St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 21, 1912, Image 2

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TuUtibed Eterr Friday
At 117 West HurlltiKteti Rtrett.
TlIK RitVMW It entetwt at tmtwIKce
in 8lnt Jttlms, OrtKn, m hmII wattet ,
of the M-ceml oWm tinder tWe Act t Cmt-1
(rtot March 3. 1H79. j
osriu Kpirt ef tit oiir f e- .
Subscription prlco St. 00 par year. ,
It Is sniW that money talks, lmt
tlia only worn w cvr Hmrtl it mv
h "OoatMiy."
It wotiW lmmfthiitx mtt f the
ordinary If flt. John) immkh tlitti
tk jr wtibotu 11 twc)l declimt.
It hni IntiR len cotitetulrtl that
onfcc whh injurious, to the system,
mid the low of It eaten the Iwlter
It would l. Prof. Avn II. Milam,
of tlie (lonieatic science c!emrtiui-nt
of the Oregon Agricultural College,
howuver, mnUes the statement thnt
enke in a concentrated food, the
nvcrnge slice containing practically
ns much food vnluc a one and one
half glasses of milk.
Livestock men of the whole coun
try have been in ticwtion hi Portland
during tlie jxist week nnd while
there learned many things ahout
Oregon's growing livestock indus
try. Delegates to the National
Livestock .Iixchange represented
14 leading stockyard centers ofAthe
United Mutes. They handle an
immense number of cattle each year
and they went hack to their homes
witli a better idea limn ever they
had hefore of Oiegou's importance
as a livestock state.
State Kugineer Lewis character
bus the Pes Chutes river as the
most wonderful stream in the world
after a trip through its entire drain
age basin. lie says the powiil i'ities
for irrigation are tremendous nut
the future development of water
power no less so. He estimates
nearly 000,000 horsepower can be
generated in this stream liy to dam
sites already located. An immense
increase can be made by liurnessinj
tributary Htrcims.
A communicant on the dog (pies
tion elsewhere in this issue shotiit
temcmber that mad dogs in the
Northwest do not happen. At
least we never heard of a case,
1 Here does seem to lie an over
abundance ol "dorgs" in St. Johns,
but if the owners are willing to ikiv
the license for their company, it is
about all that can be expected. The
dog and the crowing cock seem to be
necessary evils of any well balanced
community. Muzzles may be all
right, but it is cruel, unlet the dog
is dangerous. Then it is up to the
A movement has begun to tir in
regard to constructing nidetrneks to
to connect with the city dock. 1 he
mattur has lain dormant entirely
too long without some effoit direct
ed toward relieving the situation.
According to the city charter, it is
iiupossihle to sell the dock, (altho
at one time it whs believed this
could be done), but it is iKMiihte to
lease it for a term of 25 years, if so
desired. Hut without a sidetrack
no one wants it. It is like a house
without means of ingress or egress.
Something to be woudeied at, but
not utilized. The city engineer has
evolved u plan whereby sidetracks
could bo constructed at a minimum
of cost. With the aepiirumeut of
a block on each side of Philadelphia
street, the tracks could be laid sat
isfactorily without going fuither.
It is the desire of many ptop
erty owners that Philadelphia stteet
be improved clear to the dock, but
they would be glad to learn that
the dock would be fitted up with
proper sidetracks ut the same time
It is believed by some oi our citi
zens that if the Ilarrimau manage
tneut was approached by a commit
tee from the cily council that it
wouiu agree to provide ami lay me
rails it tlie city would sccitte
right of way ami drive the piling
it would lie worth trying at least
The longer we delay in this dock
matter the more it is costing our
ciluuiui. Why an attempt should
not be made to shift the burden to
other shoulders is difficult to under
stand. It is up to the council to
gut iiioy, uim 111 UK wiMiom, utKC
some steps toward sidetracking the
dock 1 he engineer has the plan,
the cople are ready to do their
part, and it is only a ijuettiou of
pushing matters now. Let a com
mittec be appointed to confer with
the mihoad company, and have
it in black and whjte what they
will do. Then get au estimate of
the cost, and call a special election
tor the issuance ot sutlicient bonds.
It is a case of where more expense
will lessen the burden. Ami it is
getting quite heavy.
Stories of Success r-rr
In n.hkosh.
Wisconsin, was
trMMl a Ihijt
olullnhtt Hit
rhKHiiii lux in
thr lmSt ICna-
Il.h . pk I It
Mly in th w 1,1.
In II Yrtn hn
tf tttn tlffk,
ni.rnrnlkr unit
ilrttmnt tiy
rr, 10 a-nrm
tnnnaKer and
lttti-r In Mar
shall KlM -..
rtilfSRo. while tho nral lfrllan
smr in linden tty ocryfi
nenrlv id" arm of a rltr llM-k.
Mr HlfrldKu In n nwHiant ef iho
for' most railc. ami rati to Innntto
lina in Ketlinff riRtil mm nr 111a
Knthuslssm U one riqirmni,
lorally another, reonimy a thlrtt
wennmy In small thlnna. rlrklnit
up ilni. In one itrwrtinnt also.
rt-KuUwt In a monthly mvlrm of til.
rntiltnlliti linlloYn In nun with
Ihr MVliiRK habit It devolojn clmr
nrUr. thrift, energy.
t'traUtent, ayiteinatle aavlnx In
the key that unlock the door to
Thi l,auk Invite aavlnm, lareo
or imalL
4 per cent interest on Sav
ings Accounts and Time
Certificates of Deposits.
St. Johns, Oregon
SviAMtsTKK Pkthkson, Pres.
A. H. Joints, Vice President
I. P. IJKiNKitu, Coshier
C. H. Ku.ssui.i,, zss't Cashier
An Ordinance Providing The
Time And Anncr Of Im
proving liurlinRloii Street
from Bradford Street to the
Center of Block No. 29 in
James John Second Addi
tion in the City of St. Johns,
Rockers and
- - - Chairs
W'c invite you to inspect our line
of Rockers and Dining Chads and
I coin jm re them with others in Style,
Quality and price before you buy
Hammocks at 25 percent
Lemonade and Water bets at one-
third off the price
St. Johns Furniture
No. 10103.
Kqiort ol the condition of the
In the SUite ol Oregon, at the etotc ol
liiiliii't June i.. iijij;
I.iniii mill dincoitiitH fi5J.i3.45
OverdrnfK, ot'Ciintl a tinocc'd 307.70
I'.H.IUhicIh to secure elrcnhitioii 37,300.00
V. S. IIoiiiIh to M'cure I'iMitiil
ShvIiik 5,000.00
I'rcrtilniiin on I'. S. Ikmds. . . . Jj8.ii
IIoiiiIh. Si'Ciiritki, ete I My 1.59
IknikliiK Iioiim! l'lirnlliiie 11111I
fixture J, 500, 00
Due from Stnlu mid Private
Ikiuk mid Il.tukum, Trtint
CoiiimiiIos, SjivIiik Hunks 7,ooj.jj
inic iroui nppruvml
reere neuntii J9.77J.74
Clii'cUn and other
ruth ilcun sio.l'j
Note of other Nil-
tloiml lliiiikii 100.00
I'riictioiuil I'opi'r Cur
rency, Mekel mm
Lawful money tonerve
In llmik, vU:
Specie 10,458.50
i.ceiu Tenner Mum 30.00 inri7.5o
Hideuiplloii fund with U. S.
irriuiiicr (5 per cent ol
eirculnlloii) i,875.(m
Total f 171.7M.91
Cii4tt1 Mock Mid in f 50,000.00
Mirimw I11111I 7,oi).ou
I'iMllvtneo prolitN, Inw uxpii
m Mini lux mlil 51.05
Nulloiml Hank Nulm, outtd'K 37,5oo.ihi
iihiiviiiiwi ileixwiw
Mihlivt torhuck 120.107.87
Demmul veitlflfHtiM
ufilriNM It j. St 1. vi
Tlinedeuwlu .t8.qi6.2l
Cortllteil Chwkn hJo3-73
Ca.hler'M elivekx niUUinlln. 1,612,38
rtMiii MviiiKNiieNMiiii i,4o.ik
Total f17i.7M.VI
The city of St. John dues urdmti n
The oounril of the city of St John.
hnvliiK ncct Ulneil t!iecol of Im; mv
iiiK llurlliiKtoti utrrct from the north
cnlcrlylilcllncof llrmlfurd utreet to the
reHtrr ile line of lllock N'n. ') of Jntml
joiiirn rrcomi Aiiiiiiion 111 the ciiv
of St. John, nil uliown hy the rvvilutlon
of the council of Mid city dnlcd on the
ahth day of Mny, 191 1, and recorded
In the ollice of the recorder of mid city,
ami notice tlicrcof hiivlni; lceii tmlilUli
el in the St. John Review, a Meekly
iiew!iMpcr of (juiieml circulntion, 011
the AIM of May and 7lh of June, IQU.
a fthowit liy the alTuUvIt of the
fiircmmi of mlil jtapcr, which Mid
aflldavit U 011 file in the office of
the city recorder; and legal MIiik of
notices of Mich Improvement, a iliown
Dv tlie nlluluvlt ol tlie city engineer cm
file in the office of the city recorder, and
110 tciiiomttrnnc-J llavlliK been filed,
ami, as tirovitlcu liv Mlil resolution, cnul
ticcr'a prelimlunrx estimate of the cost of
s-ilil Improvement isf 14,112.14, Imt shall
lc more occuratcly determined by said
v 1 f. 1. , . 1... , ,
that said street lc Improved and the time
for the completion of said Improvement
Is hereby fixed at sixty davs from the
Inst publication of notice of proposals ol
sain work, which sain proposals must ie
filed with the recorder of said city on or
before the 9th day of July, toil, at
eight o'clock p. in. of said day.
mat snni street simii lie improvcil at
follows: Ily urailinu same to the cslnb
lulled irrnilc by cut and fill and by side
walking same on cither side with 6-(t.
cement sidewalks, 12 foot cement curbs
entire length, ixivlng the same with
standard concrete Nivetnciit six inches
thick from curb to curb; curb to hnvc
three inch drain tile every fifty feet;
lilcii rings to Dc placed In curb as direct
cd by the city engineer.
The city recorder shall idvc noHcc
by publication for not less than three In
scrtious in the St. Johns Review, the off
Itnig protwMls lor
mnrovement snail In all rcsnccts
lie none ami compictcii in coiiioriuuy
with the nrovlsiuns of ordinances No,
160, ui2 noil Jo.t, except its othcrwUe pro
vlded In this onlinniice; nil work to be
The Gas Kicthen
Means the Cool Modern Kitchen
It is resolved by the City of St. Johns.
That It deems It expedient ami neces
sary to improve S. Ivauhoc, street from
the northerly Hue of Mohuwk street lo
southerly Hue of Richmond street in the
city of ht. Johns In the following milli
ner, to wit:
liy grailing the said imrtlou of street
to grade ami by layine six foot cement
sidewalks and 18 fool curb on both sides
of said street, with the necessary cement
crosswalks ami corrugated iron gutters.
Said improvement to be in accordance
with specifications in Ordinances No.
ICO ami :m.
Work lo be ilmie iltvonlllin In tlir
plans and specifications of the city ei.K. !5! ! L "
neer on ffle In the office ot the f, "I f"?K K' 1
city recorder relative thereto,
..i.irli u,!,! in. .i .rr! ' Said improvement t
mid estimates are satisfactory and are
hereby approved. Said Improvements
10 nc mane in accordance witli tlie
charter and ordinances of the city of
St. Johns, mid under the supervision
and direction of the city engineer.
i lint tlie cost of said improvement to
le assessed as provided by the city char
ter ii)on the property especially and
imrtlcuhirly beiielittcd thereby, ami
which is hereby declared to be all of lots
puts of lots, blocks ami lwircels of laud
between the termini of such Improve
ments abutting tnioii, nilinccut or Prox
imate to said S. Ivauhoc Street from the
marginal lines ol wild street back to the
center of the block or blocks or tracts- of
laud iilmltlng thereon or proximate
That all the jroicrty included In said
improvement district aforesaid is hereby
ueeiaieu 10 ne local improvement dis
trict No. 80.
That the city engineer's iiutssment of
inc pioiMiuc loiai cost ol said Improve
uientof Mid street is 1 1.487,62.
That the cot of said S. Ivauhoc Mreut
Improvement Into be hhh-mciI iigaluM the
property In said local nwtessinent dis
trict as provided by the city charter of
Hie city ot M. Johns, except that each
front loot shall bear Its pro rata cot of
alii aesmunt liutead of the coM of
Improvement imiiuHllately in front of It.
as provided iy tlie city charier.
Adopted the 181I1 day of June, 1912.
1'. A. RICH,
rubllthcd in the St. Johns Review
June l!l and 1W, 1912.
The modern home would be as complete without
water and sewer connections as it would be without
a gas range and a gas water heater.
With the Gas Kitchen you have banished the coal,
wood, dirt, dust, ashes, kindling and heat.
While notvo women inny ttgrce on nuy other stib)ccttyct of the thousands that
arc using gas nuiges,all are agreed that they are the most convenient and durable
economical and perfect cooking and baking appliances they ever saw or used.
Our 1912 ranges arc now ready for delivery.
Just as we promise they represent the combined features of quality and conven
ience. Wc can meet the requirements of any kitchen regardless of she. We sell gas
ranges and gas water heaters on installments at cost connections free.
Wc invite you to call and look over our proposition for yourself.
done under the direction nnd supervision
01 me city engineer.
That the cost of said improvement
shall be assessed against the property In
the local improvement district as de
scribed In said resolution and designat
ed as and declared to !c local Improve
ment district No. 82. the council this the iBth day
ofjilue, 1912.
Approved by the mayor this the 18th
day of June, 1912.
A. A. .1IUI.K1
, Mayor.
Attest: V, A. RICH.
Published In the St. Johns Review on
June 21, 1912,
Proposals for Slreet Work
State of Oregon, I M
County of .Multnomah,
I. J. N. lldU'fmn. C.uhler of th
lxive imuietl ImiiU. do solemnly swear
mat ine himivu kiHtemeui is true to Hie
lKt of my kiiowlmlge and belief.
J. N. IbllcUen. Cashier.
Miisk-rtiMMl ami sworn to liulore me.
tins iqui tiny 01 lone, 1912.
C. (. llucUluglwm, Notary Public.
-MulliioiiMh county. Ore.
Correct Attest: 1'ctur Aiitiitn,
1', C, Kiiapp,
Robert Treat l'latt,
aircliild Market
205 South Jersey Street
! f .ll I' -I'll. TT
h a iitii nne 01 uncoil, imms.
bnusitges, Heot,, I'ork, Mut
ton and Veal constantly
on hand.
Round Steal 5c lb.
Loin " 1 7c
T-bono " 8c
lloil IW 9c and 10c
ll Hoa.t lie and 12 I-2c
miinp ium.i Ul-Jcaml Dc
I'liiue Ribs 15c aud 17c
Hacii ISc to 20c
Uid ....65c. 5 1b. pail
PmUChop 18c ami 20c
" Slookt 15c and 17 I-2c
" Sautnire 2-2c
" Itoa.l 1 5c
or Sprint and Summer
Bedding Plants
KiiK'likh D.iUlen
Astern (CreKo)
KKK 1'lauts
l'cppor 1'lauts
loumto Hauls
Slimmer Cliryriiutheumiiis
All $ doeu for ic
Seed Dahlia Petunias
Pall Chrysanthemums Heliotropes
All 25 cents per dozen
0, E, Brodatil's Greenhouse
1010 S. Gresham St.
Cor, Buchanan
Sealed nroixivils will I received at
the ollice of the recorder of the city of St.
minis, until liny 9111, 1912, at H o'clock
p. 111. for the iiunrovemcnt of Polk
street from the northeasterly side Hue
01 Willamette oouievnrd to t lie south wcit
line 01 jersey street in (lie manner
provided hy ordinance No J St, sublect
10 uie iirovimons 01 tlie cuarterau'l onll-
nances 01 tue cuy 01 ht. Joiius ami tlie
estimate of the city ciu-uicer on file,
Kiieiueer s estimate is S6,2,
Rids imut be strictly in accordance
with the printed blanks, which will be
furnished on application at the ollice of
the recorder ol the city of St. Johns,
And said Improvement must be com
pleted on or More 60 days from the Inst
publication of notice of proposals for
said work.
No iiroiKMalsorblds will be considered
iiulc aceomuiulvd by a certified check
payable to the order of the mayor of the
cuy 01 mi. joints, certiticd liy a rcspousi-
Die imiiik lor an amount cuual to ten per
cent, of the aKreeate proowl.
The ricjit to reject any aud all bids is
hereby reserved.
liy order of tlie council,
Recorder of the city of St. Johns.
Published in the St, Johns Review
June 21, 2S and July 5, 1912,
Seated proposals will be received bv
the uudcrslKucd at his ollice in the city
hall of St. Johns. Oreuou. until 6 i. in..
June '25, iyi2,for the side of not less than
ariiud accrued interest of improvement
bonds of the city of St. Johns, Orcuou.
Same to be issued under Ordinance No.
ti8 for the whole or any luirt of 7.-
000. S.dd bonds to be dated May 1.
1912, and Issued in denominations of
500 each, iMvablc ten veani from date.
same being cotioii IkiikIs bearlne Inter
est at six per cent, jxiyablc sciul annu
ally, and subject to all the conditions
imposed, directed nun stipulated oy sec
tion mi of the charter of thecllv of St.
Hie rleut is reserved to redeem nnv or
all bonds at any Interest Pavink' period
at or after one year from date.
All unis must ie accompanied by a cer
tified check for two ncr cent of the
amount, said check to be navuble to the
city of St. Johns, to which It will revert
as iiauiaees 111 case iwrty to whom Ixnnls
are awarded fails to accept and ay for
same within 15 days from acceptance of
bid. Money to be paid and bond de
livered at St. Johns. .Multiionwli county.
The rlnht is reserved bv the council to
reject any and nil bids.
J'. A. KICK,
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review on
May 31 and June 7, 1 1, 21, 1913.
Notice to Creditors
Notice of Plnnl Account
Family Washing 50c
We wish to announce that we are
thoroughly equipped to do family
"Wet Washings" at 50c per wash
ing. Phone ami our wagon will
call. Columbia 242.
The Model Laundry.
Subscribe for the Telegram best
evening paper on the const. 800
tid Stockton,
Successors to
St, Johns Sand and Gravel Comauy
h. P. JACKSON, Prop.
General Contractor
We are prepared to do nnv and
all kinds of excavating for street
work and other purposes. We
also handle sidewalk ami build
iiig material,
Newton ami Fessendeu Streets
St. Johns, Oregon
Phone Columbia. , . .
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, County of Multnomah.
In tlie matter of the estate oi Robert
M. JoluiMiu, deceased.
Notice is hereby nivcn that the under.
sinned executrix of the above estate has
filed her final account herein, and that
the Honorable T.J. Clceton, Judge of
me auove named court, nas designated
the 8th day of July, 1912, at 9 o'clock in
tlie lorenoou In tlie Court Room ot the
County Court at the Court House in the
city of Portland as a time and place for
hearing objections to the wld filial ne-
count ami the settlement thereof.
N1U.UU JOHNSON. Executrix.
PliRRY C. STROUD. Attorney.
Dated ut Portland. Oreeon. June th.
Date of first Publication, tune 7. 1912:
iai puoneuuon July 5, 1912,
III the County Court of the State of Ore.
Kou, for Multnomah county.
In the matter of the estate of C. O.
Iljorck, deceased.
The undersluned hnvinir been ap
pointed by the County Court of the State
of Oreeon, for Multnomah county, exec
utor 01 me estate 01 u, iljorck, de
ceased, and having qualified, notice is
hereby Iven to the creditors of, and all
persons having claims auainst said de
ceased, to present them, verified as re
quired by law, within six mouths after
tlie first publication of this notice to said
l. Drinker at his office ut the Pint
National Hank at St. Johns.
Hxccutor of the estate of C, O.
Iljorck, deceased,
Perry C. Stroud, Attorney.
Date of first publication, May 24, 1912.
Date of last publication, June 2i, 1912.
Warm Weather Suggestions
Hammocks from
Ice Cream Freezers
Screen Doors
Oil Cook Stoves
Adjustable Screens
$1.25 to $5.00
.75 to 2.75
1.00 to 2.50
4.50 to 12.00
25c to 50c
Caloric Tireless Cook Stoves
Cooks practically every
thing for the table. The
"Caloric"does baking, boil
ing, stewing and roasting.
It will reduce the high cost
of living and saves hours
of drudgery and toil in the
Come in and see the
3 H HFIMnFRQniM MrDnnnM Rffirr..2nR prsovSt. S
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance I
Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. 2
firing In your job printing while
you think of It. Don't wait until you
are ontirely out. Wo am equipped
to turn out neat and tasty printing
promptly at Portland prices or less.
Preach tho gospel of St. Jthns,
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Portland Office aud Chapel St. Johns Office and Chapel
Cor. KilliiiRswortu Ave. K Kirby St. 418 North Jersey St.
Phones; C 1 133 Woodlawn 3306 Phone Col. j33,Rcs.Phone Col. 559
The Model Laundry IT
NoU th label on your papar.
Notice U hereby etveu that pursuant
lo au order of Mile made by the County
Court of the State of Oreeou for the
county 01 i-jaisop, citny autiioruiUK uie,
ns 1 nc iHinunisirairu- 01 uie estate ol K
V. IMU, (U-ccosctl. to sell, at nrivute
sale, for cash, lots numbered 27. S5.S. ftll
ami ;i 01 mock .no. 3U ot roint View
Ailuitloii to tlie City of St. Johns in
Multiiouiah county, Oreuou. I will, from
nun alter .iionuay, uie l&tli ilay of July,
1018, olfer for safe and will sell at pri
vate sale for cash the said real procrty.
Date of first tmblicatiou lime 21: last
puiiiiunioii jniy li;, ixiys.
Adtulniktrutrix of the estate of K.
V. Lash, decease,.
Lots 1,3,3 ntul 4, corner of Rich-
mom! and Portland boulevard, for
?t2oa Write W. H. Keid. Devil's
I.akt N. I). aOfit
The Kible School oi tlie
Is thoroiiKhly equipped to win
souls to Christ aud to train
them in Christian Service. We
want you, and you need us.
Sunday Services
Hible School: io a. in.
.iioruiiiK service: 1 1 a. in.
Juuior C. H.:--3 p. ui.
Y. P. S. C. H.:-7p.ui.
HvauKclUtic Scrviees:8 p. m.
Thursday PrayermeetiiiK:-S p.ui.
Corner Ncn York SI. tad Willis Boulevard
Thoroughly equippetl for all kinds
& 1 - -
I of laundry work and
Up-to-date In every respect,
Prompt and efficient service guar
anteed. Your patronage solicited,
When votir child ling thr- ivlinnru
ing cough be careful to keep the
cougu ami exjiectoration easy
giving Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy as mav be reouired. This rem-
edy will also liquify the tough mu
cus and make it easier to expecto
rate. It has been used successfully
I in many epidemics and is safe and
i-Mire. ror saie ny all aealers.
A Conservative Custodian
Interest on
A General Hanking
Business Transacted
Visit the Old Home
O-W. R. & N.
0. S. L. and Union Pacific
Untt Protected by Automatic Block SIJmIi
Round trip tickets to principal cities in
Middle Western and Eastern States
on sale during
May, June, July
August, September
Going limit 15 days; final return limit
October 31, 1912
Baltimore $10730
Chicago 7230
Denver 55.00
Kansas City 60.00
New York 10830
St. Paul 60.00
Toronto 9130
Washington 10730
Proportionately Reduced Fares to Many
other points
Through Train Service to the East Strictly
Call on your Local Agent and let him as.
sut you in outlining
City's Sales Offlca
3rd and Washington, Portland