St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 19, 1912, Image 4

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    A Review of Reviews
Issue of December 9, 1904. J.
H. Crome.ccHtor.
O. R.Downs of Forest Grove was
hi the city Wednesday.
Councilman Guy BtiRbcc and
wife left Sunday for Pilot Rock,
Wash., to visit their sick daughter,
Mrs. Hubbers.
- -
Daniel Brccht will build at once
a modern thrccstory boarding house
near the electric mill site.
W. II. King, C. C. Chipman and
T.T.Parker have applied for incor
Doratiou for a new enterprise. We
refer to the St. Johns Abstract
Trust and Security Company.
The Muck Hardware Co. has
opened up a modern hardware store
in the Cochran block.
Ad.Our faith in St. Johns is
best expressed by our guarantee of
20 per cent, increase in the
value of property during th
coming year. This guarantee pro
vides that in case the property you
purchase docs not increase in vol
tic at least 20 per cent, during one
year from date of purchase we wi
refund your money with 9 per cent
interest. Hartiuau, Thompson &
Proposals lor Street Work
Scaled lirotxxmM will lie received nl 111
office of the Recorder of the City of St
lohns until Inly 2.'ld. iota, nt 8 o'cloc
p. 111. for the Improvement of Iviuihoe
rtrccl Irotti Hie Romncriy line 11
I'ollc iitrcct to the northerly line of Id
fttrccl, in the nmiincr provided ly Or
tlitinncc No. -lb!). Riihlccl to the nrnvl
Ion of (he chnrWr ami ordinance of the
City of St. tohiiN, niul the estimate
the city engineer, 011 Tile.
Kiii'liiccr's estimate U ri.GI2.01.
Mil must he strictly in accordance
with iirlnttil blanks, which will he (urn
lulled oil application nt the ollice of the
Hecoriicroi uie city 01 hi. joint. Aim
wild Improvement must he completed oil
or before Go day from date of the hint
piihlicnlloii 0! notice 01 iioxmu 01 miii
No proposal or hlil will tc considered
unless ncconimnleil by n ccrtinril check
Ixiyniiic to tnc onicr 01 tne mayor 01 tin
:ity of St. Johns, certlfieil by 11 rcupon
dllile imiiik lor nn nmnuiii cqimi to te
tcr cent, of the nuurewile piuimwiI,
The right to reject ntiy mid nil hid I
nereiiy rencrveu,
Ilr order of the City Council.
1'. A. RICH.
Published In the St. John Review on
July i, z nml ID, 1912.
Proposals tor Street Work
Suited iiroiHiwil will be irci-lved ill
the ollice of the runnier n( therily of Si
lohiiK. until lulv I'JIJ. nt H0YI01I
11. 111. fur the iimiriiwiiiriil of Soutl
ilnvw Mieet from the southerly Mile Inn
if lliichiiuiin street to the uorlhetly
line of I1I11 street In the minim-
inovlileil by iirillimme No .H, suliji-ci
to the iirivllin of the chiiiter mid unit
iiauceitof the city of St. John mid the
Pklluinie 01 tne city engineer 011 111c
ItiiKlueer' estimate lsH,710.W.
IIIiIh must be htrictly in nccoriluiic
with the printed blank, which will be
inriilkiieii on application nt uie ouiec 01
the recorder of the city of St. John
Ami mill! imnmvetiienl imntt lie com
pleted on or before 60 tliivtt from the hist
jmlillciitlon of notice of proposals for
Mint worn.
No iroiHsalnrhlil will be rouslilcrei
uuloiM iiccoiumiieil by a curtllird check
payable to the order of the mayor of the
city 01 hi. jonua, ceriiiieu ny 11 icskiii
me imiiik lor mi iimoiiiit equal to ten e
cent. 01 tne nggregatc proHViii.
The iIkIiI to reject any and all bid
hereby imerved,
lly order of the council.
I'. A. RICH.
Recorder of the city of St. John.
Published in the St. John Kcvlctv
Jtily Tt, lUmid ID, 1911.
Proposals tor Street Work
Siwled proposal will be received ill
the ollice of the recorder of the cltv of
St. John until July ItO, 1913, at 8 o'clock
p. 111, lor tnc inipioveuieiit 01 fc. ivmi
lioe street from the northerly side Hue ot
Aioiiuwic (treet to tne Miuiiieriy kiile Hue
i)I Kieiiuioiiil street, In tlie man
ner provided by ordiiiiiuee No. -I1K2. uU
ect to the piovlslons of the charter mid
ordinances of the city of St, Johns, anil
Uie estimate 01 the city engineer, on tile
The engineer's estimate is t l.W.fBt.
Hid must le strictly iuaccoiitmicewith
prluteil blanks which will be furn
ished on application at the ollice of the
recorder of the city of St, John. And
mIiI improvement must be completed on
or oeiore 00 nays irom tue jasi puniicu
t ion of notice of iirouMtU (or saiil work
No proposal or bids will be considered
unless accouiMiiieil by 11 ceitilieil check
iwyublc to the mayor of the city of St.
John, certified by a rcsiiousible hunk
for an amount ciiul to ten per cent, of
the aggregate, proiosal,
The right to reject any uutl all bid i
ncreuy reserveii,
lly order of the city council.
1'. A. RICH,
City Recorder.
Published in the St, Johns Review
July 12, ID ami 20, 1912,
The Model Laundry
Thoroughly equipped for nil kinds
of laundry work and
Up-to-date in every respect.
Prompt and efficient service guar
autectl. Your patronage solicited,
Subicrlb (or tha Tolegram beat
evening paper on th coast. 8e
UM Stockton.
Has now run thirteen weeks
Our sales for those thirteen days, as compared with
the thirteen corresponding Wednesdays of last year, show
an increase of a fraction over 100 per cent. The pace has
been maintained simply because we have backed our ad
vertising by the truth.
Next week our sale day will be omitted, as we will
close our store and go with the Portland Grocers to Bon
neville on their big picnic.
Watch for ad. in this paper and the usual circulars for
the July 31st sale.
Bonham & Currier
lor the Knmc light imveu t ntiy
place in our curriculum. The litis
mess of
is more mutter of fuel. In nttr work
and niiiontr our .supplies we use the
best the market affords in the way of
Cocks, Faucets A, Pumps
and other auxiliary sundries. We
do nood work nt reasonable prices
203 S. Jersey Street
Notice of Final Account
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gun, in ami (or the Comity of .Mult
In the mutter of the estate of James
lliiitt. deceased. Notice of hearing set
(lenient of final account and petition for
Notice is hereby given that Peter Aut
leu, admiuUtiator of the estate of lames
lllalt, ileceaH'il, li;ii reuilercil ami lire
tented for settlement to ami filed in the
Comity Court of the State of Orceou in
niul lor .Mullnoinali comity, tils iiuul ac
count as such administrator ami iietltiou
for dutributioii, mid that Mommy, the
VSlwx iluy oi inly. 1913. at v o'clock a. m.
at the court room of said Court, at the
Court Mouse in the city of Portland,
.Miiltuomaii county, oriuou. has been
only aiKiiuteii tiy smil court (or the set'
tlemeiit of Mill final account ami hear
Iiik on petition for which
time any erson interested in mIiI es
tate tuny aiMKMir ami file exceptions to
Mlit final account, ami contest the same
ami Mht iK'titiou,
iMteoi nut putiiicatiuit luuei, mrJ,
lust miDltcatioii inly in,
Administrator of the estate of
Jumes llinlt, ilcccuActl.
Successors to
St, Johns S.1111I mul Gray el Couiuuy
It 1). JACKSON, Prop.
General Contractor
We are prepared to do any and
all kinds of excavating for street
work nnd other purposes. We
also handle sidewalk and build
lug material.
Newton and Ifessenden Streets
St. Johns, Oregon
Phone Columbia 236
I 1
I Groceries I
Dry goods
We sell only
the very best
in these lines
and guarantee
them in every
Special Prices
still to be
S01 S. .Tpvspv
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy (or auch change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
emember this and aavo the printer
Even in Midsummer
With a real live breeze blowing
away the stifling sultry air and
cooling the whole room that's
your kitchen, and all others too
that have an
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
On the dates k'vpu below, round trip tickets will be
soiii 1 rum roruauii to tue points in lite Jiast shown be
low, mm many oincrs, at greatly reduced fares quoted
Your home aeut will sell these tickets via The North
Hank Koail at slightly higher lares, on request.
In conuection with
Northern Pacific ami Great Northern Railways
Detroit f 81.50 Omaha 6o.oo
Atlantic City
lUltiniorc . .
fit 1.00
.. 9-5o
Colorado Springs. . .55.00
. . 55 00
Dulittli .60,00
Kansas City 60.00
Milwaukee,, 7J.50
Minneapolis .60,00
Montreal 105.00
New York, 10S.50
Philadelphia 108.50
Pittsburg 91.50
St. I.ouls 70.00
St. Paul 60.00
Toronto , 91,50
Washington 107.50
July j, 3, 6, 7, it, u, 15, 16, 30. 3J, 3j, 36, 39, 30, 31, 1913,
August t, a,- 3, 6, 7, 13, 15, 16, 32, 33, 39,30, 31, 1913.
September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, it, 13, 30, 1913.
Stopovers anil choice of routes allowed in each direction,
I'itial return limit October 31, 1913.
Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on request.
V. K. COMAN, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
O. M. Cornell, Agent, St. Johns, Oregon,
t lt t 4 t iHttt t tt t t
. Dressed,
Prompt Dry,
Deliveries. Greeu,
Quality Blocks,
Phone Richmond 131
of -f -f 4, -f f jfjf.f idi."f "f f't'f'f'f'f'f't'f' &iiidf'f 4-4-4
The Vacationist
and the
woman who
stays at home
Have a common lot in their desire
for comfortable and serviceable
clothes. And we are prepared to
furnish "Clothes Ideas" whether
they are for garments to be worn
at the seashore, the lake, the
mountain or at home.
And if you will stop at our
Pattern Counter we will be glad
to go thru the new catalogue of
Ladies' Home Journal Patterns
with you.
There is no time like the pres
ent, STOP TODAY. Remember,
too, that the woman who makes
her own clothes can do so at a sav
ing of from one-half to one-third.
Special prices on boys', men's
and youths' Elk skin, Elk soled
shoes this week.
-1 :.-..
Couch & Co.
Distributors of Merchandise Since 1904