St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 10, 1912, Image 3

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    Ir --
Saturday and
May 11
May 13
Lw n arm jaafw i I n n g
$1.25 Berry Sets, special at only . . .
1 .00 Salad Bowls, special at only . .
2.50 Rayo Lamps, special at only f. .
Special Discount
Sewing Machines
. . . . 70c
. . . 50c
. . . $1.50
Tn0mWnBrv,TT SAT RnAY anrl MnNHAV a
j.iunwvuLf iui- v m 1 vaav ivii 1 il ZENITH
Like Cut t ;t. n.,f
10 per cent off on Installment A Fine Quartered Oak Case
Sales and 20 per cent off Bcat MaaiGuarLneeci
Drop Head, Automatic Lift
Guaranteed 10 years
Special Price $20.00
on all cash sales
Special Price $28.00
Other Guaranteed Machines as low as $17
Local News.
Mrs. F. V. Valentine hns been
on the sick list for the past couple
of days.
The St. Johns Laundry hns added
a handsome auto truck to its deliv
ery equipment.
M. W. Pattoti, brother of Rev.
J. J. Patton, visited our city the
first of the week.
W. L. Carmen of Los Angeles is
visiting Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Allen lilackburn.
The Regal Range on sale at the
Peninsula Hardware is a bargain at
136,00. See it at once.
If you are looking for everything
fresh and up-to-date iu groceries and
fruit don't forget the Ilungalow.
Mrs. W. B. Hollenbeck, who has
beeu threatened with pneumouia
for some days, is much improved.
We are offering many bargains
in Children's Shoes and Oxfords
during this cleau-up sale. Couch
Eugene, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Smith living on East Mohawk
street, fell while playing with a
swing, Saturday, and broke an
For Sale Modern seven-room
house and lot, 50x100 at corner of
Richmond street and South Hayes
street at a bargain, and on easy
terms. For particulars call at this
office. 26 4tp
All are cordially invited to attend
and eujoy Mothers' day services at
the M. E. church at 11 a. m. May
12. Preaching in the evening at
8 o'clock. Theme: "Eternal Life."
Corner Leavitt & Hayes.
Lee Chambers who has been very
ill with braiu fever, induced by too
close application to his studies, at
latest report was rapidly improving
and strong hopes are entertained
for his final recovery.
Balke & Cowles inaugurated a
series of special sales last Saturday,
and the result was most gratifying.
Many who have been in the habit
of doing their Saturday trading in
Portland patronized this sale. An
other bargain day is announced for
tomorrow. See their ad in this is
sue and pick out your wants.
Mrs. L. II. Wilson, who hns beeu
quite ill, is rapidly recovering.
Sash mid doors nre carried iu
stock by the Peniusuln Hardware
Co. Get our prices.
Couch & Co. arc denning up n
lot of $3. jo Ladies' Oxfords nt the
unheard of price 98c per pair.
Methodist Episcopal church, cor.
Leavitt and Hayes. Sunday school
10 a. tn.; Preaching 11 a. in. and
8 p. m.; Epworth League 7:15 p.
in. All are welcome.
Our charge for publishing cards
of thanks is 50 cents; for resolutions
of condolence $r.oo. Neither are
items of new, and must be classi
fied as advertisements.
Dr. A. P. Ingram, wife and baby
of Coquille,are visiting at the home
of Mrs, Rose Robinson, mother of
Mrs. Ingram. They will leave for
their southern home next Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ronebcrg
of Berkeley, Cal., are guests at the
home of the latter's son, Druggist
C. C. Currin. They are immensely
pleased with St. Johns and vicin
ity. 0
For Sale New five-room bunga
low, modem throughout, by the
owner; located near Kenton, two
blocks from the car track. Price,
$2400, on easy terms. Hendricks
& Gillmore, St. Johns.
The Multnomah is giving the best
service of any show of its class on
the Peninsula. The two little tots
who sang Tuesday night and will
sing again next Tuesday are worth
goiug miles to see.
Used go-enrts. Your choice of
what is left nt ?i ench Cnlef Bros,
Burred Rock Roosters for sole
chonp. 516 Willis boulevard. 25tf
Mrs. Clam Hay, ordniucd me
diuiu,2.i 5th street Portland. 28p
Three lots, 7-room house, 12
S-ycnr-old fruit trues, gas in house,
wired for electricity, street Im
proved, 011 most prominent street;
$2oo, $500 cash, balance on time.
See K. C. Couch.
Wall rraner in new nml nriUilo
designs is now on sale at the Penin-
sum Hardware Co. Prices ranne
from eight to 2C cents nor
double roll. Selection may be made
ir qui 50 or moreumerent tKitterns.
For the best buy in St. Johns
call and see owner, comer East
Charleston and Portland boulevard.
5-room modern house and full lot,
well improved, good streets.cement
walks and splendid location.
There will be Mothers' day serv
ices at the Baptist church Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock, and also at
then o'clock service. All moth
ers are requested to be present at
these services! Flowers will be
provided for all who attend.
o -
The St. Johns school board has
re-eneaced Prof. Boyd for another
year and given him a salary in
crease of $200 a year. The board
has also given the pupils a large
amount of athletic paraphernalia
and $2.5 toward the establishment
of a public ball ground. ,
Four first class barbers iu Gil
more's barber shop.
Wonted Boys to lenrn to weave
at night; pay while learning. Call
at once. Portland Woolen Mills.
Picture framing done nt Portland
prices nt II. F. Clark's, the (urni
tu re man. tf
For Rent. Store room. Bast lo
cation iu St. Johns. Right where
the car stops. For particulars see
F, A. Rice nt the city hall. 22tf
For Sale Six lots, all extra size,
between Tyler and Polk streets,
improvements in, can sell cheap.
Terms, 1 10 cash, balance $10 per
month, 7 per cent interest. Best
residence district. McKiuney &
Davis. i6tf
No. 1119 failed to qualify as win
ner of the April Phonograph.
So according to the rules of the
drawing No. 1100 will prevail as the
winning number for a period of seven
clays. The list of numbers given be
low still have a chance to win:
1617, 487, 1188, 860, 956, 1598, 276,
1686, 070, 156, 537.
Given away every month to our Customers
St. Johns Pharmacy
nmo Dotrnnofro Qalu,, frirlau and QainprlQUI
You should trade with the NORTH HANK; first, because the quality is of
the very best; second, service rendered is high class, and last but not least the
prices are right considering the high quality of the goods.
Home Patronage Sale
On Toilet Preparations
50c Java Rice Pow. 29c
50c Pozzonis Powder 290
50c Robertinc 39c
500 Violet Face Pow. 29c
50c Mul fords Cold
Cream 29c
25c Rubifoain 16c
25c Colgatcs Ribbon
DentaL Cream. .20c
Home Patronage Sale
Of Patents
$1 Pinkhams VegPre69c
Nyals Vcg Prescip.$i.oo
$1 Pierces Fav Pres 63c
50c Dandcrine 29c
50c Swamp Root ... .31c
$1 S. S. S 63c
25c Week's Break-
up-a-cold 15c
Home Patronage Sale
On Soap
5c Borax Laundry. . . 4c
10c Palm Olive 6c
ioc Pumice 6c
5c Ivory at 4c, 7 for 25c
25c Packers Tar .... 15c
25c Cuticura 16c
Free Framed Pictures.
Ask for plans.
Home Patronage Demonstration on Cebso. Come iu and get a free drink.
Free Green Trading Stamps. You can buy anything with green stamps. 20 on $1 purchases.
First class shine while you shave
nt Gilmorc'fl barber shop.
Typewriter ribbons for sale at
this office; 50 cents each.
We have several good 2tid-hnud
Davenports at $15 each. Cnlef
Ladies' Misses' and children's
chocolate colored nnc-strni) numns,
regular nrice St. so to $2. so now
going at yS cents at Couch &,Co,
The Pythian Sisters will give n
500 party iu the I.O.O.F.IIall next
Tuesday evening. A cardial in
vitation to all is extended.
Three Fine Lots For Sale.- 40X
100 at the head of Hdison street, all
improved. Only $375 each. Hasy
terms. Annlv soon to J. II. l Ictcli-
er, 823 Willamette boulevard.
For Sale Three fresh dairv cows
and one to soon be fresh, and other
cattle. Call at blacksmith shop nt
corner of Charleston and Ivanhoe
streets. 27-2tc
The supply of seeds nt this oflke
have all disappeared, under ground
we presume. We had to borrow
from the Commercial Club to sup
ply requests for .same.
J. M. Howell, a popular druggist
of Greensburg, Ky., says: "We use
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy iu
our own household nud know it
is excellent." For sale by all deal
Lot 100x106, nil iu cultivation.
close to school, worth $250o.Owner
must have money and will sell for
$1700. Only S725 required to
moke the ileal. A snap. tee
Henderson, the Abstracter. Mc
Donald building.
ATTF.NTION I Keep iu mind
D. H. Ilrodahl.s Greenhouse, when
you want bedding plants, cut flow
ers, shrubs, cabbage, tomato and
cauliflower plants, etc. Also floral
design work. Cor. Huchnnati una
So. Gresham streets. 24 .tp
A lively scrap took place last
Thursday evening on Jersey street
between a Portland contractor und
a couple of locals. Two badly
bruised faces resulted. The city
exchequer was enriched to the ex
tent of $20 iu the way of fines.
Street fracases are so rare iu St.
Johns that considerable excitement
ensued in this instance.
'Mr. Hob," an entertainment
rendered by the James John High
pupils last Friday night, was splen
didly executed. All participants
acquitted themselves iu an admir
able manner, and the spectators
were well pleased with the local
talent. A fair sized crowd was in
attendance, but not so large as the
entertainment deserved.
Hantist Church: Next Sunday
will be observed as Mothers' day,
in the Sunday school at 10 a. tn.
and morning worship at 11 o'clock.
All who attend these services are
requested to wear a white flower iu
Honor, or in memory 01 meir mow
er. The sermon will be especially
to mothers. livening worship at
8 o'clock. Topic "Hell's Side of
a Fixed Gulf."
W. C. Hamlett of Maryland has
moved to St. Johns, taking up his
residence with his family iu the Sat
terlee residence. Mr. Hamlett says
lie is the forerunner of a number of
Marylandites to follow, providing
his report on conditions in general
are satisfactory. The people of the
Uastern states, he says, are greatly
wrought up over this Western
country, and are particularly anx
ious to secure all data relative to it
possible. So far, Mr. Hamlett is
well pleased with what he has seen
of St. Johns and vicinity.
Dan's Grill is now one of the fin
est on the Peninsula.
It will pay you to watch for the
Saturday specials at Calef Pros.
Subscribe) for tho Tologrnin bent
availing impur 011 tho coimt. Boo
13d Stockton.
You cot full wulcht and
liinllty nt tho Control mnrkot.
try nwlilln.
W. Scott Kellogg is having n
handsome residence constructed on
Willamette boulevard, near lluch
mint! street.
Frank L. Test is getting back to
the soil, having retired to n much
in the valley, where he will remain
until his health is restored to him.
Gilbert Goodhue and wife left
last week far nit extended visit in
the state of Michigan. It is their
intention to remain nil summer.
We are not trying to work 011
your sympathy, but we AUK trying
to get you to investigate St. Johns
bargains before going elsewhere.
Couch & Co.
Sam Downey is scouting nrnuiid
the alfalfa fields of the Pulouse
country this week. If he finds
something to suit him will invest
and likely move thereon.
- u
F. P. Drinker is making nrrnngo
incuts to sixind n mouth iu the
Subscribe for Uiu Ilevlew nml bo
Dandruff removed or no chnrgu
nt Gilmorc's barber shop.
Mr. Abbott will preach morning
nud evening in the Congregntionnl
church Sunday, Mny 12.
Wolcolt (the rent man) 130 1 1 111
street, Portland, in tins until to M
for real entitle or mercantile deal.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of tttt
Commercial club in arranging to
give it dance in the Itaglea' lmll
Friday, May 17.
For Sale Five-room cottage on
50x100 lot, nil in golden, Iwrriw,
fruit tree,roe. Term. Ilargaiu
if taken at once. J. II. Smith, 008
South lulison. 26-41
Sick headache results from n dis
ordered condition of the atomaah,
and can be cured by Hut uw of
Chamborlaiiis's Stomach nud Liver
Tablets. Try it. For wile by nil
II. B. ConipKon No. , W.U.C.,
will hold a special meeting Mmulay,
May 13, at 2 p. m.; called by tin
president for the purKMW of reotir
iug application. Mary Clwuejr,
For Sole hihI ItxcMiutgt Five
room hoinw, lot 50x16, 1 block
from cur Hue, 3 block Iron Jeraey
street. Will hike I200 awn nmr
Kastcrn stntes, with Chicago as the two good lot up to $ Hjo. Call or
principal point of interest. Mr.
Drinker nud Mrs. C. 1). Russell
will accompany him.
Foundation work 011 the large
gas plant on the west side is getting
well under way, nud pteparntions
are being completed for construc
tion of the oil tanks nud wharves of
the Oil Company adjacent to gas
A CASH VRl'.tt will be given
to the best waltzing couple nt the
Saturday evening dance at Hickucr
hall. Judges selected from disin
terested parlies. PrI.e nwnrded at
11 p. m.- -Harry Sutton, Manager.
Mrs, C, IC. Fulton has sold her
interest in the St. Johns Hotel and
gone to McCnll, Idaho, with her
daughter, Miss Fthel. The Ful
tons huve a large ranch near Mc
Cnll nud expect to go into the ho
tel business there.
First Christian Science Society:
Sunday n a. tn., Wednesday, at
8 p. m. Heading room open Tues
day and Saturday from 2 to 4 p. in.
All cordially invited to the services
and reading room, Subject Sunday
"Adam and Fallen Man."
write Hoy Turrell,
stteet, St. John.
619 CbaptU
For Sale
Lots 1,2,3 and 4, corner of Rich
moiid nud Portland boulevard, for
Si 200. Write W. II . Held, Devil's
Lake, N. D. 26 Gt
Now i the time to get rkl of
your rheumatism. Vow will Nml
Chamberlain' Liniment wotMlffr
fully effective. One application
will convince you of it merlla. Try
it. For Mile by nil dealer.
choice $,voo; one lot, choice fSao;
one lot, uutrimmeil, $1.00. CotM
nud see our line Iwfore buying, w
can save you money.
107 South Jcmey Street.
Tonight, Friday, May io(h, tbe
Hpworth League of tbe M. KJ
church is giving n field meet in the
I. O. O. F. hall down auira. cor.
Lenvitt nud Jerey treU. There
will be ditniice run, Kprittta, and
various other Hthletic stunt includ
ed in n field meet. Aduiiion 13c
including refreshment.
The following lit of legal blauk
nre kept for sale at thi office and
others will be added a tbe demand
Warranty deed, Quit Claim
Deed, Realty and Chattel ilort
gage, Satiafnctiou of Mortgage,
Contract for Sale of Realty, Bltia
of Sale, I,cue.
All thee blank Kt the uniform
price of 30c per doeu.
Slabwood '.
Phone Richmond 131
t t
J H. HENDERSON McDonald Bldg., 208 Jersey St.
1 Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Z Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed.