St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 02, 1912, Image 1

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01 JmtltUt la THIS Prf 1
n4ra'IUTtrrtgrtlll. lit- r
All IIiimi walk lllimoili
ar motto. Call U tatsll
Devoted lo b lattrtrtt ot the I'talnMila, Ik Manufsclurlnc Center ot lb NorthwsM
NO. 39
Judge Downs Dead
Oliver Rigdon Downs, otic of our
lcst known and most iwpular citi
jsens, passed from this life on Prl
day afternoon of last week. For
some time lie has not been feeling
in the best of health, hut upon the
request of the G. A. R. of Vancou
ver, he went thither on Thursday
last nud delivered an address to the
old .soldiers. Just as he had con
eluded his remarks he was seized
with paralysis, and although med
ical assistance was quickly sum
uioticd and he was removed to the
St. Joseph hospital at Vancouver,
he never rallied and finally passed
to the great beyond about 3 o'clock
the following afternoon.
Judge Downs, as he was fami I
inrly styled, was a man among men
Honest, upright and fair in his deal
ings, he readily made menus am:
kept them. lie was fully convcrs
ant upon all topics of the day, and
few men were better in formed. He
loved to tell stories and crack jokes,
of which he had an unlimited sup
ply constantly on hand. lie was a
man of splendid physique, few men
being more syinctrically propor
tioucd, and in his younger days
must have possessed enormous
strength and activity. Mr. Downs
had few if auv enemies. He lived
the Golden Rule by treating others
as he would wish to be dealt by.
For a number of years he held the
office of Justice of Peace, and while
some of his decisions were unique
and original, yet they invariably
favored the weak against the strong
and he was manifestly fair and just
and practical. Almost every one
in St. Johns knew Judge Downs
and liked him. Of a philosophical
and optimistic nature he took things
as he found them and made tiic
best of them. Mr. Downs was a
cood citizen in all that the word
comprises, and his passing away is
n matter of keenest regret.
Judge Downs was born in Verona,
Wis., April 10, 1840, and was mar
ricd to Miss Louisa J. Watt, Sep
tcmbcr 1, 1867. In 1863 he enlist
cd in the Fourth Wisconsin Cava!
ry, and'served until discharged in
1866. He came to St. Johns from
Forest Grove in 1905 and has .since
that time served two terms as Just
ice of the Peace and had been nom
inated at the June primaries to suc
ceed himself for a third term.
He leaves a wife, three sous and
three daughters. His sons are:
Guy L., of Oak Ridgej Arthur, of
Portland, and Clarence O., of Sac
ramento, Cal. His daughters are
Mrs. Lillian Dobson, of Athena,
nud Mrs. Lou Coruett uud Mrs.
Beatrice Shields, of St. Johns.
Funeral services were held at the
Christian church Sunday afternoon
and was attended by one of the
largest concourses of friends and
neighbors that has ever attended a
a funeral in St. Johns. The Odd
Fellows and G, A. R. had charge
of the services, the former at the
church and thelatterat Columbia
ccmctery.where the remains were in
terred. Rev.J.H.Johusou preached
the funeral sermon. All that was
mortal of O. R. Downs, who was
ever ready to speak a good word
and loath to speak ill ot liis city or
countrymen, was laid peacefully
and gently to eternal rest by his
faithful comrades who loved him
so well.
Likes This Country
II. C. Wolfson has been spend
ing a few days in St. Johns. He
has put in the past twelve years iu
touring this country from one end
to the other, and he says without
doubt the Willamette valley is
without an equal anywhere in Un
cle Sam's domain. He says he has
been in British Columbia where
they pray on Sabbath and prey on
each other the rest of the week; iu
Montana, where horns freeze off of
cattle and the toes off chickens; in
California where it absolutely never
rains, and yet houses have to be
set on firm foundations to keep
ihem from beiug washed away in
the spring freshets; in Oklahoma,
where it is necessary to tie one's
hat on with a rubber band under
the chin to save it from the wind;
in Maine, where it takes all summer
to thaw out after each winter, and
yet, best of all, is the Willamette
valiey. He purchased a ranch near
Oregon City last week, and while
some people claim this is a good
country to die in he thinks it a far
better one to live in.
The Debonaire club and a few
friends bad a delightful picnic at
the Oaks last Friday evening. Al
most a full attendance of the mem
bers were present and spent the
time in a most pleasant manner.
The Oaks is on ideal place for
picnic purposes.
Two Fires in One Day
Two fires nine hours apart is go
itig some for St. Johns, but that
what happened Monday. At 4:30
Mondav mornliiir the alarm was
turned in and restronded to wit
usual promptness by the fire dc
partmcnt. Conflagration was found
to be at the residence of h. V.Jiutt
at the corner of Charleston street
and Smith avenue. Andrew Kerr,
who lived near by, was awakened
bv the Unlit of the flames on his
bed room window. He hastily re
paired to the house and aroused Mr
and Mrs. Hutts.who were sleeping
at the rear of the dwelling in a tcut
They at once secured a garden hose
and applied it to the flames, and
then Mr. Hutts phoned the alarm to
the telephone central. I he red
lights were displayed and the night
police sounded the alarm. When
the firemen arrived they found the
windows closed ami the doors
locked. Fire Chief Cormany and
Captain of Hose No. 5, J. F.Mitch
ell, gained an entrance by break
iug through the glass in a window
but in doing so both were badly cut
about the hands and arms. The
chemical cugfuc was introduced and
the flames miicklv subdued. The
fire was clearly of incendiary origin
Two empty quart bottles that had
contained kerosene were found in
the house.and investigation showed
that the fire had been started in
four different places. In a closet it
was found that a bunch of waste
patcr had been saturated with the
oil and a fire started, but the door
of the closet had been closed am
the absence of air or draught hai
caused the smoke to extinguish the
flames. And it was only by reason
ot the doors and windows being
closed that greater havoc was not
wrought. Several rugs uud carpets
were missing from the house, and it
is Mr. Uutt's claim that the house
was robbed and the fire evidently
started to cover up the work of the
vandal. Damage to the house and
furniture was sustained to the
amount of about $350. We under
stand the house was insured, but
failed to learn the amount.
Thesccouu lire occurred at 13:30
in. of the same day. It was the
residence of Mrs. A. Douis on No,
Central avenue. The fire laddies
made good time in reaching the
scene, but the long distance and
oor streets for part of the way
made their arrival ineffectual so far
as the Douis cottage was concerned
and it was burned to the ground.
An adjoining house which had
caught fire, however, was saved by
by the firemen before much damage
was done. Mrs.Donis had f soo in
surance on the cottage and a like
amount upon her furniture. The
fire is supposed to have started from
an oil stove. The fire department
accomplished splendid work in both
instances, and again sustained its
reputation of beiug the best voluu
teer fire department in the North
Boycotts Dan Cupid
Her failing to succumb to the
wiles of Cupid during the lifetime
of her mother, Melissa G, Over-
street, of St. Johns, who died April
2t, Aldarena May Overstreet, ac
cording to the will, which was filed
yesterday for probate, gets 1 1000
more out ot the estate than any ot
the other children. 1 he will was
executed a few years ago.
There were seven children, in
cluding Miss Alda, and the will
provided for the division of the es
tate, amounting to upwards of
$6000, among them pro rata with
the exception that the will con
tained the following provision:
"If my said daughter, Aldarena
May, should be married at the time
my decease then said fiooo
should not be paid to her, it being
my intention to give her in case sue
is single at the time, $1000 more
than her pro rata of the said es
tate." The appended list of heirs shows
that Aldarena May Overstreet is
still unmarried. Oregouian.
Building Permits
No. 40 To G. Bemeut to erect
a dwelling on Buchanan street be
tween Bank and Swift streets; cost
Pendleton people have arranged
to enlarge the stadium where the
Roundup is staged, so that very
many more people may be seated
at the coming show. The man
agement has invited Theodore
Roosevelt to attend and he writes
he is considering a plan to arrange
us itinerary so he may be in Pen
dleton during the Roundup.
The Bonville System
The following questions and an
swers have been taken from the
Houvllle Square Deal regarding the
Bonville System:
Q. What is the object of the
Bonville System ?
A. To enable men of moderate
means, through the principles of
co-ocratioii, to achieve great re
sults and also to get what their
money earns; for iu the concentra
tion of moneyed forces lies success
for all men. Tiiis system when in
troduced broadcast throughout the
business world, will, by the appli -
Mallitn .f Xtrt ..I!.. ....... MnlilAltnttH
form combinations of men who be
lieve and declare "That specializa
tiou of concentrated co-opcrativ
forces arc irresistible when bouu
together by indissoluble tics, for an
extended period ot time."
When mciiuuitc thcirstreugth and
put their combined efforts into
specialized co-operation of this
character, the heights they may at
tain, and the prouts they will nc
quire, will be greater than ordinary
ntclligcncc can comprehend.
Q. Who is backing this system
financially r
A. 1 Ills Question is probably
best answered by asking another
Docs it need financial backing r
Arc not its merits alone sufficient
to bring it to the front?
Mr. Frank Bonville, the original
or of the "Ninety-Nine Year Idea,
as per applying the same as a me
ditiin of conducting business, there
by enacting commercial and social
benefits, is backing the same.
Q. Is it controlled by n corpora
tiou or any kind of an organized
company f
A. No.
Q. Why have people not heard
more of this iu the past?
A. Stop and think. Why did
;eopIc not hear about the utilities
of steam and electricity iu the days
01 Moses? x liis system is some
thing new.
Q. How will this system benefit
the farmers?
A. Through the application of
this system to their several needs,
and products such as: plow facto
les, Hour mills, milk condensers,
cheese factories, general stores, etc.,
wherein they will derive direct ben
efit through owning and controlling
these said commissaries, which sup
ily their mutual needs and dispose
ot their several products.
(J. How will it benefit the uicr
A. By insuring the stability of
trade and giving him a salary iu
addition to the profits he may ac
quire through the possessing of u
tortiou ot the earning power of
the establishment.
Q, How will this system affect
udividtial investments?
A. Once a man has invested his
money, the system acts as a guard
uu over the same. This will insure
confidence and stability iu the trans
action of business, investments, etc.,
litherto unknown, and will be the
direct cause of the small investor
and money earner placing his mon
ey in some enterprise organized uu
der this system which protects and
at the same time gives him its
whole earning.
l"V TTmv will I1i?q vtfm nrii',it
strikes in the future?
A. Through the advantages the
eople will gain by the protection
of their investments and the assur
ance of receiving all the earnings of
leir money, the average person
will find prosperity more easily at
tained than at the present time;this
n turn means, that more people
will have the necessaries of life sup
plied and also make them more in
dependent and contented. This
condition of affairs will create a de
mand for men. It will cause four
and five positions to be open for
every man instead of four or five
men for one job as under the pres
ent system.
y. How will this system affect
unions i
A. With the demand for labor
the uniou becomes an unuec
esary waste of lime arid expense
wherein only the promoter and the
officials of the same would benefit.
How will it stop stock gambling?
A. In time the world will adopt
lis system. Its clean morals and
honest principles are the direct
product of years of experiences un
der the corrupt business methods of
the old system. That for which
the world has been in a crying need:
A faquare Deal," lias at last put
an appearance. When stock
companies are forced to do the right
thing by the life-blood of the ua-
ons, (their laboring and middle
classes) stock in companies will be
non-transferrable. Hence, how
bought, sold or gambled on? What
the life of Wall street aud the
stock market? Stock Kamblimrl
Stop it and what becomes of the
greatest gambling den the world
(Continued on last page)
Wilson on Equal Suffrage
Owing to the fact that the ques
tion of equal suffrage is one of im
portajicc in Oregon at the present
time and a matter to be voted upon
at the November election, the fol
lowing article appeared iu Tues
day's Telegram from the en of
of Rev. Clarence True Wilson, for
mer pastor of Taylor street M. 15.
church, is significant:
Portland, July aa (To the F.dit
or of the Telegram.) The program
of Chautauqua has been constructed
this year to boost for Woman's suf-
lfragc. More than a dozen speak
crs Have argued tor It at regular
sessions, besides little side meetings
every day. Last Tuesday at the
request of the Society Opposed to
the Extension of Suffrage to Wo
men, the Federation of Woman's
Clubs gave one half hour to the
other side.
I was requested to
speak for these women, and did
so within the time limit when Miss
Brcckcuridge replied for 45 minutes
They arc replying to that harmless
little speech yet. I was told that I
had "done the stiff ragecause good."
Mrs Duniway says: "We suitra
gists are glad." Yet no one of
them has come to think me, nor iu
innate mat 1 or any outer man or
womuii had a right to live
on this earth, and think and spcuk
against women voting iu Oregon.
What is it that makes it a high
crime to dare to differ in a differ
cutial manner from the suffragists?
Won't Woman bulTroge stand
looking nt on any side hut one? Or
arc women constitutionally unfitted
to meet opposition to their views?
And is this calling of names say
ing "He ought to be put off these
grounds." "He ought to be
ashamed of himself to oppose wo
men," an ndvaiicc sample of what
every man must take when these
same women get iu politics, and
have their feelings hurt all
the time because some horrid men
arc going to vote against some man
or measure they arc in favor?
What is so sacred about this suf
frage experiment., tluit my raising
a question of mark upon it makes
the leader of these women write
over her own signature: "It is a
riunder worse than a crime for this
reverend orator to don the livery of
icaveu when he serves the devil.
The next surprising thing is that
charge of inconsistency that I, n
temperance advocate, should oppose
woman's suffrage. I have advocat
ed both local option and prohibition
for Oregon, and opposed votes for
women. These issues are separate
and distinct, as a canvass of the
otes of Oregon will show. In 1908
the voters beat the liquor dealers'
measure by 10,000 majority and
woman s suffrage amendment by
1,000 majority. In 1908 the Red-
dy bill, a pro-liquor measure was
oted down by a 1,000 majority, Iu
910 Prohibition lost by 10,000 aud
suffrage by 33,000. So any one
can see that the two questions are
separate in the minds of our voters.
But as a prohibition advocate I
am consistent iu opposing suffrage
for women, because no state has
adopted woman's suffrage without
setting back the temperance cause
35 years. I have been over these
states recently and have never found
temperance man who is not dls-
ppointed at the results of the
votes by women. Look at Los An
geles, almost voting dry two years
ago with men voting, while now
with womeu enfranchised and 3000
more women than men voting, they
iave defeated prohibition by 14,000
majority, causing Dr. Brougher,
who feared suffrage as a temperance
menace, to denounce them from the
pulpit following their first election.
See the dry town of Pasadena sa-
oonless throughout its history vot
ug in a wet ticket with the first
coming of women in the elective
franchise. And does not every in
telligent reader know that the 11-
uor meu of Oregon have largely
withdrawn opposition to woman
suffrage because they have found
that women s votes developed no
terrors for them?
Is one of the papers that have al
ways supported the liquor dealers
now opposing woman's suffrage?
How do 1 account tor this? Not
on the ground that women as a
class are against the temperance re
form but they are not at home in
politics. I have never seeu one
temperance woman of the W. C. T.
U. that had looked into this ques
tion deep enough to be conscious
that in giving votes to the W. C.
T. U. members men will also ex
tend the franchise to the dissolute,
the worldly, the pleasure seeker,
the wives, daughters aud sweet
hearts of gamblers, saloonkeepers
and owners of property used for
mmoral purposes. Do they think
that these who are dependent upon
venders of vice will not vote for the
interest of their own purse? With
le good woman, the home women,
and even some of the temperance
Evangelical Church
There were t6 present last Sun
day at the recently organized Sun
day school at Ivast St. Johns which
was held iu the home of the stiiwr
iutciidcut, Mrs. Richards, 1310
Nashton street. It will be held at
this number until other arrange
ments can be made; a church build
ing is under consideration aud hope
to have it under way soon. All
who arc interested in the welfare
and advancement of Hast St. Johns
are invited to these services.
The business meeting of the Key
stone League of Christian Hudeavor
will be held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Hall 710 Hast Polk
street. The members and friends
are especially invited to be present.
A good time is assured, Friday, Au
gust and.
The Ladies Aid will consider at
their business meeting Wednesday
afternoon July 31, the repapcring of
tuc cliurch which will be done im
mediately. The Aid will civ
their monthly tea Wednesday after
noon and evening, August 7th
which the public is invited.
The ten days Bible conference
and camp meeting held at Quiuahy
Park was n decided success in point
ot attendance and interest. The
papers read and discussed were
(lie uigitest order aud evoked many
words ot praise by those who were
privileged to attend. The closing
day, Sunday, July 28, was indeed
a red letter day for the Camp Meet
iug Association. The Sunday schoo
was directed by Henry Barcudrick
of Portland which met at 10 11. 111.
followed by an inspiring aud sehol
arly address by Dr. C. C. Poling of
Portland First Church. A child
reu s meeting was Held at a p. m.,
and an able sermon at 3 p. in. by
11. J. rratt ot Portland. At 4 no
there was nu able address 011 abol
ishiucut of capital punishment by
the chaplain of the jicultcutiary.
The last service of the camp was
held Iu the evening nt 8 o'clock.
The sermon was preached by Rev.
G. L. Lovcll of Salem.
The regular services will be held
iu the Hvaugeliciil church, Sunday
scnooi at 10 a. in., preaching 11 a.
m., Christian Hudeavor at 7 P. m.
ami preaciuug at 0 p, 111. You are
uvited to these services.
The Sunday school will hold its
annual picnic at Peninsula Park
I'liesduy, August 6th. Hvery niem
ner 01 me scnooi is invited to go
. (.a.
and enjoy a good time. Reporter
women staying back and refusing
to be dragged into politics, what
chance have we against that other
as a member ol the Human race
with the kind tcriuissiou of our
suffrage friends I decline to partici
pate iu a reform against nature.
women arc no better adapted to
wlitics than a man is to being a
mother of a family.
as a man l decline to drag our
reluctant women into the dirtiest
job that I am asked to work at my
self. As an American I doubt the
wisdom of relieving the men from
the responsibility for the civic con-
ditions which they have made by
caning into the battle the last re
serve force we have iu the world
before those now engaged have done
their best.
As an Oregouian I oppose class!
fying our glorious state with the
freak states of the Union, when we
have a higher state of civiliza tiou
than any of the four that have had
women's votes, and just as Califor
nia and Washington are beginning
to realize that they have blindly
fallen into a fatal mistake, I have
conversed with both meu and wo
men from California, but have
found no one who was not iu doubt
about the wisdom of what they have
As a sou, I feel that I ought to
uot vote to force the elective frau
chise and the total responsibility for
all civic conditions upon our moth
ers, wives, sisters aud daughters.
For the womeu have more votes
than the men, There are more of
them. Aud with a clear majority
they will have to take our respons
ibility. They are no better udapt
ed to this work than their silk dress
is for a scrub mop. I respect them
too much to want to hear the toast
in Oregon that they gave at a ban
quet iu Denver celebrating the tri
umph of woman's suffrage;
"Lovely woman, once our super
ior; now our equall"
Clarence True Wilson.
B. T. Leggett of St. Johns has
purchased a highly improved three
acre tract adjoining the townsite of
Newberg from George W. Rahso
kopf, the consideration beiug about
2500. Mr. Leggett bought it for
a home and will take possession at
once. The projerty was purchased
through the agency of J. K. Smith,
realty broker in the Chamber of
Commerce. Daily Abstract.
Council Proceedings
All members were present nt the
regular meeting of the city council
Tuesday evening with Mayor Muck
Mrs. Nancy Caplcs and several
othcrslodgcd a remonstrance against
the Hard surfacing of Dawson street
declaring it to be a too expensiv
improvement at this time. Upon
motion ot Alderman llorsmau th
remonstrance was unanimously
jeeted upon the grounds of uot
iug presented in proper form
being insufficient iu number of
represented, being about two-fifths
The charter provided that it re
quires two-thirds of the property
ciicctcd by an improvement to re
uionstrate it down.
A previous remonstrance of S. C
Cook against the same improve
incut, which uad been tiled, was
again taken up and placed upon
tuc same lire, being unanimously
rejected on motion of Alderman Hill.
A communication from H. II
Harris stated that he would donate
$250 toward any excess cost that
might result through the improve
incut of Dawson street. Accepted
and placed 011 file upon motion of
Alderman Hill.
An invitation from the fire de
partinent requesting the city alder
men to ntteud their annual picnic
ami barbecue on the river front
north of the Woolen Mills Sunday,
August, 4th was received. Alder
man llorsmau moved that the in
vitatiou be accepted aud council at'
tend iu a body. Carried unanimous'
A communication from Attorney
oeorgc J. Perkins relative to the re'
cent decision 011 the width of Wil
lamette boulevard was read by the
recorder. Mr. Perkins stated that
iu reuderiiur the decision Judtic Me
Giuii practically referred the matter
to the supreme court; that he did
not cuter into the merits of the case
fully, deeming it a matter for the
higher courts. He said it was 011
a par with the decision of Judge
Gateus in the famous annexation
case, aud believed a like result
would ensue if the case was placed
belore the supreme court. Alder
man Hill believed the city had
spent all the money it cared to iu
the matter: that a decision had
been rendered, ami that was all the
city cared about, and that it was
not the city's duty to engender any
further expense since a decision
lad been arrived at. Whitney
Rose said the people residing 011 the
east side of the boulevard were very
much dissatisfied with the verdict,
believing it to be unjust and given
without due consideration. Mayor
Muck stated that it was understood
y property owners on each side of
the thoroughfare that they would
abide by the decision of the lower
court; at least that was the under
standing ot the couiicilmeu. Ran
dolph Graden believed the people
should be satisfied with the verdict,
since no one was injured thereby,
was decided to hold the matter
over for another week before taking
leliuite action.
Bids for the improvement of
vauhoe street between Richmond
and Mohawk were opened. Coch-
rau-Nuttiiig & Co. bid $1110,60;
D. Jackson bid J 1 190. The for
mer was awarded the contract on
motion of Alderman llorsmau; all
Kibhey, Weltou it Co. bid $5,.
373.73 nu the hard surfacing of
besseudeu street between Jersey
and Smith avenue; J.IIahu bid $Sr
093.96; L. D. Jackson $5,102.16;
acob Halm was awarded the con
tract 011 motion of Alderman Hill;
all yes.
An ordinance providing the time
aud manner of improving Dawson
street was unanimously passed 011
motion of Alderman Valentine,
An ordinance assessing the cost
of improving Myers street from
Thompson to Fessenden was passed
on motion of Alderman llorsmau;
all yes,
Whereas: God, iu His infinite
wisdom, has seen fit to remove from
our midst our beloved brother, O,
Downs, and
Whereas, while we bow to Him
who docth all things well, we
mourn our loss; be it
Resolved; That we, the members
of Laurel Lodge No. 186, I. O. O.
P., do extend our heartfelt sym
pathy to the wife aud family of
uother Downs, iu this, their hour
of bereavement, aud be it further
Resolved, That a copy of these
resolutions be spread upon the min
utes of this lodge, a copy be scut to
the family of our deceased brother,
copy sent to the bt. Johns Review
aud to the Pacific Odd Pelllow for
T. lJ.Smyser,
J, C. Ilrooks,
Oliver Ikdke,
Hione Columbia Til
First National Ilnnk building.
Open Ercnlngs and Sundays by Ap
pointment. Office Phone Columbia 140
Heolilctit Phone Columbia 38
Physician and Surgeon.
Day St Night Offlco In McChesney blk.
St Johns, - Oregon.
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D
Residence, C97 Dawson Street
Onice, Filter Block.
University Park, Portland, Oregon.
Pint National Ilnnk DuildinR
McDonnld DuildinR
Wc buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
List your property witli us if you
desire to sell utiickly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
for Pilnllnt, Kihomlnlnf, SulnlnJ inri Virnhh-
mj. nptr mn jing 1 specialty
6IS W. Richmond Street
Transfer and Storage
We deliver vour irootli to nml from
II parte ot l'ortlnnd. Vancouver. Linn
ton. Portland ami Suburbnn Exnron
Co., city dock and nil points nccesslble
by wagon. I'Uno and. furniture moving
Office Phone Columbia 2.1
Residence Phone Columbia 10S
St. Johns Express, Transfer
and Storage Co.
Mauo MoviiiR n Socially. Haul
iiiK done to and from Portland
Residence 400 Hast Richmond
Office 103 North Jorscy Street
II I II. Hurllngloii Street
Automobile IU'mIiIiu; ami ViiIciiiiUIiik
Wc emi yon Auto Tires of nil kiinls
lllcycto and (Icncrnl llcpalrlm;
coiiiit'Ctlou. New mid Ht'onif Imml
bicycles for side, Illcycle tiros In stock.
J. M. and V. P. WRAV, Props.
Phone Columbia 587,
CAMP 773 V. 0. W.
Meets ev.
ery Wed
11 ) il s y
In Dick
n.r's IUII
A. r. anil A. M.
Kt'fpiliir rommuiilcHtlons
nu tirst WtxlnuiMliiys n(
unch month hi Odd Hol
lows' Jinn, vulture wrl.
S. Clws, Davis. W, M.
C, O. konr. Svcrstury
Mim'rvii Chapter
Meets Kveryl'irtt aud Third
Tuesday UvriiuiK of Itavh
Mouth ill U.I.I fellow IIhII.
, Susie Rogers, Secretary,
Meets every l'riiluy ululit ut
7:30 o'clock in 1, O.O. P.
Mall, Visitors alwuys wel
come, V, W. MASON, C. C.
No. 186 I. O. O. T,
Meets each Monduy evening In Odd Fel
lows hall at 7 50, A cordial 'welcome to
all visiting brothers.
" NO.
Meets 2nd
and 4th
ed lies
days of
each mouth iu M. W, A. Hall.
lentral Market!
See us for the Choicest Cuts of
the Best Meats Obtainable.
Order Wtd aud family Trade Solicited.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.