St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 26, 1912, Image 2

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    the st. johns nnvicw
At IK t ttwrltftitton trrM
ncrnl i:utul of
thk hhinm t whw wt
18 tjtftH JQtM, OrvMi M MM totftHtf
nf Uic cwt( cWm wwlw Ike A ! Omc
(Ctr-M rt( Mitrek J. ilff .
Swbterlptlon prlet $!.( ptr yanr.
JHW MtHng OUt H'lMt MM wfl HM
of Htrwwtatoro tnvrt mc Im tkt
An Ordinance
Prom (he General
(lie City of St. Johns Money
10 my uic uu'ess ui on
South Jersey Street I in
provcincnt Over nml Above
the Amount Lawfully As
sessable to the Property
Mttefc is
H9t M IMmb, but llwrt i
iMitK Wgh.
Mil tjfe ky
It in now quite ntirimtft thnt
Kftftfttvttit will rccciv the tHiM.
(Mil ttowtimttiott for WTWeiit. Clark
mill WIImm will likely run Heck ami
iwek fur the democratic mnniim
Itnn. Am it take two-lliirtU in tlic
(laiuaernttccnnqi, the clmncwt for n
"dnrk hors" Hre quite proiiiinitig,
mid it h dollars to doughnuts tlint
Hrynn will lie the honw. A mnjor.
ity is nil that I necessary for nom
ination at the Republican conven
tion. It mny he alt right to prnte about
"a good and true captain .should no
down with his .thip," hut it looks
like driveling rot to us, After a
captain has done all he could pos
sibly dn to save lii .ship and aid
and succor his jmnsengers and crew,
he is more of a fool than a hero if
he dous not try to wive himself.
There is no more ueccmdty for a
captain to go down in the briny
deep than any of the crew, unless
he snvett other lives by so doing.
It may sound nil right in poetry,
but suicide never did look heroic to
Prospects for developments in St.
Johns were never rosier tlinu they
are today. In spite of a slow win
ter and spring, mid in spite of pessi
mistic predictions, the air is fairly
n tingle witli things to come. The
plants to be erected at Mncgley
(which, by the way, is as close as
the most of our citizens caie to have
them) will be a wonderful help.
The kih plant on the west side, the
free ferry, a toller mill project, sev
eral probable plants that the Com
mercial club Is trying to laud, street
work, new buildings mid improve
ments all cive promise of a pros
perous era. The regatta of Klk's
week, which St. Johns has practic
ally secured, may mean more to
St. Johns than most of us realize.
Portland dates her greatest activity
in an industrial way from the Im
position of 1905. St. Johns may
date hers from the remitta attrac
tion. All that is needed is to get
people here, so that they may know
and realize our tremendous oppor
tunities and resources. St. Johns
is bound to grow. It can't help it.
do '-wiiecr iip.Niu iieHrt, anil cetuo
repining." (live Iiok? a chance
to show what it can do.
High School Notes
HeiOmi i. That thete he Mt hmy
K aiytmwiMH nml ttt thf Oenetn) 1'uit'lt
w weenjr, mn mMcrw npfHtMHtiiici.
o Mark Money ImII tw rewifrl !
ymf the excvM emit at the lmtmwri-iii
of Month Jorwr treet frnm M4wmk
rtreet to tIn itteet, v hhI nlmvr the
KMKmnt IhwIhIIv MMmnMe to thr ihj
eft) betteAtett It)' mM lmtrnvf wt Ht, n
tier (iMitMMHee .uu, wrt tu ncrcl I He
MmmiMt nt tWHly-tMtiittHt 61 -inn (f n.i )
(foliar, tnce vnlHe nf utirtlctm-l r
rwl liwtieri ft.r mM liHttivimrnt.
ftMae.1 li)' the owitd I thU iy iln) of
Afttmved by tlte iiMtr tliU ty Uy
( April. 1911.
AttcMt: I'. A. Rice,
I'liMKlied in the .St. John Review
April 36, lyli.
An Ordinance Authorizing the
Lily Recorder oF the City
of St. Johns, Oregon, to
Draw a Warrant Against
the Street Bond Sinking
Puud for Purposes of Transfer.
Stories of Success
A tint tVi
Will 111) lMt
nf r kHI.h
ml uirrt"n
t-i "( r
t.vl.. . r-
fjnlt. (1 It It HI At
hr " ! f
t-r .f V-W
Tttll 1
I-mihit f't
Hot r 1't
n Ui.l'' " ltw'
tfr. !fcf nio-t
tmtimii flR'jri in
nitiiim w HNrfn urenT
AH IhrntiKh life lm wai to
rtmole the. iteel nM trvnt Oil
II MrtM ery mnfmnt
Khd )t(r.
Ilr KWhotrwl dtit
"It ) iMve bet fifty rntu," unlit
thl Kret mn, "tHjr n r"-H nf rrn,
jmrrh it iin.1 lie en It rather thin
owr a ilolUr.
The voutiK mn who rarljr tiriitn
to Mive li fairly on Ilia road to
A nvlnK neenunt I bMtrr than
tlm rrpHtatlon of lln a pfndir.
I)ptwIU of fnn ilnllnr nnl up
Wflntx r twtlvwl liir. and wait
lntrrl romtwinndwt aeml-nnnualiy
It li rrmnrknUfi how your Bavlnns
neount will Inrrmp.
Htart today pnd tomorrow thank
4 per cent interest on Sav
ings Accounts and Time
Certificates of Deposits.
St. Johns, Oregon
SVf.VftSTim I'HTUKSON, Pres.
A. U. Joints, Vice President
V. I1. DittNKKK, Cashier
C. li. Kl'SSKM., Ass't Cashier
Dry goods
3 -Six Days and Nigiiis of Unalloyed Fun -6
MAY 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th
The city of .St. Johns doe oritnin na
Thut wlicriiiH, tuiiler the operation of
the "Ikincruft Act," nt the Mtiif lmi Iiccii
ndoptwl by the iwnl city of St. John,
for I he ptirKu o( improvement of
htrtetaii'id eontruclion of Miner, a de
ficiency Iiiih develoiwd In the utrict bond
Intt'teM I'nml, owIiik t the pnivUlon of
the city chnrtcr irovidiiiK for the wy.
mt'iit of intcteat umi-iinnniilly nml col-It-clliiK
the Mime bat once imnaiilly, nml
that at the eloe of the first year front
the ilnte of applicntlon.
WllVtcfote. til llioviilc llic nrri-wmrv
fund uith wlileli to promptly jy the
dice viilae of nil bond coaioii u the
Mime ahull become due, the city record
er of Mild city lie, and he It hereby, mi-
thorired to draw n warrant ajjnlnut the
.Street Iloml SinkliiK I'liud, and in fnvor
oi Hie hi reel lloml lnteret I'linil In the
iimountof fifteen hundred (Jti5oo)lot
lura, which net and trntufcr ahull be for
the Hliriio.e of Io.InIiil' nml Irniuferrlni'
Mild Mini to the .Street lloml Inlere.t
I'liud, and t tint wild amount hnlt be re
lniuferred and returned to wild Street
lloml hlukine I'uml nt nnv time that
Hiilliclent fund are in mld'Street Ilond
Intertt I'uml to meet ciineni demand
on Mild fund inclmlinn picvlou louu of
im cimmcifr, which rtininier mull lie nj .., stvllsli nml nn lo dni.. d,.
inmlebyMild recorder without farther . W M 10 1,0,0 (,c
act or dlierlloii of thin council.
rakiil by the council thia ajd day of
April, low.
Approved by the mayor tlda Jjd day
of April, 1911.
A. A. Mt'CIC,
Attwt: 1'. A. KICK,
1'iiblMiwl la the ,Sl. Johna Kevlew on
April 7ft, v)i.
Circassian Walnut
Birds Eye Maple
and Quartered Oak
We sell only
the very best
in these lines
and guarantee
them in every
Special Prices
still to be
SOI R. .Tpvrpv
The Tennis Club has niven
Jamas John IIIkIi the use of
east cotut lor the coming season.
The X I .School Athletic Associa
tion has laircliuKed rackets, IhiIIs
and a net, and there is no doubt
that we shall make good use of the
privilege. Many of the iils who
have found Ime hull too vigorous
nre anxfoiis to tiy their skill on
tne tenuis court.
Ilauu Smith, one of the Krch
men hoys, has been out the mst
week. He was vcty ill for several
days but is better now and will
probably be lwck next week.
The boys were conspicuous by
their absence Tuesday afternoon,
April 16th. It hccms that the first
base ball game of the season could
not be played without their attend
ance. The Seniors and the l'aculty
.seem to disagree iu to the proer
decoration of the school grounds.
the general apearaiiee of the
Physic laboratory has lieeu greatly
improvexl by the acid proof slain oh
the tables.
Those who failed to hear John 11
Uatto Tuesday night misted mi
evening's entertainment which,
with the exception of the Strollets,
was jHjrhaps the best of the whole
Lyceum Course. Kveryone seems
to have enjoyed the course this
winter, and a great many are al
ready looking forward to a longer,
und tf possible, a better course next
Friday evening, April 26, 11 de
clamatory contest will be given iu
the High School auditorium. From
the five High school students and
the number of grade pupils who
will compute, the bet will be chos
eu for the county declamatory con
test witli Gresham schools, which
will be given iu St. Johns 011 May
19th. Reporter,
It I rowdved by the City ol .St, John:
Tluit it deem it ucciiry anil expedi
ent to impiove Central avenue from the
eiiMerly side line of .St. John avenue to
the ciiktcrly hide line of llruce Hree
in the city of St. John in the following
manner, to.wlt: lly K"'1Iuk Mid orlioii
01 Hirvvi 10 ernuo a miowu on anil
piofile therefor, lllnl In the otlice of Hie
city iwmliir by the city euKlueerol wid
city oa the 17II1 dny of AuiM, 1910,
und UyiiiK a ix (6) foot cement walk on
ImiHi Mdea or wild attcet with twelve
ItMit carb. nlo of cement, touether with
all iiceeoMry cuineut crowulk and cor
iiiKHttil iron eattcr, according to the
plniw ami npeclilcatiou of the city engi
neer on file in the olllce of the
city recotdvr relative thereto,
which wild plan and ai'clficatioua
and eotfm.iU'A are Mtinfuctory and arc
hoieliy approved. Sahl improvement
to lie imulu In accordance with the
clwrter and ordlmincett of the city of
St. Johim. and under the supervision
and direction of the city engineer.
That the cot ol Mid improvement to
lie akcMil a provider! by the city char
ter upon the proiK-rty epccluHy and
IMrticukrly beuelltted thereby, ami
w lilch i hereliy declared to be all of lot
uinsoi iota, iiiockKiiml Kircetsof laud
between the termini of Mich improve
ment abutting iiioii, adjacent or prox
imate to aaiil Central avenue from the
iiwrKtual lines of Mid ctrcet back to the
center of the block or blocks or tract of
laud illuming thereon or proximate
That all the property included iu wld
improvement district aforesaid is hereby
declared to be local imirueiuent dis
trict No. Si.
That the city engineer's assuiuent of
the prolMble total cot of Mid improve
ment of Mid street is f6.K2S.48.
Tliut the co.t of Mid Central avenue
improvement is to ie ussesncdagaimit the
property iu Mid local assessment dis
trict as provided bv the city charter of
the city of St. Johns.
Adopted the Jjd day of April, 1913.
I'liblUhed iu the St. Johns Kevlew
April 26 and May 3, 1911,
signs of the very best material
and first class workman
ship. We buy these dressers direct
from the factory at Jamestown, N.
V., and invite comparison of price
ami quality with nnv line of dress-1
ers in the market.
St. Johns Furniture
Cash or Credit
I St. Johns Laundry
SuccrtMori to
Johns Sand and (Snivel Company
I.. II. JACKSON, Prop.
General Contractor
We are prepared to do nnv and
all kinds of excavating for street
work and other purposes. We
also handle sidewalk and build
ing material.
Newton and l'cssciideii Streets
St. Johns, Oregon
I'liouc Columbia, . . ,
A Combination of the Hcst Avaiinblc Ventures Adapted
to the Realm of Tented Amusements
Tabloid Musical Comedy
Venetian Glass Workers
Georgia Minstrels
Viola, the Fat Girl
Princess Los Eleta
African Jungle Show
Niuc People Mostly Girls
Frisco's Texas Tommy Dancers
Catchy Chorus Features
Where the Statue Turns to Life
Where the Woman Turns to Stone
Spectacular Poses and Dances
A Practical Demonstration iu
Weaving, Knitting and Spinning
Glass, with Free Souvenirs
Mirth, Music and Mimicry
A Medley of Plantation Pastimes
Singers, Dancers and Comedians
The Mastodouic Fashiou Plate
Actual Weight 512 Pounds
Largest Woman Ever Born to Live
The Acknowledged Princess of All
Snake Charmers and her Collection
of Poisonous Pets
A Rare Collection of Jungle Bred
Animals. A Liberal Education iu
Natural History
The Time
The Place
Pile Dates
ST. JOHNS, MAY 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
for the- Ituvlow mid be
In Die Circuit Con it ol tlic Ute ol Oregon mil
nmiityul Multnomah.
IW.IC Mi WMTCIl, 1 lamilil
Ildrniv !(. llrimil. Dcfrllilullt.
To lUmry !( Iltimn, alxxrc nainnl ilclrmlant
in iiic naiur ui wie tiaic u, wi.kwh. vi, .ir
licrcliy rr.iiltol to op-r nml nn.urr Uicoim-
iianil mm again.! jruu in irn: aiia.r cmiiiiu
Loutl aim ull wriiiiin iitR. irwn uic uair
tlic fir! Millltlun l till .uiiiimm. ami II u
(all a tooi)xr ami aimer or otlirrwt-- .lr.
to Mtit ult that lalntlfl alvc nawr.1 will aly
to the alKive naiimt couit lor the relicl ikmanj
tl In tier complaint lo wlt Corn ileiicv lor
r.rr iIImoUIiik Ihc IkmkI.oI matrimony now t
I.IIHK iwineeil tne miiiiiiii aim mhiikii aim am
oluleiy invorciuit piainiui inmi you. ichoiiiiu
her niahl. n name to her. ami lor mkIi other ami
luttlirr relicl aa to Ihc cvutl may nrem )ut ami
Thl. .uiiiiiioih la tmbtl.hrtt pur.uant la the
order ol the Honorable J. I'. KavanaiiKh. Judge
ol the aurne entitled circuit coutt. made in own
coutt In llil.cauw. on April 11. lu. which ordrr
tireK-rila that t lit tuniiuona ahall I jmlill.lirtl
In the bt. Johna Kevlew once a week lor a ern.l
not Iru than l week. The Ar.t puMiratloii ol
tht .uiiimoii. mi made on Aptil it, itu. the
la.t publication thereof will Ik- Slav at. I9U.
A- M. KSSON, Ally lor I'lalutlll.
Tliorotiehly c(itiipi)C(l for nil kimls
of Intiiulry work ami
Up-to-date in every respect,
Prompt nml cflicicnt service kit
nntccd. Your patrounRC .solicited.
A Commendable Act
On the tlater. ulven tielow. round trip ticket will be
wild tu tlic ixilnu ill tlic Hast pIiuwii below, nml ninny
otliern, wt K'CRly retlucctl lure juoici!
In connection with
Northern Pacific nml Great Northern Railway
t'nnttc City fm.oo
ll.tltimote ... .107.50
Hoiiton . ..... 110.00
llull.ilii 91.50
Chiewj'o 7 j jo
ColoruiloiSpriitKii. .55.00
Denver 55.00
Mr. nml Mr. Roy Wilcox have come
I kH'
Detroit f 81.50
Duliith 60.00
Kansas City .. .60.00
Milwaukee. 71.50
' Montreal 105.00
New Yotk ........ 108.50
PATI5S 01' SAMt.
tS, 3. 29.
Omaha..., $ 50,00
l'hlla.lclplila 108.50
l'itUburn 91.50
St. I.ouU 70.00
St. 1'atil 60.00
Toronto 91,50
Wa!.ini;toii,,.,,, 107.50
in for iiite n lot ol imttiretl joililnj; I
'Our baby cries for Chamber
Iain's Cotiuli.Reiiialy," writejs Mrs.
T. 1). Kciulrick, Kusaca, Ga, "It
is the best cotigb remedy on the
market for coughs, colds nttd
croup." t'or sale by all dealers.
(rum their (riemU the txit week 011 ttc-
eotint of their new ulrl Iwitiy. but to lay
lokiiiK nsiilc, Mr. anil Mm. Wilcox ile-1
serve Kreut credit for oiHJtiinii their
iteuru nml Home to the little wail that
wit tirnetienlly ileertel bv iU own twr-
ents who (.eemeil to be unwilling to jilve
it etiner love or welcome, be vera I years
no Mr. nmt Mrs, Wilcox were unfortu
nate enough to loe by death their babv
tlaiiKhter. and the little one seems ties-
titled to fill the place made vacant by her
ami ease to some extent tlie wound tliut
time has (ailed to heal, K.iliy l.ticeile is
a bright little one two mouths old, und
tiitls lair to develop into it strong, liculthy
child. Certain it is she will receive ev
every care and comfort that ran be given
her, and great good to both virents ami
child is bound to result, While the lit
tie one is receiving the tender enre she
needs, she will be bringing comfort to
tlic parents' Hearts, and tlie baby feet
ami childish prattle will be sure to bring
much sunshine and happiuos to their
home. Who will be next in the cood
work? There tire so many good homos
tlint could be lirignteued, ami so many
helpless little ones crying for the com
fort you could give. May others in our
little city tie moved to follow the benev
olent example of Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox,
ami may uod add ids blessing. Contributed,
May j. t. J. 0. 10. 11
June 1,6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19. 30, at, n, 35, 36, 38, 39, 1913.
July 3,3,6, 7, It, 13. 15, 16, 30. 33, 33, 36, 39, 30,31, I913.
August I, 3, 3, 6, 7, 13, 15, l6, 33, 33, 39,30, 31, 1913,
September 4. 5. 6, 7, 8, II, 13, 30, 1913,
Stopovers and choice of routes allowed iu each direction,
I'iual return limit October 31, 1913.
Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on request,
W. K. COMAN, General freight and Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
O. M. Cornell, Agent, St. Johns, Oregon,
We carry a Complete Line of Gar
den Tools and Seeds.
Are you going to spray your trees?
We have the goods
Lime and Sulphur Solution
Orwood Fruit Spray
Arsenic of Lead
Also Sprayers, Tree Primers and
Pruning Shears
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
Portland Office ami Chapel St, Johns Office ami Chapel
Cor. Ktllingswortlt Ave. ci Klrby St. 418 North Jersey St.
Phones. C 1133 Woodlawn 3306 Phone Col, 3S3,Res.Phone Col, 559
IJaptist Church Sunday school
10 a. 111, Worship, 11 n. tu. Ser
mon topic: "A peculiar prayer."
livening worship, 7:451). in. Ser
mon topic: "Why be baptized?"
The ordinance of baptism will be
administered at the evening service;
nil are invited,
Typewriter' ribbons for gale nt
this office: 50 cents each.
pour-room nottse, all newly pa
pered and painted inside and out.
Cellar, cesspool, etc. Some fruit
mid best of soil. I.ot 624x116,
near Peninsula Mill. Price 1 1300
terms, I25 cash, balance $10 per
month, interest 7 per cent. McKiu
ney & Davis.
When n medicine must lie given
to young children, it should be
pleasant to take. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is made from loaf
sugar, ami the roots used in its
preparation give it a tlavor similar
to maple syrup, making it pleasant
to take, It has 110 superior for
colds, crqup ami whooping cough.
Por sale by all dealers.
t t ft tt f tt t
l l4 4 4 - 'f -f
Slabwood '.
Phone Richmond 131
I For Insurance see K.W.Vulcntiue I Pay your iubscrlptton.
II. I ILnLSL.IkJVHl nfit-wuiiuiu uiuS,,tuo jciacyji. jj
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance S
gj Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. jj
If you could elimate the tiresome drudgery of pedalling
wouldn't sewing be n pleasure instead of a task?
Ah Klectric sewing machine docs all WORK giving any
speed desired by a mere pressure of the foot on the treadle.
Current can he drawn from any one of your electric light
sockets at any time iu any room at a cost of but a half-cent
an hour.
Let us explain how simple the motor is attached how
easy the control how safe the operation. Ask us today.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Main Office Seventh and Alder Street
Telephones Main 6688 nnd A 613o.
St. Johns Otlice, 202 North Jersey Street