St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 02, 1912, Image 2

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PubJUibod Ittery PrliUr
At 117 Wwt nutilnglou Street.
Tint Hmvihw U entered at wst office
In Snlnt Johns, Oregon, ns mnil matter
of the second claM under the Act of Con
rfrcs of March 3, 1879.
OfflcUl Hrwtrpr of th City of ft. Jehai.
Subscription prloe $1.00 par year.
Condition nctiii to lie rlitnitfillK
III Oregon in an nlat tiling manner.
Not long iino it wjs Rcncrnllv stat
ed llint thunder stmms nnd lilil
Ming wtrv a 1 most unknown, but we
Imve had a couple of good loe of
the jmine thifl year. Mnd dog lo
wrc hh unknown quantity, but
lliin year a number of cnncs linvc
nlrmdy been reportud, nnd Portland
ban even reported to nnsainf mi or
dinance compelling nil dog owners
to muzzle their dogs.
Judge Mcriini) ha formally de
cided that W tlliiliu-lle Itoliievaiu is
So feet wide thai is, a portion ol
ft in. The citv council has about
decided that it will take the case no
further. The citizens living un the
onit side of the street nre very
mucli Nitifllied with tnc ruling
l lie people on tlie west side nte
very much diwwitisfied. The nttor
ney for the city, Oeo. J. Perkins,
clnium Hint the decision wns ren
dered without due connidernliou nnd
that the decmion was really one of
referring it to the Miprcme court
which adds further to the discoli
tent of Uio-e residiuit on the cist
ffidc. If the case is taken to I lit
supreme court it is now tHnsihlc
thnt the proierly owners (lissalis
fled will have to bear the e.eiiHe.
The cane is it complicated unit dis
ttirbiug one. No mnttur how the
ense sliiill finally Ik; decided, the
rusideuta 011 each aide of the street
will think the other aide hna gotten
tha beat of it. hi npite of judge
McGinn' decision the true width
of Willamette boulevard is Mill a
much mooted ijtieMiou.
Bourne For Senator
St. John fired the Hint trim in
thu atUito in booiniiiK tlio cnndi
(lacy of .IuiuiIIinii Mourno. Jr., iih
iiulupoiKlunt piwrnwiivo ciniili
ilnto Tor United StnleM Senator.
A in tow iiKH'ting- whm held in llu
oily hull Wednesday I'vcniiig".
which win nttnid.'d by SHI or
inoro eilitiis. I'riTiiu-'h band
ftirniijIuMl stiiTin iiiumc for llu
occuaion. Tlir imvlinK wiw
eulhul to ordfr by Mayor Muck,
who wiih later nmilo purmanoni
olminnnn, nnd Kritnk A. Hire,
sticrotury. Thu iinniu of Senator
llmirne wiik placed in nomination
by Alderman F. W. Valuntinu in
a neat anil complimenUiry littlu
Mpoocli. A Met of reaolutioiiK
woro uiianimoiisly adopted. They
will be publiMbed next week, luck
Of MMtee pnchidine; their publieu
UOII this Wivk, I be inert Hig
wan most hiiniiomouK and the
iwiitiuieiit for liouriie'a re-dot'
t ton whm at eon u. llecNrritHl St
lolnm at t ho nomination and wll
likuly do so nt thu elect ion
jNovunuier, only in it inoru pro
noiinced inannur.
a Cent
a Friend!
That's the way of the world.
It's hard, mnybe but true. And
it's ! our own fault if you hnven't
n cent or hnven't it fnir ninotint
of money in the bank.
People earning less than you
snve money. Mnybe they don't
indulge in ns ninny extravagan
ces -but how much do your ex
travagances benefit you? Life
is worth living only for those
who know money's worth saving.
Why not .start a savings ac
count while you can? To wait
is to waste. Do it now. Come
in here today. We'll open a
Savings Account for you, for ns
little as $1.
First National BanK
St. Johns, Oregon
All Ordinance Providing the
Time and Alnnncr of Im
proving Dawson Street
from Columbia Boulevard
to Ida Street in the City
of St. Johns, Oregon.
The city of St. Johns docs ordain as
The council of the city of St. Johns,
having ascertained the cost of liiinroviiig
Dawson street from thu southeasterly
side Hue of Columbia boulevard to the
renter line of Ida street In the city
of St. Johns, Ore.,as shown by the resolu
tion of the council of mild city, dated on
2nd day of July, 1912. utid recorded
1.. 1 1 . - ..11 .. 1 it... I ,.r ...1.1 1
Ill liicuuit-- ui wic iciuniirr ui iwiui viij ,
and notice thereof having been published
in the St. Johns Review, a weekly news
paper of general circulation, on the
5th day nnd the 12th day of July,
1012, ns shown by the affidavit of the
foreman of wild lmper, which Said nflida
vlt is on Tile in the office of the city re
eorder; and leeal tKistbiK of notices of
such improvement, as shown bv the affi
davit of the city engineer on Tile in the
office of the citv recorder: and two le
monstrances having been filed, and said
remonstrances having been considered
by the council and said remonstrances
liaviui! been rejected by the council be
cause they were not In the proper form
and because the remonstrances were
not sinned by the owners of two-thirds
or more of the area of improvement dis
trlct number 90, and as provided by the
said resolution, the engineer's prelimi
nary estimate of said Improvement is
1 1U,M0.!I2, hut shall be more accurately
determined ny said engineer.
Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered
that said street be improved and the
time for the connection of said bn
movement Is hereby fixed at sixty days
from the last publication of proposals of
said work, which said proKisa must be
filed with the recorder of said city on or
before the 20th dav of August, 1912
An Ordinance Granting to the
Portland Railway-light and
Power Company, its Succes
sors or Assigns, the Right
to Construct, Acquire and
Own and to Maintain, Op
erate and Use Poles, Wires
and Underground Conduits,
Cables and Conductors in
the City of St. Johns, Oregon.
The city of,
St. Johns does ordain as
at H o'clock, ti. m. of wild day.
That said Itawson street shall be Im
proved 11s follows; by grading same to
the established gtade by cut and fill and
by sidewalking some on bah sides there
of with 11 six -loot cement sidewalk, ex-
An Ordinance Declaring the
Cost of Improving Atycrs
Street from the Northerly
Side Line of I-esscndcn
i in l C.... linfll, CMl.
OUKUi iu vnw ouiuin.iijr uiu r,'iitliii" null' Hint tliprt uliiill Ik- no side
L lie Of I lOIUPSOIl Street 111 walk on the north side of said street be-
flu. Cllv of m. Johns. Or- "ccn the easterly side line ol Tyler
" . . ' 7. street as now located and Hie wester!
CirOII. aiUI ASSCSSIIlir Hie line of lluclmnau street nt now locnto
-.. m, .--i. n,il n, 'i iwirii. ami ny iiiaciuu 11 ceiiiciu ciiriniiK
! , I I out the entire length of said IMwson
by, Declaring SlICll AS- Utteet, excepting onfy that there shidl be
encciiKiil mill llir-rf iiicr noctiri) oil tlie norlli side 01 sum imwsoii
hUSSiiiLiu anu uirtuiiii, tUvvi hf,lWKai lhl! vmlvtiy lilie o( Tyicr
Hie lillin Ol lliu ailliu; ill stieetns now located and tliewesierl
line 01 iiuciiauaii street as now iixiuci
the Docket of City Liens.
May Get Public Building
lion. A. . I.tlbrtv bus intro
ducwl it bill iiilu tbr Il.iusi' of Kt-p
IWK.'lltutlVfh .it WusllllltiUI lilt ,
$75,a MMtoi)'uv building 111 St
John. Iuuiiuu-r MoiihIihu in in
receipt of the following telegnuu
n 0111 .Mr. I.altertv concerning it:
"l'lettw wire rweiHti ending July 1.
Also mnil HltiduviU KbowiiiK P10
uut populHtiiHi. Cliituce to net nn
propiiuUoii for St. JoIhik HMtofQc
snu nun ixHiMilily building ulao."
WMiKtUer St. Johns ever net the
proposal new Mtuctore or not I be
tlmiiKK of tin- community are due
Mr. I.utli itv lot ilu atumpt he hwt
luutic i..iiuiiv , iii.uuiv trie to
fivt things ,111.1 u wuiiKI lie good
ilea to utinn linn to Vw)tiutl(Mi
nils Mil
IJoyal Oak Drissoi-s. sizo 1S. I2
with 18x21 glass. Duly $y.75.
Qmrttmi Oak lbvsi'i mtihmi.
tfno frxnit. 21U 1 lies, bowl
lllute utm 2228. Now I1H.IM).
Hit'diwye Muplt DreiT. t'olon
inl douitfii. 21x12 inch ton, French
bovul 1 mite inin-or 2-1x0, aiu-vial
jiriwi ?20.00
Spooial disuount on rofnuoni-tow.
St. Johns Furniture
The cily of St. Johns does ordain n
Tlwt I lie council has considered the
IiioiuhkmI iisseMiueiit fur iuilirovliiL' My
cr Mteel llotu tlie iHirllierly side line
n( I'rim-nileu street to the Miutberly side
hiii' riiomiHiiu stiiei in iiiecuy 01 tti,
loliiis. Mm'Uiiii, and all obiections made
llirn io, mid hereby iiM'eitiiius.deteruilnes
nid i v, bires t ie wlio e cost ol Mild tt I
foetm iit in maiiuer provides! by Ordi
nance No. 'WO to lie tliesilltiol fZSZlH.TJ,
and I Imi it- - "-. i i! mid peculiar benefits
MmiiuiK i" uii mi or iiri mere'
of or iMirfl ol lutnl within the n-
scfwiueiit divlilil. by rriiMiu of said I tt -
pruveiiieul anil in just proiiortiiiii lo such
U'livllU, me in the reievtive auiounts
mI opiaMille Ihe iiiiiiiIk'i or deM'ription
ol tNM'h lot or nut tiu'reol or iKircel ol
ImihI in IIk' IoIIowIiik miuexeii awteM
i unit toll Mini utid iiNWMHiie lit roll. which
U iiumU'ml Htl, Ik hereby adopted and
4iitiv'. tin' .isMfMiiieut lor Mid Im-
iMiiwim ut. hiiI llie i reorder ol the city
l St. Inliii- i ilm-.'itsl to filter a ktHte
iiH'tit n ili .i-M.iii-iit tiftrby mad in
the tl.M'ki ' ! i in lirttn, mihI etiiiM iiutice
llit'tinf ! Ih Mlililusl as ptovlibsl bj
I'liiiiti-r. wlm .1 iifcX'Miiwm W us lullms
Soetlou 1. ' That tlicro shall bo and
hereby Is granted, mtbjoct to thu Icrnis,
restrictions nnd provisions In this or
dinance contained, to Portland Hall
way, Mght mid Power Company, n cor
Miratinii duly incorporated, organized
ntid existiiiK under nnd by virtue of
the laws of the State of Oregon, and
liavltur Its principal office nt tlio City
of Portland, Couiitv of .Multnomah and
State of Oregnu (hereinafter called
"tlio Hallway Company"), nnd Its
successors and nsslyns, the franchise,
rilit mid prl liege to put up, erect,
imilntnin anil use poles in tlio side
walks, nlonjr tlin curb lines thereof,
of Dawson Street in tlio Cily of St.
.IoIiiih, from the place In said Dawson
-Street where the snine Is intersected
by the soutliexsterly side lino of Co
liiinbia Iloiilovnrd lo the easterly honn
dary line of (he Cily of St. .Johns, to
getlier with such rrnss arms, brackets
nnd other appliances nnd uppiirteiinnccs
ns may ho necessary or convenient,
nnd nlso to stretch over, along and
nerois said part of said Dawson Street
nnd upon said poles, appliances or np
purtciinnces nil such wires nnd cables
ns tuny bo necessary, desirable or con
venient to ho used by tlio llnlbvny
Company, Its successors or nsslinis, In
connection with Its or tholr railway,
liulit, power mid lieatiuir business, or
uny otiier hiisinoss cotiuected with Us
or their corporate purposes, and to I
irnnsuiit electrical energy on nnd over
such wires and cables and any thereof,
mid Hie further franchise, right nnd
privilege to stretch over, along nnd
lie r OKI Mild pnrt of snld Dawson Street
all such guv. wires, span wires, fend
wires mill oilier wires nnd entiles ns
limy he necessary mid convenient to bo
These midsummer days is no more necessary
than the fifth wheel on a wagon. There is no
need that women should become ovcrhetited, tired
atid begrimed cooking over a wood stove.
Dispenses with heat,dirtaud a boiling atmosphere.
Without exception all who have gas ranges em
phatically declare they would not be without them.
The cost is little and the comfort and convenience
big. Why not have a gas kitchen? Women
should not wear their lives away putting splintery
wood in a cook stove,wlieu gas is so much handier
and just as cheap. Do not longer delay. Order
a gas range at once. It will make you glad.
We can meet the requirements of any kitchen regardless of size. We sell gas
ranges and gas water heaters on installments at cost connections free.
Ut Mlock
Mid 8 ..
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nnd sjild Dawson street shall be Improv
ed throughout its entire length by giv
ing Ihe same with standard concrete
pavement six Inches thick from curb to
curb iu accordance w ith Oidliinnce Nniil
IkT'IOII; and said sidewalk ami curb mid
street to have exHiiloil joints ns direct
id by the city engineer; said curb (o
have three inch drain tiles every fifty
feet nnd hitch rlniis to be placed iu the
curb ns directed by the city engineer;
said Impiovemeut til said D.iwmui street
to lie completed uccorilluu to the plan nnd the
ami specilicallous ol the engineer lor tlie privilege
Mine, w hich mini iii.iiis nun hini iiiuiinins
nave neeii mioutisi uy nic council ami
arc on file In the ollieu of the city recor
The elty lecorder shall Kive notice by
puiiiteation lor not less man mice in
sertlous in the SI. Johns Uevlew, the of
fieiiil uewstMiier, inviting piiiimmiIs for
makinu said iuuiruveuieut,
Said linptowincnl kluill iu nil ieiecu
ne none nun eompieied in eoniotmuy
with the priivisiiius of Oidiumice Nim.
W),'.Wi and except hi olherwiM'
irovliieil iu this ordinance; nil work to
K' done under the direction mid Mipvr
vision of the eft eiieincer.
That the eont of Mid Improvement
sltall lie iiHkeiMHMl ngnint Ihe proiK'rty iu
tlie local iinprovemeiii uistrici as den
scrlltsl In wild retwliitlon and delgntisl
iu and iliH.-lareil to lie Ms-nl Imiinive
meiit District No. IK).
I'aweil by Ihe council July 30lh,
Appruvist uy tne mayor July ;tutli,
A. A. J1UCK,
Attest: I'. A. KICK,
City Keeoriler.
I'ulilUhed iu the St. Johns Uevlew on
August low.
Notice of Cost of Improvement
Toul fUAb.78
1'iMnrsl by lit eouinil IbU 80th iky of
juiy, my.
AMWOmi Uy tlwt HWtyur IUU .Wth day
i liny, iuix.
Attort: 1'. A. RICH,
I'ublisbetl iu the Sit. John Review on
uku.I 8, m.
A vMt union u t of ill lieultb is due
lo iiuligctiou. When tlie .stotnaeb
UiU lo iterform its fuuetioms proo-
etly the whole system becomes tie
raugetl. A few iloses of Chamber
luiu'k Tnbletii is nil you need. They
will strengthen your digestion, in
vigorate your liver, uml regulate
your bowels, entirely doing away
with that miserable feeling due to
foully digestion. Try it. Many
others have been permnuuutly cured
why not you? lfor sale by all
Notice is hereby eiveti thnt Ihe nsie
incut for tlie Improvement ol -Myers
street from the northerly line of l'es
sviiilcu street to the southerly line of
1 honiMin street, the total cost or which
Is fit.iaM.r.i. was declared i,y OnlliKOK'e
No. tlHi, entitled "An ordinance iltn-ltu
iug Ihe cut of iiuproviiig Myers street
Iioiii the nurlherly line of l'twrnlen
street lo the southerly side line of
IIkmiiiimiii treet iu the city of St,
Johns, Oregon, and aein til
proiterty lieuvriteil thereby, deeuiriue
such uetetMiicut nnd direcliue the entry
llf f 1 1 O.IMI, ill OlH ll.U-t'.l l.f I'ltf 1l.llfi
1 lie cot oi satd liiiirovemeut Is levied
iiixni an tlie lots, uirts ol lots mid ivir
ceis oi luiiu wiiuiii uie iHiunnaru oi uie
district detribed as follows: lletweeu
(he northerly side line of lroseuileu
street and the northerly side Hue of
ThouiiiMiii ktreet.
A ktutemeut of said aiviueut 1ms
been entered iu the docket of citv liens
Inly SI, llllil. mid Mid us:.eMiuieut
is now due and iMvuble ut the olllce of
cue icitnuer oi uie city ot ht. joints, Or
egon, and will be delinquent and hear
luterekt tiller August lOlh.iiJU.nml if not
imtd on or iH'iore .ueust ill, iqu. nro
cceilini: will be taken for the collection
oi tut Mine ny tale nt property us pro-
vuieu uy uie cuy ciutrier,
!. A. KO-Il.
I'ublithed iu the St. Joints Review on
August - uud V, 1911.
Proposed Assessment
for the Ilovlow and ho
Notice U hereby eiven that upmrtiou-
luent of the cost of imiirovfiie ldk
street fntui the northeast Hue of WilUm-
ette iMUilevard to the Mtuthwoit line of
Jersey street, total cot of which is, has been upmrtiouetl and is
on Ale iu the office of the uudert.igued,
subject to examination.
Assessment district extends back to
the center of lots, blocks and tracts of
hind uhuttiui: on tuid street us nrovided
by the city charter ami rtvsolutions.
Kcuiouttrtitice aeutnt Mid aiuxuI on-
meiit may be made iu writiue uud fllwl
with the utidooiigiiotl until 5 o'clock p.
111. Aueutt l'J, 1913.
1'. A. RICH,
IHiblishwl ill the St. IllhiM lUn tew on
Auj-uit 2 uud 0, ion,
used by the Itulhwiv Company, its
successors or assigns, in connection
with its or tneir lino or rnllwny or
street nil) way In wild part of said
Dawson .Street nnd In connection with
Its or their lleht, power nnd heat
Inir business or any other business con
iicctml with Its or their corporate pur
poses; anil nil or snid wires mul ca
Ides limy ho strcUln'il alone said poles
nun 1 nun or to wild poles its may be de
sirniue nnd convenient tor tlio cornor
,.. t It... l..ll. ...... . ...
1. 11- imii.mtw- 1,1 iiiu iiiiiii.iit v milium , ,
Us successors or nsslens, both iu the
operation of public utilities carried on
by it or them mid iu the supply of
electrical euerev to private consumers.
further franchise, rllit nnd
lo irnnsuiit electrical enerev
on mid over nufli wires ninl cables and
miy Ihereof. mw
HiM'fliiu 2, In ense miy street or por
Him of street be abandoned by the
Hallway Company, its successors or ns
signs, during the life of this franchise,
then that portion of the frnuchlsfl 1 1 it
der which snld street or pnrt of the
street so nbundoiied wns used by the
Itnilttuy Coiniwiiy. Its successors or ns
sinus, hIihII tlierenfler ho null mid void
ntid lin 1 1 he forfeited without any fur
ther action mi the pnrt of Ihe cily.
Section .1, The Hallway Company
its succeifMirs mid assieus, shall (sub'
Ject lo the other provisions of this
muii'lii', mid to the rluhts mid prlvl
he herein granted to tlio Hallway
Couipoiiy, its sueeessors or nsslgus),
Htniiilaiu Its poles mid wires, Iu con
llmioits good order nnd repair through
mil the eiitirn term of tlio franchise
granted by this ordinance, mid shall
render efficient service durliu: tlio en
lire term of this franchise, nnd If said
Hmlwny CiiiiiiKiuy shall fnil to so main
lain lis I mien mid wires, or lo render
efficient sen ice. nfter reasonable, no
lire from the Council, the Council may
lorieu mis irmieiiise mul nil riulita
ami privileges grnnted thereunder.
Nvtion l. Tlio Hnllwny Couiimny
agrees mui promises ror itseir. its sue
ceMMirs uud amicus, to pay to the City
of -St. Johns as compensation for this
grHt or franchise by vnhl Cily of HI
iiitiint, tiio following sums of money
01 time mul manner ns follows! Que
lullsr 11.00) per niimim. nnynhlo on
uie rimi nay or .miy or enen ami every
xcar .luring the continuance, of this
Se.'tio At the expiration of the
nine or period for WHICH this Irnnchlso
is granted, the City of at. .loluis nt
its election uud upon the payment
the re fur of u fnlr valuntloii thereof,
as iu thu section provided, limy pur
chum' nnd lake over to Itself the prop.
ertx Hint phott, iu its entirety of the
Kuiltvny I'ompaiiy. its successors or ns
sigus, wlmli may be constructed by it
or ibem iniiler nuthority of this ordi
iiniii'c. uud which may ho situated in,
ou. Mihii or under the streets nnd pub
ne partiouiariy mentioned in
lion 1 of this ordinance, and used
iu . nunc, turn therewith (but not in
1 biduig hiiv rill ways or street railwnys,
or hiiv trs. k, iraeKs. connection, cornice
tiuim, linos, HXKtoms. property or plant
of the lhulwiiv Company, its successors
or Hsstgits. or any other corporal lou or
i-ormir.iiions. other than such as may
lie- 'uiutrii. (cl under authority of this
ordiunu.'c), and on, in, above or under
the streets and public Places particu
btrly lueutioiiitd In Section 1 of this
ordinance, but in no case shall the
itlue of this franchise of the Hallway
CouipHiiy, its successors or assigns, bo
t'Oiisiticrcit or taken Into account In
fixiug Mich valuation.
The price or valnntlon to be paid by
the City of St. Johns for said plant
uud properly shall be fixed and de
termined by three arbitrators, ouo ap
pointed by tUo Council of the city.
another appoiuted by the Hallway Com
pnuy, its successors or assigns, uud the
third appointed bv the two so chosen.
and the decision in writing of said Thoroughly eouinneri for nil . . ...t..t.. A At... I r. t 1 1
liur. in uiii.uui. vf it iiutjMlttt Ui tlltrill,
made in duplicate and signed by them.
one delivered to the Mayor of the City
and the other to the Railway Couipauy,
its successors or assigns, shall bo final
and biadiug upon the parties, ami said
price and valuation shall bo paid to the
Ititilroad 'ouiiaiiy, Its successors or us
sigus, before the Hallway Compjuy. its
successors or assigns, shall bo deprived
of the ptfesesalou of said plant aud
property, aud upon the payment by the
elty to the Hallway Company, its sue
eMora or auigus, of such price aud
valuation m determined as aforesaid,
M piSMt and property so rallied, pur.
property of the City of St. Johns by
virtue hereof and pnyiuenl therefor,
ns aforesaid, nnd without Ihe execution
of nny instrument of conveyance.
.Should the Hnllwny Company, Its suc
cessors or assigns, full, neglect or re
fuse for 11 reasonable time, after (ho
city Is so to nnd before It
shall purchase ntid take over said plant
nnd property nnd nfter nntlco to that
effect from the citv to select mi arbi
trator, or should snld Council so fall to
select an arbitrator, or in cine (he two
arbitrators chosen by tlio Council nnd
Hallway Coinpnnv, its successors or ns
slgus, neglect for a reasonable time
nfter their appointment (o select a
third nrhltrntor. then mul In either of
snld cases (ho (Inverniir of (he .State
of Oregon shall appoint arbitrators (0
rill the vacancies caused by the failure
of the Hallway Company or by the
Council or by (he (wo nrhl(rn(nrs first
ehnen lo select a third nrbllrndir ns
above provided, nnd the decision of
said three arbitrators or a majority of
them so chosen by the Hallway Com
pany, the Council or unpointed by the
Governor made In writing In dupllcntn
and delivered to the parties ns afore
said shall he final nnd binding upon
the parties.
Section (1. The franchises, rights
mid privileges herein grnnted shall take
effect Immediately upon the vnlld
passage of this ordinance nnd fran
chise ns provided by the charier of the
City of SI. Johns, nnd upon the ne-
eeptnnce of this franchise by (ho Hall
way Company ns Is Hereinafter pro
vided In .Section 0 hereof,
The Hallway Company. Its successors
and assigns, shall begin the construc
tion of the pole Hue to be constructed
on Dawson Mtreot, mentioned Iu Sec
tion 1 of this ordinance, within four
mouths from aud after ihe time this
ordinance becomes 11 lnw. and shall
complete the construction thereof nnd
commence the operation thereof with
in one year thereafter, The estimated
total cost of such construction work
In connection with the polo lino men
tloned In Section 1 of this ordinance
is Twelve Hundred Dollnr ($1200.00);
the estlmnted yearly sums of money
to be expended under this franchise
nud ordinance Is Twenty five Dollars
Section 7. All rights, privileges and
franchises granted to or conferred upon
tint lfnlliviiv Coinnnnw l! Hticciwnr
or assigns, by this ordinance shall con
tinue, exist ami remain in force until
nud Including the first day of July,
Section S, The power nud right nt
all times to reasonably regulate in the
public interest the exercise of the
rights am) privileges granted by this
franchise shall be and remain In the
Council of the City of St. Johns.
Section it. Tlio Hnllwny Connwiuy
snail within thirty days after this or
linnuce shall bo In force as provided
by sub-division 5 of Section 71 of the
present charter of tlio 1'ity of fit
Johns, file in the office of the He
eorder of said City of St. Johns an un
nullified written acceptance of the
sitme, and a failure 011 the part of the
iinnnny loiniuiny to 1110 such written
acceptance within said period of time
shall bo deemed an abandonment and
rejection of all the rights, privileges
nud trnuchlses granted by this ordi
nance, nud this ordinance shall there
upon be null and void.
I'nssed first reading July 23, 1912.
Passed second reading July jM, 191
Doesn't a
Fireless Cook Stove
sound good
these hot
Come in and wo
will tell 'you all about
These are a few spe
cials we are offering for
one week:
Regular $1.25 Screen Doors, special $1.00
9.50 Refrigerator, special 8.50
1.50 Hammocks, special 1.15
2.00 and 1.50 three and four nunrt Ice
Cream Freezers, special 1.25
H. HENDERSON McDonald Bldg.,208JcrscySt-
I Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Portland Office ami Chapel St. Johns Office anil Chapel
Cor. KilliiiKsworlb Ave. & Kirby St. 418 Norlli Jersey St.
Phones: C 1 133 Woodlawii 3306 Phone Col. a83,Hes,Phone Col. 359
Attest: ...
Published in the St. loltus Review on
July 20 and August 2, 1913.
The Model Laundry
of laundry work and
Up-to-date in every respect.
Prompt and efficient service guar
anteed. Your patronage solicited.
bring la your Job printing while
you think of It. Don't wait until you
ara entirely out, Wa art equipped
to turn out neat and taaty printing
elKikl aad pd for shall become the promptly at Portland prices or lots.
Step Toward
When your name is
upon the list of deposit
ors of a good bank you
are enrolled with the
successful men of your
community, and by so
enrolliug jourself you
have taken a most im
portant step toward your
own success.
This bank invites your
4 Per Cent Interest
on Savings
United States Depository
Run on the Sandy Shore
Did you know you could reach this
delightful, care slaying, health giv
ing, fun making
by taking the
O.-W.R.& Portland
then down the
Columbia River via. Steamers
Where trains connect with boats
for North Beach Points
You Can
You Should
Ask any agent of the O.-W. R. &
N. and find our how little it will
cost to leave care aud dust and heat
behind nud have a real
Rest by the Sea