiwy St.
l'liotien: C 1 133 WiKxllawii ju6 l'liotie Col. aSj.Rrn.l'lionc Col.
Proposals lor Sewer Work j Proposals for Street Work
Scalril tirnnotalt ulll lie reri-lvvil at
tlie oriice of the reconlf r of the cltv of
St. Johns until Sept. 24, 191 1, at 8 o'clock
ii.iii, for the improvement of I'illnioro
ktreet y m.iklnj; nix- Inch ccr councc-
lion iroiu uie mum pewer 10 uu iou
which tire not now connected to newer
from the north line ot l'cttcmleii street
to the touth line of St. lolum avenue, in
tlie manner provided by ordinance .No
W't, ul)ect to tlie provUioniof the char
ter und ordinance of the city of St. Johns,
nnd the estimate of the city fcnnlnecr
011 tile.
The enuineer's estimate is CS0.00.
llUUmuit In; strictly 111 accordance with
I printed blanks wliieh will be furu
filled on application ut the oflice of the
recorder 01 uie city ot bt. Johns, And
said improvement must be completed on
I or before 60 days from the date of the
last publication ot this notice.
No proposal or bid ill be considered
utiles accompanied by a certified check
pay u uie to uie mayor 01 the city ot St.
I Johns, certified by a responsible bank
1 tor an amount equal to ten per cent, o
tne aKKrrcaie proposal.
The rieht to reject any and all bids Is
nercuy reerveti.
fly order of the city council.
r. a, Kicit,
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review
Septembers, 13 and 20, 1917.
Proposed Assessment
Notice is hereby eiven that apportion
meiit of the cost of improvine Fessuden
street iroru uie westerly line ot llucli
I anau street to the westerly line of Qs
wego street, total cost is J7.575.3C, has
been apportioned and U 011 tile in the
iothce of the uudersignetl, subject to ex
Assessment district extends back to
the center ot lots, blocks or tracts of
land abuttiuK on said street as provided
oy tne city cnarter and resolutions.
Remonstrances against said apportion
tnent may be made in writing and filed
wttti Uie undersigned until 8 o'clock
P. M. September 23, iota.
Published in the St, Johns Review on
Sept. G and 13, 1912.
R. A. JAYNE, A. D.
Office over First .National Bank
Office Phono Qolumbia,282
. . Re honoTCoJumbU 1
Sealed proposals will be received at
the oflice of tlie recorderof thecity of St.
Johns, until Sept. 24, 191 j, at 8 o'clock
ji. 111, for the improvement of Pill
more street from the northerly line of
Philadelphia street to the southerly line
of St. Johns avenue, in the manner
provided by ordinance No 604, subject
to the provisions of the charter and ordi
nances of the city of St. John and the
estimate of the city engineer 011 file.
linKineer's estimate is171233.29.
Iliils must be strictly in accordance
with the printed blanks, which will bu
furnished on application at the oflice of
the recorder of the city of St. Johns,
And said improvement must be com.
pleted on or before 60 days from the date
of the last publication of this notice.
No proposalsorbids will be considered
unless accompanied by a certified check
payable to the order of the mayor of the
city of St. Johns, certified by a responsi
ble bank for an amouut eoual to teu tr
cent, of the aggregate proposal.
The right to reject any and all bids Is
hereby reserved.
ny order ot uie council.
Recorder of the city of St. Johns.
Published ill the St. Tolina lievW.
September C, 13 and 20, 191 j.
Proposals tor Sewer Work
Sealed nmnnaiiln will ho rwii.l o. it..
office of the Recorder of the Citv of St
Johns until Sept. 24, 19U. at 8 o'clock
V). 111., for the iiiinrrvemiit f Will.. .......
street by laying a sewer from the line of
Pessenden street to the line of Phlladel-
t)hia Strert. in the lu innr invl,l..l I...
Ordinance No, 503, subject to the provis
tons of the charter and ordinances of the
Citnf St Tntltltt nnil j
the citv engineer, on file.
engineer's estimate is f2.Q78.84.
Rills ItlUSt llO tr?r.tlw In
- ' t ........ .j . .. hvvuiu.uvc
u'ith nriiitp.1 hlaiiVa u'luVI, ...III
-1- 1 1 . .. lV UI li
ished on application at the office of the
Recorderof the City of St. Johns. And
&aiil iiitnmvptiiHtit timet Km r... lu. u.i .
or before 60 ilays from the date of the
l..e. ,.i,u.:.Tr .1.: .1.
M,i jjuuiivanuii ut tma nuncc
Ka nronnuil.. nr hfl ...jit 1. ;.l i
- I - . . ..I .HILItll
unless accompanied by a certified check
payable to the order of the Mayor of the
City of St. Johns, certified by a respon-
sible bank lor an ainnunt rniml m
i - ... 1VU
per ceut. of the aggregate
it,ui iu icjcti any auu ai Olds IS
hereby reserved.
uy order ot the City Couucil.
Published in Hip St. Tnti tl D Milani .
September G, 13 and 20, igu,
Work (or. a Greater St. JoUju.