St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 02, 1912, Image 3

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By Trading With Us This Month
Six-foot Extension Tabic
A Bargain at $15.00
Only $10.00
ING, we find a large number
of odd pieces of furniture which
we are closing out at greatly
reduced prices.
T 1
1 well iUsuie jm
1 1 Finished in Golden Wax H
Quartered Oak Buffet
with French plate glass
Regular $25.00
Only $18.00
Built for Comfort
made from
Selected Oak with Velor
Only $10.75
Local News.
Sewing machine crates for sale nt
Cnlef Bros.
G. Dement is having n neat little
dwelling erected on linchanau street
near Dank street.
Wanted Hop pickers. lfor Infor
mation see Roy Wilcox or phone
Columbia 30. .tap
The Regal Range on sale at the ,
Peninsula Hardware is a bargain at
$36.00. See it at once.
1). 1. ,lKb-11 IHW I
1 . V T 1
moved 10 near acwuvjk, wiwis
they will make their permanent
Mrs. S. C. Norton, who recently
was successfully operated upon for
a tumor and ndscess, is getting
along splendidly, and is feeling bet
ter than she has for many years.
Pigeous for Sale. I have about
.!" 18 pairs of Homer Pigeons for sale
vor will trade for week-old chickens
for auy otie fixed to care for them.
S. C. Cook, 1002 Oswego street.
Timothy Drownhill, publisher of
of the Pcuinsula Herald at Kenton,
paid us a visit Monday. He is
publishing a bright and newsy pa
per and is meeting with deserved
Dr. J. V. Scott and mother, with
Mr. and Mrs. I.M.Scott of Lincoln,
Nebraska, boarded the steamer
Hassalo Thursday morning bouud
for Sea view, Wash., for a week's
Ye editor and family anticipate
leaving tomorrow for a short so
journ at Seaside, and during our
absence D. N. Byerlee, a former
editor of the Review, will have
charge of the editorial aud reportor
ial pen,
- 0
The Portland Gas Company is
making a great showing on their
uew plant ou the west side of the
river. The immense foundation is
neariug completion and looms up
large as viewed from this side of
the Willamette.
K. C. Hurlbert has disposed of
all his possessions in St. Johns and
will soon move to California, where
he is interested in farm lauds. He
says be likes St. Johns best, but
wants to be near his possessions in
the Southern clime.
Oak Grub Wood for Sale, 17.50 a
cord delivered. A. C. Gaines, 021
Allegheny street. Phone Col.34. p2
If you want prompt delivery of
wood, call Cochrau-Nutliug & Co.
Phone Col. 554. 415 So. Hayes
street. sotf
Mr. and Mrs. Pike spent part of
their honeymoon this week with the
grandmother of the bride, Mrs. C.
V. Wdberg. They were married a
few days ago at Ileison, Wash.,
and left yesterday for Bay City,
Oregon, where the groom will take
charge of a large dairy much.
Work ou the improvement of
Burlington street has finally been
started. This street will be hard
surfaced from the city hall to Brad
ford, making it the best thoroughfare
to the water front, instead of the
worst, as has been the case. St.
Johns is rapidly becoming a city of
good streets as well as good people.
There have been two cases of
smallpox in St. Johns. Miss Recco
Anderson of Richmond street, and
a daughter of Fred Brown ou Chi
cago street are each afflicted with
the disease. Both cases are of a
very light nature, and the young
ladies will no doubt be out ugain in
a few days looking and feeling as
well as ever.
The W. C. T. U. picuic held at
Columbia Park last Thursday was a
grand success. One hundred were
present. A bountiful repast was
spread on one long table and when
all were seated, sincere thanks were
offered to the Father of all good
gifts. The afternoon was spent by
the older ones in visiting while the
childicu enjoyed the playground,
Mr. and Mrs. J. IS. Williams
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
H. G. Ogdeu at the latter's splen
did rauch near Dayton, Ore., Mr.
Williams returing Monday; but it
was impossible for Mrs. Williams
to tear herself away from her old
friends aud remained for the week.
Mr. Williams says Howard has his
place in fine shape and Is happy as
a clam at high tide.
The water company has partially
completed laying water pipes on
Central avenue, and the residents
will soon have an abundance of
aqua pura. The company antici
pated a mandamus issued by Judge
Gateus by commeuciug to lay pipes
before it was served. The water
company laid the facts before Judge
Cautenbein yesterday, but he prac
tically referred it back to Judge Ga
tens to be settled upon his return
from his vacation, so the city attor
ney informs us,
Satisfaction, is the word Gil
more, the Barber.
Wolcott (the rent man) 130 nth
street, Portland, is the man to sec
for real estate or mercantile deals.
For Sale Modern 7-room house
aud lot 50x100, corner Richmond
and Hayes, at n fine bargain. Price
$3000, on very easy terms. For
particulars call at the Review office.
Wall paper in new and artistic
designs is now on sale at the Penin
sula Hardware Co. Prices range
from eight to 25 cents per
double roll. Selection may be made
from 50 or more different patterns.
"I was cured of diarheca by one
dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes
M. K. Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. There
is nothing better. For sale by all
Get an electric head treatment or
massage at Gilmore's Barber Shop,
Typewriter ribbons for sale at
this olfice; 50 cents each.
Picture framing done at Portland
prices at II. F. Clark's, the furni
ture man. tf
For Sale Six lots, all extra size,
between Tyler and Polk streets,
improvements in, can sell cheap.
Terms, $10 cash, balance $5 per
month, 7 per cent interest. Best
residence district. McKiuney &
Davis. i6tf
For Sale 6)4 acres fine level
laud, good soil, small house, well
and pump, stable, 13 stalls;
miles from city limits, Vancouver,
Wush. Price, 1150. Also 20 acres,
15 level laud, some stumps, no
brush, seven miles from Astoria.
Does not overflow. Price for a few
days, 75. See J. Webster, St.
Johns, Oregon.
With the aid of Egg Keep (solution of Water
Glass) the new scientific discovery for preserving
eggs, it is possible for the average family, at a
small expense, to save this amount by preserving
their own eggs for winter use. You will pay the
grocer 50 or 60 cents for eggs similarly kept, or per
haps cold storage eggs which are far worse; eggs
kept for six months in this solution can not be told
from absolutely fresh eggs; this manner of preserv
ing eggs is endorsed by the government and all
agricultural colleges.
Our Line of Poultry Preparations
and Veterinary Remedies is Complete
Glover's Dog Remedies, Spratt's Dog Cakes,
Dr. Hess Poultry Food, Louse Killer, Spray for flies,
Gall Cure, Heave Powders, Colic Cure and various
other well known veterinary remedies can be found
at this store.
Have you won a Phonograph yet?
there are nine more to be given away,
with each 25c purchase.
A chance
St. Johns Pharmacy
Reliable Drug Store
m a iM mm mh ay mmsm
For preserving eggs. Put down your good eggs
now while they are cheap. This winter you will have
eggs that are as fresh as they were when put down.
This week we are making a special price on Egg
Keep (Silicate of Soda): One pint, 16 oz., 15 cents;
one gallon 98 cents.
Take a Kodak on your vaca- For tan, sunburn
tion. Bring the pictures back and freckles, Ny
to show your friends. Ko- als Peroxide face
daks $5 and up. cream only 25c.
Not the label on your paper.
Dnv work wanted by womnnj
cnll nt 1 16 South lox.
Gilmore's Hnrber Shot) a spe-
cinlty on cliilclreiis' lmir cutting.
L. J. Vriiht litis relumed from
a pleasant vacation spent mostly nt
Services will he livid nt the Uap
tist church both morning nml even
ing next Sunday
UydcrCnrmony has just purchased
n handsome and speedy two-passen
gcr automobile.
You Rot full weight rind first
juallty at tho Central nmrkut. Just
trr awhllo.
Sash ntid doors nre carried in
stock by the Peninsula Hardware
Co. Get our prices.
The Johnstone Department store
is closed for invoice, and will likely
rc-open in a few days.
Chas. McGill nud wife have
returned from nu enjoyable outing
nt Gnribaldi Beach and Seaside.
Mrs. It. S. Wright nud family
left Wednesday for a several weeks'
visit nt the home of her mother
near Kelso, Wash.
Assistant Kuginccr Vincent has
returned from n couple weeks'
jaunt along the Clackamas river.
lie reports n splendid time.
- o
Dr. Ii. V. Knmho nud family
left yesterdny morning for n mouth
nt Gnrnhnldi licacli nml other sea
side resorts.
The ferry slips ou the west side
of the river have been prncticnlly
completed nud the new ferry boat
is now running ou schedule time.
Frank Clark has disposed of his
5c nud 10c store to a resident of
Washington state. 1 lie new pro
prietor is engaged in the same bus
iness in our neighboring state, nud
will discontinue his store there nud
remove the goods to St. Johns, coin
bluing the two stocks.
"Were nil medicines as meritor
ious as Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era nud Diarrhoea Remedy the
world would be much better off and
the percentage of suffering greutly
decreased," writes Lindsay Scott, of
temple, Iud. ror sale by nil deal
Vor Sale and Kxchatige lfive-
room house, lot 50x126, 1 block
from car line, 3 blocks from Jersey
street. Will take $200 cash and
two good lots up to $870. Call or
write Koy Turrell, 019 Cliapeu
street, St. Johns.
Hirst Christian Science Society.
Sundays u a. m., Wednesdays at
8 p. m. Heading room open 011
Tuesday and Saturday from 2 to
4 P. in. All cordially invited to tlie
services and reading room. Sub
ject Sunday: "Truth."
One of the most common ailments
that hard working people are afflict
ed with is lame back. Apply
Chamberlain's Liniment twice a
day and massage the parts thor
oughly at each application, and you
will get quick relief. I' or sale by
all dealers.
How is Your Title?
Have vour abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co-
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
II. Henderson, manager, 208 North
Jersey, McDonald building.
Ifor Insurance see F.W. Valentine
IClizn Vinson fell from a swing
lust week and sustained a broken
II. W. Honlmm and family arc
spending a few days at Sea View,
Mrs. R A. Hice and Mrs. A. A.
Muck made a trip to Dayton.Or
egon, by auto last week.
A. C. Gesler left Sunday for a
month's sojourn at his old home
in Michigan and other points in
the East.
Mrs. A. W. Davis in company
with her mother, Mrs Kay, and
sister, Mrs. Greenwood, both of
Salt Lake City, are enjoying tho
ocean breeze at Newport.
An interesting communication
from Rev. J. J. I'atton, who is
enjoying his vacation at Wald
port, was not received quite soon
enough, and is crowded out to
appear next week. Tho library
notes and other matters are also
held over for lack of space.
The fire department will hold its
annual picnic nud barbecue on the
river bank north of the woolen
mills ou August 4th. It is unnec
essary to state that the event will
be thoroughly enjoyed by nil who
Judge Williams Now
It is Judge Williams now, the
county court having appointed J.1C.
Williams to serve out the unex
pired term of the late O. R. Downs
as Justice of the Peace. There
were several applicants for the po
sition. The appointment of Mr.
Williams is eminently satisfactory.
He is n man in whom nil can have
full confidence, nud it is wife to
sny that all his decisions will be
rendered in a just manner: that no
influence could swerve him one
way or the other. Judge Williams
is n pioneer citizen of St. Johns,
coming here when the city was just
beginning to abandon its swaddling
clothes. He made a splendid rec
ord ns n member and president of
the school board, aud has proven
himself to be one of our very best
citizens with the welfare of St.
Johns ever nt heart. His office
will be in room ,j, Ilolbrook build
iug. What Docs the Honvillc 99
Yenr System Alcnn?
It means Honest Incorporation,
Defeated Monopoly, lTulversal Op
portunity, Harmony, All Men get
nil their Money Hants, Huergy,
Hconomy; is practical. Investigate
our ia8 page fully illustrated book.
Apply to
P. Bonvillc
Portland, Oregon, for the
Square beat.
for Sale on Easy Monthly Payments
Several modern houses nt East St. Johns can be
purchased ou monthly terms. Talk with
815 Lewis IHtlg,, 4th aud Oak Sts.
Phone Marshall 2641
Faircliild Market
205 South Jersey Street
A full lino of Bacon, Hams,
Sausages, Beef., Pork, Mut
ton and Veal constantly
on hand.
Round Steak ISc lb,
Loin " 1 7c
T.hono " 8c
Boil Beef 9c and 10c
Pot Roait lie and 12 1. 2c
Hump Koast , , . , , 12 .2c and ISc
Prime Kiln ..... , I Sc and 1 7c
bacon 18c to 20c
Laid 65c, Sib. pail
Pork Chop 18c and 20c
ateakt, .. . , , ,. 15c and 17 l-2c
" Sausage..., 12 1. 2c
" Itoa.t . ... 15c
Mutton Chops 12 1-2 and ISc
Legof Mutton 12 1. 2c
Mutton Stew ... 6c
Mutton Shoulders ... ,.IOc
Notice is hereby given that pursuant
to an oritur of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Clatsop County .here
tofore mudc, duly authorizing tue, us
administratrix of the estate of R. 1',
Lash, deceased, to sell at private sale lor
cash, lots numbered 27, 28, 29 and 80 of
Illock 30, in I'oint View Addition to the
city of St. Johns, Multnomah county,
Oregon, I will, from and after Monday,
the 2Gth dav of August, 1012, offer for
sale, and will sell, ut private sule for
cash, the said real property, subject to
confirmation by said county court,
Astoria, Oregon.
Date of first publication July 2G; last
publication August 10, 1012,
I'ruuch tho gospel of St. Jchna,
Proposals lor Street Work
Sealed proposal will lie received at Ike
ofha! of the Recorder of the City of JU.
Johns until August 20, 191 J, at 8 o'clock
. 111 , for the Improvement of ItaHvuu
street from the southeasterly line of Co
iiiubla iMiulevurd to the center liu of
Idu street, In the manner provided by
ordinance No. IDfi, subject m the hovU
ious of the charter nml ordinance of tli
City of St. lohus, ami the wtiiuat of
the city engineer, 011 file.
ItnKiutcr'H estimate is flO.UO.tti.
Hid must be strictly in HceorUouce
with printed blanks, which will lm furn
ished ou upplicutlou ut the ollieo of the
Recorder of the City of St. Joluw. Awl
said improvement must be cumjtttitiMl 011
or before 60 days from dale of the loit
publication of notice of propofcilg of suiil
No proposals or bids will lweuutidrtMl
unless accompanied by a certified clwck
iMiyuble to the order of the Mayor of the
City of St, lohus, curtiflw! by a rigu
sibfe bank for an amount tMpiul Ui tn
percent, of the aurcKate proptiil.
The right to 1 eject auy and all bids is
hereby reserved,
lly order of the City Council.
1'. A. RICH.
Published in the St. Johns Review 011
August 2, 0 mid 10, 1913.
I hereby notify the public that I
will not pay any bills hereafter con
traded by my children, Mury, An
nie aud Alfred Poepping. Their
father, Autone Poeppiug.
Lost, Ladies brown suit coat
between south end of Jersey street
and Northern Hill. Leave at thto
office aud get reward. 3Stfc
Subscribe (or the Te-legratubest
evening paper oa the coast. Geo
Ed Stockton.