HiMlTllsl BntUi ST. JOHNS REVIEW IT'S NOW UP TO YOU Toitiburlbt (or THIS Psptr All thi ncwi whll It li news It our motto, Call In anil enroll GET IN THE HABIT Ot adwtlilm In THIS Paptr and yoa'llnmr rrtratlt. De I lia ( one and keep rlfht at Devoted (o the Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOI,. 8 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1912. NO. 38 The Lumber There is tan upon his visage, there arc freckles on his nose, There's real estate ground in his cars, there is sawdust in his clothes, And his lily-white complexion, now, is sort of mucklc-dun, And his neck is peeled and blistered from the kisses of the sun. There's the dark-hucd stain of berries on his teeth once pearly white, And he has a crop of wood-ticks and a sawmill appetite; And his milk-white hair is sunburned and he's stiff in every joint For a mouth he has been taking his vacatiou nt Green Point. He's been wrestling with the "gipsy" and the "choker" and the axe, And his hands, once like a lady's, now arc rough and full of cracks; In the tall and uncut timber he's been working like an ox, And if he had stayed much longer, there'd be nothing left of Fox; But he's looking independent as if caring not a durn, So we'll pull a cork in honor of the Lumber Jack's return! R. S. M. A New System The Bonvillc System is n new financial system that is beginning to receive widespread attention and favorable consideration. The in tent and purpose of the new system is to abolish all possibilities for Kraft in business matters. It guar mi tecs a square deal to nil and a full earning power ot all money invest cd. Under its workings fake pro wotcrs and water stock arc entirely eliminated. It is neither socialism nor single tax, but n system apart from cither. It has untight to do with politics nor religious creeds, but is for the benefit of all. It absolutely stops all stock gambling and wild cat schemes nud the poor man s dollar earns as much as the rich man's. It prevents strikes, reduces the cost of living, eliminates waste of time and money and brings harmony out of chaos. It is rapid ly gaining converts and bids fair to revolutionize the business world. The Uonville Square Deal, n book of 138 paces, tells all about it, and it is. worth investigating. Send 35c to Frank Uonville, Portland, and secure a copy. A few extracts from "The Uon ville Square Deal:" There is an old saying that "all men ore born equal." The Uon ville System acknowledges this in n Jimitcd way only. All men should be equal in the 1 eyes of the law. All men should have equal ad fvantagcs iu the financial and com--mcrcial world. That is to say, that a man investing a dollar in a com pany or organization of any char acter, should realize the same earn ing power on his one dollar, pro rata, as the man who invested his teu thousand dollars. In these iwo instances men should be equal, who are not now, but may be through the adoption of this system. Oth erwise men are not equal, for some have more ability than others, yet each may be an adept along his special line. Men are not and should not be held as equal along the Hues of character and intelligence. Men should be equal in the eyes of the law and have equal advantages in obtaining the earnings of their money once they have invested it. The Bonville system will produce these results, thereby striking an equilibrium between capital and labor, which in other words may be called a compromise. Stock gambling has increased alarmingly in the past twenty years. Fake promoters and fake labor leaders have fleeced their victims. Through loose construction aud selfish individualism, millions upon millions of dollars have been al lowed to be spent in producing waste energy. When stock is first placed upon the market the price is alluring and many purchase. Some sell and repurchase, etc, When the deal falls through, of which a goodly proportion under the old system do, the hard earned money of the small luvestor falls iuto the hands of the ever grabbing capital ist; for through the looseness of the old system he is thereby placed in a position wherein he has this ad vantage. How many resisted this temptation can be readily seen by the financial condition of the coun try today. Fake promoters will start stock companies upon any possible grounds wherein they can afford some excuse for doing so, and which will serve as a blind under which they carry on their game of robbery. They receive (under the old system) from 40 to 60 per cent, of a company's stock for promoting the proposition, which same they sell to "defray their personal ex penses." When the promoter's share is sold, and the promoter generally sells out first, he has ac complished his object got rich off the small investor's hard earned ruouey. The law protects him in this outlandish higbwaymanry, for has he not sold that which was legally his, the promoter's stock? Is there such a thing as overpro duction? This is the question that (Concluded on last page) Jack's Return The Library Open 1 lours: I :oo to 5:30 ntitl 7 to 9:30 p. m, Sunday.: 2:30 to 5 JO The library will close for repairs on Saturday at 2:30 p. m. It will be closed the rest of the afternoon aud evening and on Sunday after noon, but will open at the usual time on Monday. No fines will be charged for books due Saturday if they arc returned Monday. Come in Friday and get your Sunday reading. New books received. Western Home IIuildcr--Voor hecs. A book of plans for low priced cottages and bungalows that are especially suitable for the West. How to Make Sunday bcliool tio Brewer. This book takes up the various phases of Sunday school work and discusses them in an in teresting aud practical way. Some of the chapter headings arc, en thusiasm, order in school, grading, teachers' meetings, the training of parents, boys, girls. Lewis Carroll by Belle Moses. A sympathetic account of the author of Alice in Wonderland. A num ber of his letters to little girl friends and relatives are given, aud some of delightful nonsense verses. Fiction: Lcouorc Stubbs Wnlford. On the Heights Aucrbaeh. This is usually included in the list of the hundred best novels. Tnrtarln of Tnrnscon Daudct. Dlmbie aud I Grundy. Mystery aud Detective Stories, Vol. I. Barchester Towers Trollope, Mother Norrls. This is oue of the best of the recent novels. Juvenile: The Magic Ring and Other Sto ries Lang. More Delay Congressman Lafferty has re ceived a letter front the Clerk of Federal Court at Portland statiug that by order of the Court dated June 24th, 1912, the time had been again extended for the government to complete its testimony in tue Oregon Loud Grant suit until July 31, the railroad company to have until September 15 to puts its testi mony into the record, and the gov ernment to have until October 1 to close the record by putting in its re buttal testimony, Lafferty says: "It is a ten to one bet that this case will not be closed on October 1 , according to the latest order of the Court, but that the time will be again extended for completing the completing the testimony. There s absolutely no excuse tor the time that Is being consumed in bringing this Land Grant case to a final de cision before Judge Wolverton. If this case is not brought to a final tearing by the time Congress con venes December 2, 1 snail maxe formal complaint against the De partment of justice and ask tor an nvestigatiou of all Federal officials connected with the case." Puzzle He don't amount to shucks, he don't He has a job, but work he won't. His one idea is wearing clothes, But that s as far as ambish goes, And yet this brainless' loafing chump Makes many girlies' hearties thump Now why f Ux. How is Your Title? Have vour abstracts made, con tinued or examined at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co Accurate work. Reasonable fees. H. Henderson, manager, 208 North Jersey, McDonald building. Baptist Church Services will be held both morning and evening. All are invited. Rev.J. F, Cheney, pastor. Lawson on Oregon After careful study of the prob lem set forth In your telegram, were I graduating today from college, Kast, West or South, I would head straight for the great, undeveloped Northwest. I would buy my ticket for Port land, Ore. I would spend my first week in that splendid prototype of our old, conservative and intellectual but withal courageous aud hustling New Kugland capital of half a century ago. While in Portland I would haunt the rcportorial de partments of the daily newspapers, the ever-welcoming rooms of the numerous business clubs and the booming departments of the great railroads and navigation lines ecu tring in that superb Pacific mctrop oils. Then I would light out into the modern paradise of happiness aud dollars, the virgin interior of that wonderful state, a world within itself, containing to spare and then lots more everything that makes for health, hustle, prosperity mid con teuttueut for man, woman and child. If I were possessed of $20,000 or 750,000 capital, in a twelvemonth I would telegraph back to Brad street and Dunn to mark my rating $125,000, aud then three twelve mouths later I would wire them to make It from half to three-quarters of a million. If I had only my car fare, Bible, dictionary and fountain pen, I would write to the old folks to watch for the Christmas coming of the mortgage lifter, and I would bet my pal dog, of course I would have him along, against a pouch ol tobacco that when Christmas came I wouldn't be making excuses for not coming Last. Details? Bosh I When you wake up in Golcouda you should not waste time looking for a business guide. All you need is a rake aud a bag. Thomas W. Lawson in New York World. Baptist Church The annual roll-call of the mem bership of the First Baptist Church was held last Tuesday evening, it being the seventh anniversary of the organization ot the church. A large number of members and visitors were present. An excel lent program of music, readings aud speeches was rendered, followed by refreshments. A notable aud attractive feature of the service was the burning of the loan mortgage on the building (symbolically) the amount needed to pay the same having been raised at this time. The building dedi cated a few years ago is now free from debt. The church is very grateful to outside friends who have aided by their contributions. Rev. C. L. Owen, cue of the for mer pastors, was preseut with his family aud made interesting re marks, Key. Wiesle, pastor of the German Baptist church, was also present and gave a good talk. At a late hour the company departed, rejoicing that the church was now paid for. Scientific Baby Show The State Fair board has voted $500 to bp used as prizes for the Uugeiilcs Exposition planned for Wednesday, September 4. This Is a feature of the State Fair this year for the first time, and it is expected it will attract a great deal of atten tion. It is to be really a scientific baby show, children up to three years old being eligible for prizes. A $50 silver cup will be offered for the best boy and the best girl in the show, and six cups for the best boy and girl in three divisions, the ages running from six months to three years. Medical experts will judge the children entered from the stand point of pysical perfection, much as livestock is judged. O. M. Plum- mer has been made superintendent of the Eugenics show and Is hope ful of having 200 children entered at Salem. He hopes various granges, commercial bodies and dis tricts will bold local shows in each county, sending the best boy aud girl from tue county to the state competition. If you are a housewife you can not reasonably hope to be healthy or beautiful by washing dishes, sweeping and doing housework all day, and crawling into bed dead tired at night. You must get out in the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking Chamberlain's Tablets when needed, you should become both healthy and beautiful. For sale by all dealers. Council Proceedings All members were present at the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday evening, with Mayor Muck presiding. The first matter taken up was the appointment by mayor and confirm ation by council of Lee Cormauy as chief of the fire department vice B. F. Noouan, resigned. Kibbey, Wclton & Co. asked for a 3o-day extension of time on the improvement of Fcsscudeu street from Buchanan to Oswego street. Upon vote Aldermen Davis, Valen tine, Hill aud Martin voted yes; inner, Wilcox and iiorsmau, no. The negative councihncu believed the contractors were not entitled to an extension from the fact that they were dilatory in starting tue im provement, and should lie fined $5 per day for each day running over the original time limit. A number of property owners on Central avenue between St. Johns avenue aud Bruce street were prcs cut in a body aud complained bit tcriy ot tue at. joiins water L'o. in not supplying them with water dur ing the past two weeks or more. This portion of the street is under course of improvement, and the water pipes have been disrupted to such an extent that these patrons have been without water. Attor ucy Stroud flayed the company in an energetic manner, contending that it was trying to use the small property owners as a whip to drive the council iuto paying for lower ing the water mains. He wanted authority of the council to bring suit against the company and com pel it to furnish water to the in habitants In spite of the improve ment proceedings. Alderman Hit ler believed that any councilman who refused to give the attorney this power should be recalled, nud made n motion that the attorney be empowered to take legal steps to force the company to provide water for Central avenue. Alder men Valentine and Davis were of the opinion that quicker relief might be obtained by compromise, but Alderman Ilillcr stoutly objected to such proposition; that It was in cumbent upon the water company to pay for lowering the mains nud should not be paid by the public. Alderman Hill thought the water company most arbitrary; that it was going too far in this instance, at least, aud believed it time to call a halt. Mrs. Douis, n Cent ul ave nue resident, told of conditions on the street and of discouraging nud meagre information looking to re lief from the water famine she was able to receive at the company's of fice. Mr. Bushor aud two or three others made uncomplimentary re marks about the water company aud the treatment they had received at its hands. A vote on Mr. Hit ler's motion was then taken aud carried unanimously. An obnoxious barn that lias been permeating the atmosphere with its odoriferous periume in the neigh borhood of Fesseudett aud Jersey streets was again brought to the attention of the city fathers. This barn is owned by local contractors, and upon the indulgence of Coun cilman Hill had been permitted to be erected upon his grounds for a short time without niouey and without price. But long alter its welcome had been worn to a frazzle t continued to remain. Aud the onger it remains the more powerful becomes its nauseating odor, Mr. Hill gave the council assurance that the owners would be given notice to remove the structure bright and early Wednesday morning, which was satisfactory to the dads aud citizens living near the stable. The following bills were allowed: Pacific Banker, official printing, $7.50; T. Johnson, Kng. Rodman, $30; Kilhain stationery & l'tg. Co., supplies, $8.80: Herb Muck, error in former bill, 91; a. uuguee, work with team, $15.75; D. Tollman, work on street, $1.65; Kdmotidson Co., plutnbiug,$7.6o; Portland Ry Light & Power Co., lights library, 95c; St. Johns Lumber Co., lumber ferry slip, $80.31: total, 153.56. The secretary of the Portland Library Association having been out of the city the officials of that organization were unable to come to St. Johns to look over the prof fered Holbrook site for a library building, but that he would be back to Portlaud this week, after which the officials would come down and look over the ground. The following bids were received for the improvement of South Ivan hoe street: J. Hahn, $4,050.25; V. W. Mason, $3,964-15; Cochran Nutting Co., $3,839-14; Pacific Coast Paving Co., $4,066.96. Bids for the improvement of So. Hayes street: J Hahn, $2,840.63; V. W. Mason, $2,704.93; Cochrau-Nutting Co., $2,557.21; Pacific Coast Pav. Co., $2,761.29. Cochran-Nutting Co. being the lowest bidders in each WARNING !! All property own ers in the City of St. Johns are here by notified that all manner of obnox- ious weeds unon their premises must be cut down or re moved at once. The ordinance in regard to the weed evil will be enforced to the letter, and those neglecting toattend to this matter will be dealt with as the law directs. R. McKinney Chief of Police instance, they were nwarded both contracts on motion of Alderman Mill. Mayor Muck excusing himself for n short time, President of the Council Hlllcr graced the mayor's chair with his presence thereon, which was the first time the oppor tunity had occurred. I he viewers' report on the Daw- sou street condemnation was adopt ed by ordinance on motion of Al derman Iiorsmau. An ordinance giving the Port land Railway, Light & Power Co. a franchise to erect poles aud wires along Dawson street was passed to third reading nud appears in this issue. On motions of Aldermen Valen tine nud Hill, respectively, resolu tions were ordered drawn by the city attorney providing for the im provement ot Fillmore street from Philadelphia street to St. Johns ave nue with standard concrete pave ment, nud u sewer along the street from Philadelphia to Fcsscudeu street. The weed nuisance was brought to the nltentlou of council by Alder mini Martin, and It was decided that the police should notify all property owners to cut down weeds on their premises without delay, or they would be dealt with as the or dinance directs. A portion of the work on Fessen- den improvement between Oswego aud Buchanan not proving satis factory the engineer was directed to notify the contractors to remedy same before work progresses further on motion of Alderman Iiorsmau. The New York Telephone com pany has given twenty of its office men outside work as solicitors, aud has supplied the vacancies created in their former positions by engag ing women, who will be known as cashiers. Their business is to han dle large sums of uickles,dimes and quarters which reach the offices of the company from the pay stations in the different parts of the city. It is stated by the officials of the com pany that they have found women more reliable aud less liable to yield to temptation than men In handling cash. Aud yet there are men who assert that women have no sense of business honor. Dr. Paul Rittcr, minister from Switzerland to the United States, believes large numbers of his coun trymen will come to the Pacific Coast aud settle when the Panama Canal shall have been opened. He was entertained at luncheon by the Portlaud Commercial club the past week. He looks for a heavy move ment of thrifty Kurojieon farmers to this state as soon as the way is opened. o It is promised that liberal sums will be provided for the building of boulevards and general improve ments in Crater Lake National park by the government. It is the in tention to secure appropriations for $100,000 annually for the next sev en years. An Item of $100,000 has been inserted in the Sundry Civil Service bill, and it is expected that it will go through this session. Miss Ethel Rebekah Gates, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Chester Paul Gates, was lorn July 19th, 1912. It is difficult to tell who is the proudest Papa Gates or Grandma Thayer. A Review of Reviews (Issue of December 16, 1904. J, H. Cromc, editor.) J. P. Wrinkle aud family will soon occupy their new house. Mrs. II. F. Satterlcc has moved into iter new house on Baltimore street. Walter Coon has just returned from Oswego, where he has a fiock of sheep wintering. I5d. Magoon of the Hazclwood confectionery has received nnd in stalled a new peanut and popcorn roaster, much to the delight of the juvenile population. Mrs. Blckucss of Hood River spent n few days In St. Johns, the .... . f x r.. i3. Kin-si ui iur. oienrus. Joseph Bickncr of Oswcco. where he Is engaged in general merchan dise business, spent Sunday In the city visiting 111s sons, the Bickncr brothers. P. J. Peterson starts tomorrow for n visit to his old homcnt Volga, North Dakota. The Review has urged the im portance of securing a park for the city while it is yet possible to get It at n price within reasonable bounds. The Ladies' Civic Improvement League made an effort some months ngo to purchase the block on which the car barns now stand, but re ceived so little encouragement that they had to abandon the effort. Since then the block has been pur chased by Mr. Holbrook, aud, al though he does not wish to sell, he has made nu offer to the town of St. Johns of the block for $6,000. The committees of the Commercial association nud the Ladles' Civic League have taken the matter up. (The block in question is where the Holbrook block now stands. lid.) To Build Car Line Lending added Interest to the in teresting railroad situation caused by the rapid developments of the past lew weeks in the transporta tion world with Portlaud us the cen ter of prosiwctlve expenditure of millions of dollars in Improvements uy street car and coimucrclM rail road companies, was the strong ru mor circulated Tuesday that the powerful Swift packing interests arc back of nu application made iy ueorge l'. lleustier for nu inter urban franchise. The proixxsed franchise ordinance was filed with the city auditor this morning and it will be Introduced in the city council tomorrow. The ordinance asks for a 25-year fran chise to lay and construct tracks over aud along the following streets: From the northern boundary of the city along Derby street to Kilpat- rick street; thence 011 Kilpatricl: to ration avenue; thence on l'attou avenue to Prcscott street, thence on Prescott street to Maryland avenue; thence 011 Maryland avenue to Full ing street; thence 011 Failing street to Vancouver avenue; thence across the Broadway bridge to Seventh street and on Seventh street to Grant street. The total length of the contem plated line to the city limits would approximate seven miles, it is said, aud its terminus 011 Derby street would make it easily uccessihlc to an iuterurbati road that might be brought into the city over the pro posed interstate uridge across the Columbia river. Such a line would tap a rich farming country on the Washington side of the river aud would be ex tremely valuable as a feeder line for the packing plant of the Swifts on the Peninsula. The territory that would be penetrated by such a line is admirably adapted to the business of hog raising, It is said that the interests be hind the proposed line are willing to subscribe $100,000 toward a fund for the construction of an interstate bridge across the Columbia, Whatever the truth of the rumor as to the iuterurbati road may be, the important fact yet remains that the proposed franchise calls for a line within the city limits that is in itself of considerable moment. It will be interesting to note what effect the aplicatlon of Huesiier will have 011 the apparent apathy of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co,, in securing a franchise across the Broadway bridge. Pres ident Josselyn of the street car com pany stated several mouths ago that his company was not at all anxious to secure any franchise ou the Broadway bridge. At that time, however, there was no pros pect of a rival company crossing the span. Oregon Journal. For Insurance see F.W.Valentine DR. RAMBO DENTIST Phone Columbia fl First National Bnnk building. ST. JOHNS, OREGON. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Open Evenings and Sundays by Ap pointment. Office Photic Columbia 140 Resident Phone Columbia 38 JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon. Dor & Nlcht Onico In McChcnney blk. St. Johns, Oregon. Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D Residence, C97 Dawson Street Ofllco, I'lltor Block. University Park, Portland, Oregon. PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER Firtt National Hank IluildiiiR ST. JOHNS . . . OREGON 0. J. GATZAIYER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Building ST. JOHNS . . ORECON We buy or sell St. Johns Property AlcKINNEY & DAVIS Real Estate List your property with us if you desire to sell quickly 202 N, Jersey St. St. Johns CALL ON - HARRY CAPLES CONTRACTOR for Pilnllng, Kaliomlnln, Staining and Varnish- inf. raptr Hanging a specialty 6IS W. Richmond Slrccl J. R. WEIMER Transfor and Storage W dolivor your (roods to nnd from II purls of Portland, Vancouver. Linn ton. Portland nnd Suburban lixnross Co,, city dock nnd all point accessible oj wagon, riano ami, lurniiura moving Oflicc Phone Columbia 24 Residence Phone Columbia 198 St. Johns Express, Transfer nnd Storage Co. Piano Moving n Specialty. Until ing done to aud from Portland Residence 400 Kast Richmond Office 103 North Jersey Street ST. JOHNS GARAGE II I 12. Ilurllnctou Street Automobile RejMlrlug nud Vulcanising We cm 1 get you Auto Tires of all kliuU lllcyclo and (lcncral Repairing In cotnii-ct ton. New and second hand bicycle for sale, lllcyclo tires in Hook. J. M. and V. I. WRAY, Props. Phone Columbia 5S7, CAMP 773 VV. 0. W. Mcota ev. ery Wed 11 c a d a y evening in Hick nar's Hall DOHIC DODGE NO. 132 A. r. uml A. M. Regular communications Oil first WcdlllJStbiys (if each mouth in Odd Hol lows' Hall. VUltors wl- come. H. Urns. IMvls. W. M. C, O, Holers, Secretary ORDER EASTERN STAR Minerva Chupter Meets Kvcryl'lrtt ami Third Tuesday livening of ltacli Mouth in Oilil irllu' Hull. Mrs. Susie Rogers, Secretary. MOLMCS LODGE NO. 101 Meets every l'rlilay night at 7:30 o'clock in I, O.O. I', Hull, Visitors always wel come, V. W. MASON, C, C. I), I', 1IOHHMAN, K. R. S LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. O. 0. P, ST. JOHNS, OKtCON Meets each Monday evening in Odd Fol lows ball at 7:30, A cordial welcome to all visiting brothers. NEST NO. 4 f f M....I. ...! L 1 .J I ,111-VlD faint and Itli t dues days of each mouth in M. W. A. Hall. 1'. II. GKANOKK, Sec. Central Market! HOLBROOK DLOCK See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best Meats Obtainable. Order rifled end Tamlly Trade Solicited. T. P. WARD, Proprietor.