The Library Open Hours: !:oo tosyo nml 710 9130 1). m. aunuaya: zuu 10 j:ju Arc you n innchinist? Arc vou an emiiiieer? Or interested in such subjects? Do you know that in the St. Johns library vou may find two of the best intiRnziiics published along these lines? Tiiev are the Anieri can Machinist and the Engineering News. Here is what hlbcrt Hub bard says about them in the May Philistine: "An eminent civil engineer told me that there isn't n contractor or civil engineer in the United States of any standing or ability who isn't a reader of htiiniiceriiiK News. I lie magazine is a textbook for the man- initiators of eneriry. In order to know what the world is doing and saying they have to read the ? cinecriiiK News. "This is an age of machinery, and the American Machinist is the Uiblc of the man who produces ma chines or commodities. The busi ness of the American Machinist is to keep the machine builder right abreast of the business that is being thought out and done in his own Particular Hue. He is linked to liis line; he is one of the great body working along similar lines and the American Machinist brings to mm every week encouragement, Inspira tion and assistance of a very pos itive nature." School Art Kxhibit Drawings and construction work of the 7th, 8th and gth grades and the High school are now on exhibition. Some beautiful pieces of design work done in the High school are displayed in the library windows. As these must he returned to the owners the first part of the week you will need to come Hi at once 111 order to see them. l' remember to order your books several days before you ox- Iect to leave 011 your summer vacation. Ten books until October tst If you wish. Fresh Kictlon Twenty-five vol umes received thU week. Among them arc: Secret Garden Huruett. Mother Carey's Chickens Wig- gin. Story Girl -Montgomery. Denny the Audacious Houiiett. SpellOrcutt. Human Cobweb Simpson. According to Mitriii -I.iiue. Her Ladyship's Klephnnt -Wells Just lietweeii Themselves I'reuch. A year Out of Ufe Waller. Sick-a-llal I.mly Abbott. BON HAM & CURRIER CARNIVAL OF PRICES The Ninth Wednesday Special, June 19th All of our Laces, Embroideries, Veiling and Kobe Silks will go at a reduction of 25 to 33 1-3 per cent. roidcries for 14c 15c Embroideries for 12c it it ' -V It it " QC 8c " " M Laces and Veiling at corresponding reductions. Out of several dozen Ladies' White Waists offered at our Seventh Wednesday special, we have about twenty left that you may have at one-half regular price. Ask your neighbors about our Wednesday Sales, they will tell you of the bargains they get. 1 MEN'S NECKWEAR For one clay, Wednesday, June 19, we will give three ties for the price of two. TO ILLUSTRATE 3 Fifty Cent Ties will be $r.oo 5 Twenty-five Cent Tics will be $1.00 NOTIONS Buttons, Hooks and Eyes, Braids, Col lar Stays, Hair Nets Sc Buttons Wednesday Special , Hooks and Byes Wednesday Special, Pins " " I lair Pins per box " u Lustre Cotton " " Hair Nets " " Collar Stays " " Black Underskirts " " ..3c . -3 ..3c -3c 3c .-3-' ..3c ,79c Another Sale on Misses Shoes In sizes 12 1-2 to 2 only We will get out a large number of these. Some running as high as $2.25 and will mark them all, your choice 93c BONHAM & CURRIER OPEN UNTIL 8130 P. M. SALE NIGHTS ORDINANCE NO. 480 Stock Reducing Prices An Ordinance Providing (lie Time and (Manner of Iiu proving Central Avenue from St. Johns Avenue to Bruce Street in the City or bi. Johns, Oregon. The olty of St. John ilium urdMln folliiu: The council of ill city of St. Joint, ImviiiK iiK-urliilnwl IIhiihmI o( liiipruvliiK Cu nl nil hvuiiiu' (rum Hut iiortlmtttrly ulilc line i( Jit. JiiIum hv. to miiiIIiwMit- y Mile lino of llriu-i' trt In ili city of St.Jolnnt. Oru..H kIiovvii liy tlu rulu- tiou of tlu' wmiiicII of twill I'fty, iIhImI on 3 1 lit iluy of Mwy, lyn, Mini rcvfiriltil In tluMillki of lilt reeoriler of mIiI city, ami nolle- uiurwit IimvIiik Ik-vu Miiiiit-il in the St. John lU'vlvw, w wmtkly lie- IHIIKir Of KfHVINl i'lfl'UlHtiUH, Ml til1 3-Ult iliiy ami Hit- jut imy of Uy 1912, mm iutwii ly tH itUiiUvIl of tlm formiMii ol mU m r, w likli Mtitl uflM vit t ihi Ale in tin- uHirv il the city iv loiilwr; Mint IvumI immUhit ol itotn-t- of hticli liniirovviiit'tit, ho klioun liy the Kill ilnvit of the city einclneer oil tile in the office of the city m'onWr; hiiiI ihi t1- tmmiiliHiici Iimviiik vn file.1, unit iu ituvI1m1 !y the will inMilutlitn, the uiiKiHwNi iHWitiiiiwry mUmmi of Mill Improvement U o,8K..H. hut mIimII Ik- inure wvumtely ilelrtiuilU'il ly mu Ngw, theielure, it Ik lieiehv onlereil tlmt will tiwt U' IliliWUWtl Mint the time for tu rumilrtiuu of mmiiI iiu iHovtiinudt M IhxvUv tisxl Mt Mivty IrOIII tlltt Ui IMlkllCMtiull lif lftlktkMlk Ol Nilil wurk, hIiU'Ii Mill proiMMMU uiitot Im AImI willi tbe leconler of utiil eity on or iHiioro i no iiii iimv ol July, iyi j nt 8 o'clock, i. ui. of Mid .lu . Tlmt Mill Mlllft kllMll 1 illllHOVeil Ml follow: liy grtiiii muiv to the i-ktMii. Hftllwl Krmi ly cut Mint All uml liy iile mlkliiK wine mi either ile with ki foot ceiiient ktilewMlk, tuelve foot curU untire leuKlh, UtUcr vith nil uw. Kiry ceiiiunt cntMiwMlki Mini coriUMMttil iron mitlern, mmuI WMlk Mini curli tc h oxiwiiirkMi jolul M ilirrctcil by the city ciiKiueur; etirh to lMve four-iuch ilrain tile tivvry fifty (itt; Uilclt rtuu to Im? jilucwl ill the curb 4 ilim:levby the cuy engineer. The city immler IimII jjive uoticc liy imhllwtiou fur iM Wm tluu thiee iu- kurtlou in the ht. Johiu Keuew.theol llCiMl IIWUklMlllvr A few of tlic tunny lmriiains to Iiu liml licit- in pliiiiil)in onds. Now in the time to uut your lilinuli- iiiK Koods at low cash price while tliey Inst: One lmlf inch kmIv. wnter Ahi, -ir ikt ft iiu. ukkcl 4m(inI flnUlitsl hoe iiluiMi c em n 1 SSK lMVMlorlwi, cm( Iron, whltw t'llHIIIUl f .v ciuli ilckel iiMte.1 i'trMki fl.ixie.i " .... i. da en lH)llr 1.75 cu inu cotton niiiiiur IIiiihI Iiom- it.TR cu I.MMil IhiiiiU, txRixlll I.IK) IM IliKti KHlc Mueller ! in. limwi eini icrriilc' c.i Iiw ilown toilet fVM) t'llHIIIUl 1 1 ill. ukk li In. " MO uhIIoii In RO ft rwl 111 EDMONDSON CO. 203 S. Jersey Street RESOLUTION innkin It U rexilvtsl hv tliu citv of St. lolilin: Tlmt it ileum it cxtwliunt nml nivcwkiry to iiiMirove Iliirtiniiii trcut from the vuktvrly lino of CuiiUm! uveiuie to the wcktcrly line of Mver Mrcvt in the city uf ht. JoIiiim in the tolkinliiK man ner. to wit: Hy KrmliiiK dmIiI Mirtion of ktreet to yikiw to ue cMiMuiiNHNi ttcoirilliiK to (iro nic nun uy inu city unitieur III tlie ol ftc of the city rivonlcr June 10. IW2 liy UyiiiK kix-fuot cement kiiluwulk nml twehe liMit curb on Uith khlc of ul ktrt, with ne4.'cMry cement croMiwulk miI i-orruMatitl iron cutter. Nilil work to ih' iionc itcconllni; to the iilHii nml koecihcmioii ol the cltv cn- Kinecr on tile in tlic office of the city recorder relMtlvc thereto, which kaiil Imii Mini ieciHcMtioiiii unit ektimnte ie kMttkfiictory Mini lire hereby ui- piOMKl. Mill IIIMII Ullll klH-ClliCHtlOII uml csti uimIcm Hre kMliklMi-ttiry mih! tire hercbv Hoveil. Siil iiiiiroemciitii to lc lUMile in iiccoriliincc with thecliMrteruiul unliiwiicvM of the city of St. Johns, nml uiulcr the wiiktv iion uml ilircctiun of the city engineer. IhMt tlie cot o Mhl imimivcinent to he Mkkcikeil m piovtiliil by the city elmr ter mmii the procrty cKcilly ami p,ir tieulMtly bciieriteil therehy, nml which i hereby ileclureil to be nil of lots, uirls uitiiiK proiMMMl turlot lot. liliK-ks nml iwircela of luml ! kMUl lliioroveiiirnt. halil liiiHueuient klull in Mil ieiecti ne uune iiiiii ciMujiivieti in couiorimty wiui ine proMkiou 01 uriliiiance No. l6 Mint iiu, ei i nt m otherwiM- irovliltil in tin onliiiMucc: Mil work to ot Imul abutting tlienim or proxiimite iiroi lie i be tweeu the termini of Midi iimirovcincnta abutting upon, iiiljiicent or proximate to the wiiil llttrtimm ktrect from the miuKiiml liuck of Mhl ktrcet Uick to the center of the block or block or tr.u-t Kino Ultiler the ilirectioli miuI cr- thereto. TliMt all the iironerty iiichnleil in .itil illktiii't HforcMiil u hercbv Uk'uI linproveiiient Uis viklun of the city eui(iuer Unit the cut ol mmuI imittovcuHriit fclmll be UkMtaMNl MMiUkt .the woiierty iu the IuchI imiHoveweiit illktrkt M ile- tcribeil in will lekolntioii ami ileiimti-l us iiiiii uecwriNi to ix mvhi improve muiit DUtrict No. Si. Pakkcnl by the cutiiH'it June nth, 1913. Approval by the uuiyvr June nth. 1913. A. A. MUCK. Mayor. Atteoti lf. A. RICH, City KegorilkT. Piibliheil ill the St. Jobiw Kvviuw on June M, igu, i Hubpril) for tha Tolenrum l.oat I 1'. A. KICK. ,.,i .. ".h- o I City Kecrilor. ""7.7 I'uWUhw in the tjt.Julins Review-on an siuuivu, ijiine. m iinii bi, iyi3. improvement ilecUteil to lie trict No. S7. llwt the citv Ctlliliccr' UkKOMiiiient of the probable total cot of Mill iiiiprovc nient of Mill tret is fn.Oltf.'Jg. Tlmt the COt Of Mill improvement in In be iikkesked aj-aliut the projHirty in Mill locul akkctkinent ilUtrtct iu provided by the city charter of the citv of St. lolins. excupt that uich front foot shall bear it pro-rutu ot aiil MSkCkMncnt instwul of the cot of iiniirovcmeiit iminwlialulv in front of it. u prutiiletl by the city char ter. Adopted tbe ulevontli ilay of June. 1913. I 1 I Groceries I uiypuus Shoes and Furnishings We sell only the very best in these lines and guarantee them in every particular. Special Prices still to be had MucR Mercantile Co. 201 S. .Tpvsav A Cooler for a Sclioi clier Why allow Tom Torrid to run over yott nml leave you exhausted nml panting for lirenth when it's so easy to stop him? The swinging breeze of an 8-in. Electric Oscillating Fan will cool his ardor and cool you too. Furthermore it's ' an inexpensive mntter to hold him iu check as it costs less than n-cetit-an-hour to run the fan. Why let your family suffer, why suffer yourself, when hy simply moving the starting switch of this electric fan, you can banish heat from the long summer days, ut a cost so trifling? Come in and see this wonderful fan. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Insure a change of ad vertisement the copy for such change should reach this office not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please remember this and eave the printer LOW ROUND TRIPS EAST Un the mites given below, rou ml trip tickets will be -iu m ine uuu iu me nasi known below, mm many uiiicii, m Kicnuy rciiuccu mres ipioieii: THROUGH TRAINS HAST In connection with Nortlierii Pacific nml Great Northern Railways Detroit... f 8J.50 Duliith 60.00 Kansas City 60.00 Milwaukee m.jq Minneapolis ., 60,00 Montreal 105,00 New York, ioS.50 n.vriis 01' salk. II, 17, 18, 34. 39. 1912. II Atlantic City llaltlinore lloston , -1 , . . Ihiffalo Chicago . . . . ColorailotSprings Denver .fill, 00 .107.50 ,.110,00 9l.5o ...7-5 ...55.00 . 55-00 Omaha , f 50,00 rniiaiieipiita..,,. too.50 iiuiiuurK , St. I.ouis. . . St. Paul... Toronto , Washington,. . 9 50 70,00 1 60,00 9-50 107 50 My J, 3, A, 9. 10, June i, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, t;, iH, 19, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, sS, 39, 1913. July 3, 3, 6, 7, II, 13, 15, 10, 30. 33, 33, 36, 39, jo, , 1913' Angina i, 3, 3, 6. 7, 13, 15, 16, 33, 33, 39, 30, 3!, l9u. tH'j)embcr4, 5, . 7i 8i " o, 1913. Moxvi'rs ami choice of routes allowetl in each direction, 1'iiial return limit October 31, 1913. Details of .schedules, fares, etc., will be furuishetl on request. XV 1.:,0MN,.Gc"e o1 v'eMht i1'"1 1'enger Agent, Portland, Ore. O, M. Cornell, Agent, St. Johns, Oregon, Hu i H ti Hnt 4i . . . -f LUMBER. Slabwood : Rough, Prompt Dry, Dressed, Deliveries. Green, Flooring, Quality Blocks, Finish. Guaranteed. Trimmings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Richmond 131 noys regular 2.00 nml 2.25 blioes, spccinl Ladies' Fat Ankle Shoe for Comfort, now Childs' Two Strap Pnt. Pump, latest, at. . I Week End Specials I 4HAT we want to ask, is I TT for more St. Johns peo ple to investigate our prices, and if we cannot save you money, we are not entitled to your patronage. Come in and look over our SPECIALS TO DAY, and we will convince you. SHOES AND OXFORDS Children's and Misses Tan Pumps reg $2, now 98c Ladies' Tan Oxfords regular 3.50, special at. .. ,98c LAST SEASON STYLES Men's 3,50 nud 4.00 Oxfords $1.25 at.. 1. 19 only 2.50 1.75 Misses " " " " " 2.00 Large Misses " " " " 2.25 Poys' and Youths' Latest Styles from 2.00 to 3.50 Child's One Strap Patent Pumps 1.50 LATEST ARRIVALS Men's Low and High Shoes, Tans and Blacks latest cuts that range iu prices from 3.50 to 5.00 Child's One Piece Indian Moccasins, nifty, Sizes 6 to 10 . 1,25 11 to 2 1.50 3 to s 1.90 Child's and Misses'Barcfoot Sandals, high grade Sizes 2 to 5 65c 5 to 8 90c 8 1-2 to 11 1.00 11 1-2 to 2 1.25 3 to 6 1.50 Cheaper Grade 8 1-2 to 11 65c KIM0NAS AND DRESSES Ladies' Long Kimouns $1, 1.25, 1.50 " Short u 50c to 75c Childrens' Ready Made Dresses 25c to 75c Girls Co-ed Suits to 14 years $1.50 Specials in Dress Goods for Summer Fancy White Goods, regular 15c, special now at 12c Figured Lawns, regular 20c, special at 13c Madras, regular 25c, special at 18c New Foulards, iu Portland for 25c, our price is 18c A large assortment of Calicos, special at only . . . 5c We have the same identical Bnlbriggan Underwear for Alcn nt the regular price of 50c per garment that the Department Stores in Portland sell for the spe cial price of 69c. Men's DressWsr 39c We have about 4 dozen of these, a trifle off in color, but good values at 39c Don't Forget We Are Exclusive Agents For The Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Kabo Corsets, "Live Models" "Elite" Glove Fittiug Petticoats Finks Detroit Special Ovall Arrowhead Hosiery Guaranteed Broadway Model Clothes for Men GROCERY DEPARTA1ENT SPECIALS We have a complete line of Groceries and al ways have something special to offer iu that line. 5-ininute Washing Powder 15c size, special 2 for 15c 5'ininute Washing Powder 25c size, special at 15c Dew Drop Washing Powder regular 25c, special 1 5c Pyramid Washing Powder, regular 25c, special 15c 6 Bars Babbitt's Naptha 25c 3 Packages R. S. V. P. Salt ..25c Reg. 25c Baker's Cocoa, special at 19c Reg. 45c Half Gal, Delmonico Sprup 35c Half Pound Bar Bakers Choc "Justice," special. 19c Couch & Co. "PIONEERS" Distributors of Merchandise Since 1904