St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 12, 1912, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Burlington Btrcot.
Tim Rbvikw Is cutcrcil nt post office
in Saint Johns, Oregon, ns mall mntter
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
OfflcUl Hvwtptptr of ths City of lit Jehns.
Subiorlptlon pries $1.00 per yoar.
Tlie people of St. Johns feel
grateful to the county court for
hustling things along so that the
new ferry hoot might make its ini
tial appearance in St. Johns for the
regatta Tuesday. The county
commissioners have done their part
and given us a boat that one and
nil can look on with pride, and the
work they have performed is duly
appreciated. The boat would have
been completed much sooner, but
It became necessary to send back to
the far Hast for material which it
was expected could be secured in
Portland. The quality of the
Portland material did not prove sat
isfactory, but this was not discov
ered until the workmen were ready
to use it. Hence the delay in
awaiting supplies from the iSnst.
Matt Welch, the county engineer,
is also entitled to much credit in
getting the boat to us. Por some
time now the county court has
been treating this community well,
nnd the people arc beginning to re
alize and appreciate it.
Council Proceedings
All members were present at the
regular meeting of the city council
Tuesday, the new member, 1. 1).
Martin Having been sworn in as
aldurninn; Mayor Muck presiding.
S. C. Cook filed n rcinoiiittrniicc
against the improvement of Dawson
street, contending that the city
had no right to start improve
incut proceedings until it had ac
quired possession of the street con
trolled by the P. K. U. & P. Co.
by condemnation proceedings. Ue
monstrance ordered filed.
liickuer Hi os. had been uotiflet
to remove the partly burned build
ing formerly occupied by Harding's
confectionery store 011 Jersey street.
A communication from the owners
stated that it would be soon re
moved. Council decided that un
less it was icinovcil soon that the
city should do so at the owners' ex
Seven bills, amounting to $200.
.10. were allowed on motion of A I
(terman Davis.
Upon strong objection of protwity
owners on lltirtmnu street between
heincu and Leutnil avenue, it was
decided to stay improvement pro
ceediugs for six mouths at least.
ProtHtrty owners on the .same street
between Seneca and Myers, being
anxious to have this much of the
street improved, council adopted 11
resolution, upon motion ol Alder
man Valentine, diiectiug the eiigiu
eer to prvimre the necewwiiy data
for such improvement.
An ordinance adopting the plans
mid siK'CilietitloiiH of the engineer
for the improvement of Dawson
street was ikismkI 011 motion of Al
dcrmaii llorsiuaii.
A icsolutioii appointing C. II.
Russell, II. llouhaui and K. C
Couch as viewers to assetw the
proHirty of the P. K. L. & P. Co.
011 Dawson street was adopted on
motion of Alderman Hill.
I lie committee 011 looking up
the library proposition, composed
of Attorney Stioud and Aldermen
Hillcraud Valentine, rctMutetl that
the proposed gift of a library build
lug for St. Johns was contingent
only upon the city gaining posses
siou of a piece of laud not smaller
than 100x150 feet; that the iiiolm
hilitics were that the structure will
cost not far from 25,000, and that
it would be maintained by the
Hiils for the improvement of Hur
liugtou struct from Hradford to the
center of the city hall block with
standard concrete and sidewalks
were oiHiiicd, as follows: Hechill
Pros., $0,065.25; Cochrau-Niitting
Co.$ 1 1 , 1 80. 1 5 ; Soy hold, $1 , 1 72. 23 ;
Kibbe, Weltou & Co., $10,883.56;
J. Halm, io,72o.2o; V. V. Ma
son, $11,136.50; Htdwell, liny dun
& Co., $11,118.6.-. The engineer's
estimate was s 1. 1,1 12,1.1. The bid
of Hechill Pros, being the lowest,
iney were awarded tne contract on
motion of Alderman Horsmau.
Hids for the improvement of
Olympic street from Myers to Char
lestou were oiienetl as follows: V
W. Mason, $1, 772. i7;liechill Pros,
$2,083.05; Kibbe, Weltnn & Co.
$1,807.75. On motion of Alder
man Hill, Mr. Mason was nwarded
the contract.
The Pacific Coast Westrtunite Co.
was the only bidder for the im
provement of Polk street from Wil
lamette boulevard to Jersey street
and received the contract on motion
of Alderman Davis at the price of
$625, being $31 below the engin
eer's estimate.
Ordinances providing the time
ami manner of impioviug Pc&scu
den street from biuith avenue to
Jersey street with concrete paving
and I van hoc street from Richmond
to Mohawk were passed on motion
of Alderman Valentine,
Stories of Success
In Osh k o b h,
Wisconsin, was
reared a boy
destined 10 rev
olutionize mcr
chomllsInK In
the lamest Enic
llsh speak I n ft
city In tlio world.
In II years ho
rose from clerk,
floorwalker and
department buy
er, to Boncrai
matin r 0 r and
partner In Mar
shall Mold & Co,
Chicago, whllo tho ureal BcirmiKo
store In London today occupies
nnnrlv llin nrpfl nf a cItV IJIOClt.
Mr. SelfrldBO Is a merchant of tho
foremost rank, and noes to Inflnlto
pains In KCttlnff right men for tho
rlKht Jobs.
F.ntfiutlnsm Is one rcnulrcmcnt.
loyalty another, economy a third
economy In small things, rleklntf
up pins, In ono department alone,
resulted In a monthly ;iavlng of 130.
Capitalists bellevo In men with
the savings habit It develops char
acter, thrift, cnorgy.
Terslstcnt, systematic saving Is
the key that unlocks tho door to
This Imtilt Invites savings, tares
or small.
4 per cent interest on Sav
ings Accounts and Time
Certificates of Deposits.
St. Johns, Oregon
Svi.vhstur Pkthkso.v, Pres.
A. K. Joints, Vice President
P. P. Dkinkkk, Cashier
C. H. Ki'SSKM., Ass't Cashier
An Ordinance Providing The
Time And Manner Of Im
proving Ivanhoc Street from
Alohawk Street to Rich
mond Street in the City of
St. Johns, Oregon.
B - E - D - S
Special Sale of Iron Beds
2-inch continuous
Iron Ucds for only
Sec our window display for
other attractive designs and
good bargains.
Child's Vcrnls Martin Iron
Crib with sliding drop side and a
good cotton mattress all for $7.25
St. Johns Furniture
A subscriber once received a dun
through the postofTice, and it made
him mad. lie went to see the edi
tor about it, and the editor
showed him a few duns of his
own one for paper, one for tyjw,
one for fuel and several others.
Now said the editor, "I didn't get
mad when these came because I
knew all I had to do was to ask sev
eral reliable gentleman to help me
out, and then I could settle nil of
them." When the subscriber saw
how it was he relented, paid tip,
and renewed for another year.
Ployd Churchill and Miss Hrma
Whcelock were married at the
bride's home, 1.J50 Multnomah
street, Portland, yesterday. Poth
are well known in St. Johns, and
their many friends unite in wishing
theui many years of happiness and
prosperity. They will mukc their
home on Ilartmaii street in St.
Odd Pcllow.s take notice that
there is woik in the first degree
next .Monday night. It was post
poned on account of the carnival.
We have two husky victims who
want all that s coming to them .
Come out in full fotcc and help to
give them a run for their money.
isitiug moment always welcomed
Alex McNiviu leave for Cana
da Saturday. Alex in a dandy
boy and his luixt of friends regret
to see hint no.
Wanted. -Oiil for geneial house
work in small family. Good home
mid good wages. Apply at this
Mrs. II. I.. Parson ami sou of
I.os Angeles, Cal., arc visitiuir her
brother, A. II. Illackbiiru.
Spokane, Portia ti J & Stat tie Railway. sr. JOHNS.
I'allUi UU- Wwh Iim !.lf, OuUriuUtr. Oir-
UU 1 IUUL Utl (Mill IHHUIt ..... til i. ill
InUmd Kmmi lUium. to 11 a. m.. tut L'fikuL'u.
M IStul. Omli. KuHul'ily.l. l.uuU. Wall
WkIU l-rfwu. KtMMwttlt. (lluiiAUIIri. (iul.len
Ulf. WhHr SniIwhmi, VuHim mid Oiriiwi
TiuhV tUMHttW
Not in iuhl i.iiiiiml.T J t. m.. It Clii.-ua hi
i-HHi, iihwiw kinui till', nt. imu , MMkatir
ilsu. Kim ilk VaMu. kuutfll. ami
CuIhtoUU Kivcr l,wal VU I' m . lor Vauceuirr.
CaHw. Willie IwlmiHi. I.jlr. Oiaml.Ullra.Clitli
rlltnnltir ami all iHtwmwIUte IuIUhh,
lulaud l(tMir IUlirw. 7 mil id , lioui Clilca
tu. W laul. Ilitwlia Kuu City. M. l.uuia,
apulau. iuur KilavUlt Mtul, lliwu
HuuMHII.OcauIJ4W.' White Nilmwi.aml Van
Nmth IktHk I.lwltrJ run-hi. I row CliUnca.
W I'aul. tlwatw. K.hui City. 81 l,oui, W all
Walla, IMkm. KuUMPtrll. ami Vancumrr
Coin in UU Klirr uji , 111 , hum Cllt(,
liiamUalln. l.uWni.Ulf. l.ylc White Salmon,
Canui. Vancouver auJ all luUiuiniUir .la
I'aUUkluf INiwcuitri suA i. 111. (turn I.) If, OoUl-
TKkeUuHwIc lor all mMhU.
11. m. vuiucll. Agrul.
It lit resolved by the city of St. Johns:
Tlmt it deems It cxK:illcnt 11 ml necessary
to Improve Dawson street sixty feet In
width from tlic easterly line of Coluinliln
Ixiulcviiril enstcrly to the easterly limits
of St. Johns on snlil street in the city of
St. Johns, excepting only tlmt jwrtlonof
sniu sireei nniieiiicnieii 15 lect III width
nnil on the northerly side of stilil Dawion
street between Tyler nnil Iluclmiiun
streets In unlit city of St. Johns in the
lollowliiK milliner, to wit:
lly KMiling snid portion of snlil street
to lie unproved ly grndlng snlil to
of D.'twson street to erailu to lie ci
llshcil, nnd by itiivine the same with
stmiiliinl concrete tNiveincnt six Inches
thick from curl) to curb, In accordance
to Oriliuiincu No. -ICI, nnil by laying 11
six 1001 cenicni siiicmiiik on imiiii sides
of salil street, excepting ujxin Hint por
lion of iuiIiI street rctmneil liv t-iiil Nun
cy Cnplcs, together with nccessiiry cross.
walks nnil gutters, nnil together with n
twelve fool curl) on both tides of wild
street, excepting only iiikiii Hint wild
xrlion of snlil I)us son street owned anil
rctnlucd by snlil Nnucy Clinics.
SjiIiI work to be done according to the
plnus nnil spi-ciiirntlons of the city en
gineer on Tile in the office of the cltv
recorder relative thereto, which unlit
plnus mid sicclficiitlon nnd estlumlcs
nre satisfactory anil are hereby np
Said tilniis mid siicclficiitlous mid est!
iimtes nrc sntlsfnctory mid are hereby
niipnivcd. Snlil liuprovt-uivuts to )c
Hindu in nccorilnnce with the charter mul
orilluiiuces of the. city of St. Johns, mid
under the supervision ami direction of
the city ciiKinrcr.
Tlmt the rout of said Improvement to
nc iimcsm-ii ns provided oy tuccity ennr
ter iiihiii the pniin-rty ihikcIiiIIv nnil imr
tlcuhirly bi'iiuliled Iherehy, nnil which
Is hereby ilccliinsl to he nil of lots, ixirts
of lots, blocks mid parcel of Inml Ikj
Iweeu Hie termini of such Improvements
abutting iiimui, iiiljiiceut or iroximnte to
the mill ImwMiu street from the
iiHiruluul line of sa il street back to Hie
center ol the block or blocks or tnicla
of Iniiii abutting thereon or proximate
Tlmt all the Pioperty Inclinlcd In said
iinprovt'iui'iii iiutuct aiotes.ilil Is hereby
iimiimi 111 no j.ih-ui impnivvuieiii ins.
trict No. IK).
Tlmt the city engineer's noiucut of
llie proluiblv total cost of Mitt Improve
ment of Mid street Is fl'J.1 ll).:t
Tlmt the cost of Mlil buprovciueut is to
oe nweirtcii iigiiiiiki uie propi'riy in sain
local iiNMsi.iurut district ns provided by
llie city charter of the city of St. Johns,
cxcvpiing nun uie sum cost 01 improve-
iiienl hlmll lie aiiisirtioneil iiro-rutu to
inch abutting front foot 011 niIiI Dawson
street.,.i.ul .1.... r 1.. 1..
iyi j.
1'. A. KICK.
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Kcvlew on
July rimul 12, 191a.
The city of St. Johns docs ordain as
The council of the city of St. Johns,
having ascertained the cost of Improv
ing S. Ivanhoc street from the northerly
side Hue of Mohawk street to the south
erly side line of Kichtnond street in city
of St. Johns, as shown by the resolution
of the council of said city dntcd on the
18tli dny of June, 1912, and recorded
in the office of the recorder of snid cltv,
nnd notice thereof hnving been publish
ed in the St. Johns Review, n weekly
newspnper of gencrni clrculntion, on
tlie 21st dny nnd 28th dny of June, lot 3,
ns shown by the iifhdAvit of the
foreman of snlil paper, which said
nfliilnvlt Is 011 flic in the office of
the city recorder; nnd legnl posting of
notices of such improvement, ns shown
by the nfliilnvlt of the city engineer 011
file in tlie office of the city recorder, mid
no rcmonstrnnces hnving been filed,
mid, ns provided by said resolution, engi
neer's tirelluiinnrv estimate of the cost of
said improvement is fl,487.U, bat shall
be more accurately determined by nnld
V- .1. 1. I- I I... 1 I
tlmt snlil street be Improved nnd the time
for the completion of snid improvement
is hereby fixed nt sixty dnvs from the
Inst ptiblicntiou of notice of proxsnlsof
said worK, which sniu projiosnis must De
filed with the recorder of snid city on or
before the 30th dny of July, 191 a, nt
eight o'clock p, in. of snlil day.
Hint sniu street sunn be improved ns
follows: lly grading same to the estab
lishcil i;ratlc by cut nnd fill mid by side
wnlkliiL' same on cither side with 6-ft.
cement sidewalks, eighteen foot curbs
entire leneth, toeelhcr with nil ueces
snry crosswnlks nnd corrugntcd Iron gut'
tcrs, snid walk mid curb to have expnn
M011 joints ns directed by tlie city engi
neer, three inch drain tile every fifty
feet; liich rings to be placed in curb as
directed by thr city eniiinecr.
The city recorder shnll give notice
by publication for not less tliiiu three in
scrtions In the St. Johns Review. the ofli
cinl licrfsiMtK-r. InvltliiLf tirooosnls for
miiklnt! snid Improvement.
anin improvement siinn in nn respects
be done mid completed in conformity
with the provisions of ordinances Nos.
too nun 02. except ns oiiicrwisc pro
vided In this ordinance; all work to be
done under the direction midsiipervliiou
of the city engineer.
Tlmt the cost of snid improvement
shall be nsscssed ngniusl the property!))
111c local improvement uisirici ns de
scribed In wild resolution nnd dcslgunt
ed as and declared to be local Improve
ment district No, 81).
lWcd the council this the 9th duv
of July, 1913.
Approved by the mayor this the 9th
day of July, 1913,
A. A, .ilULK,
Attest: 1 A. RICH,
Published in the St. Johns Review on
July 12, 191a.
The Gas Kitchen
Means the Cool Modern Kitchen
The modern home would be as complete without
water and sewer connections as it would be without
a gas range and a gas water heater.
With the Gas Kitchen you have banished the coal,
wood, dirt, dust, ashes, kindling and heat.
While no two women may agree on any other subject, yet of the thousands that
are using gas raugcs,all arc agreed that they arc the most convenient and durable
economical and perfect cooking and baking appliances they ever saw or used.
Our 191 2 ranges arc now ready for delivery.
Just as we promise they represent the combined features of quality and conven
ience. We can meet the requirements of any kitchen 'regardless of size. We sell gas
ranges and gas water heaters on installments at cost connections free.
Wc invite you to call and look over our proposition for yourself.
Scaled proixisal will be received bv
the uuilersleucd at his ollicc In the city
hall of St. Johns, Oregon, until 6 p. m.,
July 10, 1912, for the sale of not less than
par nun accrued interest 01 improvement
oounsoiiiic city 01 5t. loiius. ureeon
Same to be Issued under Ordinance No
187 for the whole or nny tuut of fU.'
bW. bald nouns to lie iinteil lime I
1013, nnd iksucd In denominations o
1 500 each, pnynble ten years from dnte
same beliii! couikmi boutls betirlui! inter
est nt six per cent, tmynblc ini-minu
ally, nuil subject to nil the conditions
a.. ".u it .!.m imposeii, iiirecicu auu siipuiaieu oy sec
AH UrUlinUJCi; rrUVIUIIlir UlU , . , t il,- charter of the cltv of Si.
Timn mill Alnnnor nf Im.llolius.
nrnvlmr Pocco.i,!.,, . 1 "e r Kui is rcservcii o rciieem any or
Iroin Jersey Street to
Smith Avenue in the City
of St. Johns, Oregon.
The city of St. Johns docs ordain as
1 lie council of the city of St. Johns.
having ascertained thecokt of imnrovlun
l'vKiidvii street from the northerly side
line 01 jersey street to uie norm
ly tide Hue of Smith avenue In the city
ofSt.Johus. Orc.ns shown by the resolu.
lion ol tlie council ol salil city, iinteil on
lHlli day of June. 1913, nnd recorded
I. tl.u ..IIT.. ..f .1... nt mn.
p.iiH.T 01 eeuerai circuiniioii, on tlie
2Ut day mid the SSth day of June
loia. as shown by the afhdavlt of the
foreman of Mid luixrr, which snid aflida
vit is on Ide in the office of the
all bonds nt any interest iwvliik' icriod
at or niter one year irom iiute.
All bias mtul ne accoiuixiiiicil ny a cer
tided check for two lr cent of the
nmouiit, said check to be inyablc to the
cuv oi nt, loiius, to which it win icveri
ns dnmaec in case iKirty to whom bonds
arc Awarileil falls to nrcept ami imiv for
Mime within is day from acceptance of
inn. aioucy 10 ic pun ami bonus ue.
livered at St. Johns, Multiioiii.ili county.
llie rtuht is reserved by the council to
reject any mm an inns.
v. A. uiuit,
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Kcvlew on
June 28, July Sand 12, 1012.
Proposals for Street Work
Successors to
John Sand mid Gravel Company
I.. 1). JACKSON, Prop.
General Contractor
We ure prepaied to do any and
all kinds of excavating for street
work and otber purposes. Wc
also batidle sidewalk and build
ing material.
Newton and lfasseiideti Streets
St. Johns, Oregon
Phone Columbia. . . ,
Sealed proposals will le rrceivml at
tlie office of the rwmkrof thecity of St,
joiiiis, until liny f, lots, at ! o'clock
ji. in. for the improvement of South
1 lay en street from the southerly side line
oi iiiicnaimu street to tlie northerly
line oi ma street lu the manner
provlileil by ordinance No subject
to the provision of the churter nnd ordi
nance or the city of St. Johns and the
(Miniate of the city eiujiueer 011 file,
HiiKliiecr s estimate is a.74o.r5.
Did must be strictly in accordance
with the printed bluuks, which will be
furnished oil application at the ollice of
the recorder ot the cltv of St. loiius.
And said improvement must be com
pleted 011 or before 60 dnvs from the last
publication of notice of proiusal for
salil work,
No proiosalsorbids will be considered
tunes accoiiiwuteii by u certified check
imyuble to the onler of the mayor of the
city of St. Johns, certified by u responsi
ble butiK tor an umoutit equal to ten per
vein, in tue iiKurcL'iue proposal.
The rieht to reject any and all bid U
hereby reserved,
H.v order of the council.
Kecorder of the city of St. Joints,
Published iu the St. John Review
JulyS, 12 and 19, 1913,
cltv rc
cortler; and Iceal iMjiitlnk' of notices of
such improvement, us shown by the affi
davit of the city cuiMiicer on file In the
ollice of the city recorder: and no re.
monstrance having been filed, mid
a provlileil by the salil resolution.
the eiieiucer' preliminary estimate of
iid improvement is ti, 164.63, but shall
lie more accurately determined by said
Now, therefore, it I hereby ordered
that Mid street be improved mid the
time fur the completion of said im
provement is hereby fixed at sixty day
filed with the recorder of said city 011 or
beiore tlie Hum unv ot iiuv. 1013.
ai no cioci;, p. m. 01 sain nay.
1 Hal sniu street simu be unproved as
The following list of legal blanks
are kept for sale at this ollice and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, batlstaction ot .Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Hills
of Sale, Leases.
All these blanks nt the uniform
price of 30c per dozen.
irom the lust publication of proposal of
. work, which Mid proitosals must be
You got full weight and
(utility at the Ceutral market.
try Hwhlln.
Subscribe for the St. Johns Review
and keep pented on uie doings of
the city.
Warm Weather Suggestions
Hammocks from
Ice Cream Freezers
Screen Doors
Oil Cook Stoves
Adjustable Screens
$1.25 to $5.00
.75 to 2.76
1.00 to 2.50
'1.50 to 12.00
25c to 50c
Caloric Fireless Cook Stoves
Cooks practically every
thing for the table. The
"Caloric"does baking, boil
ing, stewing and roasting.
It will reduce tho high cost
of living and saves horn's
of drudgery and toil in the
Come in and
see the
H. HENDERSON McDonald B!dg.,208JcrscySt.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance I
Abstracts of Title Prepared, Accurate Work Guaranteed.
firing In your job printing while
you think of It. Don't wait until you
are entirely out. Wo nro equipped
to turn out neat and tasty printing
promptly at Portland prlcei or less.
Preach tho gospol of St. Jehus.
Ifor soreness of the muscles.
whether induced by violent e.xurcise
or injury, there is nothing better
than Chamberlain's I.iiiimont. This
liniment also relieves rhuuiuatic
paius, For sale by all dealers.
In order to Insure a chsnflo of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
remember this and save the prlnUrl
The Hible School of the
is thoroughly einilpiK'd to win
souls to Christ and to train
them iu Christian Service, We
want you, and you need us.
Sunday Services
Hible School: 10 a. in.
Morning Service: 11 11. 111.
Junior C. H.: -3 p. ui.
Y. 1'. S. C. H.:-7 P. m.
HvaiiKelistic Services: 8 n. tn.
Thursday l'rayeruiectiug:tip.ui.
Corner Mew York SI. and Willis Bw!urd
follows: lly u rati 1 111: same to the estab
lislinl unule by cut unit till ami by lay
iiij; a siamiimi concrete pavement
inches thick Iroin curb to curb.
The city recorder shall nive notice bv
publication lor 1101 less man turee in
scrtions in the St. Johns Review, the of
liciiil newspaper, inviting proposals for
uuiKiiii; Mid improvement.
Said improvement shall in all respects
be done unit completed in conformity I
wiiii tue provisions 01 uruinuuce
Number UkI. except as otherwise
provided in this ordinance; all work to
be done uiider the direction and super
vision of the city eneiiieer.
That the cost of said improvement
man ne asaesoeii against me property 111
the local improvement district as de-
scntied in Mid resolution and designated
as anil declared to be Iocal improve-
incut District No, SS.
Passed by the council July 9th,
Approved by the uwyor July SJtli,
Attest: If. A. KICK,
City Recorder.
Published iu the St. Johns Review on
July 12, 19U.
Kach urc of our lives has its joys.
Old people should be happy, aud
they will be if Chamberlaiu's tab
lets are taken to strengthen the
digestion aud keep the bowels
regular, These tablets are mild
nnd gentle in their action ami espe
cially suitable for people of iuid
die age and older. For sale by all
dealers. I
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Portland Office and Chapel St. Johns Office and Chapel
Cor. KilliiiKsworth Ave. & Klrby St. 418 North Jersey St.
Phones; C 1133 Woodlawn 3306 Phone Col. iSj.Rcs. Phone Col. 559-
Requires National Banks to maintain a fixed cash
serve of their deposits;
Does not permit them to make excessive loans to one
Requires them to make five times a year statements of
resources and liabilities to the Comptroller of the
The funds of the depositors of this bank nre safe guarded by
law, by the close attention which an active directorate gives
its affairs, aud by its resources of nearly $300,000.
Interest on
A General Banking
Rusiueis Transacted
Visit the Old Home
O-W. R. & N.
O. S. L. and Union Pacific
Lines Protected by Automatic Block Sljuls
lo principal cities
Round trin tickets
Middlo Western and Eastern Slate
on sale during
May, June, July
Auflust, September
Goinu limit 15 days; final return limit
October 31, 1912
Baltimore $107.50
Chicago 72.50
Denver 55.00
Kamaa City 60.00
New York 0650
St. Paul 60.00
Toronto 91,50
Waihington 107.50
Proportionately Reduced Farea
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Through Train Service to the Eaat Strictly
Call on your Local Agent and let him ,a.
ut you in outlining
City's Solas Offica
3rd and Washington, Portland