St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 14, 1912, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Burlington Street.
Tint RitviKW is entered nt tst office
in Saint Johns, Oregon, ns limit matter
ol me second class under tnc Act oi v.on
tfress of March i, 1879.
OfflcUl Nswipspsr of the Otty of Bt. Johns.
Subscription price $1.00 per year.
Meat caters, according to n col
lege professor, are more active than
vegetarians. Possibly it is because
the prices make the meat caters
hustle more to get the price.
A western man advertises for a
wife and stipulates that she must
he a widow of a man who was
hanged. We should think that a
widow of a man who was hanged
would take no more chances.
A Washington citizen, in a di
vorce suit, says his wife made him
sleep in the barn with the horses.
We respectfully suggest that the
case be investigated by the society
for the prevention of cruelty to an
imals. One of our historians arises to re
mark that the temple of Solomon
cost $5,000,000,000. As it was a
government job, we arc tempted to
wonder what politician, or set of
politicians, got away with the
Some men have such a trust in
fate that the things they do, trust
lug to immunity, make this trust
truly pathetic. Such a man in a
New York town lately tried to
start a. balky mule by giving the
animal ammonia to smell. It may
be dimcult to make him rcali.c how
exceptionally lucky he was in mere
ly being carted off to the hospital
instead of to an undertaker s.
Stories of Success
Without tho
Horn on a
farm nn hour's
rldo from Chl
cfiBo, Frank A.
Vandorllp was
loft fatherless
when 13 years
old. At 1 ho
was an appren
tice In a ma.
chlno shop. Tho
meaning of an
education camo
to him with
great forco, and
while ho tolled
ho studied from
men nnd books.
ndvantaso of a
I1lt.l1 nrlinnl Irnlnlnff )m Was ablO to
Fnss tho entrance examinations at
ho University of Illinois, and by
iitrlct economy ho had saved enoUKh
to pay tho oxponscs of tho nrst
year. Ifo secured a position as stcn
ngraphor, worked ns n reporter and
cmerKCd In four yrnrs with n su-
Cnrlor mental equipment for tho
nttlo of life. .
Frank Vnnilorllp always did more
than was expected of him until his
Industry nnd ability attracted the
attention of men of larao affairs.
Whllo still a very young man ho
was mndo a controlling factor In
tho National City bank, tho laritcst
bank In tho United Htnton.
No ynunir man can say that ho
rnnnot tako ndvantngo of an educa
tion. - Opportunities nrii many for
tho boy who will navo. Now Is the
time to start If you would Insure
your future. . ...
A dollar starts nn account In thli
bank. Add to It as you can.
4 per cent interest on Sav
ings Accounts and Time
Certificates of Deposits.
St. Johns, Oregon
A. R. Joints, Vice President
1. P. Dkinkhh, Cashier
C. 1). Utrssitu., Ass't Cashier
Pleasant Social Event
If there is a city in the United
States in the 5,000 class,- that has
done more public improvement In
(lie past year than bt. jolius, we
would be glad to hear from it. Pro
portiouate to the population it far
exceeded Portland in this line, ht
Johns should certainly feel proud of
leading the world in public Im
provemeut for one year, nt least.
Central Oregon came in lor con
siderable praise this week from im
migration officials of the Great
Northern railway, who completed
nu cxteiided tour through Harney,
I.akc nnd Malheur counties, They
spoke in the highest terms of the
country traversed and predict it will
promote immense wealth when
properly settled. To bring more
people to this idle laud is their
avowed intention.
A iHititiou has been received by
the city comioil praying for the im
provcincnt of Philadelphia Mreet
from lMison to the city dock with
hard surface from KdlMiii to Hrnd
ford nnd from thence to the city
dock with planking. Philadelphia
street is 100 feet wide, the only
street in the city of that width. It
is the only street proposed to be
improved tn the river thus fnr. It
is said to have the best grade of
any street leading to the river. Its
unusual width gives teamsters nu
opportunity to zigzag from one side
to the other when hauling extra
heavy loads. It should be im
proved without n doubt. If the
pnuwrty will not stand for the im
provemeut, we believe few citizens
would object to the general fund
providing the excess. Philadelphia
and ImismhiiIuii and possibly Hurl
ingtou streets are three thorough
faros that must he improved before
we can attain metropolitan promi
ueuce. If the property owners min
im) to fifty er cent of the valuation
oi their projierties in thee ijuprove
mciits, it is all that should be ex
pected of them, nil that can be re
quired. Property owneis for other
streets, except 111 nire instance!,
have not paid over fifty per cent, of
the valuation of their properties
nnd many let than that. So if
proierty owners on the three streets
mentioned do that well, it doe not
seem uurcakouaitie tuai 1 11c city as
a whole should bear the balance of
the burden, since the whole city
will boueut thereby, We hoe to
see Philadelphia Mreet improved
clear to the dock. It would prove n
most inagntlicent thoroughfare, one
in which nil citieus could take
prme 111 snowing visitors, it is a
long step in the right direction.
Baccalaureate Services
1 ue naccaiaiireaie services ot tne
James John High school will he
held in the auditorium of the High
school June 10, p, 111.
Hymn "llnly, Holy, Holy."
Anthem "Gloria, Twelfth Mass"
Sermon Theme: "The Dreamer
nnd His Coat of Many Colors,'
Uev. J. J. Patton.
Hymn Joy Hells.
Proposals for Street Work
Library Tables
and Center Stands
Scaled proposals will he received nt the
office of the Recorder of the Citv of St.
Johns until July and; 191a, nt 8 o'clock
p. in., tor tile improvement ot Central
nvc. from the northwesterly line of St.
Johns nvc. to the southeasterly line of
llrucc street In the manner provided by
ordinance No. dHo. suhlcct to the nrovls-
lous of the charter and ordinances of the
City of St. Johns, nnd the estimate of
the city engineer, on file.
Unuhieer's estimate,! f6.8a8.48.
Mills must be strictly in accordance
with printed blanks, which will be furn
ished on application nt the office of the
Recorder of the City of bt. Johns. And
said improvement must be completed on
or before 60 days from date of the last
publication of notice of proposals of said
Mission, Colonial and French Styles work.
fi.ilutm.l In .r.-.l,tn., rot- ,..-. ,!din,t r NO proposals Or bills will lC Considered
...... .....I. ... hv,..w.. wun, ....... v. . .,,.- -.... ... .! .1 .1. I.
. . t 1 unions tiiiuiiiiNiiiii-ii uv n icruiirti Client
jt , it .-v v. v 1 ,
Special 111
Cut prices on Framed Pictures
all this week.
White enamel lined, best quality
hasten) Oak Cases well lined lie
tween the waits from $9 00 up.
St. Johns Furniture
Kiaynblc to the order or the Mayor of the
Mty of St. Johns, certified by n respon
sible bank for nn amount enual to ten
per cent, of the nunrciratc proposal.
The riiht to reject any nnd nil bids l
hereby reserved.
Hy order of the City Council.
I'. A. RICK.
Published In the St. Johns Review 011
June 14, at nnd 28, 191a,
Notice of Cost of Improvement
A "500" party was given hy
Mrs. (J. II. Ucrric nnd Mrs. C.J.
Muck at the home of the former on
Thursday evening of last week In
honor of Mrs. It. I). Jackson, who
was about to depart 011 a summer s
visit to the seashore. Guests to
to fill eight tables were present.
1 ue occasion was a most cmoynnie
one, and a most delightful evening
was spent hy all. A fine lunch
of lobster salad, cheese straws, cake,
sandwiches and coffee was served.
Mrs. II. . Harris won first ladies'
prize, a china art basket, and Mrs.
Heuson second prize, a china art
vase. I,. II. Chambers and K. I).
Jackson, respectively, won first and
second gentlemen's prizes cards in
caul cases, lliose present were:
Mr. mid Mrs. Heuson, Mr. nnd
Mrs. I.arrowe, Mr. and Mrs. Hock,
Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Muck, Mr. and Mrs. Jack'
sou, Mr. nuil Mrs. I-.vens, Mr. and
Mrs. Mcl.eau, Mr, nud Mts, Carl
I lioiniteou, Mr. nud Mrs. Cham
bers, Mr, and Mrs. Gesler, Mr. and
Mrs. lloyd, Mr. nud Mrs. Heuuett,
Dr. Juyne, Win. Hird.Mrs. Learned,
I.ydiii Villeraiie, Mrs. C. J. Muck,
Mrs. Derrie.
Or Spring and Summer
Bedding Plants
KnglUh Daisies
Asters (Cn-go)
Kgg Hants
l'cppcr Plants
lontato l'lants
Summer Chryrniithcimims
All i doen forSWc
Seed Dahlias I'ctuniin
l'all Chrysanthemums Itcliottopcs
All 35 cents per doen
0, E, Brodahl's Greenhouse
1010 S. Grosham St.
Cor. Buchanan
Notice is hereby eiven that the assess.
meiit for the Imptovcmi-nl of IMison
street from the easterly llncof Hurllnu,ton
street to westerly side Hue of Richmond
street, the totnl cost of which is
$!, 5-11.91, was declared by Ordinance
No, 470, entitled ''An ordinance declar
ing the cost of improving Ktlisou street
from the easterly side line 01 iiurlington
street to westerly side line of Richmond
street in the city uf St. Johns. Oregon,
and nssessing the property benefited
thereby, declaring such assessment and
dircctine the entry of the same hi the
docket of citv liens."
The cost of said improvement Is levied
uiwn nil the lots, twirls 01 lots and par
cels ol land within the boundaries of the
district, ns follows: Between the cast,
rrly side line of Hurllneton street nnd
the westerly side line of Richmond
A statement of said assessment has I
been entered In the docket of city Ileus
June Gilt, 1012, nnd said assessment
is now due and payable nt the office of
tile recorder of the city of St. Johns. Or-
eon, nnil will be iR-iinmicnt nun bear In-
tercst niter June 10, 1U12, mid If
not paid on or before July nth, lOrJ,
proccciliugu will lie taken for the collec
tion of the same by Mile of pruerty as
provided by 111c city charter.
1'. A. RICH.
City Rceordcr.
Published in the St. Johns Review on
June 7 and 11, 1012.
The Gas Kitchen
Means the Cool Modern Kitchen
The modern home would be as complete without
water and sewer connections as it would be without
a gas range and a gas water heater.
With the Gas Kitchen you have banished the coal,
wood, dirt, dust, ashes, kindling and heat.
While no two women may agree on any other subject, yet of tho thousands that
are using gas ranges,nll arc agreed that they arc the most convenient and durable
economical and perfect cooking and baking appliances they ever saw or used.
Our 1912 ranges arc now ready for delivery.
Just as we promisethey represent the combined features of quality nnd convenience.
Wc can meet the requirements of any kitchen regardless of size.
ranges and gas water heaters on installments at cost connections
We invite you to call and look over our proposition for yourself.
sell gas
Successors to
St. Johns Sand nud Gravel Company
I,. I). JACKSON, Prop.
General Coutrnctor
We nie prepared to ilo nuv nnd
nil kinds of excavntiug for .street
work nud other purposes. We
nlso handle .sidewalk and build
ing material.
Newton nud Kcsscuden Streets
St. Johns, Oregon
Phone Columbia. . . .
Notice of Annual
School Meeting
Scaled prownU will be received by
the iiudcrslencd nt his office in the city
hull of St. Johns. Oregon, until 6 11. in..
June 26, ioi,for the sale of not less than
pirnini accrued Interest or improvement
bonds of the citv of St. loluis. Orcuon.
name 10 uc issucu under urtiinancc .no
A7H fnf III.. it.1i.l1.. tm . ...... ..f T
nomuh county, slate of Orcii. that the ooo. S.1I1I bonds to be flated IMav 1'
1913, nud Issued nil denominations
Notice is hereby given to the leenl
voters of School District No. 2 of Mult-
I The lllble School of the
is tl.onmu.hly equipped to win
souls to Christ and to train
them in Christian Service. We
want you, und you m-cd us,
Sunday Services
lllble School: ion. 111,
MoruluK Service; 11 a. 111,
Junior O. It.: 3 p. in.
V. 1'. 8. C. H.:-7 p. m.
ItvuiiKriistic Services: 8 p. in.
Thursday Pmycriui-ctinu'-a p.m.
Ccmcr KtM Kcik SI, and Willi: Boulmrd
Annual School McctiuK of iuld district
will be held nt Central School House, to
begin at the hour of 2 o'clock p. 111. to G
o'clock p. 111.. 011 the third Monday of
June, bcitiK'thc 17th duy of June, A. D.,
11)11!. .
This meeting is called for the purpose
01 eieciuii; unc Director.
Dated this Utli day of June, 11)12.
A. M. 8TKAHN8.
Chairman Hoard of Directors.
Attest: J. It. Tancii.
District Clerk.
ruiillslicu In tlie ht. Johns Review on
June 7 and 11, 1012.
Proposed Assessment
Minors Take Notice
All minors are hereby warned
not to engine in ear,i playing or
loiter nrouud where card playiue, is
iu progress nt any cicnr store or
enrd room iu St. Johns. Pronrie
tors of same are likewise warned
against permittinir minors to do so,
I he law will be vigorously enforced
without turtucr notice,
A. A. MUCK, Mayor.
i f If II . I. ...
ru urumaiiLt rroniumiiir uic
Use of Alotor Cycles Upon
the Sidewalks in the City of
bt. Joints, nnu rrovunng n
Penalty for Violation There
Notice is hereby eiveu Hint nnportlc
incut of thu cott of improvinn Pes-
seudcii street from the cast city limit
to the west side of Iluchanan
street, total cost Is 9.2U.34, has
been niiortioned and is on file in the
ollicv of the uudersiKiied, subject to ex.
AkMMiuent district extends luick to
the center of lots, blocks or tracts of
bind nbuttiiiK on tald street ns provided
ty tne city ciiattcr ami resolutions.
Kcmousiruucesneaiiui salil apportion.
incut may lie made in writlne and filed
with the uudcnlKiied until 5 o'clock
f. M, June 24, 191 J.
1'. A. RICK,
PuhlLhrtl in the St. Johns Review 011
June 7 mid 14, 1912,
Notice of Final Account
fsoo each, payable ten years from date,
same ihmuk coupon imiiiis oearinu inter
est nt six per cent, payable semi-annually,
and subject to nil the conditions
imposeu, directed nun stipulated uy sec
tiou 1 ai of the charter of the citv of St
1 uc rlKlil Is reserved to redeem any or
an iHiuiis 111 any iiiicrcsi paying crloi
nt or niter one year irom iiate.
All uius must be accompanied by a cer-
tifiod check for two per cent of the
Amount, said check to be ptyublc to the
cuv 01 m, jniiiis, to which 11 will revert
as ilamaec ill case imrty to whom ImiiiiIs
are awarded fulls to accept nud nay for
same within 15 days from acceptance of
Did. .Money to be paid unit bonds de
livered nt St. Jolius. Multnomah couutv.
The rluht Is reserved bv the council to
rccct any mm nu bins.
1'. A, KICK,
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review 011
May 31 and June 7, i4, 21, 1913.
Notice to Creditors
The city of St. Johns docs ordain as
101 lows:
It is hereby declared unlawful for an v
person or persons to ride motor cycles or
uuy other vehicle driven by tiiechauical
power umiii any sidewalk, whether the
same be improved or unimproved, or to
operate such motor cycle or veiucie out
side of thut urt of the street devoted to
the traffic ol teams nnd vehicles, or to
oiH-rute such motor cycle or oilier me
chauicul driven vehicle upon that wxt of
the street reserved for the exclusive use
of pedestrian 011 foot.
Anil every iK-nwu wlio shall violate
this ordinance shall, upon conviction
thereof, be fined for each offense not to
exceed one hundred dollars nor less than
live dollars, or be sentenced not to ex
ceed thirty days in jail, or, iu the dis.
cretiou of the Court, be both fined and
sentenced to jail,
Passed by the council this utlidayof
June, 1911.
Approved by the mayor this nth day
01 June, 1917,
Attest: 1'. A. RICIt,
Published iu the St. Johns Review on
June 14, 1911.
Family Washing 50c
Baptist Church
Will Close For Carnival
We, the utidersii'iied merchants
of St. Jolius, aerce to close our
places of business on Thursday and
Friday of this week at i p. tu. iu
order that our help nud ourselves
may attend the Portland festivities
Calef Hros., Muck Grocery, II.
V. Clark, Fuirchild Market. IM
mondson Co., Johnstone's DetKirt
ineut Store, St. Johns Review,
Couch & Co., Peninsula National
Dank, 1-irst National Hank, St.
Johns Hardware Co., 0.15 Schuieer,
A. S. Scales, Ualke & Cowles.
Sunday school io a. iu., worship
it a. in., sermon topic: "What do
ye .More than Others?" No service
n the eveniue-. We unite with the
other churches iu the baccnluureate
service at the High school audito
rittm, 8 p. in.
For Sale
Lots i,2,3 and .t, corner of Rich
mond and Portland boulevard, for
Stsoo. Write W. II. Reid, Devil's
Lake, N. I). 26 6t
In the Comity Court of the State of
Oregon, County of Multnomah.
111 uie matter 01 tne estate 01 Kouert
M. Johnson, deceased.
Notice is horcby civeu that the under-
signed executrix of the above estate has
filed her final account herein, and that
the Honorable T.J, Cleeton, Judge of
tne above named Court, lias iicst)nated
the 8th day of July. 1912. Bt 9 o'clock in
the forenoon in the Court Room of the
County Court at the Court House in the
Vity of Portland as a time and place for
hearlnu objections to the said final ac
count and the settlement thereof,
Mil. UK JOHNSON, lixecutrix.
PltRRV C. STROUD. Attorney.
Dated at Portland, Oregon. June.sth.
Date of first publication, June 7, 1912;
last publication July 5, 1912,
The Model Laundry
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Multnomah county.
In the matter of the estate of C. O.
lljorck, deceased.
The underpinned havlne been an.
pointed bv the Couutv Court of the State
of Oregon, for Multnomah county, exec
utor of the estate of C. O. lljorck, de.
ceased, anil having qualified, notice is
hereby given to the creditors of, and all
persons having claims against said de-
ceased, to present them, verified as re
quired by law, within six months after
the first publication of this notice to said
V. P. Drinker at his office at the l'irst
National liauk nt St. Johns,
ltxccutor of the estate of CO,
lljorck, deceased.
Perry C, Stroud, Attorney,
Date of first publication, May 24, 1912.
Date of last publication, June 2i, Ijl2.
We have no special
bargain days
Some Few Reminders
Hammocks from
Ice Cream Freezers
Screen Doors
Lawn Mowers
$1.25 to $5.00
.75 to 2.00
1.00 to 2.50
3.50 to 8.50
8.50 to 16.00
If you want to cut your fuel bill in half come and
see us, we will tell you about it.
H. HENDERSON McDonald Bfdg.,208JcrseySt. j
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance S
Sjj Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed, j
Hrlng in your Job printing while j
you think or It. Don't wait until you 1 1 11111
are entirely out. Wo are equipped . LU IT
to turn out neat and tasty printing
promptly at Portland price or lean
Preach the gospel ot St, Jchns,
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Portlaud Office and Chattel St. Johns Office and Chapel
Cor. Killingsworth Ave. & Kirby St, 4t8 North Jersey St.
Phones: C 1133 Woodlawn 3306 Phone Col. 383,Res.Phone Col, 559
Lots Almost Given Away
1,015311034111 block 4, Point:
View, for $iooq. Writo W. II.
Keld, Devil's I.ake, N. 1). aO-fit
1 nere is no rem neeti of nuvone
Deiiiir iroumcti with constipation.
rw. ..."
t-naniucriaitrs 1 unlets will cause
an agreeable movement of the bow
els without uny unpleasant effect.
Give them n trial. Kor sale by all
Not th lbl on your ppr.
We wish to announce that we are
thoroughly equipped to do family
"Wet Washings at 50c per wash
nig. Phone ami our wagon will
call. Columbia 242,
The Model Lauudry.
Subscribe (or the Telegram best
evoalng paper on the coast. See
Ed Stocitoa.
Thoroughly equipped for all kiuds
of Intitidry work and
Up-to-date In every respect.
rrompt and elhcient service guar
anteed, Your patronage solicited.
When your child has the whoop-
itig cough be careful to keep the
cough loose and exjectoration easy
giving Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy as may be required. This rem
edy will also liquify the tough mu
cus and make it easier to expecto
rate. It has been used successfully
. . . . . . 1
in many epiuemics ana is saie aim -11
sure. I-or sale by all dealers. 1 IL.
Interest on
A General Banking
Business Transacted
Visit the Old Home
O-W. R. & IM.
O. S. L. nnd Union Pacific
Unci Pfotccttd by Automatic Block Skills
lo principal cities
Round trip tickets
fdiddle Western and Eastern States
on sale during
May, June, July
August, September
Going limit 15 days: final return limit
October 31, 1912
Baltimore $107.50
Chicago 72.50
Denver 55.00
Kansas City 60.00
New York 108.50
St. Paul 60.00
Toronto 9 1 JO
Washington 1 07 JO
Proportionately Reduced Fares to Many
other points
Through Train Service to the East Strictly
Call on your Local Agent and let him as.
sitt you in outlining
City's Sales Office
3rd and Washington, Portland