St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 21, 1912, Image 1

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    Hlitorlol Rctlcr?
Toiubucrlbt tor THIS Piper
All tht niwt whllt It li ntwi li
our molto. Call In and enroll
Ot.JtwtkbtU Tltlt Par
n4 r'II,rr rf r( H. Br.
tin tt B kMf ,1ft! t
Daroted to the latweiti of the Pentattila, (he Manufacturing Center ot lh Nortbwcri
VOL. 8
NO. 33
High School Notes
After reading the succeeding par
agraphs It will be evident that al
most everything at J. J. H. S. dur
ing the past week was in the way
of cither picnics or exams.
The Faculty entertained the Sen
iors Friday afternoon, June 7th, by
taking them on a launch party to
Sauvie's island.About three o'clock
the sweater-clad boys and the girls
in middy-blouse costumes, chap
roucd by the four teachers, em
barked, and the good ship Bessie
swung down the stream. Khufu
. insisted upon sitting in the prow so
' that he would reach the island first.
Ccce sang all the way down, because
'he knew he never could do it on the
return trip. Kvcrybody had a care
free time except the pilot, who
didn't know how hilarious an ex
am successfully completed makes
Seniors feci. Upon reaching the
island a huge bonfire was built and
the hungry dozen proceeded to
roast wclncrwursts on sticks. After
everyone hod swallowed the em
bers of the wclnics, various contests
took place. Records were broken
in the 5o-yard dash und shot-put;
willow whistles made on the spot
added their primitive music to the
camp hilarity. When all the com
nrtltnrs had distinguished them
selves in their special ways the boat
whistle sounded and the launch
headed homeward. After a perilous
trip up the rtver the crowd reached
St. Johns with one of their number
nearly dead fiom fright over the
hair-breadth escapes from a watery
grave. When the top of the hill
was reached the Seniors were invited
up to the lab. for rest and refresh
mcnt. Here they were served with
ice cream in the lest tubes mid cake
on exam, papers. So passed into
history another Senior good time.
A moonlight picnic was given by
the energetic Senior girls last Sat
urday evening June 8th. in honor
of the Senior boys, the Faculty and
the Juniors. The written Invita
tions bade guests to the home of
' Miss Dickie with n postscript ad
monishing them to appear in pic
nic clothes. This was a touch of
pleasing mystery. Upon reaching
the home of Myrtle Dickie, each
one was provided with n big stick
and u bundle and then they "fol
lowed their leader" down to a
beautiful spot in the vicinity of 'The
Slough." The Juniors, along with
the Faculty and Senior boys, .never
,ceascd savlug: "Well.where are we
agoing? How much farther have we
jNgot to go?" All their questions
were answered by these few terse
words: "Just wait and see." Upon
reaching their destination, Japanese
lanterns wre put on a string which
had been fastened up at four-thirty
1 the same morning by the same Senior
girls; tt'large bonfire already laid
was lighted and games were played.
After the spread each was provided
with a sharpened stick minus the
bundle and the rest of the evening
was spent toasting nmrshmallows.
When returning it was not so light
as it was going, but they got along
beautifully, for "gad-lighters" or
"ding-bats" were made out of the
uiarshmallow caus equipped with
vcandles from the Japanese lanterns.
Judging from the remarks of those
who attended everybody enjoyed
Inspired by the picnic spirit In
the air, the Sophomore class gave a
lculc to the Freshmen on theeveu
ng of June 10th. The jolly crowd
left the High school at 2:30 and
proceeded to the slough. The ice
.cream was the first to reach the
grounds uuder the convoy of the
"wheelbarrow squad." When the
crowd finally arrived things began
to be lively. The mosquitoes en
joyed the picnic for a while, too,
until they were driven away by a
circle of smudges. After a few
games the "eats" wereserved.Theu
came more games and a few trips
in a boat half full of water and
rides in the wheelbarrow, which
was propelled by the boys. The
picnickers then proceeded home
ward over the stile and through
' the woods.
Miss Edith den Bleyken, a for
mer St. Johus teacher was in town
last Tuesday. Her many friends
were glad to see her but sorry that
.she could not stay longer.
The work of the High school
drawing classes were on exhibition
at the library until Monday, June
17. There was work in both free
hand and mechanical drawing and
also in leather tooling. Some es
pecially fine work was done, evi
dencing much skill and artistic
ability. Reporter.
Baptist Church
Sunday School 10 a, m. Worship
,11 a. m. Sermon topic: "God's
Ministers and their Message."
Evening,8 o'clock: "The Old Testa
ment Prodigal." All welcome.
Word From Geo. H.Adams
A. C. Gesler has kindly permit
ted us to publish the letter below,
which was written by Geo. II. Ad
ams, a former well known
audG. A. R. Commander of bt.
Johns. Many of his old comrades
and friends will no doubt be glad to
read what he has to say:
Albuquerque, N.M.,June 6,1912.
Mr. and Mrs. Gesler, St. Johns.
Dear Friends: I have content-
Elated writing to you for some time,
ut one thing and another has pre
vented. Better late than never, so
here goes. Well to commence with,
I have found this place better than
I expected in some respects. It is
quite a place of about 15,000 a
railroad town. No end to shops,
etc.; woolen mill, large saw mill,
broom factory, creamery, ice plant,
Indian school contemplated, canning
factory, etc. Large pay roll. Cred
it system altogether from 0112 mouth
to another and everything much in
flated in prices. Population is large
ly Mexicans, although the majority
are of the better class some very
well to do. My folks arc comfort
ably located and getting along fairly
well. I have purchased a little
place near the others, 135 feel front
140 feet deep, 3-room house, stable,
well, about 50 fruit trees and other
shrubbery, irrigating ditch on one
side and in the rear; plenty of wa
ter. All renced and in good shape,
price $ 1400. Have everything com
ing along in goodshapc.but It keeps
me moving. My grandson Is living
In my house. A Grand Army
Post here of about 60 scattered
members, but a rather slow one
compared with St. Johns. In some
respects tuts is a talrly good coun
try and some arc making money
and a general improvement, laud is
high as iu every other place. I am
here with my children and as com
fortable as can be and try to be
contented as possible and they nre
doing all they can to make it pleas
ant for me, but personally I would
much rather be in St. Johus two to
one. it anything snouui Happen
to make any material change in
family affairs, back to St. Johns
I would co. I do not say much
but keep up a deuce of a thinking
all the time. How are times there?
I suppose matters arc about the
same, mow arc me cuiuircn com
ing on? Good, I hope. I have not
forgotten my good friends in St,
Johns, nor cannot. Kind regards
to Miss Kent, Juck and others, and'
let nte hear from you. Yours truly,
Geo. II. Adams.
A Handsome Car
The St. lohiis car at the Rose
Carnival last Friday was as fine as
the hnest iu lite rose suower. 11
contained more roses than any oth
er In the nnrnde. The Ladles Aux
iliary, with Mrs. F. "W. Valentine
as chairman, spared no pains In
making the car the thing of beauty
it proved tp be. That their efforts
were appreciated and the city of St.
Johns looked upon with favor by
the people of Portland and the vis
itors, was demonstrated by the vast
amount of cheering that greeted the
car and its occupants as it passed
through the streets 01 I'ortiana.
Roses by the hundreds were dis
pensed broadcast, and the occu
pants of the car were kept busy In
casting them out. St. Johns cer
tainly did not have to take a back
seat by any means in the rose show
er parade and its exhibit of roses at
the nrmnrv was second to none In
beauty and profusion. Thanks to
the ladies, bt. Johns received iter
full meed of advertising at the Rose
Factory at St. Johns
Architect Lewis I. Thompson
has prepared the plans and specifi
tions for a new factory building two
stories high, 85 feet wide and 200
feet in length, to be built forthe
Multnomah Mohair Mills adjoining
their present factory at St. Johns.
A basement will be excavated un
der a portion of the btiilding. It
will contain the heatiug and venti
lating plant, the blower system be
ing decided upon as the most suita
ble for their purposes. The upper
story will be used for a loom room,
and has a capacity for 20 machines-
The lower floor will be used for
storage purposes. The building 13
being erected by day labor. uatiy
The above refers to the Portland
Woolen Mills Co., which expects to
add another building to the plant
Mrs. L.A.Hodees of
cently from Los Angeles, visited
Mrs. J. J. Patton last Saturday.
Sunday Closing
Postmaster Monahati is seriously
contemplating the idea of discon
tinuing to open the general delivery
window at the postottiec on Sunday.
At Salem, The Dalles, Vancouver
and a number of other places the
postofficc Is closed all day Sundays,
where it is said to prove very satis
factory, and Mr. Monahan believes
it would be a good idea to adopt
the same system in St. Johus. More
boxes will be installed, and the
Sunday mail will be distributed as
promptly os usual, and the postoffice
lobby will be kept open us hereto
fore. There seems to be not a very
strong call for mall at the window
Sundays. For instance, last Sun
day 136 called for mall and 56 re
ceived mall. The others "drew
a blank." If Mr. Mouahan falls iu
line with some of the other places
and keep closed shop on buudays,
he will provide that any one look
ing for special or urgent mail may
secure same during the time the
mail is being distributed by notify
ing the postmaster giving point the
letter is expected from and the par
ty to whom addressed.
Picnic on the Fourth
The Ancient Order of Hibernians
will hold a picnic and old fashioned
Fourth nf Ttilv celebration on Col
umbia Iliilversllv rounds at Uni
versity Park on the National birth
day. Sports of all kinds will be in
dulged tit, such as boat races, boy
and girl races, fat man's race, sack
race, ladles' tug of war, dancinc
etc. A ball game will be pulled
off between the A. O. H. team
and the Knights of Columbus club.
A day of pleasure and enjoyment is
promised to all. Lunch will be
served on the grouuds. An invita
tion is extended to every one. 1 ue
grounds arc ideally situated for pic
nic purposes. The people of St.
Johns arc especially Invited to spend
the day at the University.
Civil War Statistics
According to the war records dur
ing the civil war there were 200
soldiers under the age of 14 years,
1,151,000 between the ages of 14
and 18; 1,008,888 between the ages
of 18 and 3t. The number of 23
was 615,91 1. The majority of the
officers were uuder 25. Of these
boys-40,000 died of wounds; 220,
000 died of disease and 280,000
were wounded.
The southern army was much
like ours, so that the wonderful
marches and the fearful battles
fought, the like of which were be
fore unknown, were made and
fought by boys.
New Cure For Snake Bite
A foreigner with an unpronounce
able name, who Is employed on the
lumber operations on Trout Run
near St. Marys, was bitten Monday
on the right hand by a rattlesnake
while at work, and immediately ap
plied first aid to the injured. He
quickly dispatched the snake and
cutting off the head bound it to the
wound. He theu opened the body
of the reptile and ate some of the
fat. He came here at once and
imbibed a generous supply of fire
water, and although it put him
down for the count, he came out of
the stupor none the worse for his
experience and returned to his work.
Ridgeway Record.
Best Buy on the Market
Half interest in three acres In
Whitwood Court will be sold cheap
for cash or negotiable paper if taken
at once, in order to enable owner to
close another deal. This property
is better and better located than
other property near it which sold
recently for $1400 per acre. This
undivided half Interest, if taken be
fore July 10th, will be sold for
$1000. If the buyer cannot sell
the same within three years for
twice that amount, the present own
er will pay to him a forfeit of ten
per cent, per annum on the $1000
invested. If you want to make
the best buy offered iu St. Johns
for years, inquire at Keview omce
There is no real need of anyone
being troubled with constipation.
Chamberlain's Tablets will cause
an agreeable movement of the bow
els without anv unpleasant effect.
Give them a trial. ' Fonsale by all
Council Proceedings
All members present at the reg
ular meeting of the city council
Tuesday evening with the excep
tion of Aldermen Perrlnc and Davis,
Mayor Muck presiding.
The matter of purchasing the col
ors for the new ferry boat, which
will be completed probably Satur
day, was taken up, and it was de
cided that the city purchase the
flags, to be selected by the finance
committee and Captain Fuller, the
1 latter stating the cost would be be-
I twecu $30. and $35.
I Mr. Hunter objected strongly to
the existence ot a stable near his
home on Fcsscudcn street, declar
ing that the odor emitting therefrom
was something terrific. He wanted
it removed. Alderman Hill said
the stable was on his property, that
lie had permitted its erection with
the understanding that it was to be
only temporary, and that he had
never received any remuneration
for the use of the ground and had
no objection to its removal. The
health and policcboard had declared
it unsanitary, and it was decided
to order its removal by the owners.
Dills to the amount of $48.91
were allowed on motion of Alder
man Horsmau;atl yes,
The license com. reported favor
ably upon the renewal of license by
the four saloons. Accepted and li
censes granted on motion of Mr.
The improvement of Fcsscudcn
street from Buchanan to the cast
city limits was accepted by council
on motion of Mr. Horsmau.
The city attorney and street com
mittee were directed to look into
matter of opening upof Tyler street
through the Hurris tract, and elim
inate any jog that might exist in
the street iu their report.
It was decided to refer the peti
tion for the improvement of Phila
delphia street back to the petition
ers, to have it exchanged for a
waiver petition, after which pro
ceedings will start without further
A resolution to improve Fcssen-
den street from Jersey to Smith
avenue with concrete paving was
adopted on motion of Alderman
A resolution to Improve South
Ivanhoe street from Richmond
to Mohawk was also adopted on
motion of Mr. Valentine.
Time and manner ordinances for
the Improvement of Olympla street
from Myers to Charleston, Polk
street from Willamette bottlevcrd to
Jersey street, and Burlington street
from Bradford to the center ot tne
city hall block were passed unani
mously on motions ot Aldermen
Horsmau, Valentine and Horsmau,
An ordinance repealing tne wa
ter-main-lowering ordinance afford
ed considerable discussion pro and
con. Upon the final vote Alderman
Valentine and Jennings voted 110,
Hill, Hiller and Horsnian yes.
The two former believed the re
peal would jeopardize any hope of
lower water rates for some time to
come. Air. tuner conceded litis,
but believed the ordinance was ill
advised and should be repealed.
Alderman Hill was strong for re
peal, as was also the city nttoruey.
Whether the council can force the
water company to relay the water
mains disturbed by street Improve
ment at its own cost after they Dave
been laid In accordance with the
terms of Its franchise remains to be
eeett. nte ctiy attorney, uowevcr,
contends that council has this pow
Have a Look
At a recent meeting of the Com
mercial club County Assessor B, D,
Sigler who was present by invitation
aud addressed the meeting, was re
quested to seud blue prints of the
St. Johns assessment roll, The
Blue prints showing the assessments
have been received and cau be seen
at the commercial club rooms where
they will be kept for the next two
weeks to afford an opportunity to
all who may desire to examine them
and if there should be any objec
tions or suggestions, they will
be given proper consideration by
the assessor's office. They ure open
for the inspection of the general
public who cau examine, them at
any time at the headquarters of the
Commercial Club.
Each age of our lives has its joys.
Old people should be happy, and
they will be if Chamberlain's tab
lets are taken to strengthen the
digestion and keep the bowels
regular. These tablets are mild
and gentle in their action and espe
cially suitable for people of mid
die age and older. For sale by all
The Library
0cn I lour: I too to 5: to and 7 to 9:30 p. m.
Sunday.: ZUU to
It is a matter of common com
ment among visitors to European
countries that all the women, young
aud old, do the most beautiful nee
dlework and do it as a matter of
course. To some extent the same
skill was shown by the women of
our own country in its earlier
days. It is with the hope of
giving some small stimulus to a
revival of interest in such work
among the girls and women near at
home that several individuals have
decided to offer the following prizes
,t. t . t i.ti ft . 1
tor wuiic uccuicworic 10 u cxuiuticu
at the Multnomah couutv fair at
Grcsiiam in September:
First and second prizes iu all in
1. For the best plain hemming
table napkin or square of muslin
done by a child under 10 years of
age. Judged on quality of work.
3. For the best set of buttonholes
made by a girl under 12 years of
3. For the best apron, hand-sew-lug,
made by a girl under 15 years
of age. Judged on design aud qual
ity ot sewing. Must be white with
out lace or embroidery.
4. For the best towel made by a
girl under 18 years of age. Judged
011 design and quality of work.
Must be white, may be ornamented
with embroidery, drawn work, cro
cheted or knitted lace, or any hand
This contest is oikmi to children
living iu Multnomah county out
side school district No. 1.
Prizes are also offered
1. For the best piece of needle
work, knitting or crocheting made
by a girl under 18 years of age.
Article must be all white.
2. For the best piece of needle
work knitting or crocheting made
by a woman over 60 years of age.
Articles must be all white.
Open to residents of Mult
nomah County. Prizes to he an
nounced later.
It will be seen that the point most
emphasized is the quality of work
rather than its elaborateness, in
deed, simplicity of design is oneof the
ends aimed at. This list of prizes
will he kept posted in the library
aud whatever help possible in the
way ot books giving instructions
and suggestive designs will be
gladly furnished. Since instruc
tion iu sewing is given in the Port
laud schools, the main part of the
contest has been limited to children
outside of the city proper.
Roses Appreciated
That the Sons of Veterans ol
Washington uppreciaWd the roses
contributed by the boys and girls
of St. Johns schools is evidenced by
the following resolution. It was a
neat little favor, and our youngsters
deserve due credit for their kind
ness: Spokane, Wash., June 6, 1912,
Whereas, certain citizens of Port-
laud aud St. Johns, Oregon, gave
much time in assisting the Portland
camp to gather the wealth of won
derfully beautiful roses which were
sent to us iu order that we might
more fittingly decorate the graves
of our soldier dead,
Be it Resolved by Gen. Chas.
King Camp No. 4, United Spanish
War Veterans, iu regular meeting
assembled, that we acknowledge
our deepest gratitude aud sincere
thanks for such patriotic action to
Hon. A. A. Muck, Mayor, St.
Hon. F. A. Rice, City Recorder,
St. Johns, Oregon,
The President of Portland Chamber
of Commerce,
Commander John Hulford, Portland
Camp, U. S. W. V.
Unanimously adopted this sixth
day of June, 1912.
Geo. W. Dully, Commauder.
Ira Honefenger, Adjutant.
So successful was the recent ex
cursion of the Portland Commer
cial club to Tillamook county that
another special truln load of Port
land people will make the same
. i ... -r I 'I'l.In
Uip JUUC Z5, uuu ay. una cv
cursiou will be a visit to the Tilla
mook county beaches rather than
an industrial jaunt and Is calculated
to clve Portland people a better
knowledge of the great country ly
ing so close at their door.
For Rent A five-room modern
cottage. See Couch & Co,
A Review of Reviews
(Under this heading will appear
from time to time items taken from
our files of things aud events that
transpired at the time the Review
was first issued. This week we
started with the first number issued,
dated November ti, 1904, at which
time J. H. Cromc was editor):
From a population of 250 people
January t, 1902, St. Johns has
now more than 2000 inhabitants.
It has three churches Methodist,
Evangelical and Seventh Day Ad
ventists. Kd. L. Stockton has accepted a
position in W. II. King's real es
tate office.
Chris Bihns sold the corner next
to the millinery store to M. L. Hoi
brook the first of the week for 100.
This is a clear gain of $610 iu four
months. It is understood Mr. Hoi
brook will cover the entire lot with
a business block at once. (The St.
Johns Furniture Co. now occupies
this site Ed.)
C. W. Potter, formerly one of the
owners of the Liuutou saw mill, is
building a fine residence on his city
lots in St. Johns Patk.
Superintendent Scott of the St.
Johns Water Co., completed 2800
feet of two inch mains along the
cast side of the boulevard tapping
the Hub Laud Co. tract.
The real estate firm of Chipman
oi King lias been dissolved. Mr.
Chipnmu is associated with the St.
Johns Laud Co., and will be local
manager. Mr. king will continue
business at the old stand.
Willard Shcnard. a brother of
Richard Shepard, recently arrived
from Iowa tq visit his brother and
s looklne around w ith n v cwof be
coming a resident of St. Johns.
C. I). Edwards sold his house
and lot near the veneer works for
$550. Daniel Brecht was the pur
chaser. S. I. Ogdcn of North St. Johns
called yesterday and stated that the
work continues boring for oil, and
the prospects are encouraging.
A fine three-story block, corner
of Jersey and Broadway Is rapidly
Hearing completion. Tlie ground
floor consists of four excellent store
rooms and have been leased to the
following! W. A Edgertoti, the
grocer; Mr. Muck with clothing and
furnishing goods;Shephcrd & Tufts,
real estate, and the posloflice. The
second and third floors will he oc
cupied and fitted up iu elegant style
by tne Hotel Klcli conducted by
Mrs. Kich. The building is being
crectetl by Cochran Bros., and will
be known as the Cochran block.
The cost will be ubottt $7500.
St. Johns was incorporated Janu
ary 5, 1903, its urst olhccrs, who
arc the present incumbents, with
the exception of the late C. I. Culp,
arc: Mayor, Chas, A. Cook; Cotitt
cilmcu, T. J. Mouahan, Guy Bug-
bee, Iv. It. Hurlbcrt, Chas. 1).
Hughes aud W. II, Hamilton; F.
C. Clark. Recorder; C. R. Organ,
Marshal. The board of education
consists of J, F. Poff, chairman;
Albert Culp, S. I. Ogdeu; J. E.
lanch, clerk. Commercial club
officials; W.H. King, president; R.
bhepherd, vice president; E. C.
Iltirlbert secretary; T. J. Mouahan,
Principal Resigns
It is with sorrow and much re
gret that Miss Clara Boss' host of
friends witnesses her departure for
California. The five years during
which she has held the twsltlou of
principal here have been most fruitful
ones, aud her significance to the
school and students both as a su
perior Instructor aud as a whole-
souled friend aud companion cannot
be over estimated. Only by special
inducements did Miss Boss consent
to come to St. Johns, and it is a
matter for gratitude that we have
been able to keep her so long as we
have. It is diliictilt for compara
tively small schools to attract stroug
teachers, whose interest is centered
iu their students aud who are de
voted to their profession, aud those
who know her best and are most
competent to appreciate her, feel
that the High school lias been lor
tuuate indeed, to come in close cou
tact with one, who by her forceful
personality aloue is fitted- for high
and responsible positions, and we
keenly realize that iu the withdraw
al of her influence the school has
suffered an inestimable loss.
Lots Almost Given Away
Lots ii to 34 ill block 4, Point
View, for Stooo. Write W. H.
Reid, Devil's Lake, N. D. 266t
I'lwnc Columbia fit
Ft rat National liank building.
Open ETtnlngi and Sundays by Ap
pointment. Office Photic Columbia 140
Resident l'lionc Columbia 3s
Physician nntl Surgeon.
Day ft Night Ofllco In McChcsnay blk.
St Johns, Or t ton.
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D
Residence, C97 Dawson Street
Ofllce, Plitor Block.
University Park. Portland, Oregon.
Firit National Dank Building
McDonald Dulldinit
We buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
List your property with us if you
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
drop cnnl to
H. M. Saltcrlec, St. Johns, Or.
Transfer and Storage
W deliver your Roods to and from
II parts of Portland. Vancouver. Linn
ton, Portland and Suburban Lzprasa
Co., city dock and all points accesalblo
by wagon. Piano and. furniture moving
Office Phone Columbia 24
Residence l'lionc Columbia 198
St. Johns Express, Transfer
und Storage Co.
Piano Moving n Specialty. Haul
ing done to aud from Portland
Residence 400 Hast Richmond
Ofllce 103 North Jersey Street
II I U. Uurllntton Slrect
Automobile UqulrliiK junl ViiIiniiiUImk
Wc can get you Auto Tiro of all kinds
Illcvclo and (lencral Rcnalrlnir
In connection. New nml hecoml lmiul
bicycle for sale. Jllcycle tire in stock.
J. M. and V. l. WRAY, I'roni.
l'lionc Columbia 587.
CAMP 773 VY. 0. W.
Meet ev
cry Wwl
In Dick,
n.r's Hall
A. F. and A. M.
Regular communications
oil first Wednesdays ol
each month in Odd 1'el
lows' Hull. Visitor we.
8. Chas, Davis. W. M.
C, O. Rogers, Secretary
Minerva Chapter
Meets Hvcry l'irst and Third
Tuesday livening o( Itach
Mouth Iu Odd I'cIlowHall.
Mrs. Susie Rogers, Secretary,
Meets every l'riduy night at
7:30 o'clock in I. O.O. 1'.
Hall. Visitors alyays WcN
V. W, MASON, C. C.
1). I'. HORSMAN, K. U.S.
No. 186 I. O. O. P,
Uaets each Monday evening in Odd Fol
lows hall at 7 jo, A corillul welcome t
11 visiting brothers,
Meets 2ml
and 4th
each month in M. W. A. Hall.
I'. II. OKAMilSK, hec.
Central Market!
See us for the Choicest Cuts of
the Best Meats Obtainable
Order riMed and Family Trad Solicited.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.