St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 26, 1912, Image 3

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S 01-03 JERSEY sr.
Self Basting Savory Roaster
Long Handled Dust Pan, Only
42-piece Dinner Set, worth $5.00 at only $3.50
Remember Saturday, April 27
It will pay you to get our
Prices and see our Goods
every day in the year.
Low Expenses make Low Prices and Easy Terms
Thn rSrni Onll nf flni Hint Hmm OhvAa1a
i iic i ii 01 uciii.ui uui uuui uays ouggBbis a
Here is a suggestion
Kor there is nleasum in tnk-inir nirtin-mi
added to the delights of the trips to the
country, and added to that the joy of
having a picture story of your good time.
No. 1 Folding Pocket Kodak $10.00
For rectangular pictures 2 1-1x3 1-1 inches, capacity 12 exposures without re
loading; size of Kodak (5 3-1x3 1-2x1 5-8 weight, 10 ounces, lens meniscus acro
matic, 4 inch focus, shutter pocket automatic, brilliant reversible finder.
Supplies for all kinds of Kodaks. We give green trading stamps.
FREE We are giving away beautiful framed pictures.
wit ui i.ivuK itVHKYWHKKK vh.UK PIIONH C0I.UMMA J07
Local News.
Sec Gllmorc about a hair cut.
HornTo Mr. nntl Mrs. V. A.
Shaffer, 912 Smith avenue, Wed
nesday morning, n baby girl.
Wanted Competent girl for neu
tral housework. Mrs. A. I,arrowe,
702 North Hayes. 24-210
The Regal Range on sale at the
Peninsula Hardware is a bargain at
$36.00. See it at once.
Wanted Boys to learn to weave
at night; pay while learning. Call
at once. Portland Woolen Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Swengel
are cujoylng a visit with their son,
B. S. Swengel, at Cottage Grove
this week.
For bargains, go to the uew mil
linery store.107 South Jersey street.
Special reduction on all trimmed
hats. The Rose Millinery Co.
For Sale Thoroughbred Petalu
xna White Leghorn eggs for hatch
ing; 75c for 15. Inquire of M. C.
Gould, 1008 Polk street. 2i-4t
The mother and sister of mer
chant Ed. S. Currier have arrived
inSt. Johns from Keokuk, Iowa,
and will make this city their home.
John Byers and family of East
St. Johns have gone to Spokane,
where Mr. Byers will mauage the
office of the Pacific Coast Extin
guisher Co.
Quick automobile delivery ser
vice. Passengers taken to all points
by the day or hour at reasonable
prices. Trunks and baggage de
livered. For prices call at the St.
Johns Garage, 114 E. Burlington;
phone Columbia 587.
Many property owuers, who
have been allowing their vacant
land to remain uudisturbed, are
this year plowing up same and
planting to "spuds." This is in
finitely better than a huge crop of
The apponitment of Henry Muck
as day policeman gives geueral sat
isfaction. Mr. Muck is a genial,
whole souled gentleman with a
splendid physique, and possesses
?lenty of pluck and determination,
'bat the laws of St. Johns will be
strictly enforced while Henry is on
the beat is conceded by all who
know the man.
The Langley-Donaldson Co.
have leased the properties and util
ities of the Portland Collapsible Box
Co. on Bradford street, and will
push the business to a greater ex
tent thau ever before. Messrs.
Langley and Donaldson are both
energetic young men. New lines
of work will be added from time to
time, and no effort will be spared to
Hiake this concern the success it de
serves to be.
at Gil-
Get an electric massage
more' s barbershop.
Sash and doors arc carried in
stock by the Peninsula Hardware
Co. Get our prices.
Mrs. F. A. Rice has been having
a most unpleasant time with a
bealed jaw, but is now able to talk
as well as usual.
R. W.McKcon has returned from
an extended visit to many of the
Eastern and Canadian cities. His
many friends here were glad to wel
come him back.
Hendricks & Gillmore, having
recently completed a handsome five
room bungalow at Kenton, started
construction upon another at the
same locality this week.
Stanley I'.astman, a mm grower
of Mosier, and his brother, Herbert,
a postoffice employe of Ashlaud.arc
in the city this week as guests of
relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W.E.Swen
gle and Mrs. J. M. Parker.
For Sale New five-room bunga
low, modern throughout, by the
owner; located near Kenton, two
blocks from the car track. Price,
12400, on easy terms, Hendricks
& Gillmore, St. Johns.
For the best buy in St. Johns
call and see owner, corner East
Charleston and Portland boulevard.
5-room modern house and full lot,
well improved, good streets.cement
walks aud splendid location.
Rev. J. J. Pattou attended the
Portland District Methodist meet
ing iu Seaside Monday and Tues
day. Mr. Patton was for two
years pastor in that noted resort
and reports much activity iu prepa
ration for the open season.
Mrs. Alex. Scales is on a two
weeks' visit with her parents at
Toledo, Wash. She will also visit
friends at Centralia and Tacoma
before returning. Iu the meantime
Alex, is enjoying all the conven
iences and comforts of bachelor's
An exchange states that it is
passing strauge how the owner of
tenant property will improve and
shine up a room or building for a
new tenaut, but will do nothing
along that line for the tenant who
is steady and pays his rent prompt
ly. The embellishing is generally
done after he has gone for lack of
Improvement and Incouvenieuce.
There is some truth in this.
Work on the immense gas plant
on the west side has begun, and the
foundations for structures are under
way. It is said that 125 hands will
constantly be employed when the
plant is completed. Many more
will find work during course of con
struction. A paint is re
ported, will also locate adjacent to
the gas plant, as well as the oil
wharves and tanks.
i nc socialist columns were
crowded out this week.
Shaving powder, insuring sanita
tion, iu use at Gilmore's barbershop,
Barred Rock Roosters for sale
cheap. 516 Willis boulevard. 25tf
The regular Sunday services at
the M, E. church. All are cordi
ally invited. Theme for 1 1 a. in.
"A tired world;" 8 p. in. "Christ,
all lu all."
Notice One five passenger auto
mobile for sale or trade; fine for
light trucking. Apply of Steichen
& King, plumbers, 519 S, Jersey
street. 2 itf
RevT. N. Sandiferof Independ
ence recently made n business trip
to St. Johns, and incidentally re
newed old acquaintanceship with
our people.
Three lots, 7-rootn house, 12
8-year-old fruit trees, gas in house,
wired for electricity, street Im
proved, on most prominent street;
$2000, $500 cash, balance on time.
See K. C. Couch.
Secretary Crawshaw of the Com
mercial club met with the Elk offi
cials Tuesday evening in reference
to holding the regatta in St, Johns,
The idea met with their approval,
and it Is now practically assured
that the water attractions of the
great Elks' Convention will be ours.
Mr. Ray Whitmore of St. Johns
and Miss Helen Hawes of Portland
were married Tuesday, April nth,
In the St. Frauds church, Rev.
Black officiating. The groom is
engaged as shipping clerk for Clos
set & Devers. The young people
will make their home at East 38th
and Ankeny streets, Portland.
Picture framing done at Portland
prices at II. F. Clark's, the furni
turc man. tf
Hereafter the A. F. & A. M.
will meet the first Wednesday of
each month, instead of the first aud
third Wednesdays, as heretofore.
For Rent. Store room. Best lo
cation in St. Johns. Right where
the car stops. For particulars see
F. A. Rice at the city hall. 22U
Methodist Episcopal church, cor.
I.cavitt and Hayes. Sunday school
10 a. in.: Preaching 11 u. in. aud
8 p. m.; Epworth League 7:15 p,
m. All are welcome.
ATTENTION! Keep iu mind
D, E. Brodahl.s Greenhouse, when
you want bedding plants, cut flow
ers, shrubs, cabbage, tomato aud
cauliflower plants, etc. Also floral
design work. Cor. Buchanan and
So. Gresham streets. 24 4tp
For Sale Six lots, all extra size,
between Tyler and Polk streets,
improvements iu, can sell cheap,
Terms, 1 10 cash, balance $10 per
month, 7 per cent interest. Best
residence district. McKluney &
Davis. i6tf
First Christian Science Society:
Sunday 11 a. m., Wednesday, at
3 p. m. Reading room open Tues
day and Saturday from 2 to 4 p. ni.
All cordially invited to the services
aud reading room. Subject Sunday
"Probatlou After Death."
Mrs. Coffee, who has been visit-
imr with her sister at Soriuufield
during the past two or three weeks,
Is expected home Mouuay next,
and our genial whisker sharp is re
joicing that the days of his "wld
derhood" are nearly numbered.
Preach the gospel of St. Jehus,
Mrs, A. A. Muck, who has been
unite ill with pneumonia, is im
proving quite rapidly, which Is
pleasing to her numerous friends.
Miss Maude Scott, of Iowa City,
Iowa, arrived lu St, Johns Sunday
evening aud will visit with her sis
ter, Mrs. W. J. Nolan, during the
A subscriber wants to know why
the sewers wetc constructed ill St.
Johns since none arc compelled to
connect therewith, and but n small
percentage have done so.
Three Fine Lots For Sale. 40X
100 nl the head of Edison street, all
improved. Only $375 each. Easy
terms. Apply soon to J. H. Fletch
er, 823 Willamette boulevard.
Lume shoulder is nearly nlways
due to rheumatism of the muscles,
and quickly yields to the free ap
plication ot Chamberlain's Lini
ment. For sale by alt dealers.
The ladies of the Baptist church
will have a bazaar Wednesday, May
1st. Cake and ice cream will be
served. Watch for cards lu re
gard to place of sale.
Wall paper in new aud artistic
designs is now on sale at the Penin
sula Hardware Co. Prices range
from eight to 25 cents per
double roll. Selection may be made
from 50 or more different patterns.
The Chairman of the Street Com
mittee requests all of our citizens to
promptly remove all wood from the
street, cither to their woodsheds or
pile it up 011 their curb so as to
clear the streets.
Through the activity aud kind
ness of Representative A. W Laf
ferty two hundred packages of veg
etable seeds have been sent to this
office for free distribution. Any
one desiring seeds may call for
same. Each package contains corn,
carrot, lettuce, parsnip aud radish.
1 tie Commercial club lso has a
quantity 011 hand for free distribu
tion. Don't be bashful.
No. 10103.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
The April Phonograph will be raffled at our store Wednesday,
May First, at 8 p. m., in the following manner:
Thirteen numbers will be withdrawn from the jar, the thirteenth, or
last number withdrawn to be declared the winner.
Seven days will be given for the person holding the lucky number to
make their claim, after which the nexc or twelfth number withdrawn
from the jar will be declared the winner aud seven days given person
holding this number to make their claim, and so on until the proper
claim is made.
This will be the second Phonograph to be given away by us with
ten more to follow during the next ten months. A chance is given to
each customer with every twenty-five cents involved iu a cash purchase
of merchandise.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by
trading at the
St. Johns Pharmacy
Keport of the condition of the
lit the State of Oregon, at the clone 0
business April. 18, 191a:
Iaii( uuil discount
Overdraft, secured uuecM 44. 11
U.S.Homls to secure circulation 35,000,00
U. h. iwmis to secure I'osiai
.Savings .000,00
l'remiuins on U. S, llouds.... 210.01
Domls, Securities, etc 119.40
Hanking house I'urulturc mm
fixtures ,,, 3,500,00
Due from State anil 1'rivute
Hank and Hankers, Trust
Commutes, Savings Hanks voiv6a
Due from approved
reserve aireM 30,443,70
Checks and other
cash items 564.77
Notes of other Na
tional Hanks io.ut
fractional Taper Cur
rency, Nickels ami
Cents 88.37
Lawful money reserve
iu Hank, viz:
Specie 12,781.45 IJ.781.45
l.eeal l ender Motes
Redemption fund with U. S.
treasurer (s jer cent 01
circulation) 1,250,00
Total J33i87.73
Capital stock paid iu $ 50,000,00
Surplus fund..., 7,000.00
Undivided profits, lean expen
ses and tuxes paid 736.0s
National Hank Notes outstd'g 25,000.00
Individual deposits
subject tociieck 100,101.07
Demand certificates
of deposit 3,325-50
Time deposits 43,"t.9J
Lertliieu Checks 509.00
Cashier's checks outstanding. l,40.lo
l'ostal havlngsilepostts, 1,904.0a
Total J33,87.73
State of Oregon, I
County ol aiuitnomaii, 1
I. J. N. Kdlefseu, Cashier of the
above named bank, do solemnly swear
tliut the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and IxMief.
j. ti. I'.oieiseu, uasuicr.
Subscribed and sworti to before me,
this 25th day of April, 1912,
C. Ci. lluckingliam, Notary l'uuuc,
Multnomah county. Ore.
Correct Attest: I'. Autzea,
V, C. Knapp,
Robert Treat Watt,
Lyceum Course Closes
John H. Uatto, impersonator,
wound up the Lyceum course of the
James Johns High Tuesday evening,
Mr. Uatto Is an artist. There was
not an instant of idle time from
stnrt to finish. lie is a bright,
strong, well groomed young fellow,
but iu his change to represent the
old men in his program, he seemed
to shrink several size and was the
ideal of the character he represent
ed. This was particularly true of
the Kpiscopal rector, with his holy
horror of the brutal font ball game.
He was back nt his Alma Mnter
on n visit to his son, who was a
crack player iu the hotly contested
game. There were but three min
utes more to play, the game stood 11
tie, his sou secured the ball and
was making the run of his life, the
strain was loo great for the dignity
of the cloth. I low he rooted for
his boy as he ilew toward the uoal.
bowling over his opponents ns they
attempted to tackle him, how Ills
heart seemed to stop as his sou went
down, mid how he was electrified
when he freed himself nnd wen
over the line, making n touchdown
winning the game, can be appre
ciated only by those who have
played the great game and realized
the thrilling experience of those
critical periods. The man of 60
became a boy again, dicuitv was
thrown to the winds, off came hli i
dinky little black hat and as he
jumped up and down upon It he
cheered for his boy who had won
tuc great game lor his Alma Mater
by his brilliant play. Mr. Katto's
Impersonation of the Irish Justice,
the .school boy mid uirl making
their first recitations, in fact, all his
program was particularly well pre
sented. All the paraphernalia was
on a table before the audience and
without removing a garment, as he
described the character he made up
the subject, and so successfully that
we believe his own mother would
have failed to recognize hint iu most
The entire course has proved an
unqualified success, and much np
p -eclated by the people of St. Johns.
Another course is being arranged
for the fall and winter season, which
Is claimed to be even better than
the one just closed.
Mr. Bob
Cast of Characters
Philip Hoy son, the yacht fiend,
Arkie Anderson
Robert Drown, who just came down
Theodore Hugbee
Jenkins, who objects, Cecil Magoue
Rebecca I.uke, the cat-loving .spin
ster Ruth Canright
(Catherine Rogers, the gay deceiver
Myrtle Dickie
Pattie, who yearns to dance,
Grace Stttckcr
Marion Hryaut, the sailor girl
Clara Nelson
Mrs. Clara Hay, ordained me
dium,34i,,j 5th street Portland. 28p
Council Proceedings
All members were present nt the
regular meeting of the city council
Tuesday evening, with Mayor Muck
The first matter to receive atten
tion was n petition for the improve
ment of Hurllngton street from
Ilradford to connect with the hard
surface improvement between
Hnyes and Ivnuhne, surface to be
of concrete. Some of the council
men believed that macadam would
be better than concrete for sidchill
improvement; others thought the
owners knew what they wanted.
A resolution directing the engineer
to prepare the necessary plans and
specifications for the improvement
ns per petition was finally adopted
Hills amounting to $244.51 were
allowed on motion of Alderman
Davis; nil yes.
The improvement of Tioga street,
between Central nvciute and Fes
senden street, was accepted by the
Resolutions to improve South
Ivnnhoe and South Hnyes streets
were adopted, and the engineer di
rected to prepare the necessary data
for said improvements.
Ordinances providing for the pay
ment of excess cost of Columbia
boulevard and South Jersey street
from the geuernl fund were unan
imously passed.
Stephen Randolph was made cus
todian of the city dock nt n salary
of 1 10 a month.
Kdwnrd McLean was made gen
eral utility man with street insxjct
ing a specialty at n snlarv of $75
per mouth. Kd Is it good one.
IM. I.. Stockton .stated iu view of
the fact that the Review had re
duced the rate of city advertising
he would not press the bid of the
Telegrnm; iu fact believed the Re
view was entitled to the printing
since the rate was not exorbitant,
and lu view of the fact that it hail
done good work for St. Johns. Hu
believed lu home institutions re
ceiving home patronage, he said,
and recommended that the Review
continue to be the city official p
p -r, which It has been since Novem
ber 7,190.), when Councilman Mon
nhau ottered a resolution that it be
made the official pajer, and was
unanimously adopted, Severn! of
the couucilmen stated that the Re
view was cut tied to it, and none
made nny objection, and it was the
sense of the 1 ads that if the Reviuw
had never been legnlly made the
official paper it would be done at
the next meeting.
We desire to express our sincure
thanks to our friends for tliuir inatii.
festations of their love uud sympa-
tliy during the illness aud duuth ot
our dear mother, aud particularly
to those who rendered us such val
uable assistance during this time of
Mrs. W. A. Rogers,
Miss Alda Overstreet,
Mr. and Mrs. CW.Ovorstroot,
Uncle Sam
A. B. A.
tl. Uncle Sam will accept your "A. B. A." Cheques for
Customs Duties on your return from abroad. llotcU,
railroads, steamship lines and stores Kcnerally, In Uil
countries, receive them like money. No identification
neccssaiy. Don't risk carrying actual money, but take
'A. B. A." Cheques on your trip.
1 Ask lor further information.
Peninsula National Bank
United States Depository '
Capital and SurplusJjr-ST.OOO.OO
lilrWol kit hSUmi fofiTlrSS
M I I 111 Hi I, h III i I I I 1 -1-1