St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 17, 1912, Image 3

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Chris Oihus Dead
Christopher C. Oihus died at his
home on South Hayes street Wed
ncsdav near the noon hour. Mr
Oihus was a Rood citizen and will
be creatly missed in this comtnu
uity. He was born in Christiana,
Norway. May so, 1817. He came
to America in 1867, settling succes
sivclv in Wisconsin, Minnesota and
South Dakota. In 1900 he located
nt Silvcrton, Or., and came to bt.
Johns the next year. In January,
1872, he married Miss Nettie Lar
son, also a native of Norway, at
Preston, Minn , and seven children
were born to them. Five of these
arc now livinc. They arc: Chris
tian C. Oihus, Oscar J., and Lillian
Oihus of St. Johns; L. M. Oihus of
Vancouver, wash., and Mrs. M.
Hirshfield of Oakland, Cal. Mr,
Oihus has been prominent in city
The funeral services will be held
in Blackburn, Chambers & Lowry's
undertaking parlors Sunday after
noon at 2 0 clock, under the auspi
ccs of the Order of Owls, of which
he was. a member. The sermon
will be delivered by Rev. G. W.
Whereas: It has pleased the Al
mighty Father to remove from the
living, Sister Melissa Ovcrstrcct,
the beloved mother of our brother
and sisters, G. W. Ovcrstrcct, A Ida
Ovcrstrcct, and Mrs. Ola Kodgcrs,
Whereas: While wc bow to the
infinite will of Him who docth all
things well, wc do mourn with our
brother and sisters in their great
loss. He it, therefore,
Resolved: That Laurel wood Rc
bckah Lodge No. 160, 1. O. 0.
do hereby extend to our beloved
brother and sisters our most heart
felt sympathy and love in this their
time of bereavement, sharing with
them the loss of a rinst affectionate,
kind and loving mother, and he it
Resolved: That the charter be
draped for 30 days and n copy
of these resolutions be spread
upon the minutes of the Lodge,
and a copy given to our brother
and sisters and a copy scut to the
St. Johns Review for publication.
Mary Simmons,
Arminda V. Whitmore,
Hffa Beam,
Have You Piles
Then IIISM-ROID is what you
want a guaranteed internal rem
edy. Here is a physician's remedy in
rsugar-coated tablets taken inwardly
that cures all forms of piles nud
avoids painful operations, as well
as the common odious treatments.
It attacks the very cause bad
This remedy is Dr. Leonhardt's
HEM-ROID sold by St. Johns
Pharmacy and all druggists. $1.00
for 24 days' treatment and satisfac
tion guaranteed. Dr. Leouhardt
Co., Station H, Buffalo, N. Y.,
Prop. Write for booklet.
To the People of St. Johns
After May 30th wc will be locat
ed at 304 North Jersey street in the
Jower block. We thank you for
your patronage in the past, and in
the future will endeavor to Work as
promptly as heretofore. We are
putting In new machinery and are
expecting to have the most up-to-date
sliop outside of Portland in
the country.
J. T. Brooks & Son.
Family Washing 50c
We wish to announce that we are
thoroughly equipped to do family
"Wet Washings" at 50c per wash
ing. Phone and our wagon will
call. Columbia 242.
St. Johns Lauudry Co.
For Sale
Lots 1,2,3 and 4, corner of Rich
mond and Portland boulevard, for
$1200. Write W. H. Reid, Devil's
Lake, N. D. 26 6t
The home of B. B. Pierce on
North Fillmore street was totally
destroyed by fire Wednesday fore
uoon. The fire originated from a
defective flue. Only the clothes in
the backs of the family were saved,
and Mrs. Pierce and three little
children had barely time to escape
from the burniug building, which
was owned by J. R. Wei.uer. Mr.
Pierce is an industrious and hard
working man, and the loss is a se
vere blow to him. Neither the
dwelling or furniture were insured.
Mr. Weimer allowed his insurance
to elapse only a few days ago.
u -
Robinson Carr died at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. J. I. Shurts,
May 14th, aged 86 years. He had
been in feeble health for some time,
and his death was not unexpected.
His remains were conveyed to Me
katnab, Neb., for interment, J. I.
Shurts accompanying the casket
Mr. Carr was a fine gentleman,
with a pleasant word for every one,
and to know him was to like and
respect him.
The W. O. W. will give a dance"
in Bickucr hall May 29.
The place is cold, the drinks and
ice cream are colder, but your re
ception is warm at the North Bank
The Bachelor club will give its
anniversary ball next Thursday
evening in the rink. It promises to
be the swellest event that has yet
Happened in St. Johns. BH
Urlng In your Job printing whllo
you think of It. Don't wait until you
arc ontlrcly out. Wa aro equipped
to turn out neat and tasty printing
promptly at Portland prlcoa or Icbb.
Walter R. Crouchley and wife
left Monday last for St. Louis, Mo.,
where he will install a large refrig
erating plant for the Refrigerating
Corporation of New York. It is
possible that they will make St.
Louis their permanent home.
Five stalwart trackmen of the
James John High have gone to
Corvallis, where they will partici
pate in the track meet held there
today and tomorrow. It is expect
cd that several trophies will be
brought home by the boys in the
way of prizes.
The residence of Carl Majcskc
was burned to the ground Wcducs
day forenoon, making the second
time that Mr. Majcske has been
burned out in the past two years.
The family was away at the time,
and the origin of the fire is un
known. 1 he loss is estimated at
SSoo, but we did not learn if it was
Mcsdamcs Hill, Simmons, Mc-
Kinney and Walker will be part of
the staff to exemplify the degree
work nt the I. 0. O. F. Grand
Lodge meet at Pendleton next week,
leaving for that city Monday. Sev
eral other Rebeccas, as well as a few
Odd Fellows, will make the trip.
1 hat they will have a grand time is
beyond dispute.
The Debonair club met at the
home of Mrs. L. II. Chambers on
Fillmore street yesterday afternoon.
A dainty luncheon was served, con
sisting of crab naiad, hot biscuit,
orange jitn, pickles, cake and cof
fee. A delightful time was had by
those present. The club will have
their regular monthly spread at the
Home 01 Mrs. Weeks on Thursday
evening of next week.
The W. R. C. at their regu
lar meeting May 4, had a very busy
session till recess. After a short re
cess was called to order by our pre
siding officer to prepare for a social
time, as the fost had been invited
to meet with the W. R. C. The
visit and light refreshments were
enjoyed by ull. The W. R. C. ex
pects the Post to come often to vis
it their auxiliary in the future.
Press Correspondent.
Enlargement on to you people
of St. Johns as a large picture.
But have the Largest Pano
ramic Machine made. No
enlargements, It makes a
real nhoto direct of the obiect
itself, whatever it is. Call
and be convinced.
the Picture man
rutN 1 wen ro a jrxscr.
502 S. Jersey Street
rtrUl will mak iou ft pirmueai cu 1
Inmnr. ItAtUf Action ffUTftlltAttd CIJQM1 1
' e 1. r.1l..ll.MMCilMilUtaftM
iiiivrmi uuiicLiiuu in ... .1 . 1
rWM If. IwliHib Unto t.u. timt Ullf,
1 IJU VtUm. CUklla. InuS. Imi U4 EUA BlMUtU. '
uitiuIntkkd to plzaik
I ul . -- ui " Ull .tlufal
i iuum mi . -r
w M WW,. .
rliaJ. t ru Wsw Ba.l.M. Atrial will
nik tou oar 1 raiment enatomar.
PrtTH rnllertlon "aitwrujitaiut.
11 U floMt I Trl. f IpUtwiU I (Mm, Utt 'V1
Ut 1 1 tttawrW sWiw-i TftnU tn u
Write to-day; Mention this Psper.
A ParllamanUry Joke by a New South
Wales Solon.
Australia once linil a gront public
jotic, wlilcli wiih iilnyed openly In (tie
New Huntli Wales Htntu purlin niunt b)
a inpuilior who nftorwaril laiaiuo at
tornoy coicrnl.
A bill bad been Introduced to pro
tect nittlvo llowers from ruthless de
struction. Tlie lionoiulito uiember U)
roso and syinputlilzLHl. Uc Informed
tins Introducer of the bill a somewhat
pompous Kcntlemau that lie heartily
approved. Hut why these Invidious
distinctions? The bill prolcctcd-iuid
ho quoted nil tlia botanical niiniM In
tlio bill.
Hut why wero other flowers equally
dcservIiiR neglected7 Why were and
here ho reeled off a long list of tho
Latin names for cockles, mussels, oys
ters, etc. why were theso sweet flow
ers to bo blighted In their bloom by
bclne plucltcd by any prowling excur
sionist who wanted something In his
Tho Introducer of tho bill promptly
offered to extend tho list to lncltldo
these. Ho half tho shcllflsli on tho
coast, Including tho periwinkle, wero
added to tho flowers worthy of protec
The officials of the house discovered
tho lioux next day and set It right
Hut tho Joko was too good to bo kept
quiet, and all Australia chuckled at
tho expenso of ilia pompous legislator
London Answers.
But Slight, Ruttllng 8oundi Make Ql
ratfei Tremble With Fear.
Among tho curious characteristics of
tho giraffe Is Its Htrango Indifference
to loud iioIhsh as contrasted with its
peculiar "weariness" with referenco to
Hllght Rounds. Noisy sounds, like that
of n man walking near In hobnailed
boots, tho giraffe docs not nppcar to
notice, but should It bo approached by
n woman whoso skirts glvo out but
the slightest ruMlo tho sound thereof
caUNcs the glruffo to start up with
pricked ears and eyes distended In
Officials of n xoologlcal Institution,
situated near n canal, tell of n curious
Instanco of thin itecullnrlty of giraffes.
After 11 terrible explosion of guuow
der on n bargu 011 Iho ennui tho keep
ers were astonished to observe that
the glrnnVs took little notice of I ho
tremendous blast. They Jumped to
their feet, but almost nt unco lay
down again when they found that
nothing extraordinary had happened
In their lnclosure. Hut wero n keeper
at night to creep along outsldo that
tuchiMiire In his stocking feet tho queer
beasts would exhibit such terror thnt
one would Imagine them about to dash
theiiiHelvtiM In terror agidust the,(cuces.
(Ilia ires fear the lurking foe, nud a
big bang scares thum hardly at all. To
them the faint, rustling sound U a to
ken of the greatest danger. In that
respect they aro llko deer. Now York
Many Thing Different In Holland.
Holland Is to me 0110 of tho most In
teresting countries In ICurqo, writes
Gcorgo It. HI ins. Apart from tho ex
citement of having to do a bit of
Uloudln, with tho edgo of a cannl for
your tight rope, at lutervnla of u few
minutes all day long, tho Dutch them
selves furnish you never ending study.
I lovo to see the little Dutch boy of
ilx Hiuoklng his clay pipe or bis cigar
us he clings to his mamma's skirt.
There Is something at oucu novo! and
Mnrtllug In tludlng Dutch cbecso and
a penny bun placed In front of every
guest nl tho breakfast table. In n
laud wheru a public company Is a
MaatschapplJ and nearly uveiy house
of reuluurntlon announces that tho
thirsty traveler cnu there obtain 'Tap
perlj. RllttertJ and Hlyinp." tuero Is al
ways nmusQ you)
Oath of the Turkish Doetor.
Tho oath whhjli young doctors take
In Turkey when they coino before the
medical examining board contains tho
following pledgo: "That wbcu I am
called at the same tlmo by two differ
ent patients, tho 0110 rich nud tho other
poor, I will accept tho call of tho poor
without taking Into consideration tho
money offered and will do my best for
his treatment, nnd that 1 will never do
cllno to answer any call, day or night,
during the relgu of common diseases
or of nn epidemic of contagious dis
ease" Keeping Ills Word.
"Ilonry, you owe mo fft. You remem
ber that bet you mado me last week
that you wouldn't smoko any more for
a mcnth. Well, I saw you walking
down tho street last night smoking a
big cigar."
"I'm not smoking any more; I'm
simply smoking the usual amount."
Out of Place.
Aunt Prisms I am shocked at you,
Maude. You permitted young Mr.
Jones to kiss you. Maude Ho only
Just touched me on tho nose, auntie.
Aunt Prisms-It was quite out of
place, my dear. Maudo-IIe knew It
was, auntie, nut you came In so sud
denly, you see.
Pithing Luck.
"Have any luck on your fishing
lea. Counting those that got away
and those we threw back, we almost
got seven." Detroit Free Press.
Her Criticism.
"I wish Fritz would write his figures
plainer, I can't possibly tell from bis
letter whether It Is 1,000 or 10,000
kisses that be sends me." FUagende
Is there anything In all this world
that is of more importance to you
than good digestion? Food must
be eaten to sustain life and must be
digested and converted into blood.
When digestion falls the whole
body suffers. Chamberlain's Tab
lets are a rational and reliable cure
for indigestion. They increase the
flow of bile, purify the blood,
strengthen Hie stomach, and tone
up the whole digestive apparatus to
a natural and healthy action. For
sale by all dealers. '
. . - a -fluttered Uook.
How tho Kev. Mr. Joliiisloii. n Hcot
tlsh minister and the author of nil
mcrous books, succeeded In getting
one of his works reviewed by Alex
under Kussel, the distinguished editor
of the rtcotsmnn, Is told by Hie writer
of "Famous Kdllors."
A member of .Mr. Johnston's emigre
cation was nn old and valued servant
In Mr. Itussel's family. When tho
preacher published UU new book ho
nBked this member to bring It under
tho notlco of her master, with tho re
quest to review It In the columns of
tho Scotsmntt. Glad to bo of service
to ber master, the good woman lost
no tlmo In mnklng her wish known to
the celebrated editor and next morn
ing placed "Tho Gospel itoll" beside
his breakfast cup.
When at breakfast Mr. Itnsscl took
up tho book and remarked, with a
merry twinkle In his eye, "Helen, this
Is nn nwful dry rollwhlch you hn,vc
given mo this morning."
"Perhaps It Is, Blr," tho servant
quickly replied, "but you can butter
It wool on both sides."
Next morning nn excellent review
opi a red.
Conkllng and Thurmnn.
Senator Itoscoo Conkllng was once
addressing tho senate In an Impassion
cd manner nnd seemed to direct his
remarks to Senator Thurmnn. At
length tho latter got Irritated.
"Does tho senator from New York,"
bo roared, "expect mo to answer liltn
over- tlmo ho turns to me?'
For a moment Mr. Conkllng hesitat
ed, and everybody expected n terrlllc
explosion. Then, with nn nlr of ex
qulstte courtesy, ho replied:
"When I speak of tho law I turn to
tho senntor from Ohio ns tho Mussul
man turns townrd Mecca. I turn to
him as I do to tho I'ngllsh common
law 11s tho world's most copious foun
tain of human Jurisprudence."
Tho usually decorous senato broke
Into a storm of applause, and the
Thurman eye moistened a little. Tha
two stntesmen wero tho best of
friends and greatly enjoyed each oth
er's society when "off duty."
A Wetter If Not a Detter Man.
A little man In the west of Kuglitud
rushed to the river Inst summer, swear
ing loudly that ho would drown him
self. When he had waded In to
tho depth of his waist his wife, who
hint followed him, selxed him by the
hair, nnd then, as 11 local editor de
scribed It, sbo led It I tn back till be
reached u place where the water was
about two feet deep, where sbo pulled
him over backward and soused him
under and pulled his bend up again.
'Drown yourself (down ho went),
leaving me to father the brats! (An
other plunge.) Get drunk (nnotbei
souse) nnd start for the river! (An
other dip.) (letter use tho water In
stead of rum! (Another dip nud shako
of tho head. 1 I'll 1'iirn ye to leave me
n wldowl" After aoxzllng him to her
heart's content she led him out a
wetter If not n better man and escort
ed lilin Into the house and closed the
The Qordlan Knot.
Tho famous Gordlnn knot was made
of leather taken from some part of
tho harness belonging to tho chariot of
Gordlus, king of Phrygla. It seems
that this knot was no tied thnt the
ends of the leather thong wero not vis
ible, honco the difficulty In loosening
It. Many must have tried to untie It,
for Its fame as n "sticker" at last
reached tho great oracle, which ileclar
cd that the lucky experimenter should
bo rownrded by the kingship of Per
sla. Alexander, trying bis baud and
meeting with no butter success than
tho ot tiers, drew his sword and rut
Into the knot until ho found the ends
of It.
Right to the Point.
When tho lord chief Justlco visited
Ireland bo was often entertained by
a hospitable gentleman who bad an old
butler, who took tho privilege of speak
ing his mind freely. On 0110 occasion
tho claret did not quite meet the host's
approval, so bo called the undent but
ler nnd said:
"I told you you wero to put tho best
claret on the table, Is this tho best?"
"No, sorr, It Is not tho best claret,"
replied the old follow, "hut It's the
best yo'vo got." London Tit-Hits.
Knew He Wat Worshiped.
"In Paris Mr. Whistler and nn Cng
llsli nalnter got Into n very turbulent
argument about Velasquez at u studio
tea," said au artist. "Mr. Whistler at
0110 point In the argument praised him
self cxtrnvsguntly. Tho KuglUhmitii,
listening, sneered nnd said at tho end;
" 'It's a good thing wo can t see our
selves as others seo us.'
" 'Isn't It. thouub?' said Mr. Whistler.
'I know lu my case I should grow In
tolerably conceited.' "
Theology and the Thermometer.
A point of theology Is raised by Sli
Francis Younghusbaud lu "India nud
Tibet." "An Interesting detail," be
says, speaking of tho religion of the
uatlvcs, "Is that their hell Is not hot,
but cold. If It were hot tho inhabit
ants of frozen Tibet would ull Hock
Clever Auntie.
Traveler It seems wonderful that
Japanese dentists cun take out teeth
with their lingers. Llttlo JncK
Auntlo can take out hers with her
fingers-overy one of 'em!
Perfection doc not exist. To under
stand It Is tho triumph of human In
telligence; to desire to possess It Is the
most dangerous kind of madness, Al
fred do Musset.
Sin every day takes out a patent for
tome new Invention. Whipple.
The followinK list of Iecal blanks
are kept for sale at this office and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale ot Kealty, liius
of Sale, Leases.
All these blanks at the uuuorm
price of 30c per dozeu.
Have you planned to do away with the dirt, dust, trouble and
heat of the old stove, and put in a
to do its work.
Snrinp weather demands
and yourself of as much trouble. A Cabinet Gas Range makes the kitchr-n the
handiest, cleanest, easiest workshop that a woman ever had to do with.
The Housewife gets her largest meal in 40 minutes. She does it cheaply because
there arc two ovens, both heated by one flame.
A GAS WATER HEATER attached to a tank will give her hot water right
from the faucet for cooking, washing dishes and cleaning, at an insignificant es
The whole equipment costs less than you imagine. We sell the APPLIANCES
on small monthly payments and guarantee them.
Visit the Old Home
O-W. R. & N.
0. S. L. nnd Union P lcific
Lints Protected by Automatic Clock S!nls
Hound trip tickets to ptincipnl cities In
Middle Western nnd uaitern States
on snle duiinii
May, June, July
August, September
GoinK limit IS days: (innl return limit
October 31, 1912
Unltimorc..,.. ..... .$107.50
Chicao 72.50
Denver 55.00
KensnsCity 60.00
NewYoik 108.50
St. Paul 60.00
Toronto 91.50
Washington 107.50
Proportionately Reduced Knres to Many
oilier points
Through Train Service to tho East Strictly
Call on your Local Agent and let him as.
sist you in outlining
Clty'a Snlei Office
3rd and Washlnoton, Portland
Northern PacKIc Railway
Corrected Jauuary 7, if li
Kmttte Moiw on flail 7 M ' i
Mm n (.win i.uimiM vwmoMii iwuk 7 o I' i"
Atlantic llaturx via I'uuet Kuunii ll'l III
AlUutlc liM-tc via Nuith Dank wu a 11.
Twill City Hi press vis l"ugt houml j'-isp.
Twin City IUiii via Nottlt Hank ra p, m
iWktern JtspieMvu ruuci nwuuii 11 ji i, m
Kiktrrn 1'imrtiWa Noilh llank iimii a. 111
Mo. Klver Hipres vis North Hank 7ujp. 111
Puget tvouinl l.liniteu. j u l- m . urays iiarimr
and South Html Drenches,
Yacolt fasMiigcr - - j:4S p. m.
North Coatt Limited via North Hank - 7Mp 111
Noith Cuatt Limited la I'ugrt hound -6 41 a. 111
N'n. I'rifi- I'n.lru via Noith Haul. I . Ill
No. l-aillic Ksprest via Pugcl Sound - 6 41 p. 111
I'acific pre la North tunk ;wi. tu
Pacific lixmcM ila I'uget Sou ml 6.41 a. lu
Wcktern liipres via North Hank .... 7 nu, hi
Mu. Kiver lUl'ien via Noith Hank - - 7 jj a. 111
Mo. Kiver Kanrcii via I'uuct Sound -i'U 11, m
Portland, racoma & Seattle Itspius j 11 p. in
trom Olyiupia. souiii iwuu wuu i.iay iiaiuur
I'uuet Sound Limited 0 5 p. 111
Yacolt 1'attcugcr - - 9jla. 111
u, m. corucu, AgCUI.
Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway,
Patllirldge I'anKugcr (or Lyle. Coldendale, Ore
gon Trunk aud local poiuls . -. - . H.ti a. in.
I nl a n J Umpire I'.ipren, 10.1a a. 111.; lor Chicago,
St. Paul, oinana. Kanuskiiy, ni i.oun, waua
Walla, Patco, KookycII, Gramldallrt. (ioldcn
dale, White Salmon, Vancouver and Oregon
Trunk couiiei.tUus.
North Hauk Limited, 7.1s p. m . for Chicago St.
Paul, omaiia, ivaiitas my. ni. i.ouii, niHiKaue,
Sprague, Kitivillc, I.liid. I'atco, kuotevclt. and
Columbia Kiver Local. s-SJ p. m , lor Vancouver,
Camas, While salmon. i,)ie, iraiiuuaiics,v.uus
I'allbridgc and all Intermediate stations.
Inland Umpire l'.iprcss, 710p.m.; Irom Chlca-
gU, IH. I ,H., w.v, ..WM.,
pokaue, Spraifue. Hltiville I.lml, i'atco,
Kookeett,(irauddales,- White Salmou.aud Van
North ilauk Limited, 7 SSa. in.; Irom Chicago,
St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Walla
Walla, Pasco, Koowvclt, and Vancouver
Columbia Kiver Local .ji a. ui., Irom Cliffs,
C.iauddallts, t.oiucnuaic, i.yic n line naimon,
Camas, Vancouver and all intermediate sta
tion.. I'allbrUlKe Paswngei .ofi p. m. from Lyle, Cold-
endale ana local points.
All trains stop for passengers.
Tickets on sale for all points.
O. M. Cornell, Agent.
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach thla office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
remember thla and save the printer
Not tht labtl on your paper.
thnt vnn rid
fact any piece of
badly marred. It comes m IS colors
and has a hundred uses.
Oak, Dark Oak, Walnut, Atalionny, Cherry, Malachite
Green, Ox-Blood Red, Unnmcl Red, Brilliant Blade, l:n
anicl Green, Dead Black, Natural, Gloss White, Flat
White, Ground, Blue Gold and Aluminun.
All Sizes from 15c to $3.00
Oct out in the fresh air where it Is cool and pleasant. Make
ironing day a different ami better day, You can do it with an
The iron that needs no stove nud is kept aways at the riuht tuin
pc rat 11 re by the electric current.
Let us arrange your porch for electric ironing. It will coat
very little, whether you have current iu the house or not, Phone
for our representative, who will give you an estimate with no
obligation whatever on your part.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Main Office Seventh and Alder Street
Telephones Main 6688 and A 613o.
St. Johns Office, 202 North Jersey Street
Phone Richmond 131
Get a can of Jap-a-lac
today at our
Paint Department,
and see for your
self how wonderful
ly it will rejuvenate
an old chair, or in
furniture that is
Slabwood 1
ararylbias from cellar to ganst