St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 21, 1912, Image 5

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Are bought direct from the Factory by the Car Load
Have the secret plush lined jewel drawers and many
distinct features that can be had with no other
dresser. The quality is the best, while our price is
much below any goods of like quality in Portland.
Birds Eye Maple
Quartered White Oak
It will pay you to see
our line of
Linoleum and Rugs
before you finish
Your House Cleaning
Tea Kettles, nickle on copper, made in Rome, N.Y., 75c
A heavy 12-qt. galv. pail, Saturday, special at only 15c
LAWN MOWERS, Saturday special at One-fourth off
Watch for these specials every week.
The Same Low Price
Local News.
The Regal Range on sale at the
Peninsula Hardware is a bargain at
136,00. See it nt once.
I Gilmore'8 Harber Shop n spe
cialty on children hair cutting.
Sash niul doors arc
stock by the Peninsula
Co. Get our prices.
carried in
r, c wiunn. who has been " for rent t wo lurnisueti rooms
quite ill for the past three months, to n couple of gentlemen of good
is able to be up and about ugain. habits. 636 No. Kellogg street. 36
M. F. hoy is taking another look If you want prompt delivery of
at the oil prospects in Malheur wood, call Cochran-Nntting & Co.
county, and will remain there for Phone Col. 55. 415 So. Hayes
several weeks. street. 2otf
Mro. William Halley, of Coos
county, Is a guest at the home of
her husband's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. N. J. Bailey.
Mrs. Mary Carr.called to Gibbon,
Netir., to atteud the funeral of her
mother, will returu to St. Johns
the first of next week.
Husband (angrily) "Here, what
do you mean by waking me out of
a sound sleep?" Wife "Because
the sound was so distressing."
Mrs. Sam A. Greenwood and
children of Salt Lake City are visit
ing her sister, Mrs. A. W. Davis.
They may decide to locate in St.
The Bachelor club held its Juue
danclug party in the rink last night.
A large attendance was in evidence
and the usual good time was had
by all.
Mrs. A Kent and daughter, Miss
Fay, from Bennett's Ferry, Idaho,
have been visiting her pareuts, Mr.
aud Mrs. S. Wilson, and also taking
in the Carnival.
L. H. Chambers presented this
office last Saturday a box of the
largest and juiciest raspberries we
have ever seen raised in St. Johns.
They were grown at his home on
Fillmore street.
First Christian Science Society:
Sunday 11 a. m., Weduesday, at
8 p. tn. Reading room open Tues
day and Saturday from 2 to 4 p. m.
All cordially invited to the services
and reading room: Subject Sunday
"Is the Universe, Including Man,
Evolved by Atomic Force?"
. o
Nurserymen of the whole country
will come to Portland next summer
for the annual convention. They
met in Boston during the past week
and gladly accepted Portland's in
vitation presented by the commer
cial bodies and backed by the gov
ernor and mayor.
For Sale Modern 7-room house
and lot 50x100, corner Richmond
and Hayes, at a fine bargain. Price
frjoco, on very easy terms. For
particulars call at the Review office.
For Sale and Exchange Five
room house, lot 50x126, 1 block
from car line, 3 blocks Irom Jersey
street. Will take $200 cash aud
two good lots up to $870. Call or
write Roy Turrell, 619 Chnpell
street, St. Johns.
Announcement has been made of
68 new corporals in the O. A. C,
cadet regiment, one of the finest in
the country. Among the uumber
we note the names of E. F. Crouch-
tt fnrpslrw. find P. H. Cochran.
civil engineering, both of St. Johns.
S. I. Oaden has purchased a
handsome residence at Piedmont,
and moved his family from his
ranch in the North End to his new
home last week. James Dickson
and family have moved onto the
farm Mr. Ogden aud family have
just vacated.
The weather man was somewhat
generous last week with his sprink
ling can. It marred the success of
the Rose Carnival to some extent,
causing several postponements of
events. The Carnival as a whole,
however, was more gorgeous aud
attracted larger crowds than ever
Misses Ellen and Mary Vierhus
from Oregon City way were in the
city visiting relatives and friends
over Sunday. Mary left Monday
to spend her summer vacatiou at
tending the summer school at O. A.
C, while Ellen declares she is. going
to play "The Man Behind the Hoe"
with "Dad and the boys" on
the farm. They are two, of Or
egon's typical best young ladies and
successful school teachers, and
have a good friend in every one who
knows them here.
.For Insurance see F.W.Valentine
Satisfaction, is the Word Gil
more, the Barber.
If you waut to buy a lot upon
which to build a house, sec J. E.
Williams, He has some fine ones
which can be had cheap and upon
easy monthly payments.
A sprained ankle may as a rule
he cured in from three to four days
by applying Chamberlain's Lini
ment aud observing the directions
on each bottle. For sale by ull
Wall paper in new and artistic
designs is now on sale at the Penin
sula Hardware Co. Prices range
from eight to 25 cents per
double roll. Selection may be made
from 50 or more different patterns.
Lot 100x106 aud a modern six-
room house, lot all in cultivation,
close to school, worth $2500.0wuer
must have money and will sell for
$ 1 700. Only $725 required to
make the deal. A snap. See
Henderson, the Abstracter. Mc
Donald building.
Get nu electric liciid "treatment or
massage at Giltuo(c's JJarber Shop,
Typewriter ribboii:ffor sale at
this office; 50 cents each.
Picture framing done nt Portland
prices at H. F. Clark's, the furni
ture man. tf
For Rent. Store room. Best lo
cation in St. Johns. Right where
the car stops. For particulars see
F. A. Rice at the city hall. 22tf
For Sale Six lots, all extra size,
between Tyler aud Polk streets,
improvements in, can sell cheap,
Terms, 1 10 cash, balance $10 per
mouth, 7 per cent interest. Best
residence district. McKlnney &
Davis. i6tf
For Sale 6j4 acres fine level
land, good soil, small house, well
aud pump, stable, 13 stalls; iyi
miles from city limits, Vancouver,
Wush. Price, $ 11 50. Also 20 acres,
15 level land, some stumps, no
brush, sevenmlles from Astoria.
Does not overflow. Price for a few
days, $750. See J, Webster, St.
Johns, Oregou.
The following week we will offer for sale at greatly
reduced prices an extensive line of toilet articles and
drug sundries, some of which we will discontinue
handling, and will sell at prices that will surprise you.
The list includes such articles as
Shaving Brushes
Tooth Brushes
Hair Brushes
Clothes Brushes
Flush Brushes
Whisk Brooms
Shaving Mugs
Shaving Strops
Talcum Powder
Toilet Soap, etc.
Pocket Knives
Manicure Shears
Dressing Combs
Pocket Combs
Card Cases
Fancy Stationery
Alarm Clocks
See display in our windows.
Remember we are still giving away Phonographs.
Twenty-five cents spent at this store, may win for
you a handsome Talking Machine.
St. Johns Pharmacy
How many times have you had your work, your sleep, or your leisure hours interrupted
by recurring pains in the region of the kidneys?
Did you ever experience anything more unpleasant and annoying?
You probably neglect it too let yourself believe it wasn't serious be over it in a day or
two. When the kidneys give you warning of inability to perform their duty, assist them in every
way help them get rid of poisons they arc accumulating waste matter they cannot throw off.
They arc weak and need strengthening. Sec that they arc built up back to normal and it
won't be many days until you are built up, eager for work and enjoying your rest and leisure
hours. It's your own fault if you don't.
Ail that you need to do is take
There's a wealth of wisdom in that assertion This preparation is one of the most prompt
and effective preparations we have and we arc confident that it will do as represented.
Make us prove it. If we can't, your money refunded; 50c and $!.oo the bottle.
Subscribe fur U10 Rovlow aud bo
Lost On Decoration Day, pair of
kid gloves. Kinder please leave at
Review omcc.
Mrs. H. S. Swelled of Cottage
Cirovc has been visiting relatives in
bt. Johns this week.
D. L. Morthlaud and wife of
Hastings Mich., are guests of Mrs.
Morthlaud's brother, A. C. Gesler.
Wolcott (the rent man) 130 nth
street, Portland, is the man to see
for real estate or mercantile deals.
Wanted --Girl todo general house
work. Good wages and good home
for the right party. Mrs. J. J.
Hurlbert. 3i-32p
Miss F.tntna Twede. of Seattle
was u guest of her former school
mate, Miss Hannah Hergstraud of
this city, during Carnival week.
Mrs. Allan Hlackburn, who has
been seriously III is now convales
cing, aud will soon be able to sit up.
1 His will be good news to Her many
For Sale The damaged building
at ii. North Jersey The building
to be removed. Make me a bid.
McKinney & Davis, or phone Col
umbia 2. ttc
International Illblc Students' as
sociation services in M. V. A. hall
Sunday evening at 7:45. Lecture
by William A. Haker, subject:
"where are the Dead.". No col
P. II. Hdlefscn was awarded
$5,000 damages in Judge McGinn's
court last week in his case against
the Portland Railway Light, & Pow
er Co. for injuries received about
one year ago.
It is now well known that not
more than one case of rheumatism
11 ten requires any internal treat
ment whatever. All that is needed
is a free annlication of Chamber-
tain's Liniment and massaging the
parts at each application. Try it
aud see how ciuicklv it will relieve
the pain and soreness. Sold by all
Councilman J. K. Jennings and
wife left Wednesday evening for
Lethbrldge, Alto, Canada, where
they will take charge of a large
laundry plant. It is a city of about
12, 000 population, liiey expect
to remain all summer at least. Mr.
Jennings has sent iu his resignation
as councilman. Their many friends
were sorry to see them leave St.
The Department of Agriculture
at Washington has just Issued its
1911 Agricultural Year Hook a
bound volume of instructive infor
mation regarding agriculture, hor
ticulture, stock raising, etc. Kach
senator and representative has cop
ies of this year book aud any farm
er can secure a codv bv sendinir to
one of the members of the Oregon
"Pug" Bishop, the genial ex
president of the Bachelor club, with
the three Canuck friendo he brought
with him have returned to Victoria,
H. C. The entire quartet expressed
the keenest pleasure with the re
ception giveu them. It was one
continual round of pleasure, feasting
and daucing, receptions and Rose
Carnival attractions, with all the
frills that go to make it interesting.
Our lads exerted themselves to send
the visitors from across the border
home with a good taste in their
mouths, and they evidently sue
ceeded, as all four of them declared
it would not be long until they
would be back here to stay. Our
Canuck friends were especially en
thusiastic in their praise of St. Johns
and the people here.
Wanted Hoys to learn to weave
at night; pay while learning. Call
at once. Portland Woolen Mills.
Mrs.Klizabcth lloyd of Cornelius,
niece of Rcv.Paltou, was n guest nt
the Methodist parsonage the first of
the week.
Mrs. Shcpardsou of Cntlin,
Wash., has been the guest of Iter
daughter, Mrs. Iv. S. Wright on
South Hayes.during the post week.
A. L. Harrison, formerly of this
place,aud who has been operating a
sawmill at Sifton, Wash., has sold out
his Interests there and returned to
St. Johns.
Three Flue Lots For Sale. .jox
100 at the head of Kdlson street, all
improved. Only $375 each. Kasy
terms. Apply soon to J. II. Fletch
er, 823 Willamette boulevard.
Our typo inadvertently omitted
the names of the St. Johns Furni
ture Co. nud A. J. Kubcs from the
list of those who agreed to close
their places of business 011 Thurs
day nud Friday afternoons of last
week. The omission was entirely
unintentional. Doth Mr. Ormaudy
nud Mr. Kubes are public spirited
gentlemen, and are ever ready to
do as much as any other business
If you arc iu need of plumbing
goods see Kdinoiulsoti Co.
You got full wolght and first
quality at Iho Central markot. Just
trr awhile.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hudspeth of
Kverctt, Wash., who, while taking
iu the Rose Carnival, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Hlackburn the first
of the week.
Three lots, 7-room house, 12
8-year-old fruit trees, gas in house,
wired for electricity, street im
proved, 011 most prominent street;
I2000, 5500 cash, balance on time.
See K. C. Couch.
Methodist Church, corner of
Lcavltt and Hayes Sunday, June
23. Sunday school 10 a. m. Ser
mon 11 a. in. Theme: "Interac
tion Iktwccu God and Man." Hp
worth League 7:15 p. in. Preach
ing, 8 p. in. Topic: "God De
livering the Righteous." All in
vited to these services.
Tiie first quarterly conference of
the United Kvnngcllcal church will
be held Saturday evening. Dr. C.
C. Poling will preach at 8 o'clock,
and Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
at the close of which communion
services will be held. He will also
preach iu the evening nt 8. F.very
body welcome.
Easy Monthly Terms
Wc have n couple of modern
houses for sale nt Itast St. Johns.
Cnu purchase on monthly terms or
we will build to suit. Come in
nnd talk it over with us. Why
not stop paying rent?
East St. Johns Land Go,
Lewis IJIdg., 4th nnd Oak Streets
Marshall 2641
Wanted Girl to do housework.
Call at 702 North Hayes.
We repair suit cases, hand bags,
trunks, gloves. Hrlug them in.
i lie bt. Johns Harness bhop,333tc
The Misses Agnes and Percy
Watkins, teachers from Ashland
High school, are here to spend the
vacation, with their sister, Mrs. Dr.
At the school election Monday
afternoon II. W. lioiihani was
elected director. There were two
candidates for the position II. W.
Houliam and Dr. A. W. Vincent.
The former received 34 votes and
the latter 12. Very little interest
was displayed iu the election, as
the vote proved. F. W. Valentine,
J. K. Hiller and Mrs. L. N. Del-
linger served upon the election
Independence Day will be cele
brated very widely iu Portland this
year. Perhaps the generally fine
crop outlook throughout the state
had the effect of making the peo
ple unusually keen to enjoy a nota
able holiday. Anyway, many pla
ces will hold big celcbratious. Al
bany will celebrate the coining of
the Oregon F.lectric as well as the
Glorious Fourth aud is making big
preparations. Ashland will have a
big barbecue. Bend will celebrate
for three days. The Dalles will
have a week-long event In connec-
lion with a Chautauqua session and
many other points are now making
plans for a big day.
Drown is back iu town.
J. R. Weimer and Councilman
Davis are making a tour of Hint-
ern Oregon this week.
Mrs. M. II. Hutchinson of Ranior
spent last week with her imronts,
Mr. and Mrs, K, u. Mclntyre.
Arthur Ilorsman leaves today
for a large ranch iu the Tualatin
Valley, where he will spend Ins
summer vacation.
The Klks are making great pro
paratious for the reunion to be held
in Portland July 8-13. An elabor
ate decoration scheme is being
worked out, the streets being
dressed in the national colors and
in the Royal Purple of F.lkdom.
Mirny thousands of visitors from all
parts of the country will visit Port
laud this week aud the Portland
lodge has made preparations to care
for all who come.
Miss Olive Couch of New Rock
ford, North Dakota, is a guest at
the home of her uncle, K. C. Couch.
She attended the marriage of a bro
ther iu Portlaud last week, and in
cideutly took in the Rose Carnival.
She says she saw more roses In two
or three blocks in Portlaud than
she ever saw in her life, and it was
a great treat to her. She will spend
the greater part of the summer in
this vicinity.
Subscribe tor the St. Johns Rovlew
and keep posted on the dolus of
the city.