St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 06, 1912, Image 1

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Of idmtlilat In THIS Ppf j
andjroa'lloittrrttrdll. Be ?
tin (tone and kMprlfht tilt I
r Toubtcrlb tor 1 HIS Piper'
kit 1 1 ...I. If. It I - M. - I.
' ' our mold,. Call In mil enroll
Devoted to the Interest of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. 8
NO. 44
Manufacturers of the Greatest Wood Working
Machines on Earth, St. Johns, Near Portland
This is mi njc of of progress. The Rnwson Comp.uiy, located nt St.
Johns, Oregon, nre manufacturers of the greatest wood working ma
chines 011 earth. The Riwson piteuted midline No. 4 Is n heavy ma
chine designed for use in nil wood working shops for nil classes of
work and is convenient beyond anything ever placed on the market. It
excebi all others in durability and simplicity. b'or quick change in hand
lim; it is perfect to a degree. This improved patented machine with its
merits have been thoroughly tested. It is the only m'icliiiie on the mar
kct which cuts wood vertically, horizontally nnd in combination move
metits. It is n machine which will
specially adapted to cutting window and iloor frames, shelving, pigeon
holing, stair routing, cutting hand-holes hi furniture, fruit boxes, grill
work and n hundred other uses.
Rnwson N0.3 is a machine that weighs 4000 pounds nnd occupies tax
12 feet of tloor space It is a combination wood working inucblnc, combin
ing all conveniences of No. 4, built for job shops, Rnwson' s chain-feed
planer is another great invention made by Mr. Ruwson. The utility nnd
vitality of this machine can' be appreciated only by old pinner men who
have had to worry through life breaking the side-genr of the old- style
machine, and the ten commandments while repairing It. All this is
eliminated by the new chain drive. Dreak-downs do not occur, and the
temptation to use emphatic expletives is avoided, the planer's musical
1mm is uninterrupted, the planer man whistles nt his work nnd the pro
prietor finds nt the cud of the year the saving in repairs nnd lost time
las' more than repaid the expense of installing the new chain-feed.
Mr. Rnwson is n natural born inventive genius. His plant is well
equipped with machinery tor doing the high class of work to be done,
and he mauufaefurcs the machines himself, ns well ns invents them. If
you contemplate installing n wood working plant or a machine in n plant
already established, by nil means visit the factory nt St. Johns; n iiicklc
will laud you nt its door from nuy point in Portland, Mr. Rnwson will
take pleasure in demonstrating the machines for the benefit of all inter
ested iu this class of work.
Harry Wickam, the Amateur King
Who will begin his Fall engagement ut the Multnomah theatre next
Tuesday, September to, with his troupe of professional amateurs, The
program is the most elaborate ever offered. Spotlight Steve as the beau
tiful doll, Manilla Matuey ragtime singer, Chns. Iilodgett as Spare Ribs,
nnd Harry Gordon, sure some singer, is the way the program is arrang
ed. Besides this there will be an excellent show of selected movies.
Commends Gov. West
The following resolutions were
unanimously adopted at the morn
iug service by members aud friends
of the Methodist church last Sun
day, and a copy of the same for
warded to Governor West:
St. Johns, Ore., Sept. 1, 1912.
Inasmuch as Oswald West,
Governor of the State of Oregon,
has shown a greater interest in the
moral welfare of the citizens of our
state, and
Whereas, He has also had the
manhood to use the authority
vested in the chief executive of our
state to subdue crime and place iu
office men who are endeavoring to
enforce the laws of this, our be
loved commonwealth, therefore be
Resolved, that we, the members
aud friends of the Pioueer Method
ist Episcopal church of St.
most heartily appreciate the efforts
and work oi our governor in his pres
ent vice crusade. And further be it
' Resolved, that we pledge our
most hearty support iu this good
work.. Be it
Resolved also, that a committee
of three be appointed to fonvard p
copy of these resolutions to Gover
nor West.
The above resolutions were unan
imously adopted at the morning
services by the members aud friends
of thechurch.
W. R. Holleubeck, )
r ur- li. u. crown, p v-om
J. T. Brooks, J
Work (or a Qreatar St, Johna.
do work that no other will do. It is
Officers and Brothers, I,aurel
Lodge No, 186, I, O. O. Is:
We, your committee on condol
ence, beg to dubmlt the following
Whereas, the All Wise Father
has seen fit to remove from our
midst the beloved wife of our
brother, A. W- Lambert, therefore
be it
Resolved, That we, his brothers,
in regular session assembled, do
extend our sincere sympathy in
his hour of bereavement, and while
we may not always appreciate and
understand in this life the workings
of the Infinite, yet we believe he
doeth all things for our good; there
fore, be ii
Resolved, That a copy of these
resolutions be sent to our brother,
with our full hearted sympathy for
him, that a copy be sent to the St.
Johns Review and the Pacific Odd
Fellow for publication.
Respectfully submitted.
H. h. Whisler, )
Gilbert Ward, V Com,
Chas. H. Boyd )
Congregational Church
Preaching Sunday morning at n
o ciock at iiieiongregauonaicuurcn
and every Sunday morning there
after by James E. Murphey, pas
tor. We cordially iuvite all to
these services. Sunday school at
10 o'clock as usual.
James E. Murphey, Pastor. c
Not the label on your paper;
Never Again
Severn! confessions hnvc solved
the mystery of why, for the Inst five
dnys, n score of the prettiest sum
mer girl.s of Litchfield have been
going around with scratched faces
nnd arms, some of them limping
nnd nil looking much subdued.
It was alt due to the suggestion
of one of the most adventurous of
the girls: She thought out n game
of "Nymphs." When the other
girls eagerly nsked for nu explana
tion, she whispered the proposition
to all.
It was 1:40 a.' in. on the day
chosen because the night was moon
less. They stole along iu silent
single file, until they came to a sec
tion of the bank of lake Bantam hid
den from the main road by rocks
nnd bushes.
Amid great giggling there was n
general disrobing and the girls
were clothed only in their
classic outlines. Before essaying
their swim they had come for they
carried out the nymph idea iu n
dance on the sands with clasped
hands nnd flying hair nnd were
shouting iu glee, when suddenly
their joyous shouts were turned to
screnms of dismay.
Athwart their -well, their figures
- flashed n great ray of light,
which played nnd danced from their
floating hair to their flashing heels.
The light came from n great high
power lamp on an automobile that
liad crept silently nnd slowly down
to the lake shore. Then the mn
tor car stood still, as if spelt bound,
but with the light dancing iu the
wildest animation.
Very wild nuimntiou took the
girls too. They went shrieking in
all directions, making wild and
fruitless grabs for their clothing.
They fell and scrambled over rocks
audwem burrowing into bushes. Aud
the rocks uiigallautly bruised and
the naughty bushes scratched ' aud
With n vibrant honk, honk, honk,
the motor car suddenly dashed
away. The girls sat and whim
pered awhile, then painfully gath
ered up their clothing, dressed aud
silently stole back to ttie hotel.
Never will tlicy lie uympliH again.
Portland Journal.
To Get Postoffice Site
Congressman I.nfferty'.s bill for
nu appropriation for the
of a site and erection of n jiostofilce
building at bt. Johns has heen ap
proved as to the site nnd will be
passed in December. Mr. Lafferty
received a letter Aug. 26, from the
acting chairman of the committee
on public buildings nnd grounds
stating that such action would be
taken. The committee will only
appropriate the money at the com
ing session for the purchase of a
suitable site for the postoffice, and
will, later on, when the receipts of
the office hnve reached such n fig
ure as to justify it, appropriate the
money to erect the building.
The letter received by Mr.
ferty from ttie committee on public
buildings and grounds, rends as
Committee 011 Public Buildings aud
Grounds, House of Representa
tives, Washington, D. C.
Hon. A. W. Lafferty, House of
My dear Colleague; I am iu
receipt of your esteemed favor of
the 24th instaut, relative to your
bill, H, R. 25971, for public build
ing at St. Johns, Oregon. While
the receipts from this postoffice
nre not large enough to justify fav
orable action by the committee,
yet the populatjon nearly reached
the 5,000 mark, and I have there
fore approved your bill for a site,
at this time, if it is possible to do
so I shall include a buildiug in De
cember, This, of course, wjll de
pend upon how rapidly the postal
receipts increase aud how nearly
they approach the $10,000 mark by
that time. As you know the omni
bus bill will be reported early in
December and you may be assured
that a site for St. Johns will be in
cluded. With best wishes, I am
yours very truly,
John Iy. Burnett,
Acting Chairman.
August 26, 1912.
An article that has real merit
should in time become- popular,
That such is the case with Cham
berlain's Cough' Remedy .has been
attested by many dealers. Here is
one of them. II. W. Hendrickson,
Ohio Falls, Ind., writes, "Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy is the best
for coughs colds and croup, and is
my best seller." For sale by all
, Satisfaction, Is the word Gil
Council Proceedings
All members assembled around
the table at the regular meeting of
the city council Tuesday evening,
with Mayor Muck presiding.
Attorney Cnrtcr, of Portland,
representing Frank Smith, n prop
erty owner of Burlington street,
and in behalf of his client remon
strated against n henvy cut iu front
of Mr. Smith's property. He
claimed Jhc cut damaged the prop
to a grent extent nnd wns much
more henvy than anticipated or
need be, and nsked the serious con
sideration of the council in the mat
ter in au attempt to hnvc Mr. Smith
reimbursed for damage to his prop
erty. Mr. Smith staked 'that he
had held his property nt 3000 but
now $2000 would take it. Referred
to the city attorney and city engin
eer for report by Mnyor Muck.
Unsey & Glover petitioned for
chnngc of location of their saloon
from its present business place to
the Woodhousc building 011 Phila
delphia street, claiming the site was
far enough nwny from the school
building to permit of its use for sa
loon ptirposes. Referred to liquor
license committee.
Petitions signed by due hundred
and thirty-six citir.cusrccoiumcudiug
that the police nnd engineering de
partments undergo n reduction iu
the number of employes. Alder-
tunn Hill stnted thnt to do so. nt
this time would be false economy,
that the business men almost to n
man favoicd retention of four po
licemen, that few of the ctltioiiers
realized the amount of work devolv
ing upon the policemen, uud some
of them nursed a grudge, or were
continually ngninst the city gov
ernment. He said one twliccmau
to the tooo inhabitants was the us
ual rule iu small cities aud towns.
Nobody, he claimed, believed two
policemen nt night were too many,
that they had saved their salaries
in discovering incipient blazes nuil
having them extinguished before
great damage could be wrought. Iu
the day time, he said, one police
man wns not enough, becnusc the
chief is often called to Portland 011
city or criminal business, is needed
nt times on the outskirts of the
city, mid it would nccessitnte a
messenger boy 011 duty ull the time
to locate him iu time of trouble.
He believed in leaving well enough
alone, and therefore moved thnt the
iKilice force be kept nt its present
complement of men. Carried unan
Iu the matter 01 t lie reduction 01
the engineering force, the chairman
of the street committee, Davis, said
that every member of the force was
busy and would be until much of
the large street contracts had been
completed. After which it was his
purpose to reduce ttie tcrcc as low
as possible. On motion of Mr.
Hill the matter was left In the
hands of the chairman of the street
committee to make reductions in
the force whenever feasible,
Alderman Wilcox stated that
street lights were badly needed at
the foot of Pittsburg street leading
to the ferry, and on motion of Al
derman Hill the light committee
was empowered to have us many as
necessary installed,
Remonstrances against the pro
posed improvement of Fillmore
street from St. Johns avenue to
Philadelphia street were rejected on
motion of Alderman Hill, less than
50 per cent, of the property affect
ed by the improvement being rep
resented on the remonstrances, The
motion carried by a narrow mar
gin, however, as Aldermen Valen
tine, Wilcox aud Horsinau voted
uo; Aldermen Davis, Hill, Hiller
aud Martin voted iu the affirmative.
Alderman Horstuan said it was too
late in the season to take up the
work and most of the property own
ers living iiere did not want the
street improved. Aldermen Hill
and Hiller believed it would be a
bad precedent to establish to throw
out a street improvement wheu the
remonstrances old not total two
thirds, as the charter provides.
Charles Anderson said the greatest
kick was because the improvement
was not carried on through to Burl
ington street. The improvement
was cut off at Philadelphia street
because the property between it and
Burlington street would uot come
any way near standing for the Im
provement, and the dads feared to
carry it through lest the whole Im
provement fall through.
Several remonstrances agaiust the
laying of a sewer ou Fillmore street
were rejected ou motion of Alder
man Hiller; all yes.
Ordinances providing time aud
manner of constructing the sewer
on Fillmore street were then unan
imously passed ou motion of Alder
man Hill.
An ordinance providing the time
and manner of improving Fillmore
street from Philadelphia to St. Johns
avenucwitujiard siirfaceat; au es-
Portland Special Election
The Portland city council has
called n special election for Nov. 2,
at which time there will be sub
mitted to the voters for their con
sideration the proposed charter pro
viding for n commission form of
government, bond issues amount
ing to $3,650,000 for vnrtotts muni
cipal enterprises and t6 other char-
Iter amend men ts nud ordinances,
j The various bond issues, nud prop
ositions nre:
I Bond issue of f 2,000,000 for ex
j tending nud improving the park nud
boulevard system of the city.
' Bond issue of $350,000 for build
1 iug n bridge ncross the Willamette
, iu South Portland.
Bond issue of $300,000 for the
purchase by condemnation proceed
ings of Ross Island.
Bond issue of $200,000 to assist
. in the construction of n public audi
' torium.
Bond issue of $200,000 for the
construction of public markets.
Bond issue of $100,000 for the
the construction of an additional
garbage crenmatory.
Amendment regulating the sale
of proerty owned by the city, nnd
providing for the manner of vncnt
iug streets.
Amendment extending the period
for bonding property for assess
ments from ten to thirty dnys.
Amendments authorizing the
city to fix the salaries of the city
attorney, city treasurer nud city en
gineer. Amendment fixing the salary, of
Councilmcn at $150 n month.
Amendment erecting the office of
public prosecutor.
Amendment providing for a
mote simplified method of opening
aud extending streets.
Amendment providing for the
operation aud control of bridges
and fetries over the river and fix
ing a charge of three cents for each
car which crosses the bridges.
Amendment exempting members
of the police department from the
civil service provisions of the char
ter. Ordinance to cancel the franchise
of the Southern Pacific on Hast
First street.
Amendment making the bonds Is
sued by the water department a
direct obligation upon the entire
Amendment authorizing property
owners to bond property for as
sessments for street extensions,
Amendment providing for a pub
lic utility commission,
Ordinance providing the Greater
Portland plans as prepared by Mil
nlcipal Architect Bennett.
timated cost of more than $17,000
was passed 011 motion of Alderman
Davis, Aldermen Valentine, Wil
cox and Horsinau voting 110.
Attorney Stroud recommended
that an investigating committee be
appointed to investigate the water
pressure, to search through the
records and ascertain if the water
company had charged for lowering
water pipes at any time erroneously,
ami book up 011 the new water rates
which the city proposes to establish
tomorrow. Alderman Hill moved
that such committee be appointed
by the mayor. Carried unani
mously. Aldermen Martin, Hiller
and Wilcox were then -appointed by
the mayor to serve iu this capacity.
On motion of Alderman Valen
tine n resolution providing for the
improvement of St. Johns avenue
between Jersey aud Central avenue
was ordered to be prepared for
adoption nt next week's meeting.
Officers aud Brothers . Laurel
Lodge No. 186, I. O. 0. F.:
We, your committee on condol
ence, beg to submit the following
Whereas, the All Wise Father
has seen fit to remove from our
midst the little child of our brother,
Oliver Balke and wife, therefore
be it
Resolved, That we, his brothers,
iu regular session assembled, dp
extend our sincere sympathy in
their hour of bereavement, aud
while we may not always appre
ciate aud understand in this life the
workings of the Infinite, yet we
believe that he doeth all things for
our gocd; therefore, be it
Resolved, That a copy of thete
resolutions be sent to our brother,
with our full hearted sympathy for
him, that a copy be sent to the St.
Johns Review and the Pacific Odd
Fellow for publication.
Respectfully Submitted,
H. L. Whisler, )
Gilbert Ward, Com.
Chas. H. Boyd,
Got any old school books? If so,
take them to Frank Clark, 307 So.
Jersey street, who will buy, J
The Bonviile System
The following questions and an
swers have been taken from the
Bouvillc Squnre Deal regardiug the
Bonvlllc System:
(Continued from last week.)
Q. Why, iu companies organized
under this system, are people uot
allowed to sell their stock ? Is it not
Iheirs by right of ptirchnsc?.
A. If n mail builds himself n
home, nud then sets fire to thnt
home, he is nrrested nnd pays the
penalty for the same. If a man
cams ten dollars nnd burns the
money when he is paid, he is nlso
nrrested for the nction nud com
pelled to pay the penalty. Or if he
earns money aud uses the same for
gambling or other illegal purposes,
lie is arrested nud compelled to pny
n penalty for the same. Iu fact,
whenever n man uses that which
rightfully belongs to him for the
carrying ou or forwarding of some
action, movement, or purpose thnt
iuti tides upon the rights, privileges,
nud general safety of the public,
he is, or should be, checked hi such
When n iiinu intentionally burns
property, it is endangering the pub
lic nud destroying something of
vnlue. Any nction that is the di
rect cause of the destruction or hin
drance of progress of things relative
to wealth is n criminal offense. It
puts thnt much wcnlth out of exist
ence or checks its creative force.
Wealth is the product of energy.
Due analysis of energy is labor. En
ergy, Mirrounded by the proper en
vironment, Is a creative power, nud
does not die when the producer of
the same ceases to produce, but
must wear out by the erosion pf
time. Energy, then, is n produc
tive power. When uinti destroys
that which represents energy he is
destroying that which is the active
power iuprodticiug wealth, One
man's wealth benefits not only him
self but his fellowmen as well. There
fore It is n crime.
Iu n stock deal under the old sys
tem there is always n loser, through
channels ns explained throughout
these answer, Under the old sys
tem, there are many nvenues left
ojeu for graft ou account of the
stock being transferable. This
graft not only hurts the one grafted
but his fellow-man ns well. There
fore, if we nre able- to abide by the
same rule, that what is wrong for
one person iu one instance, is iu
like instance wrong for another, if
the nction enacted is of correspond
ing likeness iu principle and its re
lation to right nud wrong, it is only
justice that stock transferring (gam
bling) be considered and trentcd us
n crime. Hence, as 11 forerunner
to this hoped for termination of
these unfair conditions, this system
nud its supporters bind themselves
by mutual agreement to further the
righting oUthis great evil by exter
minating the same iu their own
business transactions.
Q. How will the great depart
ment stores of the future, organ
ized under this system nud owned
by the people, be a great national
A. The business of the future
will be enacted through the appli
cation of co-opcrntivc methods.
For instance: Where we have had
many stores iu the past, there will
only be a few- iu the future; nud
these large stores will do the bulk
of tiie business more profit
ably to nil concerned . These stores
will be owned by companies or
ganized under the Bonviile system,
People will, thereby, uot only saye
revenue from making use of what
has been waste energy in the past,
but -will have greater gain by own
ing an interest iu the same. The
money that merchants use to dis
tribute their goods through the
various cities will turn iuto profit
iu the hands of the investors iu a
store under this system, This
money, which has been going to
waste in the past, will be the means
of paying part of the customers'
bills iu the future. Herein we have
three statements based upon unde
niable facts, viz.: that through the
application of this system a vast
amount of energy, that has been
going to waste iu the past, will be
utilized and benefit received there
from; that through concentrated
business energies both merchant
and consumer will be mutually ben
efited aud that it will be the direct
means of reducing the cost of liv
ing. , ,
Q. Cau a company organized uu
der this system consolidate with
one that is uot?
A. No.
Q. When is the best time to rear
guulze the business world under this
v. There is no time like the
present. DO IT NOW.
(Continued next week.)
Subscribe for the, Rojlew.and be
bappr.r I? ' ....
Phone Columbia 01
First National Bonk building.
Open Evtnlnj-a and Sundays by Ap
pointment. Office riionc Columbln 140
Resident l'lione Columbia 38
Physician and Surgeon.
Dj & Nl:ht Ofllco in McChcsnoy bit
St. Johns, Oregon.
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D
Residence, C97 Dawton Street
Office, Plltor Block.
University Park, Portland, Oregon.
First National Hank Buildinir
McDonnld DuildinR
We buv or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estntc
List your property with us if you
desire to sell quickly 1
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
for Painting, Kaliomlnlng. Sulnlnft anil Varnish
Inf. Paper Hanging t specialty
6IS W. Richmond Street
Transfer and Storage
We deliver your Roods to and from
all pnrta of Portland. Vancouver. Linn
ton, Portland and Suburban bxpres
Co., city dock and all point acceulble
by wagon. Piano and. furnltura moving
Office Phone Columbia 24
Residence Phone Columbia 198
St. Johns Express, Transfer
and Storage Co.
Piano Moving a Specialty. Haul
ing done to aud from Portland
Residence 400 Hast Richmond
Office 103 North Jersey Street
114 H. Ilurllnilon Street
Automobile KcMlrliu; uud VulenuUliiK
Wc cuii net you Auto Tire of nil kind
lllcyclo and Ocneral Repairing
Iu connection. New unit mx-oik! luind
bicycle for vale. Illcycle tire iu utook,
J. M. and V. P. WRAY, I'ropi.
l'lione Coluiubin 587,
CAMP 773 W. 0. YY.
Mcott ev.
cry Wed
n 1 d a y
In hick
n.r'. Hill
A. P. und A. M.
KeKiilnr cummimliwlloin
on first Wednesday of
vucb mouth (11 Odd l'ul-
lows' Hall. Vi.ltor wu-
8. Chun, DavU. V. SI.
C. O. Rogers. Secretary
Minerva Clupter
Mectt Hv try Vint nud Third
Tuesday livening ol llmh
Month in Odd fellow Hull.
Sunt Robert, Secretary,
Meets every 1'rbluy ulejit ut
7.30 o'clock iu I. O. 0. V,
Hill. YuitoM.ulwayt wel
come, V. V MASON. C. C.
No. 186 I. O. 0. P,
Meet each Monday evening in Odd FeV
lows hall at 7:30, A cordial welcome tu
all viiltlug brothers.
J uud 4th
each mouth Iu M, V. A. Hall.
Centra! Market!
See us for the Choicest Cuts of
the pest Meats Obtainable.
Order filled end TamWy Trade Solicited.
. T. P. WARD, Proprietor,