St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 21, 1912, Image 6

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    Lecture to Bible Students
William A. Baker, the well
known lecturer for the Internation
al Bible Students Association, will
speak at 7:45 Sunday night in the
M. w. A. nail, tins city, on me
subject: "Where arc the Dead?"
This promises to be an interesting
discussion of this topic from a strict
ly Bible view-point. Amid the
confusing sounds of clashing creeds
and human theories it is spiritually
refreshing to hear a clear and sim
ple message from God's word, an
swering the many perplexing ques
tions suggested by such a theme.
Mr. Baker is not only reported to
be a thorough student of the sacred
Scriptures, speaking with authori
ty on Bible interpretation, but, ad
ditionally, presents his arguments
with exceptional power and ability.
Do you know that 90,000 people
die every 24 hours, more than one
a second? Where are they? How
must they spend eternity? Don't
fail to hear this sermon. All seats
free, not even a collection lifted.
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinned or examined nt the Peiiinsii'
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
II. Henderson, manager, 208 North
Jersey, McDonald building.
For Sale
Lots 1,2,3 and .1, comer of Rich
nioiul and Portland boulevard, for
$1200. Write W. H. Reid, Devil's
Lake, N. I). 36 fit
An Ordinance Providing (lie
nine nnd Manner of I in
proving Olympia Street
from Myers Street to Char
lesion Street in the City
of St. Johns, Oregon.
The city of St. JoIiiih ilocn onlittn iih
The council of tin city of St, Johim,
having iiM.'crtiiliii'tl the cost of Improving
Olvtnnm ittim Irom the iiorllii-nstiTly
Mile line of MyiTH to tlic inrturly
Mile unc 01 Liinricsioii Mrm in tno city
of .Sl.Ioluin. On-.. iih kliown liv the ruMiln-
tlon of (lie council of niIiI city, ilntiil 011
liSth iliiv of Mnv. 100. 11ml riTimlci!
lit thcnlllcc of (he nx'orik'r of iwtlil city,
nnd notice thereof liuvlng lvcn publUlicil
In tliu ht. JoIiiih Kfvit'W. 11 weekly nuwit
ixiixir of jniieriil clrculiitioii, 011 tin.'
juiilny of Miiy unit the 71I1 iliiy of June,
iijij, iih Minwn iy tut miniitvit 01 tne
loii'iiiuu 01 Niiu ixijK'r, which .hhiii miniii
vlt Ih on lilt; In the ollice of the city re
ronlcr; nml leunl ixtttliiu of notice of
mioIi lintiMivi'iiii'iit, mt kliown liy the nlli
iluvlt of the city ciiulnrcr on Ilk' in the
olhce of the city rvcorilcr; hiii! 110 ri'
nioiiKtruiiccM ImviiiK on flhil, Hint
iih pniviilwl liy the Mill icMiltition,
the tiiiKliifi'r'it pti'lhiiliHiry twtlitMtt' of
tuiiii inipfovcineiii is fi,t. 17, nut mihii
Ik; more iiccurHtely iletenniiuM liy Willi
Now, tlwrvfiir. It U lieit'liy nrlvrt'
Unit wild Ktret t Ik Impiovnl hiiiI tlir
time fur the completion of mill I111
movement it hi'iehy tlx til nt lxty iluyt.
Irom the hut imhlicMtloii of proHMl of
Mill work, wiiivii miii proMMHi 111111 lie
fllwl with the reoonler of sulil city on or
neiore tne vui imv m July, vjtj
nt 8 o'clock, 11. 111. of will iIhv.
That Mill Htrevt hill Ih Improve! iu
loilow; liy KruilliiK mine to Hie etttili
lUhwl ennle liy cm nml till 11 ml liy Mile
wiilkiiiK 'iiie "" cither oiile with four
foot cement NlilewitlkH hiuI eiirl
entire leueth, together with nil necen
Miry cement cioMWulkn nml commuted
Iron Kiitttrti.cmli tohavcthreiMiiehiirulii
tile uvery fifty (ett; hitch rlnii to he
placed In the curl) im dlrccleil liy the
oiiv uuuiueer.
The city rtHHHiler nlwll Hive notire liy
puliliautidii fur itut lew than tlime In-
kcrtioiiH in tne M. joiiiih Kvvlew, the ol-
fioinl ucwMMpcr, inviting proHxali) for
uiiiKiue miii improvement.
Said Improvement nhull in nil ichkvi
he done nnd coiuiiletetl in coulurinily
wiin tne provikiuuH 01 umiimiic
Nui. 16a and joi, except m otlwruii
providetl in thin oiiliimuce; nil work to
lie done under the direction mid kiiper
vision of the eit eneiHver.
Thut the eul of Mid imnrnvemciit
tludl he nkHked (j;iiiiut the properly iu
the local improvement district iwilen
MrllxMl hi mIiI reMilulioii hihI ileiiuitel
us nun nccwreti 10 iw ivhi improve
inrnt DUtriet No. Hi
I'ukkttl liy the council June ititli,
Approve! liy the iwiyr June 1S1I1,
Attekt: 1'. A. KICK.
City Kcoorder,
lulilikhel iu the Sit. Jolnu Review on
June 71, lyu.
Proposals for Street Work
Sealed proosalii will Ih' leoetved ut the
otlice of the Recorder of the City of St.
Jolum until Julv 2nd, I'ju.nt 8' o'clock
p. m., for the imprnvemeiit of Central
uve. from the uorthweoterly line of St.
Johns uve, to the twuthciiitcrlv line of
Hruce ktreet iu the iimuuer provided by
oriuiiauce ro, 40, w 11)001 to tne pmviH-
lousoiiue cuarieruuii onuunnceH ot tne
City of St. Johns, mid the estimate of
the city engineer, on tile.
linnfiuer'k ektimute u f6,SjS..S.
lllds must be ktrictly iu uceordiiuee
with printed blanks, which will be furu
iklied on application ut the office of the
Recorder of the City of St. Johns. And
said improvement must be completed on
or before 60 days from date of the lukt
publication of notice of proposals of said
No proposals or bids will ltc considered
unless accompanied by a certified check
myable to the order of the Mayor of the
City of St. Johns, certified by a respon
sible bank lor an amount ctpial to ten
jiercent. of the ujjKrejjute
The right to reject any nml all bids Is
hereby reserved.
liy order of the City Council.
l'.A. RICH,
Published in the St. Johns Uuview on
June 14, 31 and 28, 1912,
10th Wednesday Special
25c Lawns for this salo, only
25c Dimities for this sale, only
20c " " " " "
19c 1 6c Lawns for this sale, only ... 121-20
19c The entire stock of thin goods will be offered at this sale
15c in like reductions. They must be seen to be appreciated.
For this sale we give you our profit on all of these I?aco
Towels and Hath Towels
6 for 25c or 40c per dozen
7c each
1 ic each
5 for Si. 00
jc Towels will be
ioc " " "
15c " " "
11 11 11
Sonic Extra Heavy Hath Towels selling regularly 'nt
50c will be 3 for $1,25
Boy's Blouse Waists
Regular 50c Waists will be
Komi ar 20c
" . . . . ... .
20c " supporter will ue
25e Pearl Waist will be
Men's Straw Hats
All this Season's Stock
Big Harvester Hats and Snappy Dress Hats. There is
nothing more conducive to a happy disposition
on a hot day than to have a cool head
Our Harvester Hat for our Wednesday Special - 20c
Our Boys' Hay Seeds usually 25c, Special at - 15c
Men's $3.00 Soft Dress Hats, Wednesday Special $2.10
" $1.50 " " " " 1.18
Boys' 50c 41 " " " 89c
Stock Reducing Prices
A few of the ninny bargains to
he hiul here in ltttiihltiK jioimIs.
Now is the time to et your plumb
hitf kooiIh nt low cash prices while
they Inst:
Oiii'-lnilf Inch M"lv. wnlur iIk.', Ic per (I
ilii; tilckul tilnUsl IliiUlitNl Ikim
llllllw t I'iKll
1 iHVMltirlw. out irtiii. while
iimiiii'l f. so null
I) In. ulcM pltittsl 1' trill JI.IHIim.
i iiu. " "... i.arnM.
ih) uhIIoii Inillunt 1,75 c i
Ml It rtxl line rnUon rulihur
lints) lux :i.7r)fu.
I.wiil IwinU, UlSixIll 1.00 cu
I Huh einili1 Miifllor -I In. ItriiM
1'iul fi'iiulen l.V tii.
Iv ilown loilfl fJ.OO
203 S. Jersey Street
It i ri-Milvwl ly the city of St. JdIiiu
Thut it ili'inim It oxiK'ilkMit nml uicoirv
to iumrovc llurtiniin Mrcet Irom tin-
winterly lino of Central iivciiiif to the
weMorly line o( Myer treet In the
city of St. Jolnu In the lollowiiiK ,lm"
uer. to wit:
Jly KntiliHK M H)ttiou of ktreet to
untile to lie ektiiiiiuiusi ncctirilliiK to lro
file TiImI liy the city engineer in the of
fke of the city recorder June 10, 1012.
liy laying kix-foot cement khlewalks ami
tMchefoot curli on Imth uhles of mIi
ktret, with iuveto.try cement ciOMiwiilks
uml corriiuuteii iron Kiittew,
tviiil work to lie done ummlitiK to the
jiIhiik nml kpcciticiitloits of the city en
eineer on file in the ofliee of the eltv
recorder relative thereto, which mild
jilun and )ecincatioiiii and ottmute
are s.iiiiaciory ami lire iieieuy up
twlil plans nml giH-clficotlona and est!
milieu are satuiuctory ami are nereny
apiiroved. 8.ild improvement!! to W
nutde in accordance with the charter ami
ordinanceii of the city of St. Johns, and
under the mpervislon ami direction of
the city eumncer.
That the cost of said improvetiient to
lie aMic&l an provlileil by tlie city cliur
ter mikmi the proiwrtv esicclilly und tur
ticularly lienclltel thereby, and which
is hereby declared to he all of lots, juris
ol lots, blocks ami luirccls ol luml W
tween the termini of Mich improvements
ubiittiu; iiKin, adjacent or proximate to
ute wiiii iiimiiiiiii sireei irvnit iiic
mareimil lines of said street lack to the
center of the block or blocks or tracts
of laud abutting thereon or proximate
That all the property included iu said
improvement district aforesaid Is hereby
declared to be Local lmproveutent Dis
trict .No. t7.
That the city engineer's iissessmeut of
the pnbable total cost of said improve
ment of said street is 5,(KU.'J2.
That the cost of salt! improvement is to
be iisscsmhI ituuiiist the proinrrty iu said
local assokkiueut district as provided by
the city charter of the city of St. Johns,
except that each front foot shall bear its
pro-rata ot said ussessinent instead of the
cost of imprnvemeiit immediately in
(rout of it, as provided by the city char-tor.
Adopted the eleventh day of June,
v, A. K1VK,
City Recorder.
Published hi the St. Johns Keview on
June 14 and 121, 1913.
I Groceries I
Dry goods
We sell only
the very best
in these lines
and guarantee
them in every
Special Prices
still to be
S01 S. JfiVRP.V
I -J
Even in Midsummer
With a real live breeze blowing
away the stifling sultry air and
cooling the whole room thats
your kitchen, and all others too
that have an
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
On the date Klven below, round trip tickets will be
Iu connection with
Northern Pacific ami Great Northern Ralhvas
Detroit f 8J.50 Omaha ,.. 50,00
'"t"i 00,00 1'iiiiaueipuia , 10S.50
Kansas City.,, 60.00 Pittsbunr quo
Milwaukee 72.50 St. Louis 70.00
fill. 00
Atlantic City
llostou , , ,,, 110,00
Huffalo 91.50
Chicano 71.50
Colorado SpriitKS. . ,55,00
Denver. . . . 55.00
St, Paul 60.00
Toronto.,,,,,,,,,, 91,50
Washington 107.50
.Minneapolis 60,00
Montreal, ,, 105,00
New York,, 108,50
May , 3, 4, 9. io, 11, 17. IS, 34, 39, 1912.
June I, 6, j, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2t, 24, 35, 36, 38, 39, i9i3.
Jllly J. 3. 6, 7, II, 13, 15, 6, 20, 22, 23, 36, 39, 30, 31, !9I3.
August 1, 3, 3,6, 7, 13, 15, 16, 33, 23, 29,30, 31, 1912,
September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 30, 1913.
Stopovers and choice of routes allowed in each direction.
Pinal return limit October 31, 1913.
Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on request.
W. K. COMAN, General Freight and Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
O. M. Cornell, Agent, St. Johns, Oregon,
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
remember this and save the prlnUr
Siabwood !
Phone Richmond 131
Week End Specials
WHAT we want to ask, is
for more St. Johns peo
ple to investigate our prices,
and if we cannot save you
money, we are not entitled to
your patronage. Come in and
look over our SPECIALS TO
DAY, and we will convince
Children's nnd Misses Tan Pumps reg $2, now 98c
Ladies' Tnn Oxfords rcgulnr 3.50, special at. . . .98c
Men's 3,50 and 4.00 Oxfords $1.25
Boys regular 2.00 and 2.25 Shoes, special at. . 1.19
Ladies' Fat Ankle Shoe for Comfort, now only 2.50
Childs' Two Strap Pat. Pump, latest, at 1.75
Misses " " " " " 2.00
Large Misses " " " " 2.25
Boys' and Youths' Latest Styles from 2.00 to 3.50
Child's One Strap Patent Pumps 1.50
Men's Low and High Shoes, Tans and Blacks
latest cuts that range in prices from 3.50 to 5.00
Child's One Piece Indian Moccasins, nifty,
Sizes 6 to 10 1,25
11 to 2 1.50
3 to s 1.90
Child's and Misses'Barefoot Sandals, high grade
Sizes 2 to s 65c
5 to 8 90c
8 1-2 to 11 1.00
11 1-2 to 2 1.25
3 to 6 -...1.50
Cheaper Grade 8 1-2 to 11 65c
Ladies' Long Kimonas $1, 1.25, 1.50
" Short " 50c to 75c
Childrens' Ready Made Dresses 25c to 75c
Girls Co-ed Suits to 14 years $1.50
Specials in Dress Goods for Summer
Fancy White Goods, regular 15c, special now at 12c
Figured Lawns, regular 20c, special at I3c
Madras, regular 25c, special at 18c
New Foulards, in Portland for 25c, our price is 1 8c
A large assortment of Calicos, special at only. . . 5c
We have the same identical Balbriggnn Underwcnr
for Alcn at the regular price of 50c per garment that
the Department Stores in Portland sell for the spe
cial price of 69c.
Men's DressliFsSr 39c
We have about 4 dozen of these, a trifle off in color,
but good values at 39c
Don't Forget We Are Exclusive Agents
For The
Ladies' Home Journal Patterns
Kabo Corsets, "Live Models"
"Elite" Glove Fitting Petticoats
Finks Detroit Special Ovall
Arrowhead Hosiery Guaranteed
Broadway Model Clothes for Men
We have a complete line of Groceries and al
ways have something special to offer in that line.
5minute Washing Powder 15c size, special 2 for 15c
5-minute Washing Powder 25c size, special at 15c
Dew Drop Washiug Powder regular 25c, special 15c
Pyramid Washing Powder, regular 25c, special 15c
6 Bars Babbitt's Naptha 25c
3 Packages R. S. V. P. Salt 25c
Reg. 25c Baker's Cocoa, special at 19c
Reg. 45c Half Gal. Delmonico Sprup 35c
Half Pound Bar Bakers Choc "Justice," special. 19c
Couch & Co.
Distributors of Merchandise Since 1904