r. i. 'ft c 11 $765 COUCHES ONLY $765 This week and all the time we sell you good large Velour Couches for only $7.65. Also a line of genuine leather, imitation leather, tapestry, Verona and silk plush couches at very reasonable prices. Bed Davenports This Week For only $35.00, $27.00, $1 8.25, $1 5.00 Now is the time to buy. We take stock the first of August homeTfurNISHERS SO l"03 JERSEYSL Remember We have the Crescent Range Made in St. Johns, the best steel range on the market regardless the price, and sells the cheapest. We also have a good line of Gas Ranges 20 per cent Discount on Refrigerators ft Local News. Sewing machine crates for sale at Calef Bros. Mrs. C. J. Muck is spending a few days at Seaside. o Mrs. M. C. Soule has purchased the automobile formerly owned by A. C. Ceslcr. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson of South Hayes street died on Friday of last week. o The Regal Rouge on sale at the Peutusula Hardware is a bargain at $36.00. See it at once. 0 I,. Badger of Wucolu, Cal., a former well known resident of this city, is here on business this week. Methodist Church:Sunday school ion. m. Preaching 11 a. m. by Rev. J. W. McDougall, D. D. All are invited. Lost. Ladies browu suit coat between south end of Jersey street aud Northern Hill station. Leave at this office and get reward. The Mlchiganders held a picnic at the Oaks Tuesday, and a splen did time was had by all present. A number of natives of Michigan residing lu St. Johns were in at tendance. Robert Dickson aud family, who have been residents of St. Johns for the past eight or nine mouths, de parted Monday for West Virginia, where they will make their future home. o Druggist I. M. Scott and wife of Lincoln, Neb., have been guests of his sister-in-law, Mrs. J. C. Scott, during the past week. Mr. Scott Is a friend and great admher of W. J. Bryan. o Frank Clark has moved his nov elty goods from the Bickner build' ing adjoining the Multnomah the atre to the room formerly occupied by J. T. Brooks & Son in the Hoi brook building at corner of Jersey and Leavitt streets. 0 J. B. Fletcher has opened up a first class plumbing establishment in the Wolcott building on Jersey street adjoining the telephone ex change, and is prepared to do all kinds of plumbing and pipe fitting oa short notice and at reasonable prices. Prof. C. H. Boyd and wife are enjoying a vncntlon at Seaside. Wanted. Girl for general house work. 505 West John street. Phone Col. 275. 11 Sermon nt the Congregational church Sunday ot 11 n, in. by Rev. James Murphy. 0 Oak Grub Wood for Sale, $7.50 a cord delivered. A. C. Gaines, 631 Allegheny street. Phone Col.34. p2 Wanted. Girl 13 to 16 years of age to care for baby and do general house work. C. L. Miner, 808 Crawford. 35 If you want prompt delivery of wood, call Cochran-Nutting & Co. Phone Col. 554. 415 So. Hayes street. agtf Mrs. Alice Learned is the pos sessor of a handsome five-passenger Overland automobile, which she purchased this week. It is a beauty. Married. Mr. Harry O. McCon nell and Miss Leslye M. Taylor, Saturday, July 20th, at the home of the bride, 605 North Fillmore street, Rev. J. F. Cheney officiat ing. o Buy It now. Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is almost certain to be needed be fore the summer is over. Buy it now and be prepared for such an emergeucy. For sale by all dealers. Rev, J. J. Patton and family started for Waldport Tuesday a. m. Mr. Patton expects to spend a mouth at the beach resorts and along the mountain streams of Lin coln county. He promises the Re view a fish or clam-digging story for next week. Iu spite of the dampness of the weather in the early morning a large aggregation of grocers and friends from St. Johns attended the picnic at Bonneville Wednesdny.and those in attendance reported a splendiferous time. Most of the local stores were closed during the day. o The Southern Pacific Company plans a new department of electric lines which will include many of the shorter roads through the Wil lamette Valley. It is thought a big system of trolley interurbau lines will be built up within the next few years that will aid very greatly the development of the Willamette Val ley country. Satisfaction, is the word Gil more, the Barber. o Wolcott (the rent man) 130 nth street, Portland, is the man to sec for real estate or mercantile deals. 46tf. o For Sale Modern 7-rootn house and lot 50x100, corner Richmond aud Hayes, at n fine bargain. Price J3000, on very easy terms. For particulars call at the Review office. 3otf. - n Wall paper in new and artistic designs is now on sale at the Penin sula Hardware Co. Prices range from eight to 25 cents per double roll, Selection may be made from 50 or more different patterns, o Dysentery is always serious and often u dangerous disease, but it can be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured it even when malignaut and epidemic. For sale by all dealers, Get an electric Jietul treatment or massage at Gllmorc's Barber Shop. o Typewriter ribbons for sale at this office; 50 cents each. o Picture framing done nt Portland prices at II. F. Clark's, the furni ture man. tf 0 For Sale Six lots, nil extra size, between Tyler nud Polk streets, improvements iu, can sell cheap. Terms, 7iocasli, balance J. 10 pcrJ mouth, 7 per cent interest. Best residence district. McKinney & Davis. iGtf For Sale 6j4 acres fine level land, good soil, small house, well and pump, stable, 13 stalls; miles from city limits, Vancouver, Wash. Price, $1150. Also 20 acres, 15 level land, some stumps, no brush, seven miles from Astoria. Does not overflow. Price for a few days, $750. See J. Webster, St. Johns, Oregon. BARGAINS AT THE St. Johns Pharmacy For the following week, we will offer the following cut prices on the most popular toilet articles and patent medecines as an inducement for you to visit our store. 25c Pond's Vanishing Cream 16c 35c Hazeline Snow 20c 50c Robertiue 32c 50c U-Ar-Das 31c 50c Camelline 32c 50c Dauderiue 34c 50c Nyals Hirsutoue 30c $1.00 Peruna 62c $1.00 S. S. S 66c $1.00 Borden's Malt Milk 80c $1.00 Pinkham,s Bl'dPur.79c A Phonograph given away the first of August Trade at our store and see if you can not be the lucky party. St. Johns Pharmacy i Reliable Drug Store V. f onrniAi rnn nur uirri ninv drLuiML run UNl Tf lCIV UNLT On our Quality Household Drugs. Our own quality is the Best. 25c Castor Oil 19c 25c Bay Rum 19c 25c Glycerine and Rose Water 19c 25c Witch Hazel 19c 25c Turpentine 19c 25c Pound Boric Acid 19c 25c Peroxide, Pint 19c 25c Cuticurn Soap 19c 25c Arnica Salve 19c 10c Castor Oil 06c loc Powdered Alum 06c toe Glycerine , 06c ioc Boric Acid 06c 10c Spirits of Camphor 06c ioc Kpsom Salts 06c ioc Sweet Oil 06c ioc Olive Oil 06c ioc Turpentine 06c TAKE A KODAK ON YOUR VACATION We have them from $5.00 up. Brownie Cameras from $1.00 up. Let us develop and print your pictures. No money until satisfied NORTH BANK PHARMACY HOAIE OF THE FAA10US NYALS and A. D. S. REMEDIES. "CURRIN SAYS SO.' Wit DKMVltR ltVHRYWHimit l'Rltlt l'HONlt COLUMMA 307 "J NoU the labal on your paper. Day work wanted by woman: call at no South vox. Gllmorc's Barber Shop n spe cialty on cltildrens liair culting. o K. W. McLean and wife have re turned from n pleasant outing nt Seaside. Bubecrlbo for tlio St. Johns Ilovlow and kcop pontod ou Uiu doings of U10 cltr. You cot full weight nnd first junllty at tho Central markot. Just try awhile. Snsli and doors arc carried in stock by the Peninsula Hardware Co. Get our prices. o Mrs. Sarceut Wilson hns the thanks of this oflicc for n beautiful bouquet of fuschias nud dahlias. Por Sale nnd IixchauRe--Plve- room house, lot 50x126, 1 block from car Hue, 3 blocks Irom Jeney street. Will tnkc -f 200 cash nud two good lots up to $870. Call or write Uoy Turrell, 619 Chapcll street, St. Johns. Negotiations have nearly been concluded for the ncqulrnnce of n wood working and novelty plant iu St. Johns. We have been request ed to publish no further informa tion until negotiations are con cluded. First Christian Science Society. Sundays 11 a. 111., Wednesdays at 8 p. m. Heading room open ou Tuesday and Saturday from 2 to 4 p. m. All cordially invited to the services aud reading room. Sub ject Sunday: "Truth." Bring In your Job printing whllw you think ot It. Don't wait until you aro entirely out. Wo nro equlppod to turn out noat nud tasty printing promptly at Portland prices or less. Perrv Miller has exclmimed his St. Johns property for n fine ranch near Battleground. Was 1. He left with Ills family for his new possessions yesterday, Mr. Miller was one of our vcrv best citizens and his removal is a distinct loss to the city. o A New York judge has just de cided that the car company must settle if a sleeping passenger's trous ers are stolen from his berth ut a station through a window. The company ought to be required, also, to curry nn extra pair of trousers for the relief of the passenger in case of such an embarrassing occur rence. Denver boasts that iu its public schools girls over 12 years of age are taught cooking, sewiug.lauudry ork. tlie care ot cuuureu, respect for husbands, the wise manage ment of incomes aud some art by Inch thev can earn a livitic. But Denver omits to mention how many are graduated each year. J. II. Gammel, while employed itli the Brown Dredging Co., on ily 10th, was caught by the cable 1 the machine he was usiiitr and pulled into the pulley. He called to the engineer in time to escape with a badly bruised limb, and con siders himself very fortunate that he did not lose his limb aud even his life. Mr. Gammel is now able to walk around, and expects to re turn to work iu a few days. o How Is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co Accurate work. Reasonable fees. II. Henderson, manager, 208 North Jersey, McDonald building. For Insurance see F.W. Valentine News items are particularly scarce this week. The Debonair club will picnic this evening nt The Oaks, An en joyable time is anticipated. The special singing nud vaude ville at the Multnomah this week hns pleased the patrons immensely. The Bachelor club gave n de lightful dance in the rink last even ing. The nttcudnuce was large, aud the event was greatly enjoyed by the dancers. W. 1?. Bycrlee has returned from a several weeks' vacation nt Green Point iu Hood River valley. He has been "cuffing" logs as n light diversion nud muscle developer. That long mooted questiou:"How wide is Willamette boutevntd?" has been settled by the courts, we understand, establishing the true widtli nt eighty feet. Kach ngc of our lives has its joys. Old tropic should be happy, nud they will be if Chamberlain's tab lets nre taken to strengthen the digestion nud keep the bowels regular. These tablets are mild and gentle In their action nud ese cially suitable for people of mid dle age nud older. For sale by nil dealers. What Docs the Bonviilc 99 Year System Alcan? It means Honest Incorporation, Defeated Monopoly, Universnl Op portunity, Harmony, All Men get all their Money Farns, Kncrgy, Hcouomy; is practical. Investigate our 128 page fully illustrated book. Apply to P. Bonviilc Portland, Oregon, for the Square Deal. Notice I hereby notify the public that I will not pay nuy bills hereafter con tracted by my children, Mary, An nie nud Alfred Pocpping. Their father, Arthur Pocpping. Three Fine Lots For Sale. .jox 100 nt the head of Kdlsoti street, nil improved. Only $375 each. P.nsv terms. Apply soon to J. H. Fletch er, 823 Willamette boulevard. Three lots, 7-roout house, 12 8-year-olil fruit trees, gas iu house, wired for electricity, street iin- Iiroved, 011 most prominent street; :20oo, $500 cash, balance ou time. See K. C. Couch. Subscrlbo for tho Tolugrnui host availing pnpur on tho const. Boo Kd Btockton. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Easy Monthly Terms We hnve n couple of modern houses for sale nt Fast St. Johns. Can purchase 011 monthly terms or wc will build to suit. Come iu nud tnlk it over with us. Why not stop paying rent? East St. Johns Land Co, 815 Lewis Bldg., -Hit nud Oak St. Marshall 2611 Fairchiltl Market 205 South Jersey Street A full line of Bacon, Hams. Sausages, Beef., Pork, Mut ton and Veal constantly on hand. Bound Steak 15c lb. Loin " 17c I'.bone " .....16c lioil Hecf 9c and 10c Pot Itouit He and 12 l-2c Rumplloatt. 12 1. 2c and ISc Prime Kibi 15c aud lc Bacon 1 8c to 20c Lard, . , .... 65c, 5 lb. pail Pork Chop I Be and 20c " Steaks 13c and 1 Mc " Sauiage ,121.2c " Itoait 15c Mutton Chop 12 1.2 and 15c Legof Mutton 12 .2c Mutton Stew, . . . . .......... 6c Mutton Shouldeit ..10c ADMINISTRATRIX SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clatsop County .here tofore made, duly authorizing me, as administratrix of the estate of K. 1', Lash, deceased, to sell at private sale lor cash, lots numbered 27, 28, ?J and SO of lllock 30, in Point View Addition to the city of St. Johns, Multnomah county, Oregon, I will, from ami alter Monday, the 2Gtli day of August, 1912, offer for sale, and will sell, at private sale for cash, the said real property, subject to confirmation by said county court, HARRIOT J. HUSSING. Administratrix, Astoria. Oreuou. Date ol first publication July 20; last publication August to, iiz, 1'rouch tho gospol of St. Jehus. Oregon Agricultural College Tills ureal institution iu its dor for tlte lull semester on September iiOth. Courses ol instruction include: Oeneritl Apiculture, Agronomy, Animal Hus bandry, Dairy Husltaiidry, Hcteriology, ilotauy and Plant Pathology, Poultry Husbandry. Horticulture. Rutomotogy, Veterinary Science, Civil HiigiuverlNg, Klectriral Kiiglueeriug, Mechanical Kn glueeriug, Mining Hugineering. High way Hninvertiijc. Domestic Seieaee, DomeMic Art, Commerce, I'orestry. Pharmacy, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics. Mathematics, Hiigllsh Landmine and Literature, Public Speaking, Modern Languages, History, Art, Architecture, Industrial Pedagogy, Physical Itdnca tlon. Military Science unit Tactics, ami Music. Catalogue aud Illustrated Literature mailed tree on application. Addro; Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon, School Year Opens September 20th NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment Notice is hereby given that apportion ment of the cost of improving Jrey street with Westrumite hard surface from the southerly side Hue of West Catliu street to northerly line of Rich mond street, total cost is f27.0M.0S, lias been amiortioned aud is ou file in the office ofthe undersigned, subject to ex amination, Assessment district extends back to the center of lots, blocks or tract of land abutting ou said street an provided by the city charter and resolutions. Remonstrances against said apportion ment may be made in writing and filed witli the undersigned until 8 o'clock P, M. August 12, iota. l'.A. RICH, Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Review ou July 2d and August 2, 1912. FOR RENT cards at thla office.