St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, May 03, 1912, Image 2

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Published Evory Friday
At 117 West Uurltngton Strcot.
Tim Rkvikw Is entered nt post office
in Saint Johns, Oregon, ns tnnil tnnttcr
of the second clnss under the Act of Cou
tfrcss of March 3, 1879,
OfflclU Mewipaptr of tha Oity of BL Johni.
Subscription prlco $1,00 peryoar.
The Portlnncl city council has
been having quite a time of it
deciding whether or not the power
to regulate prices shnll he included
in the franchise to be given the
Portland Railway, Light and Pow
er Co. Portland .seems to be be
hind the times. A number of St
Johns folks have concluded that it
doesn't matter whether or not till
power is included in a franchise
that any city has the power to regit
late the prices despite the wording
of franchises. Portland should
wise up.
It teems to us if the socialists
would discuss a few details con
nectcd with their doctrine it might
give one an idea of what tocxpect
.something that little light is shed
on by socialist advocates. Under
socialism the average man woult
like to know how he himself would
be benefited, if nt till. I low a gov
eminent millions of dollars in debt
could pay higher wages and yet op
crate at cost, unless it plunders the
rich to pay its indebtedness. They
soy "all must work or .starve" the
same as slaves in the bouth. Ye
competition is killed. That woult'
mean practically manual labor for
all. It would mean the elimination
of women from their various em
ployments, and compel them to re
ly upon the generosity of male rela
lives for any money they might
want. It would mean one store
and only one of any other business
in St. Johns. Several would be
eliminated entirely. It would mean
the throwing out of employment of
posxihly millions of jmhhoiih not now
doing manual laDor. uulitteil, ns
most of these are, for hard labor,
what shall they do? l-or instance
one or two physicians could took
after the wants of St. Johns. Al
most a thousand printers in Port
laud would be thrown out of em
ploymeut at tnelr trade, since one
newspaper would do, and job print
iug be unnecessary. Ily reason of
long years of indoor work they are
unfitted for manual work, What will
they do to keep from starving? Who
shall do the work in the ditch, in
the mines, and the undesirable
work in general? One man would
have 110 more light to be compelled
to do this than another. One man
would have us much right to In."
come 11 professional man ns auoth
as that Is, he must be afforded the
same opportunity to do to, Auoth
er thing the tienplu in general woiili
like to know is, what objection the
socialists have to religion mid the
churches, since so very few so
eialists bdong to any chinch. If
the details cannot be satisfactorily
explained, why should any man be
iHirntiHdcd to make it "leap in the
dark?" The usual reply that de
tails will adjust themselves doesn't
go very well in this enlightened age.
Evangelical Church
K. I,. C. lv. monthly business
meeting and social will be held nt
the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Monuhuu Friday evening, May 3
at 8 o'clock, All are invited.
'lucttiuy evening, April 30. a
number of the members gathered
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Ci. M.
Hall and proceeded to the parson
age. It was a real surprise to the
Kev. Plowman and wife, ns they
had intended to shmu1 the evening
out themselves. All seemed to en
joy the occasion ami went away nt
11 late hour, wishing the ixusou and
tamily all kinds ol good luck ami
Ood speed in their work among the
people of St. Johns.
'1 he ladies are organizing a cho
rus for the summer services. Spe
cial music every evening. Come
uud be entertained with praise and
song service ns well as the preach
ing of the Word. Uep.
Birthday Surprise
Mrs. Geo. Hroknw. 914 North
llnrtmnu street, was decoyed from
home Wednesday evening of last
week uud when she returned she
found her home decorated in given
and red with a wire across the room
with handkerchiefs and post cards
nttached. She was also presented
a rose leaf necklace. Tluue present
were: Mrs. Geo. Hroknw, 11. I.ein
on, G. H. Marlette, J. J. Jones, J.
livnus, P. Knsmussen, Chad wick,
Wm. Pinch, J. S. Jones, II. Pinch,
M. Hrowu, M. Chubb, Misses Ha
zel und Vidu lCvans, Mary uud Ag
nus Jones, Master Robert I.einon,
Norman Hrokuw.
Is there nuythiug in all this world
that is of more importance to you
than good digestion? Pood must
be eaten to sustain life and must be
digested and converted into blood.
When digestion fails the whole
body stiff e:s. Chamberlain's Tab
lets ure a rational and reliable cure
for indigestion. They increase the
flow of bile, purify the blood,
strengthen the stomach, and touu
up the whole digestive apparatus to
n natural and healthy action. Por
sale by all dealers.
Stories of Success
A n ft m 0 that
will live lorn?
and statesmen
of Brcntor pro
tension nro for
rtotten Is Hint of
tho noblo found
er of tho New
York Tribune.
Premier of ed
itors and first
to establish tho
one-cent nows
paper, tho most
famous figure. In
American Jour
nalism was Ilornca drccloy.
All through Ufa his aim was to
promoto tho Kood nnd prevent tho
Ud. , .
tlo supported every movement
which seemed to tend toward right
nnd justice
Ifn nbhnrrcd debt.
"If you havo but fifty cents," said
this great man, "buy n pock of corn,
parch It nnd llvo on It rather than
owe 11 dollar. ...
Tho young man who early begins
to sava Is fairly on tho road to
wealth. .... ...
A savings account Is better than
the reputation of being a spender.
Deposits of ono dollar and up
wards nro rectlved here, nnd wltn
Interest compounded semi-annually
It Is remarkable how yoursavlngs
nceount will Increase.
Htart today nnd tomorrow thanlc
4 per cent interest on Sav
ings Accounts and Time
Certificates of Deposits.
St. Johns, Oregon
A. R. Joints, Vice President
V. P. Dkinkkk, Cashier
C. H. RussitM., Ass't Cashier
An Ordinance Providing the
Time nnd Manner of Im
proving Pesscnden Strce
from Buchanan Street to
Oswego Street in the City
of St. Johns, Oregon.
The city of bt. Jolins dues oriliiln ns
The council of the city of .St. Johns
having nscuttaliiLHl timeout of Improving
I'cfwi'iuleii street from the westerly side
line of iiuciiaiinn Micvi to ine wvticriy
side line of ()weu street In the city
of tit. lohus. Ore.aiH shown by the resolu
tion ol the council ol win city, (Mini on
Dili day of March, IQI3, anil ream led
In thcoilice of the recorder of said i lly
and notice thereof having lvcu published
In tile bt. Johns Uevlcw, a weekly news
IMI1H.T of et'iiurnl circulation, on the
niii uav mm tne am nay 01 aiuicii
lull, a shown by the nllmnvit of the
foieiuau of said wkt, which Said allida
vlt Is on li It- lu the nlhce ol the city rc-
rorder; and leual iMMtiug of notices of
ur 1 1 Improvement, as shown by the nlli
davit of the city euuinevr on file In the
ullice of the city itcordcr; and all re-
iimmtritiu-t-M Imviiik Ik'cii compiler ol and
filed, and, us provided by said rt-Miliitlnii
the I'liuluevr's preliminary estimate o
wild Improvement I flo.6w.K0. but shall
be more accurately determined by said
.Now. therefore. It I lieiebv ordered
tlwl said street he Improved and the
time fur the completion of said im
movement is hereby fixed at sixty days
Irom the lut publication of proiKMaU of
said work, which said muni he
filed with the recorder of said city on or
Iwloie the aist uav ol .May, lyu
at H o'clock, n. m. of Hild day.
That wild street khall be Improved as
follows: Ily eradlnu said iKirtlou of
street to suliKrade as now cutahlUhed on
tntch side ol said street for a width of
sixteen (6) feet abutting the curb, ami
by layliit; thereon a eouetute imvemeut
six in) Inches thick, lu a word in ice with
the Mnvirhnlioii therefor nreixirel liy
tlie city eiiKlneer and on file with the
city recorder.
llieeily leenrder shall give notice by
IHiblieatmu fur mt Icm than three in-
sertions in the tit. Johns Keviuw, the of
licial newsiiHK'r. iiivitinir iiroiKMU for
makiiiK Mid iuiirovvmeut.
bald iiiiiroeiiient shall lu all reK'Cts
ne none ami couiiicuhi in cotuoriiiiiy
with the provisions of Ordinance
Number 4O1, except as otherwiM
irovided lu this ordinance; all work to
if done under the direction ami siiix.r
vision of the city enelneer.
That the oo.t of Mill Impmvement
shall lie akcMHl Huuiiut the property in
tire hieal ImiHOveiiiout district as de-
scriM in said resolution and ilolnimu-l
its and declared to lie Ival Improve
ment DUtrict No. 80.
IWcd tiy the council April jolli,
Apprevest Uy the iimor April joth,
Attest: 1'. A. KICK.
City Recorder,
PulilUhcd in the bt. Johns Review on
iprit 3, 191a.
Proposed Assessment
An Ordinance Declaring the
Cost of Improving South
Grcsham Street from Bu
chanan Street to Ida Street
in the City of St. Johns,
Oregon, and Assessing the
Property Benefited There
by, Declaring Sucli As
sessment and Directing
the Entry of (lie Same in
tiie Docket of City Liens.
Notice is hereby elven that apportion
ment of the cit of improviue Tun; a
street from Willis boulevurd to Hank
treet. total cost is f7.o7A.43. lias
been upiKirtiuued and is on tile in the
otlice 01 the undersigned, subject to examination.
AkkeMiueut district extends Nick to
the center of lots, blocks or tracts of
tuud ahuttiue on said street as provided
by the city charter and resolutions.
Remonstrances aeuliut Mill apportion
ment may be made in wrillne and filed
with the uudersieued until 5 o'clock
P. M. May 30, 1913.
I'ublUlu'd iu the bt. Johns Review on
May 3 and 10, 1913.
Por soreness of the muscles wheth
induced by violent exercise or
injury, Chauiuurluin s Liniment is
excellent. This liniment is also
lighly esteemed for the relief it
f fords in casus of rheumatism. bold
till dealers.
I by
The city of St. Johns does ordain as
That the council has considered the
profiosed nstcsiiuent for improving South
Grcsham street from the easterly line of
lluchanau street to the westerly line of
Ida street, iu the city of St. Johns,
Oregon, nnd nil objections made
thereto, and hereby nsccrtains.tlctermincs
and declares the whole cost of said Im
provement iu manner provided by Ordi
nance No. 446 to be the sum of fr, 036.3 x,
and that the sjicclid nnd peculiar benefits
accruing to each lot or imrt there
of or parcel of land within the as
sessment district, by reason of said iui-
iroTcmcnt and iu Jiistprojwrtlon to such
lenefits, arc lu the respective nmouuts
ict optwsltc the number or description
of each lot or part thereof or parcel of
land in the following annexed assess
ment rolt.aud said assessment roll.which
is numbered 76, is hereby adopted ami
approved as the assessment for said Im
provement, and tho recorder of the city
of St. Johns is directed to cuter a state,
merit of the assessment hereby made in
the docket of city liens, and cause notice
thereof to he published as provided by
charter, which nsscssmcnt Is ns follows:
Lot Illock Addition Amt.
10 15 8. St. Johns 31.37
11 " 61. 17
13 11 J8.03
13 " -53.18
14 " 46.06
15 " 51.37
16 " J3.89
17 " 48.80
18 " .... 4t.33
1 8 " 103.54
3 " ... . 86.70
3 " 79-90
4 " 71.00
i " .... S0.B7
6 " 18.88
7 " .... 6I.64
" 70.01
... .67.44
" 80.05
. ...91.31
" .... H3.K
.... 70.87
" .... 69.03
" 6J.08
" 60.88
" ... . ,6l,33
" 63.99
" S5.6
" .... 65.14
" 76.97
" 6..36
" 7l.9
" 7-49
" 48.51
" 4968
" 51.61
" 57.30
" .47.67
Total fj,36.33
l'HSied by the council this Aotli day of
April, 1913.
Approved by til mayor this toth day
01 April, 1911.
Attest: 1'. A. RICH,
I'ublUhed iu the bt. Johns Review pu
May 3i 19C
8 17...
M ....
9 16....
13. .
3 ,.
( 30
3 ,
A t
Notice of Cost of Improvement
Notice is hereby given that the assess
meat fur the improvement of bouth
(fttkham street from the easterly hue
of lluclmuaii to westerly line of Ida street
the total cost of which is r,oao.j. was
ilei'hucii by uriliiiancc Mi. 470, entitled
"An ordinance declaring the cnt of Im
proving urckuam sneer irom inicuanau
treet to Ida street iu the city
of bt. Johns, Oregon, and acutiig
theproerty tieueflted thereby, declaring
sucn nu.essuienl aim mrectim? rue entrv
of the wme In the docket of city liens.''
I lie cot ol Mill Improvement Is levied
uion all the lots, iwrts of lots and iar-
cels of laud within the boundaries of the
listrict described as follows; lletweeu
the easterly side of lliicliunuu street and
rue westerly sine line 01 ma street,
A statement of said assessment has
been entered in the docket of city liens
May 1st, 1913, ami saitl assessment
is now due and livable at the office of
the recorder 01 lite city 01 bt. lolms. Or
egon, and will be delinquent and bear
interest, alter .nay utli, 1913, ami II not
paid on or before June 1st, 1913. pro
ceedings will be taken for the collection
of the same by sale of property as pro
vided uy ine cuy cuarter.
, A. KlCJJ.
Published In the St. Johns Review on
May 3 and 10, 1913,
Proposals for Street Work
Scaled proposals will be received at the
office of the Recorder of the Citv of bt,
Johns until May 3ist, 1913, at i o'clock
p. m., for the improvement of l'esseu
ileu street from the westerly line of Uu-
liiinun street to the westerly line of
Osweeo street iu the manner provided bv
ordinance No, 475, subject to the provis
ions 01 tne charter ami ordinances ot the
City of bt. Johns, and the estimate of
the citv engineer, on file.
iiugiuccr s csiuuaie is f 10,05. .v,
llids must be strictly iu accordance
with printed blanks, which will be furn
ished 011 application at the office of the
Recorder of the City of St. Johns. And
said improvement tuiut be completed on
or before 60 days from date of the last
publication of notice of proposals of said
No proposals or bids will be considered
unless accompanied by a certified check
payable to the order of the Mayor of the
City of bt. Johns, certified by a respon
sible bank for an amount equal to ten
percent, of the aggregate proposal.
The right to reject any and all bid
ueieuy reserved.
uy enter ol the City Council,
1. A. RICH,
rublUhcd iu the St. Johns Review- on
May 3, 10 ami 17, 1913.
Is is
Dry goods
We sell only
the very best
in these lines
and guarantee
them in every
Special Prices
still to be
SOI S. Jpvspv
Successors to
St. Johns Sand and Gravel Company
L. I). JACKSON, Plop.
General Contractor
We ore prexired to do nnv nnd
nil kinds of excavating for .street
work and other purposes. Wo
nlso handle .sidewalk nnd build
iug; material.
Newton mid Kcssciideu Streets
St. Johns, Oregon
rhoue Columbia....
3 -Six Days and Nights of Unalloyed Fun--6
MAY 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th
A Well-balanced Combination of the Best Available features Adapted
to the Realm of Tented Amusements
Tabloid Musical Comedy
Venetian Glass Workers
Georgia Minstrels
Viola, the Fat Girl
Princess Los Eleta
African Jungle Show
Nine People Mostly Girls
Frisco's Texas Tommy Dancers
Catchy Chorus Features
Where the Statue Turns to Life
Where the Woman Turns to Stone
Spectacular Poses and Dances
A Practical Demonstration iu
Weaving, Knitting and Spinning
Glass, with Free Souvenirs
Mirth, Music and Mimicry
A Medley of Plantation Pastimes
Singers, Dancers and Comedians
The Mastodonic Fashion Plate
Actual Weight 512 Pounds
Largest Woman Ever Born to Live
The Acknowledged Princess of All
Snake Charmers and her Collection
of Poisonous Pets
A Rare Collection of Jungle Bred
Animals. A Liberal Education in
Natural History
ST. JOHNS, MAY 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
The Time
The Place
The Dates
lit the Circuit Court ol tiie Ute ol Oron ami
comity ot Mulinonuh.
JllIG M. mu li. t iniiiiii.
II..H.V If. Itrnwii. Ilefrltilntlt.
To llaniry II. lliown, ntxivc iiamnl iltlcnitant:
in ine name 01 me nic w wirguii, jim it
rMinlrr.1 In ntnirar ami mutter tliecnitl-
plaint lilnl agalntt ou In the Rime cntttlcit
Cou it mill ult wlltilii l week Irom the date nl
the flrl uMlcttmi ul till mm mom. ami II you
fall itoiwrauitaHeror other ! jilea.1
to Mkl mil that Uiiitlll above naninl Mill apply
to the above naiiirtl court lor the relief iIciiuikI
etllHhrr roinplaliit to witi Torn decree Ur
rter ill"lvlin! the tximUut malrlmoiiv nowtn
Willi! belHreii the plalntlil ami vourtell mid at
olultly ilivuKlni! pUiiitltl Irom you rototlnir
her mahlni nam to her. ami lor mivIi other and
lutllter rellf I a to the coutl may ccmjut ami
"'riiU mmmont U publUlml purtumit lo the I
..r.l.p ..I lli llnnnraliltf I. I'. UMVailttllutl. ludlie
ol Hie alHivc entitled circuit court, mailc in oeii I
vourt In lhicue. oil April II. li which order '
irrxtlweii inai lint iiimiiou niimi uc puuikhtii
i. tii. ki Inhiiti Urvlrur once a Meek for a Period
not IrM than i week. The tlr.t publlratloii ol
Hit tummon n made on April u, ml the
al lmblicatlon Ihereol tu u Jiav 14. 1911
1 A M HHSO.V. Ally lor I'laintllf
On the iljtr Kveii below, round trip ticket will oe
solil to tlic point in Uio ltan siiown ueiow, mm nmiiy
oilier, nt grentiy retniceu inrei tjuotcn;
lit connection with
Northern Pacific anil Great Northern Railways
Atlantic City .1 11,00
lUltlntore .107.50
llimton .. . ...iio.oo
llnll tlo . . 91,50
Chtc.ifio 7J.50
Coloraili) Sjntin. . .55.00
iK-nvcr ...55.00
Omnha j 50.00
riiilailelphla 108.50
1'itUtmrK 91.50
St. I.oula 70.00
St. Paul 60.00
ircal. lovoo Joionto 91.50
York 108.50 WnkUnj-ton, 107.50
Detroit.. f SJ.50
Duluth. . . ., 60.00
KaiiM City
Milwaukee 71.50
Mu y 3, , 4, 9. lo, II, I7i 18, 3, 39, 1912,
June l, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, I5i 7i 18, I9i J. 35 l6 33 J9 9t
July 3, 3 o, 7, II, 13, 15. 10, ao. 31, 33, 36, 39, 30, 31, 1913.
AuKtist I, 3, 3, 6, 7, 13, 15, 16, 32, 33. 39, 30, 31, 1913.
Sopttmiber 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 30, 1913.
tUox)ver ami choice of routes allowed iu each direction,
1'iital return limit October 31, 1913.
Detail of schedule, fares, etc., will be furnished on request.
V. H. COMAN, General Freight and I'ltsseiiKer Agent, Portland, Ore,
O. M.Cornell, Agent, St. Johns, Oregon,
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Portland Office and Chapel St, Johus Office and Chapel
Cor. KllliiiKSworth Ave. & Kirby St, 4t8 North Jersey St.
Phones: C 1 133 Woodlawn 3306 Phone Col, 3S3,Res,Phone Col. 559
Peninsula National Bank
"HEN you travel in foreicn lands or at home.
carry u supply ot "A.h.a " ciieoues. tne
satcst anil most convenient funds for tourists.
We bind them in a book of tens, twenties,
f.tit 1. 1 1. . . ..
iiiui'ji or imu uuuurcus many amount to suit
your needs. Call for full information.
IU1tIl Iellarl ran,
c? eiyiMcx from cctuir to curat
Get a can of Jap-a-lac
today at our
Paint Department,
iand see for your-
seli how wonderful-
!51y it will rejuvenate
an old chair, or m
fact any piece of furniture that is
badly marred. It comes in 18 colors
and has a hundred uses.
Oak, Dark Oak, Walnut, Alaliogany, Cherry, Alalacliite
Green, Ox-Blood Red, Enamel Red, Brilliant Black, En
amel Green, Dead Black, Natural, Gloss White, Flat
White, Ground, Blue Gold and Aluminum
Ail Sizes from 15c to $3.00
Get out iu the fresh air where it is cool and pleasant. Make
irouiug day a different aud better day. You can do it with an
The iron that needs no stove and is kept aways at the right tem
perature by the electric current.
Let us arrange your porch for electric ironing. It will cost
very little, whether you have current in the house or not. Phone
for our representative, who will give you an estimate with no
obligation whatever on your part.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Main Office Seventh and Alder Street
Telephones Main 6688 and A 613o.
St, Johns Office, 202 North Jersey Street