St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 17, 1912, Image 5

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and be comfortable, but be sure you get a range that is economical in "
consumption of gas.
VOI I liVSkOW is Pssikle to buy a cheap Gas Range
I V U lI iv TT and then have it prove an expensive one
when you pay your gas bills.
bSptii3tSCl Jr P- A. A 4 - Ml!
uur uirecx. Mciion, waxion
al Gas Ranges are con
ceded to be the best in the
We will take your old Stove or Wood Range as part payment
Be sure to see our line of Refrigerators before
You Buy
SO 1-03 JERSEY sr.
Low Expenses
Low Prices
Easy Terms
Local News.
Anything yon buy, if it comes
from Joliustone's, is good.
The only first class, sanitary
fountain in town. "Currin Says
The Regal Range on sale at the
Peninsula Hardwire is a bargain at
136.00. See it at once.
J. R. Weimer, the hustling dray,
man, has added a handsome auto
truck to his equipment.
Florshcim shoes for the man who
cares. Johnstone's Department
Our sodas and drinks are flavored
with pure fruit syrups and extracts,
"Currin Says So."
Sash and doors are
stock by the Peninsula
Co. Get our prices.
enrried in
One kiss at leisure may be worth
n dozen in haste.
Used go-carts. Your choice of
what is left at Ji each Calef Dros.
Were it not for the lazy man in the
world, lots of labor-saving devices
would never have been invented.
It is easier for a roan's fool
frieuds lo down him than it is for
his enemies to get the upper hand
of him.
Mrs. D. J. Horsman has been
seriously ill with nervous prostra
tion, and her condition is not im
proving as rapidly as her friends
would wish.
Special I Special 1! Saturday we
will give S. & II. Green trading
stamps free with every purchase of
or over. Johnstone's Depart'
inent Store.
Uncle Sam evidently takes the
position that they will sooner or
later become tired of fighting down
in Mexico.
Mrs. Clara Hay, ordained me
dium, 3414 5th street Portland. a8p
1M.... t... ..
8-year-old fruit trees, gas in house,
wireu for electricity, street Im-
J roved, on most prominent street;
2000, $500 cash, balance on time.
See K. C. Couch.
The professor who won a wager
for pluying the piano for forty-nine
hours we are convinced once lived
in our block back East.
Methodist Episcopal church, cor.
Leavitt and Hayes. Sunday school
10 a. m.; Preaching 11 a. in. and
8 p. ra.j Kpworth League 7:15 p.
m. All are welcome.
For Sale Modern seven-room
house and lot, 50x100 at corner of
Richmoud street and South Hayes
street at a bargain, and on easy
terms, For particulars call at this
office. 26 4tp
J. T. Harbin, the blacksmith,
last week ordered a for sale ad. in
the Review to run for several
weeks. He had several cows he
wanted to sell. On Monday he
told us to cut the ad out, as it had
sold them all for him. Yes, it pays.
A. D. Moe, proprietor of the
Hood River Glacier, made this of
fice a very pleasant call Monday
afternoon. Besides publishing the
best country weekly in Oregou,
Mr. Moe is engaged in fruit cul
ture. He recently sold one piece of
land for $20,000 that cost him only
as many hundred five years ago.
Lot 100x106 and a modern six
room house, lot all in cultivation,
close to school, worth $250o.Owner
must have money ana will sen lor
1 1 700. Only $725 required to
make the deal. A snap. See
Henderson, the Abstracter. Mc
Donald building.
For Sale New five-room bunga
low, modern throughout, by the
owner; located near Kenton, two
blocks from the car track. Price,
12400, on easy terms. Hendricks
& Gillmore, St. Johns.
For the best buy in St. Johns
call and see owner, comer Hast
Charleston uud Portland boulevard.
5-room modern house and full lot,
well improved, good streets.cement
walks and splendid location.
Lee Chambers, who was recently
so very ill with brain fever, is out
again and able to go about. It was
a close call, though, and the lad's
many frieuds are delighted to have
him back with them again,
Mrs. Jennie McDonald has been
seriously ill for the past few weeks.
She was removed to the uood ba-
maritan hospital Tuesday. Her
many friends are anxiously hoping
for her speedy recovery.
"There is nothing that women
cannot do as well as men." "Of
course," assented Mr.Meektonearn
estly. "But. Henrietta, I do hope
that none of you will insist on pitch
ing for the home team in a close
At the banquet and reception
given to the officials of the Amen
can Electric Railway Association
Tuesday evening, May 14, by the
Portland Commercial Club, Messrs.
H. E. Pennell, P. H. Edlefsen, H.
V. Bonham and B. F. Crawshaw
were present from the St. Johns
Commercial Club.
Wall paper in new and artistic
designs is now on sale at the Penin
sula Hardware Co. Prices range
from eight to 25 cents per
double roll. Selection may be made
trom 50 or more diifereut patterns.
Four first class barbers in
inore's barber shop.
Wanted Boys to learn to weave
at night; pay while learning. Call
at once. Portland Woolen Mills.
Picture framing done nt Portland
prices at II. F. Clark's, the furni
ture man. tf
For Rent. Store room. Best lo
cation in St. Johns, Right where
the car stops. For particulars see
F. A. Rice ut the city hall. 22tf
For Sale Six lots, all extra size,
between Tyler and Polk streets,
improvements in, can sell cheap.
Terms, 1 10 cash, balance $10 per
month, 7 per cent interest. Best
residence district. McKinuey &
Davis. i6tf
Have you got your Phonograph
yet? Remember, the St. Johns Phar
macy is giving them away free. "Col
umbia Phonographs," standard ma
chines, not the cheap kind. A ticket
with each 25c cash purchase. Twelve
phonographs, one dozen, one given
away the first of each month for twelve
We also have a line of Hot Water Bottles and Foun
tain Syringes at greatly reduced rates for a short time
We are headquarters for Stationery, Blank Books,
Base Ball Goods, Fishing Supplies, Candies, etc.
Ttf lit . . a
we meet an competition on advertised prices on
Patent Medicines, Toilet Preparations, Drugs, etc.
Bring us your prescriptions, the Doctors have confi
dence in our ability and accuracy.
Watch our show windows next week for bargains.
St Johns Pharmacy
s easier to find a needle
I in a hay stack than to find a dissatisfied
Nyal customer
Wli have had a tremendous success with the sale of Nyal Family Remedies our customers
have made this possible. Anyone who has used Nyal's has become an enthusiastic Nyal
Hooster. Ask those who have had occasion to use Nyal's Remedies, what they think of the merit
of these preparations, they will tell you just how reliable they arc. Their own experience has
taught them that these family remedies arc vastly superior to all others.
Our customers have found that Nyal's Remedies make good every time that's why they
insist upon getting these high standard, non-secret preparations. You arc absolutely safe when
you use Nyal's, you arc sure of results. The more you know about Nyal's the better you like
them. When sickness comes, you want the best in medicine, that's why you should accept noth
ing inferior to Nyal's Remedies. Wc not only claim superiority for Nyal's we prove it.
Our confidence in these remedies leads us to sell them to you with an absolute guarantee of
satisfaction or money refunded. Wc can do this with Nyal's because our experience has taught us
the lesson of Nyal Reliability. Give us the opportunity to tell you more about Nyal's.
Ifirst class shine while you shave
at Gilmorc's barber shop.
Typewriter ribbons for sale at
this office; 50 cents each.
So many oncer things happen
nowadays that miracles are con
sidered back numbers. ,
SPECIAL Men's $2.50 and $3
hats Saturday, only Si. 98. John
stone's Department Store.
Our fountain will bear the closest
inspection. You are cordially in
vited to look it over. North Hank
The end-scat hog is here again,
And as the summer street cars till,
Each scat to him is but a trough
Wherein he puts his feet at will.
Three Fine Lots For Sale. 40X
too nt the head of Edison street, all
improved. Only S375 each, Easy
terms. Apply soon to J. II. Fletch
er, 823 Willamette boulevard.
Sunday was a perfect dav. The
sunshine was glorious and the beau-
tv all around made one feel glad to
be alive and have the pleasure of
living in St. Johns, U. b. A.
J. M. Howell, n popular druggist
of Grecnsburg, Ky., says: "We use
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 111
our own household nud know it
is excellent." For sale by all deal-
ATTENTION! Keen in mind
II. U. Urodnhl.s Greenhouse, when
you wnnt betiding plants, cut flow
ers, shrubs, cabbage, tomato and
cauliflower plants, etc. Also llornl
design work. Cor. Huchauau uud
So. Gresham streets. 24 .itp
An energetic campaign for an in
terstate wauGli bridge between Ore
gon and Washington, spanning the
river at Vancouver, lias been start
ed. Commercial organizations of
both states are working for the
project and it is exacted the mat
ter will be brought to a successful
Mr. Silas II. Ashman and Miss
Jennie Pearl Palmer, both of St.
Johns, were united in marriage at
the home of the bride. 62s Smith
avenue, last Saturday evening by
Rev. It. V. Cheney in the presence
of a number of relatives and friends.
The groom had a fine little home
readiness on Central avenue,
where the happy young couple
have taken up their abode.
T?nstern Oregon and the Inland
Kmnirti countrv report that the re
cent heavy rains have brought mil-
linns to the farmers ot that section
nf the Northwest bv soaking the
soil and bring ng the needed moist
ure to gram aim truit crops, it is
declared that never before were
cron conditions so favorable for a
record production.
Hankers of lieud, following a
somewhat similar plan used last
vear to develop the hog industry.
have bought and shipped to Hend a
carload of thoroughbred Ilolstein
milch cows from the famous dairy
d str ct of Elgin, Ills. The bank-
ers will dispose of the cows to the
farmers, taking their notes in pay-
merit if desired. The farmers will
dispose of their cream to a new
creamery just started.
The Columbia River fruit dis
tricts will score heavily this season.
Cherry orchards around The Dalles
will yield 1,400,000 pounds of fruit,
which California cannery men are
anxious to get at 4c per pound,
meaning $56,000 to the growers of
that section. Hood River expects
an apple crop well over a million
boxes that will be marketed thru
out the world wherever prize fruit
is in demand. Other fruit districts
report equally fine crop prospects.
For Insurance see P. W. Valentine
For Rent A five-room modern
cottage, bee Couch Co.
John Watson is erecting n neat
residence on liurr street near Sen
Subscrlbo for the Tologram bott
avoiiltiK pnper on tuo coast. Boo
Kd Stockton.
There is the additional advantage
about celluloid collars that the laun
dry can't tenr them up.
T. ...I. I . - ti ... -.11 ll.
11 wurtii i iLCUi'ii;, mill mi, mm
destroyed the Titanic. Dr. Goshen
1 . - i. 1 t ...
11 HIM Willi 11 wa.t IllVC Ul II1UIIC)
All the latest models in II. & S.
Corsets. Guaranteed to wear, $1.00
to $10.00. Johnstone's Department
For Sale 5 thoroughbted White
Wyandotte Hens t year old, cheap.
C. R. Chadwick, 219 North Swan
sou street. 27 2tp
Receipts nt the stockyards for the
past week were as follows: Cattle,
1477; calves 158; hogs 1297; sheep
5748; horses 21.
"Then the wedding was not alto
gether a success?" "Noj the
groom's mother cried louder than
the bride's mother. It was consid
ered very bad form."
D. E. Hrodahl is having a hand
some new nud commodious green
house erected on his South Gresh-
am proierty. The expansion 01
business demanded more room.
The Fraternal Iirothcrhood base
hall team defeated the Holiday
Athletic club Sunday by a score of
13 to i, in 11 seven-inning contest.
The Hrothcrhood team is getting to
be a corking good one.
John Peterson has been hobbling
along on three legs the past several
days -two wooden onus uud one
ilesh nud bone pedal, lie got tu
the way of where his horse want
ed to kick, putting one leg out of
commission for the time being.
First Christian ScWnce Society:
Sunday 11 a. in., Wednesday, at
t p. m. Reading room open Tues
day and Saturday from 2 to 4 p. m.
All cordially invited to the services
and reading room, Subject Sunday
"Mortals and Immortals."
The sewing circle of the W. R.
C. met with Mrs. Sue Clayton, 1298
Willamette boulevard. The day
was perfect, the lunch perfection,
and with visitors and members we
did not all talk at once, but we all
talked some, of course, as women
will when they get a chance; so we
all enjoyed ourselves fine. We
wish many returns of such days.
Press Cor.
The complete ritual service of
the G. A. R. will be executed on
Memorial day in Hill's orchard on
North Jersey street. This will
make the first time that the full
ritual has ever been demonstrated
in St. Johns, and it is very seldom
used on the coast. It will be put
on by Past Commander Miller, and
will take place beginning about 1 1
o'clock a. in. It will be well worth
Mrs. Alice Learned entertained
delightfully nt her home on John
street Wednesday afternoon. A
snlendid five course luncheon was
served at 1 o'clock and the rest of
the afternoon was spent 111 playing
500. Mrs. Varwig of Portland won
the first prize, a solid silver berry
spoon. Mrs, P, II. Edlefsen won
the second prize, a handsome cen
terniece. Mrs. Learned is a noted
hostess, and it goes without saying
that the afternoon was a complete
Subscrlbo for U10 Ilovlow nml bo
Wc give green trading stamps
North Hank Pharmacy.
Dandruff removed or no charge
ntGilmorcs barber shop.
The headgear of the Hindu doun
not seem so outre since the Shriuers
came to town.
A ten cent rebate check on dollar
purchases good for toe nt our foun
tain. "Currin Says So."
For Sale Four-room house, lot
50x1 06, North Leonard street, $700.
Call nt Review office. p2t
An enjoyable masquerade ball
was given at the palatial home of
A. Hensou last Friday evening,
Wolcott (the rent man) 130 nth
street, Portland, is the man to see
for real estate or mercantile deals.
Special for Saturday All our
n'j and 15c Dress Ginghams nt
loc per yard at Johnstone's De
partment Store.
Free lkatitiful framed pictures.
We have given nwav many of those
and have more for the asking-
North Hank Pharmacy.
Lost Extra large whitu Spit
dog. License tag No. 49. Ru-
ward offered. Please notify W. K.
Corbett 440 E. Chicago St. 1 1
For Sale Five.
50x100 lot, all in
fruit trees, roses.
if tnkeu at once.
South Edison.
room cottage on
garden, hurriuH,
Terms. Hargniu
J. II. Smith, 90S
The how cart was hustled to thu
scene of Pierce's fire Wednesday
morning by menus 01 11 rojHs at
tached to the horn of Row Gallon's
saddlc.hi regular cowboy style.
Sick hendnche results from n dis
ordered condition of the stomach,
and can be cured by the use of
Chambcrlaius'.s Stomach nud Livur
Tablets. Try it. For sole by all
For Sale and Exchange Fiv-
room house, lot 50x1 264, 1 block
from car line, 3 blocks trom junwy
street. Will take T200 wish nun
two good lots up to I870. Coll or
write Roy Turrell, 619 Chnpoll
street, St. Johns.
Now is the time to get rid of
your rheumatism. You will find
Chamberlain's Liniment woiwlw
fully effective. One application
will convince you of its tueriU. Try
it. For sale by all dealers.
TRIMMED HATS -- One lot,
choice $3.00; one lot, choice $5.00!
Int. nut rimmed. Si. 00. CoilIU
and see our line before buying, w
can save you money.
Till. KUS1-; MlM.ittiVKY lu,
107 South Jersey Street.
Proposed Assessment
Notice is hereby given that apportion
ment of the cost of improving IMlsou
street from easterly side of Hurling
ton street to westerly side of Richmond
street, total cost is f5.5U.91. If
been apixutloned and is on file in tlm
office of the undersigned, subject to tw
amiuation. ....
Assessment dUtrict extends baak to
the center of lots, blocks or tracts of
hind ubuttiug on said street as provided
by the city churter and resolutions.
Remonstrances against said apwrtiou
ment may be made in writing and fllwl
with the undersigned until 5 o'gkjflk
P.M.jn.3.i9i. p,AtRIQB
1 Published in the St. John Rvfew on
May 17 uud 3 1, 1912.