St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 30, 1912, Image 5

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We sell the famous Lentz Tables. Everybody knows that money can be
saved by buying in large qualities. We buy these by the car load direct
from the factory in Nashville, Mich.
See Our
W e sell no
Every table is finished and looks finished
We will take your old
table as first payment
on a new one.
Balance $1 per We.ek
Local News.
Sewing machine crates for sale nt
Calcf Bros.
Mayor A. A. Muck is taking in
the Regatta nt Astoria thin week.
A. M. StenniB made n business
trip to Astoria the first of the
The Renal Ranee on sale nt the)
Peninsula Hardware is a bargain at
$36.00. See it at once.
There will be no preaching ser
vice nt the Baptist church on Sept.
ist ami 8th. Regular services will
be resumed on the 15th.
It. S. Wright, who is engaged in
constructing n school building nt
Battleground, Wash., spent Sunday
and Monday with his family on So.
Conkey's Stock Remedies are not
foods, but medlcinc-a separate rem
edy for each disease made by the
same people that make Conkey's
Poultry Remedies. Sold on money,
back guarantee by Lautliers' Mer
cantile Co. 48c
St. Johns public schools will open
September 16th.
Sash mid doors tire carried in
stock by the Peninsula Hardware
Co. Get our prices.
Frank Clark, 307 South Jersey
street, buys old school books, Got
nuy? Turn them into cash.
Chns, Sagert has purchuscd the
Kecney residence 011 North Central
avenue, a modern, 5-room dwelling,
Wnutcd at Once Voting men
and women to learn to weave wool
en goods. Steady work. Apply
to Portland Woolen Mills.St. Johns.
Satisfaction, is
more, the Barber.
the wordGil-
Wolcott (the rent man) 130 nth
street, Portland, is the man to see
for real estate or mercantile deals.
Mrs. T. II, Cochran and Mrs.
II. I,. Nutting are on n two-months'
visit to Greenwood, Wis., and oth
er points in the Hast.
Three Pine Lots For Sale. .tox
100 nt the head of Kdison street, nil
Improved. Only $375 each. Itasy
terms. Apply soon to J. II. Fletch
er, 823 Willamette boulevard.
Wanted We have lo-acre tract
of the best land in Tualatin valley
close to Salem electric line, mostly
cleared, lays level, no better soil in
Oregon. Want to exchange this
for St. Johus property of about
equal value. MeKinuey & Davis.
A letter to the Review from Miss
Hilda Unger, well known in St.
Johus, states that she is uow re
siding with her mother iu Los An
geles; that she has almost finished
ber course iu vocal aud piano mus
ic, and that she is drawing a good
salary as a pianist and vocalist.
She wishes to be remembered to
her many friends here, and states
that she expects to pay them a vis
it iu January next. She still thinks
St. lohus the best place on earth.
C. W, Kreeger of 70S Kast Rich
mond street seut to this office two
splendid specimens of the genus
Vspud." The two weighed 2)4
pouuds, are smooth, with very shal
low eyes and are not yet done
irrnwinp as the skins slip very eas
ily. They are pure white and while
ir. T AtA . r ryit 11 flip
name, they very much resemble the
White Elephant potato. Mr. Web
"ster, who brought in the samples,
said Mr. Kreeger has i acres of
The tubers. lttiough to keep the
wolf away for awhile at least.
John C. Brooks.the affable mend
erof soles,isiu"hock" from too close
application to biz. His many friends
will be pleased to know that he is
improving, and earnestly hope lie
will soon be operating on the
"kicks agatu.
J. F. Mitchell, the hustling and
energetic horse doctor, has beeu
nursing a badly bruised aud lacer
ated arm, the result of a too inti-
mats acquaintance with the hind
quarters of one of his patients last
Sunday morning.
Don't let lice eat up your valua
ble poultry wheu it's so easy to get
rid of tnem. Coukey's Lice row
der. Lice Liquid and Head Lice
Ointment are guaranteed to do the
work quickly. Get a practical poul
try book free from Lauthers Mer
cantile Co. 48c
That corn cau be successfully
raised in St. Johns has beeu dem
onstrated by H. F. Clark, the
furniture man. Last week he
brought into this office a sample
stalk of corn raised bv himself that
measured eleveu feet In lengtli. l tte
ears were long and fully developed.
Chester Paul Gates made us
a nleasaut call Tuesday afternoou.
He was lookine particularly well
and was especially hannv iu the
thoueht that he would take Mrs.
Gates and their Prima Donna,
little Miss Kthel. home with him
the next day, -
For Salt Modern 7-room house
nud lot 50x100, corner Richmond
nud Hayes, at n fine bargain. Price
?3000, on very easy terms. For
particulars call at the Review ollice.
Wall paper iu new nud artistic
designs is now on sale ut the Penin
sula Hardware Co. Prices range
from eight to 35 cents tier
double roll, Selection may be made
from 50 or more different patterns.
"I was cured of diarhcen by one
dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era aud Diarrhcea Remedy," writes
M. It. Gebliart, Oriole, Pa. There
is nothing better. For sale by all
Get nn clectrie head treatment or
massage at Gllmore's Bather Shop.
Tyjiewritcr ribbons for sale nt
this office; 50 cents each.
Picture framing done nt Portland
prices at II. F. Clark's, the furni
ture man, If
For Sale Six lots, nil extra size,
between Tyler and. Polk streets,
improvements iu, cn'n sell cheap.
Terms, $ 10 cash, balance $5 per
month, 7 per cent interest. Best
residence district. McKinncy &
Davis. i6tf
For Salt GJ4 acres fine level
laud, good soil, small house, well
and pump, stable, 13 stalls; si
miles from city limits, Vancouver,
Wash. Price, 1150. Also2oacies,
15 level land, some stumps, no
brush, seven miles from Astoria.
Does not overflow, Price for a few
days, $750. See J. Webster, St.
Johus, Oregon.
Remedies of Merit
When a merchant tells you, if the goods he sells
you are not entirely satisfactory, your money will be
refunded; you can ask for no better recommendation.
The purchase price of the following goods will be
returned to you if they do not do what we claim for
Cyclone Cold Cure will cure a cold.
Haywood's Corn Cure will relieve aching corns,
Hobson's Eczema Cure will cure any form of
Mesca will cure chronic constipation and liver
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for all forms of indiges
tion and stomach trouble.
Marrow's Kid-Ne-Oids for kidney and bladder
trouble in all their forms.
St. Johns Pharmacy
Reliable Drug Store
you uan vaei i ne delo i
Cheaper At The North Bank
- 1
Here are a few of the North Bank's regular every day prices on standard drugs
25c Mennens Talcum 15c
50c Mentholatum 39c
50c Swamp Root 39c
$1 Swamp Root 75c
$1 Pinkhams Veg. Comp 75c
50c Danderine 39c
50c Cascarets 39c
25c Cascarets 19c
50c Listerine 39c
25c Listerine 19c
75c Mcllins Food 65c
50c MellinsFood 39c
$1 Horlicks Milk 79c
50cHorlicks Milk 39c
25c Cuticura Soap 15c
50c Cuticura Ointment 39c
50c Doan's Kidney Pills 39c
Let us do your developing and printing. Not one cent until you are satisfied.
For Insurance sec F.W.Vulentiue
Policeman Henry Muck is enjoy
ing 11 ten dnys' vacation.
Oiliuore's Barber Shop n spe
cialty on chlldreiis' hair cutting.
Mrs. John Paul has been visiting
her old home in Canada for the past
several weeks.
Sutincrlbo (or tlio at. Johns Roviow
utid kt-up pented on tliu doings or
Diu city.
Got nuy old school books? If so,.
take them to Frank Clnrk, 307 So.
Jersey street, who will buy.
C. C, Wooilhouse, Jr., is remod
eling his building at the comer of
Philadelphia nud Ivnnnoe stieets,
anil nddiug n kitchen to the rear.
J. F. Hendricks, former tnnyor
of St. Johns, is moving with his
family to Ridgefield, Wash , tills
week, wheie he has purchased n
flourishing hardware business.
Three lots, 7-room house, ta
8-vear-old fruit trees, gas in house,
wired for electricity, street im
proved, 011 most prominent street;
3000, $500 cash, balance on time.
See K. C. Couch.
Mrs. J. It. Weimer, who has
beeu attending her mother who is
ill iu Douglass, Kansas, for some
time, reports that her mother is im
proving nicely and she expects to
return home soon.
Mrs. A. H. Harrison of Battle
ground, Washington, Mrs. M. A.
West of Ilwaco, Wasli., ami Mrs.
N. It. Brooks of Uidgefield, Wnsh.,
have beeu visiting Mrs. ltd. Ashby
the past two weeks.
First Christian Science Society. -
Sundays 11 u. 111., Wednesdays nt
p. in. Kenning room open on
Tuesday and Saturday from 3 to
p. 111. All cordially invited to me
services and reading room. Sub
ject Sunday: "Christ Jesus."
' Wore all medicines as meritor
ious as Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era nnd Uinrrlia'tt Kemedy me
world would be much better oft and
the nerceutaee of sufferini: ureutlv
decreased," writes Lindsay Scott, of
... . t l .1 I
Temple, Hid. for saie y an tieai-
Mrs. Melluda Gillmorc. Mrs. J.
F. Gillmorc and Mrs. Sellick spent
Sunday at the home of John Mc-
Neil below Ktdgcuei.i, wasu. 1 ue
former will visit at the McNiel
home for several days, the latter
two ladies returning home Sunday
A South Dakota railroad is noted
tnr lc ivivrnliti rnmlhed. A new
brakeman was making his first
run over the road at night and was
standing in the center of the car
grimly clutching the seats to Keep
erect. Suddenly the train struck a
smooth place in the track, and slid
along without n sound. Seizing
his lantern, the brakeman ran for
the door. "Jump for your lives"
he shouted. "She's off the trackl"
Girl wishes house work. Inquire
520 Itnst Buchanan street.
W. II. Hamilton, Jr., has taken
up his residence iu St. Johns.
For Sale Bartlett penrs. L. II.
Campbell, .(32 Itnst Lcnvitt street.
M'lio rnnrmnim erotw nro bound In
brim; much prosperity to the North
P. II. Itdlefseu nnd wifenrc tnk
iuc iu the attractions of the Tilla
mook region,
Chickens For Side Rhode Is
land Reds. I). I. Page, nt Oregon
1.M..1... i- 1 t
ruiKC mini meiuiy.
A iiotitlmi U heltitr circulated
asking the city council to reduce
the police nud engineer lorces.
The presidential campaign is
amusing little excitement or inter
est in this part of the world.
For Kent Two large, light and
ttltmsntit limisL'-kix'tiliH' rooms. In
quire 538 South Ivaiihoe street.
Frank Clark has opened up n
confectionery nud fruit store iu the
building adjoining Muck's store 011
South Jersey street.
Sec G. W. Overstrect for nny
tiling iu the plumbing Hue. Oppo
site Central School. 311 S. Jersey
street. Office nud residence phone,
Columbia, 560. .3tf
The Review this week contains
brief writctips of a number of busi
ness men and enterprises in this vi
cinity, written by n man who has
mude a specialty of this Hue of work
for the past several years. Others
will likely appear later.
li.R. Sully of Kennl wick, Wash.,
who recently purchased the Frank
Clark novelty store, is moving n
stock uf additional goods from his
Washington store, nud is opening
up for busiuos Iu the Holbrook
block 011 Jersey street.
Misses Grace and Itvelvn Turnev.
iihp1iits In the Pine Grove school
district of Hood River valley, have
been spending part ot their vaca
tion with Mrs. Martha Hodkius iu
this city, leaving for their home in
Hood River yesterday. The first
prtion of their vacation was .spent
Iu the Marsh field region, and they
came from Marshfield to Drain -in
auto. They say the road between
the two points was something fierce,
all the hairpins having been shaken
from their heads before reaching
Drain. The good roads movement
is much needed down that way at
The auto truck of J. K. Weimer
is iu great demand almost day nud
nii!ht niovlmr household iiaods to
aud from St. Johns, even going us
for as McMiuuvllle, Newberg, Day
ton nnd Oregon City. If business
keeps up nuother truck will be a
One of the most common ailments
thnt hard workimr neonle are afflict
ed with is lame back, Apply
Chamberlain's Liniment twice a
day and massage the parts thor
ouuhlv at each annlicatlou, aud you
will get quick relief. For sale by
all dealers.
W. It. Ashby aud W. T. Buckles
went down to Sauvie island Thurs
day of last week, "a-fishin'." They
report the capture of 200 croppies
nud bass. That is pretty good for
"linv " If tlii'v had onlv taken
one of us old men along, then but
what's the use?.
Miss Bessie It. Jackson entertain
ed a few friends at the home of her
sister. Mrs. II. O. Newell, Thurs
day evening last in honor of Miss
McCoy aud Miss Crawford of Port
land. A very pleasant evening was
spent iu games and music, ueu
cious refreshments were served.
The Baileys Do Tillamook
N. J. Bailey and wife caught the
salt water fever and last week went
over to the Tillamook country.
Unfortunately the trolley ride made
Mrs. Bailey "sea-sick." The next
morning Mr. Bailey got out at tut
early hour nnd cultivated old
brincy for his breakfast. He took
iu a nice fat crab which he took
to camp and cooked and saved for
lunch. After breakfast they tho't
they would walk down the line u
ways. About to o'clock they got
tired nud proceeded to investigate
the crab Contrary to exudations
the crab was not ns delicious ns it
is esteemed by some. Being tired,
they got 011 the car and mu down
to Tillamook, and Mrs. Bailey, be
tween the crab nud the little jntiut,
got some more sen-sick. Then Mr. .
Bailey says his wile threw up the
sponge, (he didn't soy wheu sue
ate it) nnd declared she was going
home, that the whole story of sen-
side delights wns n fnlse fabrication
of frivolous fiction, thnt Mr. Bailey
could stay longer if he wanted to,
hut bt. Johns wns just as near old
briuey ns she wished to be. Mr.
Bailey was only waiting tor his nut
ter half to make the suggestion, nud
took off his hot, brushed the (low
ng locks from his classic brow, nud
with his best Alphonso bow to
plied; "Well, wifie, Iv'e got n
mighty good excuse forgoing home
too, nnd I will just go home witii
it," nud he did. We hope the
young folks will have better luck
uext time.
A horse that figures and spells
has beeu entertaining the crowds at
the Multnomah this week. It is a
most beautiful animal and endowed
with more than an ordinary amount
of horse sense. The trainer is en
titled to a larec slice of admiration
for the patient effort he must have
brought into play in teaching the
noble animal to respond so accu
rately to the suggestive words ad
dressed to him by his master.
Things Looking Up
J. F. Gillmorc reports the follow
ing sales the past couple of weuks :
The Loy projierty opposite the city
hall on Hayes street to lf. 11. Lint-
hum, n traveling salesman; consid
eration $2000. A five-room hounu
nud lot mi Fillmore street, owned
by Mr. Little, to Gordon Gntbad of
Portland; consideration 12200.
House nnd lot owned by Mr. Green
on ChaK'll strwet to George Rnd
more of Portland; consideration
?i.(oo. Mr. Gillmorc stnteti thnt ho
is having more calls for inoduru
houses to rent thou has mtuu thu
case for six months or more.
Congregational Church
Preaching Sunday morning nt 1 1
o'clock at the Congregational church
and every Sunday morning tlr
nfter by Jnmes It. Murphy, neting
pastor. We cordially invite all to
thekc services. Sunday school at
10 o'c'ock as usual.
Jnmes It. Murphy, Act' g PmMor.
Mis. Wilfred Scott dirt to of
fer liur sincere thanks to hur nwuiy
friends for floral tributus nud othr
acts of kindness nud symiMthy ex
tended iu her sad berenvemuiit, hihI
assure them that tueir kiiui ami
loving acts will ever be held in tit
most grateful remenibraucw.
The dedication of the Holy
Cross Institute nt University Pnrk
will tuke place bundny nt 3 p. Ui.
His gruce, Arch Bishop Christie,
will perform the ceremony. The
principal address will be ddivenxl
bv lohn It. Shields, L. L. D., sub-
ject, "Christian ltducntiou Item-
tial to American Llhorty. uinner
will be served by the lading of the
parish iu the basement of the now
Institute from 12 to 3 aud 4:30, to
7 p. m. All welcome.
J. N. Itdlefseu, Peter Aiitzeu and
A. II. Itdlefseu of Portland hav
returned from a few days' outiiifc
iu aud around Tillamook.
You got full weight and first
quality at tbe Central market, Just
trr awhile.
Work ror a Qroater SU Johns