St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 30, 1912, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Burlington Btrcot.
Tim ItKVIKW Is entered nt post office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns nmil mutter
of the second class under the Act of Con
rcsi of March 3, 1879,
Offlciil Nrwippr of the City of St John
Subscription prlco $1.00 por year,
Governor West promises to make
it warm for the evil doers of Port
lnml, and proposes to camp right
on their trail. lie is on the right
trnck and the better clement is he
hind him to a inaji.
No one knows better tlinn the
fnrnier how 11 wife stands side by
side with Iter husband and helps
him to earn ami earn' on the farm
If he dies, he leaves it without fenr
in her hands. Hut lie leaves it
thenceforth unprotected by n free
man's vote. No assessor, no sti
pervisor, no legislator need fenr
mat tue owner 01 tins inrm can
call him to account at the polls for
any injustice or neglect of this wo
man's interests. Her name on any
petition will count little as against
the voters, or the pull of some one
with votes behind him. Are you
willing to deny your widowed
neighbor the protection you think
so necessary to yourself?
"Miss Iloiinif Hiirr," probably a
fictitious character or Indy reporter,
who is operating a rather novel ad
vertising camimigii for one of the
Portland dallies, is giving that pn
pur a fully accepted opportunity to
use up space and keep interest ugog
among (lie unsophisticated. It is a
.scheme similar to the " Rallies'
proposition of a year or two ago
It probably is a paying prooutioii
or H would not have been repeutei
It is also said to give the mashers
of that city an opportunity they
have long been looking for. There
is an ordinance in Portland string
ently enforced which forbids would
be mashers from accosting strange
fumalctt. During "Itoiinic Purr's"
regime all that is necessary to get
acquainted is to use the proscribed
introductory lemarks. The vanity
of the susceptible young woman is
instantly aroused and a friendly
feeling engendered at being mista
ken for (lie much sought "Hoiinie
liurr.'"aud the ice is tints broken
inn milliner most gratifying to the
ever alert masher. "Miss Purr"
will probably be "caught" whin
the list of high cluxs ndvcrttM rs has
become exhausted. The scheme 1
legitimate, but does it my, after all?
Tlie water rate problem has
about reached a climax. The city
council has shown a disposition to
have the rate lowered if it is at .ill
possible for them to do so If the
law is a good and viiile one upon
which tliuy linve Ixiaeil their uti.n
in attempting to force lower rati
it will Ik up to the couip iuv
prove thflt the present rates sir n
uxorbiintil, or tliul the nibs pro
soiibtnl by council U a reduction too
sweeping. While in 110 wise mil
citiing the action of the city council
yet we believe the true solution
the whole pioblem in for the cit
purchase the water works. It the
company is realizing the enormous
profits some jteoplt; imagine, why
would it not piove 11 paying inveht
iiiunt? The comiNiuy is compcllc
to imy eight iter cent Interest oil
horiowud cupital, while the city
could get it for five or six per cunt
St. Johns need not worry the
priucliwl nor make any provision
for it, since it is foregone conclu
sion Hint I'oriiaml will siorl us
long before 25-ycr bonds would Ik-
eoiut due. This umy Ik 11 el(ikh
view, but is logical, nevertheless
Wu believe that the water couiwiiy
would not lie adverse to selling to
the city, provided n satisfactory
prlct l offertd. Why not buy nml
make the wnlcr rates equal cottl of
mniuttinnoe, it the efforts of the
city fttthtis to force lower rate fnil ?
Pleasant Lawn Party
Save! mm 1
Hi !
Council Proceedings Flourishing St. Johns
The heating stove season
is upon us again, the even
ings are cool and the house
needs a little fire in the sit-
Mayor Muck, being in Astoria,
President of the Council J. E. Hil-
ler presided at the regular meeting
of the city council Tuesday even
ing. All members were present.
A petition for an arc light at the
corner of Pcsseiic'en street and Mid
way avenue was the first matter to
receive attention after the minutes
had been duly approved. Referred
Kvcry man, woman and
child ought to save it snfe-
crlt'irrlu ttnllr ftfttir. unrltrnu
independence and paves the I ting room totake ofTtllC chill to the water and light committee.
unvln nrr,.. o,l rlnmnnnci! fmm thn A petition to improve New Yo
' J ...... j uliu UUll
The person who cannot, j rooms,
docs not and will not save j
money, cannot and will not We still
do anything worth while. HEATER
We pay 4 per cent
est on .Savings
and i per cent, on
$1 00 will start n Savings j
Account here. Today isj
the day to begin to savci
and right here, with us, is j
the safe place to put your'
inter-1 Off Top that has been so sat-
petition to improve New York
street from Smith avenue to Pes
seiidcn street was received, and a
resolution directing the engineer to
prepare the necessary data for such
improvement was adopted on mo
tion of Alderman Valentine,
h. L. Strickland and R. Muck
A. i 1. 11 LI. .......... l' Oil Itftlllllll UIIU i. muiK
ccountsjisfactory the past tWO years. uskc(, permissioil ,0 construct a run-
1 ,111L' Wt" l way from the street into Hendricks'
I A full line of WUUJJ
First National
St. Johns, Oregon
ERS now in stock.
A vast amount of ill health Is due
to indigestion. When the stomach
falls to perform its functions prop
erly the whole system becomes de
rouged. A few doses of Chamber
lain's Tablets is all you need. They
will .strengthen your digestion, in
vigorate your liver, and regulate
your iHiwels, entirely doing away ,
with that miserable feeling due to
faulty digestion. Try it. Many!
others have been lerinnnently cured 1
why not you 1 Por sale by nil
If you want prompt delivery of
wood, tall Cochran Nutting & Co.
Phone Col. 55) 415 So. Hayes
street aotf
Men, Women and Children
To nulit In die vdmiinu of
outs to Chtitt mid in IrnlniiiK
llirin for Ml icivicr,
Simdny Service
llibte School: - 10 . in.
Morning Service: 1 1 a, in.
Junior C. !.: 3 p. in.
V. I'. S. 0. H..-7 p. in.
I'.vnngellitli- Service: 8 p, m.
Wodnrnlny Trnininu Clnii.H p. ni.
Thursday Prayerineellng: 8 p.m.
J. R. Johnson, Pastor
Corner New York SI. and Willit Boulewd g
- OR
on Easy Monthly Payments
1 far Sale
Several murium houses tit Knst St.
purchased on nionlhly terms.
i very piensam niwn party was
given nt the home of Mr. and Mrs
M. W. Gallon August 18th in lion
or of the Missts Velln and Kvu
Reynold of Alberta, Canada. The
lawn was prettily decoriitwl with
Jniiew lantern. The availing
was spent in games and music fol
lowed by refreshments. Miss I.eah
Walter nod Mr. lilmer Sutwd leu
(lered violin solus; Mr. Harry Pas
sett was nt his best iu rag time
songs nccouiMuied by Mm Ma
Knasutt. Mrs. D. Slinw and Mr.
Higgs sang a very pleasing Scotch
ballad, with Cecil Hrowsu at the
piano. Those prewmt were the
Misses Vella and Uva Heynokls.
I.oah Walter, I.uella Wilkeiuon,
Alberta King, Ida and Huxel Van
sett, II axel TlieUrg, Oladvs Oar
viu, Gene Williams. I.ulu Gillaiore,
A blue O raves, Dr. Ci raves, Mrs. I).
.Shaw, Mrs. Will Thurston. Messrs
Harry Passett, lieu Ro
Walker, Peterson. 0. W. Rigs.
3Jd. Pyerlue, Archie Mayer, Virgil
Jlautiu, lion Johnson, Klmer Bueetl.
Carter, Cecil Ilrowse, Lincoln Pus
sctt, Dr. Scott. Oscar Mmum, Win.
lliighos, Geo. Thurston. IlnrleOnt
ton and Mr. S. K. T. Gattuu.
Or R. O.
S15 Lewis Hldj,',, -jth and Oak Sts.
Phone Marshall aO.ji
Four Generations
On last Monday a group gathered
.it the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
MoiihIihii to witness the Iwptisiu of ar xdiluit
little Utliel Kelkxcn. infant ilaugh-, icjKm:
terof Kev. ami Mrs. C. P. Gates. Whereas, The All Pulhur
Mr. and Mrs..Mouahaii, gieat grand-, has seen fit, 111 llis iiinuite wisdom,
parents 011 the mother's side; Rev. I to remove Irom this world of suf.
and Mis. James Ilolwrg of Me-' feiing, the beloved wife of our es-
Miiiuvilkf, great ginndpweuts 011 tctniwl biother, Dr. K. A. Jayue.
the father's side: Mr. ami Mrs. C. therefore, be it
II. Tliayer, mateiiial graudpHieuts,
and Rev. and Mrs. Gates, imteiiu, ,
weie lueseiit. Rev. Iloberg ad-1
miuiklered the Imptismal rite. The
only tegi el in the gatheiiug of the'
iwreiitK, grand utreuts and great '
giatMllNireiiU of the little Miss wn
store building, where they are in-
Mailing u garage; reierreu 10 111c
engineer and stteet committee on
motion of Alderman Valentine.
A number of property owners ob
jected to the improvement of Pill
more street, declaring it unucccs-
Knri ni llllc titt1i. Hntd nwr mi.
i InhrK Fiirnifiirp PtMcrwcck forciiKmecrtocicckp
iJl. JUIIIIJ l US llllUl v ntj nJlccrtniii the percentage ol the
property represented rcmonstratinir.
several properiy owners also ob
lected to tlie protioscu sewer on
I'illmore street. Matter also re
ferred to the engineer,
Geo. M. Hall and Mrs. Wood ob
jected to their assessments on Jrr
.sey street. Council agreed to make
an cuuitablc adjustment.
The following bills were allowed
on motion of Alderman Ilorsman:
Jas. Halley. $13 75; Thos. Carroll,
rodmaii $32.50: Herb Muck watch
man, special, 10.35: St. Johns
Mdwr Co. supplies, $8.0,45 Total,
IO4 .44.
L. A. Pickler asked permission
to erect 11 7x9 smoke house at
1 lie rear ot His meal market on
Jeryey street to be constructed of
iron and cement. Granted on 1110
tion of Alderman Ilorsman.
Mrs. Nancy Caples agreed to
deed fifteen fcit of ground along
her Dawson street property to the
city and pay her full proportion of
the cost of improvement. Alder
man u.ivis mane n motion ttmt n
committee be appointed to enter in
to such a contract with Mrs. Ca
pies at once so that the improve
incut could be carried along with
the balance ot Dawson street, and
Acting Mayor Miller appointed the
street committee to serve in this ca
1 lie Duimtug nml grounds com
mitiec will) .MMlorsmuii ns spokes
man reported that laud at the city
dock was sititaoic lor installing a
city iKMiud, and could be looked
after by the dock watchman. Upon
motion of Alderman Valentine it
was ordered that enough ground
be fenced off to care for the stray
Aldermen Valentine mid Martin
were appointed as a committee to
ascertain the rates charged by the
telephone company at the time its
frnneliK' wan given, the company
having declared that the rates have
not been rilcd since.
The bid ol V. W. Mason for the
improvement of Ilartmau street at
the price of -65.31 was promptly
accepted 011 motion of Alderman
IIorMiian. It wns the only bid
A resolution to improve Pillmorc
street from John to Richmond .street
was unanimously adopted on 1110
tion of Alderman Valentine.
1 he committee on water rates
coiiiKsed of Messrs. Stroud, Ililler
and Morsitmu, reported that they
deemed the rates exorbitant, ser
vice ineffective and recommended
meter rates. They olso presented
1111 ordinance establishing new rates
for consideration. Report accepted
on motion of Alderman Ilorsman
1 ue oMiinauce esiiiDiisuing uie
now rates was then read and 1111:111
imously passed on motion of Alder
man Ilorsman. Doth the report
ami ordinance may be louiid in lull
in this buc.
(Continued from first page)
rt. idhmq cmntfrwn Qtrnp
is conducted bv J. T. Harbin, a
""knight of the anvil" of 35 years
experience. lie has operated
here since last December. He
employs three skilled blacksmiths
and does everything in tlie black'
smithing line in iron and wood'
work. Mr. Harbin was in the
Nez Perces Indian war. He was
born in Missouri and came to Or
egon in 1864. He is a specialist
iu horseshoeing and horsemen
hereabouts are lcartiintr of Har
bin, the noted St. Johns horse-
shoer. The shop is two blocks
south of the city hall.
Contractors, do excavating mid
contract paving, and are dralers
in wood. They have operated
here since the Iirst of tlie year
and arc well equipped for their
line. The concern is incorporat
ed and capitalized at $20,000.
They have contracts on hand of
-f 2".ooo worth of work. The
fine job they have just completed
011 South Hayes and boutli Ivan
hoc streets here, of excavating
and paving, is a magnificent nil
vcrtiscmcnt for them for future
city, county nnd state contracts.
The persoticl of the company is
composed of Mr. II. L. Nutting,
vice-president and treasurer: Mr.
T. II. Cochran, president, and
II. S. Simmons, secictary. Their
large office and barn is located at
415 South Hayes street They
work 12 teams, and just dis
patched 11 big outfit to Portland,
recently, to do a big job down
there. They employ a number
of men and arc an Important ac
quisition to the commercial inter
ests of bt. Johns.
It IS Our Rule
; 1 1 1 1 1 i iVSEEIl 1 1 1 I 1
1 2 3 4- S&h 7 8 9 10 11
Best of Service, Best of Stock
and the Most for the Money
Citjf Official Newspaper
$1 per Year. Phone Col. 321
Johns can he
Talk with
nnsoLUTioNs or condolence
Officers ntul llrothers.I.nurel Lodge
No. 1S6:
We. your committee 011 coudol-
the following
Resolved That we, his brothers,
in uttulur M'wiou assembled, do ex
tend to him our mot earnest sym
pathy in this hour of lierenvement.
and nskiirc him that while our finite
minds cannot fathom the mysteries
ot the Infinite, yet weenu trust nml
llie HlMctice ot Airs. u. .M. .Metuer. khuw uini uie iniiuue i-uiner or-
.Mr. lintes niotlicr, wlio was ile- er 1111 wiiugs oeoi lor iiiseiuiiiien,
luiutHt 011 account ot inn;, nan inoii mm, uiereioie, 111 uie iiereatter
she len present four uenemtious wheij all things are made known to
on. either side would hove been iep-1 those who put their trust iu Him,
rented. J. A. Hoes; the local
pliotti;raH.T, securcHl nu excellent
ihoto ot tin gathering.
Evangelical Church
Subuorlbe for
evening paper
m Stockton.
tlio Telegram bust
on the .coast. Sou
The tegular services will b held
nt the lvvaiiRelicul church: Sunday
ihool at 10 a. in preaching nt n
in., Junior Hudeavor at 2:30, K
. C. H. nt 7 p. 111., preaching at
p. in. The evening subject will
b "The Lout Piece of Money."
This will be an illustrated sermon.
the illustration will he life sii
wiuliugs. This will be the Iirst nt
a series 01 iiiustrumi kermotis con 1
tiuuiug for n mouth.
we Nimii uiiilers-tiiiul and appicctatc
uie iMfiieiicence ot tliesesiul partiues
here; therefore, be it
i... ..1 1 'ni.-. .. r .1
iNCBiiivvii, 1 inn 11 fiiiiy vi inesei
reMilutious be sent to our brother,
with the assurnuce of our love for
him, that a copy be sent to the
Pacific Odd Pellow and the St. I
Johns Review for publication.
Respectfully submitted,
Gilbert Ward, )
I) N Hyerlee, Com.
C A llaiur,
What Docs (he Bouvillc
Year System (Mean?
It menus Honest Incorporatior,
IMeatcnl MoiiQKly, Universal Op
tMirtunity, Harmony. All Men e.u
all their Money Karns, lCnere
Ucouomy; is pructicul. Itivestigaic
our 12b iwge fully illustrated hook.
Apply to
r. IJonville
Portland, Oregon, for the
Square Deal.
Note the label on your paper.
iuu.a tou our ixrmu)Di cuttauitr.
Write toi1sy; Mention this Pjocn
l&4 i)LlhlUlaJ n..i. .i
for the Kovlow and be I
I'toach tlio Kuspol of SU Jihus.
In addition to the splendid
facilities which it offers to
business institutions,
This bank Invites the personal
accounts of business and
professional men, and of
women who administer
household or other funds iu
large or small amounts.
We are ns liberal as a conser
vative bank can be, and en
deavor to co operate with
iwtrons in every way that
lies within the scope of a
conservative institution.
United States Depository
4 Per Cent Interest
on Savings
The Entcrprtsint: Isusincss
Mouses and Whnt They
Arc Do hij;
GLASS BROS. & CO. conduct one
of Wide-A-Wnke Portsmouth's
lead uir ueucrnl meichniidise
stores. Thev carry a magnifi
cent stock of groceries.dry goods.
shoes, hardware, crockery etc
They have operated in Ports
mouth since ioo.t. This week
thev have moved into their new
store which has just been com
nleted. nud which is n fine two
story frame structure nnd base
incut 30x80 feet witli a wure
house. Mr. Roy Glass, one of
the members of this live firm is a
H. A and M. A. graduate of
Oregon state university. The
persouel of the company is com
Dosed of the father and two
brothers. They are enterprising
from the word "no." They also
conduct the University Park
Realty office.
tile Company is conducted by
Messrs. C. A. Dotsou & J. W
Angus, two very genial and pro
gressive business men. They
carry a splendid stock of general
merchandise, including siapieanu
fancy groceries, dry goods, cloth
iug, ladies' and gents' furnishings,
crockery, shoes, etc. We be
lieve in "home trade" and that
this is the key to the develop
ment of Portsmouth. Messrs.
Dotsou it Aliens Ienve no stone
unturned to build up and hold
trade. Prices challenge all lion
orable competition.
C. V. HOLLMAN conducts the
pioneer butcher shop nt Ports
mouth. He has operated his cs
tahlish incut seven years, and has
followed the business 16 years
He deals iu Iresh beef, pork,
mutton, veal and cured meats.
He is a eeuinl gentleman to
meet and was born iu Michigan
SS.C TJSSZ ce 01 cost 01 improvement, Have
Messrs. L. L. Hailey and II.
lliitwlt- t itn ..iit.rnrlclii,T niut nn
Ulltiiu yuuiiK uiinim. ... ., Xrllrf...,.1HI f
rorismouiu. 1 uey nave operai- strcet from the southwest line of Tcrsev
ed together as a firm five months I street to Uie northeast line of Wil-
and nre doinc well. Thev I lamette bonlevard.tlie total cost of which
Cook Stove
sound good
these hot
Conic in and we
will tell you all about
These are a few spe
cials we are offering for
one week:
Regular $1.25 Screen Doors, special $1.00
" 9.50 Refrigerator, special 8.50
" 1.50 Hammocks, special 1.15
" 2.00 and 1.50 three and four quart Ico
Cream Freezers, special 1.25
j H. HENDERSON McDonald Bldg., 208 Jersey St. jj
I Real Estate. Loans. Insurance I
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. S
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
rortlnml Office and Chai:l
Cor. KillliiKsworth Ave. it Kirliy St, 418 North Jersey St.
I'lioncs; C 1 133 Wooillawn 3306 Plione Col. j33,Kcs,l'lione Col,
St. Jolins Oflice ami Chutcl
..U , .1. T
carry a line line ol tiirniture and
have a splendid tract of laud they
are putting 011 the market with
easy payment plan. Give them
a call,
mouth is n popular place for
choice steaks, juicy roasts, and
tender chops. It is conducted by
Mr. Win. Ludwick. a butcher of
32 years experience in Uie oust
uess. lie has been established
nearly one year. He hails from
I he German fatherland as the
place of his nativity.
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co-
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H. Henderson, manager, 208 North
Jersey, McDonald budding.
, " - mf mu. H.,
lilt kIKAL t.krf.
1 T M
is 052.61, wns declared bv Ordinance
No. 601, entitled "An ordinance declar
inK tlie cost of improving l'olk street
from the southwest line of Jertcy street
to the northeast line of VVillau:
ette lKutevard in the city of St,
Johns, Oregon, and assessing the
property benefited thereby, declaring
such assessment and directing the entry
j lie cot 01 will improvement is levied
uion ull the lots, parts of lots and par
cels of land within the boundaries of the
district described as follows: between
tlie southwest side line of Jersey street
and the northeast line of Willamette
A statement of said assessment has
been entered iu the docket of city liens
August 23, 1912, and said assessment
is now due and payable at the olfice of
tue recoruer 01 ine city 01 bt. jouus, ur
reon.and will be delinquent and bear
interest after Sept. 2nd, 1912, and if not
paid ou or before Sept. 22. 1912. pro
ceedings win ue iai;eu lor uie collection
of the same by sale of property as pro
vided by the city charter.
v. A, KICK,
Published iu the St. Johns Review ou
August 23 and 30, 1913.
The St. Johns Harness Shop I
Next door to St. Johns Furniture Co.
Runon theSandy Shore
Did you know you could reach this
delightful, care slaying, health giv
ing, fun making
by taking the
O.-W.R.& Portland
then down the
Columbia River via. Steamers
Where trains connect with boats
for North Beach Points
You Can You Should
Ask any agent of the O.-W. . R, &
N. and find our how little it will
cost to leave care and dust and heat
behind and have a real
Rest by the Sea