St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 16, 1912, Image 1

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Toiuburlbe for TIMS I'aptr
All the newi while II U ncwi la
our mollu. Call In and enroll
Of idmlltlnt In THIS Paper
aadyoa'llnererrtirilll. I)e. it
ifaatoacaandlttprlihtat II .
Devoted to (he InlereMi of (he I'enlniula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northweit
VOIv. 8
NO. 41
Measure Your "Me"
The St. Johns Loiterer put on
his hat this uftcrnoon and started
up town. At the first corner he
stumbled over n small boy crying
stormily in the precise center of the
walk. Sympathy brought out n
gulpy recital of the youngster's
woes. He had eaten but two of
his five sticks of candy when his
mother captured the sack and said
"no more" or he would be sick nnd
couldn't go to the park with her
that afternoon. And he wanted
his candy, it wouldn't make him
sick, and he didn't care if it did. It,
was his nnd he wanted it.
The Loiterer walked on, his lol
te'ring gait enabling him to over
hear fragments of the conversation
of two women neighboring over the
next back fence:
"Too stingy to buy his wife
washing machine."
"Won t get screens to keep out
the flics."
"Says music lessons nre non
sense." "Never thinks about anybody
but himself and then wonders why
his home is the most unpleasant
place in town, and his children run
the streets."
"Funny, isn't it, that n man can't
sec that n little money seut making
Ills family happy is going to pay
him buck too per cent."
The Loiterer was presently hailed
from u side street by 11 friend who
was so bubbling over with righteous
wrath that he must needs find n
confidante or unburden his mind to
the telephone poles.
"Now, wouldn't that make you
weary!" he fumed.
"You know that fellow that lives
ncross from me? Know what he's
doing now? Trying to block the
improvement of the whole .street
because he has n little private walk
across a vacant lot to the street be
hind I No sense of neighborhood
loyally. Shows in little things 11s
Well as big. Leaves his woot
piled on the path for a week at
St. Johns' Postal Receipts
1 hrotigh the kindness of Post
master Monahan we arc able to
give below the postal receipts
the St. Johns office for the past
years closing witii the inottli
$ 738.99
989. t 8
1906 1641.67
197 2668.50
98 4200.50
'909 4581.52
9io 5871.68
19" 6279 89
" 1912 'J 164-84
This is a fine showing, but in or
der to secure free mail delivery on
our merits we ore nearly $.1000 shy
of the required $10,000. It seems
to us if our people would make n
special effort along the line of buy
ing stamps of our postofiice, not
only for ordinary use, but when
small remittances are to be made
where stamps would be accepted,
"Peter Goes a Fishing" Ye Editor on Vacation
F.ditor Review: Since I wrote my Seaside, Ore. Aug. to, 1912
asi letter the days have flitted by: Readers of the Review: Seaside
like fairies, fapent Tuesday, Wed- presents a most animated scene at
nesiiay and lhursday trout fishing. this season of the year. With n
Caught nbout 50 pounds of the wily i normal population of possibly 1500
tribe. A number of the beauties! souls, It hns now swollen to at least
measured 16 inches 111 length. I low 1 7500, all bent on having a good
big was the big fellow that got ; time. Other seashore resorts may
away, Brother l'atton? -Kd It is I have their attractions, but Seaside
the kind of sport that makes one's draws the crowds. The principal
nerves tingle to the finger lips street leading from the depot to the
to hook a trout weiirhliiir 1 lbs. I bench is continnnllv lined with twn.
imogine the fisherman's disnp pie surging to nnd fro. Kvery In-
iiuiiiimL-m, However, wnen wit 11 11
dash nfter n five minutes' effort one
of these beauties obtains his free
dom. IviioukIi to teach n man to
renewed energy in the most diffi
cult positions in life.
lhe creeks riiiiniinr from tile
mountnins pass throuiih n verv tie.
cullar formation. The valleys nre
narrow for at least ten miles. Sol-
dom n (pinrter of n mile in width
sufficient for farming. These nar
row strips of soil nre nil occupied
coming train is crowded to the lini
it with pleasure seekers.
The district devastated by the
Council Proceedings
this deficit could be easily covered, V ranchers who usually live very
nun the desire of so many hearts be """" vcn. now iio.ns ami gas
consummated. It is well worth the 01"lc. "I'mclies are used by these
effort. Another thine. On of J,c0P,e Instead of the usual farm ve-
the remilriMiiiHiU fur r..p..lulmr mi hide, as the streams nre easllv unv
appropriation for a federal building ,En,,c for 01 out of every
tor postoiucc purposes is -f 10,000 "
nuiiual postal receipts. Thus we ' ricioy and baturdny were spent
have n double lucent ve for boost ne ni "cunts ten miles south of Wnld-
our postal receipts. If Brother wo singes make willy trips
Mmm him u-nn liiniiiMirni.. n enen wny ironi here. Mnnv lour
urday cut rate sale or give a special ,sls R 10 Vnchnts to view the clam
premium to the one who buys the
greatest number of Uncle Sam's
stickers, it might enliven the trade.
The city fathers all had their
feet under the table at the regular
meeting lucsday evening except
Alderman Hill, who is absent from
the city. Mayor Muck wielded the
gavel as usual.
A petition for the improvement of
I'liimore street between Richmond
and John streets was accepted nnd
on motion of Alderman Valentine
placed on file.
retition to build a 7x0 sheet iron
structure in the rear of the cash
meat market on Jersey street was
referred to the buildliies committee.
Communication from Mrs. doles
fire several nionths ago has been offering to donate the desired 15
lebuilt in n temporary manner tin- feet for the w dcuitie of Dawson
dernsix nionths' permit. It is street, provided the citv would nt
proposed by the city outliorlties to its own expense construct a walk
make a file limit out of the district iilong her pronertv ( which wnlk
nt the end of the season, and per- would be about 400 feet in length)
mining oniy iiricK or sioue struct- ami provided lurtlicr that her proo-
tires to be built thereafter. The erty should not be assessed above
streets of Senside hnve been given 50 per cent of the last year's valua
but little attention and in most in- tion. Referred to the citv attorney
stances ore makeshift affairs. The and street committee for report at
cny nuiuoriiies nre uauiy uoiuil- next turning.
capped on nccount of the onnexn- Communication from A. M.
tiou tangle, mid have reason to fear Steams offering the use of 11 two
that none of their nets nre legal, acre tract overlooking the dry-dock
iicnee, street improvement is out and the river to Portland for n per
The Bonville System
riiouc Columbia 51
First Nntlonnl Bank buikllnjr.
The following questions and an
swers have been taken from the
Bonville Square Deal regarding the
Bonville System:
(Continued from Inst week.)
If an organization could possibly
get the controlling interest of some
line of industry or trade in a com
pany organized under this system
( winch they cannot, as will be ex
plaitied later,), the same could be JOSEPH Mrf HFSNFV. M D
Physician and Surgeon.
Djr Night Ofllce In McChesney bite
Opi KTnlne and Sundays by Appointment.
Office Photic Columbia ijo
I ti II.. ata . f
kcmucih rnone Loiumnin 3s
successfully checked by disinter
ested parties organized under this
system and running competition to
them. But this will never be ncc
cssnry, for, through careful applica
tion of thought, the originator of
this system has woven into the
same that which comnlctelv kill
- -
every possibility of such an event
occurring. lie has provided In
the by-laws clauses to the effect
that all and any companies orean
ized under this system must, iu the
sale ot its stock nnd in the transac
tion of its business, ackuowlodgo
notiiiug but cash in its buying
SI. John. . Oregon.
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D
Residence, C97 Dnwson Street
Office, l'lltor Block.
VnhttnHy Park, Portland, Orccon.
Firat National Dank HuildinH
selling or the equivalent of cash.
which equivalent shall be passed O. J. (iATZAWI-1?
r .1 --
upon uy uie nuance committee 01
the company, before it can be oc
ccptcd at thejr appraised valuation. McDonald Dullilinc
of the (IIH'Stioil until the tillll-le htm Mod of five venm fnr ttnrtr tmritncrta
vkuxiuk nun Hit llllllll.illlll.-l ill MIL' Illl-lllACI WICfCUIl, WUSrCierrCU lO t,U rtltltur lu n.,fnr,l In l,, 11
way of ...ovlng picture shows, of to the hulldiuus and irroutids com- " ? ,r" - "to,to the. ,c. tcf NV
which there nre tltree, bowling al- ...Ittee to report nt next meeting. E C "
levs. skatinir rink. dnneinir mvil- Alderman Horsnm., rr-tmrieit ttn I. ! . t,cb.t .of dn.Uy "Jy
Coming Attraction at the Multnomah
fe buy or sell St. Johns l'roKrty
contract for the dellvcrv of 1 " Z ""lV"V '.r, : l.Ut Vn.,r r ...1,1. ... it .....
' . - iu Vii iiiuviiiirii Liitr uuinuuiiv lint T" - j ...... iin .. . ....
. . . . . .1....!... . .11 ...I II
time. I.ets his chickens run Met
the neighbors go hang' that's his
philosophy. Plague take .such
mailt I turn here, goodbye."
The Loiterer strolled up Jersey
street, pausing to chat with tour
different men, each of whom gave
it as his firm conviction that the
best of alt locations lor the new
at. Johns public library was us
n sort of annex to his own partial
Inr neighborhood.
He Mopped in a drygoods store
and found the proprietor and n ens
tomer holding tin indignation meet
iug over the luck of town spirit
shown by St. Johns women who
patronize the Portland department
He halted iu the shade of un nwu
iug to exchange political views
with an old soldier, who declared
with n thump of his cane that In
never would vote for a certain pres
Identliu candidate, for the reason
that said candidate had once spok
en unfavorably of high pensions.
lie dropped into a real-estate
office where held forth a group of
town oracles, one of whom was
declaiming thus:
"Its all very nice to have a fel
low down there at Washington who
spends his time looking up new
postoffices and juicy political plums
for the folks at home, but witli 400
odd fellows down there all doing
the same thing for their owu folks
at home, you tell me what our gov
ernment s going to amount to. Con
gress wasn't designed for a grab'
bag. I tell you we want a repre
seutative big enough to stand square
on questions that concern the whole
couutry, and If the country s an
right, we'll be all right. That's
the kind of representative we could
be proud of."
The Ioiterer loitered home agaiu.
picked up the evening paper from
the door step, seated himself on
said doorstep and looked over the
news. He read an editorial on the
shortsightedness of the United
States in discriminating against oth
er nations at the Panama canal, and
auother on the sinfulness of the
present generation's so wasdng
the natural resources as to beggar
.the generations to come.
Then he laid aside his paper and
his hat and meditated after this
It looks like, after all, it wasn't
so much a question of selfishness as
of size. We are alt selfish- at least
so many of us as are red blooded.
The more keenly alive a man is
the surer he is to be coveting for
himself life more abundant. He
wants great good for himself uot
only great good but the greatest
good. We are all working for ME,
but. the difference comes in in the
size of the "me" we are workiug
Now and then we see a man
whose Me is only so big as bis ap
petites. These must be satisfied,
no matter at the sacrifice of what
higher . satisfactions. Like the
small boy, he can never bring him
self to give up three out of five
sticks of candy iu order that he
may enjoy wider pleasures later iu
his day. He thinks it won't make
him sick, and he doesn't care if
it does, because the only MK he
can imagine is in the npietiti: of
of the moment. Most men hce
themselves bigger nnd realize
that they cannot afford to pain
per a little part of them at the ex of the whole. Therefoie,
they curb the apatites, and, hold
iug the good of years iu mind, con
trol the ctty desires of the mo
incut. Thus they attain to such
advantages us health and business
prosperity and jxilitleiil power
with these dimensions some men
nre satished and have no wish to
grow more.
Hut uot all, for by the magL' of
love and friendship, others have
discovered themselves bigger than
they knew. They find they can
110 longer measure their lives bv
their own H.TM)imllly. Suddenly
the joys nnd sorrows of other icr
soimlities cut them keenly ns their
own, and aguin they see it necessary
lor their highest happiness that thev
subordinate a part to the whole. The
man who sacrifices some part of
his per so 11 ul welfare for the welfare
of his family, does so, uot because
he has grown eaieless of the happi
uess of himself, but because that
self has grown so as to include and
demand the happiness of others
he no longer lives narrowly iu one
personality, but richly in many.
Here agnin some men stop grow
iug. Hence the whimsical old sto
ry of "Me and my wife, my son,
John, nnd his wile, us tour and no
nut not an stop, some men we
find so big as their neighborhood,
some so big as their lodge, as their
set, their profession, their church,
their town, their state, theiryes
some few, we have faith to believe,
still some few so big as their coup
try. And yet morel Now and
then we hear rumors of a measure
of man so great that we can yet
scarcely comprehend it, of an indi
viduality which sees itself ideuti
cai with the lite ot the race, even
with humanity, not of today alone,
but of alt ages.
It isn't martyrs we ueed. No
body wants a martyr around. They
are uncomfortable sort of people to
ive with and few covet the distinc
tion of being died for. We ueed big
men wtio know their owu bigness,
and, seeing the folly of sacrificing
the whole to the part, will work
for the bigger setf with all the vim
of selfishness.
Let's get a tape Hue and measure
our MH. Is it so big ouly as the
girth of the body? Does it extend
only to the frout gate, or to the
office, or to the town limits? How
much further? Don't be afraid of
the tape tine's giviug out. The
neighbors will be glad to lend
theirs. Ouly let us remember this;
if we measure no larger this week
than we did last, we have the whole
universe against us and can't last
ong, for the law of that universe
s growth or death.
A St. Johns Loiterer.
cords of wood at $1.75 per cord.
luigluecr and street committee
reported favorably on the section
of Seneca street improvement re
ferred to them last week.
1 he Willamette boulevard mut
ter was then taken up and state
incuts made by the attorneys for
the interested parties, which wore
merely reiteration of what has been
published. Mr. Graden presented
pennons signed by about 170 tax
puyers asking the council to drop
tue matter, l he decision of Indue
McGinn was also read. Petitions
were filed on motion of Alderman
D.ivis. Mr. Davis made n motion
that the city pay nil the costs to
enough cash in Its vaults to cover
desire to sell quickly
said debt to the full amount of the 20i N- My St.
combined face value of the same at I CALL ON
St. Johiin
all times.
When one takes into account that
alt the cash iu circulation todav
only amounts to about $2, 500,000,-
000, it is readily seen that trusts
can uot exist under this svstem
wiiereiu they have to coudttct a
cash business both in buying and
n. How will this
street iu time?
A. Through stock
transferable under the
this system, Wall Street will event-
uully be forced to close its doors,
for rilntln(, Kiliomlnlnjt, Staining and V.irnlih-
mj. riper Hinging a iptcuuy
615 W. Richmond Street
Transfer and Storage
affect Wall . W cUllvor your goods to nnd from
an paria 01 romanu, Vancouver,
being 11011-
by-luws of
too, Portland nnd Suburban l-.xpro
Co., city dock nrnl all poinU ncccvHlblo
Vf wagon. I'lano and furniture muting
date: that the contestants on the far without stock to buy and sell,
ilHUt I'll 1. 1 Jf til.. I.,tii t.t.. -.1 I . I. a " .
I en si side 01 the boulevard be wx
limited to a pi tea I the case ill the
name ot the city, the npcllauts to
pay all subsequent costs. This was
such 1111 original and unprecedented
requirement that the would be up
pellnnts were misled and were about
to accept nnd agreed to furnish the
necessary bonds to indemnify the
city, when the question of who was
I to pay the costs in case the supreme
court should reverse the decision of his capitalization?
this great gambling center
world cannot exist.
Q How would two or
companies consolidate if
were organized under
system ?
a. tuiiy 01 Article A I. sec
tions 3 to 11, of the by-laws of this
O, How could a compauv under
tills system increase the amount of
Office Phone Columbia 2.1
Residence Phone Columbia n;8
of the at. Jonns express, 1 muster
nnu Storage Co.
Piano Moving a Specialty, Until
ing done to and from l'ortlud
Residence 400 Kust Richmond
Office 103 North Jerm-y Street
The Welsh Nightingale
From the hills of Wales will be a splendid three-dav feature
Multnomah Theatre next Wednesday, Thursday and Kridny,
2i, 32 and 23.
shell mounds and beach front.
These mounds were formed by ttie
Indians dumping their clam shells
about their camp fires. One needs
to see the mounds to have any ade
quate idea of the amount of shells;
it seems almost incredible that the
beach could have furnished so many
shells during even its unknown his
tory. The beach, rocks and moun
tain scenery are very beautiful
about the mouth of the Yachats
river. Two artists are spending
the summer there and in the vicin
ity, ever busy sketching the various
views. If one enjoys surf fishing
that is the place to have all desires
satisfied. Many agate hunters also
go there to gather the coveted orna
The weather is fine, only one lit
tle shower since the day we arrived.
Appetites and health sufficient for
all occasions. J. J. l'atton.
Further investigation discloses
the fact ttiat Mr. Rogers' prolific
and delicious plum mentioned last
week is uot the Satsuma, that this
Japanese plum, while a very desir
able one for jellies and sauces be
cause of the rich red color of the
meat, is of slower growth and is a
very shy bearer; while the plum
Mr. Rogers brought to this office is
a most vigorous grower, mQst pro
fuse bearer of large, red skinned,
yellow nieated plums. It is such
a meritorious variety that we would
Miss Grace Milligan of Craw- be glad if some of our horticultural
fordsville, Ind., is visiting her old experts would kindly give us its
time friends, Mr, and Mrs. J. 1. true uame so that we may inform
Williams for a few days, lour readers.
Judge McGinn was asked, and Mr.
D.ivis said thiit his motion was that
the upHdlauts pay the whole cost
111 niiy contingency. His proposi
tion was promptly re ectid. Mr.
I).tvis then withdrew his motion.
.mil 011 motion of Alderman Hlller
the council voted to drop the mat
Directory resolution to improve
i'liimore street from Richmond to
John street was adopted on motion
of Aldcimau Vuleutltie.
1 wo remonstrances were pre
sented, one for erroneous charge
uud one for damaged curb both of
which were adjusted.
Remonstrance presented by Mr.
Idleman rejected on motion of Mr.
Remonstrance against the Jersey
ion, shooting galleries, pool rooms, i'"" surface pavement signed by a
nt the
etc. I lie beach, however, is the
chief point of interest. Knch iu
t . 1 a a
coming line draws large uud ever
increasing throngs of iwople. The
old and young, the rich and poor
uie ciouKeii and siraigui an mingle
together in the salty wuter of the
briny deep. The youngsters have
the time of their lives building
mounds and digging tunnels iu the
sand. The crowd is ever a irood
uatured one, thoroughly uncoil
ventioual ami democratic,
Prof, C. H. Boyd and wife have
been here for the past three weeks $ 16.50;
and will remain for some time yet. Uc; p.
number ot projierty owners was
also rejected on motion of A lderinau
Ordinance declaring cost of im
proving Seneca street from Fesseu-
deu to bt. Johns avenue passed 011
motion ol Alderman Horsmau.
Ordinance declaring cost of im
proving Jersey street from Cutlin to
Richmond street passed on motion of
Alderman Valentine,
following bills were allowed 011
motion of Alderman Horsmau; Pac.
Westritmite Co., 11 loads of rock,
D, J, Horsman, janitor,
W. Wilson, street work,
a. sinuy Article sections 3
to 1 1, of the company s by-luws of
this system,
Q. How will this system keep
these enlargements and consolida
tions from drifting into what is
generally known as trusts?
A. Reud the answer to the dues-
tion "Can trusts organize under
this system?"
Q. What is this system, an in
vestment or a protection?
A. It is both un investment uud
a protection, the investment of
which is iu turn itself protected.
What is insurance a protec
tion or an investment?.
A. A protection. The net earn
ings received upon money extend
ed by the insured are too infinitesi
mal to be classed as an investment.
What is the pronator's (singly
or collectively) first move when
starting to promote a company uu
dcr the Houville system?
A. When preparing to organize
a company under the Bonville sys
tem, the promoter must first ro'
ccive permission from the owner of
the copyright, Mr. Bonville, for the
privilege of using the advertising
matter pertaining to onianiz nc un
it er the system, its by-taws, etc.,
for which lie must pay Mr. Frauk
uouville such sum as (accordintr to
the scale arranged for the commit
Ing of the royalties to be paid by
the companies orKaniziiiK under
II I 11. Ilurllniflon Slrcl
Automobile KcimImiik himI ViiU-unlinu
vc run get you Auto Tirmuf nil kluila
rllcvcla and (lencral k'fn.ilrliit-
In connect lou. New miu! m-i-ihuI Imml
bicycle for wlc. llic)cU- tin- in lix-k.
J. M. and V. I. WIMY, Prim.
riione Columbu 5S7.
CAMP 773 W. 0. W.
Mi'i-I i-v.
ery VVi-d-11
o s il h y
ev v 11 1 n jc
ill Klek
nar'i Hall
. w . . .... I - . ... . .
M If II Innlscn., n.wl n t II, IK , . . I ll KUBTftnil ,1.. IU rt,.llrr.wl In rn i
., . juinoui, uuu kiiiiuicii t3 5. w iiiacKmore, sireei worK,i ..v. .j wwh. .u ay,
have also been spending some time 11,25; Jhu Kelliher, street work, which sum is regulated by the cap
at seaside. John Noce and wife $2.50; Fred Zeigler, street work,
have been spending a week among $15; J). A. Anson, street work, $2;
uie measure seexers. j0m Bailey, street work, $5; Jos.
I'isiiingaud ciam digging have .McChesney, rent library. $20; St
been most unsatisfactory. A few Johns Pharmacy, supplies, $3.70.
auiuiuu iroui uuve uccu capiureu in Total, $94.70.
me river, mil iney are scarce, uianis
have been pretty well cleaned out
in this immediate vicinity. Crabs
are also rather scarce so far.
Living at Seaside is practically
as cheap as 111 tt. Johns, and furn
ished tents may be secured from
$5 up per week, but they are more
difficult to secure than was the case I
several weeks ago.
Any one can have a good tunc
Building Permits
41 To Mike Mackay to erect
a dwelling on Buchanan between
Hudson and Central avenue, cost
42 ro D. C. Lewis to erect a
at Seaside, as alt the perquisites of dwelling on Willamette boulevard
a pleasant time is right at hand, between Alma and Burr streets;
Myself and family are enjoying cost 1 2000.
ourselves, and have no reason to 43 To John Vultur to erect a
complain of selecting Seaside as ihe dwellitur on Macriim avenue be-
place for spending our vacation. tweeu.Olyuipia and Astor streets; organization of the company.
A. W, MARKI,I$. cost 1 200. (Continued next week)
itulizution of the compauv orornau-
zatton which he wishes to promote.
The following is the scale for
royalty charges: Upon capitaliza
tion of any compauv to the amount
ot $500,000, or less, ttie royalty
will be one per cent. ; upon all
amounts over 500,000 the royalty
win be one-halt of one per cent.,
one per cent, being charged upon
me nrst $500,000 in all cases.
Therefore having complied with
these requirements, and havimr
signed with Mr. Frank Uouville
agreements to the effect that he
will observe explicitly aud to the
letter the by-laws of the system,
auu sucu oiuer provisions as are
stated iu such agreement, aud hav
ing paid the necessary royalty,
whatever it may be, he is then
ready to take the next step in the
A. C, unit A. M,
Regular roiiiiiiuiiicationa
on limt UViliitfwlKva (
each month In IM.I I't-t-lowx
Hull. Vikituia
S. CIiik, Dnvia. M.
0. O. RKrr, Kt-crvtary
Mlnrrvii CliiiptiT
MctU I'Ai rv l'irl uml Third
Tucwluy J:viiiiik of Hiu-li
.Mouth 111 (hid l-i How Hull.
Mrs. .Sustt- Kovr. Secretary.
MctU every 1'rnUv night at
7 jo o'clock 111 t.'u. O. H.
Hull, visitor alwaya wel
come V. W. MASON. C. C.
I), 1'. IIOKSMAN, K. R.B
No. 186 I. O. O. P.
sr. Johns, ourooN
Uta each Monduy ovomnj; In Odd Fel.
Iowa hall at 7 o, A ror b it welcome
all vUltiug brothers.
Mut- L'ii.I
uml 'lilt
ilnyo of
each mouth In M. W. A. Hall.
V. II. (iKANliliR, Sue.
Central Market!
See us for the Choicest Cuts of
the Best Meats Obtainable.
Orar TUt4 ami family Trade Solicited.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.