4 : ,T"!ou I .If I rl i l r Vlr W qet ,n e abit All the newt while It li new. Ii mm Km JL JL A .M. Ml T JL M -tf T T i Of .dmlliln. In THIS r.fr f ' our motto. Call In ind enroll J snJ you'll nfrtrrcirtt It. He- ? , J ' (Id at one and keep rights! l( 8tiininni'w.iiiil . 1 . Devoted to the Interetti of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northweit iiiMM-mniniiiii mN VOI" 8 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1912. N0. 43 r ; i . . FLOURISHING ST. JOHNS Some of the Leading Business Men and Enterprises and What They Are Doing C. M. SNYDUR, photographer, loented in tlic Holhrook httildltig, St. Jolins, is one of the most skilled artists in the entire state of Oregon. He docs everything connected with the nrt, including enlarging and color work, and fine pictures, views, interiors nnd .... f. ... ! . , exteriors. 1 nc writer is pienMru to nnnounce that he is especially wcl cnnlDPcd for taking photo graphs in nny style desired. None of the arts come nearer our homes and affections than does nhotocrnnhv. By its means the poor os well as the rich can pre serve the pictured semblance of loved ones nnd adorn their walls . with nleasim: reproductions of the best works of the masters. Here is a photographer of talent nnd attainment. When you want pictures give him n call. He hns had wide experience and has the latest apparatus. ST. JOHNS PHARMACY is nhly conducted by Mr. C. R. Thomp son, nn expert pharmacist, who has followed the drug business for the past ten years. He has operated in St. Johns for four nnd one-half years. He is n dis tinguished graduate of the Hy laud Park College, Dcs Moines, Iowa. Mr. Thompson has in his cmptSy. a very competent druggist, Mr. Harris, a pharma cist of a number of years' exper ience. The St. Johns Pharmacy is tire "pioneer" drugstore of St. Johns and was established eight years ngo, in 1904. It is head quarters for prescriptions for the mills nnd hospitals, for drugs and chemicals, perfumes, toilet urti clcs, druggist sundries, Columbia phonographs and records, maga zines, stationery, etc. CALHF HROS.' magnificent furn iture store in charge of Mr. J.Mc Nlvin is one of the finest stocked stores in Oregon. Messrs. II . A. Calef and A. C.Gesler nre the enterprising and progressive pro prietors of this great furniture emporium. It is a branch of Culcf Hros. grent store in Port land. A. C. Gesler. the mana ger here, is now Knst hunting whatever there Is new In the house furnishing Hue for the con pern's fine stores. Housewives, never mind Portlaud. Patronize home enterprise, nnd build up St. lohns bv spending your money nt home. Nothing too gocd for St. Johns. MCKINNKY& DAVIS denl in St. Johns property, mnke loans nnd write insurance. Seven years ago Mr. McKinuey commenced in the realty business and united his forces with Mr. Davis three vears ago, as a firm. Mr. Davis officiated three years on the town council and was president of that "august body" nnd chairman of the finance committee. For bar gains in St. Johns renlty see them. They sell on ensy payment terms. ST. JOHNS GAR AG I? Is head quarters for bicycle, auto and general repairing and supplies. It is conducted by Messrs. J. M. nnd V. P. Wrny, proprietors, who have operated here sluce last October. Tires nnd nuto bicycle sundries nre kept ,lu stock aud all work is given prompt and skilled attention. Mr. Wray, senior, is n Native Son of California and followed the lum bering and saw mill business for 20 years in his native common wealth. THE BERUN DYE WORKS are conducted by Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Swaucon, who have operated in St. Johns during the past six months. This institution dyes to llve.and also does cleaning, pressing aud repairing ladies' and gents' garments as well to assist in afiUeuce. Mr. Swan - son has followed the business for seveu years. They do first class work, absolutely guaranteed and prompt os clock-work. Prices very reasonable. ST. JOHNS FURNITURE CO. carries a large stock of general household, office and dining room furniture, carpets, rugs, crock ery, etc. Their prices challenge all houorable competion. Mr. Walter S. Ormandy, formerly a traveling salesman on the road seveu years, has operated here during the past two years and a half. He is a good buyer, and goods well bought are half sold. He is doing well and is an en terprising New Yorker. M, C. SOUIyK, resident real estate dealer, has a large list of St. Johns lots for sale. He has been n resident eight years and has operated in the realty Hue during the past year and n half. Mr. Soulc is ably assisted in conduct ing tltc office by Mrs. Soulc, who has shoved through several deals. Mr. Soulc also represents the Fl-dclity-Phoeiiix Fire Insurance company of New York. THESUPERIOR RESTAURANT ns tne name implies, is one of the finest places in Oregon. Every thing is dished up to n queen taste in "pumpkin pie style.' Nell Miller, the pleasant proprlc tress, leaves no stone unturned to please ail patrons and serve them promptly and politely with th best In the laud three times 1 day. nc can accommodate 50 people at one time. JOHN NOCE & CO. are St. Johns popular fashionable tnilors. Mr. Noce has followed the business for is years and has been estub lished here five years. He gives work to four skilled tailors am! is nlso nu enthusiastic supporter of tltc Review s motto, "Patron izc home trade." When you want clothes thut lit like n gunny sack, don t go to John NoccccCo.'s THE ST. JOHNS EXPRESS Transfer & Storage Co. Is con ducted by Mr. Chas. Sagcrt, who has operated here nearly six years. He makes 11 specialty of general draying and transfer work piano nnd furniture moving, nnd heavy teaming and freighting to nnd from Portlaud. He is wcl equipped in his line aud is prompt tiud obliging. His office is located nt 10S North Jersey street. His office phone is Columbia 24, HIE JEWEURY-OPTICAL CO. is conducted by I. II. Lynch, who hns followed the jewelry and watchmaking business since 1864. Ills specialties are repairing watches, clocks, umbrellas, nud doing fine engraving. He is also an extert optician nud gives free tests of the eyes. His office is nt 205'. Burlington street. Mr. Lynch was born in Ohio. He carries n nice stock of jewelry, watches, diamonds, clocks nud optical goods. His motto Is "A Square Deal to All." THE LAUTHERS MERCAN tile Co., Incorporated, are whole salers aud retuilcrs in feed, grain, hay nud builders materials, in eluding lime, cement, plaster, shingles, doors, windows, paints, oils, etc. They have operated here two years aud a half aud have built up a big business. It is conducted by Messrs. panth ers, president of the coiiipauy.and W. R. Hollenbeck, secretary and treasurer. The firm is incorpor ated for 525,000. The business was established six years ago by Mr. ..anthers, who formerly operated in Port land many years in business, Their phone is Columbia 19 aud their office aud store is at 209 West Burlington street. THE JOBES MILLING CO. are muuufucturers of the fatuous "Vim" brand of flour noted in Portlaud, St. Johns and elsewhere for making vitality aud vim iu those who use the St. Joints product. Mr. A. R. Jobes, an enterprising anil very pleasing gentleman to meet, gives personal supervision of the Jobes Milling Compauy's plant. They manu facture 450 barrels daily and give work to ten people. They enjoy a large home trade and oriental as well. Ask for the "Vim" brand of flour of your grocer. THE MODEL LAUNDRY Is the place to have your linen properly lauudried. There are twenty four nice young ladies who run the up-to-date machinery at the Model Laundry under the super vision of Mr. W. L. Churchill, all of whom spend their money iu St. Johns and "Patronize Home Industries." The saute motto ap plied by all the workers in town will make St. Johns the best lit tle towu in-Oregon. Mr. Ckurch ill has operated .here five years and is doing well. ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET is head quarters for choice steaks juicy meats, tender chops, aud fish, game and oysters in beason. It is conducted by L. A. Pickler & Sobj who have operated here six months. They are doing well aud constantly building up a larger trade. Mr. L. A. Pick ler officiated as city and county engineer in La Grande prior to coming here, and followed min lug a number of years In Idaho, Continued oa neit pigc 1 What Oregon is Doing In !9ti the wool clip of Oregon weighed 16,000,000 pounds, was shorn from 2,000,000 sheep and was sold for $3,00,000. During the same period the state produced 72,000 bales of hops, worth S4.000.000. The produc tion was only half that of n few years ago, but prices have been ex tremely good. In tlte same period! Orecon pro duced 600,000 lbs of mohair, worth $240,000. Goats have been found to be nearly ns valuabtc for clearing brushland as for producinir mohair. in 1911 Oregon produced poultry to the extent of 9,000,000 birds, having n value of $7,000,000. miring the same year the state produced 32,000,000 dozens of eggs valued at $9,600,000. The poultry business is still nu infant industry. Iu 1911 the Oregon potato crop was the greatest ever known, very nearly approaching the 6,000,000 bushel mark, with a value, to the growers, of over $4,000,000. in the same year onions were grown to the nittottut of about 175,000 bushels, worth $212,000 The bulk of this crop is producct: in n very small men, Deiug grown almost exclusively on what know as "beaver dam" laud. Iu lot 1 Oregon produced $3, 400,000 wortu ot butter, nut in or der to supply the demand, nt least three timcs.that amount wasshippct into the state from other sections. Iu 191 1 Oregon dairies producct 17,000,000 gallons of milk tint cream, having n value of $4,000, 000. Tlte product Is said to lie the cleanest nud most wholesome of nuy state. in 1911 Urcgou produced 5,000,- 000 pounds of cheese, valued $758, 000. The quality is of tne very best. Los Angeles uses more Ore gou cheese iu feeding its tourists than of all other kinds combined. The standing timber of Oregon is estimated nt 454.000,000,000 feet, worth on the stump fGSo.ooo.ooo nnd when manufactured into lttui bcr it will be worth $6,500,000,000. The timber covers approximately 25,000,000 ncres. About one half is lu national forests nud the bal auce under private ownership. Iu 191 ! 4,123,000 head of live stock was raised iu Oregott, valued nt $87,854,000. Among meat utti 11141.1 the production of hogs has in creased faster than thut ot cattle or sheep, due for the most part to the extremely high prices that have ircvulled for tlte lust two years in the coast markets. I tte fruit crop of Oregon iu 1911 was worth over $4,000,000 iu cush, 1 lie greater part of this sum was received for apples, this staple com maudiug the highest prices both at home and abroad. Next to apples, peaches are the most important trim in tlte state, last year s crop selling for 1523,000, rears were sold to the value of $300,000, being au average of nearly $1.50 per box. Cherries, prunes, loguuberries, grapes, strawberries, etc., helped to swell the sum paid to farmers aud orchardists during the year About 300,000 pounds of English walnuts were produced, valued ul $45,000, Death of Mrs. Dr. Jayne Mrs. Hattle Jayne, wife of Dr. I. A. Jayne, n St. Johns physician, died at 10 o'clock Thursday night of paralysis, Mrs. Jayne has been much of an invalid for several years, becoming paralyzed early last April, She was boru in Milwaukee, Wis., 48 years ago.aud was married there Dr. Jayne, who immediately brought her to his home at Shedd, Ore. Later they moved to Spring field, Ore., and came St. Johns two years ago. Mrs. Jayne Is survived jy two sous Earl aud Wyeth: four sisters, Percy and Agnes Wat kins of St. Johns; Mrs C. A. Lep per, Portland and Mrs. Mabel Beaty, of Lodi, Cal.,aud two broth ers, Howard Watkins, Portland and Wilbur WatklnsofMilwaukee.Wis.. besides her husband. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon, at the home, under the auspices of the Women ot Woodcraft, of which she was a member. The burial service of the Episcopal church and a Scripture lesson was read aud prayer offered by the minister, the remainder of the services being held at the grave In Columbia cem etery. The home was filled with frieuds of Mr. and Mrs. Jayne and many beautiful floral pieces adorned the bier. N, A. Gee, the veteran house mover, is a model stay-at-home hus band these days. Like Nicara gua he is having internal troubles, but is gradually putting dowu the insurrection. Boosting for Bourne St. Johns, which fired the first gun for Jonathan Bourne, Jr., as an independent progressive candidate for oilicc of United idntes Senator to succeed himself, is also the first to sign certificates 01 nomination by individual electors, ctitiouing that Ids name be printed on the ballot to be furnished for the November election. The petitions arc being numerously signed, mid the stock of Mr. Bourne is rising at a most rapid rate. The promoters back of the boom believe it poor policy to I "exchange horses in the middle of 1 e stream, nnn tnni jonatuon lias done more for Oregon than any oth cr senator from the state. They contend that It would take a new representative years of effort to se cure the standing nud prominence attained by Mr. Bourne, nud when n good man has been secured it is best to keep him iu office. Follow ing are the resolutions unanimous ly ndopted nt n mnss meetinir of the citizens of St. Johns several weeks ngo: Whereas, The citizens of St Jolins, without regard to txditica views. Have learned witli great sat isfaction of the passage of the Riv cr nud Harbor bill by Congress, and Whereas, Through the passage 01 tins Din urcgou will receive Fed cral nid iu the development of lie rivers nud harbors to the nmouiit of more than $2,000,000 nt a time when such nid is vitally necessary in view of the prospective early completion of the Panama canal nud whereas, 1 he amount of Ore gon's appropriations was largely in creased turough the nbilily.euergy ami prestige 01 bcunlor iiourne, Jr. aud wuereas, h.Miaior iiourne is ren derlug, not only the citizens of Or egon, but the people of the nation us a whole, signal service in his efforts to secure the passage of the Parcels Post bill which I wars his name, tlterelorebe it Resolved, that the earnest nud sincere thanks of thi-u meeting be tendered to Senator Bourne iu tec oguition of his remarkable services to Oregon, not only with rescet to larger appropriations nud other im portaut measures, but because his ability aud integrity have given Oregon n higher standing iu the Senate of the United States than it possessed before, nnd be it further Resolved, 1 hat we assure Sena to Bourne that the seeming iugral itude of the electors of Oregon at the recent primaries did not repre sent the true sentiment of the ico pic of the state, nud that his defeat was due largely to the ignorance of lis actttul accomplishments and to 1 lavish expenditure of money amounting to alleged violation of the corrupt practices act, by his principal opponent. Iu addition to this but few of the newspapers of Oregon hnvc published nny facts relating to his efforts iu behalf of the state, aud we desire to assure him further that the citizens of St Johns here assembled recognize in him the best senator that has ever represented Oregon and that we are tilly nware of the fact that his committee assignments ns chairman of the committee of Postoffices aud Postroads, aud as a member of the the committee on Coinmerce.on Ap propriations, aud on Fisheries and 011 Public Buildings are of potential value to Oregon. We further as sert that none of the candidates for senator now before the people, re gardlcss of their qualifications can Hope to attain iu a single .session to his position of power iu the senate, and be it further, Resolved, That we say to Sena tor Bourne that the material wcl- are of Oregon demands that he permit his name to be again sub mitted to the people for the office of United States Senator as the In dependent Progressive candidate for that olhce, it being our belief that the citizens of this coiumou' wealth will show him the apprecia tiou he so richly deserves. Resolved further, that a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to Senator Bonnie aud to the press for publication. Building Permits No. 45 -To C. CWoodhouse.Jr., to erect a kitchen constructed of iron, cement and glass at the rear f his building on the corner of Miiladelphia aud I van hoe streets; cost $150. The Misses Viola Westhefer and Vina Swan are enjoying an outing at Warrenton and Garibaldi beach. If Father Neptune does not catch them aud install them with the other mermaids, they will return iu n lime to take up their studies iu school, The Bonville System The following questions and an swers have been taken from the Bonville Square Deal regarding the iiouvillc bystent: (Continued from last week.) y. is mere any way thai n man can lose his money invested iu n company orgnnized under this sy. tern, outside of losing it upon the demerits of the proposition? A. Practically speaking, no. If a company should organize .with the object iu view of producing an ttn- staple article, and such a company should fail, the failure would be tltc direct result of its product being unineritorious. To be concise, a company organized under this sys tem can only fail upon the demer its of a proposition or Its unstability which arc practically one and the same thing. Of course, poor man agement can bring nbottt the fail ure of n company, but such is in excusable under the Bonville .sys tem. Q. Can n man buy ns much stock ns he likes iu the first thirty per cent, of n company organized under this system? A. Yes. Q. Can n stockholder vote by proxy? A. No. O. Can n man purchase stock from the promoter or promoters or gnuiziiig 11 company under this mvs- m 1 --? 2 4 &Vryss TtiC, JBWIIUE tern, who are getting ten tier cent. for promoting the proposition? A. Iso, All the stock the pro moter hells must be from other than that which he is to receive lor his services ns promoter, nud can be sold only upon subscription. The iromoter does not receive his inter est iu the company he promotes un til 00 tier cent, ol its stock has been subscribed and its officers duly elected and installed, All stock is strictly non-transferable. Q. Can the promoter use the ten er cent, he Is allowed for promo tion as collateral for raising money tt any way, shape or form, or with any object iu view, whether it be for or against the interests of the company he Is promoting? A . No; lie can not do so accord ing to the by-laws of the company and also by contract between him self and the owner of the copyright of the .system, Q. Is there auy way iu which promoter can get anything out of stock given him as promoter's stock, outside of what it enrns ns dividends upon the same basis as all other .stock iu the company? A. No, Q, Can n company organized un der the Bonville system fail? A riM.l !.. .... . ... . ..... 1 unrwctt if n f-mtinntiv lmt; tint Inn 1. . 1 ! .11, ,l lis uuiai l iiiihiii-iiuii nun main button of some article ot commerce that comes under the heading of a staple article it may fail. Q, If a man should iu some man ner misplace or lose his certificate of stock iu a company organized under this system, is there any way by which he can claim rightful ownership to the same? A. All records of the sale of stocks are registered upon the books of the company with tlte procr number of shares, etc, This stock is non transferable, except by law after the death of the purchaser, aud can be readily looked up at auy time. Persons losing their certiltcates may go to the offices of the company iu which they arc investors and get a uplicate of certificate, stating that upon the recovery of the original said duplicate be returned to the office of said company, and that fter said original certificate be found said duplicate cancelled aud returned to the company. Q. Why is it that only one pur chase of a limited character is al- owed iu the last 60 per cent, of a company organized under this sys tem i A. To prevent u few from gain ing the controlling interest iu company. Iu the last 60 tcr cent only one purchase is obtainable by any one person or interest, cither severally or jointly; and a stock holder in the first forty per cent, or in the last 60 per cent, is inelli giblc for further purchase in the last 60 per cent, of the compauy's stock. This will absolutely check tltc accumulation of controlling in terests in companies. stock can not be bought except direct from tltc company, on account of its be ing non-transferable; aud it can not be gobbled up nt the time of or ganization, on account of restric tions as to the amounts purchased by nny one interest or combination of interests. These restrictions wilt not check the sale of stock. Stock under this system will sell upon its merits. Discounts and commission will be unknown under this system under tills improved method selling slock it will be scattered among many. It will also be of advantage to the promoter, and directly to tltc company, because people investing, nud having only one purchase allowed, will buy al that is possible while they have th opportunity. (Continued next week.) Mr. W. S. Ouusaulus, n farmer living near Fleming, Pa., says he has used Chamberlain's Colic, Choi era nud Diorrha-ea Remedy iu his family for fourteen years, nud that lie hns found it to be nu excellent remedy, and tnkes pleasure In rcc ommeiidiiig it. For sale bv al lctilcrs. Waterways Convention One of the most important wa terwoys conventions ever held iu the Pacific Northwest will convene jat LewLstou, Friday nnd Saturday, October 4-5, 1912, The gathering will be known ns the Second An nual Convention nt the Columbia and Snake River Waterways Asso elation, the organization nnd first session of which wns held at Pasco, Wash., April 15, I9t2, at which time a definite campaign wns launched for the Columbia water way, One hundred nud fifty commer cial organizations of Oregon, Wash ington nud Idaho have been invit ed to send delegates to the conven tion, and governors of Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Oregon, Wash ington nud Idaho, and the congres sional delegates of these six states have been invited to participate as ex-oiilcio delegates. Invitations have also been sent to the news paper editors of the Pacific North west aud to prominent citizens of the states mentioned. It is estimated by the United States Engineers that the sum of 4 1,250,000 will be sufficient to com- 11 ete the Lelllo canal nnd onett the !....,.. v)HiHum'Miiitv. Ktvt Mil aterway to steamboat navigation and resolu tious asking congress for this amount will be introduced nt the Lewiston convention. Business Expansion Boulinm & Currier have pur chased the large stock of the John stone Department store on the cor ner of Jersey, and Philadelphia streets, and will ojmmi with a Re-arrangement Sale about Sept. iotli. The three stores will be conduct ed by tliis enterprising firm, the latest acquisition to be used exclu sively for men's and children's suits and furnishings, uoods for wo men and children will be kept in the old store. The Johnstone stock has been purchased at a great bar gain, and will be offered to the pub lic at extremely low prices. New lines will be added and larger as sortments constantly maintained. Iu fact, it will not be' necessary to go to Portlaud for anything iu the line of men's, women's and child ren's wear. The Botiham & Cur rier stores will be the most com plete of any 011 the peninsula, and the proprietors certainly show their faitli in St. Johns by thus further expanding their business ventures. RAMBO DENTIST I'lione'Coluuibia fit First National Hank bulldlnjrT ST. JOHNS, OHCGON. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Open Evening, nnd Sundays by Ap pointment, Office Phono Columbia 140 Resident Phone Columbia 38 JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M.l). Physician nnd Surgeon. Day & Nlcht Onico In McChcsnoy blk. St. John, . Oregon. Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D Residence, 097 Dawson Street Office, I'lltor Block. University Pork, I'ortlanJ, Orecon. PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER First Nnllonnl Unnk IluiMiriR st. joiins . . . oimcoN 0. J. (iATZAlYER ATTORNEY AT l-AW McDonnld Huiltlinit ST. JOIINS . . OREGON We buy or sell St. John Property Ale KINNEY & DAVIS Real Eslnte List your property with us if you desire to sell uuieklv 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns CALL ON HARRY CAPLES CONTRACTOR for fainting, Kiliomlnlnjj. Staining and Varnish ing, raptr Hanging a specially 615 W. Richmond Sired J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We ddllvor vour trood- to mid from II pnrU ot Portland. Vancouver. Linn ton. I'ortlind nnd Suburbnn Hxnroiu Co., city dock 11 ml oil points ncceenlbl. oy wtiron. I'lnno and. Iwniiurc moving Onico Phone Columbia :a Residence Phone Columbia 10H St. Johns Express, Transfer and Storage Co. iano Moving n Specialty. Ifnul lug done to and from PortlHiid Kusidence 400 Mast Richmond Office 103 North Jerawy Strwet ST. JOHNS OARAGE H i I!. lliirlliiKloit Street Automobile KetMiriiiK 11 ml VuIchiiUIhm We eitu get you Auto Tire of mII MmU lllcvclo nnd (leneral P.enntrliii ill connection. New iiml MM-iniif Imml bicycle for iwle, lllcyelv tire In tiH"U. J. M. and V. P. WRAY, Prop. Phone (.olumbiii 5H7. CAMP 773 V. 0. Y. Moot ev. ury WikI. 11 0 a d a y ev u 11 1 n c In Wok uar'a Hall DOIUC DODGE NO. A. r. and A. M. 112 Hegtibir rouiiuuHicatlnua k 011 lirt WciliwitUv. o( eucb month m odd lows' Hull. VUltora wW- "ie' h- Clnw. luvit. U II. C. O. Kojjer. )breimy ORDER EASTERN STAR Minerva Cluster Meets livery l'irvt aud Tiiieil Ttiewlny ivveuiiig of Hu'U .Month 111 IM Fellow Hall. Mm. Susie Utters. tMtcrlary. HOIMCS LODGI: NO. 101 KMGIIIS Or I'VIIIIAS Meets every I'riday iiiuht at 7:30 o'clock iu I. O.O. V. Hull, Yiaiturs always wl- come. V. W. MASON. C. C. I), 1'. IIOUbUAN, K. R. LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. 0. O. r. Sr. JOHNS, OHCGON Meets each Monday evonlnjr in Odd Fol low a hall at'7 v. A 1 li d Mf Iconic to all visiting biothcn NEST A no, S 1151 r MrcU 2ml ami Ml of earh iimntli iu M. , A, Hall. 1'. II. liRANiiHk, Sec. Central Market! IIOlUliOOK liLOCK See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best Meats Obtainable. Order rilled ami family Trade Solicited. T. P. WARD, Proprietor. DR. tMI aMa Mmf adDlBm