, HMlwlMi Society ST. JOHNS REVIEW IT'S NOW UP TO YOU Totubtcrlbo (or THIS IHptr All thi newt while It li ncwi I) our motto. Call In nd enroll GET IN THE HABIT J Of admitting In THIS Pptr J nd you'll niwreifcl It. Dc- J tlnatonctindktcprUhUtll I i Devoted to the Interest ot the Penlniuta, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOL. 8 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1912. NO. 27 Starts Life on a Trtilley Minimum Wage Bill Socialist and Religion The Library Evangelical Church Council Proceedings Tlic following taken from n New York paper has reference to a nephew of Mrs. Coupe of St. Johns, the youngster born on a trolley car: The most original haby In -New York is David Mills Rcilly, of 224 East 64th street. He chose a trol ley cir to be born in last night, mid had 1000 people waiting in the middle of the street to find out whether it was a boy or n girl. He even made n short address to his admirers as he was being hand ed from the rear platform of the car to the young ambulance surgeon, from Hclleveu. Thoss closest up say he said: "Ow-w, wah-wahl" If David Mills Rcilly can kce on making oratorical hits like that he's going to be some public speak cr. The crowd applauded utiti the ambuluticc disappeared (low the street. Mrs. Mary Rcilly was on her way down town to see her mother She took a and-avcnuc car that was pretty well filled with passengers At 26th street there was a sudden outcry in the car. Women jumped up and began Hocking around Mrs Kcillv. A man grnubctl tue con ductor. "What!" exclaimed the collector of fares. "Stop the carl" shouted a dozen voices at once. "Go away! screamed six wo men. "I in the mother of seven ex claimed a stout woman, elbowing her way up the car. "John Henry go out in the street with those other men and stay there." The conductor milled the bell rope three times and the car stopped so quickly that everybody nearly went on the floor. Excited hands beckoned to Policeman Mullen. "And hurry up about it," they told him. Ucllcvuc hospital was only half u block awav. and in less than no time Dr. David Mills nrrived, phys iciau's kit in hand, just as calm nut! cool over it all as if bringing babies into the world in a street car was part of the regular course. The car shades were drawn in the faces of a crowd to which htiud reds were added every second. Mullen sent for the reserves. Hut there was no need of them really for as whispers went around the crowd everybody cautioned every body else to keep quiet. Then the door opened and Mrs. Rcilly was carried to the ambit lance backed to the step of the car, and then Dr. Mills came out with a bundle held snugly in his arms. "Hey, doctorl" yelled n man in the crowd and a hundred more took it up. "Hey, doetor heyl Hey what" "It'sn boy," announced the young surgeon. And then Master Rcilly got the big cheer. There was n cheer for his mother, too, and for the doctor as well, and three more times for the trolley car kid. At Ikllevue the surgeon placed the baby in his mother's arms. "He's u beauty, isn't he?" she asked proudly. "He is." said the doctor, "one of the, finest I ever saw." 'And might I be asking your name, sir?" said Mrs. Reilly. "David Mills," replied the doc tor. "Then if you have no objections, it'll be his name too, sir," ventured Mrs. Reilly. "I'll be proud to be at the christ ening, Mrs. Reilly," said Dr. Mills. A May Day Party A surprise postal shower was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beam ou the eveuing of May first, in honor of their daughter, Benlah. Those present were: Mis ses Beulah Beam, Margaret Sparks, Lulu Day, Nellie Whisler, Gladys Palmer, Vida Evans, Marcella Richards, Cordelia Cross. Edna Hollenbeck, Velva Bean, Floy Cof fey, Julia Johnson, Vina Swan and Viola Westhefer; Messrs. Ed Westhefer, Frank Knowles.Osborn Walker, Forrest Hill, Roy Beam, Fred Marlette, Archie Smock, Ha zen Smith, George Marlette, Ran some Powell, U illiam and Gordon Bellinger. Refreshments consist ing of cake, wafers and chocolate were served and a splendid time enjoyed by all. Mrs. Beam proved a most excellent hostess. Building Permits No. 29 To W. S. Kellogg to erect a dwelling on Willamette boulevard between Polk aud Buch anan streets; cost $2250. A minimum wage bill, which will permit no man over 20 years of age to work as a clerk, mccuanic, railroad man, bookkeeper or facto rv uauu tor more man 10 Hours a day, more than six days a week for less than $2.50 has been prepared by the state federation of labor and will be placed ou the ballot in the November election. women over 20 years ot ngc arc not to be permitted to work over 10 hours, more than six days a week, or tor less man if 1.05 as clerks, bookkeepers, ftictory hands, waitresses or at hotel or laundry work. No child under t6, it is proposed, shrill be permitted to work except for hire in harvest time or with parent or guardian for less than 15 cents an hour or more than six hours in one day. Farm work is not affected by the bin, except tliat a minimum wage of Si. 05 is established, and whete board aud lodging is in eluded in the pay, it shall not be charged for at a greater sum than f per week. Those receiving $4 per day or more and those engaged in occupations governed by laws of congress are not ntfectcd. I he hill generally provides that persons shall not be employed for lower wages or terms than is con sistent witu nealtli. Work is per muted lor more man ten Hours in cases of emergency, when the pay lor overtime must be doubled. In cases of employment ou piece work or nu contract, the employer must guarantee the minimum wage, whether the employe earns that much or not. Enforcement of the act is placed in the hands of the state labor commissioner. i'or violation uy an cmn over on f t . I a first offense, the penalty is fixed at a fine of $2.5 to if 100, with imprison ment ot 5 to 10 days in the cotmtv jail tor second oiteuse, aud impris onment in jail one to three mouths for third offense, aud imprisonment a .a a. - - . .1 ti me penllentiarv for s x months to one year for each subsequent offense. Another section provides that if any corporation transfers to the United States courts any suit to which a citizen of Oregon is a party the governor shall summarily re- voke the license of the corporation, wnen the eight hour bill for fac- torv labor was defeated at the Inst session of the legislature It was fre fluently stated that u drastic b regulating hours of labor aud wages would be the result. The federation of labor hill is in part the outgrowth of the light at that time. Makes a Suggestion Editor Review: Since a Commer cial club has been organized in St. onus, auu 1 uuuerstaud it is an euergetic one, anxious to improve ocai conditions,! would like to sug. gest that it bring pressure to bear upon one or more industries in the city and induce them to dispense ivttll lrrtim Inlinrnml nmnlnii linmnli ,..,. .w..wm awwt m. v..,'wy UUHIV tlllCUS. A milliuer Ol Ol, JOIIIIS !: . . r w , I men have been without employment pracucaiiy an winter and spring, t im9i tun uKm uiuhb wuii a smaii percentage ot white auor. x ue city is uanuicapped so I (.! , . . ., , I uwk ua iuijs mm muus arm orccKa lUKc uie piace 01 men wun a . , f. . . , , . ,couV"ons "re rigui nere. 111s naru 10 inuuee mil- ers to locate in dt. Johus. Why would it not be a commendable act for the Commercial club to use its best efforts in correcting this evil? More smokestacks would be of no benefit unless white labor be em ployed. Aud with the example be fore them, why should not new industries do likewise in employing abor. foreign labor may be all right, but it should uot be allowed to take the place of home labor. Think it over. Observer. If I Had Known made the cross myself, whose weight Was later laid on me. This thought is torture as I toil Up Iife s steep Calvary. To think mine own hands drove the nailsl I sang a merry song, And chose the heaviest wood I had To build it firm and strong. f I had guessed if I had dreamed Its weight was meant for me, should have made a lighter cross To bear up Calvary. The Chancellor. Work in the M. M. degree will occur at a special meeting of the A. & A.M. tomorrow evening, May ith, C. O. Rogers, Secretary. The communication published be low we received in our Tuesday's mail, with the request that it be published. It is an anonymous af fair aud written by a feminine hand. Wc generally consign nameless communications to the waste basket but we break our rule this time out of courtesy to the lady and her timidity: Editor Review: Read your edi torial on socialism with interest. But am surprised beyond measure to note that you have so many se rious objections to it. I wish to touch on one point, first of all, be cause it is most important to me, aud least to you, because I am uiristtan and I do not think you profess to be. You ask why the socialists object to religion. Wcdo not. We believe in religious liber ty, and the right of free speech Our platform is short and to the point. Read it and you need not ask such questions. borne individual socialist mayob ject to religion. That is free speech But our platform and not the iudi vidual is what you must look at. If we were a democrat or n rentib lican aud refusctl to vote that ticket because of some man's individual belief, you would call me n narrow man. Do you expect us to return the compliment? A Subscriber. We will add a few lines in reply. Since the lady boasts she is a Christian, she should read in her good book: "Judge not, lest ye be judged." Also she should rcmcm ber that it is not the one that shouts from the house top that is the true Christian. For the edification of the lady we might state that we have been a member of the Luth cran church for more than 20 years If socialists tlo not object to re ligiou, why is it that night after night on the streets of Portland. socialist orators proclaim in the most bitter terms against religion a,u tlic churches f why was Gip f f.l a. . . . . " ' omim so persistently insulted by socialists? If these socialist orators arc not preaching the gospel of so cialism, why are they sent out by llle various socialist camps to talk ns they do? Why are they not sup pressed, or at least why do not the socialist camps publicly state that it is not their doctrine that is being preacneu uy meir mouthpieces r 1N0 democratic or republican oman za tion would send out orators to speak contrary to meir piatlorm or doc trine. If they did so ou their own initiative, now soon would these two parties publicly condemn their actions! Socialism can onlv be judged by the followers and the doctrine they preach. It is a no torioiis jaci mat tew piatlorms are ever lived up to, nor is there any law compelliug them to be rigidly enforced. Therefore, it is easy for socialists to place some things in their platform aud preach and ex pect to carry out contrary ideas. xnoi very consistent, however, we admit. How long would a church organization tolerate a minister that preached infidelity? If socialists believe in religious liberty, it is Mmil TIIIIR flmr rtlAIr nrnlnrc ...Art ! . . .. '' ... W.M.Wta "V.IV. nfnr.iiP, nf tli fnr. c tl. may preacU the K0Spel of sociaisin nrltrht v jady correspondent o ter a few mo mnt n,n inrii,i c,.o ,i,.,. w. .M..l. tlUVIU fort 1. mu , wm,M in, how dearly the orators Jove re .., IT WtatW MWW IVUI liglon and what respect they have for tue m n strv. "Bv their fruits ye shall know them." It may be possible that the above Street orators are not sent out by the Socialist party, but it is the general impression that they are. People cannot think otherwise so long as no remonstrance comes from the Socialist party, and an injustice and injury cannot help but result. Without religion the world would be dark, indeed, and if Socialism really doesn't object to it, the fact should be made known, not clouded iu doubt. We criticise socialism simply that some points upon which most people stumble may be made more clear, and give the editor of the socialist column a few hints. Socialism may be all right when fully understood, and discussion is more or less essential to bring it out. We do not ad vance our objections as invincible or unanswerable, but are common objections heard frequently. If the bocialists have something good and will "hold water" the people should know it. How is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co Accurate work. Reasonable fees. II. Henderson, manager, 208 North Jersey, McDonald building. For Insurance see F.W.Valentine Open Hours: 1:00105:30 nntl 7 to 9:30 p. m. Sunday! 2:30 to 5:30 Below are printed the circulation statistics of the nine sub-brunches of the public library for the mouth of April. It will be seen that the St. Johns library easily leads the list. St. Johns 2510 university l'ask 2224 Brooklyn. 221-1 Arleta 1574 Moutavilla 1408 umis 1249 Greshaui 1136 Woodstock 1089 Troutdalc 708 Total 14, hi The magazine rack has been tak en apart aud the racks proper placed against the wall where they accom modate the magazines in n more sightly manner, and at the same time leave floor space for a second reading table near the front cud of the room. This is an appreciated advantage as the room is mcagcrly lighted. 1 he new arrangement of tables makes it possible to give the small writing table a better lightct position iu the center of the room Remember that pen and ink are til ways waiting for you at this tabic. You tire invited to step into the library and look over a paper or magazine while waiting for your mail. New Books: Paths of Judgement Sedgewick. 1 hose who have en joyed the new book, Tante, will be glad to find another book by the same author. Jean Valjean Wiltsc. The story of the hero of Victor Hugo's Lcs Miscrablcs, adapted for younger readers. There is 110 more fascluat ing figure iu fiction than Jean Val jean. The boys aud girls are fortti uatc to have him brought within their reach. Modern Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating Lnwler. One of the best modern books 011 plumb ng. Creative Evolution Bergsou. Translated by Arthur Mitchell with the aid of William James. Should be Unlawful Editor Review: Will you inform some of your subscribers if it awiui tor people to keep game roosters, sometimes two and three at one time, that crow almost day aud night? Is it allowed iu the city limits, where it annoys people all the time? It is not right or just that people should be allowed to keep nuisances in the residence part of the city. H Please answer in our next issue and oblige, A Few Subscribers. So far the city of St. Johns has failed to provide any law, penalty or remedy for the long sintering neighbors in matters of this kitid. Some roosters seem to take partial- ar delight iu making as much dis turbance as possible. Especially is this true of the early morning hours, when slumber ismost desired. Iu our own neighborhood there is a rooster that makes it a point to be gin his nightly lay about the mid night hour. A more desolate, for- saken.mournful, sad, protracted, per sistent crow could not be imagined. Like the wail of a last soul its des pairing note fills the midnight air, and as one listeus to it (because he can't help it) he can almost imag ine the end of the world in sight, aud not one saved. No, there is no aw against these nightly dirges. There should be one, however,com- pelling the owner to tie the peace- disturbers to his bedpost every night with all windows down, so that he could secure the full benefit of his songsters, aud the neighbors be allowed to dream on in peace, Ed. What a Man is Made of The average man has ingredients to make fat for seven bars of soap, iron for a medium sized nail, sugar to fill a small bowl, salt to fill a shaker, lime to whitewash a chick en coop, phosphorus to make 2,200 match tips, magnesia for a dose of magnesia, sodium to neutralize a pint and a half of water, potassium to explode a toy cannon, sulphur to rid a dog of fleas, and albuminoids to make a case of eggs. Leslies' Weekly. Lots Almost Given Away Lots 31 to 34 in block 4. Point View, for $1000. Write W. II. Reid, Devil's Lake, N. D. 26-6t Having been appointed pastor of the Evangelical church in St.Johns, and attcr spending three Sundays in charge of the congregation, it is !.- !....if. umy justice to me members and friends of the church as well as the people in general, that I should in this public way give my impressions. I consider St. Johns one of the most beautiful little cities on the Pacific coast, with possibilities almost in conceivable, and advantages, due to its location .possessed bv few cit ies in tlic West. As to its people, I find them very sociable and pub lic spirited, which is manifest in the interest taken iu her schools and public improvements. As to the church of which I have immediate charge, I find it a ver itable bee hive of busy workers. I stepped into the Sunday school 011 my nrst faunduy to be initiated into the work and found 187 assembler under the efficient leadership of Superintendent Mrs. G. M. Hall She has the school well iu hand with n strong coterie of workers and teachers of which I can only mention one or two. which I espe cially noticed because of the large number iu classes. There were in the primary class, under the seemingly almost idolized teacher. Mrs. Elln Kilkenny. The other. the "Philo Christo" class under the leadership of our estimable post master, J. J. Mouahan, with 55 it: class. This class is taking a journey to Palestine, and with no mishaps win arrive there the first of June. There is a banquet awaiting them at the end of the journey, which will be announced later. This jour ney is carried on as a friendly con test. The attendance and attention at the church services have been most gratifying, giving proof of the great opportunities and possibilities lor successful work; this is, I am sure, largely due to the sociability and interest manifested bv the members and friends of the church Next Sunday. May 12. will be observed as "Mothers' day." There will be a program consisting of spc' ciai music, a few short readings or recitations and an appropriate ad dress by the pastor. Mothers as well as the public iu general iuvit- :d to attend. Services both morning and even tig each Lord's Day.ut 11 a. m. and p. 111. The public Is extended cordial invitation to attend any ami all of these services. Win, Stephen Plowman, pastor. A Good Bill Congressman Lafferty has Intro tluced n carefully prepared bill pro vldltig lor a settlement of the Oregon aud California land suit favorable to the people, and also providing a just method for disposing of the lauds forfeited to the government, The hill provides that the President shall classify the lauds for disposal according to their value, and that they shall be opened to settlement by proclamation, under the draw ing system. This method would avoid confusion, increase the num ber of claims to be disposed of, aud provide for the more dense popula tion of those districts that are most fertile. If the bill passes 2,365,000 acres will be forfeited to the gov ernment. The bill contains other provisions for the quieting of the title to lauds sold by the railroad company iu vi olation of law before the pending suit was instituted, aud its passage would relieve the unsettled condi tion of realty titles throughout the Willamette valley and other affected districts. II. E. Harris, owner of the ice plant, is seriously contemplating the construction of a manufactur ing plant adjacent to the ice plant for the purpose of manufacturing ice making machinery. He states that the only objection iu the way s the non-improvement of Dawson street. As it is, the street is almost impassible in wet weather for haul ing purposes, aud that would be lis busiest season iu making Ice machinery. He has no hesitancy in stating that the improvement of Dawson street means the bringing of the plant to St. Johus, aud the sooner it is done the better it will suit him. Walter A. Goss of Portland has secured possession of the old brick plant at Cedar Park aud has de clared his intention to place the plant in first class condition aud be gin operation iu the immediate fu ture. He has the push and energy to make this a flourishing institu tion, and there is really no reason why it should not be. All members were present at the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday evening, with Mayor Muck presiding. A petition was presented for the improvement of Smith avenue from Columbia boulevard to Buchanan street with concrete surface from curb to curb. Referred to the en gineer and street committee to as certain if the property will stand for the proposed improvement. Daniel Williams asked permission to improve tlic street surrounding the White House hotel at the cor ner of Burlington and Decatur streets to grade to enable him to ex cavate full basement nud thus get rid of the excess dirt involved. Re ferred to street committee and en gineer for recommendation. Walter A. Goss asked for per mission to allow the side track to the old brick plant from Fcsscndeii stteet remain lying upon the sur face of the street after improvement of same has been completed. He stated that he hail secured posses sion of the brick plant aud intend ed to operate same almost imiuedi ntely. He did uot insist upon the track remaining; ou the contrary stated mat it the property owners objected thereto, he would not dc sire il to be continued. However he stated that the brick plant wotilt be operated iu any event, nud dii not think the sidetrack would be of great benefit to him. After con sideriug the matter to some extent it was decided to order the sidetrack removed by the trolley company. A report from the Portland Rail way, Light and Power Co.disclosed the fact that there were now 94 arc lights shedding light iu St. Johns. A request that the petition for the improvement of Ivauhoe street from Richmond to Mohawk be changed so as to eliminate hard surface was granted and matter was held over one week before taking lurthcr action. Bills to the amount of 239.7.S were allowed on motion of Alder man Horsmau; all yes. W. i. Lauthcrs asked that franchise be granted the O-W. R, & N. covering the sidetrack to his warehouse. This franchise had reached third reading in December last, and has been held iu abeyance ever since. It was decided to take up the matter for definite action action next week. Gilbert Overstreet was present iu the interest of a plumbing ordinance that had been tlrafted by the plumb ers of the city. It was decided to lold the ordinance over and enlarge the scope of same to include wiring and Hue construction, nud Alder men Perriue, Hitler iiud Valentine were appointed as a committee to assist iu formulating an ordinance covering the various propositions. Aldermen inner aud Jennings were appointed by the mayor to get options 011 suitable laud for Park purposes in North St. Johns, aud Aldermen Valentine and Davis as a committee to secure all requisite data ou the Caples park proposition so that if the park question is put to vote two parks could be voted upon at the same time, and the peo- le know exactly what they get for their money. A resolution to improve Polk street from Willamette boulevard to Jersey street was adopted ou motion of alderman Hill. W. R. C. Sewing Circle The W. R. C. sewing circle met at the home of Mrs. Downey, 011 North Hayes street, April 26th, .'hose present were Mesdames Hewitt, Chancy, Nolan, Aikiu, Barnard, Masters, McColluni, Bo- gardus, Simmons, Godfrey, Pones, Robinson, Clayton, Smyser, John- sou, Shutter, aud Miss Minnie No- an. All spent a very pleasant fternoou in visiting aud sewinc aud finished with a delicious lunch which was fully enjoyed. And as all such meetings have their part ings we all were soon on our way to our several homes hoping to meet again in the near future. Press Cor. Is there anything in all this world that is of more importance to you than good digestion? Food must be eaten to sustain life and must be igested and converted into blood. When digestion fails the whole :ody suffers. Chamberlain's ets are a rational aud reliable Tab cure for indigestion. Thev increase the flow of bile, ptirifv the blood. trengthen the stomach, and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to natural and healthy action. For sale by all dealers. For Kent A five-room modem cottage. See Couch & Co. DR. RAM BO DENTIST First National Bank building. ST. JOHNS, OREGON. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Open Evenings ami Sundays by Ap pointment. Office I'hoiic Columbln 140 Resident 1'liune Columbia 38 JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Day & Night Onico In McChcanoy bile St. John, . Oregon. Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M.l) Residence, C97 Dawion Strcot Ofllco, I'lltcr Block. University VarU, I'orll.iml, Oregon. PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER Tint Nntlonnl Dank lluildlnu ST. JOI INS ... OltllCON 0. J. GATZAIYI3R ATTOKNEY AT LAW McDonnld IluilJinK ST.JOHNS . . OltECON Wc buy or sell St. Johns Property AlcKINNI-Y & DAVIS Real IEslnte List your property with ux if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. John l'Olt HSTIMATK8 ON PAINTING, PAPER HANGING and TINTING ritop run I tn H. M. Snltcrlec, St. Johns, Or. AM, WORK Cll'AUANTItltl) J. R. YVEIMER Transfer and Storage Wo dollvor your roods to nml from II porta of Portland. Vnncouvor. Linn ton, Portland mul Sulmrtmn iixpretta . Co., city dock nml all tralntH nccasltlo by wigon. Piano and furnllur moving Office Phone Columbia 24 Residence Phone Columbia 108 St. Johns Express, Transfer and Storage Co. Piano Moving n Specialty. Haul ing done to nml from I'ortlHiMl Residence ,)oo Host Richmond Office io,i North Jercy Stmut ST. JOHNS GARAGE II I II. Darlington Street Automobile KfMlriiiK "1 VulrMllNK We can el yon Auto Tirtu of nil kimia lllcvclo ami General Mennlrlm? Ill coiiiii'Clloii. New nml ncooinr UmihI bicycle for wle, llicyelv tire in MtH'M. J. Al. and V. P. WltA , Prop. I'lione Columbia 587. CAMP 773 W. 0. W. Meti ev. vty WmU Monday evening In Illak ner'a Hall OOIJIC LODGE NO. 132 A. V. unit A. M. Kegtilur oiiiutuiiicHtiout 011 iirt Wi-.liK-Uy uf i-ach month m o.l.l v. ow' Hall Viiitorawvi- S. Cliiu. Drfvi. W. At. C. (). Roger, Secrf Ury come, Order Eastern Star AUnerva Chapter .Meet Hvcry l'imt nml Third TiwatUy livening of I'in li Month iu Odd 1'ellow lull, ,Mr. Susie Roger, Secretary. IIOLMIS IOI)GL: NO. till KMGIIIS OM'VIIIIAS Meet every 1'ridnv ulubt at i7 Vi o'clock in I.n.7). . Hull. Yuilor ulyay Wel come, V. W. MASON. C. C. 1). 1MIORSMAN, II. R, Sj, LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. O. O. P. ST. JOHNS, OlltGON Meets each Monday ovunlng In Odd Fol lows hall at 7:30. A cordial welcomw to all visiting brothers. fyou have any Plumbing you want done Just call us up, Columbia 92 EDMONDSON CO. 203 S. Jersey Street 1