THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW DY A. W. MARKLE Published Every Friday At 117 West Burlington Stroot. TiiK RitviKW Is entered nt post office In Saint Johns, Oregon, as mnll mutter of the second class under the Act 01 eon rfreesof March 3, 1879, OfflcUl Hswspsptr of ths City of St. Jean. Subscription prlca $1.00 ptr yonr. Iiurbaiik has at lust evolved the stondess plum. Now for the odor less Umburtter mid the boneless fish. 1 Hoston women niiiiotincc thut they will clitiK to tight skirts. They do not hnvc to; tight skirts will do nil the clinging. r When you look nt the catalogue remember nothing ever Is os good ns the picture looks: if you doubt this statement, have yourself photo graphed. r The snlary of the president of Switzerland is only $4000. Hut then he does not have to keep up an nmomobile: all lie lias to do is to step out of his front door and slide. Chicago's police force lately de veloped the fact that it had a mcm ber who indulged the eccentricity ol nlways paying for ills drinks and cigars, lie was permitted to resign. as such unprofessional conduct Is not likely to spread. 1 A Pennsylvania judge lins decid ed that a girl if entitled to keep an engagement ring after the engage ment is broken. It Isn't likely. however, that many of the girls who have been keeping engage ment rings would have returned them, even if the Pennsylvania judge had decided the other way. The graduated .single tax idea is likely to have a lot of supporters by the time election day arrives. It provides a special tax on all indi viduals or corporations owning laud worth $fo, 000 and upward. The larger the value of laud the higher the stwciul tax. .So far as we have investigated, proposed law looks first rate. For instance, owners of St. Johns water front would be taxed so high that they would be unable to hold It long without deriv ing some income theiefrom. There fore, they would be almost com- wiled to either sell or place fact ories thereon. The bill will bear minute investigation, and should be thoughtfully considered by all voters. The race for presidential iiouii nations of the two leading parties is growing warmer all the time. It still looks like Uooevcll will secure the Republican nomination, and the chances aie Itryan will be the democratic nominee. Iu the latter party Wilson and Clark are now running neck and neck, which portends 11 deadlock at the llaltlinore convention. After a few votes have been taken and the dead lock holds pat, a sccch from Dry an urging the nomination ot some progressive will direct the atteu tlou toward himself and the del egates will break away and Hock to him like a bunch of sheen, lli y nu is the logical candidate anyway. lie is .stronger iu defeat than most men arc iu victory, and his tioini nation would be particularly pleas iug to the great majority of the democrats. i The ranks of the old soldiers are rapidly becoming depleted. Kour have ilropKHl out of the local ranks never to return since Memorial day of last year, and one or two others are near death s door. In a very few years the hut survival of that uiumorahtc coulllct of the early six ties will have passed to his leward. 1 lie present generation should treat them with the greatest rctipect mid do them the fullest honor, for they will be with us but a little while longer. Their footsteps, once so vigorous, sturdy and bolil, are becoming more feeble mid uncertain as the end draws near. 1 hey should be remembered for the things that they have done, the fight that they have fought, and the victory they have won. May these, their latter days, be filled with comfort, peace and tetfuhicss, and may we ever tlo honor to those who so bravely anil so generously gave of their health and strength that this nation might endure un til time shall be 110 more. Memorial Day Parade Following was the order of march at the Memorial Day ixirade yes terday: Line formed 011 Jersey and Philadelphia street at 10:45 a.m., in the following order: School chil dren; Hoy Scouts, K. of P., S. of V., G. A. R V. R.C.. I,, of G. A. R. The march to the Hill grounds, where services were held, was taken up at 11 o'clock, We go to press too early to give a de tailed account of the proceedings. Sick headuche I Is from a dis ordered condition of the sdoinach, and can be cured by the use of Chamberlaius's Stomaah and Liver Tablets. Try It. Vor sale by all j dealers. Stories of Success FRANK A. VANDERLIP Born on a farm an hour's rlcJo from Chi rnco, Krank A. Vanderllp was left fatherless when 13 years old. At 10 ho was an appren tice In a ma clilno shop. Tho meaning of an education came to him with Brent force, and while ho tolled ha studlod from men and books. Without tho ndvantaKO of a hlKh school trnlnltiK ho was ablo to Fass tho entrance examinations at ho University of Illinois, and by strict economy ho had saved enough to pay the expenses of the llrst year, no secured a position as sten ographer, worked ns n reporter and cmorgod In four years with a su perior mental equipment for tho Imttlo of life. ... Frank Vanderllp always did morn than was expected of him until his Industry ami nblllty attracted tho attention of men of lamo affairs. Whllo still a very younrr man ho was mndo n, controlling factor in tho National City bnnk. tho largest bank In tho United Btatcs. No younir man ran say that ho cannot tako ndvanlaijo of an educa tion. - Opportunities are. many for the boy who will save. Now Is the tlmo to start It you would Insure your future. , A dollar starts nn account In thlt bonk, Add to It as you can. 4 per cent interest on Sav ings Accounts and Time Certificates of Deposits. FIRST NATIONAL BANK St. Johns, Oregon Svi.vitsTKK Pktimson, Pres. A. U. Joints, Vice President !. P. Dkinkuu, Cashier C. H. Kt'sstCM., Ass't Cashier Refrigerators North Pole Refrigerators whit Ktintuleri Lined Priced from I9.00 up. Hammocks A good Hue of hammocks iu at tractive colors and designs. Prices t"2.oo to $7.00. Lawn Mowers 3 and .1 ulades, Imll hearing, or friction bearing machine, as low as f.t.oo each. Garden Hose Guaranteed Rubber or Cotton nose in 50 11. i.cuglu irom f..,oo upward. Dining Tablos See our line of Dining Tables ant! gel prices before you buy. t lOlinC HlPillfliTP Jl dvllllJ IUI IlllUlfc Company Notice to Creditors eon, for Multnomah county. In tlte mutter of the entitle of C. O llJOICk, tUH'tttkCll, I lie uiiilersluueil Imvliii! Ik-mi uti IHilnti'd liy the Count v Court of the State 01 iireuou, lor .Muiiuniuuli county, exec ulorol the estate of CO. lliorck. ile- ceiiMtl, mill having (iiiililkil, notice I. nereny Kivt-u to UK- creditor ol, unit nil K!rM)ti luiyinc cimm-i miiilust wild U cent), to prcM-nt them, verifieil us ro uiiireil hy law, within six mouths aftur the llrst iHitiiici iHililicutloii of this notice to mM inker ut his ollice ut the Pirt 1'. I. Drinker ut his offlee National ll.tnk ut .St. Johns. V. V. Ilt I N K UK . Hxcciitor of the estate of C. 0. Hjorck, ileceaetl. IVrry C. Stroml. Attornov. Date of first publication, May 'i, 191'J. Date of a.( publication, June 'it, V)l', St.Johns Laundry Thoroughly cqu!pcd for all kinds of laundry woik and Up-to-date in every respect. Prompt and efficient service guar anteed. Your patronage solicited. NOTICE The Hoard of Directors of School Dis. trict No. li of Multnomah county will re ceive bids up to June 1st to supply the school of .iiil district with U75 cords of heavy slab wood. The lliurd reserve the rieht to increase the same. Delivery to commence by July ut. Address bids cure oi Clerk. J. H. TANCH, Clerk School District No. 2. Lots Almost Given Away Lots 31 to 3.1 iu block 4, Point W. II. 26-6t View, for Siooo. Write Reid, Devil's Lake, N. D. How is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined nt the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co' Accurate work. Reasonable fees. II. Iluudurson, manager, 30S North Jersey, McDonald building. City Treasurer's Annual Report RKCIUI'TS Ilalaucc on hnml hi the gener al fund April II, 1911 t 3,010.90 Receipts Irom Recorder froui April, 1911, to April 9th, 191 40,370.62 Total f.3i3o-7' DIsnUttSHMKNTS Salaries, Kngliicerlng Depart ment I5.SS6.95 Police Department. . 3,818.60 Recorder, Attorney anil Treasurer 3,110,72 Mayor ami council , . 925.00 Janitor nud dock wnlchuinti 7-5-5 14,136.77 Interest. Bonds, dock 5,400.00 Points, city hall. . . 600.00 Ilonds, ferry 180.00 6,180.00 6,000.00 Perry approaches Street repair St.Johns Water Co ..2,024.2 l,4l Prlntlui! 1,691 l'lre Hppiiratus 1,500.00 l'lnal Installment quarry ma. chluerv 618. 00 l'irc dcirtmeiit 566 .00 inciilciitni expenses Sccinl iiudlting Street lights, 3 months Supplies, general County taxes paid Hxccss Hdlson street Cement wall, city linll Ilurlineton street walk 022 517-00 77 55--- 419-45 8)1. 221.32 K6.1O Hose cart buildings 123.5O Philadelphia hard surface 31H.02 Library expense 4OS.O7 Road roller expense 325.98 inspecting bewer no. 2 105.25 Hell tower, city hall 35-82 Health iitul charily 159.2 I'usscndcn street. Interest nud extra 158.00 J. 1'. Hendricks, suit costs 300.00 Interest, street warrants 49-s9 Willamette boulevard suit ab stracts 30.00 l'lllng plats 43-00 Ottcit D.nsins 135-0" I'crryage, rock 59.OO Refund water plie, P. Hill 12.50 Columbia DoKKtrCo., dredging for ferry . . 7 69.00 l'olllllalii basin 2.j0 Removing tree from Philadel phia street 3O-OO Refund No. 3 sewer 33-"3 Total f 4 1,406. 1 Kecclnt .13,3K0.7 DisburSetueiits 41.tO6.i3 llalance hi eeiieral fund A 1 1 r 1 1 9, 19'- f 1,974.58 STRI5HT I'UNDS Receipts and Disbursements. Htalfonl Street. Receipts f 31,34 DUburseineiit 21.34 Portland boulevard. Receipts 13.66 IHHUUrSCIUCIIt 13.00 Ilurr Street. Receipts 35.3 DUbursiueiits 25.3 I'e.seiideii Opening. Receipts 83.61 Richmond 0enlug. Receipts 49.OO Jersey Street No. 1, Receipts 65.45 Disbursements 65,45 Mohawk Street, Receipts 227.36 Disbursetueuts 222.36 llrtliiuce 5.OO Tyler Street. Receipts... 73.3O wisiiurseinviits ,., 73.30 IMImju Street No, 1. Receipts 123.O7 iiikiiurseineiits t-J.l'7 Jersey Street Sidewalk. Receipts 5.111 iii.i)iireuieiiis , , , , . ,4,1113.11$ Ikdittice 116,13 Sewer No. 3. Receipts 19,147.17 Disbursements , 19,068,84 Ilalaucc... 78.33 l'essendeii Street Receipts 2l, 726.47 DUliursiueuts 20,943.47 lUlunce 783.OO North Jersey Street Ki'reipls 4.903,65 Disbursement..,, 4.9O3.65 North Oswego Street Receipts 7U2.21 iiiuurciucui. , rsi.'i Mohawk No. 2 Receipts i.2i2.ii Disbursements, 3 1'-' 1 2. 15 North IvanbiH. Keeelnts 6.m fit lllsburseiueuts 5,9;Ui.;!d Ilalaucc... -19-33 Philadelphia uud Ihirliugtou Walk Receipts 2.600.23 Disbursements 2,600.23 New York Street Revolnts,. 4, 4,084.80 Disbursements,, Olytnptu Street Receipts , , 3.O51.24 Disbursements ,. 2,051.24 ltucliuuau Street Receipts 9.0S.s,7i Disbursetueuts , .9,085.73 Sewer No. 2 Receipts 35.8j6.74 Disbursements. 35.746,95 llalance ,, i-979 Kellogg htreet nisbursemeiits , , , 3.792.7S Receipt 3,737. Debit balance 5.OO Chicago Street Receipts I.9S8.45 Disbursements 1,988,45 Portland Houlevard No, 2 Receipts 8.06S.34 Disbursements 8,068.34 Philadelphia Street Receipt 3,773,2$ Disbursements , 3,773.! Cgluiubta lloulevurd No. 1 Receipts 1,781.76 Disbursements 1,784.76 Mncrum Avenue Receipts o.4t7.2 Disbursements 8,696.65 Ilalaucc .,, , 740.56 Kdlsoii Street No. 2 Receipts ,,,, 8,092.23 Disbursement ,,,, 8,092.23 Philadelphia-Hard Surface Receipts 7,485.19 Disbursements 7,485,19 Jersey Street Water Pipe Receipts 393.25 Disbursements,..,, 393.25 South Jersey Street Disbursements 5,997.58 Receipts 5,985.03 Debit balance..... Columbia Houlevard No. 2 1J-55 Receipts 1,398.81 Disbursements ,,,, t, 398.81 Charleston Street Receipts 8.466.1 Disbursements 8,466.12 Crnwford Street Receipts.... 8,133.42 Disbursements 8,133.42 Haltltnorc Street Receipts 3,931.20 I'lsuurscmciiis 3,931. 20 Total credit balances $2,204.75 Less debit balances,... 17,55 Cash balance street fund 4-0-i2. .2,187.20 RliCAPITUI.ATION Showing total street Improvements and sewer improtemeuts for year 4-10 1 1 ami -1-imz: Receipts. Street improvements (totnl)..J!i3i,064.45 iiiiinuveiiiciiis ,. uit,Ki.V Total $188,088.36 Disbursements. Street Improvements (total).,. 131,086.3 newer iiiipruvcnieuis " ,,. 0-1,31(1.7 Total I8G.90I.I Total receipts fi8.8,033.36 Total dbbursctnciits 185,90.6 Cash bnlancc April 9, i9i2. . 2,187.20 RHCKIPT8 AND DISI1URSHMHNTS General l'und llalance 011 hand -1. 11-11 $ 3,010.09 Itt-ceipls 40,370.02 Total Disbursements $13,380.71 . 41,400.13 llalance 4-9-12 1,974.68 H0111I Sinking 1'iiiid Halauce 011 hand -MO-ll 1,3-17.08 Kcccipi 12,401.08 Total f 13,842.00 Disbursements 7,704.99 llalance 4-9-I2 f. 0,137.07 Interest Hiinil Sinking l'und lliilauec 011 hand 4-10.11 Receipts 9.050.21 Total 0.C87.10 Disbursements, . . . 9,049.49 llalance -1-0-12 037.07 Stu-ct I'uuds llalance on hand 4-10-11 018.42 Receipts 187,409.9-1 Total. lKH.03rt.!tn Disbursements 185,901.10 Halauce -1-0-12 2,187.20 Certificate of (Sold Promty) Receipts 1.0C0.39 Disbursements 1.00G.39 City Hall l'und Ilalaucc 011 hand 1.11-12 160.07 City Dock l'und Halauce 011 hand 4-1M2 9.81 Total Cash 011 1 laud April 0, 1912 f 11,090.43 RliCAPITUI.ATION Show lug Total of Receipts nud Disburse mcnts to-i-y-iu Receipts Oeneral fund 43,380.71 Houil sinking fund.. 13,812.00 Interest bond sink- Ine fund 9.G37.10 Streets (total) 188,088.30 Treasurers' sale of im)erty 1.0C0.30 City hall fund 160.07 City dock fund.... 9.84 Total receipts for year 25C.C24.60 Disbursements Oeneral fund. 41,400.13 Houil sinking fund.. 7,704.99 Interest Uind sink- Inij fund 9.049.49 Streets (total) 185,901.10 Treasurer's sale of property 1,000.30 Total disbursements for year,. 245,128.07 Cash balance 4-9-12 21,490,43 Statement of City Ponded Indebtedness; niprovement bonds f203.6O0.00 City hall 10.000.00 City dock (50,000.00 I'crry -. . u.OUU.PU Total 279,600.0O Statement of Hond Lieu Docket: Amount of outstanding im provement bonds f203.600.00 creiiit balance uotul sinkliiK fund C137.07 Amount loaned in- terest fund 2.700.00 8,837.07 Hal. showing unpaid amounts iu bond lien docket 4-9-12.. flSM.CC2.93 Statement of unpaid bills on hand April A. G. l.oiiL', tirenpiviratus $ 600.00 M. joiius water Lo l,K.&4 ortlaud R. 1.. & P. Co 6.C81.89 Total f3,849.73 Resix-ctfully submitted, W. SCOTT KHLI.OGG, City Treasurer, RECORDOR'S REPORT or ipiarter ending April 9, 1912. RHCKIPTS Cash 011 hand January 1, 1912.1 2.G27.69 Tuxes G.416.44 Licenses 168.60 Pines 102,50 General 1,943.22 Hnglueer's 5 ikt cent......... 2,651.87 Hond sinkiui- fund 3,743.07 Bond interest 2.244.17 Streets 54.76C11 Interest ami penalty 23.93 Total $74,682,40 UlSnURSHMRNTS euerul $ 5,9$a.47 Have you planned to do away with the dirt, dust, trouble and heat of the old stove, and put in a MODERN LABOR SAVING GAS RANGE to do its work. Spring weather demands that you rid your kitchen of so much heat as possible, and yourself of as much trouble. A Cabinet Gas Range makes the .kitchen the handiest, cleanest, easiest workshop that a woman ever had to do with. The Housewife gets her largest meal in 40 minutes. She does it cheaply because there are two ovens, both heated by one flame. A GAS WATER HEATER attached to a tank will give her hot water right from the faucet for cooking, washing dishes and cleaning, at an insignificant ex pense. SO GIVE THE OLD STOVE "ITS NOTICE" AND ORDER A CABINET GAS RANGE AND WATER HEATER TODAY The whole equipment costs less than you imagine, on small monthly payments and guarantee them. ST. JOHNS GAS COMPANY mi City hall 100.00 .salaries l'lre fund 183.00 Hnglueer's olTicc 1,018.76 Health nud charity 9.00 Miihts 879.14 498.22 21.33 160.00 40.00 8.00 -169 65 07.63 0.38 51,700.11 3,743.07 2,214.17 1,974.63 Street rcpilr. OlTicc Supplies Recorder's assistant City dock.. Koaii roller Printing Library Incidentals Streets Pond slukltiK fund Houil Interest Cosh on hand. Total $74,082.40 ; 1'. A. RICK, Recorder. Notice of Cost of Improvement Notice Is hereby given that the ruses. incut for the Improvement of TIol-u street from Willis boulevard to l'eseuilen street, the total cost of which is 7.73.4J, was declared by Ordinance No. 477, entitled "An ordinance declar Idk the cost of Improving Tioga street from Willis boulevard to Peseuden street in the city of St. Johns. Oregon, and aliening the property benefited thereby, declaring such assessment and directing the entry of the same in the docket of city liens." The cost of said improvement Is levied upon all the lots, parts of lots and par cels ot laud within the boundaries of the district, as follows: Hetweeu the north, erly line of Willis boulevard ami the southerly line of Pesteudeu street. A statement ol salil assessment has been entered in the docket of city liens May 22ud, 19IJ, anil said assessment is now due and payable at the office of the recorder of the city of St, Johns. Or gan, ami will be delinquent ami bear in terest alter June 11, 1912, ami 11 not natd 011 or before June 22ud. 101. procecdingu will be taken for the eollec- j tion of the same by sale of properly as provide,! ny ine city cuarter. r. A. KIWH, City Recorder. Published In the St, Johns Review 011 May 34 and 31, 1912. Family Washing 50c We wish to announce that we are thoroughly equipped to do family Wet Washing; at 50c per wash- ttiR. i'none anu our wagon win call. Columbia 242. St. Johns Laundry Co. BLACKBURN, CHAMBERS & LOWRY Funeral Directors and Embalmers Portland Office and Chapel St. Johns Office and Chapel Cor. KilliUKSworth Ave. Jfc Klrby St. 4l8 North Jersey St. Phones: C 1 133 Woodlawn 3306 rhone Col. 3S3,Hes.Phone Col. 559 Hotel people and others gladly accept them, because they are good for full value and identify the person presenting them. We issue "A.B.A." Cheques in any combination of $10, $20, $50 and $100. Peninsula 1 We turjiluog from c!Uj- to stmt A scratched nud marred top prac tically ruins n table, so far as Its beauty as an article of furniture is concerned. And yet, it isn't necessary to discard on old table simply because the finish is not what it should be. Get n can of JAP.A-I.AC today, at our Point juni now wouuenui n.rejuvenator There are n number of colors dred uses for each color. Oak, Dark Oak, Walnut, Alaliogany, Cherry, Alalachltc Green, Ox-Blood Red, Enamel Red, Brilliant Black, En amel Green, Dead Black, Natural, Gloss White, Rat White, Ground. Blue Gold and Alumlnun. All Sizes from ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. 44 H. HENDERSON McDonald Bldg., 208 Jersey St. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Z Abstracts of Title Prepared. Bring la your job printing while you think or It. Don't wait until you are entirely out. Wo are equipped to turn out neut and tasty printing promptly at Portland prices or less. Preach the gospel ot St. Jthns, In Deutschland or any other land where the wanderlust takes you, "A.RA." Cheques are the best travel funds you can have. s i s-u ine9mwarwui.ammmMm Nation; Bank sell the APPLIANCES Department, and sec for yourself it Is. you can use, nud there arc a hun 15c to $3.00 A AAAA A A. A.lA. A. . Accurate Work Guaranteed. LOW FARES EAST Visit the Old Home VIA 0-W. R. & N. 0. S. L. and Union Pacific Linn Protected by Automatic Block Signals Round trip tickets to principal cities in Middle Western and Eastern States on sale during May, June, July August, September Colng limit 15 days; final return limit October 31, 1912 LIBERAL STOPOVER PRIVILEGES CHOICE OF ROUTES Baltimore $107.50 Chicago 72.50 Denver 55.00 Kansas City 60.00 New York 103.50 St. Paul 60.00 Toronto 91.50 Washington 1 07.50 Proportionately Reduced Fares to Many other points Through Train Service to the East Strictly nign-uass Call on your Local Agent and let him as sist you in outlining A DELIGHTFUL SUMMER OUTING City'a Salas Offica 3rd and Washington, Portland