St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 19, 1912, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Burlington Strcot.
Tub Rkvikw
In Snliit Jolins, Oregon, ns mnil matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
Official Hmnpaptr of ths City of Bt. Jtbnt.
Subscription price $1.00 por year.
The people of St. Johns nrc par
ticularly proud of the new ferry
boat. In all respects it is fully up
ntul in sonic instances beyond nil
expectations. Mayor Muck was
directly responsible for its being
here for the rcgnttn last week. He
camped right with the county offi
cials until they had figured out a
way to let us have the boat for the
races. The mayor, like former
mayor, K. C. Couch, has a knnck
of getting things when he goes nftei
them. Thousands of people have
made the trip across the river on
the new boat since its installation.
M. I,. Holbrook, with his usual
generosity and public spiriteducss,
has offered n free situ for the pub
lic library building on the comer of
CcmrnlnvciiiientidCIinrlcstoii street.
When it comes to enterprise and
public welfare, Mr. Holbrook can
always be depended upon to do his
full share, and then some. He
brought about and has been respon
sible for more street improvement
in St. Johns than any dozen citizens
outside the city officials.. Ivvery
thing is ever all right with Mr.
Holbrook. He objects to nothing
in me wny ot improvement, no
matter how heavy the expense in
curred upon mm. lie has even
paid the excess in order to get
streets Improved whni other prop
erty owners would not or could not
pay the same. What wonderful
progress this city would have made
had there more Holbrooks of the
brand of M. I,, been registered
amomr Its henvv nrnnerlv owners
. j
'1 lie city lathers have decided to
let the public park project remain
dormant until after the fall election,
when things will have become
more settled. It is believed that
Stories of Success
In Osh It o b h,
"Wisconsin, was
reared n boy
destined to rev
olutionize mcr
cliandls Inn In
tho largest KnK
llsli speak I n it
city In tho u'oilJ.
In 1 1 years I10
rose from clerk,
floorwalker and
department buy
er, to Kcncral
manager and
partner In Mar
shall Field & Co-
Chlcngo, whllo tho great Belfrlilito
store In London today occupies
nearly tho area of n city block.
Mr, BclfrldKo Is a merchant of tho
foremost rank, and goes to Infinite
pains In getting right men for tho
right Jobs.
I'.nthuslnsm Is ono requirement,
loyalty another, economy a third
economy In small things. Ticking
up pins, In ono department alone,
resulted In a monthly saving of 130.
Capitalists bcllovu In men with
the savings habit It develops char
acter, thrift, energy.
l'orslstcnt, systematic saving Is
tho key that unlocks tho door to
This bank Invites savings, largo
or small
4 per cent interest on Sav
ings Accounts and Time
Certificates of Deposits.
St. Johns, Oregon
A. K. Joints, Vice President
I V. Dkinkiik, Cashier
C. B. Ui'ssuu., Ass't Cashier
Reduced Prices on Mat
tresses This Week
matter than in warm
when x:ople are more or less indif-
feieiit and do not care to be both'
ered with public affairs. The need
of parks is apparent to the city of
ficials ns well as others, but the
time is not propitious for holding
nil election to vote bonds for pur
chase. Some of the cotiiicilineu are
advocating voting upon bonds for
the erection of sidetrack to the city
dock, the election to be held at the
same time ns 011 the park miestiou.
Before the dock can be utilized it
must be provided with railroad
trackage. There is 110 use in try
tug to evade this fact, It is too
apparent. And there is only one
thing to do vote bonds and have
tracks constructed,
Successful Campaign
Prices. nt Hnrjrnin
St. Johns Furniture
Proposals lor Slreet Work
Bouhaiii & Currier have just con
eluded a thirteeu-wceks' campaign
01 Wednesday special sales. The
result has proven more satisfactory
iiiau tuey anticipated. it was
adopted more as an experiment than City of .Si
anything else, having never before
been tried in St. Johns. Business
increased over 100 h,i cent, during
the thirteen sale days over corres
nonding Wednesdays of last year
The efficacy of judicious advert!
lug when bucked up by truth and
quality was again clearly demon
st ratal. Bnuliam & Currier will
take a rest next 'edneday, 011
account of the grocers' picnic at
Bonneville, but 011 Wednesduyjuly
...Ill 1 .T 1
wit aiuvn win 111- Clllllllllicil,
With these special sale, and low
prlcus at other stores, there is sure
ly no need nor excuse for any citi
zen to go to l'ortluud to purchase
Healed iifoUMtiU will Im! nccived nt the
nunc 01 me ueounlurnl tlirUlvoi St.
JiiIiiih until July W), 1912, nt 8 o'clock
P. in., fortlic lumiuvcilient uf l'escnden
street iruiii tut- notiueriy line 01 jersey
triel tu the noitlisrlv liuv of .Smith
iviimc, in Hut manner provided lv
irdlniinee No. Ill I, subject to the nmvU-
lou of the rliiirtvr iiud ordinance of the
IoIiiik, mid tin- estimate of
Attention Kcheknhs .Sister S.
May Greer, piesideut of the Re
bekah Assembly of Oregon .will wy
1111 official visit to I.autelwood No.
160, on their next meeting night,
Wednesday, July 24th. A full at
tendance is requested. Come, meet
our president and have a good time.
By order of the Noble Grand.
Huttie MeKiuney, liec. Sec.
!... f .1 .
rui MJieue 01 me muscles.
whether induced by violent exercise
or injury, there is nothing better
than Chamberlain's Liniment. This
liniment also relieves rheumatic
pains. Vor sale by all dealers.
un account ot tue grocers' picnic
nt Houneville next Wednesday,
several of the local stores will be
closed nil day.
the city cniMmer. 011 file.
Hngiiiecr's estimate j rt.lfll.O:!,
IliiU must be strictly hi accordance
Willi printed lilunks. w 1 e 1 will lie (urn.
Uhed oil npnllentlou nt (he office of the
Kt'cortler of the Utv of St. Inlius. Ami
Mid improvement iuut n completed 011
ir ncinre ixiimys inuu mile 01 t ic lust
puldlctUiou of notice of irtixvMiU of s.ild
No pniiHkwiU or liiiUwill le considered
uuici uccoiuixiiiin ny 11 cert hrd cheek
myntilc to the order of the Mayor of the
-lt . .f L? . 1........ .1 I...
i it) in 01. iimiiib, i t'l 1111111 iiy 11 ntiHiil-
sihie Uink lor nu iiuuiuut emuil to ten
percent, of the nuKrcgtile irtHsid,
The right to reject liny unit nil liiiU in
uoieuy rokcrvcti,"
lly onler id the Lily Council.
1'. A. HICK.
Keco nler,
I'ulilUlied In the St. Johns Review 011
July VI, UlnmISM, 1913,
Spokane, Portland A Seattle Railway.
l.ltAVIN'll hT. JOHNS.
inilllMUnr IMmnni lui l.)Ur, Ouljf mUle, Oir-
UUII 1 tmiw ami iih-ui hmiii 11 j 1 a in
iiiukii iihiiiic luyirM. 10 11 . m., i.vr ciitvsgit,
hi IMul, OiuhIm. KaHMtClly.St I.ihiU, Wall
umw. i-, kiwmiwi. mmui.iiiiri, i.ui.irn
iUlr. wnilr KilniiMi, Vmicemtr uikl Oifkoii
Nuilli IU11W Umllr.l,? n p. in , lur CliU-i:u SI.
iiim my. M lAHilt. siwkmir.
r, l.iiitl. rioo. KooMirll. mul
Columbia Klvcr I.ival m n. 111 . lor Vaimuitrr.
I4iu. White Salmon l.)r. l.iatidiUUct.eiilli
I aMDiisitc ami all luirimmuir .taltom,
lulamt Kuiiiiic lUlnc. y. mil 111; Iroui Chlra-
go, l raul. linuiu. Kautaa City. M. I.uuw,
IiV.uiic. raiiur. Kltiville Una, l'thv,
KiKMcll.(iiauitiUlr.' While Nilmuii.auJ Van
Noilh lUnW I.luillf.l. 7 vj in ; lim Cliloati).
M raul. Iliualu. Kuuw. City, hi l,oui, Walla
Walla. l-aco. KlaMrll atul Vanciu.rr.
CuluwUla Kicr I.ival una. m.. Iiuui lMIii.
lliaiiilJallM, OuMciiJal, White Saluiun,
vaHtt, aiuvucr auii an iiiieitiimiaie ia
I' 1-at.ciiKei 5 i . lu. Ilinu I,)!c, CM-
iuu.i. n,iiii,
aii uaiu.ioi iir uxuKer.
TlfLcli on aale lor all (HiliiU,
O. M. Cornell, Agent.
Procetiat by Which It It Converted
Into Refined Oil.
In Its original state petroleum Is of a
murky creou color. It Is distilled In
imiis with crcat furniicoa blnzln be-
lu'iith them, nud an tho vnpors urlsu
from the hollltiK liquid they nrc con
voyed Into nines surrounded by cold
wnter In which they nre condensed.
Tho first vaporo condense Into nnph
tlin mid tliOHO produced by further
heutlng give tho burning oil. A very
Hiniill pcrcentnge of the crudo oil put
Into the linns or stills reinnlns In tho
form of tnr, which by another process
Is converted Into pnrnllln nnd coke.
After dlstlllntlou tho refined oil Is no
longer green, but Is ns triiuspiirciit ns
Nprlug wntcr mid bcnutlfully tinged
with purples nnd blues. It Is not yet
rcmly fur use, however, since It must
bo "wiiMhed." Tho fluid Is emptied Into
n lit rue elrculnr tnnl; lu which it is
treated with nelds, these being poured
In nud mixed with It by menus of pow
crftil pressure from bcticnth.
It Is resolved by the city of St. Johns,
WliereiiH, Tliri Council did doom It
expedient to open, lay out and estab
IIhIi Diiwbom street from the southeast
erly side line of Columbia Uoulovnrd
easterly to the center line of Ida street,
ami mil by resolution tinted tho Dth
duy of July, 1012, direct tho Engineer
to nuiku a survey, pint nnd written re
port of said proposed Dnwson Htrcot ns
the niiiiie was to he opened, laid out
mill established: iintl
Whereas, Tho City Engineer of tho
ulty of Ht. Johns did muko such sur
vey, plat nnd written ronort. and did
report tho same to tho Council nud filo
tho sumo with the ltccorder of tho City
of Ht, Johns; nud
Wlicrcns. Tho Council did thereafter
adopt nnd approve tho snld survoy,
plat and written report of tho proposed
laying out. opening nnd establishing of
the said bnwson Street nccordlng to
tho aforesaid resolution by an ordl
iiriitn.. i. Illfl ...In. .I...I 1...
in iircHsuru iruni ueiieiuii, i i ,,u,,nuiv, iuv, vu uj ...u
When It hns been well shaken It Is f'onncll on tho lull day of July, 1012,
The Gas Kitchen
Means the Cool Modern Kitchen
allowed to settle, nnd tho nclds then
scpnrnto from It nnd sink to the hot
torn of tho tnnk, taking with them
some of tho tnr that remained In the
Tho nclds nro then removed nud the
oil Is wnslied with salt water Klunlly
It Is blenched, nnd It is then rendy for
tho market Harper's Weekly.
Forty pound COTTON IMJI.T
Mattress made with n good Art Tick
grenter interest will be taken in the GUAIiANTKISI) satisfactory or
weather MUNISY MACK. "Special price"
Malay Houiei, Frail and Flimsy,
8ometimes Perch In Tree Tope,
The ordinary Malay Is built on
posts from flvo to seven feet high, but
ono which i cnrtio ncross wns pureneti
high up In n tree. It wns the home of
a ninii, ins wiro nuu rumiiy, unu iney
lufortneil mo that it wns placed In this
unusual Hltuiitlon so ns to Im out of the
wny of tho numerous tigers which then
Infested tho neighborhood.
As tigers liuvu been known to Jump
eighteen feet In vertical height some
whure nbout twenty feet Is considered
tn be the limit of safety The .Mnlnyiin
house Is n frull nud lllmsy structure of
sticks tied together with rut I an llu.tch
ed with palm leaves nud walled with
plaited hitmboo or, ns lu this ease, with
the bark of trees.
It Is therefore nu easy mailer for n
tiger with lis great strength tu break
Into a linuiu nnd attack the liihnhltniits
Many Instances of this have been re
corded lu Mnlnyn. lu ono well known
case ii whole family were killed except
ono man, who, climbing up Into the
roof mid thus esciiplng the notice of
the tiger, wns n horrified observer of
the eruul mauling uud ultimate shiugli
tor nud devouring of Ills relullves.-
Luuilun Hlruiid .Mugiir.lnu.
25-11) Silk Ploss Alntlrcss for
only 59.75
boi tyfi vc pound COTTON' nnd
Kxcelsior mattiess coveictl with
ueavy stuped tick, now $1.25
Life Without Mlerobei.
Microbes 11 ro not Indispensable to nil
life If they nro Indispensable to tiny
Tho iiuesthin lias been dellultely net
tled. A cage completely MterllUed nt
IK) degrees wns luiulo nud I he open
lugs of the cage closely Mopped with
cotton nnd protected from the outside
byn herineliciilly closed iiieiullli' eliiini
ber. Huch innnlpulnilons ns were nw
essnrv In opening the cage were uimte
by bund guarded by aseptic rubber
cloth Into niicIi 11 Hlcrlllxi'd cage three
hens' eggs were placed after having
been externally Hlerlllreil The cage
was lilted Willi n glass pavilion or
chicken run. whore the chickens could
develop during their six weeks' Mijoiirn
In the cage, lu the cage were sterilized
air. pure water, sand nnd
sterilized feed. The iistH'rlliient showed
that life docs not depend iihiii ml
crubos, but that the vital work of the
organUui Is easy mid natural when
everything Is stcrlllxcd -llurxr's,
iml approved by the Mayor on tho Oth
miy 01 July, luiL'.
Vow, therefore, bo It resolved, Thnt
''. 11. Itussoll, residing nt 1021 Stafford
Street, City of Ht. Johns, and II. W.
Iluiilinm, residing nt 020 Xorth Ilnycs
street, City or Nt. Johns, ntul K. C.
Condi, residing nt 20O14 l'hilmlclplilii
Street, City of St, Johns, and thnt ench
or tne tnreo raid persons nro disinter'
sled freeholders of the City of St.
(otitis, nnd thnt earh of tho said per
sons possess the qualifications of Jurors
or tue circuit Court or .Multnomah
County, nud the said persons ahd each
of them nro hereby appointed viewers
to view tho snhl proposed right of way
and I'stnhlishing of the said proposed
unwson Wtrcot. unit to nssess tho daur
ages ami benefits therefor ns provided
in the Chnrler of the City of St. Johns,
Oregon, and lu accordance with tho
said ordinance number -100.
The 10th day of July, nt ton o'clock
In the forenoon of thu said day, nt the
office of tlie .Mayor in tho City Hull
of the City of .St. Johns, Is hereby set
ns the time nnd place when such vloW'
ers M111II meet ami tuKo oath to faith
fully discharge the duties assigned them
and to proceed thereafter to view the
said proponed opening, laying out nnd
estnhllsliing or the said proposed i)aw
sou Street nud to nssess tho damages
nnd benefits therefor ns provided by
tho Charter of the City of St. Johns,
and thereafter to make nnd file n ro
port of such view and assessment of
benefits nnd diimnges with the Ho
carder of the City of St. Johns; nnd
The City llecnrder Is hereby directed
In send nud mail postpaid n notice of
the appointment of said viewers, glv
lug their names, time nud plnco of
meeting, mid specify with convenient
certainly tho boundaries nnd termini
of the said slreet nnd of tho land to
bo appropriated therefor, to ench of
the property holders whoso properly Is
hereby proposed tn bo appropriated or
to the agents of such laud where tho
poslofflce address of such owner Is 11 11
known, or If such postofflco nddress be
unknown then the snld notice shall bo
directed to such owner or agent nt St.
loans, Oregon, and the Kecnnler of tho
City of Ht. Julius Is hereby further di
rected nt least five dnvs before the
snld time nerTor the meeting of snld
viewers to notify each of tho persons
herein iippofnTen to view said promises
of Ids appointment and of thn time nnd
phice of mooting of wild viewers ns
designated herein.
Adopted bv the Council this Oth day
of July, 101'.'.
I'. A. KICK,
I'uhlUhril In the St. Johns Review 011
July 12 and 10, 1912.
The modern home would be as complete without
water and sewer connections as it would be without
a gas range and a gas water heater.
With the Gas Kitchen you have banished the coal,
wood, dirt, dust, ashes, kindling and heat.
While no two women may ngrcc on nuy other subject, yet of the thousands that
arc using gas ranges, all are agreed that they are the most convenient and durable
economical and perfect cooking and baking appliances they ever saw or used.
Our 191 2 ranges arc now ready for delivery.
Just as wc promise they represent the combined features of quality and conven
ience. We can meet the requirements of any kitchen regardless of size. We sell gas
ranges and gas water heaters on installments at cost connections free.
Wc invite you to call and look over our proposition for yourself.
An Ordinance Appronrliitini:
Prom (lie General Funds
of the City Aloncy to Pay
the Excess Cost of Edison
Street Improvement Over
nnd Above the Amount
Lawfully Assessable to the
Property Benefited.
fUllc. of Pillories.
Though (lie pillory has been nlxdlsh
ed. there nro still tu be found lu vurl
oils parts of rural llngland relies of
this old time method of punishment
One of the most complete examples
may bo seen within n few iiilhw of the
metropolitan border, lu the plclur
csinic village or itnyilou, lsox. nut
only nre the old stock nnd whipping
pot still preserved, hut close beside
(hem stands also the wooden "cage'
in which the roystcrcr of bygone days
wits liicnrventtcil. Is there nuother
such Interesting trio of punitive relies
to be found elsewhere In linglnndT
Loudon Graphic.
It Is resolved by the cltv of St. lolnm:
Thnt it deems It expedient and iicccury
to Improve lUrtmsn trect from the
winterly line of Seneca street to the west
erly line of Myers street in the city of
.St. Johns in tne following manner, to
lly grading said ixutioii of said street
to grade to lie established.
.Said work to be done according to the
plans nud specifications of the city en
gineer on file In the office of the city
recorder relative thereto, which will
The city of St. Johns does ordain ni
Section 1. Thnt there be and liercliv
is, appropriated out of the General l'unils
of the city, not othcrvvlte appropriated,
tne loiinwing amount 01 money, a is
required to jsiy the excess root of the
Improvement of IMIson street, being
thnt portion thereof lying between liar
llngton street nud Richmond slreet over
nud above thu amounts lawfully iisieswi-
me to tne procrty iienetiicd uy sum im
Lot 7, block 15, James John's
Second Addition 23.81
Ixit 8 block 15. lames John's
Second Addition 8.0-1
Lot 1 block 18, Jnmes John's
Second Addition 01.42
Lot 2 block 18, James John's
Second Addition 70.12
N. W. J of J block 18, lames
John's Second Addition 28.93
Lot 3 block 17, James John's
Second Addition 27,04
Lot 4 block 17, James John's
Second Addition lu.Uo
Doesn't a
Total f 237.49
Not to exceed the amount ol Tvo Hull-
Fireless Cook Stove
sound good
these hot
Como in nnd we
will tell you all about
These are a few spe
cials we are olTerinf? for
one week:
Regular $1.25 Screen Doors, special $1.00
" 9.50 Refrigerator, special 8.50
" 1.50 Hammocks, special 1.15
" 2.00 and 1.50 three and four quart Ice
Cream Freezers, special 1.25
plans and iK-clfictlons nnd estimate ,m aml Thlrty-five nud U2-100 ($235.92)
Causs and Effeet.
"Look honli. iloctnh; I've taken younh
advice and tried u cautah wound the
park before breakfast, but It doesn't do
my llvuh u bit of gixM
Uhl I'm afraid tho good elTeels of
the crtiiter before breakfast nre rutin
teracted by tho bud effects of the do
ciinier nfter dluner." London Tniler
An Eys For an Ays.
"Mr. Speaker," snld the congressman.
I have tried vainly to catch your eye
'Slt down I" thundered the speaker.
'I have tried vnlnly to entel) your 'nyo'
seveni I times wheu It was ueednl."
Philadelphia Ledger.
"If you don't stop nagging me, Km-
lly, 1 shall shoot myself this very mlu
'es, thnt a Just like you, when you
know how nervous I nm when I hour
u shot."-Loudou Tlt-lllls.
A Ufa Position.
Annette i:thel Is about to nccept n
lifetime Job of twenty-four hours a
day. Florence Indeed! Annette Yes.
She Is going to marry a man to reform
him. -Chicago News.
tire satltluctory and are hereby ap
ram plans nuil specifications and cttl
males lire satiifactory and are hereby
approved. Said improvements to be
uiiiiie in accordance with the charter ami
ordinances of the city of St. Johns, and
miner tue supervision and direction ol
tlie city engineer.
i lint the cost ol said improvement to
tie asM-sscd as provided by the city char
tor iiKu the property especially nud par
tlciilarly benefited thereby, and which
is hereby declared to be nil of lots, tuuts
ol lots, iiiocks and parcels ol laud be
tween the termini of such Improvements
untitling iijKin, adjacent or proximate to
the aid liiirtmau street from the
marginal lines of said street back to the
center of the block or blocks or tracts
of laud abutting thereon or proximate
That all the property included In said
improvement iiutrlct nioresaid is nereuy
declared to lie Local improvement ins
trlet No. 01.
That the citv engineer's assessment of
tue proiMble total cost ol said Improve
meiit of said street Is HG1.13.
1 hat the cunt of said improvement Is to
w uisoM-d against the property in said
local assessment district ns provided by
the city charter of the city of St, Johns,
excepting mat tne said cost oi improve
meat shall he apportioned pro-rata to
each abutting front foot on said Hartmau
Adopted the sixteenth day of July,
1'. A. RICH,
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review on
J uiy ii una L'o. 1912.
Dollars, face value of unredeemed war
rants issued for said Improvement nud
accrued interest thereon to the amount
ol One and 57100 (1.57) Dollars.
Passed by the council this lCth day of
July, 1912,
Approved liy the mayor till ltithdnv
of July, 1912.
A. A. .MI LK,
Attest: 1'. A. RICIi,
Published in the St. Johns Review on
July 19, 1913,
You get full weight uud
luallty at the Central market.
'rr awhtla.
I H. HENDERSON McDonald Bldg.,208JcrscySt.
1 Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.
Nots ths label on your pspsr.
Ilrlug In your Job printing while
you think of It. Don't wait until you
are eutlrely out. Wo aro equipped
to turn out neat and tasty printing
promptly at Portland prices or less.
Preach tho gospel of St. Jchns.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Portland Office and Chapel St. Johns Office and Chapel
Cor. Killlngsworth Ave. & Kirby St. 41S North Jersey St.
Phones! C 1133 YVoodlawn 3306 Phone Col, jS3,Res.Phone Col, 559
Orowth Is better thuu permanence.
and permanent growth Is better than
In order to Insure a chanao of ad-
',.1. - t .,, ; -. r. .,. .
1 ue luiiuwiiiK list 01 icai DiaiiKS
vertlsement the copy for such change ar.c kept for sale nt this ofllce nud Old jieople should be
in 111: 1 a win ui- uuucw us tue iieilillllll
n rises;
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. ni. Please
rsmsmbar this and aava tha prlnUr
The St, Johns Harness Shop
Next door to St. Johus l'uiiiiture Co,
Warranty deeds, Quit
Koch nRc of our lives has its joys
happy, and
they will be if Chamberlain's tab
lets are taken to strengthen the
Deeds, Realty and Chntte, tattstactlon ol .Mortgages,
contracts tor bale ot Kealty, Hills
of Sale, Leases.
All these blanks at the uniform
price of 30c per dozen.
i-iaitn digestion nnd keep the bowels
iWOri- reenlnr. These tablets nrt miM
and gentle in their action and espe
cially suitable for people of mid
die age and older. For sale by all
for tho Ruvlow and be
Subscrlbo for tho St. Johns Rovlow
uud keep posted on U10 dotnga of
the city.
The lliblc School of the
is thoroughly equipped to win
souls to Christ and to train
them in Christian Service. We
want you, and you need us.
Sunday Services
Ilible School: 10 a. tu.
Morning Service: -II a. ut.
Junior C. K.ti p. in.
V, P. S. C. U.: 7 p. m.
HvuuKclistic Services: 8 p. m,
Thursday PraycruiectiuKi'-S p.m.
Corner New York SUnd Willis feulmrd
Requires National Banks to maintain a fixed cash re
serve of their deposits;
Does not permit them to make excessive loans to one
Requires them to make five times a year statements of
resources and liabilities to the Comptroller of the
The funds of the depositors of this batik are safe guarded by
law, by the close attention which an active directorate gives
its affairs, and by its resources of.nearly $500,000.
Interest on
A General Banking
Business Transacted
Visit the Old Home
O-W. R. & N.
0. S. L. and Union Pacific
Lints Protected by Automatic Block SUJ11I1
Round trip tickets to principal cities
Middle Western and Eattern State
on sale during
May, June, July
August, September
Coing limit IS day: final return limit
October 31, 1912
Baltimore $10730
Chicago 72.50
Denver 55.00
Kansai City 60.00
New York 10930
St. Paul 60.00
Toronto 9130
Washington 10730
Proportionately Reduced Fares to Many
other points
Through Train Service to the Eat Strictly
Call on your Local Agent and let him as.
sut you in outlining
City's Salts Offlca
3rd and Washington, Portland