St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 23, 1912, Image 1

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    ca' Soclct,
TotubKrltw lor THIS Paper
All the newi while ll It newt li
our motto. Call In and enroll
01 idvertlilnc In THIS Paper
and you'll never reirel II, IV.
tin at once and beep rltht at It
Devoted to (be Intereiti of the Peninsula, tbe Manufacturing Center ol the Northwest
VOL. 8
NO. 42
My Own People
A pray haired lady who lives on
a certain street in St. Johns, and
whose gentleness will forgive this
allusion to her personal affairs, is
lately in receipt of n letter from n
nephew who is about to graduate
from medical school.
"Just think!" he writes. "A
few mote weeks and I will he
among my own people."
"He means he is going to make
a visit to his home?" asked one ot
the friends to whom the letter was
being tead.
"Oh. no," replied the proud
aunt. "He only means that he will
soon be settled in the town where
he is going to practice his profes
"How queer," said the friend.
Hut to the Loitercr,alsa a favored
listener, the words were heartening,
"My own people." The phrase
puts the emphasis diiferetitly from
where we are used to hearing it.
We don't get a picture of this
young mail gloating over air castles
fyuilt with the money he expects to
accumulate in the sweep ot a bril
liant career; his ambitious hardly
seem to fit in even with the com
petitive cult.
"If I were a cobbler, it should
be my pride
The best of all cobblers to be.
If I were n tinker, no tinker be
, side
Should mend an old kettle like
Instead of resolving that no one
should tuend an old kettle like him,
we seem rather to hear him resolv
ing that no twoplc shall have such
well-mended kettles iu which to
cook their hasty puddings as
his patrons. To be sure it amounts
to the same thing iu the end mere
ly u matter of first emphasis; but
of the, two men, the one who
is kecu to be the high-cock-a-lorum
tinker of the land, and jthe one who
is ambitious that the people of his
community shall be the best served
in the tinkering line, we know
Which one we would have tinker
in 6nr town.
We all, In the course of earning
ourihonest living, must serve oth
ers. There Is no getting around
that. Life is a matter of give and
take and Nature is more conscien
tious concerning the law of value
received than some people would
have us believe. She doesn't al
ways balance her accounts at the
end of each cloy, but she balances
them finally and with accurucy; the
weighted scale may not always tip
with the speed which our hurrying
habits demand, but the balance is
true In the end. It is only the mat
ter of deciding which side of the
scales the give or the get we are
going to attend to, which decides
which side she must load up later.
It is refreshing to see a person
cheerfully bendiug his energies to
loading the "give" side with a care
free faith that the balance will come
true without his worrying over the
"get" side.
But it Is very sure that we are
uot going to attain that state of
mind by merely resolving to be
generous and by crushing our nat
ural desire for self-aggrandizement.
About the only way to do it is to
identify ourselves with the larger
unit instead of the little personal
one, so that the interests of other
people become ours. That makes
it all easy. If we can think of the
rest of the community as "my own
people," being decently unselfish
becomes not half the trick wc tho't
it. It's no fun to "get ahead" of
tny own people. It is no tempta
tion to sit idly by while my own
people's welfare is in danger.
"My own people." There is
virtue iu the very words. By the
very repeating of them the Loiter
er felt such a warming glow that
he cast an eye upward to see if the
sun had broken through the clouds.
And he tell to ruminating what it
would be like to live in St. Johns if
every oue from the mayor dowu to
the Loiterer thought of the rest of
us as "my own people," The man
who thought of us. in such a warm,
human fashion wouldn't say when
the conduct of a public-serving cor
poration was brought up for judge
ment: "They have never hurt me,
so I've no kick coming," because
he would realize it his duty to find
out whether he, as a member of the
community, had a kick coming.
He wouldn't say: "There's oue
of the towu office-holders who
would do the right thing, but no
body will staud behiud him," be
cause he would know it was his
place, to see to it that somebody
stood behind him.
He would not say: "I vote for
the saloons because I believe a man
has a right to all he wants;" because
when he is considering his own
people rather than outsiders, he
can see more clearly that not all of
us have yet reached ' the point of
knowing what we want, nor are
yet strong enough to resist the
The Country Newspaper
There is no set of men engaged
in aliy line of business effort who
give more and receive less in the
'wuy of compensation than the edi
tor of tlie average country news
paper. He is expected to be the
mouthpiece and personal organ of
every cause in which his comiuuu
tty is interested. it rarely ever
happens when a local organization
for mutual benefit of the town iu
which he lives is to be formed by a
few, live, progressive, but often
very thrifty citizen.8, that the cost
of tlie necessary and absolutely es
sential publicity is paid to
the local editor. He is sup
posed to be a charitable mega
phone and too often he is for
anybody or any thing that happens
The local merchant often feels
that the small pittance doled out iu
exchange for a generous advertis
ing space, is like money donated to
any charitable institution orphan
asylum or a home for the feeble
minded. It rarely occurs ' to the
local merchant, irrespective of
whether he' is a drygoods merchant,
grocer or local retail lumber dealer,
or simply an individual who has
decided that merchandising consists
iu buying u few goods and mark
ing up a price without regard to
quality or previous condition of
servitude. And this is often too
often the type of merchunt he has
to deal with.
lo succeed, the average country
newspaper man lias to be wise as a
serpent and harmless as a dove.
The plen of inativ of the merchants
against supporting the country
newspaper is based upon the theory
thut either every oue iu the com
munity knows the store is iu exist
ence, or the big mail order houses
of Portland, Spokane, Great Falls,
Hillings, Salt Lake, Seattle, Taco-
ma, Sun Francisco, Minneapolis,
Chicago, New York, or Paris, are
getting the business and hence the
advertising would be probably of
little more value than a serenade at
a funeral,
The editors of the Inland Umpire
met at bpokauc on June 32, and
organized an association for mutu
al helpfulness, at which it was the
pleasure of the Timhermau editor to
be present. The resolution which
hits the nail squarely 011 the head
when a lot of maudlin sympathy is
being extended to the mossback
merchant, is to the point, Here it
We further believe that the mer
chants of the small cities and towns
ure iu a measure rcsKusihle for
the inroads of the mail order houses
upon their trade. Having the ad
vantage of immediate pcrsoual con
tact with their customers, they
should, by adopting modern mer
chandising methods and through
intelligent and persistent advertis
ing, be able to compete successfully
with said mail ordvr houses,
The resolution also deprecated
the send i tig of money away to the
various large cities when the goods
can often be purchased at home for
less money, believing such a course
is inimical to the upbuilding of the
community. Sound, reasonable,
logical doctrine; but only newspa
per men who have bled, suffered
and died realize the poignancy of
grief and shedding of crocodile
tears by the average merchant who
feels that his best interests are oft
en served by sending away for his
job work, in direct contravention of
the policy 'he is attempting to carry
out for the benefit of the town and
aptly illustrating the difference be
tween "tweedledum and tweedle
dee." The Timberman,
things that we want today but
know we will wish tomorrow we
had uot wanted.
Iu short, he wouldn't say a lot of
things that a good many of us do
say, and he would do a lot of things
that the most of us don't do, for
we care mightily how it goes with
our own people.
St. Johns Loiterer.
New Factory at Kenton
Kenton has again been favored
with another big factory. The
Palmer Cement Brick and Stone Co.
having closed a deal for the pur
chase of a big factory site adjoin
ing and north of the Coast Culvert
Flume Co's. tract. R. M. Nelson,
who is representing the new com
pany, says the company is from
Minneapolis and. has plenty of
means to make one of the biggest of
its kind on the coast. The erection of
a $20,000.00 factory will be imme
diately commenced and rushed to
completion as rapidly as possible.
A large number of men will be em
ployed and steps taken to cater to
a coast market for their products.
Peuinsula Herald.
Scores Telling Point
Portland Suffragists have scored
a telling point over Or. Clarence
True Wilson, the local minister who
has lined himself up with auti-suf-fragists,
and who freely declares
from the public platform that wo
man suffrage, instead of working
the reforms that arc expected of it,
would only make new difficulties
for the temperance ami reform work
ers who have been advocating
"votes for women." In support
of this remarkable condition Dr.
Wilson points to California and
Washington, whose newly frau-
cliiscd women, he says, are respon
sible for new encroachments of the
liquor evil, and along with this
singular assertion Dr. Wilson has
been making the statement that Dr
J. Whitcomb Hrougher, formerly
pastor of the White Temple church
of Portland, but now of Los An
gelcs has deserted the ranks of the
suffragists, declaring himself asham
cd of ever having espoused the
cause. Dr. Hrougher, he dc
clarcd, has spoken bitterly from his
Los Augclcs.pulpit, upbraiding the
women of his congregation for not
voting dowu certain "wet" meas
urcs, saying he was ashamed of
them, and that if he had it to do
over again he certainly would uot
advocate a cause which had proven
so disappointing.
Portland suffragists, disbelieving
this statement that the former ad
vocate of equal suffrage had changed
front, wrote to Dr. Hrougher at Los
Angeles, and the Woman's Club
Campaign committee promptly re
ceived this reply:
"I have never changed my atti
tilde toward woman suffrage. I be
lieve iu it more heartily today than
ever before. If it had not been for
the women, Los Angeles would
have been iu the bunds of the I.
W. W.'s today. They saved our
city iu the last election, when its
honor and prosperity were iinper
iled. If I had my way about it,
every woman iu very state of the
United States would have the priv
ilegc of voting.
"My friend Wilson must have
gotten hold of a little reprimand
gave the women for not voting
more universally for temperance,
possibly exaggerated by anti-woman
suffrage reporters iu this section,
and no doubt unintentionally, he
still is using it to the advantage of
his position."
To Pastors and Shoppers
Inasmuch as the effort to secure
a half holiday on Saturday after
noon has again failed, the lubor de
partment of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union takes this omxir
tunity to urge every pastor of the
various churches of Portland, to
bring the matter up before their
respective congregations, urging all
to refrain from all shopping on Sat
urday after 12 at noon. Not only
through July and August, but all
through the year and thus give a
practical demonstration of applied
We desire to remind all members
of the white ribbon army, of the
regular plan of work of the labor
department as it relates to the
"Ethics of shopping," to-wit;
We desire our women to study
the "Kthics of shopping." We
continue to agitate, educate, to gain
half holiday on Saturday, and
oue rest day iu seven. Get our
own members to pledge uot to shop
oh Saturday afternoon. Work for
every state to have a law shorten
ing the hours of woman's labor,
such as the supreme court has sus
tained, enacted in Oregon and Illi
nois. Furthermore will urge employers
to have Monday rather than Satur
day as payday. The pay check
evil is of great magnitude, and it
should be stopped. Let us work to
induce all corporations, all employ
ers of men, to pay cash, and not iu
checks. , 1
Year after year this body of phi
lanthropists have, not only adopted
resolutions to refrain from all shop
ping on Saturday afternoons, but
have, hundreds of rank and file,
svstematically carried out these res
olutions throughout the year.
We earnestly urge all women to
joiu us in "doing to others as we
would be done by."
Lucia H. Additou,
National W.C. T. U. Lecturer,
Labor Department.
Building Permits
No. 44 To M. T. Swan to erect
a dwelling on Richmond street be
tween Smith avenue and Seneca
street; cost 1 100.
Work for QreaUr 8 1 -John,
.J-rr"J T"1. T tt -vwm
Bonfire at Bar View
One of the largest and most cu
joyaDlc notilircs ot the week was
given last Friday eve on the beach
at Har View in honor of the birth
days of Mrs. J. H. Smith of St.
Johns and Mr. Leslie Stcadtuan.tlic
young store keeper of Har View.
Old fashioned games were played,
led by Miss Mae Thompson of
Irviugtou, old and young partici
pating, much to the enjoyment of
all present. During the evening Rev.
Saudifer favored the participants
with u short talk, most enjoyable,
tolloweil uy vocal solos rendered by
Miss Goldie Peterson of Forest
Grove and Miss Fay Lceper of
Portland. Refreshments of all
kinds were served by the matrons,
after which all departed with well
wishes, hoping soon for another of
its kind.
Among those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. J. II. Smith and Miss
Myrtle Smith of St. Johns; Mr. and
Mrs C, L. Stcadmuu, Mr. Leslie
Stendmau and Norris Kmcry of Bar
View; Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Misses
.Mae and Mildred Thompson of Ir
'vington; Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Hew
itt, Miss Mary Hewitt, Dr. and
Mrs. Frank Rambo of St. Johns;
Mr. ami Mrs. Lceper, Miss Fay
i.ecper, Ktipert l,cctcr, John wnl
ton, Mrs. Allen, Miss Ada Allen,
Miss Gertrude Pryne, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Becker, Mclviu and Wes
ley Becker, Mrs. J. II. Crouch,
Harry Crouch, and W. W. Smith
of Portland; Rev. and Mrs. Saudi
fcr and family of Iudcpciidcucc:Mr.
and Mrs. Peterson, Miss Goldie Pel
erson of Forest Grove; Mr.aud Mrs
. Deiden and Miss Georgie Thiel
of Kenton, and Carl Lull of the
1 11 e saving station pesides many
A Wonder Book
"The Guardians of the Colum
lia." the new book by John II.
Williams, has ulrrudy been tiro
nouiiccd by many experts to be the
most beautiful volume ever minus
bed about the west. It describes
the Columbia River and its snow
capped guardian peaks, Mounts
Hood, bt. Helens and Adams; and
it does justice to the subject.
Those who are familiar with Mr.
Williams' former book, "The
Mountain that was 'Cod:" will find
this new volume even more attrac
tive. Kspcclally lo all Oregouiaus
will it prove n joy. Tlie great
river and its noble white sentinels
arc- shown iu more than 200 mag
nificent illustrations eight of which
are in colors, true to nature. 1 he
text is as interesting as the picture.
It tells the story of the uprising of
tlie Columbia reigou out of the Pac
ific, the creation of the Cascade-
Columbia gorge, and the building
of the now extinct volcanoes, There
is also n short hut valuable chapter
on the forests of the district.
The Oregouian, iu an editorial,
calls the book "both a delight to
lover of nature grandeur and a ser
vice to the whole Columbia River
country;" and it declares the text
of as high order as the illustrations
In every wuy this fascinating vol
ume is a book to own, to read and
to send to your friends."
The Guardians of the Columbia,
by John II. Williams. Tacoma,
Wash., published by tlie author.
Cloth, $1,66 postpaid; papercovers,
83 cents postpaid. J. K. Gill Co.,
Portland, distributors for Oregon,
St. Johns Woman Farms
Mrs. N. J. Bailey, of St. Johns,
has made farming on a city lot pay
well. By her own unaided effects
she lias supplied her large family
and her neighbors with chickens,
eggs and vegetables all summer
long, and iu addition has sold veg
etables to the amount of $50, chick
ens $37.60, and has now on hand
125 chickens, of which 40 will be
gin laying September 1. Jlavlug
considerable spare time, and enjoy
ing out-of-door work, Mrs. Bailey
eased a lot adjoining her home,
and this she planted and replanted
with vegetables, starting a new crop
just as soon as an old one was clear
ed away and thereby gaining lu
money and health. Telegram.
Lewistou has been the first to
suggest a big celebration iu 1915
n honor of the opening of the
Panama Canal. All sections whose
interests are affected by the open
ing of the Columbia and Snake riv
ers will be invited to join iu what
will be known as the Lewistou-Ce-lilo-Panatua
celebration. Tentative
plans provide for a big river excur
sion from Portland. The Lewis-
ton Commercial club has the affair
In charge.
The Bonville System
The following questions and an
swers have been taken from the
Bonville Square Deal regarding the !
liouvtlle bystem:
(Continued from last week.)
This next step is the filinir of
the necessary papers witli the sec
retary of State and county, name
ly, the articles of incorpora
tion. He then secures the sub
scription of the first 60 per cent, of
tue amount ot stock for which the
company is to be capitalized. This
stock must be subscribed for by
people who will and do sign the
Bonville system's by-laws. After
sixty per cent, has been duly sub-
scnucu, inc promoter snail call a
meeting to elect a board of directors
ami sucii owier omccrs ns the sys
tem and company may demand,
after which all sums subscribed be
come due and payable, and the by
laws are filed with the state.
Q. How will this hurt those who
want something for nothing?
A. Under the old system the in
vestor had to rely upon the honesty
of the few who held the controlling
interest iu n company.
Under the llouville system there
are at least 600 people who own at
least Co per cent, of a company's
stock, wich is the controlling inter
est. It is the duty of those people
to see that the same is managed iu
such a way that the greatest bene-
tits will be derived therefrom. Nec
essarily, that which benefits one
stockholder benefits all, They
must install men of the proper cui
iber and qualifications into those
offices wherein there is a demand
for experienced and capable men.
Once these men are installed, they
cannot act without due regard to
the by-laws of the Bonville system,
Kcad the by-laws of of the Bon
ville system and see what chance
there is for graft.
lherefore, the man who wants
something for nothing will, through
the application of the Bonville sys
tem, be forced to be honest.
Not that this system will change
his principles far from it; but we
believe that iu order for graft and
dishonesty to exist, there must first
be an ojeiiiug for the same. 1 ake
away this opportunity and man
cannot be dishonest even though he
would, through this system, then,
the means of a livlihood for many
of the grafters would be destroyed.
Is it right to stop a man from
robbing your house and to have
that man put iu jail?
The mau who is getting some
thing for nothing is robbing you of
your just deserts. He is robbing
the country of its prosperity. Pros
perity consists of anything and ev
erything that causes the direct ma
terialization of the necessaries and
luxuries of life; but for clear and
defined illustrative purposes it is
generally referred to as money.
Is it right that we should prose
cute the "private rights" burglar,
and let the one who is robbing us
of "corporate" rights, benefits and
advantages go free ami with lau
rels? Q. What protection would a
stockholder under this system have
providing he moved to a foreign
A. The same as he would have
at home.
Q. Can stock iu companies or
ganized under this system be sold
upon the installment plan?
A. Positively no.
Q. Why is the stock non-trans
ferable for 99 years?
A. It is the longest legal contract
iu general use at the present time.
n. It a company is organized for
99 years and the time expires,
what then becomes of the stock ?
' A. Unless the stockholders re
1 new their contracts with themselves
, as a company to uot transfer the
I same, it becomes transferable.
Q. What becomes of a man's in
terest iu a company if he dies and
leaves no will?
A. If he has legal heirs they in
lierit his interests according to law
if he has no relatives (this will be
thoroughly investigated by court),
the distribution of his interests wil
be decided by law.
Q. Is there any chance to get
out of a company once a person in
vests iu the same?
A. No, not for 99 years.
jj. now would the interests or a
person who could neither read nor
write be protected ?
A. All men are equal (or should
be) iu the eyes of the law. All
men have equal rights iu companies
untl'T this system.
Q. What has the Bonville system
to do with the management of a
company organized under this sys
tern ?
A. F.vcrythlug, as far as priuci
pie is concerned.
(Continued next week.)
A Review of Reviews
(Issue of December 30, 1904. J.
. Crome, editor.)
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Blackburn
are spending New Von in with
friends at Kiilama,
D, Tallmaii of Newberg was iu
the city Monday mid puichasetl
properly with n view of building
and locating here iu the spiiug.
Mrs. Robinson of St. Johns, Mich,
has joined her husband iu this city
to reside here permanently. Mr.
Robinson is n brickmason by trade.
Cone's mill shipjed 42 ears of
lumber during December Iwtddeti
filling out three ship cargoes and
meeting the local demand.
On Christinas day Couch & Co.
presented each of their employe
with a handsome toilet .Mit, which
gifts were duly ami thankfully ap
preciated, St. Johns Laud Co. is having the
stumps cleared out on Fillmore
street and will otherwise improve
it for several blocks.
Superintendent Carter of the
woolen mills exhibited last week
the first sample of woolen fabrics,
showing the texture, color and bor
ders. The samples were blanket
goods and to the ordinary layman
looked good, A line of flunuels are
iu process of finishing and will be
turned out iu u few days.
Real Optimism
Tlie following story was told by
Attorney W. Huttmati at a recent
Germauia club dinner:
"All of us probably, have differ
ent ideas regarding the definition of
the word 'optimism', but I think
you will agree with me that the lit
tle story I am about to tell illus
trates the extreme meaning of the
word better than Webster does:
"An Irishman at work on the
seventeenth floor of a new sky
scraper lost his balance and full.
As he shot downward past the third
floor a fellow workman heard him
say to himself: 'Well, I'm all right
yit. "Chicago Tribune.
t "V V; t Kj Sf, ... . TftL
Phone Columbia CI
First National Hunk building.
Open Evenings and Sundays by Ap
pointment. Office l'hotie Columbia 140
Resilient 1'hoiie Columbia j8
Physician und Surgeon.
Djr & Nlcht OfTlce In McChcny bit
St. Johns, Oregon.
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B.m75
Residence, C97 Dawson Street
Olllcc, I'lltor Block.
University I'urk, Portland, Oregon.
Firat National tlnnk lluiltlinu
0. J. OATZAlYfiR
McDonnltl lluilillnn
We buy or sell St. Johns 1'iopmty
Real Estate
List your propel ty with us if you
desire to sell tptickly
UU N. Jersey St. St. Johns
fur Painting, Kilsomlnlnjt, Slalnlnj anil Virnlih-
lug. I'jpcr Hinting t specialty
6IS V. Richmond Sired
Transfor and Storage
Wo deliver your roods to nnd from
II parts of Portland. Vancouver, Linn
ton, Portland nnd Suburban Expruat
Co,, city dock nnd nil point nccevslbla
by wngon. I'lano and furniture moving
Onice l'lione Columbia 24
Residence Phone Columbia 108
St. Johns Express, Transfer
and Storage Co.
I'iauo MoviiiK a Sjivcinlty, Haul
ing done to mid from Portland
Residence ,oo Kant Richmond
Office ioj North Jersey Street
II I II. Ilurlliiiiloii Street
AuUimohil KvwlruiK ViitwiiUliifc
Wtt t'Hll xft you Auto Tirmnf nil kilitU
lllcvclo and (lcncrnl Rcnalrlmr
In etiiiiivt'tliiii. New Mini Muniim Imml
lilcyoli' for mIi'. Ilit'jvle tire In uliu'k.
J..M. and V. P. WRAY, I'ropi.
l'liiir i'iliimtM jH;.
CAMP 77 V. 0. W.
Mimtn ev.
cry Wwl
11 o it d u y
I n Hick
liar'. Hall
A. f. .mil A. M.
weh uiuutli In Odd ld
low. Hull, ViilkKul.
S Chun. iMvia. W. M.
C. (). K"kt, Secretary
Minim it Cfidptrr
i i-u i. i-r l iri muI Third
Tui-il.n I'.veiung ol Kat'h
Muiitluu Oil.l I'ellow 1111.
Mtir kKvr, SeeroUr).
kmoiiis or I'vintAS
Mt-cih i-M-rv V riilny ulMUt t
iu I. (
.j o'clock iu 1. O. O. P.
Ylkitorit alwaya
1 ulllf .
. W. MASON. C. C.
I). 1-. HORSMAN, K. K.X
No. IK6 I. O. 0. r,
Meets each Momluy uveniiitf In Odd Fol
!oftSlu'' 1' 7 i . 'irili il'wt lcoiiie lo
.ill M. it'll. I '' . rs
.Hit) -III)
V nlllC
llj) s ul
M. W. A. Hall.
1 II. l.KANt.KR, Sw.
Central Market!
Sec us for the. Choicest Cuts of
the Best Meats Obtainable.
Order filled und Family TruiU Solicited.,
T, P. WARD, Proprietor.
' Mr
u. 1. t,i u'i i;i