The Bonville System (Continued front first page) lins ever known? Q. Why lins this system never been used before? A. Why did not Cicsar trnvel it nn nlttoniobile? Q. What is the "Honville Sys tern?" A. A Snuarc Deal to All. It is n middle ground whereon capital and labor inny co-operate with re sults satisfactory to all. A. Whv is the Honville System the greatest move before the civil ized world? A. The world, since our first historical knowledge, has been nursing a sick and crippled finan cial and commercial system. Ma ny hnvc tried to cure it. Some have been the means of applying remedies of a beneficial nature, but all have failed to make the cure. Probably one of the most direct reasons for this failure lies in the fact that our benefactors in the past did not sufficiently realize the im mense amount of active forces need ed, in order to effect this cure. It is a well known fact, that relief can be obtained through application of that root of mathematics tlint the average third grade scholar has knowledge of, in his limited way, and that is: that the more forcible numbers and powers arc the direct results of combinations, The larg er the number the greater the force it represents? The same can be ap plied to our domestic and national conditions. The larger a combina tion of men the greater the power, force, and energy they represent. Hence, nations acting against na tions have more weight than state acting against nation or county against Mate, or individual against county, etc. The Honville is n simple, easy, and direct cure for existing defi ciencies that are so ever present and oppressive to all. It will accom plish that which the wisv men of the earth have sectetly yearned and striven for, viz: The creation of u "Golden Age," wherein all men irrespective of Mate or birth, will have, the mime financial and com mercial footing, wilt reap equal revenue from like investments, will, in fact, have as its basis those essentials which are the direct con sistency of a Mtiaie deal, because it protects, insures, and gives the in vestor what his money earns, stops wealth from centering in a few tro pic's hands, stops stock gambling, ells dentil to fake promoters and fake labor leaders, and encourages the small investor. Q. Why have iiiiiuty-iiiue year contracts? A. It is the lougetit lq;nl contract in general use at the piveut time Q. llow will it Hffect lliOMi pap tieti who do not invent ? A. It will stop miiies and reduce the cost of high living, and develop better win I conditions for all. O. Will thift ;yteiii Ik adopted iniTvurwilly ? A. Yes. lli-cnu? it in juM, and the world Ik demanding justice n. What U meant when it is said that this Nvstem will icvnlutiouizc the hiiKiiicMi world ? A. That in time practically nil organizations will be obliged to concede to the wUlics of the H.'oplc and organize under this system. The eople, who ate the direct Mistaiucrs of many of thcc organizations under the old system, will, wliuu the same arc re-organized under the new, have the privi lege of sharing in the profits de rived tliuruftom. (Continued next vck) i I I THE BONHAM & CURRIER - 15th - v ' -in irx::- rw, j i. t vf rr ii ' fTy WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Wednesday, August 7th, Wednesday The Summer Goods Must Go Lnrgc shipments of fnll merchan dise sire on tho way. We htive to make room for them. Once more you may have any thing in the line of these goods at re ductions you cannot pass. Here are some:- - Reg. 20c Klaxons, Wed. Special. . . 16c " 2.5e Dimities, stripes and bars 19c " 25c Dotted Swiss 1 8c " 20c White Crepe 15c " 25c Cotton Poplins, white and blue 19c " 25c Hatiste i8e " 25c and 35c Madras. . 19c and 27c " 25c Soisettes, many colors ... 19c Kobe Silk, for scarfs, veils, etc. . . .23c Treat Your Family to a New Table Clotli A very good grade of Damask sell ing almost everywhere at $1.50 per yard, Wednesday Special at 95c A beautiful Mercerized Damask selling regularly at 75c to $1.00 per yard, special at 57c You can save 2 to 4 cents on 1 owcl Crash, the kind that comes in bolts The 15c quality, Wed. Special at. .12c " 12 I-2C " " " ..IOC " ioc quality, " " .. 8c We have arranged a Bargain Counter of Shoes for this day. There will be a few new things in Men's, Women's and Chil dren's and a number of last season's styles. These are all marked down at Stock Reducing Prices. BONHAM & CURRIER OPEN UNTIL 8:30 P. M. SALE NIGHTS Three lfine I.oU 1'or Sale. .iox 100 nt the hum! of Hdison street, till improved. Only 5375 each. Kiikv terms. Apply soon to J. II. Fletch er, 833 Willamette boulevard. Oregon Agricultural College This great institution it-ii its lUtorv for the Ml stiueU r n St iU uiln r 'AMIi. Course ol iiiittui tioii include. (Uiural Agriculture, Agronomy. Aninml Hu tMiulr)', Itoiry HtuUmdiy, lUctt-nology, llotHiiy Hint Plant Pathology, Poultry Iliiklkimlry, Horticulture. Kiiiuinotogy, Veterinary Science, Civil Huglueering, WeclricHl Jfnjf niff riiK. Mechanical Kit giNeertug, Mining tiugiueeiiug, 1 1 tx It way Itiiglnecriim, Ihutimtic Seience. luietic All, Commerce, Porestry, 1'lwriiwoy, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, MRtliaiiMltai, Itnglisli language ami Literature, Public Speaking, Modern Mnguuge. Ilistoiy. Art, Architecture. Industrial Pedsgugy, Physical Hduca tiuu. MiliUty Science ami Tactic, mid M title. Catalogue ttml Illustrated I.ileratuit- IVIIIIIWl V till application. AddlCkH UegUtrur, Oregon Agricultural College Corvullts, Oregon. School YturOpciii September 20th NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment I "Cocks" uiime lliiht haven't nny The hits- for the tilace in our curriculum. iuetti of Plumbing is more matter of fact. In our work ami anions our supplies we use the hctit the market affords in the way of Cocks, Faucets & Pumps and other auMliarv sundries We do jjood work nt reasonable prices. EDMONDSON CO. 203 S. Jersey Street EL si ,SiiivttMr to JiiIiiw twml uml OiHvel Coiiiimiiv U. I). JACKSON, Prop. Ooueml Contrnctor We are prepared to do any and all kinds of excavating for street work and other purposes. We also handle sidewalk and build ing material, Newton and Kcsseudeti Streets St. Johns, Oregon Phone Columbia 236 I Groceries Dry goods Shoes and Furnishings Notice in lu-rvby K'veu Hint Mitiou men t of the coat of luipiuviug Jersey ktreut with Wwtruuiite hunt ur(cc fioin the MNithwly title Hue of 'et Catliu street to northerly hue of Kich 1110ml street, total wt U flW.Ol .(H, Iws been npiiortioiiwl huI is on file in the office of the u ml e reigned, subject to ex amination. Assessment district extends back to the center of lots, blocks or tracts of land ubuttini; on wiid street us providwl by the city clmrtur aikI rosolutions. Keiuonstrttnce against witl u)Kirtioii mtiit may be muile in writing; ami filed wltli the umlursfKiiwl until ti u'ckxik 1. M, August V2, 19U. l'.A. RICH, Kwortkr, rutjliiliixl In the St. Jell!! Kuiw on July 2uraud August 2, IJJU. "attention please I The llible School of the FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Is thoroughly etiuipoed to win souls to Christ mul to train them in Christian Service. We wuut you, uml you need us. Sunday Services llible School: 10 n. m. Morning Service: 1 1 n. m. Junior C. 1.: i p. in. Y. 1'. S. C. It.: 7 p. ui. ltvungelistic Services: 8 p. m. Thursduy l'ruyenueetiiig: -a p.m. Corner Kew York SI. and Willis Boulevard wmm NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Insure a change of ad vertisement tho copy for such change should reach this office not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please remember this and aavo the printer We sell only the very best in these lines and guarantee them in every particular. Special Prices still to be had Muck Mercantile Co. 301 .Tovcmr Mr, W S. Gutisaulus, a farmer liviiiR near Fleming, Pa., says he has used Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrlueea Remedy in his family for fourteen years, and that he has found it to be an excellent remedy, and takes pleasure in rec ommending it. lfor sale by all dealers. A COOL KITCHEN Even in Midsummer With a real live breeze blowing away the stifling sultry air and cooling the whole room that's your kitchen, and all others too that have an :: ELECTRIC IRON :: Portland Railway, Light & Power Company VACATIONS AT THE SEA SHORE CLATSOP BEACH, PACIFIC OCEAN I ov r.Mit! 1 trlti fare are in effect all summer. Tim lu-antlful lienrlitirolMiea 1 1 tvurlv i v. miles south of the mouth of the Columbia River. Seaside ami Gear-1 I' at J x hrst class hotels, cottages and camping places, surf lathing, fishing, etc, Low Round Trips East On the dates Riven below, round trip tickets will be sold to the points in the Hast shown below, and many others, at greauy reuueeu lares ijuoicii. FAST TRAINS EAST In connection with Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railways Detroit t 8.5 Omaha f 6o,oo Ouluth 60.00 Philadelphia Kansas City 60.00 Pittsburg 9150 Milwaukee 73.50 St. I.ouis 70.00 Minneapolis 00.00 Montreal ,. 103,00 New York........ 108.50 DATIJS OP SAI.H. I Atlantic Llty .fill, 00 lla'tliiiorc ., ,107.50 ltostoii ,110,00 llult.ilo . . . . 91.50 Chicago 71.50 Colorado Springs., .55.00 Denver . . 55.00 01. i-aui bo.oo Toronto ..U.U.IIIU.,,,,,,, IU7.5O July 26,39,30,31, 191J. August 1, 3, 3, 6. 7, 12, 15, 16, 2, 33, 39,30, 31, 1913. September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 1 3, 30, 1913. SnH ers and choice of routes allowed in each direction. Pinal return limit October 31, 1913. Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on request. V. It. COMAN, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. O. M. Cornell, Agent, St. Johns, Oregon, 4 - -f f 4 f f f f f lumber: Rough, Dressed, Flooring, Finish. Slabwood .' Prompt Dry, Deliveries. Green, Quality Blocks, Guaranteed. Trimmings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Richmond 131 Expansion Sale Our business has grown to such proportions in the past year that we find it necessary to en large one of our departments, hence we have taken these steps, with a strong belief in a great future for St. Johns, and during these alterations, we are offering to the public several bargains which are worth investigating. We have 500" Spedal Privelege Coupons redeemable at the Rose Studio on Washington street, Portland, that we will give away. Call and we will explain. We are closing out our stock of Schram Automatic Sealer Fruit Jars at a Special Price of 60c per dozen for half gallon jars. Extra Covers 15c pei-dozen. IN OUR SHOE SECTION We are making prices that will make the most exacting happy. For instance: $2.75 - 1.90 - 1.70 1.69 1.25 - .98 $4.50 Men's Shoes 2.25 Boys' Elk Skin 2.00 Boys' Elk Skin 2.25 Child Shoes 2.00 Boys' Shoes -1.50 Child's Pumps Extra Special Prices in Summer Dress Goods: Batists, Foulards, Swiss, and Eng Zephyr at prices from 15c to 35c. Elite Glove Fitting Petticoats at $1.00 to $6.00. Try our Gold Medal Butter at 70c the roll. Couch & Co. "PIONEERS" Distributors of Merchandise Since 1904