CRESCENT RANGES SOLD Lot us show you this CO lm o CO lm bp & C C O CO lm O Local News. . rttttirf1rri Briggs sailed into Special mention i port last week, tlie white cap. I 'Let's go to the theatre." "I've nothing to wear." "Then we'll go to the opera." A new haby boy arrived at the Gibson home on South Hayes sticet during the past week. The Regal Range on sale at the Peninsula Hardware is a bargain at $36.00. See it at once. 0 David Byerlee and Jack McNivin are enjoying an outing at Columbia beach and other seaside resorts this'week. Otis Shepardson ami family were guests of his sister, Mrs. IS. S. Wright on South Hayes, the first of the week, Chas. McGill, of the St. Johns Hardware Co., and wife are enjoy ing the sea breeze at Garibaldi beach this week. Mrs. Robert Miller hasopeued up a first class restaurant iu the room on Jersey street formerly occupied by Dan Williamson. o L. J. Wright, the accommodat ing bookkeeper at Peninsula Na tional Bank, is spending his vaca tion at St. Martius springs. A number of St. Johns residents have gone to the harvest fields of Eastern Oregon to develop a little muscle, and also to accrue a few coins of the realm. A Boston clergyman says that American women wear too many clothes at summer resorts. Either he has never been at the seaside or another church trial is immluent. Arrangements are being perfect ed for holding another lecture course in the high school auditor ium the comlug winter. Even higher grade attractions than ap peared last season are being ar ranged for. First Christian Science Society. Sundays 11 a. m., Wednesdays at 8 p. m. Reading room open on Tuesday and Saturday from 2 to 4 p. m. All cordially invited to the services and reading room, bub ,ject Sunday; "Life." ON EASY PAYMENT week. Now on display. We will take your old stove in part home FURNISHERS S 01-03 Wanted. Girl 13 to 16 years of age to care for baby and do general house work. C. I. Miner, 808 Crawford. 35tf W. K. Hyerlee is stending his summer vacation chasing logs in one of the Green Point logging camps and reports a hilarious time, almost equal to football for "strenu osity." A Chicago boy fell from n fourth story window uud struck on a ce ment sidewalk without being seriously injured. This may be re garded as strong recommendation for cement sidewalks. A New York young woman lost f 205 through the breaking of that receptacle of funds that seems to be getting more usual, Will this arouse a demand for government guarantee of stocking banks? Buy it now. Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is almost certain to be needed be fore the summer is over, Uuy it now and be prepared for such an emergency. Ifor sale by all dealers. Kerr & Sou have the contract for the erection of a handsome and modern residence for Mrs. Ella F. Currier, mother of Ed. S. Currier, on Chicago street near Smith ave nue. The new residence will be one of the finest in St. Johns, cost ing $33- Durlncr the summer months mothers of vouutr children should watch for any unnatural looseness of the bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trouble mav be avoided. Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Rem edy can always be depended upou. for bale oy an dealers. The regular monthly meeting of the Commercial club has been post poned for July, owing to the warm weather and the various events that have occurred. It will be held next month as usual, when a full report of the various committees on sweet pea show, industrial exhibit and regatta will be available. A very pleasant birthday surprise party was tendered Miss Clarice Wilsou at her home on South Hayes street by a number of her young friends Mouday evening, it being the 14th anniversary of her birth. The young folks enjoyed themselves hugely in games and other diver sions. Dainty refreshments added to the enjoymeut of the occasion. Miss Clarice was the recipient of a number of pretty presents. The kind exhibited at the Sweet Pea Show JERSEVSL Satisfaction, is the word more, the Harbcr. -Gil- Wolcott (the rent man) 130 nth street, Portland, is the man to see for real estate or mercantile deals. 46tf. o For Sale Modern 7-room house and lot 50x100, comer Richmond aud Hayes, at a fine bargain. Price 3000, on very easy terms. Ior particulars call at the Review office. 3otf. o Wall paper iu new and artistic designs Is now on sale at the Penin sula Hardware Co. Prices range from eight to 25 cents per double roll. Selection may be made from 50 or more different patterns. u Dysentery is always serious and often a dangerous disease, but it cau be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy has cured it even when malignant and epidemic. For sale by all dealers. The Unpleasant Side of Life This is the season of the year when mankind is forced to suffer a great many afflictions, due to the extreme warm weather, poisonous weeds, the ever active insects, etc. ; this is the time when skin erup tions, eczema, tetter, hives, poisonous rashes, insect bites, aching tired feet, hay or rose fever, summer complaint, dysentery, blood disorders, etc., get in their best work. All of these can be greatly elimi nated by bringing your troubles to us. The following are a few of the remedies we guarantee: Mosquito Lotion Itch Ointment Eczema Ointment Pain Dispeller Poison Oak Salve Dysentery Remedy Haywood's Foot Tablets Corn Remedy Peroxide Foot Powder Blood Remedy Antiseptic Cones Dyspepsia Remedy (For insect bites) Remember those Phonograph Bargains in our window. It will pay you to look them over. A Phonograph given away each month to some one of our customers. St. Johns Reliable Drug Store s payment CO o e n "O Z. n" CO o 3 ft 3 (0 SO ft eo CO Get on electric head treatment or massage at Gllmore's Barber Shop. 0 Typewriter ribbons for sale at this office; 50 cents each. o Picture framing done at Portland prices at II. F. Clark's, the furni ture man. tf For Sale Six lots, all extra size, between Tyler and Polk streets, improvements iu, cau sell cheap. Terms, $10 cash, balance $10 per month, 7 per cent interest. Best residence district. McKlnney & Davis. i6tf For Sale G acres fine level laud, good soil, small house, well aud pump, stable, 13 stalls; miles from city limits, Vancouver, Wash. Price, $1150. Also 20 acres, 15 level land, some stumps, no brush, seven miles from Astoria. Does not overflow. Price for a few days, $750. See J. Webster, St. Johns, Oregon. Pharmacy i A 50c box of paper with each $1.00 purchase. A 25c box of paper with each 50c purchase. Hot Weather Needs for Tired, Aching Feet NyalsEas'em and Foot Bath Tablets 25c each. For chafing, Nyals Borated Talcum, 25 cents. For Mosquitos, our own Mosquito Lotion, 25c Take a Kodak on your vacation. We can sell you one at any price you desire. We have the East man line. The best on earth. NORTH HOA1E OF THE FAAtOUS NYALS and A. D. S. REMEDIES. "CURRIN SAYS SO.' Day work wanted by wotnnn; cull at 1 16 South Fox. Gllmore's Uarber Shop a spe cialty on childrcus' hair cutting. o Sash nntl doors arc carried in stock by the Peninsula Hardware Co. Get our prices. Thos. Condon aud Pascal Hill arc trying the efficacy of the waters nt St. Murtius Springs this week. Mrs. llurdcttc, Mn. Koycc aud Mrs. T. I). Condon arc spend ing the week at St. Martius Springs. i I'or rent Two furnished rooms to a couple of gentlemen of good Intuits. 036 No. Kellogg street. 36 W. f. Adams, president of the First National Hank of Iloqiiinin, Wash., was a visitor iu St. Johns during the past week. If you want prompt delivery of wood, call Cochrau-Nutliug & Co. Phone Col. 554. 1 5 bo. Hayes street. aotf A Hostou woman sent a bullet through the hat of a burglar whom she caught going through her litis- baud s trousers. Next time he will confine his operations to his own field. It has been decided by a Chicago judge that the earning capacity of a performing monkey is $300 11 week. If it Is impossible for one to be n ball player one may still be a performing monkey. An eminent German investigator declares that American schools have a tendency toward effeminacy, but cr!iaps he never saw our high school boys playing lootball or our high school girls playing basketball. Ifor Sale aud Hxchaugc Five- room house, lot 50x126, 1 block from car line, 3 blocks troin Jersey street. Will take $200 cash and two good lots up to $870. Call or write Roy Turrell, 619 Chapell street, St. Johns. Mrs. Theodore Josephson and sou Carl of Astoria are guests at the home of Mrs. C. l Udberg of 411 Allegheny street this week. Mrs. Josephson is here partly 011 business connected with lodge af fairs. The Klk convention iu Portland was the greatest and most success ful one iu the history of the Order. Without exception the visiting F.Iks were loud iu their praises of the treatment accorded them. The weather was of the very finest, and the cool, refreshing breezes were immensely enjoyed by those coming from the sun-baked Iiast. Coos Hay claims the largest saw loc. The C. A. Smith Co. has sawed a giant spruce log estimated to have weighed over 18 tons, that scaled 19,600 feet of lumber. It was 75 feet long, seven feet iu di ameter at the butt and five feet eight inches at the top. This is thought to be tlie largest log ever hauled on a train anywhere. The steamship Melville Dollar, of the Dollar line, and the steam ship Ike, both of San Francisco, completed loading capacity cargoes of lumber at the Monarcn muis anu sailed outbound last week for South ern ports. The Peninsula of North Portland is gaining an enviable rep utation among the shipping men for its splendid facilities. -Peninsula Herald. The Woman's Christian Temper ance Union will meet in the capac ity of a basket j(icnlc at Columbia Park Thursday, July 25th. We cordially invite friends, men, wo men and children to bring their baskets and enjoy the day with us. Dinner from 12 to i. Cor, BANK PHARMACY WK DHLIVKR HVltRVWHHKH l'RKH For Kent. A five-room modern buuga!ow,9!.i Willamette botil. ltp Chas. A. Fry is spending his vacation at ltis old home iu Penn sylvania. Mrs. II. O. ltrown aud daughter Alice are visiting relatives iu Seat tle, Wash. Mis. I.ear nud grandson, Ornu, are spending a few weeks iu Gold eudr.le, Wash. The weather man tried hard to establish n hot weather record this week, and almost succeeded. Adam Kactnlclu returned to Yreka the early part of the week, after a very pleasant visit with his old friends. A birthday surprise was given Mrs, J. J. Pattou Tuesday evening. The large crowd almost completely occupied the parsonage uud lawn until u late hour. Laughter, games, ice cream and cake were iu much evidence. Mrs. Patton's Sunday school class of young people antici pated the main crowd in arriving aud led the laughter through the evening. Mrs. Pattou was the recipient of it number of beautiful presents at the occasion. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Easy Monthly Terms We have n couple of modern houses for sale nt Hast St. Johns. Can purchase on monthly terms or we will build to suit. C01110 in nud talk it over witli us. Why not stop paying rent? East SI, Johns Land Co, 815 Lewis llldg,, 4(11 nud Oak St Marshall 2611 Notice Having purchased the Dehnoiiico rooming house fixture; in the Jower building, any persons having claims against the same are hereby notified to present the same to the First National Hank, St. Johns, Oregon, within the next five days. II, F. Clark. Frank Test, who has been lead ing a rural existence at Deer Island for the past several mouths, made a visit to St. Johns the tail end of last week. His general appearance bcsiwaks that ranch life is agreeing with him admirably. His hosts of friends were glad to see him looking so well. The Methodist choir and their families spent a very pleasant even ing with II. O. Hrown and wife the latter part of last week. The resi dence proved almost too small for the crowd. Cakes and other deli cacies were enjoyed to the limit. The choir presented the doctor with a beautiful gold pen as a token of their appreciation of their leader. The assessment rolls of the city of St. Johns which Deputy Asses sor W. C. North brought to the city some weeks ago iu order that our citizens might have an oppor tunity to examine the assessment rate aud to offer such suggestions or objections as they see lit will he re turned in a few days. Those de siring to avail themselves of the op portunity of examining the said rolls, should do so without delay by calling on the chairman of the committee, A. W. Davis, nt the office of McKiuney ft. Davis, 420 North Jersey, it l'HONH COU'MMA 107 For Sale Two fresh covs,young and gentle, rich milk 619 Iiast John street. 37p. Tout Richardson of Portland, well known ns the originator of the Oregon Development League, was lit tlie city for a short time Tues day last. Three Flue Lots For Sale. ,ox 100 nt the head of Hdison street, all improved. Only $375 each. Ivusy terms. Apply soon to J. 11. Fletch er, 823 Willamette boulevard. Three lots, 7-room house, 12 8-year-old fruit trees, gas in house, wired for electricity, stteot Im proved, on most prominent struct; T2O00, $500 cash, balance" 011 time. See K. C. Couch. Methodist church, corner I.envitt aud Hayes, Sunday, July si.Thoinu tia. m.: "Conutierors Throuizh 'Christ." 8 p. in.: "A Disciple ns ! Seen by the World." Sunday ! school 10 n. m. All invited. Uev. Pattou and family expect to leave for Waldpott Tuusdity, July 32iid, where they will spurn! a mouth's vacation. A vury libit program has been prurd for each Sunday morning in Ui Mutli odisl church during thu pastor's absence. NOTICE OP Proposed Assessment Nntiv U hereby iu'ii that apportiou incut ol the viM ii imixoviiiK Myera strict from the northerly line " Vmu (lull btrvvl to Miitlu-rly line f Tltotut wiii utreet, total coat i iit.tU.Tt. tuu been ajiiwrtiQiied ami in 011 rile lu the ollirc of the undernigued, Mikjvct to x aininatiuii. AkM.-Miiunt district extend back to the center of lot, block or tmeU uf lunit abutting on Ul ittreet a ptivktwl by thu city charter aud resolutions. Ituinoiwtrunceaagaiwat vaid aiHKUott meiit may be made in writing ami flWd with the undesigned until 5 o'ctcgk I..M.Jly.,9. irARICI IUconliir. I'ublUhed iu tlie St. John HnvUtv oh July 12 and ID, 1912. Fair GhiltJ Market 205 South Jersey Street A full lino of Bacon, Hums, Sausages, Beef., Pork, Mut ton and Veal constantly on hand. Round Sloak J5 II). Loin " T-bono " - So Boil Heef 9o.0fid.lQ0 Pot Hoait lie ond 12 l.2 Rump Roait 12 1.2c and 5a Prime Rib ISsaud 17c Hacon ...I89lp2a9 Lard $5c, I lb. nail Pork Chop IBaa:ul2Qc " Steak I5i and 17 l.2o " Sauiaue 12 'J?9 " Roa.t .."; P Mutton Cliepi I? I.? nlJ,!49 Leuef Mutto.n I? Uto Mutton Slaw ......OS Mutton Sliouidcri in &i